HI.W vv v. Mitt 8b tfnmr i. r? m A A A ma s rWt 'tm TWENTY-NINTII YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., JANUARY 1, 1915. No. 99 .. J . .! 1-1SJITTI mi lJ4 CSsw V v 1' nnjfyvv'W (jw CITY AND COUNTY NEWS A. P. Boeler, of Hershey, was in the city Inst evening to attend the Elks' annual stag banquet. Attorney J. J. Hnlllgan and W. T. Wilcox returned yesterday from Lin coln whore they attended the meet ing of the state bar association. Attorney Wm E. Shuman returned yesterday morning from Lincoln whoro ho spent a few days attend ing the state bar association meeting. William Schipler of Polk county was in tlio city a few days this week visiting friends and looking after some business affairs. iIr. and Mrs. Nelson Winters, who were married last week, reurned yes terday from their wedding trip through tho cast and have started housekeep ing in this city. Attorn oy W. V. Hoagland returned yesterday from Lincoln where he spent a few days at tho meeting of the stato bar association, llo also went to that city to flic motion of appeal in tho supreme court in tho case of the stato vs. M. J. O'Connell. Miss Florence MacKay has been engaged by tho Episcopal vestry to play tho organ in tlio place of Miss Elsa Ackerraan who resigned last week and left for Lincoln . Miss Mac Kay will begin her duties some time this month. Allison Wilcox was able to be out on tho street last evening for the first time in about six weeks. He has had quito a siege of sickness but Is now gradually getting stronger. He is obliged to walk with a cane for tho time being. Tho following menu will be served for the commercial dinner at the Christian church, Monday, January 4th, from 11:30 to 1:30 p. m. Price 30 cents. Everyone invited. Chicken and noodles, meat loaf, mashed pota toes, gravy, creamed turnips, Blue berry pie, coffee. , Miss Elsa Ackerman left this week for Lincoln where she will mako her homo with her parentsrtoyfromFFauff j homo in tho future. For some time past she has been conducting a pri vate class in piano in this city but she has given it up and will make her home with her parents in Lincoln. At tho closo of business Dec. 31, 1914, there was no indebtedness! against the North Platte Lumber Co. BLANCHE B. FIELD, President. L. B. DICK, Sec'y and Treas. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hilton left Wed nesdty night for Lincoln where they will mako their homo In tlio future. Mr. Hilton was formerly employed on Tho Telegraph but recently ac cepted a position with the Lincoln Daily Star whore lie will have the court houso beat. Mrs. Hilton goes from Lincoln to Iowa where she will spend a few weeks visiting her par ents. Hale an i D iic- New Year s Day Matinee at 3 PI 9B&r& m4VSa Tfifff M ii El BwS&mmEf nfBKjJw&Ss&L -.? 1 1Jk will N m i fcmK'?TPSKn8il?8 WW-'- aWMMMm rM2$i&t imxxMiti&aiam . I'vrmm.iiM w'vrw a. -trow i at the Keith Theatre, Four High Class Acts with Five Clever People Harry Hale, King o the Banjo, Duncan, Euck and Wing Dancer, Otto Gray, Lariat Manipulator, Miss Luia ColJins, Dancer, and Hale in a Black Face Act THREE KEELS OF PICTURES. E?CS Beginning December 26t)hi and Closing January 13th we will give you a discount of one-fifth from the regular price of every article carried in our Dry Goods, Cloaks, Dresses, Suits, Carpets, Rugs, Linoleum, Notion, Gents' Furnishing and Shoestocks. These goods will be sold to you at regular price and one-fifth deducted from "y our bill. During this sale we will not open any new goods in these departments, lit will pay you to come early before the assortments are broken. Wilcox Mr. and Mrs. Warrcfi Hogg left last night for Wyoming where they will spend the remainder of the win ter. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Lorrimer mov ed t'hls week Into a house on west Second street and started housekeep ing. Robert Salccttl, of Alabama, Is vis iting in the city for a few days with his uncle, M. A. Salcettl. The young er Mr. Salcetti, has but recently come to this country from Switzer land. Shortly after one o'clock this morn ing the Are department was called out on an alarm sent in from the third ward They drove all over the west part of the city but were unable to lo cate a fire. Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Itedlleld enter tained fourteen guests last evening at their home at a watch party. A pleasant evening was enjoyed with cards and a nice two-course luncheon was served. A large number of tho Epworth Leaguo membership was present last evening at the watch party held at the Swanson home. A pleasant evening was enjoyed with music and games and nice refreshments wore served. Harry Hole I One NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. KW to Jury Drawn Yesterday .. For January Term of Court. The board of county connnlssslon ers met yesterday morning and se lected the 'names from the drawing of the Jury for the January term of court which opens January 25th. The jurors wero drawn by District Clerk Prosser, County Clerk Yost and Sher iff Salisbury. Tho following named men wero named for service in the next term. D. W. Kunkle, Kern precinct; I. E. Ware, Nichols precinct; Milton Ba ney, Wallace; Victor Burgman, Vro man precinct; Harry S. Boyle, North Platte No. 1, D. E. Jolllffc, Dickons, Henry Hansen, Lemon precinct; Geo. , Garmnn, Hooker precinct; C. E.I King, Sunshine precinct; David Day, North Platto No. 1; M. C. Lcth, Mil-' ler precinct; Arthur Burke, Maxwell; Charles Bowman, North Platte No. 3; Claudo E. Miller, Deere Creek pre cinct; F. E. Burgner, North Platto No. 2; Loin Bailey, North Platte No. 1; A. T. Yost, North Platto No. 4; Dennis Helberg, Antelope precinct; Louis Carlson, Cottonwood precinct; Henry Bretern'itz, Ilinman precinct; Kobert Hoatson, BIrdwood precinct; A. W. Hoatson, Sutherland; N. S. Purbaugh, Wallace. Leonard Stewart and Misses Ver onica and Helen Stuart of Lexington were in the city Wednesday even ing to attend tlio dance given at tho Lloyd opera house by tho Catholic Lady Forresters. Llconso to wed was issued yester- ! day morning from tho olllco of tho ounty judge to Yaichl Wada, 2G, of North Platte, and Miss MIsoo Mo tooka, 18, of Sedgwick, Colo. Buy HUH) Acres Lincoln ('nuufj Laud. Hugh Scoonover and Burr Lloyd f tbls city consummated a deal where by they purchased a sixteen hundred nc re ranch sixteen miles south of this city. The lnnd was purchased Horn William Schipler of Polk county .mil contain bosldos some good graz ing land a number of acres of good arm land. Mr. Lloyd will go on tho ranch this spring and raiso cattle. Ho will have chargo of tho work on tho ranch and Mr. Scoonover will remain in this city and operate his clothing store. Iteeltnl at .Sutherland .... Miss Florence MacKay and Miss Ir ma Huffman loft this morning for Sutherland whoro thoy will appear this ovenlng in recital. Tlio yound la dles gavo a recital at Hershoy Tues day evening which was very suc cessful and was much enjoyed by tho rosldonts of that town. J. W. Abbott. D. M. Loypoldt and J. Sharpley Thomas, of Ilorshoy wore prosont last ovenlng at tho annual banquet hold nt tho Elks' homo by tho local ordor. Charles Thomas, of Dickens, was in thi tity laht evening to attend the Lllio annual Uag banquet i msmmsmmmsmm t ipEzq (m rt ra iszs partment Store. 11 S3fe lj f 111 . r. o. i:lks ckldbkati: ANNUAL IN FINK STVLK About a hundred twenty-flvo wero in attendanco last evening at tho an n.ul stag baliquet held by tho B, P. O. Elks at their homo and a most glori ous night was enjoyed until tho weo sma' hours. A fine banquet was serv ed by Catorer Hupfer and this was followed by a program a la cabaret under tho charge of J. B. McDonald. All did amplo justice to tho supper which consisted of an abundanco of eatables and drinkables and a jolly time was enjoyed with the singing of old familiar airs between tho courses. Stamp's orchestra furnished music during tho feast and throughout tho entire evening. After tlio meal the flroworks went up and the program was pronounced to be the best that has ever been given here. The progrnm Btnrtod with the singing of "It's a Long Way out on the Prairies, but North Platto Lies There" In which all present Joined. Following this some very clover stunts wero presented which pleased tho audience very mucli(. Musical selections wero presented by Frank McGovcrn, Harry Lawson, Earl Stamp and Prof. A. E. Garltchs. Oilier numbers on tlio program were a dark soliloquy given by Holfo Ilal ligan, a Dutch dlaloguo with music by Messrs. James Clinton and Joseph Stone, a song and danco by James Clinton, Frank McGovorn, Jnck Stack, Will Friend, Mis Ernest Hlncker nnd Miss Davy Day, which was very clev er. Tho closing was a great war drama with tho Czar Nicholas, the Emperor George, President Polncairo nnd Kais er Wllhclm, all present bedecked out in their military accoutrements. This was a clover pantoiuiino and after tho singing of songs a squad of sal- dlers gave drills. They had infantry, cavalry, solgo guns nnd Zeppelins from which toy balloon bombs dropped. Tills was tho triumph of tho evening's en tertainment and brought down tho houso. Following this a number of thoso present wero presented by tho Kniaor with tho Iron Cross ns a reward for certain sorvicos nftesr which the men wero dispersed. Tho program was 1'ionounced tho best success ever. Hog Breeders. Wo havo again a l. umber of choico nn.l immuno boar ot both breeds largo enough for strong sorvlce, weigh ing from 125 to 800 lbs. You may havo your choice for $20.00 during tho next thrco weeks. Wo also havo a num ber of Bed Polled bull calves and Barred Plymouth Rock cockerels for sale. If you wlsli to seo tho stock, take tho local to Markel, which Is on our farm four mllos west of Lexington. J. O ANDERSON and II. IIENHY, 09-0 Lexington, Neb. Frank Nugent of Maxwell was a bus iness vhltor In tho city yesterday snytnta &ti North l'lallo (Jets lJxtni Sen Ice. An extra courtesy was extended tho North Platto po3tofIlco department this wcok by tho government when they allowed passenger train No. 1 to bo added to tho mall trains running Into this city. Slnco tnklng off No. 11 the mall services from tho east has been grcntly crlplcd but this will mako up tho deficiency This now mall train will bring In a pouch from Chicago and also one from Omaha. North Platto Is tho onl town In Nebraska outsldo of Oninlia that gels this sorvlce. No. 1 Is a ninll train from Chicago to Omaha but has never beforo carried mall farther than Oma ha. This allows an afternoon delivery of mail to get in and bo distributed In time for tho afternoon delivery whilo before all tho mail that camo In after the morning trains hnd to wait over until the next day to bo de livered. For Trade I havo a nlno room residence with quarter block of ground well locnted In first class condition, located in Kearney, Nebraska. I will trade for cheap grazing lnnd tributary to North Platte. Prorer to deal with own er. This placo will bear (ho closest In spection. C. II. LEDBETTEIt, 99tf Kearney, Nob. Miss Madge Flynn of this city enter tained twclvo young ladles Tucsdny evening at her homo In honor of Miss Florenco Louden, who is visiting hero from Stapleton. A pleasant ovening was reported by all who wore pres ent. Miss Blanche Fonda loaves this week for Shenandoah, Iowa, whoro she has accepted a position as stenographer In a seed house. Mrs. E. W. Fetter of Brady is spend ing tills week visiting friends In this city OPEN TO 11C Saturday, January 2d, 1915. GOOD PICTURES FOUR PIECE ORCHESTRA FIVE CENTS TO EVERYBODY. SHOW STARTS AT 7:30 P. M. LOCAL AN1) PERSONAL. Dr. E W. Fettor, of Brady, was in attendance last ovenlng at tho Elks' annual stag banquet. Mis Florence hidings leaves soon for Bryn Mawr to resumo her collego studios after tho holidays liore. Mis Mario McCabo leaves this week for Notro Dame, hid., whero she will resumo her studies niter spending the holidays hero with her parents. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jack Palmer and son returned yestordny from Calloway, whero thoy spent sovcral days visit ing rolntlvcs and friends. Fred Tully, night clerk for tlio Un ion Pacific hotel, has resigned his po sition and left yesterday for Omaha, whoro ho will mako his hlmo In tho future. Mis Janet McDonald leaves this wcok for Poughkeepslo, N. Y. to ro Bumo her worlc in Vassar collego after visiting through tho holldnys with her parents in this city. Miss Kntiicrlnu Lewis, of Wnyne, Neb., wln was recently elected as a teacher in tho high school in tho plnco of Miss Gantt, has tendered her res ignation and will go elsowhcro to teach. Tlio board lias hired Miss Es ther Bailey from Lincoln In her plnco and Miss Bailey will arrlvo soon to look over tho work preparatory to starting school next week. Mis Blanche Fonda entcrtnlned Inst Tuesday ovening at her homo on west Third street at a COO party In favor of the girls who wero homo from school for tho holidays. Eight ta bles wero In uso and u plensant ov enlng was enjoyed. Tho houso was beautifully decorated with Christmas decorations and tho color scheme of green and Wlilto was carried out with cut ilowers and other decorations. Fol lowing tho entertainment a nico two course luncheon wns served. THE PUBLIC Eppress Theatre tf4