THE NORTH PATTB SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, PRIDAY.JANUARY 8, 1915. KeithSTheatre Monday, Jan'y 11th. A Story of the Great Blizzard By GEORGE V. EDSON Self Accused WATCH By M. QUAD Copyright, 1314, by tho McClura Newspaper Syndicate. '' . 't ' T 0 FOR OUR 1 A H,inv;TiTirnMErauiiiiMi..i.j.ii.,M '; Get all the Facts About THE V Panama Expositions. You need not spend a fortune to visit California and its Expositions in 1915 Anyone in moderate circum stances can go and its a wise investment in pleasure and education. Simply sign and mail coupon below, or if you prefer, drop a postal asking for Book Number 108 and you will receive free a profusely illustrated G4 page booklet con taining valuable information about hotel and restaurant rates, Exposition admission fees, railroad and Pullman fares. Outlines how to vary your trip by going over one line and returning over another thereby gaining a more comprehensive idea of the great west; describes many free side trips enroute as well as stopover points of partic ular interest; tells how to see both expositions and prac tically the whole state of California for a single Exposi tion fare; in is a guide book giving just the infor mation you require to form complete plans for your west ern tour and at a vast saving in cost. You know before starting just what the trip will cost. Begin laying your plans now. GET THIS BOOK TODAY IT'S FREE! Return This Coupon Today. GERRITT F.ORT, Passenger Traffic Manager, Union Pacific Railroad Company, Omaha, Nebraska, I would be glad to receive FREE your illustrated "California Exposition Book" No. 108 and other informa tion of assistance in planning a California trip. NAME ADDRESS . . . : sn SSBfiBP'SSPS'WWKW Dress in Comfort You need a good, warm room to shave and dress in. A Per fection Smokeless Oil Heater will warm any ordinary room in a few minute3. The Perfection Is port able; you can take it to sitting-room, cellar or attic any room where extra heat is needed and it is specially convenient in very cold weather. The Perfection is econo mical, too it burns only when you need it. No coal, no kindling; no dirt, no allies. Good-looking; easy to 'clean. H PERF SMOKELE TION HEATERS guaranteed odorless and smokeless. For Bale at hardware and general stores every where. Look for tho Triangle trademark. STANDARD OIL COMPANY """ (NBDHASKA) OMAHA j22u8 naumammma It was the night that tho great bliz zard of 1SSS cniiio whirling down from tho clouds. I, n medical uinn. was out on tho i-oittl driving homo In my buggy (that was before tho day of autouio biles) about 1 o'clock in tho morning Tho snow grow deeper ami deeper, and I began to get uneasy. My horse now and ngain would stop and look about lilni, apparently as uneasy as 1. Dumb animals, though they are more easily filghtened thnn men. sometimes nianl fest u strong sense of danger under what may appear ordinary elrcuni stances. There was a large, square brleU house beside the road a few hundred feet ahead of me. I could distinguish its dark bull:, there being no lights within. Mennwhile I was becoming benumb ed and drowsy. I remember reaching a point directly before the house, get ting out of the buggy and Uounderlng to the door. I hoped to secure assist ance to get my horso under cover This is the Inst I have ever been able to recnll of beiug out In that terrible blizzard. Tho next thing beforo mo was the dooi opening and a man, very palo and ex cited, saying: "Come in. doctor. We were fearful that yon would not get here." The house was lighted and servants were moving about hurriedly, Just as 1 had often seen them doing In houses where somo one was very ill. The man who ndtnltted mo led me upstairs and Into n room where n girl appar cntly about eighteen years old lay on a bed. My conductor turned down the bedclothlng, spotted with blood, and revealed towels that were used to stop hemorrhage. 1 cautiously removed them, but, seeing the red fluid pour out, I quickly replaced them. While thinking what to do 1 glanced about the apartment. Tho furniture was such as was used during tho early part of the nineteenth century, the bed on which the girl was lying having a canopy supported by four high posts There- were heavy curtains to the win dows. Near a fireplace stood two per sons, nn old woman and a young man. who were looking at me uppeallngly, and I knew they were begging mo to save the girl's life. I noticed that their dress was old fashioned. They resem bled each other, and I guessed they were mother and son. Tho mother's arms were about her boy. Casting a glance at tho man standing beside mo, I saw that ho was about the ago of the woman with her son and Judged that ho was tho husband and father. On a lounge lay a sword, and .there was blood on the blade. I formed a conclusion, largely from the young man'B agonized appearance, that lie had stabbed the girl. I had no instruments with me, but 1 needed none, for I saw that the girl was dying. To stanch that flow of blood was beyond my skill. I replaced tho bedclothlng and stood over the In valid, avoiding the appealing gazo of tho others until it was plain that all was over, then turned away. After leaving the room it seems to mo now that I walked into oblivion, for I was not conscious of anything till 1 felt something hot passing down ray throat I opened my eyes and saw a man hold ing mo, while another man was hold ing a flask. I don't suppose that my vision, dream or whatever it was could have lasted over two or three minutes. The men saw me drive by tho house they were In, n few hundred ynrds below, and, realizing that I was In danger, started after mo. 1 had left my buggy and, bewildered by one of the whirlwinds that came without Intermission, had fallen in the snow. They put me back into my buggy and managed to get tho team and mo to their house, where a cheerful fire was blazing, and after another hot dose I was put to bed, where 1 slept soundly till morning. All that day the snow came down, whirling as It fell. and the next day also. It was sev enty hours before tho road became passable and I got away. Beforo leaving 1 expressed n desire to go into tho house before which 1 had been rescued. Tho persons with whom I had been lodged told mo that it was vacant and tho key In posses sion of a man and his wife living n short distance up the road. 1 begged them to borrow it for me, which they did, and I went to the house and en tered it Now comes tho singular part of my story. I had certainly not been in that house before, and yet I saw it Just as I had seen It when admitted by the man -who had led me to tho bed of the stricken girl. The passageway was the same, the room was tho same, and there stood the great four poster bed stead. Hut the bed was made up, and there was no one except tuybelf pres ent I Inquired If any murder had been committed there, but no one remem bered any such occurrence At the same time I was told that the house was very old more than a hundred years and much might have taken place thorn that would not bo known to succeeding generations. What is my theory? Well, 1 nm n medical mnn and in my old ago am beginning to realize that there nro many things In the universe beyond our ken. 1 have no theory, but I do not believe my vision was a mere dream 1 had been practicing uw In the town of Lancaster for about four years when Jnmes lllgglns, merchant, was murdered. According to the testimony of his wife, they were aroused at mid night by u nolso downstairs, and he went down to investigate. Sho heard angry words, followed by a shot, and, giving tho alarm, It was found that , the husband, had been shot through the heart Tho flrst suspect arrested was the hostler at the barns of one of tho ho tels, lie had been seen on the streets at midnight; ho was known to have a pistol; ho botrayed many signs of guilt when arrested. I was employed In his ' defense and nftcr half, an hour's talk with him came to tho conclusion that he was guilty, lie djdn't admit his guilt, but at the same time he didn't deny it with the wnrmlh expected of an innocent man It was an accident altogether that I made a series of dis coveries. This man planned with an other to break open the passenger depot and rob the safe. Tliej had been surprised In their work by a tramp, and the hostlci was afraid n talk to me or any one else of the mur der case for fear of being found out lu tho lesser crime. When onco I had the things straightened out It did not take long to upset the cae of the police I had scarcely done this when 1 was up bet myself. A building contractor named OtlR came to me to make a confession. lie had reasons to suspect that Lllgglns had ruined his home, and when there was no longer any doubt in his mind he had determined to kill tho man. 1 went to work on the ense, but was bowled over at the very outset. Mrs Otis declared In the most cmphatle way that she had never spoken a doz en words to lllgglns and her husband had never intimated that be had the slightest cause for Jealousy or any man, and. better than nil. sho could prove that from 10 o'clock In the even Ing until two hours after midnight on the night of the murder ho wus home and In bed and quite HI. Thls.Hhe did prove by two witnesses. Otis laid told mo a purely Imaginative story, and lie stuck to It for bo vend days, but at length denied everything. Then weir who mild he wiu "off" In in head, but he talked and acted as it huh umii and returned to his busmen n Hotm as relensed The police now returned to their tli-i theory The deed bad surcl been iui. bj some one who had enteied u house for plunder. After some dn. they arrested a saloonkeeper In a tow n -some flvo miles away, claiming to haw a straight case against him, and (lie man had been under nrrcst three 101 four days when I came into the eitte again. A young man named Baiters who was a student of the state norniu school, enmo to my house at 10 o'clock at night to make a confession He wu the murderer of lllgglns. Lllgglns hull accidentally got hold of some love U'f ters which the young man had written and had refused to give them up im less than $100 Not having the on to pity and being lendercU dcpei itite. he hud gone to t,ciircu the iioiim at night Sul tew told or the coiiveisn tlon when lllgglns came down the stairs how he got lu and got out nud all the details. I advised him to go to the police, and, as lu the other case, they locked him up and felt sure that they had at last got the right man. I was not retained by young Snlters, who said that he would make no de fense, but I set out to clear up a few points to satisfy my own curiosity. I was not long lu ascertaining that lie was not In love with any girl and had never been known to write a love let ter, also that he was In a town twenty miles away on the night or the min der. When these facts became known to tho police they had to drop their case, though Suiters protested to the last that he was guilty. There was one more instance, and It partook of the ridiculous nt once one legged man named Wells, a resl dent of tho town, gave himself up to the police us the murderer He claimed to be a somnambulist and that the deed was done while he was asleep. He didn't think ho ought to be punished, but he wanted to be trjed and acquitted. Not one true statement did he make In his story, and he was told to take his leg and get out Tho hunt for the true criminal was kept up for n year, but he was never discovered. The ollce were no doubt right in the (lrst theory. The man en tered tho house for plunder, and, being discovered. If not attacked, he tired tho fatal shot and then escaped It i more than likely that ho was a stran ger in tho town. You- will naturally ask why those people charged themselves with tho crime when they were not the least bit guilty. A physician could probably give you a clearer answer. My theory Is that they had an Intense nrgnment with themselves how tho crime wan committed oi how they would have committed It If they actually did com mil It Such i-ases are rare, and It must bo for some such reason that courts often refuse to accept a plea of guilty and give the accused u fair trial for his life and liberty. There nro people, as every lawyer and de tective knows, who are anxious to bo witnesses In n case and will perjuro themselves on tho stnnd without seem ing to be aware of It, and It Is enrry Ing out this singular Hue of conduct or train of thought that one may come to accuse himself. EkSi 111 H m IBM ttMm' 1 Prices: Lower floor 51.50 and $1.00, Balcony 50c, 75c and 1.00. Seats on sale atfjtheatre Friday morning. OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH The First National Bank -or- JNOlZTll IZ,A,TTll, XnniiA&KA. Member Federal Reserve Bank System. CAPITAL AND SUltPJuUS: One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. STABILITY, EFFICIENCY AND'SERVICE HAVE BEEN THE FACTOItS IN THE GKOWTII OF THIS HANK, AND THE SAME CAIIEFUL ATTENTION IS GIVEN TO SMALL ACCOUNTS AS IS GIVEN TO LARGE BALANCES. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. J bsSsi raSHIflll s itHtUHriHWffiuffltt!'4';GMA' ' l teV'TOWHttnittHt mF -. rw&i mm ""! W n a V R ' kssktov x a. fa M'','c wft B !Cy If'. Im K fiyj Wi ',, 1 Kfr: 8 fj 1 p m J N w I - P Sold by Rush Mercantile Co., North Platte Also by E. & W. Colcer, Sutherland; Ganson & Ganson Hershey; Jens Sommers, Maxwell: Jno. Fredrickson, Brady