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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1914)
Semi-Weekly Tribune Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher. SUBSCHIl'TION RATES: One Year b) Mall in Advance. ...$1.2.) One Year by Carrier In Advance.. $U0 Entered at North I'lattc, Nebraska, PustoJIlco ns Second Class Matter. FRIDAY, DEC. 25, 19J4. "Will Deliver nil Parcels On Christinas Morning. "All Chrlstuma parcels will be dc llvcnd on Christmas morning," Is the stati'iiipril made by Postmaster Davis yesterday. The olflco hero put on exha help and one complete delivery of letters will bo made and automo biles will bo used for all the Christ mas packages arriving tomorrow. Two automobiles have been in wso all this wcok making deliveries and they will both be put In ubo tomorrow morning. In addition to these Mr. Davis announces that they have two extra cars Hint can bo put In use at a moment's notlco If they are needed. Clirlsinns Day Is a logal holiday and the postoJIlce employeos are allowed to nmko it such but they are willing to work in order that others may enjoy their Vulctido festival to the fullest extent. The deliveries of packuges this wcc.i have been exceptionally largo. Thus far llioy liavo averaged over five hundred parcels each day and tomor row it will probably bo larger than that. The outgoing parcels have amounted to more than that but no record of them has been kopt. A new parcel post station has been operating near the depot tills week for tho purpose- of routing the parcels that are sent any dlstanco cast or went This In tho charge- of C. S. T '!;', chic; cleric of the railway post ofllco between Omnha and Ogden. lie has four assistants and they are kept busy all of tho time. Tills in to route tho parcols when there are ho many flint tho clerks on tho trains can not handlo them. For lnstnnce, a carload of parcols to bo sent over Into Iowa was sent out this wcok and they routed tho parcols to tho five tormlnal stations in Iowa where- llioy wore bo sent to tho differ ent towns. There woro so many pack age that tho dorks on tho trains could not handlo tliem with tho local parcels and routing them hero ex pedites their delivery quite ma terially. Postmaster Davis hopes to mako a regular tormlnal of North Platto for another year so that all that work will bo done In tho olllco the same ns Is dono In Omaha. That would re quire somo men tho year round and during tho holiday rusli would prob ably lake- at least twelvo or fifteen. It would bo established for tho pur pose of handling tlia deliveries from Cheyenne on west and tho parcels from tho wost that go east of Nebraska. Christmas Sen Ici'sat Christian Church The following program will bo given at tho Christian church, Thursday ovenlng at 7:30. March, Llaulo Palls Commandery, aiormaun and Berceuse, Christnius song, IJcnumont, by tho Orchestra. "This Day tho Lord Is Horn," choir. "Welcome-," class or girls. Piano Solo; I'mnm Doguo. Scrlpturo Koudiug and Prayer. "Kin Yu Hells," choir. "Tho Christmas Hoso," Francis Dolpli. "Springtime' Miss Dlonor and Mrs, Dunnrlck. , "What Chriiitinn Moans," class of boys. "The Gift Dlvino," choir. IU'Htliug, Alice Mnthowson. "We have soon His Star," Mm. Dunnrlck and choir. "Our Christmas," II. O. KuowIoh Our dirts. "A Saviour's Utrth," choir. "Hall Yo the King," Boys' Class. Huffninn.MncKay 'tocital. Tho Joint recital by Misses Irma Huffman and Florence MacKay will bo given at the Presbyterian Church next Monday evening. The young ladles arc well known and as reader and pianist respectively their ability Is such as to Insuro nn evening of pleasure for all attendants. The program will be as follows: Ballad in CI Minor "Chopin Florenco MacKay The Mansion Van Dyke Irma Huffman Soaring .Schumann Whims Floronco MncKay Tho Blue Bird Mattorllnck The Dancing Class- Tarkington Irma Huffman Theme and Variation Beethoven Floronco MncKay (a) Elegy Massencl (b) Selected Irma Huffman Ilecitntlvo, Allegro assal vivace.... Mondolsohn Florenco MacKay Within tho Law Veiller Irma Huffman Farm Hand Arrested For Forging Checks. Clarence A. McAtce, a farm hand at one tlmo employed on the Frank Stromsburg farm, was arrested Mon day by Chief of Police Fralcr charged with forging checks amounting to ninety dollars or more. He pleads that ho remembers nothing about forging the checks and that If he did it lie was drunk at tho time. Tho checks were all made out to W. A. Owens and were signed Frank "Stromsburg." They were Issued last week and when one of them wns pre sented at the First National bank it was pronounced a forgery. D. W. lie sack presented the first one for ten dollars and It started the otneors searching and they found four more. Tlioy were passed on different busi ness houses. Two for twenty-live were passed at The Leader, one for fifteen dollnrs was passed on C. C. Hupfcr and one for fifteen dollars on Ilar court &. Jensen. McAteo was employed for about tlirco months on the Stromsburg farm. Ho quit there about tho middle of thin month and came to North Platte where he stayed. As near as can bo ascertained ho fell into bad company here and they Inveigled him Into going wrong. After spending all his own money ho needed more and passed those spurious checks. When taken lie had only four dollars left. He was arrested Monday as he was entering the Huffman Smoke House. After tnking him into custody tho of ficer allowed him to go and Bee a lady friend of his and by this means they found that he had fallen Into evil hands. This woman returned eighteen dollars of tho money to the oflleors making twenty-two dollars that was returned. He then wired his mother and asked her for one hundred dollnrs to .get him out of his trouble. Christian Scientist meeting at tho B. & L. building Sunday at 11 a. m. Subject, "Christian Science." Sunday school at 12 m. Celebrates Seventieth Anniversary. In celebration of his seventieth birthday anniversary John Singleton was given a dinner party Saturday evening at the home of his daughter, Mrs. W. V. Hoagland. Tho affair was very enjoyable and was attended by Mr. Singleton's two daughters and their families. Ho was presented with a nice gift. Mr. Singleton has been a resident of North Platte since 18G8 and Is well known to everyone. Ho has enjoyed health and prosperity here and is held high In the esteem of all who know lilm. Jteeses's l'nntutorlum For thirty days will dry clean Ladies Suits and one- pieco Dresses for $1.00, commencing Dec. 10th. Phono 450 we will call. 214 E. Gth. Nuys O'Brien House. The O'Brien house on west Third .street opposite the school building was sold at sheriff salo this week to Olo Hasmussen, an engineer living In the Fourth ward. The prlco paid was $2,050, which Is about two-thirds Its real worth. As Mr. Rasmussen has a nlco homo In tho Fourth ward, It Is presumed he purchased the proper ty as an investment. Robert McFarland, of Tryon, was a business visitor In the city yesterday. Elks Attention. Tho sale of tickets for tho Elks' ban quet closes on December 27th. Last year tho committee, thinking that many would want to attend who had neglected to obtain tickets within the tlmo set, paid tho caterer for ono hundred and twenty-flvo plates and only ninety-four attended the banquet. Tills year the commltteo has decided that no extra plates will bo paid for, and it wllll bo necessary for you to purchase your tickets by the 27th If you care to attend. COMMITTEE. Good Samaritan Hospital. Two vacancies for young ladles who desire to train for state certificate as nurse. Apply to Dean Bowker. References:- Doctors Slmuis, Dent, Wurtele, Drost, J. B. Redfleld, Ames, Lucas, Kerr. Walllngford, and McCabe. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lannln of Grand Island arrived In tho city today to spend two weeks through the holi days visiting Mr. Lannln's motlulr, Mrs. Gcorgo Lannln of the Fourth ward. Snnuiioim (Jets Two and u Half Years. In the federal court at Omii'uu last Moud.iy Summons and Smith were scii-tc-!Kd for robbing tho Kearney pont ollltc. The Beo says: Hi-nti'uce of two and one-half ur for Walter F. Sainmoua and six mouth . imprisonment and a line of $500 for Delbcrt R. Smith, woro pronounced in federal court as tho culmination of th. recent trial and convictions of Snm mons on tho eha'rgo of robbing tho Kcnrnoy postolllco of $G,000. Both mon will bo able to spend Christmas and Now Year's day homo. SnmmoiiB immediately tiled u $5,000 appeal bond nnd a bill of ex ceptions containing 1000 pages 275,000 words. Smith pleaded, guilty to conspiring as an accomplice, in sentonco was suspended until Janr 2. Ho will be confined in the Bultalo county Jull at Kearney, his homo town by special perinltwlou of tho court Summons' soutouco is to the fcdci prison at Leavenworth, Kan. bor that our telephone scnleo Is ef ficient. Call us by vviro and. we'll Whatever jour wants may be remem wult on jou at once. With our uccur wuMnmmmm2& k Eyes of the Whole Piano IS B IS SI "OjIANO merchants, generally, predicted a failure when we announced this new, Co-Opcr- jg I jrTrfMsAA "C?' Ji u-iti- 'mMubX iVRW mmM wwKiw?i wMg&zfc WP JW&&&& World are Turned to Tills Store! alve way of selling Pianos and players. They said thai it would he impossible for us E IS to arouse enough purchasers to buy all of these instruments within the short period of six ST ,.,!.. Tl,o,, n ,..,.! n.oii;,m llw r,llf 9 KJBMralSEXSHHHiarsnnra C ...... 2 OTHER FEATURES. HENEFITS. W and when wo announce the tolal number ol instru- a wuir ,w vnri, rft6, ments sold at the close of the sale it will astonish i YOU A PENNY & the entire piano world. . v I VHKE TRIAL For 30 dais you x may try om uiu imuiui you seieui in rs ... . i .. i i .r i ri .,-, Tn-iivr $ your home. If at the end of thnt time b We weren t a bit doubtful of the outcome, we KNLWg' (1() not wmt lo k it notif g our North Platte public and they knew us. We knew by of- s at will send for the piano D 1 ; 9 lul return to you every cent you fc w BiawMMxuuiiai.iaa8aguigggtasoutgwwirafAw Terms on pianos as Sow as- m m nroH-j'iiWCT s. vjx nn nskfi n a ftl n ferine them these low prices that, coming from us, the buy- may have paid. c ft WW WW lnTHAXOR WWTVTr.T'.fJE KT ing public would respond. And they did and are still doing fj Aliy tiiae t1yjtin one year you may fj . r mi i 1 1 ii . .1 ft exchange your piano for n plnycr or b so, in fact we will probably sell a great many more than we U Iligher C(l inruinen ailla wo wiI1 . i H jillow von nil that, von hnAe nniil out. 13 anticipated. nvjwviUES-Ml pianos S mi r i i .i . mi i : .i t., H or pliijcrs are put in your homo The piano field in this vicinity will be mighty poor 8 frco,f.harsc. This applies to ex- pickini after this salo closes, for we are selling to all pros- changes also. r V ( I WE GIVE FREE with each piano, r pcclive purchasers. ' ' an stool to match and a scarf. I WE GIVE with each player-piano, l).,n.v i.,l.,. ...l., nT ll.'s ,-..r-vr.vlii.ilir vnni-cill nnrl !1 IlolW'lt. RPlirf Mini 13 1'(llli ftf 111 11 s IP 1 53 of vonr own selection. H " i n my now. ' y WARRANTIES Each instru- IfcJ men! is guaranteed against all de fects. Some live years, some a life time by the makers. On top of that ns we give our personal warranties, tr-i uouhly protecting you. Clinton's Jewelry Store, North Platte. I UMaBKivcssxnsusE&a&i A3a.u:tKc.iajar.MiiuivnJwi&vuMjaiyyftawvaiEgnci 1MANOM Jiiiabe, A. 11. Chase, Sehacfier, 31c l'hall, I'arknrd, Price k Tecjile, It. S. Howard, Kimball, llrln'ccrhou', Smith k ilarncs, Marshall - vemlell, Wilson, Crown, Holland, Oaston, Uillanl. I'LAIMt-riVNtlS I'rlee k, Teeple, A. II. Chase. Artiotliio, Scacl'iVr-IIaniiaiiolii, Apollo, Crowu-Coiublnola, Aiitopiauo, Ilofiiiiiin. liri iiSiHi II lit B'-SSEti SI HWSlP11 m X3 s inn-BKXxzsaasjiiscssssj&iEBrirzttj&.&ECEiB&j TEU3IS on players to suit you. We will make a fair allowance for your old piano in exchange for a playcv-pinno. 51 vrr:n:wirKiTi:TOiaMmiMicBansTOBsa SMiE I'WICE $-111.50 m:v ss noti: SALE PUIl'K $!5!7 SALE PRICE $ls:t.75 m:v i'iano SALE PRICE $1!)!).5() m:w j'ivno SA I !: PHICi: $21(5.75 iMoinrA'nox cniTPox M Cut Out, rill In, Sign mul Send Us Today. itiastuu Music Co. Geutlenu'ii:- KIndlj send mo list of Co. Operative bar- Q pihis of not to exceed $ Svj In nrlco and the terms on same, i'reier make M'.W 1MAX) SALi: PRICE $'JI)5 9 HE9HHB3B9ucSrPtwH I m:w i'ia"0 SALE PKICE $210 i: I'ino SALE PRICE $2.'M 7i n Iri1 B fikl IS IS ES ES IS ES 13 CS CS S Kl CS CS y c cs K CS SI!II Address Other Stores, Kearney, Grand Island and Hastings. Copyright 1914, C. W. McCOMDHS. Ileproductlou In part or whole positively prohibited. A m i