The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 08, 1915, Image 10

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She Admired
It was In tlio lute autumn. Kdltli
and 1 were walking In tho woods kick
ing up tho dead loaves, for tlicro were
only a few left on tlio treeH. Wo were
both young, I twenty-two, Edith eight
eon. I was sweet on Edith, nnd when
a man of that age la sweet on a girl
tho first idea that enters his head W
that she can only love a herole per
sonage who combines every manly at
tribute. When a man of forty gets
sweet on a woman he fears that bIio
won't consider that he has money
enough to make It worth her while to
marry him.
While Edith and J were walking
along to the pleasant sound of the
-kicked leaves I was thinking about
"bow many virtues 1 must possess to
win her. It was In wartime, and 1
naturally supposed that military glory
would count for n good deal.
"We're getting quite a number of
Instances of bravery from this war In
Europe." 1 remarked.
"Yes." she replied, "tboy'ro splendid
Just think of n young earl not yet
thirty years old. with tho life of a no
blonian beforo him, giving his life for
his country."
"Would you llko to bo tho widow of
ouch a man?"
"I would grlovo for him, but 1 would
glory In having had Buch a husband."
This was not encouraging for me, a
man of peace. It was some tlmo bo
foro 1 tried to find out nny moro of
thoso traits I did not possess, tbo ab
sence of which would lnduco Edith to
turn mo down.
"I read an account some tlmo ago,"
I said, "of a Belgian soldier who was
placed in front of a company of Ger
mans who were attacking his country
men. Seeing him, tho Holgians low
ered their rifles. 'ITlrcr bo cried. Ii"or
heaven's sake, Urol A volley Bwept
tho Dolglan and tho Germans away to
gether." "What a noblo sacrlflcol" exclaimed
Edith fervently.
"Do you suppose," I said, "that If
you had been that Belgian's wlfo and
a witness of tho sccno nnd his country
men bad looked to you to npprovo his
order to tiro you could bavo mado tho
sacrifice yourself?"
This was n poser. Edith mado no
reply for quite awhile; then she said
that she would havo preferred to com
promise by having them tiro on her. I
was not disposed to let her out In this
way and persisted In having n direct
answer, whereupon sho said that she
was afraid tho test would bo too much
for her. She might bo nblo to inako
tho sacrifice and sho might not. Of
ono thing she wns certain. Iler heart
would bo burled with that noblo Del
glan. It was apparent to mo that to win
Edith I must do something heroic.
"Do you know," I said, "I havo con
cluded that this war is n strugglo be
tween reaction and progress. I con
sider it the duty of America to Join in
It on tho sldo of progress."
"So do I." was tho prompt reply.
"What is true of a nation is truo of
ono of its individual citizens."
"What do you mean?"
That it Is my duty to tight for tho
world's progress. I'm going abroad to
Edith looked grave.
"Don't you think it my duty?"
i "No; I don't"
"Why not? Haven't you agreed with
me that it Is our duty as a nation to
fight on tho sldo of progress, nnd what
Is tlio duty of n nation is tho duty of
its individual citizens?"
"Yes; I supposo so. But I think it
would bo very foolish for you to go
all tho way over thero to to get your
cclf shot"
I looked down sldowiso at Edith.
Tho idea of my making myself food
for powder evidently troubled her.
"I Ball next week."
Thero was no comment on this for
awhile. Presently Edith asked mo in
n faltering volco why I had said noth
ing of this beforo. I was somo tlmo
framlug my answer. When it camo I
Bpoko In n choked volco:
"Bccauso I dread a parting."
"With whom?" Sho kept her eyes
bent on tho ground.
"You," I faltered.
I went on to tell her that I loved her,
and sho confessed that my lovo was
"now hard for U3 to part," I said.
"on tho ovo of our betrothal!"
"Wo will not part," buo said firmly.
"My duty calls."
"What duty?"
"To progress, civilization, tho causo
jf freedom."
"Lot It call."
"I might havo an opportunity to dlo
ono of thoso noblo deaths wo havo been
talking about"
"You'll do no Buch thing. You'll stay
at homo."
"But think how proud yon will bo of
your soldier lover."
"I don't want n Boldler lover."
"Must I go unsupported by tho
knowledgo that you nro willing to sac
rifice" "You'll not go nt all."
Wo wero sitting on n low horizontal
limb of n tree. Edith throw her arms
around mo to hold mo from going to
fight for an idea which I had no Idea
of fighting for. 1 gavo In at last and
consented to remain at home.
After wo wero married ono night we
heard burglars below. My wlfo in or
der to provont my going down to at-tn-
'('' ' ' ' ill lir "
Ifit' i 'i ti i- tin
Something i.M.sino
When Irving wanted to be nasty he
could be, remarlU'd an old Lyceum
hond once. Ills patience with the rank
and fllo was ux'tfiordliinry, but where
n rebuke was deserved Irvlng'H bltlnn
sarcasm was quite up to the occasion
Thero was in one production n super
who, though he had only a couple of
lines to speak, made hlx entiauce In
mich a way as to lend one to believe he
as sustaining the leading role, and
Ills behavior to his fellow actors was
equally unwarrantable. Irving soon
got on the track of this man and ran
him to earth at rehearsal. In due time
the super entered, haughtily saying;
"My lord, the carrlnge In waiting.'
"Let's have It louder." said Irving
The man repeated It In a louder tone,
whereupon Sir Henry demanded that
It should be repeated again still louder
Yet again did he make the super re
peat It, and louder still, and yet again
was the same demand made. The man
was becoming enraged and at last
xhrlcked out the woids.
"Very good." said Sir Ilenry. "very
(.nod. Indeed, but couldn't you Just
uianagc to put a shade of temper Into
It?" -Pennon's.
Great Seal of the United State.
The great seal of tho United States Is
Kept locked up In a rosewood box In
the vaults of the state department nt
Washington. Its custodlnn will im
press It upon a document only on re
ceipt of n formal warrant signed by
the president The use of it or Indeed
the possession of un Impression of It
without Buch n warrant Is a gravo of
fenso, punishable llko tho most serious
forgery. It cost $10,000 and Is Uncle
Sam's most Bacred possession. When
it is imprinted upon n document a
Thanksgiving proclamation, for In
stance; this Is f parchment and beau
tifully engrossed Bach document is
tiled in tho nrcblvcs nnd only printed
or typewritten copies nro sent out
Governors of states nro entitled to re
ceive copies signed by tho president
and secretary of stato personally. Oth
er persona unless specially favored re
ceive only printed copies. Now York
Man and His Dog.
no lies in front of uio curled up be
foro tho fire, as so many dogs must
have lain before so many tires. 1 sit
on ono side of that hearth, ns so many
men must havo sat by so many
hearths. Somehow this creature has
completed my manhood; somehow, I
cannot explain why, a man ought to
havo a dog. A man ought to have six
legs; those other four legs aro part of
him. Our alllauco Is older than any
of the passing and priggish explana
tions that are offered of either of U3.
Beforo evolution wns wo were. You
can find it written In a book that 1 am
a mere survival of a squabblo of an
thropoid apes, and perhaps I am. 1
am sure 1 havo no objection. But my
dog knows I am a man, and you will
not find the meaning of that word
written in any book as clearly as it is
written In his soul. G. K. Chesterton.
Detecting Eranuros.
if paper upon which erasures or
writing have been mado Is exposed to
tho vapor of Iodine tho roughened sur
faco takes a different tint from that
portion which has not been tampered
with, if tho erasure has been lightly
mado, only tho Ink or pencil lead be
ing rubbed uway and the mark left In
tho fiber of the paper, iodine vapor
causes tho writing to reappear. This
Is because wherever tho paper has
been roughened moro lodlno is absorb
ed than by a smooth surface. This
test is cffectlvo within three months
after tho inaklug of the alteration.
No Bargain.
Tho Btrap had been applied to a
flvo-ycnr-old unruly.
"Now, tlio next tlmo 1 havo to pun
ish you," said tho Btcrn parent, "you
Will go to bed for a day in the bar
gain." Whereupon tho weeping unruly ob
served: "Is that what you call a bargain?"
Dotrolt Times.
Tipping His Hand.
Nankin Undo Sol Sodbustcr. pre
tends to be an experienced chauffeur,
but I know ho hasn't owned a machine
very long. Phyl What makes you so
certain of It? Itankln When ho left
home this morning ho absently chuck
ed a bag of oats In the back of the au
tomobile. Youngstown Telegram.
Relieving His Feelings.
"Father, don't men cnll themselves
bachelors before they get married?"
"Yes, my boy."
"And what do they call themselves
after, ,dadV"
"Hush: It isn't tit ror little boys to
know." Exchange.
Your Own House.
A man may bo said to havo done
bettor than the average if, when ho
dies, tho house In which ho lived is In
his own numo and freo from mortgage.
Philadelphia Ledger.
Natural Result.
"Maymo blushed when sho found 1
was trying to read her faco."
"Well, peoplo usually do blush when
their faces aro getting read." Balti
more American.
Thero nro two kinds of successful
husbands-thoso who fool their wives
and those who don't try. Washington
Thero is never any good to bo ex
pected of young men who confess their
dl P?"1 roo" nrvl otrnlclltWMV fall
ti"n i. i i
(Copyright, 19H, by tho McCluro
Newspaper Syndicate.
My mistress in (Jalusboro road had
lost a 5 note In the house, and the
thief was tho parlor maid. 1 knew It
from her actions, and three months
nfter I left the bouse sho was caught
in a similar offense and owned up to
tho first theft Uowever, tho crime
wns laid on me, and because 1 made
Indlgnnnt and perhnps impudent pro
test I was flung out of tho house nt
half an hour's notice and refused a
character. I was Idle for tho next
three months. Tho first thing demand
ed when 1 nppllcd for a placo was a
character. As soon as It was learned
that I had nono It was useless to talk
further. It was for this reason that I
finally paid n fee to an Intelligence
office in Margate street and was at
length sent for to tako a placo at gen
eral housework. It was an old man
named Dyson who wanted me. Ho
was willing to take mo $vlthout a
character becauso he would havo to
pay less wages and because, ns ho
grimly asserted, thero was nothing ly
ing around looso in his houso for mo
to steal. As wo sat face to face I
sized him up as mean and penurious,
but I did not sco nny evil in him. Ho
bad an aged and infirm wlfo, ho told
me, nnd I would bo tho only servant
It 'was not for mo to pick nnd chooso.
I must have a place and hold it long
enough to get a character again. 1
went with him miles nnd miles out on
tho Elolborn road, and "wo at last ar
rived at the cheaply built and cheap
looking cottage ho occupied. It was a
placo devoid of almost all conveniences
and had been selected for its cheap
rent I found the old wlfo deaf, almost
blind and palsied, and It was apparent
that sho had no caro whatever.
I soon bad evidence that bo was in
lovo with n widow In the neighborhood,
or at least he desired to bo freo bo that
ho could marry her. My natural im
pulse on finding out how ho felt toward
his wlfo was to flee tho house, but I
havo explained how I wns situated.
In the course of a couplo of weeks
he declared that tho collar was full of
rats and gavo me money and command
ed mo to buy arsenic. Do recommend
ed too to go to a store miles away nnd
to say that I wanted it for my com
plexion nnd to glvo my own nnme. 1
went to a drug store only two blocks
nwny and gave bis name, and when he
discovered this he was highly indig
nant for n day. and I rather expected
to bo thrown out Ilowcvcr, in the
course of three or four days ho devel
oped another plan. After coaching the
old wlfo bo left mo nlono with her for
the first time, and sho begged rao to
get her some laudanum for tootbacho
and not to mention tbo matter to him.
It was easy to tell that sho had been
coached what to say. and I refused to
buy the drug. A few days later as 1
was preparing her n soup I had to Icavo
tho kitchen for n minute. When I re
turned tho soup was giving out n
strange odor, nnd being satisfied that
her husband had poisoned it I, of
course, throw it away, no scolded
about ray waste, but when 1 looked
him squarely In tbo eyes ho dropped his
and bad no more to say.
I had been with tho Dysons flvo years
when tho climax came. The old wo
man was holding her own If not get
ting better, and tho husband's impa
tlenco bad a savago edge to it Their
bedroom was on tho north side of the
house. All along on that side was n
deep excavation for n factory.
At 10 o'clock ono night 1 lay wonder
ing If ho really meant to tnko her life
and how he would finally accomplish
it when I beard a half suppressed
scream from his room. I got softly out
of bed and went to tho farther door,
and, looking through a crack, I saw
that the window was up and that ho
stood before It with his wlfo in his
arms. Sho was hanging on to hlra with
fingers of steel and making n great
struggle. I heard him breathing heav
lly nnd snnrllng nnd growling ns ho
tore her fingers loose, but I did not
know wbnt he planned to do till of a
sudden ho staggered to the open win
dow nnd llung her out Sho screamed
ns sho went to her death, and in ray
fright 1 echoed the scream. I remem.
bcr tho innn rush lug across tho room
at me, of bis dashing open tho door, of
his striking mo down, and then camo
darkness which lasted for weeks. lie
had struck me with u pleco of Iron nnd
fractured my skull. Ho then carried
my body downstairs and boro It a
quarter of a mllo away and Hung It
Into another excavation. Beforo tnk
ing rao from tho houso ho put on my
bat and cloak, and thus it appeared to
thoso who found ray unconscious body
next morning that I had been coming
home tho night beforo nnd fallen into
tho pit As to his wife, ho gavo tho
alarm and brought tho pollco and mado
out that It was a case of suicide. While
he waB fast asleep, as bo claimed, she
had Btolen to tho window nnd leaped
to her death.
Ills story went, and it was several
months before thero was any contra
diction. I had n fractured skull, brain
fever and pneumonia and for weeks
nnd wcokB lay ns ono dead. When I
mended my memory wns confused, nnd
it was seven months beforo I told my
story and put the pollco on tho track.
Long beforo that Dyson had married
tho widow and Balled for America,
and though efforts wero mado to find
him nothing camo of them. Never did
n man deserve the hangman's ropo
uiort- ill r 't I'vipu tiKlav lie In free
unit n in t i tit tin- uiw
Office phono 241. Res. phono 217
L . C . D RIO S T ,
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
Physician nnd Surgeon
Ofilco B. & L. Building, Second Floor.
Phone, Ofilco, S3; Rcsldenco 38.
Physician and Surgeon
Specialty Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat
Glasses Fitted.
New Office in McCabe Building,
Physician nnd Surgeon
Of lice: Rooms 1 and 2
McDonald Bank Building
North Platte, Nebraska.
Ofilco phono 82, Res. Red 302. Calls
answered prompty Day or Night.
Nyal Drug Storo Reo. Phono
Phono 8 Red 40G
Graduate Veterinarian
North Platto, Nebraska.
Hospital 218 Locust St. Phone blk 249
Pnylng Top rrlco for Hides
BONES $7.00 to $8.00 PER TON
of all kinds
Phono G42. 723 North Locust.
Sheriffs Snlo
By virtue of an order of sale issued
from tho District Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, upon a decreo of
foreclosuro rendered in said Court
wherein Ruben W. Rlsbcrg is plain
tiff, and Albert P. Larson et al aro
defendants, and to mo directed, I will
on tho 18th day of January, 1915, at 2
o'clock p. m. at tho east front door of
the corut houso in North Plate, Lin
coln county, Nebraska, sell at public
auction to tho highest bidder for cash
to satisfy said decree, interest and
costs, tho following described prop
erty to-wlt:
Southeast quarter (SE) Section
Seven (7) Township Ten (10) North of
Range Thirty-two (32) Lincoln Coun
ty, Nebraska.
Dated North Platte, Nebraska, De
cember 14 1914.
dl5-5w A. J. SALISBURY,
Notice of Sheriffs Sale.
By vlrtuo of an execution Issued by
Geo. E. Prosser, clerk of tho district
court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, up
on a judgment rendered in said court
in favor of Fred R. GInn et al against
William Hupfor, I havo levied upon
the following real estate as th6 prop
erty of said William Hupfer to-wit:
All of lots soven (7), eight (8) and
nine (9) block five (5) In Trustees
Addition In North Platte, Nebraska,
and I will on tho 29th day of January,
1915, at 2 o'clock P. M. of said day,
at tho front door of tho court houso of
said county, in North Platte, sell said
real estato at public auction to tho
highest biddor for cash to Batlsfy
said execution, tho amount duo there
on, in tho nggregato being tho sum of
$3G8.G3 and $10.70 cost and accruing
Dated December 28, 1914.
9S-5w Sheriff.
Legal Notice.
In the District Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska.
William Schaeplor, plaintiff, vs.
James E. Lane, mortgageo named in
the mortgage In tho petition heroin
described, the unknown heirs or leg
atees and dlvlsecs of said James E.
Lane, deceased; tho unknown heirs or
legatees and dlvlsees of Jo3lah Har
rington, deceased, as assignee from
said James E. Lane of said mortgage
and tho real estate covered and
clouded thoroby, to-wlt: E NWU
and EV SWVi Bectlon 24, township
12 North, rnngo 32 West Gth P. M.,
Each and all of the defendants
abovo named and described, will tako
notico that William Sclmepler, plain
tiff herein, on tho 18th day of August,
1914 filled his petition in tho ofilco of
tho Clerk of tho District Court of
Lincoln County. Nebraska, against
tho defendants horolnbeforo In tho tl
tlo named and described, tho object
and prayer of which aro to obtain the
decree of said court to quiet In the
plaintiff tho tltlo to said described
real estate to-wlt: EVs NWVL and
EVi SWU Bectlon 24, township 12,
North. ranee 32 West Gth
P. M against the apparent and un
onforclblo Hen arising by vlrtuo of
tho mortgago thereon, mado by Alton
L. Martin to James E. Lane, dated
March 10. 1894, recorded March 24,
1894 In book 13, pago 473 of tho mort
gago records of said Lincoln County,
which said mortgago has been fully
paid and satisfied and duo and legal
assignment of samo was mado by said
James E. Lano to said Joslah Har
rington, now decensed, tho last named
having executed and delivered good
and sufllcient release of said mort
gage, but both said Instruments, to
wlt: said assignment of mortgago and
rolcaso thereof, so as aforesaid duly
oxocuted, acknowledged and delivered,
hnvo been let or destroyed without re
cording and nil without fault or laches
on behalf of said plaintiff, who prays
for said decreo without redeeming or
offering to redeem therefrom, full sat
isfaction of tho same having been
mado, and for equitable relief gener
You, tho said defendants, and each
of you, aro required to answer said
potltlon on or boforo Monday tho 18th
day of January, 1915.
Dated December 8. 1914.
By King & Pltner. his attorney
O-ct'ola. Nebi . DS-l
Geo. B. Dent,
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention given to Surgery
and Obstetrics.
Office: Building and Loan Building.
Phono. (.Ofilco 130
Pnon88 Residenc. 115
Licensed Erabnlmcrs
Undertakers nnd Funeral Directors
Day Phono 234.
Night Phono Black 588.
1008 West Fourth St.
Graduate Nurses in Attendance
Physician and Surgeon.
Lunch Room Just Opened
Regular Menls 25 Cents. Try us.
810 Front Street.
Referee's .Sale
, By vlrtuo of an Order of Sale is
sued in tho District Court In and for
Lincoln County, Nebraska, on tho 21st
day of December, 1914. in an action of
partition wherein Samuel Mooro and
Thoodoro Smith are plaintiffs and
Roy Howltt, Edna Hewitt, George
Howltt,, Lester Hewitt, Glenn Howltt,
Olive Smith and Arlio Smith, all minor
heirs and C. J. Howltt, father and nat
ural guardian of defendants Roy How
ltt, Edna Hewitt, George Hewitt, Les
ter Hewitt and Glenn Hewitt and Josie
Smith, mother and natural guardian
of defendants Olive Smith and Arlle
Smith respectfully aro defendants, I
will sell at Public Auction at tho East
Front Door of the Court Houso In tho
City of North Platte, Lincoln County,
Nebraska, on tho 25th day of January,
1915, at tho hour of one o clock P. M.
tho following described real estate,
situate In Lincoln County, Nebraska,
to-wlt: Tho Southeast Quarter of Sec
tion Twelve (12), Township Ten (10),
North of Range Thirty-three (33),
West of tho 6th P. M.
Tho terms of said sale will be cash
in hand.
Dated North Platte, Nebraska, this
21st day of December, 1914.
E. C. IIODDEIl, Attorney.
C45 Omaha National Bank Building
Notice to Noii-ItcNldeut DefendnittH
Thedefendants. Arthur Battles, Han
nah Battles, Stella A. Dowd, Dowd,
hor husband. llrHt nnd real name un
known, and ench of them are notified
that on the 18th day of November. 1914.
George E. Warren riled a petition In tho
.District uourt or Lincoln county, .Ne
braska aganst said abovo named de
fendants, Impleaded with others,
tho object and prayer of
which are to foreclose his certain mort
gages executed on the 27th day of
April, iib. Dy mo uerenuant, Artnur
Battles In favor of the U. S. Live Stock
Company, a corporation, upon tru fol
lowing described nrooerty. situated in
the County of Lincoln and State of
Nebraska to-wlt: One mortgage for
$500.00 on the north one-half of the
southeast one-fourth, and the south
west one-fourth of tho southeast one
fourth, and the northeast one-fourth
of the southwest one-fourth In Section
seventeen, In towushlp sixteen north,
of range thirty-two west of tho sixth
P. M., in Lincoln County, Nebraska,
recorded In Book 4, Pago 319, of the
Mortgage Records of Lincoln County,
Nebraska, to secure a flrst mortgage
coupon noto or obligation to said U. S.
Live stock company, a corporation,
dated the 27th day of April, 1912, and
plaintiff alleges that there is due upon
said note and obligation the sum of
$545.00 with interest thereon at the
rate of 6 per cent per annum from the
27th day of October, 1914; one mort
gage for $1000.00 on tho north one-half
of section seventeen, in township six
teen north, of range thirty-two west
of the sixth P. Ms in Lincoln Conuty,
Nebraska, recorded In Book 42, Pago
321 of tho mortgage records of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, to secure a First
Mortgage Coupon noto or obligation
to said U. S. Live Stock Company, a
corporation, dated the 27th day of
April, 1912, and plaintiff alleges that
there is due upon said note or obli
gation the sum of $1090, with Inter
est thereon at tho rate of 6 per cent
per annum from the 27th day of Oc
tober, 1914. That each and all of the
aforesaid notes and mortgages havo
been duly assigned and transferred to
this plaintiff.
The plaintiff prays that each nnd all
of said mortgaged premises be decreed
to bo sold to satsfy the amounts duo
thereon and that each and all of said
defendants and all persons claiming by,
through or under them or any of them
be excluded from and foreclosed of all
Interest, right, title, lien and equity of
redemption In to and upon said prem
ises You aro required to answer said po
titon on or beforo the 2Cth day of
January, 1915.
GEORGE E. WARREN. Plaintiff.
By E. C. Hodder. His Attorney.
l3. C. lIOI)I)i:il, Attorney.
Omaha National Bank Building
Xotlce to Xon-lleNlileiit Defendant
Tho defendants. Arthur Battles, Han
nah Battles, Stella A. Dowd, Dowd,
her husband, first nnd real namo un
known, Austin S. Ghrlst, J. Sidney
Smith, John E. Ghrlst. Eunice A Christ,
Harvoy Aletz, i-Tanic wine, u. j. jj.ivih,
first and real name unknown, F. J.
Whltehend, first and real namo un
known, A. J. White, first and real
name unknown, Mrs. A. J. White, first
nnd real namo unknown, L. 11. West,
first and real nnmo unknown and Mrs.
L. It. West, his wife, first and real
namo unknown, and each of them aro
notified that on the 18th day of No
vember, 1914, James A Flko tiled a pe
tition In tho District Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, against said abovo
named defendants Impleaded with oth
ers, tho object and prayer of which nro
to forecloso his certain mortgages ex
ecuted on tho 27th day of April. 191,
by the defendant, Arthur Battles in
favor of tho U. S. Llvo Stock Company,
a corporation, upon tho following des
cribed property, situated In tho County
of Lincoln nnd Stato of Nobrnska, to
wlt: Ono mortgairo for $500.00 on tho
woBt one-half of tho northwest ono
fourth and tho southeast one-fourth of
the northwest ono-fourth in section
throe in townsnip niieen norm, oi
rnngo thirty-two west of tho sixth P.
M.. Lincoln County, Nebraska, recorded
In Book 42, Pago 317, of tho Mortgago
Records of Lincoln County, Nobraska,
to securo a First mortgage uounun
nntn or fllil I f-n t lfn tn Rfltcl IT. H. LlVO
Stock Company, a corporation, dated
the 27th day of' April, IMS und plain-
tiff alleges that there is duo upon said
noto or obligation tho sum of $645.00
wlth Interest thereon nt tho rate of 6
..';-: VU- oU.,,,,v, tmm tlm ?7th
dny of October, 1914: one mortgago lor
'$50000 on tho south one-half of the
B southwest one-fourth, In section sov n-
I 11131 LClit W - m , - -
tun. and tin north onc-hilf f ti c
northeast ono-fourth in section nine
teen, all in township sixteen north, of
rango thirty-two west of the sixth
P. M. in Lincoln County, Nobraaka, re
corded In Book 42, Pago 313, of the
Mortgage Hecords of Lincoln County,
Nobraska, to securo a First Mortgage
Coupon noto or obligation to said U.
H. Live Stock Company, a corporation,
dated the 27 th day of April, 1912, and
plaintiff alleKCS that thero Is duo upon
said noto or obligation tho sum of
$545.00, with Intorost thereon at tho
rato of 6 per cent per annum from tho
27th day of October, 1914; ono mort
gago for $1000.00 on tho southwest ono
fourth and tho west one-half of tho
northwest one-fourth and tho southeast
ono-fourth of tho northwest ono-fourth
and the southwest one-fourth of tho
southeast one-fourth In section nine
teen, township sixteen north, of rango
thirty-two west of tho sixth 1'. M. In
Lincoln County, Nebraska, recorded In
Hook 42, Pago 299 of tho Mortgage
Records of Lincoln County, Nebraska,
to securo a First Mortgage Coupon
Noto or obligation to Bald U. S. Ltvo
Stock Company, a corporation, dated
tho 27th day of April, 1912, and plain
tiff alleges that there is duo upon said
noto or obligation tho sum of $1090
with Interest at tho rato of C per cent
per annum from tho 27th day of Oc
tober, 1914. That each and all of tho
aforesaid notes and mortgages havo
been duly assigned and transferred to
this plaintiff.
This plaintiff praya that each and
all of said mortgaged premises bo de
creed to bo sold to satlafy tho amounts
duo thereon and that each and all of
said defendants and all poraons claim
ing by. through or under them or any
or them bo excluded from and fore
closed of all Interest, right, title lien
and equity of redemption in to and
upon said premises.
, You are required to answer said pe
tition on or boforo tho 26th day of
January, 1915.
JAMES A. FIKE, Plaintiff.
By E. C. Ilodder, His Attorney.
E. C. HODDER, Attorney.
645 Omaha National Bank Building
Notice to Non-Itcnldent Defendant
Tho defendants Will Outtrlm, Clara
C. Outtrlm, AuBttn S. Ghrlst, John B.
Christ, Frank Wllle, C. E. Marquis,
first and real namo unknown and J.
Sidney Smith, and each of them aro
notified that on tho 18th day of No
vember, 1914. Anna V. Mctcalf filed a
petition in the District Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska against the
said above named defendants Impleaded
with others, tho object and prayer of
which are to foreclose certain mort
gages executed by tho defendants Will
Outturn and Clara C. Outtrlm on tho
27th day of April, 1912, in favor of tho
U. S. Live Stock Company, a corpora
tion, upon the following described
property, situated In the County of
Lincoln nnd State of Nebraska, to-wlt:
One mortgage for $1000.00 on the west
one-half of section twenty-ono In
township sixteen north of range thirty
two wst of tho sixth P. M, Lincoln
County, Nebraska, recorded In Book
42, I'age 307 of tho Mortgago Records
of Lincoln County, Nebraska, to securo
a Flifet Mortgage Coupon noto or ob
ligation to said U. S. Llvo Stock Com
pany, a corporation, dated the 27th day
of April, 1912 and plaintiff alleges
that there Is due upon said note or ob
ligation the sum ,of $1090, with Inter
est thereon at tho rato of 6 per cent
per annum from tho 27th day of Oc
tober, 1914; Ono mortgago for $1000.00
on the east one-half of section twenty
ono in township sixteen north, of range
thirty-two west of the sixth P. M.
in Lincoln County, Nebraska, recorded
in Book 42, Pago 311 of tho Mortgage
Records of Lincoln County, Nebraska,
to secure a First Mortgage Coupon
noto or obligation to said U. S. Llvo
Stock Company, a corporation, dated
tho 27th day of April, 1912, and plain
titf alleges that there Is due upon said
noto or obligation the sum of $1090,
with Interest thereon at tho rate of C
per cent per annum from tho 27th day
of October, 1914; One mortgago for
$500.00 on tho northeast one-fourth of
section twenty-nine In township six
teen north, of range thirty-two west of
the sixth P. M. in Lincoln County, Ne
braska, recorded In Book 42, Pago 303
of tho Mortgago Records of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, to securo a First
Mortgago Coupon noto or obligation
to said U. S. Llvo Stock Company, a
corporation, dated the 27th day of
April, 1912 and plaintiff alleges that
thero is due upon said noto or obliga
tion tho sum of $545.00, with Interest
thereon at the rato of 6 per cent per
annum from the 27th day of October,
1914; One mortgago for $500.00 on tho
southeast one-fourth of the southeast
one-fourth Tind tho west one-half of
the southeast one-fourth all in section
twenty-nine in township sixteen north
of range thirty-two west of the sixth
P. M. and the south half of tho south
east one-fourth of the southeast one
fourth In section nineteen, In town
ship sixteen north, of range thirty-two
west or tne sixtn i M all in Lincoln
County, Nebraska, recorded In Book
42 and Pago 305 of the Mortgago
Records of Lincoln County, Nebraska,
to securo a First Mortgage Coupon noto
or obligation to said U. S. Live Stock
Company, a corporation, dated tho 27th
day of April, 1912 and plaintiff alleges
that there Is duo upon said note or ob
ligation tho sum of $545.00, with in
terest thereon nt the rate of 6 per cent
per annum from tho 27th day of Oc
tober, 1914; Ono mortgago for $500.00
on the southwest ono-fourth of section
twenty-nine in township sixteen north,
of range thirty-two west of the sixth
P. M. in Lincoln County, Nebraska,
recorded In Book 42, Page 309, of tho
Mortgage Records of Lincoln County,
Nebraska, to secure a First Mortgage
note or obligation to said U. S. Llvo
Stock Company, a corporation, dated
the 27th day of April, 1912. and plain
tiff alleges that there Is due upon said
note and obligation the sum of $545.00,
with interest thereon at tho rato of 6
per cent per annum from the 27th day
of October, 1914. That each and all of
the aforeBaid notes nnd mortgages havo
been duly assigned and transferred to
this plaintiff.
Tho plaintiff prays that each and all
of tho said mortgaged premises bo de
creed to be sold to satisfy the amounts
duo thereon and that each and all of
said defendants and all persons claim
ing by, through or under them or any
of them bo excluded from and foreclos
ed of nil interest, right, title, lien nnd
equity of redemption In to nnd upon
snld premises.
Ynii nrn romilred to answer said Pe
tition on or boforo tho 2Cth day of Jan
uary, 1915.
ANNA V. METCALF, rialntlff.
By E. C. Hoddor, Her Attorney
13. P. IIODDEIl, Attorney.
045 Omaha National Bank Building
Xotlce to Xoii-Kenldent DefeiidnutM
The defendants. Will Outtrlm, Clara
C. Outtrlm, Frank Wllle. Eunice A
Christ and John Ghrlst, her husband,
and each of them aro notified that
on the 18th day of November, 1914,
James A. Flko filed a petition in tho
District Court of Lincoln County, Ne
braska against snld nbovo named de
fendants lmplonded with others, tho
object and prayor of which aro to fore
close his certain mortgage executed on
tho 27th day of April, 1912 by tho de
fondants Will Outtrlm and Clnra C.
Outtrlm for $500.00 In favor of the U.
S. Live Stock Company, a corporation,
upon the northwestVmo-fourth (N. W.
U) of Section twenty-nine (29), in
township sixteen (16) north, of range
thirty-two (32) west of tho sixth (6th)
V. 5l Lincoln County. Nebraska, re
corded In Book 42 of Mortgages, Page
301, of tho Mortgago Records of Lin
coln County, Nebraskn, to securo tho
payment of a First Mortgage Coupon
note or obligation to the said U. S.
Llvo Stock Company, a corporation,
under date of April 27th, 1912, which
said note and mortgage has been duly
assigned and transferred to this plain
tiff and this plaintiff alleges that there
Is now duo upon said note tho
sum of $545.00 with Interest thereon at
the rato of 6 per cent per annum from
tho 27th day of October, 1914.
Tho plaintiff prays that said mort
gaged premises be decreed to bo sold
to satisfy tho amountldue thereon and
Hint each and nil of Bald defendants
and all porsons claiming by, through or
under them or any of them bo excluded
from and foreclosed of all Interest,
rlcht title, lien and equity of redemp-
t.on In to and upon said premises.
7ou nre reaulred to answer said ne-
. r- ' " -."-- .. .. . . i
tltlon on or Deroro me soin uay oi jan
uary, 1915.
J.AM,rL ,rlKI;, P'ntl"
By E. C Hodder, His Attorney
a I
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