Tx - 1 I UJ 'l Sti Ja&&&&3S2M& 255 &&&&&&&f -l E . BKHMnig HH MMMMM m B B HI hUHIf D h HIH bHH & HHHR ! H Sh r H1 S Children's Coats formerly sold at $S.OO 7.50 and up to 10.00, now going at $2.48, 3.48 & 4.98 BS Ml igMaBgagMgj 3MBE5g 5 aM c5B 5 !i Ladies Outfitting Store, 521 Dewey St., NORTH PLATTE, NEB, CA KL.r $A tf N'i Made of all wool serge, long timice,- and some with yoke tops, nearly all JfS sizes and in all the leading shades. S continue until our entire to a minimum. Sale Begins Friday, January 8th SStoiX23 t Owing to the rapid increase and growth of our business, gained through absolute, legitimate merchandising, by serving the people Fair and Square at all times, we now find our present floor space far too small to acdommodate our ever, increasing business, and therefore have decided to build a large Balcony and remodel the entire store, thereby gaining nearly double the 'floor space we are having at present, to accomplish this change .wa must. make room for our workmen, by inaugurating this great Remodeling Sale and alncliino- thp mnp.ft.cinn nnr ftntire stock of the most un to date Wonians. Missfes and fihildrkns' -wearing anriaVkl4whftsnlrlat fiOr. nn th& ig: "&, "r,.KKnft".r" . i-- & . i .- - . i rr - Em dollar ancLless! Kead the Big Bargains offered at the 'little .prices, during tnis sale A or ' ' , Ladies' Suits aiGive AwayPrices - i Your unrestricted choice ot any suit in the store formerly sold at $18.50, $25, $30 and up'to $40; Remodeling (jQ 7C Sale Priced. '.' . ? .. .vi J u. 3 Blapk Russian. rftony&Cqatsi, full length, 52 inches long, lne& with guaranteed satin,, formerly priced at $38.50j Re modeling Sale Pride ' . flnO MO All Furs at One-Half Price It doesn't brake any difference if you 'want Mink, Fox, Blue Wolf, Marmot, Mole, Fitch or Coney, it all goes at Half Priceand ' qur Furs were marked very low to begin with. - Skirts A'JJ UNHEARD" OF SACRIFICE -PRICES. 150 OF THEM, DIVIDED 'INTO? THREE DIG LOIS r K Lot lRegular $4.50 New Fall M QO Skirts, all wool, now going, at vphUO . i i i i Lot 2. Our' regular $5.00 and $UoO. Skirts while they last 00 QJJ Lot 3 Your unrestricted choice of any skirt in the. store that formerly sold up to $13.50, Remodeling Sale M 03 ALL EXTRA SIZE SKIRTS INCLUDED IN. ABOVE LOTS T5t . . 150 NewWinter Coats will be thro.wn on' sale, at nearly" Half' Price. Too many Coats for" this time r o the year, so if low prices mean .any- p. tthing-they will sell at sight. $85CT goqd leavy winter coats on flJQ QO , sale at J)0iU0 $JL0:0D Coats' mkde in the very latest Fall models',' Remodeling Sale (JJC QO $15.00 and $18.50 Coats, the very best you ' ever ' saw at such prices, nowfiJQ JO going 'at iHO vllere comes the cream of the stock coats consisting of Broadcloths, Zibeline, Hindu Lynx, Salts Arabian and Ural Lamb, most of them lined with Skinner or Belding's guaranteed two seasons' wear linings; not one coat in the lot sold.for less than $25.00, and as high as $35.00, your choice while 01 AQ they last P Iri40 Outing lannel Gowns, regular 69c Qn value now at .HUu .KWflv-? Dresses W ji , I,... $1.00 Flannel Gowns now going at 7Sc $1.00 Children's Sweatrs now 59c $2.00 Ladies' Sweaters now $1.29 f$3.50 Ladies' Sweaters now .$1i98 .T . .$ S . V '- .. $7.50 wool dresses made-of French serge's in very nifty styles, all sizes PQ QQ and best shades at .,...,.. ..ipuiUO $10.00 worsted dresses made in tunics and Redingote styles of all wool gbardines and wool poplins, Remodeling Sale Price , $5,98 $15 and $18.50 silk dresses, real beautites. the kind you will, admire, all sizes, but no two alike, Remodeling sale QJQ Q tptfiTv price Your choice of any silk dress or party gown in the. store that formerly sold at $20, $25 and up to $32.50, while they last at $19 QR Waists Regular $1.00 values now 49c Regular $2.00 values now 93c $3.00 Silk Waists now $1.49 $3.50 Silk Waists $2.19 Choice of any silk waist in the store that formerly sold up to $7.00 00 QQ Children's Dresses ' i- - c'Children's'Dresses now 39c Dresses up to $1.50 now , Mil ' I 79c " Petticoats $3.00 Silk Petticoats, all shade's at? M CQ "! $l.S25 Sateen Petticoats, extra sizes m eluded at , 69c Aprons 200 Bungalow aprons, made of .best grade ginghams and percale, 5G inches long, regular 50c and G5c sellers, the world over, now on sale at 39c49c 69c Ladies' union suits now at .49c $1.00 Union Suits now 79c $1.00 kimonas at 50c W $1,50 flannelette and crepe kimonas QQn fij now at 30G Tici $1.00 house dresses, good and big, 7Q the kind you like, now only I Ub 4 " Space does not permit to mention every item in the store, but we promise you that you positively wonct be disappointed, as you all know our sales fromthe past which you attended. Block's Sales are so much different from other so called sales you hear and read about every new moon,, no exaggerations here, every article as advertised, that is the secret of our great success, you'll fmcL every garment in the store with original price tag and also with Red Tag with the sale price marked in plain figures. , Rememberif for any reason you are not satisfied, your money back without 'question. 4 Please do not ask for credit dur ing this sale. The prices having been cut to the limit, we can not afford to charge, and must have the cash. B lBTBWW"1' mimr &49THc EMH&1 S Ladies' Outfitting Store NORTH PLATTE, - NEBRASKA Mail Orders filled the sameday order received. All packages No Approvals During This Sale. Pony Votes Given. ' i ? . ? Wr 3 iV J . ' -' V & ir . , i3skks '.