The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 19, 1915, Image 7
THE SEMIAVEEKLY TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. 4 I I i V mm ma Haunsui "Papc's Diapcpsin" fixes sick, sour, gassy stomacjis in five minutes. Time it! In flvo minutes all stomach distress will go. No Indigestion, heart burn, sourness or belching of gas, aclcL or uructatlons of undigested food, no dizziness, bloating, or foul breath. Papo's Dlapopsln Is noted for Its speed In regulating upset stomachs. It Is tho surest, quickest nnd most cer tain Indigestion remedy in tho wuolo world, nnd besides It Is harmlses. Pleaso for your salto, got a largo flfty-cent caso of Papo'a Dlapopsln from any Btoro and put your stomach right. Don't keep on being miserable llfo is too Bhort you aro not hero long, so mako your stay agreeable. Eat what you like and digest It; on Joy It without dread of rebellion lu tho stomach. Papo's Dlapopsln belongs In your homo anyway. Should ono of tho fam ily eat something which don't agree with them, or In caso of an attack of Indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis or Btomach derangement at daytime or during tho night, It is handy to glvo tho quickest relief known. Adv. A Difference. "Authors nowadays don't Hvo in attics, do they?" "No; thoy prefer best sellers." LOOK YOUR BEST As to Your Hair and Skin, Cutlcura Will Help You. Trial Free. Tho Soap to cleanse and purify, tho Ointment to soothe and heal. Theso fragrant super-creamy emollients pre serve the natural purity and beauty of tho skin under conditions which, If neglected, tend to produco a state of irritation and disfigurement. Free samplo each by mall with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. XY, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. The Wise Fool. "Time works wonders," observed tho sago. "So could I If I woro as tireless as time," responded the fool. Fitting Ejaculation. "Hero that mean fellow has sent me a lip stick." "Can you beat It?" Red Rona can makes 64- cups of Van Houten's Rona Cocoa a tempting drink. Look for the red half-pound can 25c Beauty Is Only Skin Deep It is vitally nec essary there fore, that you take good care of your skin. ZONA POMADE If used regularly will beautify and preserve your complexion and help you retain the bloom of early youth for many years. Try it for 30 days. If not more than satisfied you get your money back. 50c at druggists or mailed direct. Zona Company, Wichita, Kan. DEFIANCE STARCH Is constantly growing in favor because it Does Not Stick to the Iron and it will not injure tho finest fabric. Foi laundry purposes it has no equal. 16 oz. package 10c 1-3 more starch for same money DEFIANCE STARCH CO., Omaha. Nebraska For Testing Our turned varieties of Mother Root Arpl GrafU tnk vlforoua, etrly bearing. hvlly inminj, cin nena. jonj mw trees. To iroT their worth. offer 0 draft! (rooted) for tcttlnr. If jou win icna iyq w ueip cover ecu and mallloc eipenie. They will beer brrli ii do Untie erato la a Uw Tun' tin. CtUlbtve Ultlag about ! IllftuH lUlt fnlu, IVERfilARINU BTHAWllIIU HIM- A.. FREE. Writ ladav. IheOardinrNorierjOobox ecOiaj,Ia, IXA WTPFr to bear from owner of cood farm TV-Xl 1 JL-l-' for sale, Send description and price. HefUweitem UuUew iseeylDet.AlllUe.eeilU,HUa. Nebraska Directory THEPAXTON HOTEL Omaha. Ntbratlci EUROPEAN PLAN Rooms from 91 .00 up single, 76 cents up double. CAFE PRICKS REASONABLE: 11LISS Ss WXXUIAN Live Sttok Commission Merchants 851-aOO Exchange Uulldlur, South Omaha All stock consigned to u la sold by meuiberi at tba Brm, and all employee bare been selected and UalnsdfortbaworkwblclitbeTao. Wrli-ikot-Upi- W. N. U.f OMAHA, NO. 3-1915. wrm3P&B H ' 1 IPtj mJ9P U HRJflHv TAKES OFF DANDRUFF HAIR STOPS FALLING Qlrlsl Try This! Makes Hair Thick, Glossy, Fluffy, Beautiful No Moro Itching Scalp. Within ten minutes after an apph cation of Dandcrluo you cannot find a single traco of dandruff or falling hair and your scalp wlU not Itch, but what will please you most will bo after a few ''eeks' uso, when you seo now hair, flno and downy at first yes but really now hair growing all over tho scalp. A llttlo Dandcrlno Immediately dou bles tho beauty of your hair. No dif ference how dull, faded, brittle and craggy, just moisten a cloth with Dandorino i,nd carefully draw it through your hair, taking ono small strand at a time. Tho effect Is amaz ingyour ualr will bo light, fluffy and wavy, and havo an nppoaranco of abundance; an incomparable luster softness and luxuriance Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's Dandorino from any store, nnd provo that your hair Is as pretty and soft as any that It has been noglccted or injured by caroless treatment that's nil you surely can havo beautiful hair and lots of It It you will just try a lit tle Danderino. Adv. Tho Third Generation. John Darrymoro tells this story about his little nephew, Sammy Colt, tho son of his famous sister, Ethel This story Illustrates how tho desire of the theatrical artist for exclusive business" la probably transmitted from ono generation to another. "I was present one night last week when my sister was putting her young sters to bed," says Uncle John. "She has reared them like old-fashioned children, nnd taught them to sa their prayers at night. This night Sammy hesitated, and there was n worried look on his face. Ho bad got no further than 'Now I lay me,' when ho stopped. " 'Say, muvver,' ho complained, 'I don't fink I'll say that prayer. I heard another follow say it today, and if wo aren't careful it will get all over town the first thing wo know.' " Look, Mother! If tongue is coated, give "California Syrup of Figs." Children love this "fruit laxative," and nothing else cleanses tho tender stomach, liver and bowels so nicely. A child Blmply will not stop playing to empty the bowels, nnd tho result Is they become tightly clogged with waste, liver gets sluggish, stomach sours, then your llttlo ono becomes cross, half-sick, feverish, don't eat. sleep or act naturally, breath is bad, system full of cold, has sore throat, stomach-a'cho or diarrhoea. Listen, Mother! Seo if tongue Is coated, then give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and In a few hours all tho constipated waste, sour bllo and undigested food, passes out of tho sys tem, and yon havo a well child again. Millions of mothers givo "California Syrup of Figs" because it Is perfectly harmless; children love it, and it nev er falls to act on the stomach, liver and bowels. Ask at the storo for a G0-cent bottle of "California Syrup of FIrs," which has full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly printed on the bottlo. Adv. Lost. "Does your husband, over lose his temper?" "Not any-more. Ho lost It perma nently about two years after our mar riage." SYSTEM FULL OF URIC ACID THE GREAT KIDNEY REMEDY. Two years ago I was very sick and after being treated by several of the best physicians in Clinton, I did not seem to get any better. I was confined to my bed. Seeing Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root adver tised, I resolved to give it a trial. After using it for three weeks, I found I was gaining nicely, so I continued until I had taken a number of bottles. I am now restored to health and have con tinued my labors. My system was full of Uric acid, but Swamp-Root cured me entirely. I am sixty years old. , Yours very truly, W. C. COOK, 1203 Eighth Ave. Clinton, Iowa. State of Iowa I Clinton County jBS On this 13th day ot July, A. D. 1900, W, C. Cook, to me personally known ap peared before mo and in my presence subscribed and swore to the above and foregoing statement. DALE n. SIIEPPARD, Notary Publfo. In and for Clinton County. Letter to Dr. Kilmer Co. Blntfhamton. N.Y. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You Sdhd ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a samplo size bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also rpceive a booklet of valuable in formation, telling about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure and men tion this paper. Regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles for sale at all drug stores. Adv. All the world's a stage, and most of us think wo are tUo stars. IS CHILD CROSS, FEIB, SICK FARMER SHOULD HAVE SOME PLUM TREES .j Excellent Varieties of Plums. (By 13. LITTLE.) From tho tlmo of tho early Bottle monts and moro particularly slnco tho wild groves began to disappear, superior varieties of wild plums havo beon carefully selected and Improved by bringing them under cultivation. Among tho Btnndard varieties now offered for sale by nurserymen and generally grown thoro are many which havo thus originated. The plum may be propagated elthor by budding or by root grafting. In genornl practico tho former is tho moro successful, tho work being done at tho close of tho active growing period. The Mnrlanna and Myrobnlan plums, and tho poach, aro often used In southern and eastern nurseries for plum stocks. These aro not recom mended for use in tho more northorn cllmateB because thoy lack tho hardi ness necessary In the colder zones. In top grafting the plum, It is Impor tant that tho stock and the cion be long to the snmo or a closely related species. If this is not tho caso tho union is apt to be unsatisfactory, and tho tree becomes poorly developed and is short Jived. For tho American varieties,, stocks of tho native spocles should be used. Miner Is highly rec ommended as a stock for tho Ameri can plums by many growers. The Americana plum abounds throughout tho prairie regions and does well on black pralrio soil, as well as on heavy clay soils along streams. So long as tho drainage is reasonably good, this typo at plum does well on a wide range of soils. v SUPERIOR PLAN FOR CARING FOR MANURE Most Good Is Derived From the Fertilizer When Applied as Fresh as Possible. We apply our manure ub fresh as possible. Somo may advocate well rotted manure, but I believe tho most good is realized when tho manure is applied fresh. Most of our manure is applied to hilly ground which is a compact heavy clay. Our cropping rotation is a three-year ono of clover, corn, then wheat, and It is our practico to apply most of tho manure on tho clover sod that is to bo broken for corn the following spring, says a writer in Farmers' Re view. When thd ground is dry or frozen wo sometimes haul manure in the spring prior to tho plowing of the 3od. Dut tho ground is usually wet In tho spring and If a load is hauled across it, it puddles and a lot of hard clods aro tho result. Lately wo have treated our wheat ground with a top-dressing of manuro in tho fall. For this purposo we uso loose, fresh manure from tho stables. It is rich and, having les3 coarse mat :er, is easily distributed. When the ivhcat 1b to bo sown in plowed ground, wo find It better to apply tho manuro ootween plowing and seeding. In this way, harrowing thoroughly incorpo rates the manure with the soil. Ono disadvantage in this is tho increased labor required in drawing tho load across tho plowed ground. Another thing, very coarse manuro cannot bo worked up in this way. Wo havo derived Bpecial benefit from top-dressing tho wheat after it is 3own. Wo havo suffered much from the winter's freezing heaving the soil and exposing the roots oftho plants to tho cold. A top-dressing offers pro tection in this and it acts ub much, ilding in conserving moisture during dry periods later in tho plant's growth. A decided benefit from manuro thus npplled to wheat in tho fall is that tho immediately available fertility 1b ap propriated by tho young plants which permits them to obtain a good growth boforo winter. As tho less readily available portions becomo soluble in tho spring, they will be taken up and utilized by tho growing plants. Our wheat ground Is usually sown to clo ver. Tho slowly decomposing manuro thus promotes Its arowth as well as tho wheat. Do Some Experimenting. Thoro Is no question of tho value of the work of our agricultural schools and experiment stations, but an experi ment that Is successful in ono locality may fall in another, so It is well to verify tho experience of others by an ixperlment of your own. Winter Roughage. Tho supply of winter roughage for sheep has a marked Influence upon tho health of tho animals and tho economic consumption of tho food fur lisbed them. Under avorago conditions, spring Is tho best tlmo or planting plum trees. In exceptional seasons with a fnvor ablo moisturo supply, fall planting may bo dono with success, providing tho work Is dono onrly so that tho trees may becomo re-established bo foro wlntor sots4. Of ton, howovor, tho moisturo supply in tho fall is an uncertain quantity, and if tho ground is at all dry tho tree which has boon recently disturbed Is likely to suffer severely during the winter. Tho distanco apart to plant depends somewhat on tho variety and also on tho typo of soil. Generally eighteen to twenty foot apart glvoB ample room. Tho plum naturally produces a thick, denso growth, eventually resulting in an oxccsb of fruit spurs and a heavily shaded top. Under such conditions tho fruit Is Hablo to bo poorly colored, and tho denso shado tends to maintain a damp atmosphere which encourages tho development f plum fruit rot. Sufficient pruning should bo dono to correct this tendency. Any cross branches should be removed. Tho problem of what varieties to plant is primarily a local one. Tho prospective tflnnter will do woll to consult somo successful grower of his homo community and mako a enreful study during tho fruiting season. Tho many ways in which plums may bo prepared for tho homo tablo, and tho distinctive characteristics pos sessed by Bomo of tho varieties mak ing them OBpecinlly well adaptod for culinary uso, makes careful selection of young trees necessary. PRACTICAL HINTS ON BROILER RAISING Exercise Greatest Cleanliness in All Phases of the Chick en's Career. Use nothing but constitutionally strong breeding stock. Sell nothing but well fattened broil ers. Provide fresh air in tho poultry house, incubator collar and brooder house. Tho day of shipping livo broilers, water them only. Do not feed. In shipping dressed broilers, pack in neat, clean packages. AlwayB al low the animal heat to cscapo boforo packing. Tho quicker you get tho chick to broiler weight, the greater the profit. Do not overfeed, and mako them s erciso enough to prevent leg-weakness. Exercise the greatest .cleanliness In all phases of tho broiler's life, from egg to marketable size. This is ono of the most important of tho factors necessary for succcsb. Never chill tho eggs before hatch ing, and exorciso equal care not to al low tho chicks to get cold for tho first six weeks. Kill all tho weak and sick speci mens as soon as discovered. Keep chicks and surroundings dry at all times. Use plenty of disinfectant in brood or and pens regularly. In feeding tho chicks keep them guessing all tho time. WINTER EGGS ARE SOURCE OF PROFIT Make Cold Weather Months as Near Spring and Summer as Is Possible. When tho flock of laying hens ii provided with clean, roomy and wol' ventilated quarters there Is no reason why every hen on tho place will nol lay an nverago of four dozen eggs bo foro tho spring opens and favorable weather begins. This is tho ono greal source of incomo which might be profitably conducted by the average farmer during tho cold months. Yel tho time required need not bo more than nn hour to ovory 100 lions on the place. Each 100 hens should bo made to lay four dozen eggs a' day from the first 6r middlo of December to tht middle of March, when tho output will increnso with less labor. When poultrymen and farmers real izo that tho sooner thoy follow na ture's plan and mako tho winter months as near like spring nnd sum mer months, tho sooner thoy will re allzo tho height of their ambition winter eggs. It is nil simple if given a llttlo thought. Using the gray mat ter in your skull will make you a suc cessful poultryman. TALK ON WESTERN mm. You Don't Havo to Lie About Canada The Slmplo Truth ' Is Enough. Tho natural resources ot tho coun try aro so vast that thoy cannot bo told In moro figures. Man can only tell of what tiny portions havo dono. Ho can only say, "I nm moro pros perous than I over expected to bo." And yet it a farmer expects to suc ceed on land that ho has boon forcod to pay $50 to $100 an aero for ho ought to feel assured of attaining prosperity when ho Undo tho rlchost pralrio boII at his disposal absolutely free. If ho has a llttlo capital, let htm invest It all lu live stock and farm Implements ho will find himself ton years ahead of tho gamo. Somo day such a chanco will not bo found anywhoro on tho faco of the globo. But now tho same opportunities await you as awaited tho plonoor and not ono hundredth part of tho difficulties ho oncounterod and overcame. Success in Canada Is mado up of two things, natural re sources and human labor. Canada has tho ono and you tho other. A postal card stands between you and tho Canadian govornment agent. If you don't hold thoso two forces and enjoy tho fruits of tho result it is your own fault Debt and Canada Will Not stand Hitched. You want a cozy homo, a freo llfo, and sufficient Income. You want edu cation for your children, and somo pleasure for your wlfo. You want In dependence. Your burden has been heavy, and your farm hasn't paid. You work hard and aro discouraged. You roquiro a change Thero Is a goal within sight, whero your children will havo advantages. You can got a homo in Western Canada, freedom, whero your ambitions can bo fulfilled. If tho Pralrio Provinces of Canada are full of Successful Farmers why should you prove tho exception? Haven't you got brains, experience, courage? Then provo what theso aro capablo ot when put on trial. It is encouraging to know that thoro is ono country In tho world whero poverty is no barrier to wealth; own your own car; own your self; bo somebody. For facts write to nny Canadian Government agent Advertisement After tho War. The manufacture of wooden logs 1b a useful industry, but extraordinary activity in their production 1b not a sign that tho world is industrially prosperous. KansaB City Journal. Millions of particular women now uso and recommend Red Cross Ball Blue. -"All grocers. Adv. Your own phonograph always sounds better than your neighbor's. "e' Praise Lydia' E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound . 4 Women from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from all sections of this great country, no city so large, no village so small but that some woman has written words of thanks for health .restored by Lydia JL Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound. No woman who is suffering from the ills peculiar to her sex should rest until she has given this famous remedy a trial. Is it not reasonable to believe that what it did for these women it will do for any sick woman ? Wonderful Case of Mrs. Crusen, of Bushnell. 111. Busiineix, Iix. -"I think all tho trouble I havo had eince my marriago -wis caused hv exposure "when a young girl. My work bus beon housowork of all kinds, and I havo donormlking in the cold and enow when I was too young to rcalizo that it would hurt mo. I havo Buffered very much with bearing down pains in ray back and such misorablo pains across me, and was vory nervous and goneraily run down in health, but sinco I havo taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound my back never hurts mo, my nerves aro stronger, and I am gaining in health ovory day. I thank you for the great help I havo received from your medicmo, and if my letter will benefit suf fering women I will do glad for you to print it." Mrs. Jame3 Chubem Bushnell, Illinois. A Grateful Atlantic Coast Woman. TTonanoK, Me. "I feel it a duty I owo to all suffering women to tell what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegotablo Compound did for mo. Ono year ago I found myself a terrible oufforer. I had pains in both sides and such a soreness I could scarcely straighten up at times. My back ached. I had no appetite and was so norvous I could not sleep, then I would bo so tired mornings that I could scarcely got around. It seemed almost impossiblo to movo or do a bit of work and I thought I never would bo any bettor until I submitted to an opera tion. I commenced taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegotablo Compound and soon felt liko a now woman. I had no pains, slept woll, had good appotito and was fat and could do almost all my own work for a fam ily of four. I shall always feel that I owo my good health to your mediaino." Mrs. Uxrvrxno Sowers, Ilodgdon, Maino. For 80 yoara Lydia E. Plnlcuam's Vegetable Compound lias been tho standard romodyf or fe male ills. No ono sick with woman's ailments docs justice to herself if she doe's not try this fa mous modloino mado from roots and herbs, it has restored somany fluff orlngwomon to health. MKWrlto to LYDIA IUMNKII AM MEDICINE CO. 1WF (CONFIDENTIAL) LYNN, MASS., for advico. Your letter will ho opened, read and answered by a woman and held In strict confidence. SAGE TEA DARKENS GRAY HAIR TO ANY SHADE. TRY ITl Keep Your Locks Youthful, Dark Glossy and Thick With Garden Sage and Sulphur. Whnn vnn rinrlrnn vnur hnlr with' Sago Tea and Sulphur, no ono can toll, becauso It's dono so naturally, so' ovonly. Preparing tlila mixture,! though, at homo Is mussy and trouble somo. For 50 cents you can buy at any drug Btoro tho ready-to-uso tonio. callod "Wyoth'a Sago and Sulphur; Hnlr Remedy." You Just dampon a( Bpongo or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking ono Bmnll strand at a time. vBy morn ing all gray hair disappears, and, after, nnothcr application or two, your hair becomes beautifully darkoncd, glossy and luxuriant You will also dis cover dandruff is gono and liolr has stoppod falling. Gray, faded hair, though no dta graco, is a sign of old age, and as we; all desire a youthful and attractive ap poaronco, got busy at onco with Wy- cth's Sago and Sulphur and look yean younger. Adv. i From Man's Standpoint. I "What Is chaos, pa7" ' "It Is about tho third Btago In that dlscaso known as housecleanlng." eonn own nnoooisT wix.i.TKi.t. xo Trj Marino Hjo Hemwljr for Ilea, Wot, Watery Kjf and Granulated KjMldsi No HismlriB iuit Kio comfort. Wrlto for Hook of tlio Kja if mall Free. Wurlco ttjo Hemodj Co.. Uhleage. Do not oxpect to surround yourself! with good friends if you persist in bei ing unfriendly. Mllwaukeo Sentinel. YOUR WELFARE Is at stake when you neglect the Stom- j ach, Liver and Bowels. Poor ; health will soon overtake you. Keep up "to the mark" by assisting these organs in their work with the help of i HOSTETTERS Stomach Bitters It makes the appetite I keen and aids digestion. Try a bottled HAIR BALSAM A toilet preparation of merit Ji.lp. to trad teats dandruff. PnfR.itAHn. fViln Mn.1 Beauty to Gray or Faded HaV, Mo. and 11.00 at DrnggUta, "ItSVTffiiuWp m .m m ' , .' $ ' - rl. 4