The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 12, 1915, Image 3

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A Real Foe
Cape of Satin for Dressy Wear
To HealOi is a
Weak Stomach
"California Syrup of Figs" can't
harm tender stomach,
liver and bowels.
I Fron
From this source arises
fe7JTi T3 TTlTTXIiSl
Every mother realizes, after giving
iher children "California Syrup of
Figs" that this Is their Ideal laxative,
because they love its pleasant taste
And It thoroughly cleanses the tondor
llttlo stomach, liver and bowels with
out griping.
When cross, Irritable, feverish, or
breath is bad, stomach sour, look at
the tongue, mother I If coated, give a
teaspoonful of. this harmless "fruit
laxative," and In a few hours all the
foul, constipated waste, sour bile and
undigested food passes out of' the bow
els, and you have a well, playful child
again. When its little system is full
of cold, throat sore, has stomach-ache,
diarrhoea, Indigestion, colic romom
ber, a good "Inside cleaning" should
always bo the first treatment given.
Millions of mothers keep "California
Syrup of Figs" handy; they know a
teaspoonful today Bavcs a sick child
tomorrow. Ask at the store for a GO
cent bottlo of "California Syjup ol
Figs," which has dlroctlon3 fofbablcs,
children of all ages nnd grown-ups
printed on the bottlo. Adv.
The Censor.
Tho Washington Star relates that
Mayor Baker of Cleveland, In defense
of a political movement that had been
attacked, said tho other day:
"It's an honest movement and a
straightforward movement, and they
who attack It aro as censorious as tho
Scabrlght old maid.
"A Seabright old maid was talking
to a sunburned college boy on tlio
beach. A pretty girl passed and tho
old maid said:
" 'There goes Minnie Summers. You
took her to tho hop last evening, didn't
" 'Yes,' said tho collcgo boy, and he
added politely: 'As I was taking leave
of Miss Summers after the hop it
dawned Upon me '"
"'It dawned!' said the old maid.
You kept her out till dawn! That's
what these new danco3 lead up to!"'
Don't Look Oldl Try Grandmother'a
Rectpe to Darken and Beautify
Gray, Faded, Lifeless Hair.
Grandmother kept her hair beauti
fully darkened, glossy and abundant
with r. brew of Sago Tea and Sulphur.
Whenever her halt fell out or took on
that dull, faded or streaked appear
ance, this simple mixture was applied
with wonderful effect. By asking at
any drug store for "Wyoth's Sage and
Sulphur Hair Remedy," you will get a
large bottle of this old-time recipe,
ready to uso, for about 50 cents. This
simple mixture can bo depended upon
to restore natural color and beauty
to tho hair and is splendid for dan
druff, dry, Itchy scalp and falling hair.
A well-known druggist says every
body uses Wyoth's1 Sago and Sulphur,
because it darkens so naturally and
evenly that nohody can tell it has been
applied it's sdleasy to use, too. You
simply dampen' a comb or soft brush
and draw it through your hair, taking
one strand at a time. By morning
tho gray hair disappears; after an
other application or two, It- Is re
stored to its natural color and looks
glossy, soft and abundant. Adv.
"No matter how hard misfortunes
strike some men, they never lose their
"1 dare say that's true."
"I know a man whoso favorite order
used to be, 'Walter, a bottle of wine.'
Nowadays ho puts on Just as many
airs when he says, 'Heinle, a bucket of
Buds.' "
Some Interesting Facts
Kidney Troubles.
Few people realize to what extent theit
health depends upon the condition of the
The physician in nearly all cases oi
serious illness, makes a chemical analysis
of the patient'u urine. He knows that
unless the kidneys are doing their work
properly, the other organs cannot readily
be brought back to health and sticnftth.
When the kidneys are neglected or
nbuscd in iny way, serious results are
sure to follow. According to health
statistics, Bright's disease, which is really
an advanced form of kidney trouble,
caused nearly ten thousand deaths in
1013 in the statu of New York alone.
Therefore, it behooves us to pay more
attention to the health of tlirse most
Important organs.
An ideal herbal compound that has
had remarkable success ns a Kidney lcm
edy is Dr. Kilmer's Swnmp-Itoot, the
great Kidney, Liver nnd Bladder llemedy.
The mild nnd healing influence of this
preparation in most canes is soon realized,
according to sworn statements and verified
testimony of those who have used the
If jou feel that your Kidneys require
attention, nnd wish a cample bottle, write
to Dr. Kilmci & Co., Uinghnmton, N. Y.
Mention this paper, enclose ten cents and
, thoy will gladly forward it to jou by
Parcel Post.
Swamp-Root is cold by every druggist
In bottles of two sizes !0o and $1.00. Adv.
Its Nature.
( "I've got work with a circus, tend
ing to tho animals."
"What a beastly Jot!"
WwC- lK'r11 tmM tmW &''dP5 P5r
I V iiilMraW'ii fil ilHy 1 1 J MP 'iii?.gttiii'.Ot:. .a &) ,w
LONG and ample cape of black
satin, lined with satin In a con
trasting color, and Interlined for addi
tional warmth, develops a new idea in
treatment of the neck. Here a wide
ruff, like the body of the cape, makes
an attractive finish and a protection
for the throat at the same time. Tho
plaiting for the ruff is graduated in
width, growing narrower from the
sides toward the front. But It is suffi
ciently wide to enfold tho back of the
head, the ears and tho throat when
the cape Is fastened In the front. '
A long sllk-covorcd cord extends
about the base of the ruff, terminating
In two cabochons (made of tho cord),
one at each side. Long endB termi
nating in heavy silk tassels fall from
tho center of each of these silk orna
ments. l
A narrow niching made of satin llko
that In the lining outlines the hem
on tho Inside of tho cape all around.
It is a dainty finish, handmade and
This Is one of tho longest of capes
and one of the few intended solely
for evening or other dressy wear.
The cape, which occupied the cen
ter of tho stage as the newest and
most chic of wraps at the beginning
of tho season, did not capture tho
popular fancy, but was admired by a
is an attractive novelty.
There are many jeweled hair bands
discriminating fpllowing among those
Fancy Combs and
LL sorts of fancy shell combs, or
namental hairpins, hair bands and
small barottes, bespeak tho return to
favor of more elaborate styles in hair
dressing. Tho combs are shaped In
bo many different ways and made in
so many different sizes that one con
cludes they are fashioned to he worn
in any position on the head which
suits the fancy.
A great variety In shell combs, pins
and ornaments nro set with rhlne
stones and sparkling colored stones.
The combs and other ornaments ae
shown In tortoise colorings, amber,
black, whlto, and gray. Besides white
rhlnestones there are settings in em
erald, amethyst, garnet nnd topaz
A popular comb, of which an exam
ple Is shown In the picture, Is mado
to wear when the hair is done In
a French coll. It is long and the teeth
are Joined to a band which is some
times narrower at one end than at tho
other, and sometimes pointed at the
ends. This comb may be had with
tho teeth hinged on ho that It can be
adjusted to the head in different po
sitions. A slugle row of stones, or a
row extending all around the edge of
the band, gives a pretty sparkle to
this comb Often the band Is entirely
encrusted with stones. This more
than doubles the prlco of the comb
without aJdlng much to Its attrac
tion, A very popular large hell pin Is
shown In tho picture. One or two of
these pliiB is thrust In the hair nt
the sides when It is coiled low. Or
a pair is sometimes seen In a long
French coll.
The large Farrar comb Is worn la
SSL '"MS ! li fuwSf
vkv -Mi hMwm
m II li I mm
VI ' '-.-- M$m4 i' V - -"i 4 1
who follow radical new departures In
Ths cape has been featured In com
binations with othor wraps, where It
is usually short aud suggests the capo
of tho cavalier type. Its best and
most attractive development as a gar
ment for protection Is portrayed In
tho picture given here, where It Is
shown as a rich and graceful evening
Velvet Dresses With Tunics.
Although many dress skirts nro in
circular cut, this Is rarely tho case
with velvet dresses, as the long tunic
is especially good In velvet, says the
Drygoods Economist. These long
oversklrts, as they may be called, re
quire weight in the cloth to, make
them hang gracefully, and are, there
fore, an attractive style for velvet.
Circular skirts are very apt to hang
unevenly In velvet, as the weight of
the cloth drags down tho skirt at the
New Silk for Winter.
For more dressy toilettes the new
fabric known as satln-regence, a. soft
silk that seems to have an almost in
visible stripe In it, nnd the graceful
amalgamation of tulle and fur nnd fur
and velours will amply be exploited
this winter. In the now claret or
deep wine shade, satln-regence prom
ises a flattering vogue.
Hair Ornaments
several dlfferont positions on tho head
and Is a showy and splendid affair
of many jewels. The teeth support
a fan-shaped or scroll top which afford
much surfaco for rhlnestones.
A small ornamental pin to thrust In
tho hair colled high on the head is
shown In the picture, which is some
thing between a comb and n pin, tak
ing tho place of either. It Is of tor
toise Bhell set with rhlnestones, and
made of filigree silver, ribbon and
tinsel braid. And outside of orna
ments of shell or metal aie others of
millinery and ribbon (lowers.
Rolled Pique Collars.
Rolled pique collars that aro at
tached to vest fronts of tho same can
bo added to any coat front, or will go
with tho oue-pleco dress that Is al
wa8 opened with a deep V at tho
neck. Tho plquo In all these models
Is neither stiff nor limp; It lias to he
wired if It is to stand up about the
neck. All the pique models are not
plain; some of them are In very fancy
weaves or havo a little running spray
of whlto mercerized embroidery along
the edges.
Some pretty bets for dresses or
coats aro mado of silk iu gay baya
doro stripes. The deep gauntlet cuffs
aro held together by cuffllke buttons.
Tho collars are of the samo sailor
shapes as tho pique or the lawn
Spring Colors.
Among tho colors for spring nro
putty, greenish tans and grays, old
tapestry blues and dark shades goner
The blessings of her qulot llfo
Fell on us llko tho ilow.
And good thoughts, whuro her foot
stcpi pressed
l.lko fairy blossoms grew.
Wo mint remembor In feeding grow
Ing bojs nnd girls that food sorves a
doublo oUlc:o b o s I d e s
building tho waste tlssuo
lost In work and play, it
must help tho bodies to
grow. That Is tho rea
son that a boy from
twclvo to fifteen years of
ago uce'ds as much and
as hearty food as a full-
grown man.
Milk, eggs and meat aro tho foods
that build tissue; cereals, fats and su
gars glvo energy. Fruits nnd veg:
tables supply tho mineral salts and
materials which mako good blood and
The first foods mentioned aro tho
most important, most expensive nnd
most often poorly uaod. Thoy can
sustain life longer than any of tho
Dietitians differ ns to tho tlmo of
introducing meat Into tho child's diet,
but tho most natural way Is to give
tho child his energy foods In mill: nnd
combinations of milk and eggs until
ho has a good sot of teeth to mastl
cato tho heartier meat.
Eggs should bo given in vnrlouo
forms nt least onco a day. Scrambled
with cold cooked rlco will bo a method
which will economize with eggs, yet
mako a most palatable and sustaining
Soft cooked eggs Bhould bo tho rulo
for children, or when cooked In va
rious ways, bo sure that thoy aro not
cooked tough and hard.
Tho best meats for children aro
chicken, beef, lamb and bacon onco In
a while. Children should never bo,
given meat oftenor"thnn onco a day
and then in small portions.
Cereals are of such variety that ono
may have a different kind every day
In tho year, nearly. Oatmeal, the Ben
Blblo fooiLjv.if long and well-cooked,
and sorved with thin cream or top
milk and sugar, makes a most whole
somo breakfast for any child. In all
cooking of cereals for children or for
anyone, In fact, tho long cooking Is
an important point to emphasize.
Tho Importnnco of fruits and vege
tables for children cannot bo too
well emphasized.
S t o w o d fruit fa
snfor for young
children, but after
reaching tho ago of
sovon, fresh fruit,
if ripe and clean,
Is tho greatest ad
dition to the di
etary. Orango juico may bo given to
a very young child provided it is not
followed or preceded by milk. A tea
spoonful of orange. Juice Is ono of thp
best tonics to glvo a baby. Stowed
prunes nro wholesome, as well as
figs and dates In moderation for tho
school child. A child who is fed dried
fruits will not cravo swoets and cake
which are unwholesome, especially bo
tween meals.
Bananas aro such a good, cheap
fruit that wo should havo them
served oftoner In vnrlous ways. Thoy
contain bturch, and in consequenco
Bhould bo thoroughly rlpo to bo wholo
some. Thoy mny borlpened at homo,
and when the skins aro quite dark
,thoy nro best to eat uncooked. Ono
of the things about bananas which
cause digestive troubles Is tho astrin
gent substanco noxt tho skin. Caro
fully scrapo the bannnn after the skin
Is removed nnd tho Irritating prlnclplo
will be removed.
Bananas sliced with sugar and
cream make a most tasty dish for a
child's lunch or supper. As a salad,
with lemon Juice and olive oil or
sweet salad with oranges nnd pine
apple they mako a nourishing des
sert. Cooked bananas are especially nour
ishing. Baked with butter and a little
lemon juice they aro both palatable
and nutritive. Tho cooking furthers
the digestion of starch In tho fruit
and thus makes them moro digestible
Children's food should be, first of all,
simple. Too many kinds of combina
tions are upsetting to tho delicate
Htomach of a child. So In serving
fruits seo that they havo variety, but
not moro thnn twoyklnds at ono moal.
What is true of frultB Is also true of
vegetables. They should bo fresh and
In a good condition. All vegetables
containing w;oody fiber should bo well,
and thoroughly cooked.
A Diplomat.
Brlggs Does your wife over let you
have your own way In anything?
Griggs Yes, but sho doesn't know
U. You see, whonever I want to do
anything I pretend I want to do tho
exact opposite.
Rebuking a Poet.
Poet I wroto that poem to keep
tho wplf from tho door.
Editor Well, If tho wolf reads tho
poom you can bet that he'll keop away
from tho door. Good day.
Brown In a frying pan in a small
amount of fnt n pleco of mutton cut
1 n Bcrvlng-sized
pieces, add a cup
ful of boiling water
and a carrot with
a fow diced pota
toes, soason well,
and when boiling
hot set into tho
cooker for threo
hours. At thp tlmo of sorting tnko
from tho cooker and reheat to Bervo.
Hungarian Goulash. Cut a quartet
of a pound of salt pork into dlco and
cook In a hot frying pnn until crisp
and brown. Cut two poundB of round
steak into small ploccs, roll In flour
and browri "slightly In tho pork fat.
Add two cupfuls of tomatoes, two
minced onions, ono bny lenf, three
cloves, six pepporcorns, ?.nd n half
cupful of diced colcry. Add seasonings
and cook all togothcr until boiling hot
Sot in the cookor to cook for two or
thrco hourB. Serve with potatoes or
potato pancakes.
Fowl In Cooker. Drcsfl and trusB
tho fowl ns for roasting. Placo it in
a largo vessel of t,ho cookor, add boil
ing wntor to cover, an onion stuck
with thrco cloves, two tablespoonfuls
of rlco, and a llttlo coarsely choppod
celery. Bring very slowly to tho boiling
point. Cook until boiling hot, placo in
tho cookor nnd lot stand two or throe
hours. Hemovo and reheat, sometimes
all day to havo a tender chicken.
Corned Beef. Place tho piece oi
meat In cold water to cover, bring to
tho boiling point, and if tho water
Boems very saltyedlscard It and add
fresh boiling water. Put boiling hot
into tho cooker and lot cook over
night If ono desires vegetables
with the moat they may bo added
whllo reheating tho meat, then cook
for another threo hours. If tho cooker
Is oponed during tho cooking it must
bo brought to tho boiling point again,
as tho Btcam escapes, losing much
heat. Cabbage, turnips, carrots and
all vegetables which aro cooked with
tho meat should bo boiling hot beforo
bolng put into tho cooker. It must bo
remembered that a much longor tlmo
1b needed to cook nil foods In tho
Economy is said to bo tho good road
to wealth, and one of tho best posslblo
ways of exorcising that
srrA oxcollont quality Is in
u yfy. saving food Btuffs Hard-
L. L tV ) -' Iu nr iirnmnn Iri i linn.
J UIIU IT UiklttU i i umu-
dred would think It
worth whllo to savo tho
feet of two or tljroo
fowls. Yet thoro -Is a
largo quantity of gela
tin In tho foot and thoy add very ma
terially to tho stock pot Thoro
should nover bo a bono, raw or cooked,
thrown away until It has passed
through tho stock pot. Tho trimmings
from moat and many vegetables aro
also an addition to tho soup stock
flavor. Tho tough end of steak, If cut
In small bits and cooked with vego
tables, will mako a moBt tasty stow,
or cooked with macaroni nnd gravy
makes a most hearty supper dish forla
chilly, cold night. A speaker promi
nent In household economics Is quoted
as saying "that no economical woman
needs a garbago pall." Tho garbago
pall Is too often tho llttlo leak that
sinks tho great ship of household ef
ficiency. What would ono say to thp woman
who removes tho marrow from tho
bones of steaks and stews and puts it
Into the garbago? Yet this Is a com
mon occurrence in many homos, nits
of fat that nro not liked whon cooked
or aro loft after serving may bo ren
dered and clarified, then used for
shortening. Fats from ducks, chick
ons and gecso are by many considered
much bettor than butter for flno cook
ing. Tho small bit of fat which seemed
too small to savo might have been
used to brown tho vegotablo for tho
stow or chowder. Egg shells aro use
ful to settlo coffee and clear soup.
Wash eggs as they como from the mar
ket and the shells will then bo ready
to uso. A half cupful of potato or
cabbago may bo used to flavor a cream
If a cupful of cold rlco is left, add It
to two or three beaten eggs and havo
a good, hot auppor dish. Cold eggs,
cither soft or hard cooked, may bo
used for garnishing, Tho soft oggs
should bo further cooked until hard.
Chopped egg added to a whlto sauce
and poured over toast will mako tho
children a good auppor dish.
YTlueU- TTurcZc-.
Sure Enounh!
"Somo people," romarkod Morton
Muslngham, "look tho samo whether
going to a funoral or a wedding."
"Well," roplled J. Pullor Gloom, who
is cordially dotestod for his pessimism,
"why shouldn't they?" Puck.
In These Piping Times.
Salesman Perhaps this French doll
will please tho baby.
Buyer No, sir; I'm strictly nou
tral. Qlmmo a drum and a gun and
a box of soldiera and it toy pistol.
such ills as Poor Appe
tite, Nausea, Heartburn,
Indigestion, Dyspepsia,
Biliousness and Consti
pation. You can conquer
and fortify the system
against such foes by the
timely use of
Stomach Bitters,
Bo Suro you get the Genuine.
bT CutUr't BltelliS 11111. Low.
priced, fraih, raliablt: preferred bf
Wnhm ttxmn. bwauie tti
prottct whve ctfiir vaccina fail.
Writ for booklet and tratlmnnuti.
10'deu pkjt. UleokUj mil (1.03
tO-dew pkie. BluetltJ Pllli 4 09
llm anr Inlet-tar. but Cutteri beat.
Tho tuporlorltr of Cutter product la due to orer IS
fear or aiwlillilng In vaoitntt and atrutns crly.
Inilit on Cutter's. U unnbUUublo, order direct.
The Cutter Laboratory. Berkeley. Ctl.. or Cnltaae. ill
Given Prompt and Poalllro tteltrf In Every (
Cuso. Bold by DrURfflBl. i'iicel.w.
Trial Package) by Mall 10c
WILLIAMS MFG. CO., Props.. Cleveland. 0. 1
Born Diplomat.
"Harry, I am beginning to believe
tho baby looko llko you."
"Aro you, doar?"
"Yes, I notlco It moro and moro ev
ery day. I'm ho glad."
"Do you really want hlra to look like
"Of course I do. I'vo been sorry
over oluco wo had him christened that
wo didn't glvo him your namo."
"Sweetheart, you don't know how
happy you mako mo by Baying that,"
"And, Harry, dear I found tho love
liest lint today. : don't bollevo I over
saw anything that was bo becoming to
mo. It'B ?25. Do you think I ought to
pay that much for a hat?" Chicago
"Pape's Diapcpsin" cures sick,
sour stomachs in five minutes
Time Itl
"Really dooo" put bad Btom&chs la
order "really does" overcomo Indiges
tion, dyspopsla, gas, heartburn and
sourness in flvo minutes that Just
that makoB Papo's Dlapopsln tho lar
gost selling stomach regulator In tho
world. If what you cat ferments Into
stubborn lumps, you belch gas and
oructato sour, undigested food and
acid; head is dizzy and aches; breath
foul; tongue coated; your lnsldcs filled
with bile and indigestible waste, ro
momber tho moment "Papo's Dlapep
stn" comes in contact with tho stomach
all such distress vanishes. It's truly
astonishing almost marvelous, and
tho joy Is its harmlessuoss.
A largo flfly-cpnt case of Papo'a Dla
popsln will give you a hundred dollars'
worth of satisfaction.
It's worth its weight in gold to men
and women who can't got their atotu
nchs regulated. It belongs in your
homo should always bo kept handy
in caso of sick, Bour, upset stomach
during tho day or at night. It's tho
quickest, surest and most harmless
stomach doctor in tho world. Adv.
Tho only way to get along with soma
people Is carefully to conceal your
opinion of thorn.
()" UIO IIDAi ltYt"t. bCWll WOM( VI H
. whero, Fool your friends, tots of fun, Tha
'Ventrilophone jn,il
lafn All A MAfc AAM JltM rfBtltf A MAW
tnat lit s in tns mouin ana cannot oa seen.
Boys and Girls can usa It. Also complete)
Instructions on uts of VetUrliopnona
AUUIili CO., fox 82, Stamford, Conn. "
Useful Ariiffcia! Arms
Write for free catalog "B 10."
Carnes Artlfiois! Limb Company
1 1 m
I the kiddies
I a needed hot drink
I that is wholesome
I and not harmful
I Vcn Houten'9 Rona
I Cocoa. Red can.
1 half-pound