The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 08, 1915, Image 7

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The Spirit'5
of Public Service yf-WJ
When the land is storm-swept,
when trains are stalled and the wagon
roads blocked, our repairmen must
keep the telephone highways open.
These men face hardship and dan
ger, because they realize that snow
bound farms, homes and cities must
be kept in touch with the world.
This same spirit of public service
animates the whole organization.
It is found not only in our linemen
and repairmen, but even in the girls
at the switchboard, who, on countless
"Big Business" means big salaries yes but it also means big men, big brains,
broad-minded policies, intelligent organization, proper supervision, and big service
to the people. Big business, properly conducted and regulated, means better service
.to the public at less cost.
The unknown heirs of William Van
Brocklln; the unknown heirs of Mar
tin Van Brocklln; Howard G. Thomp
son ana Mrs. Howard Thompson, first
and real name unknown, defendants,
Impleaded with other?, will tako notice
that on the 28th day of Aupust, 1914,
Charles J. Gerken, plaintiff herein, filed
his petition In the District court of
Lincoln County, Nebraska, against said
defendants, the object and prayer of
which are to quiet the title in the
plaintiff as against the above defend
ants Impleaded with others upon the
East one-half (K) of the Southeast
quarter (SU) and the East one-half
(E) of tho Northeast quarter (NEVi )
of Section thirty-two (32), Township
eleven (11), Range twenty-nine (29),
Lincoln County, Nebraska, who are
claiming an Interest )n and to tho
above described premises by reason of
a deed executed by George C. Beneway
and wife to Van Brocklln Bros. &
Company, composed of William Van
Brocklln, J. II. Van Brocklln, Martin
Van Brocklln and Howard G. Thomp
son. And are claiming that whllo said
land was conveyed to tho grantors of
this plaintiff by said corporation. Van
Brocklln Bros. & Company, that tho
said William Van Broclfiin, Martin
Van Brocklln, J. H. Van Brocklln and
Howard G. Thompson did not join In
any conveyance, nnd that their interest
In and to said land was never con
veyed away. Whereas tho nlalntiffs al
lege that said land was conveyed to
van iirocKiin iiros. & company, a cor
poration, and that the said William
Van Brocklln. G. H. Thompson and
Martin Van Brocklln never had any
interest In and to said land except tho
Interest in said corporation, and that
said premises wero conveyed by said
corporation, unu conveyeu an mo in
terest of said parties to tho grantors
of this plaintiff. And that said plain
tiff has been in tho open notorious and
exclusive possession under a claim of
title to said premises for the last ten
years prior to the commencement of
this suit. And this plaintiff Is pray
ing for a decree that the above defend
ants be excluded from all right, title or
Interest In and to the above described
You are required to answer said pe
titon on or before the 15th day of Feb
ruary, 1915.
Dated this 4th day of January, 1915.
J5-4w His Attorneys
i.i;(;.vi, notice
Simon Richards and Sarah Richards,
defendants will take notice that on tho
12th day of November, 1914, Mutual
Building & Loan Association, a cor
poration, plaintiff herein, filed its pe
tition In tho District Court of Lincoln
Countv. Nebraska, against Ida Rich
ards, administratrix of the estate of
Samuel Richards, Deceased; Ida Rich
ards, Elizabeth Richards, Simon Rich
ards, Sal ah RichardH, Esther Richards,
Millard Richards, City National Bank
Building Company, a corporation, and
Daniel Krankle, Daniel Lyons and Jul
ius Lyons, a co-partnership doing bus
iness ns Frankle Frank & Company,
defendants, tho object and prayer of
which are to forecloso three cortaln
mortgages executed by Samuel Rich
ards and tho defendant Ida Richards,
upon Lot one (1) In Block one hun
dred thirty-eight (138), tho East forty
four (44) feet of Lot two (2), tho West
twenty-two (22) feet foot of Lot two
(2), and tho East twenty-two (22)
feet of Lot three (3), all In Block ono
hundred thirty-eight (13S) of the orig
inal town of North 1'latte, Nebraska,
to secure tho payment of throe bonds
dated June 30, 1908, for the sum of
$1200.00 each, duo and puyahlo accord
ing to tho terms thereof That after
tho execution and delivery of tho above
bond nnd mortgage to the plaintiff, tho
said Samuel Richards died, and that
the defendants Ida Richards, Simon
Richards, Elizabeth Rtdhards, Sarah
Rlohnrds, Esther Richards and Millard
Richards nro tho holrs at law of said
Samuel Richards and are claiming an
Interest In and to tho above described
premises, and that said Ida Richards
hah been appointed administratrix of
tho. estate of Samuel Richards, de
ceased. That said defendants havo
failed to make the payments ns ro
qulred under the ahovo bonds, nnd
that there Is now duo from said de
fendants and upon said bonds and
mortgage, the sum of $1981.04. That
tho defendants, tho City National Bank
Building Company, a corporation,
and Daniel Frankle, Daniel Lyons and
Julius Lyons, a co-partnership doing
business under tho name of Frankle
Frank & Cbinpany, claim a lien upon
tho Interest of IdaRIohards to tho
above described property. The plain
tiff prays that said premises may be
decreed to bo sold to satisfy tho amount
(We thereon.
You are required to nnswor said pe
tltonHon or beforo tho 15th day of Fob
ruary, 1915.
Dated January 4, 1915.
J5-tW Its Attornejs
We Advertise So That the People May Know;
Automobile Value
Here's the car that has all the features of a $1,000 car, and
The New 1915 Model Has 17 New Features
Sims real high-tension magneto; sliding gear transmission;
left-nand drive; center control, anti-skid tires on rear, and all high
priced car features. The easiest car in the world to drive.
A great big, handsome, powerful, swift-running REAL auto
mobile. The greatest hill climber in the world.
The car that has set the whole country talking.
With electric starter and electric lights $55 extra.
Holds the Road at SO Miles an Hour
i tjiiiiiilliiil" iiiiffl I t II llli ill I
III .ySliill l&hfiylll 1111 JSSy I II 1 WW' iffifffr?fc;"::iWlsHiWff')Jy
Jttl'-f. .?rtf -"Ti LsfltsLsLsLsLLsLsLsLsLsLsLsLaLsHiLsLsLsLslsLsLsLsLsLsV?
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention Given to Gynecology
Obstetrics and Children's Diseases.
Offlco McDonald Stato 13ank Building.
Corner Sixth and Dewey Streets.
Phones, Ofllco 183, Residenco 283
Successor to
Drs. Redflold & Redfield
Once Fhono C42 Res. Phono 070
occasions, have proved themselves
heroines in times of emergency.
In response to the telephone needs
of the public, this company has grown
to be a large organization.
But mere size should not be con
sidered a sin nor business success a
A corporation that renders big ser
vice to the public must be big and
prosperous or the public will suffer
because of poor service and poor payrolls.
s am. imp.
Bought arid h,'. t market
prices p . d
Residence Red 3(5 JOHlce 459
On the estate of Luclcn Mnrlvnud, In
Prance, lived a poor man named Sou
bisu nud his wife, Mario, tho couple
having a llttlo sou, Francois. M. Marl
vaud had extensive vineyards, from
tho product of which ho manufactured
wine. Soublso had chargo of tho grapo
growing, and Marlvaud not only val
ued ills services highly, but was very
fond of him. Soublso's wlfo died, and
he soon followed her, leaving llttlo
Francois without a home.
M. Marlvaud had a son, Victor, about
Fraucols' age. When tho latter was
left an orphan ho was taken to tho
chateau and became a playmato of
Victor. There was u brother of Vic
tor, Louis, much younger than cither
of these two boys.
When Victor was eighteen ho enter
ed the military school and became nn
army ofllcer. Upon graduating ho was
ordered to Join his regiment in Ton
kin. Francois was anxious to seo sen-,
ice and, enlisting in tho snmo regi
ment, went out with Victor, who
agreed to interest himself In his pro
motion thnt he might becomo an offi
cer. A year later after a fight Lieutenant
Marlvaud was reported missing. This
meant that be had fallen Into tho
hands of the Chinese, In which case it
was quite likely that ho bad been mur
dered. When nothing was heard from
him for several years ho was given up
by his family, and when his brother,
Louis, came of ago ho Inherited tho
family patrimony, his father having
died without n will. M. Marlvaud had
purposely omitted to make ono because
he never ceased to hope that bis son
would one day turn out to bo among
the living.
Ten years after the departure of Vic
tor Marlvaud. when there was no mem
ber of the family living, Louis, who
had for some time possessed and man
aged the wine business, became engag.
ed to llortense Vlllaret. tho daughter
of a neighbor Mile. Vlllaret belonged
to an aristocratic family, but tho es
tate had been confiscated during one
of the many changes in the sovereign
ty of Franco, nnd she was very poor.
She and Louis were much in love with
each other, and her father favored tho
match because Louis was wealthy and
could ennblc Uortenso to return to tho
stylo of living to which the fnmily had
formerly been accustomed.
All went happily for the lovers till a
few weeks beforo the day set for tho
wedding. Then ono day n man appear
ed at tho chateau claiming to bo Vic
tor Marlvaud. Louis was but twelvo
years old why his brother left home,
and, granting that this man was Vic
tor, he would not havo remembered
him. There was no other person at
hand who had been familiar with Vic
tor to identify him.
But tho claimant was ablo to tell of
many incidents that had happened on
the estnte, which went far to provo
that ho was what ho claimed to be. Ho
explained his long absence In this wise:
During the fight in which he was re
ported missing bo.waB knocked on tho
head by the butt of a musket In tho
hands of n Chinaman and stunned.
Wherr ho came to himself ho remem
bered nothing of tho past, not even his
nnme. Tho dead "wero lying about him;
the wounded had been removed He
arose nnd walked till ho came to a
city, whero he eventually ontercd tho
service of u French merchant After
passing through various vicissitudes ho
was taken suddenly ill nnd was remov
ed to a hospital. After having been de
lirious on returning to his former con
dition ho had exclaimed, "You rascally
Chinaman, take that for yours!" But
seeing a nurse before him instead of
n Chinaman he appeared much sur
prised. He had returned to n normal
state, remembering that ho was Vic
tor Marlvaud.
His appearance was terrible blow
to the1 lovers, for, according to the
French law of inheritance, Victor Ma
rlvaud was the owner of the estate, in
cluding the wine business. He told
IjouIh so many things thnt had occur
red during tho hitter's childhood that
Louis became convinced that the stran
ger was his brother. Nevertheless it
was not to bo expected that ho would
Oc pleased to see a brother of whom
lie had no remembrance and who
would dispossess him of his property
Put tile severest blow was that M. VII
i.nct Immediately withdrew his con
sent to his daughter's marrlago unless
it mid lie protcd that the claimant
was an impostor
There wijs an old blind woman liv
ing on the 'place, who, on hearing of
tin- claimant, desired that he be
brought to her She asked him a few
ii.cstloiis. which seemed to trouble
him. though he answered them cor-ici-tli.
Then the old woman directed
that he lie uncovered to tho waist.
Till-, was done, and her hand was
guided to his chest. She slid her hand
around to his side under his right arm,
iyid It rested on n small lump tho slzo
of n pea
"Tills Is Francois Soublsc," sho said
"I lived with his mother when he was
u little boy and often dressed nnd un
dressed him I know him by this
lump "
That ended the pretense.
Louis Mnrlvnud after this attempt to
linpo-e nn ti 1 in went to Tonkin and
made a search for his brother, Victor
But. although lie spent much time on
the matter he failed to obtain any in
formation whatever Victor never returned.
Incidental Music.
Ono of tho most tlresomo, not to say
exasperating, traditions of the theater
Is incidental music particularly the
music that Is presumably Intended to
accentuate dialogue. It has been n
conviction of mine that the expedient
Is a confession of actor weakness. Nu
actor worthy of the imiiie need tin
kind of help Some of you gmybeiinw
hark bacli to I'd win Booth and tr, lo
Imagine III m In the fourth act if "It! i
.lieu." foi example, delixcilim i
curse uf Koine speech in unison nli
tile pei'Iorici In I he on lutlii ..i
One (llirp.i-M c It, iw ecu lliect i i
perrormaii i in (icritiiiu.v nud Uiom' . i
America W In HiW ii incident. n nm
(If, III Dill Killllll.l Cll'. llCtlll I.. II
holds a pioiiilnciii icliitlmi to the ,
In hand iniiM have miisn in lirmv m u
on the stage and mole music to i,ii
him olT The music cue i iidictilotMi
overworked Many plays are iiiimIi' uii
intelligible b, the obtrusion of nn. mi.
ly music simultaneously with lliietuut
nobody could catch. - Detroit Tree
Army of Ancient Rome.
Consider the (toman iiimy rrom tlic
fifth century B. C onward until the
division o$jtue empire. Its lighting
organization was as complete us mid
possibly moro practical than that ol
any army of today. It was based on
n territorial system which maintained
the comradeship of locality wit limit
bringing It into antagonism with that
of tho corps, for each of the thirty
flvo Roman "tribes" was required to
furnish to each legion four "centuries
of 120 men each, each of which worlc
ed together as a local unit The legion
was divided Into flvo cohorts or bat
tallons, of which three were troops ol
tho line, two wero n kind of militia
and tho fifth wns a depot battalion
For almost eight centuries the army
thus constituted not only conquered
tho then known world, but acted ns
explorers beyond its limits and nt the
same time mado and unmade kings
nnd emperors in Rome Itself. London
Polar Nights Delight Eskimos.
Tho polar Eskimos,. tho must norther
ly dwelling people In the world, are
said to exist only by the exercise of
grent Ingenuity nnd the practice of
social virtue. The ehccrlness. klmlll
ness and practical socialism of the
Eskimos from eastern Greenland to
Alaska may bu regarded as much due
to their environment ns is the neces
slty of eating large quantities of fat
The Eskimos hall the first dark even
Ings with the same glee as the tlrM
daylight after the polar night- When
a whole summer through the eyes
have been bathed in light, day and
night, they long to sou tho laud vanish
into darkness again. And with the
idea ox a change they associate all the
good things the winter will bring Un
frozen sea and the hunting on the Ice.
the swift sledge drives, far from the
swclterlug houses, after bears. Ex
Thrift Versus Stinginess.
It ought to be easy to tell tfct dltler
ence between thrift and sttuglncss.
But many folk don't know it No
tightwad does. A thrifty man Is al
ways a liberal man, though not u
wasteful one. When he spends a dol
lar his face doesn't show spasms of
pain nor docs he tremble with avarice
until his dollar returns, leading an
other dollar of profit He spends In
tclligcntly and therefore willingly, nnd
is content to nwalt the outcome, be
cause lie knows thnt in the long run
he will get back from society about
In proportion as he gives. As with In
dlvidunls so with communities, states
nations. Ecoaomy doesn't mean parsl
mony. it means when nnd how to lie
liberal. It means having foresight. -Cleveland
His Superiority.
A mission worker tells how shocked
she was to encounter tills bit of cyu
Iclsm in the Blums, The coiiversailon
was between two women whose iiinii
till life had not been particularly le
"Well,1, said one of them, "of cniiixc
we has our troubles with all of 'em
But I'll say this for in. second un
hand he's better than nn llrst lies
in jail so much that practically all I
earn I has for myself " -l.lpplncottV
Lundy Island.
Lunily Island, at the entrance or tin
Bristol channel, has a qncci ic. end It
was owned In the eighteenth ciitur.v
by a Barnstaple num. ho niutracted
to ship convicts to Virginia, but only
took them to the Mund where he
profitable employed ilicm even In
smuggling to the iimluiniid
Ministerial Aspirants. .
.Statistics slmw that in the early days
of American colleges about oiic-luilf of
all the graduates adopted the iniiilstiv
as a profession At the present time
it Is different only nbout fi per cent
of the college graduates become mln
In Business
Attention, application accinai-.e
method, punctuality and dispatch are
the principal qualities leqiilred rot the
efllclont conduct of tuisliiess of any
sort Samuel Smiles
The Periscope
Tho periscope, by which a siitiinerg
ed submarine Is steered, w n lilud ol
tube with mirrors In It wheicbj what
Is happening on the surface is rellecied
An Explained Disliko.
Tho first lord of the admiralty sighed
"I do not llko submarines," he unit
tcred, nnd then he added "tor dlvec
reasons "-Philadelphia Ledger
A Belgian
War Romance
Ono quiet evening in the summer of
1013 a pair of young lovers stood or.
n bridge that crossed tho river Lys, in
Belgium. They were there for n part
ing. Tho young man was to leavo for
tho const early the next morning and
thence for America. Nothing could bo
moro peaceful than tho scene nbout
them. A young moon stood in tho
west If nn occasional breeze stirred
tho leaves on tho trees they were stir
red lightly. As for sound, there was
only a slight gurgle beneath them as
tho current passed tho abutment of tho
"Minn," said the young man, "cheer
up. It will not bo long before In Amer
ica I shall havo saved enough monoy
to send for you. Thnt we may havo
n deflnlto time to be reunited I prom
iso you thnt ono year from today, If
not beforo, you shall receive tho pas
sago money to bring you to mo."
"And I, Hans, will work and savo
so that If you do not succeed in gain
ing enough to send for mo I may havo
enough for tho Journey."
When the year bad passed a great
chango had como over Belgium. Tho
Germans were pouring into tho coun
try from the east the French from tho
south. Wllhclminn had received let
ters from her lover In Now York that
money would bo sent her for her pas
sage, but beforo it was dispatched tho
war had stopped tho malls.
On tho anniversary of their parting,
nt evening, Wllhclminn went to tho
bridge on which they had stood a year
before. It was now n ruin, moro thnn
half of it having been destroyed. Hero
and thcro across tho fields wero flashes,
followed by a distant roar of guns,
whllo searchlights sent their columns
of light across tho sky llko the talis of
nearby comets.
What should she do? Her homo had
been that duy In tho lino of flro and
was n ruin. Beforo leaving it sho had
snatched up her savings, and theso sho
had with her. Standing thero in tho
identical spot whero sho had stood In
quiet with her lover, sho resolved to
go to him If possible.
There wns no way of announcing her
coming beforehand. Sho had neither .
writing materials nor a way to send
a letter. Indeed. It wus doubtful If
even sho could break through tho lino
of war to reacli tho coast And if she
arrived at n port would sho find a ves
sel? Nevertheless she turned her face
toward Holland nnd set off in tho d.irk
ness. Her adventures arc u long story by
itself. Fortune favoring, she renched
Rotterdam In Bafety nnd thero found
that she had the means to buy n steer
age ticket on nn outgoing steamer to
New York.
On tho arrival of tho vessel tho emi
grants wero landed nt Ellis Island, and
Wllholmlna among others wns brought
beforo the emigration commissioners.
Thero she wns asked how she would
bo provided for In America, nnd whui
sho said that sho had no money sho
was told that sho would bo sent back
to Holland.
Her modesty, tho consciousness that
sho was coming to marry a man with
out n special bidding, bad caused her
to conceal whnt sho jCxpected. Be
sides, suppose Hans had changed!
But tho prospect of being sent back
to n land running In blood, whero even
tho llttlo homo in which sho had been
born and always lived had been level
ed, overcame her reticence, and sho
told n lovo story that no pen, however
Inspired, could put on paper.
"Hans must bo foundl"
Such were tho instructions given to
a messenger, who departed on hl3 er
Thero Is n commlttco of Belgians in
Now York whoso purposo it Is to look
after their incoming fellow country
men. Tho bend of the committee wns
found, and he in turn started a hunt
for linns.
Ever since the wnr had broken out
nans had been anxious about his WIU
hclmlnii. He had not dared to send her
his savings for fenr they would bo lost
Indeed, ono of the troubles brought on
by tho war was the Inability to send
funds jo Europe He hnd written her,
but without expectation that she would
receive ills letters. As to receiving lot
tors from her. he had no faith in thnt
Hans was at work one nfternoon
when a fellow workman came to him
nnd told him that the boss wished to
see him in the nlllce. Hntis laid down
his tools and reported as directed, Ho
found beside the boss ninan, who usk.
ed him:
"Are you nans Wichtel?"
"I nm,"
"There Is n girl on Ellis Island who
enme over from Belgium. She says you
will mnrry her "
"Minn 7"
"Sho says her nnme Is Wllhclminn."
"Marry tier: Of course 1 will mnrry
her. Where can 1 tlud her?"
nans wished to go at once to Ellis
Island, but suddenly remembering that
a man In overalls was not In wedding
costume tidied himself up, then set off
to Join his sweetheart
If the authorities had any doubt
nbout Wllhelmlnn's story It was dis
pelled by the fervent embrace of the
lovers. But Uncle Sam's emigrant ofll
cinls take no man's promise of mar
riage, nnd there nre no brenches of
promise in Ills large family A man
went with the couple to the city hall
In New York, where n license wns pro
cured. Then the pair went to the of.
flee of the Belgian committee whero
tho marrlago ceremony was performed