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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1914)
A f S i i V CIAND COUNTY NEWS Mrs. Robert Dewberry is reported on the sick list. Mrs. John Vernon nnd her baby nrc both reported on the sick list this week. Dick Rnnnle returned tn Knnana Sunday after visiting his parents for ti few days. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Shep pard is reported sick at their home on south Dewey street. The Lutheran girls wll meet this evening at the home of Miss Gladys Ilird, 221 south Vine street. The Christian Aid Socletv will meet Thursday njternodn in the. church basement. All are welcome. Will Craigio left yesterday for his homo in Norfolk, after spending a week, with relatives and friends. Miss Lucretia Davis, of the local teaching corps, is enjoying a visit from a sister who resides In Kansas. Supt. W. It. Cahlll, of Omaha, ar rived In the city this morning to spend the day looking aftorbusiness at this terminal. Mr, and Mrs. E. M. Hogg returned Sunday to their 'home in Paxton, af ter spending Christmas with rela tives and friends. Duko & Deats are moving their wall paper and paint store to the new Bratt building on Locust street. This room is well adapted for their stock. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Burgner re turned Sunday evening from Grand Is land whore they visited over Christ mas with Mr. Burgner's parents. J. J. Halllgan and W. E. Shuman went to Lincoln yesterday to attend a meeting of the bar association of the istato and to also attend o legal business. Watch for our announcement in Fri day's issue of The Tribune. the li:am:k. Dr. D. A. Foote nnd daughter, of Omaha arrived in the city this morn ing. Dr. Footo will look after pro fessional business nnd his daughter will visit friends. Dr. W. F. Crook returned this morn ing from Iowa, where he spent Christ mas with relatives. Mrs. Crook and children will continue their visit there until the latter part of this week. Just at present hay shipments are rather heavy from this station. Yes terday afternoon sf5"Wagons in a string drove up to the loading track. John Ilolcombe returned last week from Laramie, Wyo., near where ho recently purchased a ranch. lie has just been out looking alter some bus iness matters in connection with it. District court adjourned Saturday until January 2Gth, when the grind will bo resumed and jury cases heard. Judge Grimes is taking a vacation this week, preparatory to the term which begins at Lexington next Monday. INSURANCE AND I10XPS: Rcli able Insurance of eiory known kind. C. F. TEMPLE. Frank Herrod left Sunday evening for his home in the Ogalalla vicinity after visiting over Christmas and for tho week end with his brother, John Herrod, and family. Latest reports from Joe Larson, who recently had a leg amputated, is to effect that he is improving satisfac torily. A number of North Platte peo plo who have been In Omaha lately have visited him. Miss Lena Baskins will entertain tho members of tho J. D. Club and their gentlemen friends this evening at her home in the fourth ward. Cards will be tho method of entertainment. This is the first meeting of tho club this, season. Scott Reynolds, representative-elect frnm this rnnntv. was In town vester- day and Informed us that ho would leave for Lincoln Sunday so as to be on the ground a day or two before the legislative session opens. C. T. Whclnn, R. L. Baker and Ar thur Plummer left this morning for the Tryon vicinity where they will in vestigate somo oil well propositions. The men of that vicinity are confident that they havo struck a good vein of oil. Mrs. Howard McMlchael suffered, a crushed hand yesterday morning at hor homo on east Second street as the result of getting hor 'hand in the gears of a wringer. No bones were broken but her hand was soverely crushed and the injuries are painful. Reports reached here this morning of a bad fire which broko out last ev ening in t'lio Tollefson homo In Suth erland. A bucket lino was formed and tho fire put out before the house was entirely consumed. Tho extent of the damages was not learned. Just received, another shipment of California Roso Beads. They will make an Ideal New Yenr's gift. CLINTON, THE JEWELER Frank Beeler and Postmaster Ras mussen, of Hershey, were in town yesterday and were forced to re main until ono o'clock last night, hanging around wherever there was shelter. Tho people of Hershey and Sutherland don't visit North Platto so frequently since the inauguration of the extercmely por train service. Mr. and Mrs. II. G. Connett left last evening for their liomo In Chilcothe, 111., after spending several weeks in this city working on tho Connett mur der case. They remained for tho pre liminary hearing of Roy Roberts and then returned home. They will bo hero again for tho trial at tho next term of tho district court. "Curly, tho Crow," tho half breed Indian who has visited North Platto several times claiming to bo tho solo survivor of tho Custer massacre, Is pronounced a fakir by tho Oshkosh Herald. That paper says that Low ellen men mndo arrangements with "Curly" for a bear hunt near his ranch in Montana; that tho men went to Lodge Grass, Mont., Curly's home, nnd ascertained ho wns a fake, but did seo tho real "Curly, the Crow," and al so tho gravo of Ben Mcintosh, the name used by the impostcr . Thanks for Baskets rr,lh!lTwcn.Ueth Century Club desires The Tribune to express Its thanks to those who donated Christmas baskets for tho poor. This club sent out about sixty baskets the evening before Christmas. These were in addition to thpso furnished by tho Associated Charities. Heady for Annual llanqiiet Ono hundred nnd seven tickets have already been sold for iin F.iUu ntm,i nl banquet which will bo held Thurs-h uny evening nt the Elks home. The1 "' , U'""K i "'"e-'Ks nome. tho ' consistent with quality program committee hns been workimrli dilllgontly nnd they have tho program i h,K, J0U n l'"'lerous ready to be presented. From tho np-! nil,m' nnrs penranco of things at the present time it appears that the program will bo the best ever. .Mrs. Alary EH Stricken Mrs. Mary Ell. mother of Engineer evening for their home in Chlllcothe. Second st'rqct in an unconscious con dition following a paralytic stroke yesterday afternoon. Dr. Wurtelle. the attending physician, entertains no hopo of her recovery. Mr. Ell has reached an advanced age, and her vi tality IS weak. For over forty years sho has been a resident of Lincoln county, having lived in Well Canyon prior to moving to North Plate. Barbers Hne Banquet Tho second annual banquet of the local union of tho J. B. I. U. of A., the barbers' union, wns held last evening at the Palace Cafe. Ten covers were laid and a nico five course supper was served. Following tho supper Davy Day called tho men to order and pre sided as toastmaster. All present responded to toasts. Music for the occasion was furnished by Jack Crowe. A general good timo was indulged In following the toasts. All report a pleasant evening. A valuable New Yenr's !lfl to Wife nnd Family, a Life Pollcj In the 3In hull Life Insurance Co. of Xew York. Let us show jou how dhidcuds as hist in paying premiums. BI5ATT k GOODMAN, District Agents. I E. Connett left last evening for his homo In Edgar, Neb., after being hnrn in nttonil thn linnrlnp- nr T?nv rlnc or Rov ' itoncrts, charged with the murder of hiq iirntimr I - - . his brother. .,... ! For Sale -Two Large tion, around in the new lmlldng re- cently fitted up on Front street near the Vienna Cafe. Mr. and Mrs. Townsend Peck of Om aha aro visiting in tho city this week at the J. K. Ottenstein home. Mrs. Peck was formerly Miss Genevieve Ot tenstein. Mrs. John Ilolcombe, of the Maxwell nlnltv Iptivna flila M'nnlr (Til. OoHfi- vicinity, leaves this week for Califs fornln where she will spend tho re mainder of tho winter visiting with friends and enjoying an outing. Wilfred Stuart returned yesterday to lifs homo in Lexington after visiting in the city several days at tho Tigho home, Mrs. Stuart will remain for a more extended visit. Miss Lillian McCrncken returns this week to Boulder, Col., where she Is employed as a teacher. Sho visited over Christinas in tills city with her sister, Mrs. II. M. Grimes. The Woman's Socialistic Study Club will meet with Mrs. D M. Hogsett, 521 west Fourth street tomorrow af ternoon. Mis Ruey Shaner, employed at Tho Leader, returned yesterday morning from Maxwell where she visited for the week end with her parents. Miss Lela Scott has accepted a po sition in Dr. Twlnem's oflico during the absence of Miss Kane who is enjoying a vacation. Mrs. Gus Chamberlain arrived in the city this morning to visit for a week with her father, P. II. Sullivan, and family. E. T. Kelilior leaves this evening for Omaha to resume his work after spend ing a week visiting relatives and friends here. Neal Turplo returned this morning from Omaha whero lie spent several days looking after some business mat ters. Misses Inez and Lola Huntington, of Maxwell, are visiting in the city this week with Miss Helen Koontz. Redfield's Residence nn t, f r wi, 1 Mbimoithe townspeople for the manager of Boars. Inquire of J. W. Payne. I (lc rom,mnv who nad losl Vory licnv- W. R. Powell, the watchmaker, is ,iy. Miss Grimes will visit here for moving this week from his old loon- u f,.w davs. " o I James E. Lano to said Joslah Har- I rlngton, now deceased, tho last named Dr. W. J. Hedfield has sold practice and will leave the City in having executed and delivered good a short time. Ik has listed me for quick sale Ins residence at 707 XolhtZVslrLfX' W. 9th Street. 'w,t: sald assignment of mortgago and relcaso thereof, so as aforesaid duly This is a 9 room frame house with two full 66 foot lots, one executed, acknowledged and doicred, , . , , r , . . . 1 1 1 r . 1 have been lost or destroyed without rc- hemga corner lot. House located on inside lot. House is modern cording and all without fault or laches in every respect, except heat. Cas already connected with house, on behalf of said plaintiff, who prays '11 .1 m l- ; 1 1 i for said decrco without redeeming or Large ham or garage and other outbuildings, such as wash house ' offering to redeem therefrom, full sat- etc. Nice trees and lawn, and property in excellent repair, Newly I isfoctlon of tho samo having been . , . p 1 'IJ 1 j , mnjp, and for cqultablo roliof genor- pauueu anu nxeu up. 1 1 This property will he sold for nrires nnd terms ior prices anu icrms. C. F. TEMPLE A HAPPY EW YEAR TO ALL Also, we wish (o thnnk the many patrons of our store for their liberal pntronago during the past fifteen yenrs nnd rsprclally for tho year 1011. To those Mlth whom c bine lind no dealing, we extend the heartiest w ('Iconic nnd assure jou, as mc lime convinced many others, of fair dent- hip, quality In goods, the best of sor- 'l'l' ""' prices as Ion ns the lowest,' consistent with ininlltv. Airnlti wish. 11)15, we re for business, E. T. THA.MP A- SON'. MncKny.Hufi'mnu Heritul n Success. Tho Presbyterian church wns filled to capacity in tho main room for tho MneKay-Huffman recital last evening nnd the young ladies scored a great success. Both showed exceptional talent in their lines and they called forth much applause and appreciation from tho audience. Miss MncICay's numbers' wero es pecially brilliant- She gave (thrqo piano numbers that wero very good and tho organ number wns excellent. She showed good technique and In terpretation. In the organ number sho showed talent that was a surprise to all. Her pedal work Is a marvel. Miss Huffman appeared to n great advantage in both readings and in her vocal numbers. Her rending of "The Mansion" and "Within tho Law" were tho best but tho others were good. Her rendition of "Tho Slave Song" was very - pleasing. North Platto "should bo proud of her two young In dicts Who show such talent. They are Indeed above many of tho companies thnt come In from other towns. Burned Out at Central City. ' MIssFosta Grimes, formerly of this city, arrived yesterday for a visit with her aunt, Mrs. Phil Deats. Sho re ports a bad fire in tho theatre at Central City Saturday night last and Hint all of hor clothing, except what wns in her suit case at tho hotel, was burned. She was playing with a the- ntncnl troupe and they nil lost licavi- ly- uu u,OKU uut U'"K uiu pur- f-.frjv-tn nf l.tftl-wl 1,11 4 1 St nnrf9 "Hl""" "m "'"- " uira) and many of tho clothes. Following the tire a collection was taken among HAPPY NEW YEAH TO ALL ..We wish all our customers n happy nnd prosperous Now Year. We also thank 3011 for jour wry liberal pat ronage during the past jenr, nnd by ghlnir you the best quullty of mcr- ,.im,Hso and the lowest possible prlc .... es, hope to merit 11 coutluuuuce ol the same. THE LEADER, .1. Pizer, Prop. Takes Men to the Pen. Sheriff Salisbury went to Lincoln Iflst niKht with McAtco and Roberts. jmcaico is 1110 man wno iorgeu several c'liecks nnd was given on indetermi nate sentence. Roberts Is taken to Lincoln as a precautionary measure and will be returned hero wheii his trial for the murder of Connett Is call ed. Sheriff Salisbury was accompanied by E. H. Evans, who had legal busi ness in Lincoln. 1,'tllf lM.'V'l' Houses, Booms, Storage Space mid Safe Deposit Boxes, ny itniu & GOODMAN. MONEY TO LOAN OX REAL ES TATE. BRATT it GOODMAN. Weather forecast lor North Pintle and vicinity: Cold wave tonight. Wed nesday fair with rising tempcraturo; diminishing northwest winds. Highest temporaturo yesterday 30, a year ago 34; lowest last night 17, u year ago 12. NOT NAMED HERE made its author famous and eurncd a great fortune. William A. Pinker ton, chief of tho Pinkertou National T"ort.(.,rt Arrnnnv anva It la lllfi r'ln.l ,lnftlv.. nlnrv ho nvnr rend. Soon this story will bo printed in THE described, the unknown heirs or leg GREAT DIVIDE, 43 Post Building. j atcc3 antl dlvisccs of said James E. Denvesr, Colorado. Send stnmp for deceased! ; tho unknown heirs or sample copy. Write today- also say legatees and dlvisccs of Josinh Ilar where you read this ! rliigton, deceased, as nsslgnoo from Listed for Quick Sale 1 . 1 . 1 , . .1 within the next thirty days. Inquire HP! JOHN S. SDLMS, M. 1)., Physician nnd Surgeon Ofllco B. & L. Building, Second Floor. Phono, Ofllco, 83; Residonco 38. Ofllco phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C. DROST, Ostoopathlc Physician. ' North Platte, Nebraskn. McDonald Bank Building. DR. ELMS, Physician and Surgeon Specialty Eye, Enr, Nose, Thront Glasses Kitted. New Ofllce in McCube Uulldinjjr, PHONE !!G. C. C. WALLIXGSFOIU), Ph) hlcliiu nnd Surgeon Office: Rooms 1 nnd 2 McDonald Bank Building North Platto, Nobroska. Ofllco phono 82, Res. Red 302. Calls answered prompty Day or Night. Sheriffs Snlo By virtuo of an order of salo issued from tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, upon a decrco of foreclosure rendered in snld Court wherein Ruben W. Rlsberg is plain tiff, nnd Albert F. Larson ct al nro defendants, nnd to mo directed, I will on tho 18th dny of January, 1915, at 2 o'clock p. m. nt tho east front door of the corut house in North Plnte, Lin coln county, Nebraska, sell nt public miction to tho highest bidder for cash to satisfy said decree, interest and costs, tho following described prop erty to-wlt: Southeast quarter (SEV4) Section Soven (7) Township Ten (10) North of Rango Thirty-two (32) Lincoln Coun ty. Nebraska. Dated North Platte, Nebraska, De comber 14 1914. dl5-5w A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff. Nynl Drug Storo Rc3. Phono Phono 8 Red 40G C. W. CItONEN, Graduate Veterinarian North Platte, Nebraska. Hospital 218 Locust St. Phono blk 249 Start the New Year Right By patronizing home industries and buying your cigars of us. We use the best tobacco, and make cigars that we are certain, will please you. lry one of our several brands J. F. Schmalzried. HIDES. FUltS AND JUNK Paying Top Price for Hides BONES $7.00 to $8.00 PER TON of nil kinds NO. PLATTE JUNK HOUSE. Legal Notice.. In tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. William Schacplcr, plaintiff, vs. James E. Lane, mortgagee named In I tllC IllortgagO in tllO petition herein , BU1U UUlllUn i. L.UIIU Ul HUIU U1U11UU nnd tho real cstato covered and clouded thereby, to-wit: EV NWVi and Ei6 SW1 section 21, township 12 North, rango 32 West Gth P. M., defendants Each and all of the defendants abovo named nnd described, will take notlco that William Schacplcr, plain tiff liereln, on tho 18th day of August, 1914 filled his petition in tho oilleo of tho Clerk of the District Court of j Lincoln County. Nebraska, against I tho defendants hereinbeforo in tho tl tlo named and described, tho object ' nnd prayer of which aro to obtain tho 1 decrco of said court to quiet in the plaintiff the titlo to said described 1 real estato to-wit: 13 Vi NW'i and EVj SW4 section 24, township 12, N'orlb, rango 32 West Gth P M . ngniiist tho apparent and un-i-nlorclbli' lien arising by virtue of tho mortgage thereon, made by Alton 1 L. Martin to James E. Lane, dated March 10. 1891, recorded March 21, 1894 in book 13, page 473 of tho mort- ' gago records of said Lincoln County, which said mortenrro bus been fullv I ' paid and satisfied and duo and legal ' assignment of saino was made by said niiy. You tll 8ftul defendants, nnd each of you, are required to answer said I Pe""011 on or ')0foro Monday tho 18th d of janUttry, 191c. Dated Decembor 8, 1914. .WILLIAM SCHAEPLER. Plaintiff. Hy King & Hitt nor, his nttornoys, Osceola, Nobr., D8-4 ,t jSZm -' Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention given to Surgery and Obstetrics. Ofllco: Building nnd. Loan Building. ,... I Ofllce 130 I,loncs hteshlenc 115 DKJtUYUEIlItY & FOllHES, Licensed Embalniors Undertakers and l'uiieial Directors Day Phono 231. Night Phono Ulnck 588. NURSE BROWN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 1008 West Fourth St. MHS. ar. HALL, Superintendent. Gradunto Nurses In Attendance JOHN S. TWINEM, Physician and Surgeon. T. S. COYER Lunch lloom Just Opened Regular 3 reals 2." Cunts. Try us. 810 Front Street. Referee's Snle. lly virtuo of an Ordor of Salo Is sued In tho District Court In nnd for Lincoln 'County, Nebraska, on tho 21st day of December, 1914. in nn action of partition wherein Samuel Mooro and Thcodoro Smith nro plaintiffs nnd Roy Howltt, Edna Howitt, Goorgo Hewitt,, Lester Howltt, Glenn Howltt, Olivo Smith nnd Arllo Smith, nil minor heirs and C. J. Howitt, father and nat ural guardian of defendants Roy Hew itt, Edna Hewitt, Georgo Howltt, Les ter Howltt and Glenn Howltt nnd Joslo Smith, mother nnd natural guardian of defendants Olivo Smith nnd Arllo Smith respectfully nro defendants, I will sell nt Public Auction nt tho East Front Door of tho Court IIouso in tho City of Nortli Platto, Lincoln County, Nebrnska, on tho 25th day of January, 1915, at tho hour of ono o'clock P. M. tho following described real estate, situato in Lincoln County, Nebraskn, to-wlt: Tho Southeast Quarter of Sec tion Twelve (12), Township Ten (10), North of Rnngo Tlilrty-threo (33), West of tho Gth P. M. Tho terms of snld salo will be cash In hand. , Dated North Platte, Nebraska, this 21st day of December, 1914. O. E. ELDER, Roforee. i:. V. IIODDKIt, AHoriicj-. C45 Omaha National Hank ItulldliiK .VlllICO tO iVoll-ltl'NllIt'llt Dl'fl'llllllIllM Tlieilufomlants, Arthur IlaltleH, llan imlt UnttluB, Htollti A. Uowil, IJowil, hor liiiHband, llrst and real namo un known, nml ench of thoin nro uotlllctl that on tho lsth day of November, 1014, Ucoriro U. AVnrron llled 11 petition In tho PlHtrlct Court of Lincoln County, No hrnnka iiKiinst "aid aliovo named de fendants Impleaded with others, tho object and prnyor of which aro to foreclose IiIh certain mort KHKcs executed on tho 27th day of April, 11)12, by tho defendant, Arthur lluttlefl In fnvor of tho V. S. Live Stock Company, il corporation, upon isu fol lowing described property, situated In tho County of Lincoln and Htato of Nebraska to-wlt: One iuorUtnK for IG00.00 on tho north one-lmlf or tho Houthcnst ono-fourth. nnd tho south woBt ono-fourth of tho southeast one fourth, and tho northeant one-fourth of tho uouthweHt one-fourth In (Section Heventeen, In township sixteen north, of rango thirty-two west of tho sixth 1. M.. In Lincoln County. NebniHlca. recorded In Hook 4 2, l'nwo 311), of tho MortKnKo Records of Lincoln County, Nebraskn, to secure a llrst mortnao coupon note or obllRatlon to mild U. H. Llvo Stock Coinpnny, 11 corporation, dated tho 27th day of April, 11)12, and plaintiff alleucH that there Ih duo upon Hald note and obllKatlon tho Hum of 1540.00 with Interest thereon at the rate of C por cent per annum from tho 27th day of October, 1914; ono mort Kajjo for $1000.00 on tho north ono-half of Hoctlou Heventeen, In township six teen north, of range thirty-two west of tho sixth P. M. In Lincoln Conuty, Nebraska, recorded In Hook 12, Pago 321 of tho mortgage records of Lincoln County, Nebraska, to secure a Vlytit MortKUKo Coupon note or obllKnttou to said U. H. Llvo Stock Company, a corporation, dated tho 27th day of April, 1012, nnd plaintiff alleges that there hi due upon snld note or obli gation tho sum of $1000, with Inter est thereon at the rate of 1! por cent per annum from tho 27th dny of Oc tober, 1014. Thnt ench nnd all of tho aforesaid notes and mortnes havo been duly assigned nnd transferred to tills plaintiff. The plaintiff prays that each nnd nil of said uiortKiiKed promises ho decreed to bo sold to sntsfy the mnounts duo thereon nnd that each and nil of said defendants nnd nil porsoiiB claiming by, tuiouKii or under mom or any or tuom bo excluded from and foreclosed of nil Interest, riht, title, lion nnd equity of redemption In to and upon said prem ises You arc required to nnmvor said pe tlton on or before the 26th dny of January, lOtfi. uixmou 10. wAiuinN, Plaintiff. lly K C. llodder, Ills Attorney. n. ('. IIOI)l)i:il, Attorney. f. IT, Omaha National Hank JiuildliiK Nolfce to JSiin-lli'fddenl Di-feiiiliiiitM The defendants, Arthur Rattles, Han nah Hattles, Stella A Lniwil, Iowd, her husband, llrst nnd real name un known, Austin S. Christ, J Sidney Smith, John 10 Christ, lhinlce A Christ, Harvey Metz, Frank Wllle, II .1. Davis, Hist nnd leal name unknown, F. .1. Whitehead, llrst and leal name un known, A. J. White, llrst nnd ronl name unknown, Mis A. J. White, first and leal name unknown, L. R. Wost, llrst and real nnuie unknown and Mrs L it Wost, his wife, llrst nnd real name unknown, and each of them are notllled that on the 18th day of No vember, 1914, .lames A Kllto llled n pe tition In tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebrnska, against snld abovo named defendants Impleaded with oth ers, tho object and prayer of which nrc to forecloso his certain mortKnKcs ex ecuted on tho 27th dny of April. 1912, by tho dofondnnt, Arthur Hattles In favor of tho IT. H. Llvo Stock Coinnnny, a corporation, upon tho followliiK des cribed pioperty, situated In tho County of Lincoln nnd State of Nobrnskn, to-wlt- Ono inortKnfro for $500 00 on the west ono-half of the northwest one fourth nnd tho southeast one-fourth of the northwest one-fourth In section throo In township fifteen north, of range thirty-two wost of tho sixth I. M., Lincoln County, Nebraska, recorded In Hook 42, Piiko 317. of tho MortKnKo iiccorus 01 i.incoin uoumy, rsonrasitn, to securo a First MortKnKo Coupon note or obllKatlon to snld U. S. Llvo Stock Company, a corporation, dated the 27th day of April, 1912 and plain tiff allcKcs that' thoro lu duo upon said note or obllKatlon tho sum of $545.00 with Interest thereon at tho rnto of 0 per cent nor annum from tho 27th day of October, 1914; ono mortgago for $500.00 on tho south ono-half of tho southwest ono-fourth, In section seven teen, and tlie north one-half of tho northeast one-fourth In section nine teen, nil In township sixteen north, ox, ranco thirty-two west of tho sixth P. M. In Lincoln .County, Nebraska, re corded in Hook 42, Pago 313, of tho Mortgage Records of Lincoln County, Nebrnska, to secure a First Mortgage Coupon note or obligation to snld U, H. Llvo Stock Company, a corporation, dated tho 27 th dny of April, 1912, and plalntllT nllcgoH thnt thoro Is duo upon said note or obllKntlon tho surd ol $1145.00, with Interest thereon nt tho rnto 01 u per cent por annum rrom tho 27th tiny of October, 1011, ono mort gago for $1000.00 on the southwest ono fourth nnd the west one-half of the northwest one-fourth nnd tho southeast ono-fourth of tho northwest one-fourth and tho southwest one-fourth of tho southeast one-fourth In section nine teen, townthlp sixteen north, of rnngo thirty-two west of tho sixth 1. M In Lincoln County, Nebraskn, recorded In Hook 42, Pnirc J09 of the MortKngo Records of Lincoln County, Nebrnska, to secure a Klict MortKago Coupon Note or obligation to snid U. S. Llvo Stock Company, a corporation, dated tho 27th day of April, 1012, and plain tiff alleges that there Is duo upon snld note or obllKntlon tho sum of $1090 with Interest at tho rnto of f por cent Psr annum from the 87th day of Oc tober, 101 1. That ench nnd all of tho nforesnld notes and mortgnge's have been duly nsslKtied and transferred to this plaintiff This plaintiff urnys thnt each nnd nil of snld luortKngcd pre ml so a bo de creed to be sold to satisfy the amounts due thereon and thnt ench and all of said defendants nnd all persons claim ing by through or under them or any 01 tliein be excluded fiom nnd fore closed of all Interest, rlsht, tltlo lion and equity of redumption In to nnd upon bald promises. You nr required to answer snld pe tition on or boforo tho 20th dny of Jnnunry, 1915. JAMES A. KIKI3. rinlntlff. Hy 13. C. llodder, His Attorney. 11. C. IIOllDIMI, Attorney. 64G Omaha National Hank Building Notice to Non-Ilenlilrnt DrfrndnntM Tho defendants Will Outtrlm, Clara C, Outtrlm, Austin S. Christ, John IS. Uirlst, Frank Wllle, C. IS. Marquis, C llrst mill real mi rim unknown nml .T. Sidney Smith, and ench of them nro notllled that on the 18th dny of No- ember, 1014, Anna V. Motcnlf llled n petition In the Ulstrlct Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska ngnlnBt tho unltl abovo named defendants impleaded with others, tho object and prayer of which nro to foreclose certain inort Bnges executed by tho dofondnnta Will Outturn and Clnra C. Outtrlm on tho 27th day or April, 1912, In fnvor of tho u. K. Llvo Stock Company, a corpora tion, upon tho following doscrlbcd Pioptrty, situated In tho County of Lincoln nnd .State of Nebraska, to-wlt: One n.ortgtiKo for $10.00.00 on tho wont ono-half of section twenty-ono In townbhip sixteen north of rnngo thirty two vest of tho sixth 1. M. Lincoln County, Nebraska, recorded In Hook 42, I'uko 307 of tho Mortgago llocords of Lincoln County, Nebraska, to socuro a Klin MortKngo Coupon roto or ob ligation to said IT. s. Llvo Stock Com panj, a corporation, dated tho 27th day of April, 1012 and plaintiff alloKoi) thnt there Is due upon snld note or ob llrctlon thu sum of $1090, with Inter est thereon at tho rnto of tl per cent per ntmum from tho 27tli dny of Oc tober, 1011; One niortKixKo for $1000.00 on tho east one-half of section twenty one in township sixteen north, of rango thirty-two west or tho sixth P. M. In Lincoln County, Nebraska, recorded In Hook 42, I'iiko 311 of tho MortKaKo Records of Lincoln County, Nebraska, to socure a Klrst MortKaKo Coupon note or obllKatlon to said tT. S. Llvo Stock Company, a corporation, dated tho 27th day of April, 1012, antl plnln 1 1 If nllcKCH that there Is duo upon snld nolo or obllKntlon the sum of $1090, with Interest thereon at tho rnto of (I per cent por annum from tho 27th dny of October, 1914: Ono iiiortKimo for $500.00 on tho northeast ono-fourth of section twenty-nlno In township six teen nortli, of range thirty-two west of tho sixth L M, In Lincoln County, Ne braska, recorded In Hook 42, 1'iiko 303 of tho MortKiiKo Records of Lincoln County, Nobrnskn, to socuro a First MortKiiKo Coupon note or obllKatlon to said IT S. Live Stock Company, n corporation, dated tho 27th day of April, 1912 and plaintiff alleKCH that thoro Is due upon said note or obllKa tlon tho sipn of $515.00, with Intercut thereon nt tho rnto of t! per cent por annum from tho 27th day of October, 1911: Ono mortKnKo for $600.00 011 tho southeast one-fourth of tho southoast ono-fourth and the wost one-half of tho southeast ono-fourth nil in section twenty-nlno In township sixteen north of rnnKo thirty-two woHt of thoialxtlt P. M. and tho south half of tho south oast ono-fourth of tho HouthentU-ono-fourth la section nineteen, In town ship sixteen north, of rniiKo thirty-two west or 1110 sixth J'. Al nil in Lincoln County, Nobrnskn, recorded la Hook 4.' unii t'nuo 3uri of the MortKnKo Records of Lincoln coin County. Nebraska. to secure n Klrst Mortiratre Cotinon notn or obllKatlon to snld U. S. l.lvo., Stoak Company, n corporation, dntod tho 27th dny of April, 1912 nnd plaintiff nlloKos that there Is duo upon snld note or ob llKatlon tho sum of $5 15.00, with In tercut thereon nt tho rate of U por cent por annum from tho 27th day of Oc tober, 1011; One niortKaKO for $500.00 on tho southwest one-fourth of section twenty-nlno in township sixteen north, of raiiKo thirty-two west of tho sixth P. M. la Lincoln County, Nobrnskn, recorded In Hook 42, Puko 300, of tho MortKnKo Records of Lincoln County, Nobrnskn, to secure a First MortKnKo note or obllKatlon to said U, S. Live Slock Company, a corporation, dated the 27th day of April, 1012, and plnln 1 1 IT nllcKos thnt thoro Is duo ujioii iiald note mid obllKatlon tho sum of $545,00, with Interest thereon nt tho rnto of G per cent por annum from the ,27th dny of October, 1911. Thnt ench and all of tho aforesaid notes and mortKaKos havo been duly usslKiied and transferred to this plaintiff. The plaintiff prays thnt ench nnd nil of tho said mnrtKiiKod preuiiseu bo 1I0 creed to bo sold to satisfy tho amounts duo thereon nnd that each nnd nil of said defendants mid nil pursoiiH clnllll Iiik by, throuKh or under thoin or nny 01 mem no exciiuieii irom ana rorccios cd of all interest, right, tltlo, lieu nnd equity of redemption in to nnd upon said premises. You aro required to answer snld po tlllon on or boforo tho 2(ith day of Jnn unry. 1915. ANNA V. Miri'CALF, Plaintiff Hy K. C. llodder, Her Attorney , ,, ,.,,.,,. . . II. ('. llOimnil, Attorney. Omaha National Hank Hulldlng OK .Vol 1 00 to Xon-Ki'Nlili'iit DcfeiiilimtK Tho defendants, Will Outtrlm, Clara C. Outtrlm, Frank Wllle. !3unlo A. Christ and John Chilst, hor husband, nnd encli of them 1110 notllled thnt on the ISth l.iy of November, 1911, James A. Flli filed a petition In the District Court of Lincoln I'ounty, Ne braska ngalust said abovo named de fendants Impleaded with othors, tho object and prayer of which am to fore close his cei tain mortgage executed on tho a?th dny of April, 1012 by tho de fendants Will Outtilm and Clara C. (iiiiirim for $500.00 in favor of the U. S Live Stock Company, n corporation. upon the northwest 0110-loiirth (N. W '4) of Section twenty-nine (29), In township sixteen (1C) nortli, of langc thirty-two (32) west or tho sixth (Cth) P. M., Lincoln County, Nebraska, re corded In Hook 42 of Mortgages, inKQ 301, of tho MortKnKo Records of Lin coln County, Nebraska, to securo the payment of n First Mortgage Coupon note or obligation to the snld U. S. Llvo Stock Company, a corporation, iftnlor date of April 27th, 1912, which said note and mortgago hns boon duly assigned and transferred to this plain tiff and tills plaintiff nlleges thnt thoro Is now due upon said note tho sum of $545.00 with Interest thereon at tho rate of C per cent per annum from 1110 2111 uny or uctouor, nn. The plaintiff prays that snld mort gaged prcmlsQB bo decreed to bo sold to satisfy tho amount duo thereon and that ench nnd nil of snld defendants nnd nil persons claiming by, through or under thorn or any of them bo excluded from and foreclosed of all Interest, rlKht title, lien and equity of redemp tion In to nnd upon said premises. You nro required to answer said pe tition on or boforo tho 20th day of Jan uary, 1915. JAMBS A. FIKB. Plnlntlff. Hy B. C. llodder, Ills Attorney.