I ( s i r m Stf H0t :c r v - I 7 mi-WLtM Wxbum & ' 'it' TWENTY-NINTH YEAR. NORTH l'LATTE, NE13., JAM Altt 3, 1913. No. 100 Stniu Aid JU-ltlgt' Bonds- Bought by Chicago ('nninnny 5rii?r?ic,ic'i mkt Mmth It fi. ff res V St T7V s f !lwJ . tH Vi. V 1, t: :M K8I ( Afi ".a f.iaa :m& SW V Tne $25,000 bonds voted last August i for the statu aid bridge across the Platte river on the proposed Lincoln Ifighwnv wore sold last weeke to JIanchctt,s& Conipnnv, n Chicago firm Of all the bids submitted this coin pan pave the highest and best bid on thr bonds. Tncsi bonds are for $12,000 at five prr cent Interest voted by North Piatt' and $13,000 at six per cent interest voted by I'latto precinct. A premium of sixty dollars was Riven on tho North Platte bonds and of four hundred, twenty-seven dollars on the Platte prerinct bonds. In nil the eoun- -n will receive $25,487 for the $25,000 bonds Tin company will receive interest tftt tin five per cent bonds at the rate !" approximately 1.95 per cent and on the six per cent bonds of approxi mately 5 70 per cent. -1 Tht bonds are in denominations nf y.riyOOO each, and two will mature July lv lDo, and two eacli year thereafter, 1-J.lfc final t o falling duo July 1, 1914. fife trf: A VVAahial)le Kind pyi'ifciK toys "ago whilo cleaning out i3i VmSM'to; Mrs At .T. Vnnrv fniinil 4y papers an old Insurance 3t39otiv1 the lntter part oi the lvMJC-W former husband Joseph felHWciShJi was on the point of jji vmri :w . .. ... . . jsnit-tnc ure witn otner irnsn, jl&jtfoiludod on second thought jJfWv11 t 'vaur sue tooic me policy jvuohxtboii who louuu mai sev- aVmeuts had been made on the jwwmen anoweu to lapse, out !Jpf.oy&d0ns "l Policy the entitieti to a certain ia $3,000 for which the Lifittcn Air. Patterson T ". , t-vavn'. - T. it- . it. . Tj4ri,U,"RiiyiOijyn..t uie company was .kir,frJWtence and writing to the a, Poultry -3-J4 ysK8orj$yh..t the company was WT ult MKt.tnce and writing to the , -t"iniic,o(flCe!tsccrtained Uiat if prop-1 & - eV-pflJof o.lhe death of Mr. Mnckle I i 4 4 4. 4 Visit the large exhibit of fancy fowls at the ssociaflon's Lincoln County Poultry and Pet Stock A n Show Room a aaniraay, January ui,oin ana vm, oo scsay, rnaay an At MacKay Buildiiag, One Door South of Block's can no I was furni hPrt the amount due on the '.SjjKJllcy would lu; paid. TJio ((oath proot S-ur lel(is made and In a few days Mrs ?&&$$ Vri.ll , receive several hundred :TMl)$CJC)jrftc t lirJstiiuiH Thursdaj. Jfcffii&ireeks of this city will all cele- mik 'Oi.jIjiWA rrn..,.l. t.,.,-.. u. iMiMC vV 4iiuiauuy, uuuuui eorfiifl'lp tho custom in their 'yWtrPWrnaa dajl according WW Hi; GrartoCcustom conies thirteen liSti ours and is celebrated ioro pomp nnd ceremony. ,ln this city Jiao been cel- festlval since last Christ 44..f.ci4i4i4.4i4.4.4.44'4'444'4'4''',4''4'4'4'4'4' Send your birds in and iiavc llicm scored. Wc have an eastern licensed judge. If you bring your birds send them lo us. Admission t the Show Room Free! AWARDED BY A NUMBER OF VALUABLE PREMIUMS WILL BE SSINlATinN 1r VU A A A VA ? - tf-H IB . .... lr(IAlt e lotgn. celebration will oe """ '" L AlfM.ist -wcMT ttk hoys cattle ra . .wnfi ..-,. (,. x.r inand in i uLVf1 t3lljy,v j. oiuit- in ----- Slrelz llus Jtancli l'ropertj A. P. Streitz has purchased what was known as the M. P. Dial tract of land lying about eight miles north of town. The tract contains 1400 acres Streitz will convert it into a nch and place Ills son Ferd- charce. it being the desire 1 ., n An,tn rrn 1 11 tllfl onttln ifeu eaai Front stre t. There h m 'i l" v-..6..b .. . . v v. i3....,?J; r, .... ... i..... .... imsiiipss There is considerable culti- rmI "? " """.. vMi,ro in.i.1 hut Ihe ireater part is sand hill grazing? The land was ''sold last spring un der execution and purchased by a company that held tho mortgage, and wishing to get rid of the property bold it to Mr. Streitz at a less figure ;afl'W' tft. advanc 12 i than adjoining land is being held. r1 SpcclarnnUk for in-1 Mr. Streitz will at once improve mo fV-.t. 41. TT.nlr.ll nt nil I nlnn1 .-,.M c rinr If tl'ltll fl llfrn IllltlPll WJI IMU ftUUfll tn nil IJUIH- tillll OIUUU II- IW ,1- ...v.v. ....u.. iKBU Jid'ANi1; . ot cattle. ,wi , . uperature ilor last . Tiio small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. rl jfloie d'egrejs colder Uen Bcpinan Is suffering with a broken :VofvtW December, in elbo which she sustained baturuay il . .1 fn . 1. ... ..... (. 1... n i4'n 1 I fHn.,-. n tnl.ln nl tlmll limiin fill U IVltlll 11 Villi 41 ItlMlU lib LllVll "Ul'll' " enth street. Tlie little gin g on the table and fell olf, striking on her left arm. lie numb' r thnt ire here Kjjthe JciitLthe. will all iu i us uiannei iy ' ' .' '-' JWryflfeWMi'llsll lllisis Jjiuury $$. the Payne ra vsh haals All tlck- LOCAL AND PEltSOXAL 'V st-'n$ieenibi'r we by r, if all fri liiffid 'Ithithat one west Eleve iojKt since 1884 The waj playin .' on.Ara .'oi).fltiiHKH'hlld in D'- c'ountv Superintendent Cox rctum MtilygCf'W. .Jmd ?,09 ineh-jc,i Saturday from Urady and Gotlien Ua'nw the mbnth lb I'-ss burg where she visited all week at HW1' ? I different schools. v& WJ mm Br nbc.1 ;DONT WAIT ANY LONGER TO BUY UR CLOTHES m w FORD TO WAIT ANY LONGER. REDUCED PRICES ARE FAST PlJR WINTER GOODS. I&1UST STARTED AND YOU CAN m LONG TIME THE FINE WEAR- LL AT SHORT PRICES. SHIPPED IN A LOT OF "SALE SALE. WE DONT DO BUSINESS Dr. J. S. TwinVin was a professional visitor to Cozad Saturday. Frank Tiirpie lias returned fropi a visit with tho K,"W.'Murphy family at Marengo, Iowa. Fred dishing returned the latter part of the week from Sidney where he spent some time visiting his par ents. Miss Josephine MlKcowii has n turned from Denver where sue hp.iii the Christinns acation viHiliur' rela tives and friends. W II. C. Woodhurst, lloat npresenta- tive, went to Lincoln Sunday to take I his seat in the legislature which con venes at noon today. Ruth, tho littlo daughter of Mrs '.. I. Mitc'nell on east Third street, is suffering from a broken collar bone which she sustained last week from a fall. Mis Mabel Sawyer has accepted, a. position as oillco girl for Dr. Harry B. Mitchell and Dr. J. S. Slmins. She began her duties there yesterday morn ing. M. Ross, a clerk in the Sutherland state bank, is receiving treatment nt the Good Samaritan hospital. He was operated upon recently and is report ed to bo getting along nicely. Miss Clara Kane ollico clerk firir Dr. J. S. Twineni returned Sunday from a visit of one week with relatives and friends in the east. She visited at Chicago and dllferent points in Indi ana. Mrs. 13. F. Sailor announces to her many customers the fnct that having vacated tho millinery department in Plzer's store, she is not leaving town, but will after March 1st, be located in Illock's Ladies" Outfitting Store whore she will be better prepared than ever to serve the public. Watch for announcement later. IJertha Mann, who plays tne faith-1 less wife in tho Urondhurst-Schomcr drama, "Today," to be seen here next Monday evening lias made the dis covery that the choking to which she has to submit at every performance at t'lio hands of Arthur Oyron, who plays the outraged husband, have de veloped her neck tliree-qiinrters of an inch. When Miss Mann first entered the cast of "Today" her neck meas ured twelve and one-hnlf inches in circumference. AI present it meas ures thirteen and one-quarter. The case of Fulk vs. Frank nnd Neal Turpie occupied the county court yesterday and resulted In a de cision in favor of the plaintiff. Fulk was suing for damages of $750 al leged to bo duo on account of tho de fendants plowing up a certain field of tall wheat. Fulk claimed that there was seventy-ilvo acres of the wheat .WATCH-ful WAIT-ing Will rcsull in greater savings says: lhal premier Fashion Slore, WATCHfor our Yds January 6lh. WAIT -for our Remodeling Sale January 7.lli. Dr V. .1. Iteillield Leates Dr. W. J. Redfleld, who practiced medicine and surgery In this city for a number of years, left Saturday for Grand Island where he will make his homo in the future. Dr. J. II. Redfleld who has been associated with him here will remain here and take over all of the practice. He will still have his olllce in tne rooms over Westenfeld's store where the P. k. S. hospital was formerly located. The two doctors were known all over this end of the state as competent physicians and surgeons. The old corporation of the Physi cians and Surgeons' hospital was formally dissolved January 1st by the mutual consent of tho stockhold ers, Drs. W. J. and J. H Ih'dfield. notici: We iill appreciate -cttlcinenl of all account' due us during the iimulh of Jiihiiiin, l!)l,". All liiiouIiiK llieniM'l. es indebted will please call and niaKt settlement. scim,i,i:it (o. Ift'Mill Uriiir Store !S)iil liuur Store &AIT ANY LONGER. RVJTHING 20 PER CENT OFF. ourt & Jensen, p&tH'PLATTE, NEBRASKA. nit mscor.vr. ( ollaretts Till Per Cent Sols !i:t l-ii Per Cvil Tin: llllt. Miss Ilortha Daly toucher In the Tryon schools was visiting frlonds in this city yesterday. A son was born Saturday to Mr. and Mrs. Cnrl Scott, residing In the fourth ward. A special meeting of the Eplscopnl rho court found that that there was I vestry was held last evening to talk only sixty acres. Th&t Is was worth only four dollars per acre and that of Hint, nmmmt ilpfprwlnntu were fill II led to ono-thlrd share as rent. He gave Judgment to tho plaintiff to the umount of $100. When you are making your New Years resolutions, why not rosolve to at once subscribe for shares in the Mutunl Building & Loan association. No hotter plan for accumulating your savings Se tiw s cretar about it. Do II now 99-9 over the business of the church The Lutheran girls will bo ontertaln ed Friday evening by Mrs. Charles Lierk, Jr., at her homo nt GM west Ninth street. Frank Uannan returned Sunday ev ening to Omaha where he Ib a stu dent nt Creighton university. lo spent the holidays visiting relative and friends here. Secretary Stroltz requests to an nounce that the Washington school building will not be opni before Wed- ih m!u a- r piiirs lor tin turuace nnist ( one I Twin hi l roll Good Saiuaritau Hospital N'olcs Miss Lucy McMichael Iuih entered training school at the Good Samari tan hospital. Mr. Ross, of Lowellon, Is a new pa tient at the Good Samaritan hospital to take medical treatment. Mrs. Lumen, of Ilrady, was oporated upon yesterday at the Good Samari tan hospital and Is reported getting along nicely. The three year old son of Air. and Mrs. Nowklrk was operated upon Friday at the Good Samaritan hospital and Is reported doing nicely. The eight year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Majeski of llersliey was operated upon yesterday at the Gooil Samaritan hospital and is reported getting along nicely. Miss ICsther Norbeck, a nurse nt the Good Samaritan hospital, returned the latter part of last week from Gothen burg, where she visited her mother for a few days The O K. S have furnished a room at the Good Samaritan hospital for tho use of the Faseru Star pntients. The room Is nieely fitted anil is very inviting and attractive. HKATT Si GOOU.MAN Do u general Heal Instate business. Can sell jour houses, Lots, I'arius, Hay and oilier lauds, If priced right. Write Hie best anil eheapesl I'ire and Life Insurance, Loan Mnuc on Heal Lstale, Keiif Houses, Storage Spare and Safe Deposit Ilexes, Paj Taxes nnd care for proper)) of iion-resl. deuls. (nod Ncnlcc uiaKes jou our penuauenl customer. The Mutual liullding k Loan Associ ation of North Platto lias plenty of money on hand to close loans prompt ly. Borrowers in this association make a saving on tho repayment of their loans equal to $250.00 to $350.00 on a thousand over any competing building and loan association. 99-9 The ladles' aid of tho Presbyterian church will meet Thursday afternoon in the (liurch parlors, entertained by Mesdanus Christie, Newton and Davidson KVIOTS IN .SOCIETY ' Tho Tllllkuni girls Will "be, enter tained tills ovenlng at th'e-hpmo of Miss Marjorie Den. The Club Nevita will bo entertained Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Andrew Yost In the" fourth ward. The Harmony club will be enter tained this evening b Mrs.Fred Wal temath and Mrs. D. A. Russell, nt the home of the former , ' Miss Flo Johnson entertained New ear's night at a skating party on the soma river In favor of Miss Alice Stuart who Is visiting hero from Drayton, N. D. Twelve young people were ontertaincd and a pleasunt evonj Ing was enioyed. Following tho Bkat- lug party a nice supper was served by the hostess. A number of friends of -Mr. .and. Mrs. R. L. Murdoch, resldipg on South Maple street, gave them a pleasant surprise Saturday evening In honor of Mrs. Murdoch They gathered at the home about eight-thirty ami spent the evening with games and music About forty guests woro present' nnd a pleasant evening was enjoyed. Ar a late hour a nice two-co.urso luncheon was served and the guests departed wishing Mrs. Murdoch many more hap py (JCCIlhiollM. , Weather forecast lor North Platt,i and vicinity: Unsettled weather to night and Wednesday, probably snow Colder tonight with fresh winds Highest tenipornturo yesterday 39, a year ago 37; lowest last night 19, n year ago 18. We wish to thank the many kind friends who assisted us during tho 111 illness nnd deatli of oar beloved moth er and grandmother, and for tho beau tiful lloral offerings. Mr. and Mrs. John Beans and Family, Mr and Mrs. T. G. Rowley and Famll Hare Bargain in Piano. Ilavo on hand at North Plntto a high grade piano, which will bo sold tre-i meudously cheap on payments to a responsible party. Wrlto tho Denver Music Company at Denver', Colo, for particulars. 98-4 ..' '& . .,. , ,".'