w t THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TKIJ1UNE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 115. . CONDENSED REPORT OP THE CONDITION OF FIRST NATIONAL BANK, OF NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, DECEMBER 31, 1014 Resources Loans and Discounts $398,959.34 Overdrafts 520.17 Banking House, Furnlturo and Fixtures 21,900.00 United States Bonds (Par) 101,000.00 Federal Reserve Bank Stock (1st Installment) 1,500.00 Othor High Grado Bonds and Securities C4.419.8C Cash in Vault, Duo from U. S. Treasurer, Fcdorul Rcsorvo Bank and Other Banks ... 154,529.18 $742,828.55 Liabilities Capital Stock $100,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 50,350.48 Circulation 100,000.00 Doposlts 48C.478.07 LOCAL AND l'EKSONAL Miss Lillian Beclian was ill Wed nesday and unablo to ho on duty at tho Dickoy confectionery. W. T. Wilcox Is reported ill at his homo with asthma. Ho has been con fined to his homo for several days. Christian Scienco Society Sunday 11 a. m.. Subject: "Llfo." Wednesday evening meetings 8 o'clock, Building & Loan building room 25. Mrs,. E,. W,. Mann entertained Wed nesday ovening at a six o'clock din ner. Six ladles wcro presont and a pleasant afternoon was enjoyed bo foro dinner. Mrs. J. R,. Elliott, of Council Bluffs, Is visiting In tho city at tho Frank Elliott homo and with other relatives and friends She was formerly n resident of this city. Tho Zonda dancing club will glvo a big danco at tho Masonic hall Tucs day evening, January 19th. All receiv ing invitations prior to this dato are cordially invited to bo present. L. L. Walker, manager of tho Gas ton Music company's storo at this place, returned Wednesday from Kan sas Ciy where ho spent two weeks visiting his family. Ho announces that ho expects to move his family to this city in ho near future. Miss Edith Patterson returned Tuosday night from Omaha,. While thcro sho received tho appointment of teacher of mathematics in tho Benson high school, nnd will begin her duties at tho commencement of the second semester next month. Highest prices paid for stoves and second-hand furnlturo. F. H. Wood west Fifth street. 88tf O. C. Humphreys, United States deputy rovenuo collector for tho Grand Island district, was In tho city yostorday looking after tho revenues In this city. Ho visited tho cigar fac tory and tho saloons and drug stores, Mr,. Humphreys has Ills' headquarters nt Grand Island and is now working this end of tho stato,. From horo ho wont to Horshey. Why Not Have a Gas Stove in Your Home? V -s. IriMw North Platte Light & Power Co., C. R. MOREY, Manager. OUR PRICES TELL A TALE Hut when you examine our goods you will he more surprised than ever. We sell the best harness made. All hand made in our own shop and positively guar anteed. Our prices the most reasonable you can "find. DOES YOUR HARNESS NEED REPAIRING? Here's the place. Wo give satisfaction, work done on Shoe Repairing. FORSTEDT & SHEEDY, Headquarters for Horses' Wearing Apparel 512 Locust Street. North Platte, Nebraska. $742,828.55 Attornoy M. E. Crosby was a busi ness visitor in Tryon Wednesday, re turning homo in the ovening. For Rent 5 room house and 7 room house on east Fifth street. Inqulro 702 cast 5th street Phono Bk 9G0. 1. Mrs. J. F. Dloncr was taken to tho Good Samaritan hospital tho first of tho week to receive medical treat ment. R. D. Blrgo of tho W. W. Blrge Lum ber & Coal company left tho foro pnrt of tho week for Omaha to spend tho week at tho lumbermen's conven tion. Mrs. C. M. Whittaker left yester day for her home In Mechllng, S. D., after visiting in tho city for a few weeks with her daughters, Mrs. Edgar Schiller and Miss Villa Whittaker. County teachers examinations aro being held today ut tho court house by Co. Supt. Alleen Gantt. They will continuo over tomorrow. Ralph Clabaugli has been on the sick list this week and was unable to attend school. Ho Is 'reported get ting along nicely. Ed Putoff left yesterday morning for his homo In Sidney after staying in the city for a few days on account of tho Illness of Mrs. Putoff who was recently operated upon at the Good Samaritan hospital. Mrs. Putorf will bo confined to tho hospital for three weeks or more yet. N L. Taylor, of Lincoln, arrived In tho city yesterday to visit friends and look nftor business for a few days. William Sherman of tho Birdwood vicinity, was visiting In tho city yes terday on business at the court house. Ho announces that ho contemplating investing in some moro Lincoln coun ty land. Tho Saturday afternoon brldgo club was dollghtfully entertained Wednes day by Mrs Charles Reynolds in favor of Mrs. M. K Novillo who leaves next woek for Pass-A-Grllle, Fla., to spend tho rcmnlnder of tho winter. A pleasant ovening was enjoyed and nice refreshments were sorved by tho hostess. Every Woman will appreciate the quick hot fire at a moment's notice. No coal or ash es to handle, no dirt. A Clean Kitchen All the Time First class CLUBS AND SOCIETIES A dancing party was held Wcdnes day ovening at tho Brown homo on South Walnut street. Twelve couples were present and a pleasant evening was enjoyed. At a Into hour nlco re freshments were sorved by tho hostess. Tho Misses Dulcio and Tholma Fra tcr entertained Tuesday evening at their homo on west Third street in favor of Mrs. A. L. Harr who Is visit ing in this city enrouto to Omaha. Twelvo young ladles were present nnd n pleasant evening wns enjoyed with music and cards. At a lato hour a nice two-courso luncheon was served, by the hostesses. Soveral members of tho COO club wero out of town Tuesday evening, soveral others wore on tho Invalid list, but eight or ten guests wero In vited nnd nlno tables wcro placed for tho gamci at thtf Hoxlo, residence, where Mrs. Hoxlo nnd Mrs,. White wore tho hostesses. It wns an assem blage of very Jolly people and tho ovening could not have proven more pleasant. Catholic Girls' Club Elect Officers. Tho Catholic GirlB' club was de lightfully entertained at a business and social meeting' Wednesday even ing at tho homo of Miss Vaunlta Hayes in the Fourth ward. A pleas ant ovening was spent with cards and tho officers for the ensuing year were elected,. In the games tho first prize, a plato was won by Mrs Frank McGovern and Miss Ida Ottenstcln won second prlzo. Miss Irene O'Donnell, who re cently came to this city, waB a guest of tho club and was taken in ns a member Wednesday evening. All of ficers wcro elected now except Miss Hannah Kclihcr who was re-elected as secretary. Tho following ofTlcers were elected Wednesday evening: Miss Kathleen Flynn, president; Miss Ethel Fryc, vice-president and financial secre tary; Miss Hannah Kclihcr, secre tary; Miss Irene Hubbard, treasurer. Tho retiring officers were as follows Mrs. James Hart, president; Miss Jo sephlno 0'IIare, vice-president and fi nancial Berrctnry; Miss Hannah Kcli hcr, secretary; Miss Florence Stnck, treasurer. Fremont Peckham, residing Just across the line in Dawson county, was visiting In the city yesterday on busi ness at the court house. He is quito an extensive land owner In Lincoln county. C. S. Clinton, of tho Clinton Jewelry store, leaves Sunday for Chicago whore ho will attend tho mid-winter conference of the nntlonal Jewelers' association. Mr. Clinton is president of tho Nebraska retail Jewelers' assoc iation nnd will represent them at the conferenco He will stop enroute homo nt Hastings whore lie will ar rnngo for n meeting of the Nebraska association which will bo held next month Miss Alma Waltemath delightfully ontertalned a number of friends Wed nesday afternoon at a bridge party in favor of Miss Doyle who is vlslt Ihg horo from Lincoln. There were oight tables of brldgo and a pleasant afternoon was onjoyed. Miss Laura Murray won tho prize for the high score. A nlco two-course luncheon was Borved by tho hostess. Iluro Bargain In Piano. Hnvo on hand at North Platto a high grade piano, which will bo sold tre mendously cheap on , payments to a responsible party. Wrlto the Denvor Music Company at Denver, Colo, for particulars. 98-4 COL. M. L. McDEJtMOTT UENKRAL AUCTIONEER Stockand Farm Sales a Specialty, rhlono lied 4G4 North Plntto, Neb. SMtte Bought nnd highest murket prices paid PHONES Residence Red C3G Office 459 C. H. WALTERS. Office phono 241. Res. phone 217 L. C. DRiOST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bnnk Building. JOHN S. SIMMS, M. ., Physician nnd Snrgcon Office B. & L. Building, Second Floor. rhone, Office, 83; Residence 38. DR. J. S. TWINEM, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Gynecology Obstetrics and Children's Diseases. Ofllco McDonald Stato Bank Building. Corner Sixth and Dowcy Streets. Phones, Offlco 183, Residence 283 DR. ELMS, Physician and Surgeon Specialty Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat Glasses Fitted. New Office in McCabe Building, PHONE 3G. C. C. 1VALLINGSFORD, Physician nnd Surgeon Office: Rooms 1 and 2 McDonald Bank Building North Platte, Nebraska. Office phono 82, Res. Red 302. Calls answered prompty Day or Night. Nyal Drug Storo lies. Phono Phono 8 Red 40G c. w. CKONEN, Graduate Tcterlnarian North Platte, Nebraska. Hospital 218 Locust St. Phono bile 249 HIDES, FURS AND JUNK Paying Top Prlco for Hides BONES $7.00 to $8.00 PER TON of nil kinds NO. PLATTE JUNK HOUSE. KODAK WORK. VIEWS. PARTIES. HOME PORTRAITS AND ENLARGING BEST PAPER USED Phono 642. 723 V2 North Locust. Sheriffs Snlo By virtue of an order of Bale Issued from tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, upon a decrco of foreclosure rendered in said Court wherein Ruben W. Rlsbcrg Is plain tiff, and Albert F. Larson et al are defendants, and to mo directed, I will on the 18th day of January, 1915, at 2 o'clock p. m. at the east front door of tho corut houso in North Plate, Lln coin county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said decree, Interest and costs, tho following described prop erty to-wlt: Southeast quarter (SE'i) Section Seven (7) Township Ten (10) North of Range Thirty-two (32) Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska. Dated North Platte, Nebraska, De cember 14 1914. dl5-5w A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff, Nollco of Sheriffs Snle. By virtue of an execution issued by Geo. E. Prosser, clerk of tho district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, up on a Judgment rendered in said court In favor of Fred R. Glnn et al against William llupter, I havo levied upon tho following real estate as tho prop orty of said William Hupfer to-wit: All of lots seven (7), eight (8) and nine (9) block five (5) In Trustees Addition In North Platte, Nebraska, nnd I will on tho 29th day of January, 191G, at 2 o'clock P. M. of said day, at the front door of tho court house of said county, In North Platte, sell said real estate at public auction to the highest blddor for cash to satisfy said execution, tho amount duo there on, in tho aggregate being the sum of ?3G8.63 and $10.70 cost and accruing cost. Dated December 28, 1914. A. J. SALISBURY, 08-5w Sheriff. l.KCJAIi notice: Simon Richards nntl Sarah Richards, dofondanta will take notice that on tho 12th day of November, 1914, Mutual Building & Loan Association, a cor poration, plnlntirf herein, niert Its pe tition In the District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, against Ida Rich ards, administratrix of the estate of Samuel Richards, Deceased: Ida Itich nrds, Elizabeth Richards, Simon Rich ards. Sarah Richards, Esther Richards, Millard Richards, City National Bank Building Company, a corporation, and Danlol Frnnkle, Daniel Lyons and Jul ius Lyons, a co-partnership doing bus iness as Frnnkle Frank & Company, defendants, the object and prayer of which aro to foreclose threo certain mortgages executed by Samuel Rich ards and the defendant Ida Richards, upon Lot one (1) In Block ono hun dred thirty-eight (13S), tho East forty four (44) feet of Lot two (2), tho West twenty-two (22) feet feet of Lot two (2), and tho East twenty-two (22) feet of Lot throo (3), all In Block ono hundred thirty-eight (13S) of the orig inal town of North Platte, Nebraska, to secure tho payment of threo bonds dated June 30, 1908, for tho sum of $1200.00 each, duo and payable accord ing to tho terms thereof. That after mo execution anu uenvory or tho nbovo bond nnd mortgage to tho plalntlrt, tho said Samuol Richards died, and that tho defendants Ida Rlohards, Simon Richards, Elizabeth Richards, Sarah R ohards, Esther Richards and Millard Richards are tho heirs at law of said Samuol Richards nnd aro claiming an interest in nnd to tho above described promises, and that said Ida lllchnrrin has been appointed administratrix of mo estate or uamuol lllchnrds, de ceased. That said defendants havo failed to mako tho payments as re quired under tho nbovo bonds, and that there Is now due from said de- fondants and upon said bonds nnd mortgage, tho sum of $1981.04. That tho defendants, tho City National Hank Building Company, a eorportatlon, and Danlol Frnnkle, Danlol Lyons nnd Julius Lyons, a co-partnership doing business under tho namo of Franklo Frank & Company, claim a lien upon tho interest of Ida Richards to tho above described property. The plain tiff prays that said premlBos may bo decreed to bo sold to satisfy the amount alio mnreou. You nro ronulred to answer said nn tlton on or beforo tho 15th day of Fob ruary, 191B. Dated January 4, 1915. MUTUAL BU1LDINO & LOAN ASSOCI ATION, A CORPORATION, Plaintiff, By WILCOX & HALLIGAN, J5-4w Its Attorneys. Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attentien given to forgery ami Obstetrics. Ofllca: Building and Loan Building. Pi,ftn. I Office 130 Phono. hRe3ldoncc 11B PERIlYliERRY & FOKBES, Licensed Embnlmcrs Undertakers nnd Funeral Directors Day Phono 234. Night Phono Black 588. NURSE BROWN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 1008 West Fourth St. MES. M. HALL, Superintendent. Graduate Nurses in Attendance JOHN S. TWINER, Physician and Surgeon. J. B. IiEDFIELI). PIIYSICLiN & SURGEON Successor to HYSICIAN & SURGEONS HOSPITAL Drs. Redfleld & Redfleld Offlco Phono G42 Res. Phono 67G Referee's Snle. By virtue of an Order of Sale is sued in tho District Court in and for Lincoln County, Nebraska, on tho 21st day of December, 1914. In an action of partition wherein Samuel Mooro and Theodore Smith aro plaintiffs and Roy Howltt, Edna Hewitt, George Hewitt,, Lester Hewitt, Glenn Hewitt, Olive Smith and Arllo Smith, all minor heirs and C. J. Hewitt, father and nat ural guardian of defendants Roy HcW' Ut, Edna Hewitt, Georgo Hewitt, Les ter Hewitt and Glenn Hewitt and Joslo Smith, mother and natural guardian of defendants Olive Smith and Arllo Smith respectfully aro defendants, I will sell at Public Auction at tho East Front Door of the Court Houso in the City of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, on tho 25th day of January, 1916, at tho hour of ono o'clock p. M. tho following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County, Nebraska, to-wlt: The Southeast Quarter of Sec tion Twelvo (12), Township Ten (10), North of Range Thirty-three (33), "West of tho Gth P. M. The terms of said sale will be cash In hand. Dated North Platte, Nebraska, this 21st day of December, 1914. O. E. ELDER, Referee. E. C. HODDER, Attorney. 645 Omaha National Bank Building Notice to Non-Resident Drfendnntn Thedefendants, Arthur Battles, Han nah Battles, ptolla A. Dowd, Dowd, her husband, first and real name un known, nnd each of them aro notified that on the I8th day of November, 1914, George E. Warren filed a petition In the District Court of Lincoln County, Ne braska a pan st said above named de fendants, Impleaded with others, the object and prayer of which aro to foreclose his certain mort gages executed on tho 27th day of April, 1912, by tho defendant, Arthur Battles in favor of tho U. S. Live Stock Company, a corporation, upon the fol lowing described property, situated in the County of Lincoln and Stato of Nebraska to-wlt: One mortgage for $500.00 on tho north ono-half of the southeast one-fourth, and tho south west one-fourth of the southeast one fourth, and the northeast one-fourth of the southwest one-fourth in Section seventeen, in towuship sixteen north, of range thirty-two west of the sixth I1. M., In Lincoln County, Nebraska, recorded In Book 42, Page 319, of the Mortgago Records of Lincoln County, Nebraska, to secure a first mortgago coupon noto or obligation to said U. S. Live Stock Company, a corporation, dated the 27th day of April, 1912, nnd plaintiff alleges that there is duo upon snld note and obligation the sum of $540.00 with interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 27th day of October, 1914; one mort gage for $1000.00 on tho north one-half of section seventeen, in township six teen north, of range thirty-two west of the sixth P. M. in Lincoln Conuty, Nebraska, recorded in Book 42, Page 321 of tho mortgago records of Lincoln County, Nebraska, to secure a First Mortgago Coupon noto or obligation to said U. S. Live Stock Company, a corporation, dated the 27th day of April, 1912, and plaintiff alleges that thore is due upon said noto or obli gation tho sum of $1090, with Inter est thereon at tho rato of 6 per cent per annum from the 27th day of Oc tober, 1914. That each and all of the aforesaid notes and mortgages have been duly assigned and transferred to this plaintiff. The plaintiff prays that each and all of said mortgaged premises be decreed to bo sold to satsfy the amounts due thereon nnd that eaoh and all of said defendants and all persons claiming by, through or under them or any of them be excluded from and foreclosed of all interest, right, title, lien and equity of redemption In to and upon said prem ises You aro required to answer said pe tlton on or before tho 26th day of January, 191B. GEORGE E. WARREN, Plaintiff. By E. C. Hoddor, Ills Attornoy. II. C. IIODDEH, Attorney. 645 Omaha National Bank Building Notice to Nnu-Henldent Dcfendnntn The dofendants. Arthur Battles, Han nah Battles, Stella A. Dowd, Dowd, her husband, first nnd real name un known, Austin S. Christ, J. Sidney Smith, John E. Christ, Eunice A Ghrlst, Harvey Metz, Frank Wllle, R. J. Davis, first and real namo unknown, F. J. Whitehead, first and real namo un known, A. J. White, first and real name unknown, Mrs. A. J White, first nnd real namo unknown, L. It. west, nrst and real name unknown and airs. L. R. West, his wife, flrit and renl namo unknown, and ench o. them are notirted that on tho 18th day of No vember, 1914, James A Flko tiled a pe tition in the District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, ngalnst said above named defendants impleaded with oth ers, the object and prnyer of which are to foreclose his certain mortgages ex ecuted on the 27th day of April, 1912, by tho defendant. Arthur Battles In favor of the U. S. LIvo Stock Company, a corporation, upon tho following des cribed property, situated In the County of Lincoln and Stato of Nebraska, to wlt; Ono mortgaifo for $500,00 on the west ono-half of tho northwest one fourth nnd tho southeast one-fourth of tho northwest ono-fourth In section threo In township fifteen north, of rnnge thirty-two west of tho sixth P. M., Lincoln County. Nebraska, recorded In Book 42, Pago 317, of tho Mortgage Records of Lincoln County, Nebraska, to secure a First Mortgago Coupon noto or obligation to said IT, S. Live Stock Company, a corporation, dated the 27th day of April, 1912 and plain tiff alleges that thero Is duo upon said noto or obligation tho sum of $545.00 with interest thereon nt tho rate of 6 per cent por annum from tho 27th day of October, 1914; one mortgage for $500.00 on the south one-half of the southwest ono-fourth, In section seven teen, and tho north one-half of tho northeast ono-fourth In section nine teen, all In township sixteen north, of range thirty-two west of tho sixth P. M. In Lincoln County, Nebraska, re corded In Book 42, Pago 313, of tho Mortgago Records of Lincoln County, Nebraska, to securo a First Mortgago Coupon note or obligation to said U. 8. LIvo Stock Company, a corporation dated the 27 th day of April, 1912, and plaintiff allegon that thcro Is duo upon said noto or obligation the sum of $545.00. with Interest thereon at the rate of C per cont por annum from tho 27th day of October, 1914; ono mort gago for $1000.00 on tho southwest one fourth and tho west one-half of the northwest one-fourth and tho southeast ono-fourth of tho northwost ono-fourth and tho southwest ono-fourth of the southoaBt ono-fourth in section nine teen, township sixteen north, of rnngo thirty-two west of tho sixth P. M. in Lincoln County, Nebraska, recorded In Book 42, Pago 299 of tho Mortgago Records of Lincoln County, Nebraska, to securo a First Mortgago Coupon Noto or obligation to said U. S. LIvo Stock Company, a corporation, dated tho 27th day of April, 1912, and plain tiff alleges that thero Is duo upon said noto or obligation tho Bum of $1090 with Interest at tho rato of C per cent por annum from tho 27th day of Oc tober, 1914. That each and all of tho aforesaid notes and mortgages havo boon duly assigned and transferred to this plaintiff. This plaintiff prays that each and all of said mortgaged premises bo de creed to bo sold to satisfy tho amounts duo thereon and that each and all of said defendants and all porsons claim ing by. through or under them or any of them bo excluded from and fore closed of nil Interest, right, tltlo lien and equity of redemption in to and upon said premises. You nrf, required to answer said pe tition on or before the 26th day of January, 1910. JAMES A. FIKE, Plaintiff. By E. C. Hodder, His Attornoy. E. C. 1IODDEK, Attorney. 645 Omaha National Bank Building Notice to Non-Kcnlilcut Dcfcndnnt Tho dofendants Will Outtrim, Clara C. Outtrim, Austin S. Ghrlst, John E. Ghrlst, Frank Wlllo, C. E. Marquis, first and real name unknown and J. Sidney Smith, and each of them are notined that on tho 18th day of No- ember, 1914, Anna V. Metcalf tiled a petition In tho District Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska against tho said above named defendants Impleaded with others, tho object and prayer of which are to foreclose certain mort gages executed by the dofendants Will Outturn and Clara C. Outtrim on tho 2 tli day of April, 1912, In favor of tho U. b. Live Stock Company, a. corpora tion, upon the fo"owlng described property, situatel in tho County of Lincoln and Stat of i braska, to-wit: Ono moitgage for elOOu 00 on the west ono-half of section twenty-one In township sixteen north of range thirty two vust of tho sixth P. M. Lincoln County, Nebraska, recorded In Book 42, Pago 307 of the Mortgage Records of Lincoln County, Nebraska, to secure a Fit ft Mortgage Coupon note or ob ligation to said U. S. Live Stock Com pany, a corporation, dated tho 27th day of April, 1912 and plaintiff alleges that there Is duo upon said noto or ob ligation the sum of $1090, with Inter est thereon at tho rato of 6 por cent per annum from the 27th day of Oc tober, 1914; One mortgago for $1000.00 on the east one-half of section twenty one In township sixteen north, of range thirty-two west of tho sixth P. Si. in Lincoln County, Nebraska, recorded in Book 42, Page 311 of the Mortgage Records of Lincoln County, Nebraska, to secure a First Mortgage Coupon noto or obligation to said U. S. Live Stock Company, a corporation, dated the 27th day of April, 1912, and plain tiff alleges that there is due upon said note or obligation the sum of $1090, with interest thereon at tho rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 27th day of October, 1914; One mortgage for $500.00 on tho northeast one-fourth of section twenty-nine in township six teen north, of range thirty-two west of the sixth P. M. in Lincoln County, Ne braska, recorded in Book 42, Page 303 of tho Mortgage Records of Lincoln County, Nebraska, to secure a EIrst Mortgage Coupon note or obligation to said U. S. Live Stock Company, a corporation, dated the 27th day of April, 1912 and plaintiff alleges that there Is duo upon said noto or obliga tion the sum of $515.00, with Interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 27th day of October, 1914: One mortgage for $500.00 on the southeast one-fourth of the southeast ono-fourth and tho west one-half of the southeast one-fourth all in section twenty-nine In township sixteen north of rnngo thirty-two west of tho sixth P. M. and tho south half of the south cast one-fourth of the southeast one fourth In section nineteen, in town ship sixteen north, of range thirty-two west of the sixth P. M all in Lincoln County, Nebraskn, recorded In Book 42 and Page 305 of the Mortgage Records of Lincoln County, Nebraska, to securo a First Mortgago Coupon noto or obligation to said U. 8. LIvo Stock Company, a corporation, dated the 27th day of April, 1912 and plaintiff alleges that thero Is due upon said note or ob ligation tho suln of $545.00, with in terest thereon at tho rato of 6 per cent por annum from the 27th day of Oc tober, 1914; One mortgago for $500.00 on tho southwest one-fourth of section twcnty-nlno In township sixteen north, of range thirty-two west of tho sixth P. M. in Lincoln County, Nebraska, recorded In Book 42, Page 309, of tho Mortgage Records of Lincoln County, Nebraska, to secure a First Mortgago note or obligation to said U. S. Live Stock Company, a corporation, dated the 27th day of April, 1912, and plain tiff alleges that thero Is due upon said note and obligation tho sum of $545.00, with Interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 27th day of October, 1914. That each and all of tho aforesaid notes and mortgages have boen duly assigned and transferred to this plaintiff. Tho plaintiff prays that each and all of tho said mortgaged premises bo de creed to bo sold to satisfy the amounts duo thereon and that each and all of said defendants and all persons claiming- by, through or under them or any of thorn be excluded from and foreclos ed of all Interest, right, title, lien and equity of redemption In to and upon said premises. You are required to answer said pe tition on or before the 26th day of Jan uary, 1915. ANNA V. METCALF. Plaintiff. By E. C. Hoddor, Hor Attorney. 13. C. HODDER, Attorney. 640 Omaha National Bank Building Notice to Xoii-HcHldent Defenduiitn Tho defendants, Will Outtrim, Clara C. Outtrim, Frank Wllle, Eunice A. Ghrlst and John Ghrlst, her husband, and ench of them are notified that on the ISth day of November, 1914, James A. Fllce filed a petition In the District Court of Lincoln County, Ne braska ngalnst said above named de fendants Impleaded with others, tho object and prayer of which aro to fore close his certain mortgage executed on tho 27th day of April, 1912 by tho de fendants Will Outtrim nnd Clara C. Outtrim for $500.00 In favor of tho U S. Live Stock Company, a corporation, upon the northwest one-fourth (N. W. ,4) of Section twenty-nlno (29), In township sixteen (16) north, of range thirty-two (32) west of the sixth (6th) P. M , Lincoln County, Nebraska, re corded In Book 42 of Mortgnges, Pago 301, of the Mortgage Itecords of Lin coln County, Nebraska, to securo the payment of a First Mortgage Coupon noto or obligation to the said U. Si Live Stock Company, a corporation, under dato of April 27th, 1912, which said noto nnd mortgago has been duly assigned and transferred to this plain tiff and this plaintiff alleges that there Is now due upon said noto tho sum of $545.00 with lntorest thereon at tho rato of 0 por cont per annum from tho 27th day of October, 1914. The plaintiff prays that said mort gaged promises be decreed to bo sold to satisfy the amount duo thereon and that each nnd all of said defendants and all porsons claiming by, through or under thorn or any of them be oxcluded 'i-0,"! ?? .foreclosed of all Interest, right title, lien and equity of redemp tion In to nnd upon said premises. . You aro required to answer Bald pe tition on or before the 26th day of Jan uary, 1915. JAMES A. FIKE. Plaintiff By E. C. Hodder. His Attorney. V m "Iff JS(CV. .1K .WHWiW'W -