I ft 1 1. 5 m V h 4 '3 ' I, Baptists Hold Animal Meeting Tho annual meeting of the Baptist church was held Wednesday evening at the church and is reported tho most most successful yet held by that church. Rev. H. J. Walker of Kear ney delivered an address on the sub ject "Tho Mission of n Church" and special music was furnishod by Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Leiningcr and a trio. A fine supper was served by the la dles of tlio church in tho early even ing, 'itov. Walker gave a lino nddrcso on his subject with the threo principal points' as follows: "Tho church must holft tho truth, the chun: , must In tensify tho truth, and the - rch must scaftor tho truth abroad Tho annual report shb..u that thv. church has collected ove.r two thous and dollars in tho uast year for tho carrying on of tho work In this city. Everything Is In good shape and they, are prepared to mako this next year tho best in tho lilslory of tho church. A plan was adopted at this meeting tp double tho mcmbcnmlp of both tho church and Sunday school within tho next year and tho Sunday Bbhool lipro will enter Into a contest with the Kearney Sunday school In a plan to :,ncrc1iffo tlie membership. The contest will continue for n period of thrco months or until one side getB 13,000 "points. Tho loBing sldo will present jlo winning Sunday school with a ijlne silken banner. &Omcers for tho coming year wero IvOlccctcd ns follows; Trustees Lemuel Tool and Wesley Iloso; treasurer, N. E; Loudon; flnnncial secretary, Hay McCann; clerk, Hilda Andorson; Sun day school superintendent, Ell Han sen; assistant superintendent, Mrs-. Robert Owens; Sunday school organist 4 Mrs. S. Ralston; Sunday school sec- retary, Gustav Dahlstrom, assistant, OJIfford RahlBtrom; chorister, Marjor io Campbell; superintendent primary department, Mrs. A. C. Howard; cra dlo roll. Mr3. Ralph Tyler; beglnnors, Mrs. N. E Louden; home department, Where Did Money You pcoplo without a chocking ac-cout- can you tell from memory where" lastinmntn' money yjjontfa jj? . iVour,, neighbor wla ehecjyng ac count" can look at his check book stubs and tollsiacairatoly his ovory expenditure, ofjiniportunco. If It Is'nipeVploxlng thing' tp remem ber whero you, paid .gut money in tho pust, try a Plulfo Vallny State Bank Checking Account, This "w HI give you a record of today'.? payments a month from nowor as much longer as you caro to keop tho check stubs for reforonco.1 .u 14; fC ,.! 3- 1 . The Platte Valley State f Bank "-x h PJatn, i : 9 i I tf '"'"W"'" MHIITiTTiTTIli OUR PRICES TELL A TALE But when you examine our goods you will be more surprised than ever, We sell the best harness made. All hand made in our own shop and positively guar anteed. Our prices the most reasonable you can find. DOES YOUR HARNESS NEED REPAIRING? Here's the place. We give satisfaction. First class work done on Shoe Repairing. FORSTEDT &1SHEEDY, Headquarters for Horses' Wearing Apparel 512 Locust Street. North Platte, Nebraska. Eat Alfalfa Queen Butter It is Aiwa s Frosh and Sweet Can be bought Anywhere in North Platto. Wade by the North Platte Creamery W alao sell Good Clean Buttermilk Phone 62. Miss Cora Brockott. Tho financial committee, tho missionary committee, tho vigilance commlttco and tho sick cotnmittco wore also olectcd. Fourth Number of tho Lecture Course, Tho fourth number of tho lecturo course will bo given Friday evening, January 15th at tlio Presbyterian church and will bo ono of the best numbers ou tho courso. Miss M. Beryl M Buckloy, reader, will glvo tho ov cnlng's entertainment and she will offer a rare treat In tho way of read ing Harold Boll Wright's "Shepherd of tho Hills." Miss Buckloy spent ono summer in tho Ozark country to get material for this reading and is well prepared, Sho prepared her reading whilo in tho homo of "Mat and Ann Molly" who re mentioned in tho ctory. Twtf'Ovcrconts Stolon Tho local officers arc on tho lookout for a stranger, who is described as being of medium holght and build, for stealing two fur overcoats from tho North Sldo bam. Tho man was seen hanging around the barn for sov oral days and finally disappeared. Shortly after his disappearance two fur toato woro mlBscd. Other officers in nearby townB have been notified in an effort to apprehend tho suppos ed thief. The ladles' auxiliary of tho Baptist church are now preparing a mission ary pageant which will bo presented in tho near future. It will bo In tho naturo of tho reproduction of Ellis Is land and will glvo a concoptlvo history of the coming of tlto immigrants. This will bo something that will bo of interest to overy American and should bo well supported. Full announce ment will bo maUo later. n Wo dcslro to express our slnccro thanks to our friends and neighbors for their kind usslstanco during tho illness and a'j thOvfunoral of our mother, tho lato Mrs. Mary Ell, and for tho beautiful floral tributes. MR. and MRS. CHAS ELL. 1. II, Boltncr of Overton Is In tho city to attend tho poultry show. Mr. Boltnor Js a chicken fancier and has a flno pen o'f birds on exhibit. Ga a Month Agd? & Nebraska. IKfl UH WESTERN UNION. . NIGHT LETTER Thco. N. Vail, President. ' . RECEIVED AT 32 OM CN 73 NL 3 extra dont count QNS Omaha Nebr Jan 5th 1916. R A Garman, Mgr Keith theatre North Platte Nebr The sensational drama "Today" was presented at the Brandies theatre last night before the largest audience of tho season and our theatre goers were unanimous In de claring it tho most thrilling play they had seen in years with tho greatest acting company that has ever visited Omaha. You can go the limit, in your praise .of this at traction for It will be many a day before another such comes your way. CLINTON ROY SUPIIEN, Mgr Brandies Theatre. 915 pm CITY AND COUNTY NEWS George Outhard of Paxton was visit ing In the city yesterday with friends. Tho Indian card club will meet to morrow afternoon with Mrs'. Fred Waltemath, west Third street Attorney W. V. Hoagland left tills morning for Sidney to attend tho Ir rigation meeting that is being held thoro this week. C. W. Breahm of Harvard is in tho city for a few days Judging the ex hibits at the poultry nnd pet stock sliow. Ho is a specialist In .that line. Miss Marie McCabo and Arthur Mc Cabo left tho early part of the week for their respective schools, the for mer for Notro Dame, Ind., and the latter for St. Marys, Kan. r "Wo Issue today a "short story" edi tion, which we have found in tho past to bo very much appreciated by read' era of fiction. You will also notice that this issue consists of fourteen pages. E. Stono, a formor North Platte railroad man and a brother of our former citizen, Norman Stone, visited friends hero tho early part of this wook. He is now employed as en gineer 'on an Oregon road. ' Christian Science Society Sunday, 11:00 am. Subject "Sacrament." Sunday Bc'haal 12 m, Wednesday ey onlng meetings every week ox 8:00 o'clock Building &t Loan bujjdln,gi room 25. Tlie ladles Rowena circle fpf the Yeoman lodge will meet Tuesday af ternoon, January 12th, with Mrs. J. A. Salisbury. AU members yrqr re quested to be present and brng a friend. District Stord Keeper D. W. Roberts atad Division Storo Keeper W. S. Wil math leffi, yesterday for Juiesburg, Col. The old coal chutes at that place ard being torn down and these men went to look after saving the usable parts of them. Mrs. Ed Dedrlck very pleasantly en tertained the Et-A-Virp club Tuesday afternoon at kcnslngton, At the close of tho afternoon nice refreshments wero served by tho hostess. The club will meet Januarjf lJtli with Mrs. John Dick. Attorney P. It. Halligan Paul G. Meyer, Hershoy S. Welch and Conrad Walker leave today for Lexington to attend the suit of tho Kratz-Craig Co. vs tho City of Cozad. The case is tho result of a controversy over the payment of monoy for the construc tion of a city water plant which was recently built by tho plaintiffs for the City of Cozad. To Hold Joint Installation Joint installation will be held Mon day evening at tho K. of P. hall by tho local lodgo of A. O. U. W. and tho De gree of Honor. All membors of both lodges aro urged to bo present. The members of the A. O. U. W. are asked to bring their wives and If they have havo no wives they can bring lady friends. Each mombcr of tho Degree of Honor can bring a friend Odd FcllovtH Install Officers. A largo numbor attended tho in stallation of ofllcors which was held last evening by the Odd Fellows at their hall. District Deputy John E. Evans had chargo of tho work and In stalled tho ofllcors. Tho following officers wero Install: cd: Noblo grand, J. H. McKale; vice grand, l g. Reclor; secretary J. Guy Swopo; treasurer, E. S. Davis; R. S. N. G., J. S. Hoagland j L. S. N. G., S M Souder; R. S. V. O. E. W. Wright; L. S, V G., Fred Wendeborn; wardenV A.'S. Allen; inside guardian, Jas. A. Decker; outside, gunrdlan, Fred C. Potorson; chaplain, Dean J. J. Bow kor; R. S. S., W. II, Ingles; 'l. S. S., J. G. Palmer. Est raj ed Animnl Taken Up. Taken up December 25, 1914 one black maro colt, star In forehead, bad cut on loft hind leg. Owner" call '" Bame and puy tor this notice GEORGE BRADY, 802 .west 12th St. Items from Sutherland Free Lance John Frye, for nearly thirty years a resident of this neighborhood, pass ed away Wednesday morning at tho homo of his daughter, Mrs. W. S, Cokcr, in Sutherland, at the ago of 82 years For several months his health had been failing steadily. C. E. Peterson has "purchased the drug storo of A. F. Wakeman at Pax ton and Is now in chargo of the busi ness. Mr, and Mrs. Rolland Co'cklo of North Platte Jiavo been visiting with homo folks this week. Mrs. Cocklo was formerly Miss Ruby Collins who resided hero several years ago, and they were married in Kansas City January first. W. H. Shuler Informs us that It Is his intention to depart within a few days for Los Angeles with tho expec tation of finding a permanent loca him. Misses MacKay and Huffman of North Platto delighted their hearers with their recital hero Friday even ing, Tho young ladles gave a good entertainment and were deserving of a much larger audience. Down at North Pla,tte a, Greek who chases a woman around town is given a fine of ten plunks., Down souli If an American nigger cuts , any didoes around a, white woman his fine Js paid on tho other side of Jordan if i ' 'FUJI DISCOUNT. Collarcits RO Fcr Cent Sets 03 1-51 Per Cent ajiu mix FIVE MONTHS Of wak ' COST 6,000,000 MEN Statisticians "havo estimated .tluit five months of the greatest war of history have, cost the nations, involved 6,000,0,00 men (killed, wounded and captured) and $7,000,000,000, These figures are subdivided as follows. Losses.: Great Britain Eight hundnrd offi cers killed, 4,000 wounded; 15,000 men killed, 50,000 wounded, 25,00 missing. France Total casualltles. 1,100,000, of whom 180,000 havo been klllCd. RusBla Total casualltles, 1,800,00, of whom 220,000 havo been killed. Belgium Thirty thousand killed, 58,000 wounded, 35,000 captured. Servla Total casualltles 170,000; said by Austria to liave been enptured 8O,0Q0. Gormauy 250,000 killed, 850,000 wounded, 400,000 missing. Austria Total casualltles, 1,500,000 of whom 160,000 have been "killed. Expenses : Great Britain Two hundred and twenty-flvo million dollars a month, a total of $1,225,000,444 at tho end of tho year, Franco Threo" hundred million dol lars a month, a total of $1,500,000,000. Russia Three hundred and fifty million dollars a month, a total of $1, 750,000,000. Germany Thrco hundred million dol lars a month, a total of $1,500,000,000 In addition to paying tho expenses of her ally, Turkey. Austria Estimated to total $1,000,' 000,000. In addition, all the warring nations aro said to liave lost perhaps as much as they havo spent by tho paralyza tlon of commerce and Industry. A girl was born Wednesday to Mr. and Mrs. ThomaB Jeffries. Attorney J. G. Beelor left yesterday morning for SIdnoy where ho is sched uled to speak at tho Irrigation meet ing which is being held by western Nebraska irrigators. Elbert Hanklns, of Kolth county, was transacting business at tho court house Wednesday, Ho remained hero for n visit of a few days with friends. Nlok Adamy of tho Stnpleton vl-clnlty-as visiting friends in tho city today. Ho formerly operatod tho bowling alloys hero. Woahor forecast for North Platto and vicinity: Fair tonight and Sat urday, warmer tonight. Highest tcm- peraturo yesterday 35, a year ago 50 Lowest temperature last night-10, a year ago 31 Getting at A Secret By DWIGHT NORWOOD Jim Hathaway nnd 1 wero not only chums, but occupied rooms In the same bachelor apartment house. Jim was a secretive chap and especially fond of making n mystery of what was un ordinary happening. 1 poked fun nt him for doing so, but this seemed to hnvo no effect in (stopping him from continually trying to Impress me with his ability to do things without my having any knowledge of them. Then when tho denouement cnnic he would assume an air of superiority ns much ns to say, "I don't go about blabbing of ray affairs." There cume u time when 1 believed that Jim had nn affair on hand with u girl. The reason Vby I camo to this conclusion was that he began to show n contempt for women. "The best thing a fellow can do with a girl," he would sny. "is to let her ulone. By doing so he avoids the espouse of the ater tickets nnd flowers, only to And out later that she's cucouraglng somo other fellow " I was not Interested In Jim's love nffalrs, but I saw no reason why he should take pains to deceive inu In tlio matter However. It did nut trouble me that lie thought proper to do so I wu very fond of him nnd considered his Idiosyncrasy of ho real Importance, not doubting but that 1 had others myself just as absurd. Jim and I occupied common living room, and one evening when we were about to go out to dinner together Jim picked up an envelope that had been loft by the postmnn during the day, unsenled, jind took out n booklet ad vertising some kind of goods. I no ticed him looking nt it, or somo part of It, with apparent interest: then he tossed it in the wastebnsket The next morning I happened togo to that same wastebnsket to recover a bit of paper I had thrown In It con taining nn address. 1 stumbled on the envelope containing tho advertisement and noticed that It was addressed In a feminine hand. I thought nothing of this, since girls are usually employed to address advertising matter, and was huutlug on for my paper when I raked up tho advertisement.' It gave-n list of articles that would alone Interest a womnn. This set me to thinking why it should have been addressed to.a man. While meditating ou this I no ticed some lend pencil marks on the booklet, They were 8,10. 7. i Now, had It not been for what 1 have said about Jtm and hl3 mysteries It would not have occurred to mo that these figures were not merely some thing put there by somo unknown per son "for Bome very ordinary purpose, but intended for a cipher. First, ad vertisements 6f especial interest to wo men nre ircP'Usually mailed to men. This suggested that tho booklet had beeu received1 by' a woman and had beett used for cipher purposes by tho recipient. Wlmt bettoj-method forcc-m-1 munlcatlon conld thero.be Whether the figures had a meaning or not I re solved that If 1 ever got a girl whose parents would not permit me to visit her I would use this plan of communi cation. I tried hard not to pry into Jim's af fairs, but the puzzle was too fascinat ing for mo to let alone. Besides, thero was the temptation to beat Jim at his own game. What 8. 10. 7 meant haunted mo till I hit upon tho fact that tho present month waB August, tho eighth month in tho year. Tho present day was tho 12th. Did not tho fig ures contain an appointment? If so, It was for Aug. 10 at half past 7 (proba bly In the evening). I could not quite bring myself to shadow my friend on thut evening, but during the next month or so I noticed that he received a number of. adver tisements on which thero were lead pencil marks. I did not try to de cipher any of them, Indeed, I had not deliberately tried to decipher the first one. I had come upon it by accident It had got into my head and I couldn't get it out till I had solved It What 1 did was to b'uy n wedding present nnd I II lAa.v Yln y-ivsiilrl nnn 4t TTn tiff la ,0.au,V""u'",,,r.7"D" ""'.. auovo asmng me wuut n. wua iur, u i told hlm.that It was for a friend who was ubout to bo married, adding that I could not name the person since the engagement was n secret Tho reason why I counted on Jim's coming marriage was that it is difficult If not Impossible for two men to live together oue of whom is engaged with out tho other knowing it Jim never told me of Ills eugugeineut till a couple of weeks befoio tho wed ding. There had been no reason what over for tho secrecy attending tho af fair except such as influoucps youug couples In similar cases and Jim's ldlo svnerasv. Tho girl's parents wero i "l ' much pleased with tho m.uch, and .rif." "JL?T iuviuum.j, "" ;',"-';-.": ,"" irom wo iuhkui, urn, iic mpu " " bo his beet man, and It was proper that ho should glvo mo timely uotice. Tho evening before tho-vjveddlng 1 carried the wedding gift I had pro cured to tho bride's homo. Jim was there, and when l opened the box In Which It was contained Jim stnrted ns if he hnd been shot I laughed, ex plained the joke to the bride, nnd we nil laughed together. But I kept them wondeilng for many months before 1 told them how I had got on to their secret. That cured my mend ot mumng rays terles out or very small things. Ever nftorward he was frankness to pcrfec tion As for his wife, I doubt If she had ever been so troubled. A CAREER By DONALD CHAMBERUN Edward Wllklns was n farmer boy who when ho was but seven years old showed signs of a towering ambition. Even nt that, tender age ho discerned that, while there were n number of sources of power, tho ono that covered tho widest field was wealth. Atuny rate, ho saw persons living in tine houses and driving about In Btyle, and ho not only envied them, but resolved that as soou as he was able to accumu late money It should bo tho object of his life. When lidward was fourteen ho said goodby to his father and mother and went to the city to begin n career. Be ing bright nnd ready nt nil times for work, ho found a situation and not only kept it, but advanced rapidly. As he grow older there Was no dcslro in him for money In Itself, but for tho power nndjromlnenco it would glvo him. Except for tho first few years ho spent In tho citylio did not accumu late by saving. Tho, fortuno thai came to him was the result rather of daring operations, for which ho seemed to have n genius. After nwbllo Edward Wllklns had ac cumulated so much money that it seem ed imposslblo ho shoilld ever bo poor. His safety lay In having so much capi tal that, ho could carry through any sebemo ho undertook. If ho wished to buy all the corn In tho country and hold It at his own prlco ho was nblo to do so Did he choose to buy a rail way be could first depress tho stock, then purchase it arid hold-It nt his own valuation. Wilklns had no ih-alre to exercise tho power his wealth uiu- lilin. no was content with know iiig that he posseua ed It Ho did not care for political preferment; ho took no interest In In fluencing the courso of tho government When the great financier was forty years of age ho had reached thesum mlt of his nmbitiou. Ho had acquired enormous power through his wealth, but since tho 'exercise of that poWer would give him no enjoyment bo bad come to the end of his desire. Ho was liko Alexander, who complained be cause thcro were no mora kingdoms to conquer, When nn active brain tires of whnt baa occupied and fed It thero comes a craving for something to tako its , place." One such person will spend years building n sumptuous residence, which is moro likely to bo a sepulchcr than it bome. Another will turn au thor, taking comfort In giving t6 the world theories for which It has no use. Wllklns, now that ho had reached bis goal in hnlf d lifetime, began to won der what would bo thd"end of tho oth er half. After n continued rlso to the summit Would ho descend again to end his career in the valley? One thing he had lived long enough to recognize Life appeared to him a constant shifting. Nothing seemed to Cn( un,cM ,t' wfts ,nan,mat0( nnd . , . . . contlnn- ally changing Its form. Thero were mountains where theie had been vol- leys and valleys where thero had been mountains Cities had been buried for centuries, forgotten, then uncovered to serve as curiosities. Whole sections of land had slid down into the sea and passed out of sight Whnt would become of big great for tune? He knew that after his death it would pass baclrinto thogreatocean of wealth, "But would he retain it for the rest of his life? Now that he had achieved it ho no longer valued It and cared not so much what was to bo come of it ns what was to become of him. Enough to glvo him tho ordinary comforts essential to old ago was all ho desired. But that much was of great moment to' him. Ono night bo dreamed a vivid dream. Ho dreamed that ho returned to tho farm and was a boy again. Yet he possessed all the experience bo had ac quired. His ambition was gone. He said to himself: 'Here I am, and here I wish to remain. My body Is not as It was, full of life. It Is tired. All I dcslro Is rest' 1 It was a strange dream, this old - -,,,, Tf ,.! spirit in n young body It made . a marked impression on him nt the time, but gradually passed out of his mind with other forgotten things. When Wllklns found that bo had at tained his deslro ho bethought himself what ho could do to replaco tho object ho had lost Like many other rich men under similar circumstances, ho decid ed to build himself n magnificent resi dence. Ho had long owned tho farm on which ho had been born. His fa ther and mother had died there, and ho had no uso for tho place. So tho houso was shut up and tho land left unfilled, though ho gave orders that 1m hnnnn nnA rnniwo shnlllll Ixv kfinfr . b S'gmnlnrg; tholaco ho was about to 'build would mark his enu. Ho spent a year on designs for bis. . residence, then began to build. Four years passed, nnd It wob hot finished. Indeed, bo did not wish It finished. Ho clung to building it for something to occupy him. When It was complete, nnd ho moved In ho seemed lost in it It was big enough for a hundred fnml-. " lies, and thoro was only himself to S uso It ' ' Ono day wbou ho felt ill and tired and lone v hoconcluued to go included to go to' the farm. Ho hndJnof'been thero In mapy vnro. Tim vlnw In front of tho house , ho una nlwaya oyed, nnd he sat dow 0Q tno (Uo I)orcu t0 Jook nt ,t t a,hen ne remembered Ills drenm. - 4? H(J nevcr eft thf3 plnco of nl $,; In a few wecka heJed v - - T i I V i 1 4 um .!'" Wi