fe Mmth tmUWitskh Wxbnm S , ij - W4i4'14'' Olr x ft P b fc r TWENTY-NINTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., JANUARY 15, 1915. No. 103 Wffiffi!KyUiiSiffiaiaiffiiM 31 - ww WWW A M 1 5fi Ckl AM I k Imi ffi Saturday, h Vll A 1 V HI I 1 hA V 1 i A Ih Saturday, ig January 16l.lillAliMllfl ILI,rikIIllll l J r I I j January 1,6 Mi CLEARl kriLl I NECKWEAR JH 50c values, Saturday ifi 4HC Men's Leather Vests 20 Per Cent OK Your Choice of a Big Display of AH Wool Suits & Stylish Overcoats Regular $18, $20 and $25 Vavues, $9,75 kU mm J HOSIERY 25 and 35c values 20c MensSheepLinedCoats 20 Per Cent Off Manhattan Shirts Saturday 20 per cent off Men's Pants Nothing Reserved, Saturday per cent off Traveling Goods Trunks, Suit Cases and Grips, Saturday 20 per cent off Men's Gloves Work and Dress Gloves, Saturday 20 per cent off Men's Fur Coats . Horse Hide, Russian Calf, Kangeroo, Etc., 20 per cent off Boys' Clothing and Overcoats Saturday 20 per cent off Five Bi ecials For Saturday Men s Wool Shirts .00 and $1.25 values Saturday 80c - Mens and Boys' Mackinaws Any. Mackinaw that sold to $7.50, Saturday Hats Choice of 250 men's Hats that sold tfrom $2 to $3.50, Saturday $1.45- . Men's Shoes One lot of men's work and dress Shoes that sold as high as pLpp, Saturday $1 K Underwear Your choice of all our two piece Underwear that sold to $2.50,' per garment ' 75c The Store ClotKinr of Better Values Fiarcourt & Jensen flie Store wherkjouieel at home y ffiffiffiffiffiSS LOCAL AND PERSONAL The Domestic Sclencve department of the Twentieth Century club will meet with Mrs. Frank Barber Monday afternoon. , We buy hides and "pay the highest market price. Bring them In now while the price is high. MARTI MEAT MARKET. The ladies auxiliary of the Good Samaritan hospital will give an af ternoon tea todax at tho home of Mrs. H. M. Grimes. Fred Marti this week purchased a car-load of corn-fed steers of J. H. Ross, who lives on tho Birdwood. They, are an exceptionally fine lot of beeves. H. C. Diesem, government Irrigation expert, left this morning for Lexing ton, Kearney and other points in the eastern part of the state. Ho expects to go to Lincoln before returning and will be gone several days. N. L. Taylor of Lincoln and his son, J. N. Taylor, of Tindall, Mo., were vis iting in tho city yesterray on business. They are extensivo land owners in Ne braska and were out looking after land matters. Mr. Taylor is a heavy farm er In Missouri. While in tho city they spent some time visiting at tho stato experimental sub-station. -nr $&$ Start the New Year Right By patronizing home industries and buying your cigars of us. We 'use the best tobacco, and make cigars that we are certain will please you. Try one of onr several brands. J. F. Schmalzried. Dr. and Mra. J., B. Redfleld and Dr. and Mrs. O. H. Greasier will entertain the members of tho Harmony club Tuesday evening at the home of the former A large crowd attended tho skating party which was held last evening at tho Lloyd opera houso by the Knights of Columbus. All present report a pleasant evening. Some good exhibi tion skating was given last evening. Weather forecast for North Platte and vicinity Unsettled weather 'to night and Saturday; probable snow; colder tonight. Highest temperature yesterday 49, a year ago 55; lowest last night 25, a year ago 28. H. G,. Connett of Chllcothe, 111., and I. E. Connett, of Edgar, Neb., arrived in tho city last evening, called here by tho finding of their brother's body. Mrs. Vernon Connett widow of the murdered man, will arrivo this after noon. SPECIAL HAM SALE for Suturday Only SWIFT'S PREMIUM HAMS 19c A POUND. WILCOX DEPART3IENT STORE. Commercial dinner at tho Christian church Monday, January 18th, from 11:30 to 1:30, price 30 cents. Tho fol lowing menu will bo sorved: Chicken and hot biscuits, mashed potatoes and gravy, browned parsnips, cranberry sauce, pickles, raspberry pie, coffee and milk. Price 30 cents. Mrs, J. J. Halllgan entertained yes terday at a luncheon at her home on west Second street. Thirty-six ladles woro entertained and a pleasant aftor noon was roported. Tho guests were seated at small tables and o lovely hreo-courso lncheon was served. A number of visiting ladles were among tho puests. PINAL CLEAN UP OF CLOAKS, SUITS AND SKIRTS If there is a lady in Lincoln county that needs a coat, suit or a skirt and has the money to pay for it, we aro go ing to sell It to her If price will do it. Lntllcs.' Conts We have made threo lots of our ladies coats. Lot 1, Coats that sold at all prices up to $12, your choice of tho lot for $5. Lot 2 All $15 to $25 coats, either cloth or fur fabrics, all high grade and of tho best workmanship, your choice of the entire lot for $10.00. Lot 3 consists of all high grade coats that liavo sold for $30, $35 and $40; coats that aro not only stylish, but far above the average grade, your choice for 13.00. Ladles' Sulth Your choice of any suit In the stock, at absolutely One Half Price. Lndleb' Skirls Consisting of all tho new syles and better cloths, selling up to $12.00 each.. Wo offer your choice of Any Skirt in tho Stock $.".0. This Sale will start Saturday, Jan. ICth, and close February 1st. Remember we want to close out ev ery fall and wlntor garment and have offered you a prlco that if you want goods should make you come and buy thorn. Come early so as to get your choice. WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE Mrs. J. J. Halllgan will entertain Tuesday at a lunrheon In favor of Miss Kathleen Doyle who is visiting lioio from Linroln. Mrs. Mary Dunn Dies. Mrs. Mary Dunn, for many years a resident of this city, passed away this morning at tho homo of her daughter, Mrs. James Hart, on west Second street, following an illness of about; flvo weeks resulting from a fall which broke her hip. She was sovonty-olght years, eight months and four days of ago at the time of lier death. Mrs. Dunn was born in Canada May 11, 183C. She camo to tho United States when a girl and lived for many years in Iowa. Sho later came west and settled in North Platte. Sho leaves several children and grand children to mourn her demise, her husband having passed on somo years ago. Tho body will bo shipped Sunday to Anamosa, Iowa, whoro the funeral will bo held and burial made. It Is a long twiy to our store, but It is worth )our time to get our prices on (JrorcrlcH, Dry Goods, Shoes nnd Clothing. ,0ur Grocery Prices reduce the high cost of litlng. CALLENDER'S CASH STORE. Closing Out Sale Having sold my business proporty, I will sell stoves and hardware at re duced prices. Call and bo convinced if you need any thing in my lino. . HERSIIEY HARDWARE STORE, Phone 15. 102-4 Opposlto Postofilco. diet Macomber, who was arrested tho first of tho week with a number of young men for disturbing tho peace, announces that lio was released by tho court beforo tho trial was held us ovcidenco proved that ho was not a party to tho complaint, Tho other young men wore all released. Tho old coal chUteB In tho Union Pa cific yards near Locust street aro be ing torn down by a forco of mon. Tho old lumber is being sold for kindling and tho steel nnd iron devices nro bo- ing saved for ubo by tho company. This will mako a big improvement in the appcaranco of that part of tho city. FOR CATTLE HIDES Not Frozen wo pay 12 Cents Up. NORTH PLATTE JUNK CO. Lutheran Jlrothcrhood Meets'. Tho Lutheran brotherhood was de lightfully entertained Tuosday even ing at tho Oscar Sandnll homo at 303 east Eight street. The first part of tho entertainment conslstedof open- lng tho question box and thoro wore a number of questions. Somo of thoso woro nnswered and many went un answered. Following thiB tho debato Was had and tho judges decided in fa vor of tho affirmative. Tho question under debato was "Resolved: That a cash Bystem would bo moro beneficial to both thp merchant and tho public than tho credit basis,." Tho Judges were Dr. Cressler, A. W, Shilling and Charles Hendy. Following tho debate tho business mooting of tho organization was hold and tho regular Lenten meetings were arranged for., Tlieso will bo hold ev ery week during lent and thoy will bo gin on February lOtli. A leader and a speaker have been selected to havo charge of each mooting. Following tho business meeting a nice supper was sorved by tho hosts. Now Ambulance for North Platte. By tho courtesy of Derryberrjt1& ForllOS tho Good SnmiirMnti linanHnl Is now equipped with a thoroughly modorn nmbiilanco which, they put in uso for tho first timo Wednesday morning. Some weeoks ago whllo Mr, Forbes was off on his vacation ho purchased tho nmbulanco of a St. Louis firm and ordered It shipped here and it arrived this week. It was purchased by tho firm of Dorryberry & Forbes and thoy decided to let tho hospital liavo tho uso of it gratis. This will add greatly to tho equipment of the llOBPitol, ' 'J- Tho ambulance Is a French gray vohlclo thoroughly equipped "With every convenience. It Is rubber tired and iB.fitttod with springB thatvlll mako it comfortable for any patient to rldo In. By tho hospital getting tho uso of it froo is as good as 'Own ing tho vehicle. Jsjr Dr. H. C. Brock, dentist, tional Bank Building. Signet Chaptor No. 55, O. E. S. was delightfully entertained last evening at a banquet nnd an initiation meet ing, A largo attendance was present and a pleasant evening enjoyed L8l. FirsfifNc lOltf ' CAR THE NEW DODGE will be on Exhibition Tomor row at Hendy & Ogier's Notice. Woodward, tho sign painter, Is spending this week In North Platto. Seo him for sign work. Ho gives tho best and most attractlvo designs, tf 1!.. Tl..i. 253 aero improved farm one milo from Ovorton, Neb., about 1G0 aprcssin cultivation, 15 acres alfalfa, balance hay and pnsturo; houso flvo rooms; barri for eight head of horses; farm fonccd and cross fenced. Enquire of NEBRASKA INVESTMENT CO? 202 First National BahU, 103t2 Lincoln, Neb. Eat Alfalfa Queen Butter ; It is Always Fresh and Sweet Can bo Bought Anywhere in North Platto. ? Made by the North Platte Creamery We also sell Good Clean Buttermilk Phone 62. rAmmammwmmmnM umnwmmmnmmmmmum m h 1 J