A. ' "k" . L I Our "" ' " " " " III I II , , - iiii'.lil Our January Money Saving Clearing Sale! The Sale you have been waiting for. Hundreds of Men will now equip themselves with our Splendid Outfitting and they will pay from a Third to a Half less than they usually pay for Clothing of much less distinction. Our Great Clearance Sale is Money Making and a Money Saving proposition. Invest your money in Good Clothes while the bottom is out of the market. That's right NOW, this very day! The quicker you act, the better the values you will be able to select." Gain a big advantege by buying. Winter Clothes NOW. Remember the coldest weather of the year is yet to come. Vt?,':' P& a til. v. w 1 Vli " M'm t 0 ' If $12.50 to 15.00 Values i-i- V4 4 J i Sale . j. .1 . I: , YlMon's Ovcrecoats, In all '. ' and fabrics on' sale at 25 PER Price . Trunks, Grips and Suit Cases at .: 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT - Men's Fine Trousers on 1 20 PER v Superior Wool Union Snits on Sale at '". -- 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT Pony Votes Given Purchases. CITX.AND COUNTY NEWS . The C. O. D. Cleaners moved their shop thla week into the Bratt building on Locust street. Mrs. Sam Richards o Omaha, ar rived in the city this weckjto visit friends for a, few days and loolt after some business matters Mi- nnd Mrs. Thpnrlnro Sandall will arrivo homo today' from their wedding" trip through different poinis in iuq west. '""' For Sale Cheap International Med ium slzo cream separator,, good as now used three months.. Apply at Tribune offlco. Mrs. W. E. Hart and daughter leave this week for St. Louis where thoy will mako their home for tho remain der of the winter. Mr. and Mrs.. Ed Putoff returned Wednesday evening to their homo in Sidnoy afer visiting in the city for several days at the home of ,Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Coates. Work on the new electric plant was. delayed this week on account of some special-brick failing to ar rive, It was stopped only for a few days and is now resumed. Dr. P. J. Lathan returned homo Wednesday from Beaver City where ho was called by the serious illness of his mother. Ho reports her condi tion very much improved. TJioijias Green returned homo this week from Scotts Bluffs where ho spent several days looking after some business matters. Mr. Green has an interost in a"'bow"lins alloy at that place! i CO Per Cent Discount on Jlcn's Overcoats. THE IIDIJ. W. W. Crossgrove, of tho Farnam vicinity, was In tho city a few days this week visiting friends. He came In Tuesday to attend tho meeting of tho Lincoln County Agricultural So ciety. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Paulson, of St. Paul, Nebr., arrived in the city a few daysiago and they will mako their lfomohere. Mr. Paulson 7 has-been Atuxi'roiitv tim tolonhorib' company. in tho 'position formerly held byHarry Bybce.i ': IXny ono wishing Dr. Sago Face Solu ..".. -i'iupi .,., on. at inn9. uonoaw ui i-iUTa D'- u "" , tra Tinvls. of Stanloton, was op- . nmiAri nnnn vnRtnrflav morning at i.a vnrcn Tirnwn Memorial hospital ,T"Vnr- TiMit, une a room uuuoo u 7 rrinm houao. both on east 6th ntreet. Innulrfi 702 gast Eth or phono &s JY " " J " "r " . " (vi'.";' ' -r .., 0" a" ' " 0a 'i tf ". Black C?0. Mb l cttAi-nnv .TnnifiHVT. ilCeofo returned ' Wednesday morning from Sioux City ! T !.... nnlnld whom lift nnt Mm iiolldavs with relatives and friends'; Ho stopped in Omaha for a vtelt wjui'joe jjarsoa in uiu iuuiuuu.ov hospital 4nd he reports that Mr. Lar boh is getting along nicely. Ho will bep'nfined to tho hospital for somo tlmVyet, howover, MEN'S FINE TWO AND :;r?- Sale Jl rlC the lqtest models CENT DISCOUNT One lot Boys io ipi.ou jvniucsf siiiu.prjcu - Monarch Shirts, Arrowy Shirts, on sale at sale at CENT DISCOUNT SALE BEGINS SATURDAY, JANUARY on all b. P. S. Peck, of "Moorefleld, was trans acting business and visiting friends in this city Wednesday. R. L. Baker was a visitor to Stapel loTryfes"etairjrintho Interest pt tho Iddings lumber yard at that place. , H. J. Walker, of Kearney, was ih the city Wednesday evening to speak at tho Baptist annual meeting. D. E. Martin, of tho Hershey vicin ity, was visiting in tho city yesterday transacting buslnesss at tho, t court house and calling on frlend&f. - i Mrs. Charles Perkins returned this week from a visit of a few days with friends in Chlcagp and othor points in the cast. E. W. Zeirbort,, of Sidney, was In the city Wednesday visiting friends and transacting business. While in this city ho purchased somo Lincoln coun ty property, O. H. Thoelecke reports tho follow ing land transfers in Lincoln county last week: All of sections 25 and 35 nnd the souheast juarter of section 26, township 15, range a.), south one half of section 22, township 12. range 30, and block 52 Platteviow sub-division. This layB tho hard tiroes buga boo in tho shade. May he ever rest there. Hearing on tho estate of tho lato Charles Cochran was held yesterday morning in the county court and Robert L. Cochran, county surveyor, was annointed administrator of the estate. There aro four heirs to tho estate. They are Mrs. Elizabeth Coch ran and Cyrus Cochran of Brady, R. Lj Cochran of this city and Mrs. Mablo Norris of Maxwell. Suit was filed yesterday in the county court by Wm. J. Hendy and Ed Ogler, operating as a firm of Hen dy & Ogier, against J H. Ross for tho collection of a balance of a debt of $190.58 alleged to be duo them for ser vices and matorlal. Of this amount thoy allege that only $28.30 has been paid, leaving a balance of $1(18.28 yet due. They ask for tho amount with interest from January 1, 1015, to gether with costs of tho action. When you aro making your New Years resolutions, why not resolvo to at onco subscribe for shares in tho Mutual Building & Loan association. No bettor plan for accumulating your savlncs. See the secretary about it. Do it now. 90-9 Tho literary department of the Twentieth century club was delight fullv entertained Tuesday . afternoon at tho homo of Mrs. W. A. Skinner. Somo interesting papers were read bv Mesdames W. W. Cummlncs, M. J Forbes and W. A. Skinner on great events in history. Othars present read papers on current events, Mrs. J. B. Redflcld gave an interesting con tribution on tho great war in Europe, Mrs. O. E McLnno a paper on tho buildings in Washington, D, C. and Miss Irono-Stuart a paper on Presi dent Wilson. Tho program was inter esting and Instructive and was much enjoyed by thoso present. T. $15.00 to 20.00 Values V, A Knickerbocker Trousers, 1 50c :.85c regular . price $1.50, to $2.00 "' a nr $.U.V 3Ien and Boys' Sweaters on sale at 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT Mcdonald Mrs. Hughes is reported quite ill at her homo-at 810,.vine .street. Glenn Todd of Glcndlve, M9t., ar rived In (lie city this weoic oiid is vis iting at the Frank Bucntimm hoine.- Georg'o Austin' arrived homo this week from tho east where ho was re cently called, by thp serious illness of a sister. Robert Dickey of tho Dickey bakery and confectionery was a business vis itor in Keystone this week, returning homo Wednesday. Dr. Marie Ames has taken rooms "over Ih'o UIxotT jewelry store. Tho rooms she vacated over tho Stono drug store aro to be thoroughly ren ovated and repaired. Charles Rhodes arrived this week from Northport where ho had been working for tho past several months. He has accepted a position in this city. Mrs. R. F. Johnson and two chil dren returned this week to their homo in Central City after visiting in tho city for two weeks at tho Willlum Law son liome. Merle Morrill, who recently came hero from Omaha to spend the holi days with his parents, hus accepted a position with tho Empress theatre where he wil operate tho machine J. T. Jarvis, inspector of hotel and dining car service foi tha Union Pa clflc company, Bpent a few days in tho city thlB week calling on J. II. Posey, manager of tho Unlo.i Pacific hotel. Miss Margaret McGlnley and Miss Jesamlne Flynn returned Wednesday from Lincoln and Council Bluffs where they spent two. weeks during tho holidays visiting rolatives and friends. Word was received hero this week announcing the birth of a daughter on January Gth to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Saint at Milwaukee. Mrs. Saint was formerly Miss Margaret Oilman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Gilmau, of this city. Word has been received here an nouncing t'.at M'cs Marl 'i iJcniler, who recently played hero In 'Peg 'O-My-Hcart," is playing UiIb week in Denver, Miss Dentler formerly lived hero and Is creating a sensation with her interpretation of "Peg." Tho local union of tho United Fed eratlon of Musicians will givo a big danco Monday evening, January 18th, at the Masonic hall, which will bo tho initial danco of an annual affair, Ev eryono 1b invited to attend and a big tlmo iB anticipated. A twenty-pleco orchestra will furnish music tor the occasion, HuhpcI Says Cash Beginning Jauuary 15th milk and cream will bo strictly cash. When wo deliver you a dollar's worth of tickets wo shall oxpect you to hand us tho dollar. Wo go on tho cash basis because it 1b absolutely neces sary In order to successfully conduct our business. 101t2 ALBERT HASPEL. THREE PIECE SUITS $20.00 to $25.00 Values - Sale Bioy.s EXTRAGOOD Suits,? and Overcoats ''oh sale at' ' 20 VT0 50 PER CENT DISCOUNT One Lot Ken's Shoes, $2.00 to $3.50 values sale price tiji nn Night Shirts and Pajamas at . 20 PER CENT Work7 Shirts 9TH, SALE ENDS JANUARY 30TH. B. of I. E. Installation. A largo number of the members of tho Bof L,E. and tho ladles' auxllur; of that order were present. Wednesday oveninjg at tho public Installation of ofllcors which" was held "by Division 88 at the Masonic hall. All report an e.n- Joyable evening. TheMadles' auxllary served tho re freshments to tho party and this was followed by tho installation. After this, Qoprgo "W, Vromon, C. F. Tracy and1 "jiJO. Strahorn were presented with jbadges by tho order, Thoy havo beenlhembers of the B. of L. E. for over for.ty years. The, presentation speech was mado by W. J. Stuart. Following this dancing was Indul ged in by somo and many of tho older members wore able to J3how tho younger ones the now dances. Those who were Indisposed to danco sat around tho smoking room making over 'past runs. Tho, following officers woro Install ed: M. Hayes, chief engineer; G, O. Trexler, first engineer; L. J. Dean, second engineer; S. Schwalgcr, third engineer; W. M. Wclsb, guard; W. M. Whltlock, chaplain; W. R. Rlchnrda, delegate to tho convention and chair man of tho local commblttee. HUduh AnderHon Ih Appointed. Miss . Hlldah Anderson, formorly employed by Georgo B. Dent, has boon appointed stenographer in tho offlco of County Judgo French to suc ceed, MIbs Irene Hubbard. Miss Ander dorsoh is a competent stenographer and typist, being a graduate- of tno commercial department of the North Platto high schools. Miss Irono HubbtvrJ who formerly held tho position, held It commedably and did hor work will. Sh3 had the placo during tho Incumbency of Judgo Grant and wns always on the Job and know tho in and outs of tho office. She "will bo missed by tho frequent cnllors at that oltlce. MUlcgo Dullard left laH evening for Minnesota where he is working for tho Buffalo Bill raovlug picture pro ducing company. lie spent two weeks hero during tha holidays visit ing his parents, Mr. ami Mrs, F. E. Bullard and friends, "" Lnrnoii Home Soon. Word was received this week from Joo Larson announcing that he would bo ablo to como home in two weeks. Ho wroto a vory cheerful letter and stated that ho Is now ablo to get about on crutches. Ho Is getting along flno and expects to como homo as soon as ho 1b strong enough, 'Cnrd of TlitinkH. ' Wo wish to thank tho neighbors and frjonds for their many kindnesses extended us during our. bereavement at tho sickness nnd , death . of , our unugntor;. especially tne members of the Methodist' Sunday school, the Ep worth lenguo and tho ladies' aid so ciety. . Mr. and Mrs. D, W. Besack. Jr. Mrs. N. McCabo has been spending this week with friends, in Omaha haV' lng left for that city Monday, $22.50 to $27.50 Values Price Men and Boys' Mnckinnws at 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT Men's Fine Hats and Caps, on sale at 20 PER GENT DISCOUNT One Lot Men's Flannel Shirts, $1.00 to $2.00 Values, SALE PRICE.. OCj- DISCOUNT 40c Boys' Extra Trousers 25 PER CENT DISCOUNT The Home This H'orolo Muttaoho; . Probably "no dog has ovefiircndercd stich signal military service or becnoj honorably recognized, ag tho celebrated, poodle Mustache, who Bhared tho vic torious fortunes of the French army through most of tho wars of tho consu- lato and of tho French empire, flu won special honors at Marengo nnd wns decorated on tho battlefield or Austerlltv. by Mnrshnl Lnnncs ub n re ward for having rescued bis regimen tal standard from nn Austrian soldier when In tho net of snatching it from tho grasp of tho Btnndard bearer ns ho fell mortally wounded. Tho plucky poodle drove off tho assailant, and then, seizing tho tattered colors in his teeth, . dragged thorn triumphantly till ho reached his own company. A Lucky Illness. It was owlug to an illness that Sli Laurence Alina-Tndema became, n painter. Ho wns educated with t lit In tcntlon. of making him a lawyer, tmt sickness cut his studies -short When confined to his bed he relieved the t dlum by making little sketches. These showed -no much ability that when he wns welV iignln lie reudlly obtained his mot tier's permission to devote himself to pnlntlng - - - His Desire. "Where rikl you work Inst and how long?" demanded the colonel ''"Did you quit of your own accord or were you dlsuhnrged. and" "Loogy yuh. boss!" sourly returned Brother Kngus "1 Isn't, puhnosln' mar nge to yo'; I's axln' for a Job "-Puck. Tho Way of It. "1 proposed to my stenographer" "You dldn'tJ' "Don't get excited. I only proposed she should he nsslstcr to ino'-Hnltl more Vt&Vrlcnn. Cynical. Sllltcus-Do you think It is possible for one woman to make another wo man perfectly hnppyV Cynicua-Oh, yes; simply by euvylng herl-Philadelphia Itecord. Way of the Pessimist, No doing anything with n pessimist. When you (Ind u bright side for him he won't look at It for fenr the light might blind him. -Atlnntn Constitution Our Egg Crop. American hens Iny slightly over $000,000,000 worth of eggs a year-thut la, every person outs on an average ?.'! worth. Farm nnd Fireside. Miss Zeda Waurlemont of Choyenno arrived in tho city this week to visit for a fow days at tho Hubbard homo on east Second street. LLLLw LLLB Ht of Good Clothes is a Cash Sale COL. M. L. McDERMOTT GKNERAL AUCTIONEER Stockand Farm Sales a Specialty. Phlone Red 4G4 Nprth PlattefNeb. Start the New Year JUght By patronizing home industries and buvinc your cigars of. us. We use the best touaccc!and make cigars that werre certain will please you. Try one of orfr several brands. , . JLF, ScMmofzried , lt . ,. PriliiWe Notice "" In.in,d.,?.,&Uop ot, tMo Estate of John It. MaWUliamH, deceased. In the CoOnty Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, December 29, 1014. Notfco In hereby given, that tho ored ttors of said deceased will meet the nd mlnlBtrntrlx of snlil intnt h.rn n, County JudKe of Lincoln County, No hraslm, nt tho County Court ltoom. in said County, on the 2nd day of Febru ftl?' Hlh ind on the 2nd day of Aug ust, 11UG, at 9 o'clock n. m. each day fpr the purpose of preeentlnar their claims for examination, odjustment and allowance. Six months aro allowed for creditors to preeont their claims, and one year for tho administratrix to set tle tho ostato from the 29th day of Docombor, 1914. .. A c.opy or tn,s order la ordered pub lished In tho North I'latto Tribune, n scmt-woekly newspaper of said County, for four successive weeks noxt prior to February 2nd, 1916. JOHN CHANT, jo-w County Judso. nr e-