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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1915)
.v'X.,-U's rfWOT THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. y7 ,J,rr3UU' n j.1 1B Tr -r. Hill INiM li lit III I M t .' - f ' K STTTw . r:r ;, "' lSX-&12&t1ffirf i miawmn'm.--"' "-- "-- . S3?'?iIxrl'!Si!cto .,.:...4&u ' rr i . ' i Kains and freezing weather liavo mado sheets of ico of tho Belgian roads and tho army transports and ambu lances skid badly and often are wrecked. In tho photograph a number of them aro seen In trouble. HEM C05I OF IB Past Conflicts Were Big Drag on Uncle Sam's Purse. Sixty Per Cent of Appropriations Is 'or Debts Growing Out of Past Wars and for Maintenance of Army and Navy. By EDWARD B. CLARK. Staft Correspondent "Wcstorn Newspaper Union.) Washington. About sixty per cent jf tho total appropriations of money luthorlzed by congress and to bo paid )ut of tho purses of tho pooplo Is for payments of debts growing out of past wars and for tho payment of bills contracted for in tho maintenance of military nnd navnl forces for defensive 3r offenslvo purposes in wnrs of tho luturo. If 145 years ago tho nations ?r tho world hnd laid down thoir arms tor all time It would cost tho United States government today only half tho 3um which It is necessary to appro priate to rurt tho country. In tho courso of tho present fiscal year 1914-15, tho United States will spend for war purposes $503,182,190. Have tho pooplo a right to know If this enormous Bum is being spent to tho best advantage? In other words, havo thoy a right to know whether our army and" navy aro at tho highest point of ofllcloncy possiblo to obtain through proper expendlturo of such a hugo sum of money? When it Is said thnt more than a half billion dollars Is being spent this year for war purposes It must l)o ex plained that n Ilttlo moro than two hundred million dollars of this sum is on account of ware that aro past. Tho full amount, however, represents what war has done to Undo Sam's purso and what a possibility of war Is still doing to it Tho expenditures are re garded by tho lawmakers as neces sary. An Inquiry Into our military preparedness probably would help to uiswor tho question. Tho pnyraonts madb nccossary by tho wars of tho past aro for pensions, retired pay and Bupport of homos for veterans and for othor kbndrod pur poses. During tho present year tho pensions, tho payments to rotlrod sol diers and tho Bupport of veteran homos will cost tho Unltod States $180,097,951. Tho interest on war llobts, tho sinking fund provisions for theea debts, trust funds established by war requirements and spocial funds ind accounts for war purposes amount to 157,000,000, so that wo havo a grand total of payments on nccount of wnrs that aro past amounting to $245,000. 000. This year wo nro spending for land tnd Bea defenses, a term .which In cudes tho support of soldiers, sailors ind ships, about $255,000,000. To this must bo addod all the expenses of tho administration of tho war and navy department ofnees, including tho ofllco of insular affairs. Tho total reaches Into tho millions. Tho total ns given for war purposes, $503,182,190, does not Includo money which must bo spent for general ad ministrative purposes, tho legislative, oxecutlvo and Judiciary. Tho fact that wo havo an army aud navy neces sitates greater appropriations for these branches of tho government, be causo tliolr functions and expensos are incrcasod by tho fact that wo havo military and naval establish monts. So It Is that tho monoy which Is spont by tho United States ovory year becauso of tho necessities which are tho outgrowth of wars or of n possibility of wnr oxcoods tho nmount of money 'spent for civil or for what properly may bo called peaco pur poses. Men In Washington, who havo mado a study of tho military problems of tho government, say thnt It Is a mis tnko to think thnt preparedness bears no relation to tho burden of expensos which has been put upon this country by tho wars of tho past. It Is urged that If tho Unltod States had been prepared properly ovon for tho Binnll war with Spain, that tho present coBt of that conflict would bo nothing like as great as it Is. Men suffered In tho campaigns of 1898 who ought not to havo suffered at all. Tho sufferings .produced last ing physical ailments for which thoy are drawing pensions today. Accord AUTO MISHAPS ON ICY BELGIAN ROAD m - t wmmmmiAi&&Jyix i&. jm'w ??y. . ., "'r ".'T?-.v-TirwT-.Tr'Tjw?'r'iT.T' j" fctrw- zzszs2i.3t . aaaakss xir? ing to tho students of tho situation wo nro pnylng today for our lack of pre paredness in a past day. How about tho future? thoy ask. Aro efllclcncy nnd preparedness not worth some thing in themselves in addition to tho valuo that thoy havo as preventives of later waste in men and money? STRONG MAN SAVES WOMEN Negro Pushes Dead Auto From Track as a Railroad Train Rushes By. Drunswlck, da. William Houston, n colored man, saved tho lives of four Brunswick women when, seeing tho porll of tho nutomobilo party, ho rushed up to tho machlno and shoved It across tho railroad track Just as a fast-moving freight train went past In crossing tho railroad track tho machino was slowed down, nnd Just an It mounted tho rails tho onglno went "dead." Tho freight train was only about ono hundrod yards distant Tho ongincor signaled with tho whl3 tlo, but tho machino remained on tho track. It was too closo for tho engi neer to stop tho train beforo reach ing tho machino. Houston, who was standing near by, rushed to tho car, gavo it ono hard shovo and It crossed tho track by only a few Inches as tho train camo byi MULE GETS BATH AND KICKS As Owner Puts Finishing Touches on Animal's Hind Legs He's Tapped on Chin. Now Orleans. Whether tho mulo of Philip Accardo, a poddlor, No. 2858 Chippewa street, objects to a Sunday bath or did not caro to bo disturbed is a question that is puzzling tho own or of tho animal, who is nursing a wounded chin as a result of getting it Into too closo contact with tho ani mal's hools, Accardo was washing tho mulo In Its stnblo In tho rear of his rosldenco and was giving tho finishing touches of tho bath to ono of tho mulo'B hind logs when tho animal upparently bo camo pooved and kicked its owner on tho chin. Tho mule's batli was not completed. FRENCH MILITARY KITCHEN A camp kltchon built by tho French In tho forest of tho Argonno STOMACH A NEEDLE CUSHION X.Ray Photograph of Tramp 8hows sixteen Hcasona for His Violent Pains. Scranton, Pa. Doubled up with his hands pressed to hia sides, n man who gavo mo name of ivnn Inancho shunted into tho dispensary of tho Stnto hospital complaining that ho could not walk from pains In tho ab domen. An X-ray photograph was taken and 1C needles woro found In tho stomach. How thq neodlos got there tho doctors do not know and tho patient Is unnblo to explain. Tho patient, apparently a tramp, said 'ho camo from Porth Amboy, N. J. Additional X-ray plates havo been mndo to detennlno if tho needles aro working Into position to puueturo tho Intestines. WAR MADE HIM HERO Wounded Austrian Officer Ana lyzes His Feelings. Trust of Soldiers Makes Sedentary Civilian Strive to Rise to Their Measure of Him Surprised by the Change. By HARRY HANSEN. (Correspondent of tho Chicago Dally News.) Rome, Italy. When tho call to arms resoundB over tho land and tho bnrher, tho waiter, tho clerk and tho bakor lcavo their tasks to put on tho uniform of their country and become man-klllors, what emotions grip their hearts, what pictures paBs through tliolr brains? Fow men havo availed themselves of tho present extraordinary opportu nity for analytic research. Few have taken tho trouble to recall the emo tions with which thoy wont to war. Ono who has dono so Is a young Aus trian lawyer, who has been taken to Vienna from tho battle fields of Ga Hcla becauso ho is suffering from a flesh wound. Whllo lying on his cot ho has taken tho tlmo to "plot" his feelings In tho various experiences through which ho passed In tho last fow months, and hero it Is, translated almost word for word from tho Gorman in which ho told it to a man at his bedsido: "When wo woro called out I romem ber distinctly having two Ideas con corning tho war. First I was filled with great patriotic enthusiasm, with Joy that Austria was about to wago war againBt our old onemy, Russia. "At tho samo timo I felt a want of confldonco in myself. I had been, aB it happened, a long tlmo an ofllcer of tho reserves, but felt that I was Ilttlo bettor than an ordinary civilian and also was tho possessor of a delicate tasto for tho sedontary life. I was a bit afraid of my own ability to accom plish anything, for ovon if I viewed myself in tho moBt favorablo light it did not occur to mo that I had any ho roio qualities. "Tho chango that took placo in mo was a Eurprlso ovon to myself. I bo camo commander of a body of sol dlors of a regiment of tho landsturm largely men of middlo ago and fathors of families, who placed tho greatest confldonco in their ofllcer, a fact that causod mo to wish to riso to their moasuro of me. Thoy looked to mo for their safety; thereupon my feel ing of responsibility increased and my military capacity, too. "I Btood drawn to my full height In front of tho trenches in which my men Bought sholtor, nnd studied tho country with my field glass in tho hope of locating tho nrtillory of tho onemy. I did not do this In a boast ful spirit. I had only tho good of my men at heart, desiring to mako them perfectly snfo. "As for llfo in tho trenches, will you bollovo that I slept excellently ovon whllo lying within range of tho enemy's artillery, whoso bombs struck behind our linos? I bocamo so usod to thoir nolso that I fell asloop from tho very monotony of tho Bhots. "I slopt and dreamed of a palm In my own homo nbout which I was wor rying because 1 thought tho plant had not been watered In my absonco. I also dreamed I possessed a parrot and was amusing myself with tho bird. "Thoso wero only two of tho peace ful drd&tnn that camo to mo whllo I slopt In tho field. Hut my first night In n quiet placo and in a freshly made bed in Vienna was full of tortures. "I awoko at I n. m. laboring under tho most Intense oxcltomont. I dreamed that I had been hit by a shot And tho bullet hit mo in tho arm. Uoforo mo, so it appeared, Btood an array of tho enemy's ma chino guns, belching Are nnd sraoko I seemed to sink down on tho field and felt n subordinate tako tho com mand from mo. "Many of my dreams in tho hospital havo been of this character." Captured Horse Retaken. Paris. A horso capturod by tho Ger mans was retaken throo days liter by Its English master, who was glud to find on It a comploto new equipment of finest quality, niont be the tongue that spenkH no 111, whose words nro always true, That keeps the law of kindness still Wliatover others do. Blest bo tho hands that toll to aid Tho groat world's ceaseless need, The hands that never are afraid To do a kindly deed. SOME DI8HES NEW AND OLD. Rabbits are cheap If easily obtained and plentiful and In many sections nro nro common roou. Here aro a fow ways of preparing Hyft them: Baked In Milk. One rabbit will servo five or nix neonle. Stir nnd Q. over tho dressed rabbit thin slices of fat salt pork. Set in the ovon and basto with tho fat in tho pan, then when well browned lower tho heat, add milk and basto with tho milk, dredging with flour nfter each baBtlng. Cook for an hour longer. Tho rabbit may be browned In fat on tho top of the rows and then put Into tho oven with tho milk and cooked until per fectly tender. For tho gravy take some of tho fat or butter, mix when hot with an equal part of flour and add tho hot milk from tho pan. Season well and serve with tho rabbit or pour over It. Serve with rloo croquettes, each holding a small spoonful of currant Jelly. Rabbit may be parboiled and then fried as ono does chicken, Berving a gravy made from tho fat In the pan. Rabbit Hasenpfeffer Style. Divide tho forelegs nnd tho body into pieces, wash all, including tho heart and liver. Try out some fat salt pork and add two sliced onions to the fat, when yel low and two tablespoonfuls of flour, a quart of veal broth, a teaspoonful of salt, a bit of bay leaf, half a teaspoon ful peppercorns, four cloves nnd the rabbit Cover and let simmer until tho rabbit is tonder. Add a generous tablespponful of buttor, half a cupful of fruit Julco or orange Juice, and two lumps of sugar. The sauce should be spicy, Bwoet and sour, not too thick. Chicken Sandwiches. Chop sepa rately, cooked chicken and ham or tongue. For each three-fourths of a cup of chicken take a fourth of a cup of tho othor meat. For each cup of meat chop fine one canned pimento, or Its equivalent in bulk of olives stuffed with pimentos. Mix with mayonnaiso to spread well and put on well-buttered bread. An evil example In a few things fur outweighs a good example In many things. Wo need to bo on our guard that tho example wo sot to others may bo all good. Health, cheerfulness and activity nro best conduclvo to prosperity and con tentment. SAVORY DISHES. Tho following is a change from tho ordinnry ways of serving chicken. Separate tho chicken In pieces at tho Joints; sot into a buttered baking pan, dusting with salt and add a few bits of butter, pour over boiling hot veal broth or salt ed water, cover closely and set In a hot oven. Let cook nn hour nnd a half; basto twice and turn the chicken over when half cooked. When dono remove to a plattor and surround with spoonfuls of savory rico and sorvo with tho sauco in n separato dish. Sauce: Molt three tablespoonfuls of batter, in It cook three tablespoonfuls of flour, add a half teaspoonful of salt, and n dash of popper; when smooth, and bubbling, add three-fourths of a cupful of cream and the froth from the pan, a cupful nt least Cook until smooth nnd strain into a bowl. Savory Rice. Cook together a cup ful of rlco and a cupful and a half each of tomato puree and broth (using either chicken or veal), season with an onion, cut In halves with two cloves pressed Into ench half, a tea spoonful of salt, a chili popper (with out seeds), chopped flue, and a dash of paprika. Cook until tho rlco is tender; add one-fourth of n cupful of buttor and let stand until melted, then servo as abovo, Durbank Sausage. Select rather largo potatoes of uniform size, cut out nn opening through thom with an ap plo coror after thoy aro peeled. Put Into salted boiling water and cook eight minutes, now drain nnd Insert into cuch opening one of the small Deorfoot sausages, previously pricked with a fork. Put tho potatoes iuto tho oven and buko until tender. Servo at Magnetic Crane. Successful handling of bar-Iron rods by an electric crano equipped with magnetic lift nan becm accomplished at a Now Jerbey iron works by tho stmplo expedient of having tho bars wired togother, before shipment, In bundles containing a dozen or moro rods, In an attempt to do away with unloading by hand, a process slow and oxpouslvs, tho plan of lifting tho looso rodB froih tho cars with tho magnetic lift was tried. This proved unsatis factory, as It was impossible to pick i$&8k) wMtimi yKJmfn&y mm onco with strips of baccn nnd fried onions as a luncheon dish. Venison Steak With Cihestnuts. Take a venison steak nnd stuff with boiled chestnuts which' havo been mashed and seasoned well, roll up, lard with salt pork, and roast. Servo with cauliflower or brussols sprouts. A FEW COMPANY DISHES. When ono Is entertaining it is nice to s,orve some dishes which aro espe cially dainty to look at, as well as appetizing. We all like to be original and havo some- pj-rr? T "6 HUH) UIIU IUU -.""J way to do this is L.i to experiment with cumuinauonB ana give tho world a now dish. Chestnut Puree for Peppers. Boil tho nuts, put through a ricer when tender. To a cupful nnd a half of tho riced chestnuts add three tablespoon fuls of butter, two tablespoonfuls of chopped pimentos (canned red pep pers), a tablespoonful of grated on ion, half a teaspoonful of salt, and a cupful of rich milk. Parboil the pep pers and All with this puree. Sorvo around broiled steak or as a vege table with almost any meat combina tion. Havo the stems nnd white por tion as well as tho seeds removed from the peppers before parboiling. Cardinal Pears. Cook canned pears In BUgar and water with a half cupful more or less of currant Jelly. When cold sot on oblong pieces or rounds of sponge cake, cover with tho thick ened sirup and a spoonful of whipped cream. Sprinkle with chopped al monds or shredded In 'strips. Apple, Date and Celery Salad. To serve four salad plates, pare one large apple, core and cut in small cubes. Pour over the apple a tablespoonful of lemon Julco and mix occasionally to well cover. Cut Ave tender stalks of whlto celery In bits, Pour boiling water over a half-pound of firm dates. Dry and then remove tho stonevs. Cut each date in qunrters lengthwise, mix with tho applo and celery and add a half-cupful of boiled dressing, or better, a half-cupful of mayonnaise, mix again and serve well chilled. Scotch Short Bread. Cream a cup ful of butter, add a half-cupful of light brown sugar and four cupfuls of flour a little warmed. Form tho mixturo Into a flat cake and prick well all over with a fork. Sprinkle tho topvwlth caraway candies or bits of citron In flower design with tho candies and bake in a moderate oven. To secure a happy home, bo happy yourself. That advice does not suit tho person who wants life made happy by outside means and outside happen ings. THE TEA TABLE. Tho custom of serving tea to one's friends in tho late afternoon is such a pleasant and hospitable way of spending a few crtMnl mnn,OTito wIMi firm. JiWI gonial spirits that it ' SI should be a custom en couraged rather than to allow tho rush of things to deprive us of such simple pleasures. One need not have an elaborate tea service to give this attention; many who wait for those things never enjoy doing nice things for friends. Anyone may havo a pretty pot or pitcher and a fow simple, pretty cups and saucers. It Is not tho display of silver nnd plate that expresses hospitality, but tho spirit behind tho servico. When ono has a pretty tea ball tho making of tea Is a pretty sight to look at, and a pretty servico adds to tho pleasure of one's guests. Tea may be tied hi small pieces of muslin enough for a pot of tea, theso small bags kept In n tight can or Jar for months and will always be ready for tho quick cup of tea with no "grounds for complaint." For somo It is a pretty little entertainment if one is at nil imaginative to leave tho grounds in tho pot so that each may have a few in the cup and have tho fortune told from tho grounds. Tho custom of having the tea table In tho room alway set, ready for serv ico, is not desirable, for one likes to feel that tho service is fresh and freo from all dust and germs. Tho tea cart is a great convenience, for all tho servico may be brought In at once. Small cakes, crackers and cookies aro served with a cup of tea. Tho English custom of sorvlng sandwiches and marmalade Is observed by some. up a clean load. When n load was lifted In this way many of tho rods would coma up hanging by ono end. With the rods wired In bundles, the crano lifts a clean load consisting of several bundles. Needs a Little Salt. "Slio Is 'compelled to tako Mr. Geo zer cum grano sails," went on Miss Callowhlll, pursuing tho subject "That Is quite true," assonted Miss Wlnobiddlo. "Ho certainly is excep tionally fresh." Philadelphia Ledger. WLJ :;- CtoM Salter's White Bonanza Oats. Mado C. J. Johnson of Lincoln Co., Minn., famous in growing 243 bushels from 2 bushels sown last spring. Can you beat that in 1015? Wont you try? This great Oat has tak en more prizes and given bigger nnd larger yield t h r ouchout tho United States than, any Oat known. It's' ono rmously prolific. Just tho Ont for Iowa, Minn.. Wis., III.,. Ind., Mich., Ohio. Neb. Pa., N. Y., Kansas and Missouri. Wo aro America's headquarters for Alfalfa and Potatoes Timothy, Clovers and Farm Seeds. For 10c In Postago Wo gladly mail our Catalog and sample package of Ten Fa mous Farm Seeds, including fipcltz, "The Cereal Wbnder;" Rejuvenated Whito Bonanza Oats, "The Prize Winner;" Bil lion Dollar Grass; Teoslnte, the Silo Filler, etc., etc. Or Send 12c And we will mail you our big Catalog and six generous packages of Early Cabbage, Carrot, Cucumber, Lettuce, Radish, Onion furnishing lots and lots of juicy delicious Vegetables during tho early Spring and Summer. Or send to John A. Snlzer Seed Co., Box 704, La Croase, Wis., twenty cents tnd receive both above collec tions and their big catalog. Accelerating the Jump. "It seems quite tho fad nowadays for players to jump from 'organized baseball' to tho Federal league." "Yea. It appears that a fat con tract makes a fine springboard." " " Important to Mothers Examine carefully every boltlo ol CASTORIA, a safe nnd suro remedy f os infants and children, and Bee that it "Rnfta ttirt Signature of CUS&a' In Uso For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Very Likely. "I wonder why it is that tho man who marries in haste Is usually sup posed to repent at leisure?" "Because that kind of man wouldn't havo brains enough to do it all at once, of course." Why Men Swear. Georgia Wood Pangborn, writing a story in tho Woman's Home Compan ion, says of ono of her characters: "He's a man, and can't cry, so ho has to say damn." SALTS IF BACKACHY OR KIDNEYS TROUBLE YOU Eat Less Meat If Your Kidneys Aren't Acting Right or If Back Hurts or . Bladder Bothers You. When you wake up with backache and dull misery in the kidney region it generally moans you havo been eat ing too much meat, says a well-known authority. Meat forms uric acid which overworks tho kidneys in their effort to filter It from tho blood and they be come sort of paralyzed and loggy. When your kidneys get Bluggish and clog you must relieve them like you relieve your bowels; romoving all the body's urinous waste, else you havo. backache, sick headache, dizzy spells; your stomach sours, tongue is coated and when the weather is bad you havo rheumatic twinges. The urine Is cloudy, full of sediment, channels oft en get sore, water scalds and you am obliged to seek relief two or threoi times during tho night Either consult a good, reliable physi cian at onco or get from your pharma cist about four ounces of Jad Salts; tako a tablespoonful In a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine This famous salts is made from tho acid of grapes and lemon juice, com bined with lithla, and lms been used for generations to clean and stimulate sluggish kidnoys, also to neutrallzo acids in the urino so it no longer irri tates, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts is a llfo saver for regular meat eaters. It Is Inexpensive, cannoto injure and makes a delightful, effer vescent lithla-water drink. Adv. Woman dentists aro scarce, but thero are any number of women who can elongate a man's leg. There are lots of people who speala twice beforo thoy think. Cut them out both tea and coffee. Trv Van Houten's 1 Rona Cocoa a health ful drink. Bitf red can half-pound 25c fill "fV w- i.ilii.'f$lll'l'lWl' '