The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 05, 1915, Image 4

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A Few Injuries at the- Ice House
..Four Injuries were reported this
week at the lco house, none of them
of a serious nature. The men woro
laid up from Ave to ten days. John
Ilornnn caught his foot between two
moving cakes of lco and had it quite
badly crushed. Charles McKeo fell
and sprained his wrist qulto badly, lay
ing "him up for several days. Stany
Pukajayk pulled a cako of lco out of
u car on himself and sustained a bad
ly bruised hip and Ben Uccklns re
ceived an ugly gash in his knee as tho
result of a pair of tongs slipping off
a cako of ice.
Pat Haggerty left yesterday morn
ing for Omaha where ho will spend
tho week visiting friends.
m rt fm,.KB lf D.liixlnn ..,..-.. (J
Ing for Frosts, Minn., called thero by
tho death of his father, N. O. Thomp
Thomas Haggerty returned home
last week from Denver whoro ho
spent tho holidays with his parents
and other relatives and friends.
Engineer Don Dovlne, of Sidney, vis
ited friends in town Saturday whllo
enrouto homo from the east part of
tho stato where ho accompanied the
remains of his son.
Engineer Gcorgo Austin returned
Saturday night from Illinois, whero
ho was called by tho illness of his sis
ter. When ho left her condition was"
somewhat improved.
Miss Ireno O'Donnell roturncd Sun
day from a visit of a week with rela
tives and fricndB in Cheyenne, Rawlins,
and Laramie, Wyo. JMIbb O'Donnell is
telephone operator at tho Union Pa
t 'clflc offices.
Firemen Boeder and Hansell of this
district liayo been transferred to tho
Oregon Short Lino whero they will
,, hotld similar positions. Tho two young
H men lcavo for the west this week to as-
Btuno their duties.
Over thrco thousand dollars was re
ceived hero yesterday from tho rail
road company to pay off somo of tho
men who aro employed jit tho local
lco houses. Tho gang of men isi be
ing reduced somo this weok.
Division 88, B. of L. E. engineers,
wives and families aro Invited to at
tend tho installation of offlcors and
recoptlon which will bo hold nt eight
o'clock nt the Masonic hall Wednes
day evening, January Cth. By order
of Committee.
At tho meeting of tho Ladles Auxil
iary to 13. of II. T. tho following oHlc
ors woro elected for 1015: PaBt pres-
ldent, Mrs. Eliza Cool; president, Mrs.
Annie Bogue; vice president, Mrs,
Josophiuo. McMuUOn; secretary, Mrs.
May Bailor; treasurer, Mrs. Angolino
Ritonour: chaplain, Mrs. Graco Lam
bert; conductress, Mis. Iloso Garrison;
warden, Mrs. Emma ForguBou; innor
guard, Mrs. Jennie Wllborton; outer
guard, Mrs. Annio LoDIoyt; medical
- examiner Dr. Kerr.
$ - 2U-J
1 Tho Mettiodlst aid society will meet
ut tho 'nomtfTif Mrs. M. D. Scott. 220
west Second stropt, Thursday after
noon. Frank Baldwin returned yesterday to
Kansas City Whero ho is taking n
course in a veterinary' school. Ho spent
tho holidays in this city with his
VrfNdrmnn Loudon, who wus awarded
lliac'bntrnct for enlarging the baso
nionF'tif tho federal building, began
tho work yesterday. Tho dirt will bo
removed by tho whoolbarrow method,
a somowhat Blow and laborious task.
Tho pension checks for tho veter
ans of tho civil war arrived this weok
and aro bolng paid off. A now ruling
recently went Into effect. Undor this
now ruling each pensioner must show
his pension certificate before tho
chock will bo delivered by tho post
oihco department. It will go into ef
fect for tho payment on April 3rd.
For Trndo
1 havo a nlno room residence with
qua'rtor block of ground well located
In first class condition, located in
JCcarnoy, Nebraska, I will trado for
cheap grazing land tributary to
Nprtli Platto. Prefer to deal with own
er. This placo will bear tho closest In
spection. C. II, LEDBETTER,
99tf Kearney, Nob.
Si A-JLl Jd
Beginning December 26th and Closing January 13th we will give you a discount
o one-fifth from the regular price of every article carried in our Dry Goods, Cloaks,
Dresses, Suits, Carpets, Rugs, Linoleum, Notion, Gents' Furnishing and Shoe stocks.
These goods will be sold to you at regular price and one-fifth deducted from your
bill. During this sale we will not open any new goods in these departments, so it
will pay you to come early before the assortments are broken.
Wilcox Department Store.
Tho county judge and the county
superintendent are tho only county
officers that chango this year and they
will nsBuno their respective dutler
In olIlolaL, capacity Thursday of this
County Superintendent elect Alleen
Gantt will tako over tho ofllco Wed
nesday. Miss Cox leaves this evening
for Brady whoro she has bocn en
gaged ns teacher In tho publls schools.
During Miss Cox's1 Incumbency in of
llco Bho has been an efficient worker
and has commanded the admiration of
ill who know her. Miss Gantt will
return this week from tho south to
assunio her charge. Her experience
in tho teaching profession In Lincoln
county is a recommendation that In
spires the confidence of the public In
her success.
County Judgo olect Geo. E. French
will tako over that olllco Wednesday
evening and will begin his duties on
Thursday morning. Judgo Grant will
loavo tho city shortly on a vacation af
tor his two years of aprvlco and after
his return ho will open up a law of
fice In this county. Tho now county
Judgo commands tho confidence and ro
spect of tho public and will undoubt
edly bo an olllclent dispenser of Jus-
iMnl JIiuV Promoted
Wm. Glover, who has been repre
senting tho Brown Fruit Co., of Grund
Island, In this city for somo time, has
roccntlyi received notice of promotion.
Ho will bo taken Into tho olllco at
Grand Island. Ho and Mrs. Glovor
will leavo shortly for Grand Island
to mako their homo. Frank Murray,
of this city, has boon given tho terri
tory formerly worked by Mr. Glover
and ho began I1I3 'dutleB yesterday.
Mr. Glover's promotion is n recom
mendation of tho standing ho has with
tho Arm and tho success ho has ex
perienced In this territory, Mr. Mur
ray Is well known hero und will un
doubtedly mako good on tho territory.
Tho best wishes, of his many friends
will bo for his success in his now un
dertaking. Tho Monarch Malleable Iron Range,
tho Stny Satisfactory Range nt Her
shcv. oupoBlto post ofllce. Phono 15.
Edgar Schiller Sells
Interest In Drug Stores
Edgar Schiller has sold his Interest
In the Rexall and Nyal drug stores to
tho North Platte Drug Co., a corpora
tion composed of Dr. McCabe, Charles
TIghe, Francis Dunn and James
Elliott. Mr. Schlllelr will remain
with the Rexall storo until February
1st, when ho will leave with his famlly.ii
for a visit at tho Panama exposition.
Ilia plans for the future are not yet
perfected. Ho will probably take a
rest for six months, following a drug
storo service of twenty years during
which ho has not taken a vacation
of a month at any one period.
Mr. Schiller came to North Platte
twelvo years ago and accepted a
clerkship with A..F. Streltz with
whom lie remained six years. In 1908
ho entered into a partnership with
Dr. N. McCabe, and the firm nomo of
chiller ft Co. adopted. In FobrUary
1912, 'tho company purchased the
Roxall store. f
During his residonce In North
Platto Mr. Schiller has been ono of
our best citizens; a live wlro busi
ness man, one vitally interested in
commercial, educational and church
wrk; and should he decide to re
movo from North Platte, which he
probably will, tho departure of both
Mr. and Mrs Schiller will bo deeply
regretted by all.
Under the new corporation Charles
Tigho will assumo tho management of
tho Roxall storo and Francis Dunn
will hold a similar position at tho
Nyal store. James Elliott will bo; tho
assistant at the Nyal drug storo and
Paul Nolan will go to the Nyal store.
Tho three young men who will have
charge of the stores aro efficient
registered pharmacists and very pop
ular with ho trade. Tho stores could
not have fallen into better hands
Will Remodel Store.
Carpenters, paintors and decorators
havo alroad accepted a contract for
thoroughly remodeling and renovat-
Inir th mock Ladles Outfitting storo
on Dewey street and thoy will bogln
work as soon as tho stock is reuueca
to a minimum. Mr. Block Is Inaugur
ating a. remodeling sale this week to
reduco his stock so tho work can bo
completed boforo tho spring trade be
gins. Tho petition in tho rear of tho main
room will bo taken out and a balcony
will bo put in thore. This will give
nearly a tnousand feet more floor
spaco and mako tho store one of
tho most modern in Nebraska. Mrs
B. F. Sailor, tho well-known milliner
in this city will havo part of tho bal
cony for her millinery store. New
mirrors, now cabinets and new fix
tures will bo put in all over tho store.
In tho rear of tho storo where Mr.
ltlnr.k now Iiiih 'Ills olllco ho will put
lii n. I'nzv mat room and fitting room.
Tho rest room will bo fitted up with
luxurious rockers and a writing ucsk
wltli HtnHnnnrv for those who Wish
to wait. On tho balcony will bo space
for an olllco and good display space
Mr. Block has been In business hero
for less than two years and has made
good. His storo Is known over the
country as an up-to-dato store and
his business hus grown to such pro
portions that ho hod to havo more
room. His advent hero was heralded
with great misgivings among tho more
pessimistic but In splto of this ho has
mode good.
..BO Per Cent Discount on Indies' nnd
Children's Coats. TIM HUH.
Hurrj Sniueliioii Mill Mote
Harry Samolson, proprietor of the
habordashory on Fifth street across
from tho Beoler & Crosby law olfice,
hftB rented tlio room formerly occu
nlod by Duko & Deats nnd ho will
movo his storo thero in tho near fu
ture. Tho storo room will bo thor
oughly romodoled and renovated and
Mr. Samolson will put In a moro ex
tensive lino,
Mr. Samolson started in business
about Juno 1st last and his storo is
now making good. Ho handles a good
lino of men's mado-to-ordcr clothes
as well as a line of haberdashery.
Ho started in tho rooms over Huff
man's clgnr fitoro but later moved In
to his present quarters His business
' fii tr, uh p Tjvtl ) Min
"1 1 v r ' n. 01.1
- Fifth
Local Men Will Address Fanners.
Three Norh Platte men will deliver
addresses at the irrigation and better
farming meeting which will be held
nt Sidney Thursday, Friday and Sat
urday of this week.
II. C. Diescm will address the meet
ing on the subject of irrigation, J. G.
Beelar will review the present irriga
tion laws, and W. V. Hoagland will talk
on needed logislnlon.
Hog1 Breeders
Wo havo again a number of choice
and Immune boar3 of born breeds
laige enough for strong serVice.weigh
ing from 125 to 300 lbs. You may havo
your choice for $20.00 during tho next
three weeks. We also have a num
ber ot Red Polled bull calves and I
Barred Plymouth Rock cockerels for'
sale - j
If you wish to see the stock, tako
tno-iocai to juarKei, wnicn is on ouri
farm four miles west of Loxingtdn.
99-G Lexington, Neb.
The county commissioners wore in
session yesterday looking after coun-i
ty matters. Commissioner Whltq was
unablo to bo present on account of'
Illness, but County Commissioner E.
II. Springer camo up from Brady Is
land .
1 .. v:r :i'iHj:i.i':-:'.
, r uvu ra, u.bH uLnwi kl.' rv& r. u irejjr
frailR. MONEY' W-il&mjTiL
Sold by Rush Mercantile Co , North Platte
Also by E. & W. Coker, Sutherland; Ganson feGanson
t. T -c V-7 "f n"-:iv !': Tnr, Frrclr"''Por, Brady
Ralph Define Dies
Ralph, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Don
Devino, of Sidney, former residents of
North Platte, died at Sidney last week.
For ten years he had been in the em
ploy of a stock commission firm in St.
Joe. He went to Sidney Inst October
with "walking" typhoid fever, which
finally -resulted in his passing away.
W. i:. Rock Promoted.
Will Bock, at ono time a resident of
North Tlatte, but for the past fifteen
years with tho Chicago, Milwaukee &
St. Paul road in Omaha, has been pro
moted. Ho will havo complete charge
of tho passenger business of that road
in Omaha and Nebraska. Tho promo
tion carries a nice increaso in salary.
1G0 Acros Sell for $10,000.
Frank and John Erickson have sold
the northeast quarter of section 34-12-27,
three and a half miles south of
Brady, to Ben and Lief Johnson for a
consideration of ten thousand dollars.
The land was formerly the Swan John
son homestead, and is one of ho bast
farms In Gaslln precinct.
Miss, Eunice Babbitt returned Sat
urday noon to Lincoln whero she is
employed as teacher In tho public
schools. She spent the holidays In
tho city visiting with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. James Babbitt.
t T7r
- &
Cinnlry Horses Go Through
Thirty-four car loads of cavalry
horses were shipped through here on
an early morning freight Saturday
morning. Tho horses, aro for war
service in the French army. They
were shipped from Huntington, Ore.,
and made the first ptop for feed at
Green River, Wyo. Frobflhero they
woro shipped to South Oraa'lm for feed.
They were In tho local yards only thir
ty mjnutfes. The horses aro all fine
rangy animals and the best that can
bo procured. In all thoro were about
nlno hundred horses in the shipment.
Highest prices paid for stoves and
second-hand furniture. TJ. H. Wood
west Fifth 'street. " 88tf
P. .7. DIENEH & CO.
Rcnl Estate suiil Insurance
Come and see us for town lot3 in
different parts of the city. Good in
vestments on easy terms. Houses for
sale and rcnt Wo have also good bar
gains in farms' and ranches.
Cor. Froflf. 'and Dawey Sts, upstairs.
Just Received
Something new in Tahle lamps.
Bronzed, standards with dainty
colored shades. On account of
arriving1 late these aro specially
priced at $16.85. If it will ac
commodate you wo will mako it
$1.85 down and $2 per month.
We haven't many, so act quick-
NorthPlutte Light & Power Co
u u. Morey, 'Manager.
Stockafrd Farm Sale3 a Specialty,
M. . k i
N 'a A