i:n!ixi:.mi:n hkmand kxi OF SUIkTMSK TEST The railroad wage and arbitration board, sittlnR In ChlcaRo, will recon vene Monday after the "holiday rocosB. Kor a few days before adjournment last week tho surprise or eHleioncy teats were strotiRly urgued. Those arguments brought from Warren S. Stono and William S. Carter, repre senting the men, statements that if cer tain features of tho tests objectionable to the men were not eliminated by (he arbiters tho men would strike. Mr. Carter said tho men first asked the fourt and the board to protect them from practices condemned by rail road rule themselves. W. L. Park, vice-president of the Il linois Control and member of the board of arbitration, read n ion statement quoting largely from an interstate ommcrce mommisslou report, and de- hired lio required n preponderance of evidence as to the danger of "sur prlso tests" beforo he would vole to "llminate them, as requested by the men. Mr. Park said the tests were made necessary because- tho commission had reported that 52 out of 81 accidents in which persons wero killed occurred becauso employes had disregarded signals or company rules. Thirteen of theso accidents, ho said, occurred do uplto tho automatic block slgnnl sys tem. The men complain that tests are mado In such a way that tho locomo tive crews become alarmed and some times leap from their engines after sotting tho brakes. Tho firemen told, genorally, stories of men laid off and promotion deferred by the advent of heavy locomotives, of i long iiours nun scant pay, me inner ' depleted by expenditures wlirn away 1 from home. C. II. Vance, employed bv tho Illinois Central railroad, who from tlmo to timo has "fired" a pas-f-nger locomotive, said that no one run th crow was bo shaken by vibrations of tho big locomotlvo that chains were strung between It and tho tender also, so they could not slip off. It appeared from tho testimony Hint on the heaviest locomotives one fire man could not do all tho work re quired and was assisted by tho engi neer. Tho men claim that on bucIi locomotives an assistant fireman should be provided. It was declared also that violations of the 10-hour law were frequent. "Todaj" at the Keltli. That vivid drama of life. "Today," will bo prosonted at Hip Keith on the evening of January 11th. "Today" deals with the congonital phases of mankind. Love, passion, fear, hatred, self-sacrifice and loy alty aro all blended In an endeavor to portray woman's frailty and man's power. A young wife's lust for gaudy tinsel and a mad desire to grat ify her social ambitions tempt hor to botrap the trust reposed in hor by an unforgiving husband In an Instant sho is dashed to tho rocks of destruc tion. Tho distracted husband, unable to save hor with entreaties, destroys her. Tho denouement is electrical; tho audience at the crisis being wrought to a pitch of speechless ex pectancy and quickening pulse. "Today" is not a white slave play, or a red-light drama, nor is It a drama of dlsoaso. unless It bo that mental dis ease that ailllcts some unfortunates tho mania for clothes, no matter tho cost. Dinner to Precede Installation Tho Grand Army of the Kepublic and tho Woman's Relief Corps will hold Joint Installation services at the Odd Follows hall tomorrow afternoon. Soldiers of the civil and Spanish wars together with their wives are re quested to assemble at the hall at twelve o'clock, noon, when dinner will be sorved and at the conclusion of the meal tho installation services will bo held. It Is oxpectod that there will be a largo turn out of the sol dlors as well as of tlielr ladles and the occasion promises not only to be interesting, but enjoyable as well. lliij- Lincoln Count) Liiinl Hobort L. Lewis of Gothenburg was visiting in the city Wednesday on bus iness. While In this city he cousu mated a deal whereby he purchased tho J. L. Lewis farm in the Maxwell vicinity. He will move hie family on the farm In March. The farm is a good one, containing one hundred six. ty acres. Consideration was six thousand dollars. The American Telephone and Tel egraph company announces that they havo made arrangements whereby their employes can purchase stock In the company at $110.00 per share. Em ployes that are allowed this privilege must have been in the employ of the company for at least two years and the stock which each is permitted to purchase is limited. The stock can be pld for at the rate of two dollars per share per month. At that rate they can pay up on their stock by November, 1918 This company has issued stock of nearly $35 000,000 and the stock Is quoted on the ox change at 511S 00 per share Tho employ some 1CO.000 persons Interesting Facts About the Pony Contest The success in securing votes in the Pony Contest depends largely on llie hustling ability of the contestant. Votes do not fall into the Ian of the contestant who sits idly depending on their friends to help them. The friends may help at the start but if they see that the hoy or girl to whom they are giving their otes is not doing anylhing lo help himself or herself, they will sooner or later conclude to give their votes to some one who is a hustler. Every body admires a boy or girl who goes about his or her work with enthusiasm; naturally they say to themselves, well that contestant is a hustler and is desening of help and encouragement. Patrons of the fifteen pony vote stores receive thousands of voles daily, just think of the hundreds of dollars worth of goods these stores sell each day and each penny represents a vote. For instance one pony firm isued 41,000 voles to one purchaser Tuesday another gave a single patron 21,000 and another 1 kOOO to an in dividual patron. Other stores issued coupons in big bunches. These instances are cilied to show what chances contestants have of getting otcs if tliev keep their eyes open. Many who receive pony votes for goods purchased do not giv all their vote to some one par ticular contestant, they divide them among several. One man who received 11,000 voles yesterday said he divided them among eleven contestants, giving each 1000. The way to secure votes is to solicit them from friends and others. Don't be afraid lo solicit. Keeping everlastingly at it brings success. A List of the Contestants. Admits Ltert Armstrong, Helen Anderson, Velum Anderson, .Iimies Askulir, Llod Anderson, I'loj il AIIoi-m ell, Harold llojlc, Catherine llurlicr, IMiia llurkc, Herbert Italic), Nathan Itreternlt, Louis Itiirui'luM, Harold lluiiuelL Ardeu lliilnl. Viola lliiclianan, Litiiim Itrad), .las. Milliard, .Maude Clothier, Howard Carrol I, Iticliard Campbell, Naomi Crush), Laura Co, Harold Chamberlain, ltalph Curtis. Clifford Carr, Hubert Carrall, Samuel Cruet orri, Ilein Currj, A (Inland Chamberlain, .Ins. Cressler, .Mildred Came), Kathron lloipli, Francis Hail), Loretta Domini, Zellu Doollttle, Ilosmer Itinidson, Kutli Dm Is Hubert IHttuiaii, .Mar) Dobson, L)le IMiirmin. Iticliard UugKctt, Vernon INhcliuuu, Charles Lhlcr, Laurence Lricksou, Lllou i:ans, Arlie l'ouler, Vem Cr)c, Laurence Krels, Freddie (.'oldsiiiith, Lucille, (ionu'li. .Marie tint), Helen (iiimuicrc. (irace Huston, William Hunter. Walter Henckle, ltalph Hastings, lto)cr Hart, Laurence Hoau'land, Alice Holcomb, Liiclle Huntington, I nun Hupfer, Hill Illinium, Junior Hanson, lto)iiold Hubbard, Laurence Hackler, Fern Hiispel, Theodore Hosir, Wiijiio How, Shlrlo) House, Ilurtou Harmon, llrle llcutnu, Iticliard Hogsctt, Lorlta lleartoii, LMmir llii)es Charles Holcomb, .lack llanling. Mired Huston, Win Harrluiau Harris .lohuson lluldali Johnson, .Marie Koont, Klmer Keuuorth), 31 j rtlo Kneten, John Kosliau. Harold Knov. Hoj LcDlnjt, Adele Lonegnu. John I). Lnusou, F.dltli Lhlnu'ston, Hen Lhingstuu, Hat id Lit, lllean Liiiiuiu, l!;i)iiioiuI Luiiiplnimlt, Harold .Muller, Jiuiiiiie .Mc.Micliael, JtusvpH jliirrln, Harriet jIcLhij, I rancls A. .Miles, V ust In .Monroe, Leonard .Miiiipin, Murl .MiT.to). l'reston .McNeil, 1 lorence Jlcjcr, lliister .Mood). 1 miiielt iMonls, Walter .Mcl'urland, Donald .Maloue, Helen N'orris, Mildred Oder Itujinoiid O'Coimell, Claude I'oulsou, Carter I'rolst, L Heine I'urd), Houard l'ritchard, l'aul l'ose), (lUOlldohn Fret) man, William I'ease, CI) tie Falmer, Lcn Fiishman, Louis Fappas, linrr) l'hlllpi, Jess l'hilipi, Hobert He) nold, William odiue, Helen Iiebhaiiseu, Vincent Hose, Hunzcss Haucli, lola Iticliard, Mark Itodd), Vuu'le Hector, Hu) mund Hector, Liluiu Iteueaii, 1 lojd Itoulaud, Hubert Hussfll, Donald Scntt. I rank J. .Sniilli, ( laieuce Simon, l'aul Shaffer. MiuiMierNlo Salisbui), Ida -Mil) Schott. Doro'iiy Smitli. 1 duaid Steuart, Vrtiwr Stebliiiis, Florence Smith, I'earl Schllont, Ham Smith, Fduiu Smith. Walter Soesbe, Fllen Schwiiteer, Hector Sclilieut, Harold Schreconirost, Mario Skinner, Mildred Tiliord, William Tha)er, d'conie Tollllon. Leo Talbot Herman Tottinlioif. Ha)iuoud Tiuimermau Vlbert Temple, Joe Throckmartin, It. Toole, 1 in Vansco), i'linrle AValtetnatli. KMe W'atkiiis, Hope Wutkins, Marjor) Woods. Mildred Workman, Huth Welnu-and, Claude W'nlteinath, Harry Weeks, Vrthur Wilson, 1 t Welch. Hobert Waconer. Kteljn WHmii, Theodore Waltetuatb. Vrthur Waj man. Vem WelnuMiid, Mi in Weis. Hus White, Marslinll Welnlmrcer. Donald Years!), Fay Where You Can Get Votes. Business Firms that Give Coupons in Pony Contest, Rush Mercantile Co. j Brooks' Studio. J. B. McDonald, Clothing. Harry Dixon, Jeweler. Robert Dickey, Bakery and Coates Lumber and Coal Co. Confectionery. Howe & Maloney, Furniture. Dickey's Sanitary Laundry. J. S. Davis Automobile Co. Crystal & Keith Theatres. The Semi Weekly Tribune. The Palace Cafe- Block's Ladies Outfitting Store. Schiller's Drug Stores Fred Marti Central Meat Market. Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention given to Surgery and Obstetrics. Office: Building and Loan Building. Pi,,,. ' OHice 130 1 h"nog Rwsidenc. 115 i)i:jiitYiii:jtiiY & roitiiES, Licensed L'mbulmcrs Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day Phone 234. Night I'hone Ulack ESS NURSE BROWN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 100S West Fourth St. 3IHS. 31. HALL, Suiierintoiulent. Graduate Nurses in Attendanco .70 MX S. TWHTEar, Phwcian ami Surseon. T. S. COVER Lunch Room Just Opened Regular 3renls 'J 5 Cents. Try us. .'10 Front Street. northeast one-four.th in suction nine teen, till in township sixteen north, of rnngo thirty-two; went ot the sixth P. M. In Lincoln, County, Nebraskn, ro conleil In Hook 42. Pago 313, of tho Mortgngo Hccordn of Lincoln County, NebrnHlut, to scuuro a First Mortgage Coupon note or obligation to said U. H Llvo Stock Company, a corporation, dated the 27 th day of April, 1U12, and plaintiff alleges that thero Ih duo upon said note or obligation the sum of $145.00, with Interest thereon ut the rate or f, per cent per annum from the 27th tl.iy of October, 1914; one inort K.ige for $1000 00 on the southwest one fourth and the west one-half of the northwest one-fourth and the southeast ono-fouith of the northwest one-fourth ami the southwest one-foul th of the southeast one-fourth In seetion nlne tei ii, township sixteen north, of range thiit-to west of the sixth 1' M. in l.mioln County, Nebraska, leconleil In Hook 42, Page 291) of the Mortgage, lii cords of Lincoln County, Nebraska, to secure n First Mortgage Coupon Note ot obligation to said I'. S Live stork Company, a corporation, duted the .'7th day of April, 1012, and plain tiff alleges that there is due upon said note or obligation the sum of $1090 with interest at the rate of G per cent per annum from the 27th day of Oc tober, 1914. That each and all of tho aforesaid notes and mortgages have been dulv assigned and transferred to this plalntlfT This plaintiff prays that each and all of said mortgaged premises be de creed to be sold to satisfy the amounts due thereon and that each nnd all of said defendants and all persons claim ing by through or under them or any ol tiipiii be excluded from and fore closed of all Interest, right, title Hen .Miu equity or redumption in to anu upon mid premises. ou art required to answer SRid pe tition on or before the 2Gth day of January, 191G. JAMES A KIKE. I'laintlff. By E. C. Ilodder, Ills Attorney. iieferee's Salt. By irtue of an Order of Sale is sued in the District Court in and for Lincoln County, Nebraska, on the 21st day of December. 1914. in an action of partition wherein Samuel Moore and Theodore Smith are plaintiffs and Roy Hewitt, Edna Hewitt. George Hewitt.. Lester Hewitt, Glenn Hewitt, Olive Smith and Arlie Smith, all minor heirs and C. J. Hewitt, father and nat ural guardian of defendants Roy Hew itt. Edna Hewitt, George Hewitt. Les ter Hewitt and Glenn Hewitt and Josie Smith, mother and natural guardian of defendants Olive Smith and Arlie Smith respectfully are defendants, I will sell at Public Auction at the East Front Door of the Court House in the City of North Platte. Lincoln County, Nebraska, on the 25th day of January, 1915, at the hour of one o'clock P. M. the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County, Nebraska, to-wit: The Southeast Quarter of Sec tion Twelve (12), Township Ten (10), North of Range Thlrty-threo (33). West of the Cth P. M. The terms of said sale will be cash in hand. Dated North Platte, Nebraska, this 21st day of December, 1911. O E. ELDER. Referee. i:. C. ll()l)l)i:it, Vttorncy. C45 Omaha National Hank Building Notice to rSiin-lti'NliliMit Defendants Thedefendants, Arthur Battles, Han nah Battles, Stella A Dowd, Dowd, her husband, first and real name un known, and each of them are notified that on the lsth day of November, 1914, George U Warren tiled a petition in the District Court of Lincoln County, Ne braska aganst said above named de fendants, impleaded with others, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose his certain mort gages executed on the 27th day of April, 1912, by the defendant, Arthur Battles in faor of the L" S. Live Stock Company, a corporation, upon rru fol lowing described property, situated in the County of Lincoln and State of Nebraska to-wit One mortgage for $500 00 on the north one-half of the southeast one-fourth, and the south west one-fourth of the southeast one fourth, and the northeast one-fourth of the southwest one-fourth in Section I seventeen, in towushlp sixteen north. or range mirty-two west or the sixth H M , In Lincoln County, Nebraska, recorded In Book 42, Page 319, of the Mortgage riecords of Lincoln County, Nebiask.i, to secure a ttrst mortgage coupon note or obligation to said r 8 Lle Stock Company, a corporation, dated the 27th day of April, 1912, and Plaintiff alleges that there is due nnon said note and obligation the sum of 04.i.''i) with interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 27th day of October. 1914: one mort gage for $ll00 00 on the north one-half of section seventeen, in township six teen north, of range thirty-two west ot me sixm f. m in Lincoln conuty, Nebraska, recorded in Book 42, Page 321 of the mortgage records of Lincoln County, Nebraska, to secure a First Mortgage CouDon note or oblismtinn to said V. S Live Stock Compan, a corporation, dated the 27th day of April, 1912. and plaintiff alleges that there is due upon said note or ohli. (gatiou the sum of $1090. with inter est wiereun in ine rate 01 t per cent per annum from the 27th day of Oc tober. 1914 That each and all of the aforesaid notes and mortgages have been duly assigned and transferred to this plaintiff. The plaintiff prays that each and all of said mortgaged premises be decreed to be sold to satafy the amounts due thereon and that each and all of said defendants and all persona claiming by, through or under them or any of them be excluded from and foreclosed of all Intertst. right, title, lien and equity of i cueiii,uuu in iu ami upon aaia prem Ises You are required to answer said n tlton on or before the 26th day of Janu.irv. is IS UKonc.K K WARREN. Plaintiff yKC Hodder. His Attorney n. c. nonnnit. utnm 64.1 oinaha National Bank Building Notice to Non-Kohlf nt IlernilmitM The defendants. Arthur Battles. Han. nah Battles, Stella A Dowd, Dowd, her husband, first and real name un known, Austin S (ihrist. J Kidney Jjmlth. John K Ohrist. Eunice A (ihrist, Harvey Mets. Frank Wllle. R. J. Davis, nrmi anu rtai name unxnown, r J Whitehead, first and real name un known. A J White, first and raal name unknown, Mrs. A. J White, first and real name unknown, L R. West, first and real name unknown and Mrs L. R West, his wife, n t and real name unknown, and eacl them are notified that on the lst'a . v of No vember. 1914, James A Ftke .wed a pe tition in the District Court of Lincoln Countv, Nebraska, against said above named defendants Impleaded with oth ers, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose his certain mortgages ex ecuted on the 27th day of April, 1912, by the defendant, Arthur Battles in favor of the V S Live Stock Company, a corporation, upon the following des cribed property, situated In the County of Lincoln ana State of Nebraska, to wit. one mortga ,-e for $500 00 on th west one-half of the northwest one fourth and the southeast one-fourth of the northwest one-fourth In section three in township fifteen north, of r nifr ilnrty-two west of the sixth P M, Lincoln County, Nebraska, recorded in Book 4.', Page 317, of the Mortgage Records of Lincoln County, Nebraska, to secure a First Mortgage Coupon note or obligation to said u. S. Live Stock Company, a corporation, dated the 27th day of April, 1913 and plain tin allege that there is due upon said not or ,it)lig.i tion the sum ot JC45 00 w.th Mill r "t Cieroii Ht the rite of 6 I . r . tii i' . froi th JTth ilit id tt e r lilt ire n i"iti- for j n i ur th m "'i - 1 lf i.f the si" jt e .-i-f i irih T s t n ituv t - -1t' t 'i if f X' c V.. C. HOnnnit, .ttornc. 645 Omaha National Bank Building .Notice to .nn-lti'-.lti'iit DefendiintM The defendants Will outtrim, Clara C. Outtrim, Austin S c.hrlst, John K. Uhrlst, Frank Wllle, C L' Marquis, lirxt i'nn real name unknown and J. Mdne Smitn, and oacli of thoin nro notified that on the lSth day of No vember. 1014, Anna V. Metcalf filed a petition in the District Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska against tho sa.il alove named dofcndantH impleaded with others, the object and prayer of which i.re to foreclose certain mort gages executed by the defendant! Will Oiiltilm iiiiil Clara C Outtrim on tho 27th dny of April, 1912, in favor of tho I. !' l.lvf Stock Companj, a corpora tion, upon the following described Piopcrty, situated in the County of Lincoln and Stati "t I ,iskn, to-wlf Ope noitgago fo 'i i) on tho west onr-lialf of si i u .tnty-one In township sixteen i v th of i.mge thirty to wist of the ukth I M Lincoln Count, Nebraska, lecorded in Book 4.', Page 307 of the Mortgage Records of T.imoln Count, Nebraska, to secure a Hi tt Moitgage Coupon note or ob ligation to said V S. Live Stock Com pany, a corporation, dated the 27th day of April, 112 and plaintiff alleges tlitt there Is due upon said note or ob lu.'tion the sum of $1000, with inter est thereon at the rato of 6 per cent per annum from tho 27th day of Oc tober, 1914; One mortgage for $1000.00 on the east one-half of section twenty one in township sixteen north, of range thirty -two west of the sixth V. M. In Lincoln County, Nebraska, lecorded In Book 4.', Pago 311 of tho Mortgage Records of Lincoln County, Nebraska, to secuie :i First Mortgage Coupon note or obligation to said C. S Live Stock Company, a corporation, dated the 27th day of April, 1912, and plain tiff alleges that there Is due upon said note or obligation the sum of $1090, with interest thereon nt the late of G per cent per annum from the 27th day of October, 1914; One mortgage for $500 00 on the northeast one-fourth of section twenty-nine in township six teen north, of range thirty-two west of the sixth P M. in Lincoln County, Ne braska, recorded in Book 42, Pngo 303 of the Mortgage Records of Lincoln County, Nebraska, to secure a First Mortgage Coupon note or obligation to said I' S. Live Stock Company, n corporation, dated the 27th day of April, 1912 and plaintiff alleges that there is duo upon said note or obliga tion the sum of $515 00, with interest thereon nt tho late of C per cent per annum from the 27th tiny of October, 1914. One mortgage for $500 00 on tho southeast one-fourth of the southeast one-fourth and the west one-half of the southeast one-fourth all in section twenty-nine in township sKteen north of range thirty-two west of the sixth P M and the south half of the south east one-fourth of the southeast one fourth In section nineteen, in town ship sixteen north, of range thirty-two west of the sixth P. M. all In Lincoln County, Nebraska, recorded in Book 42 and Page 3ft:. of the Mortgage Records of Lincoln County, Nebraska, to secure a First Mortgage Coupon note or obligation to said I' S Live Stock Company, a corporation, dated the 27th day of April, 1912 and plaintiff alleges that there is due upon said note or ob ligation the sum of $545 00, with In terest thereon at the i.ite of 0 per cent per annum from the 27th dav of Oc tober, 1914; One mortgage for $500.00 on the southwest one-fourth of section twenty-nine In township sixteen north, of range thirty-two west of the sixth P. M In Lincoln County. Nebraska, recorded in Book 42, Page 309, of tho Mortgage Records of Lincoln Countv, Nebraska, to secure a First .Mortgage note or obligation to said I' S. Live Stock Company, a corporation, dated 'JlS -,',tn day of APril. 1912, nnd plaln tlfT alleges thut there is due upon said note and obligation the sum of $5 16.00, with interest thereon at the rate of B per cent per annum from the 27th day of October. 1914 That each and all of the aforesaid notes and moitgag' s hax'o been duly assigned and transfrred to this plalntlfT. The plalntlfT prays that each nnd all of the said mortgaged premises be de creed to be sold to satisfy the amounts rtu thereon and that each nnd all of said defendants and all persons claim ing by, through or under them or any of them be excluded from nnd foroclos id of all Interest, right, title, lien nnd equity of redemption in to and upon said premises. Vou are required to answer said pe tition on or before the JHth day of Jun- ASN,V METPALF, Plaintiff. By K c Hodder, Her Attorney n. c. nonnnit, vttnmr. 6lj Omaha National Bank Building JM,ce, on-Ueslilcnt nrrcuilinitN The defendants. Will Outtrim, Clara C outtrim Frank Wllle. Eunlco A t.hrist and John Uhrist, her husband, and each of them are notified that on the lth day of November, 1914, James A Kike filed a petition in tho District ourt of Lincoln County, Ne braska against said above named do rendants impleaded with others, tho object and prayer of which are to foro i lose his lertaln mortgagb executed on the 2,th 'lay of April, l5t2 by tho de fendants Will Outtrim nnd ciura C. "uttru.i for 1500 00 in favor of tho U .- Live stock Company, a corporation, i(on the northwest one-fourth (N. W. of Section twenty -nine (29), In fownnhip sixteen (16) north, of range t..hlr.t"two (32 we" of ,h sth (Cth) P M. Lincoln County, Nelirask i. re jorded in Book 42 dT Mortgagee. I'.ihk I'M, of the Mortgage Records of 1 in coin County, Nebraska, to secuie the pym-nt of a First Mortgage iniipon note or obligation to the said p s Live Stork Company, a eorpor.it ion under date of April 27th, 19IJ. w M-h said note and mortgage has Inn UuH assigned and transferred to this i ; no tiff and this plaintiff alleges (hit i.i.ro I now due upon said not, the sum of $545 00 with interest thei.on at the rate of 6 per cent per annum fn.ui the 27th day of October. 1914 The plaintiff prays that said rnort gaged premises be decreed to t mud to satisfy the amount due thei.on un,i that each and all of said der.tultnta and all persons claiming by, thrni h or under them or any of them be evludrd from and foreclosed of all inn-ri -t. rU'l t title, hen ard quity of i, limp t on i i to i t uon uil premie h i ir, i . j i r, d ' anw er e v 1 nt ! i' . n or 1 . for. th,. .ttb ,1 iy ot Juli' J VMUS F1KP. 1 "lunl.fT B I " j.Ji'ir Ills tturnty t fl i