The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 22, 1914, Image 1

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atte jewilttaltf rite
No. 96
Arthur Yates undorwent a minor op
oration Saturday morning in tho offlco
of n local physician.
Gilbert Peters returned home. Fri
day evening from a trip to St Louis,
Kansas City nnd other points.
For Rent 2 bedrooms for sleeping.
$1 5 per week each. Monroe, 320 east
Fifth. N , 90-2
Chestor dimming was operated up
on Saturday morning at tho Good Sa
maritan hospital and had his tonsils
Ono of those "KOMEKEL KUSS'S"
will mnko more fun than anything.
25 cents at Nowton's.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Hogg and little
dnughtor, of Paxton, will como here
tomorrow to spend several days with
relatives and friends
Rolla E. Dlggs left ycterday morn
ing for Concordia, Kans. where ho
will visit through tho holidays with
his parents.
. .Ladies' writing desks, always an
appropriate Christmas gift. Wo have
a nico lino to select from. North Platte
Hnrdwaro & Furniture-Co.
Miss Lillian McCracken, of Doulder,
Col., is tho guest of her sister Mrs.
II. M. Grimes, having arrived tho lat
ter part of last week.
Mrs. -T W. Pnlinrta nnil atctnn TVTIua
Margaret Rellly, left Saturday for
... .. ..., .,..
Clinvnnno u-l,nr fl.nv 111 D,l n,
holidays with their parents. i
For Rent 5 room house in good
condition, close in, 303 west Seventh
J. H. Fonda.
Miss Mario McCabe, a student at
the Notre Dam, Ind., university, ar
rived homo Friday evening to spend a
two weeks vacation with her parents,
Mrs. C J. McNamara and son
Charles loft Saturday evening for
Omaha to visit through tho holidays
with Mrs. McNamara's parents. Mr.
McNamara will leave for Omaha to
morrow to visit for a few days.
Will Surely Like It
i 0 many men buy
furnishings here
label on their gift Christmas morning, they
will certainly like it better and appreciate
it more than they would otherwise.
UR store is full
and you will
for little money when
you can anywhere else.
Suit, Overcoats, Shoes, Hals, Shirls.
Underwear, Hosiery, GJoves, Trunks, Bags,
Suil Cases. Neckwear, Handkerchiefs,
Rain CoaLs, House Coats and BalhRohes.
Come, Let Us Help Solve The Xmas Problem
nrnre fr7zs3mxa:xam
Dr. and Mrs. Crook nnd family nnd
Miss Inez Wostfnll loft Saturday
ovonlng for Carroll, la., whore they
will spend tho holidays with Mrs.
Crook's parents.
A large crowd attended tho sacred
Christmas concert which was given
Sunday evening at tho Presbyterian
church by tho choir under the direc
tion of Mrs. Van A. VIrt. A nice pro
gram was presented and it was much
onjoyed by those who heard It. The
Sunday school will present their pro
gram Thursday evening
Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Itedfleld left yes
terday morning for Grand Island
where they will make their future
homo. Mrs. Kcdflcld will stop there
to solect a homo for them and the
doctor will go on to Omaha Where he
will purchase his equiptnont. He will
bo back hero before settling perma
nently in Grand Island.
Funniest novelty on earth, "KOM-
EKEL KUSS." Endless fun for
cents, at C. M. Newton's
Cards received last week announced
the marirago of Miss Augusta Wads
worth to Lester C. Camper at Sioux
Falls, S. D. Tho bride is tho daugh
tyr of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Wndswortli.
at one time residents of North Platte
Mrs Wndswortli was formerly Miss
Ilattie Hyatt, and Mr. Wndswortli
was employed as a locomotive fire
T-, .. .,! ..!! 1
l , "', V ., , A
ul ' u "' l'i Ki"
w!llclA y0U, havo, !'ot, n!rca,Jy Select-
ed. Come in and look them over.
North Platte Hardware & Furniture Co.
The Holy Eucharist services will be
held at tho Church of Our Savior,
Episcopal, Thursday night beginning
at 11:15 and continuing for an hour.
All members of the church ure urged
to be'prcsent and to public is cordially
Invited. The choir lias some beautiful
special music for tho occasion. Holy
Communion will bo observed Friday
morning for the benefit of the mem
bers who are unable to be out Thurs
day night.
wit Mere
their clothes and
that if they find our
of helpful suggestions
find you can buy more
you buy here than
Describes how Connet was
Killed by Blows of Fist
by Roy Roberts.
Step-Daughter of flu)(ou Tells Story
of .Murder first mid (his Forces
Chi) ton to 31 like a Confession.
That Vernon Cornett was murdered
on tho afternoon of Sunday, August
2d last, was established beyond a
doubt Friday evenng of last week
by the testimony given in tho
olllco of County Attorney Gibbbs by
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clayton. Clayton
sworo to a ten-page affidavit and his
testimony was corroborated by his
wife. The examination was held by
Attorneys Gibbs and Hoagland beforo
W. II. Munger. Jr., notary.
Clayton told a clean, straight story
of Hie murder. lie stated that Hoborts
and Vernon Connett became engaged
in a fight near tho barn at tho Sund
dairy farm and that during the fight
Hoborts struck Connett on tho neck,
breaking his neck. Clayton saw tho
light start and ran' out to stop it
but was struck and knocked down by
Hoborts just as lie stepped in between
the two men. He testified that Just
as he was getttlng up from the ground
Hoborts struck tho fatal blow that
ended Connctt's life.
The figlit started, he testified, over
a quarrel in which Hoborts was at
tempting to get Connett to glvo him a
bill of sale for the team. Hoborts
wanted the team and was attempting
to force Connett to sign them over to
him. Connett refused and the fight
Clayton testified that lie helped
Hoberts carry tho body over into some
woods, being eompellled to do 'bo by
Hoberts who threatened to shoot by
Hoberts1 threat to shoot both him and
Mrs. Clayton and to kill the little girl,
Nellie Hoberts, Mrs. Hoborts' daugh
ter. He also swore them to secrocy
about the crime with the treat that he
would implicnte Clayton
After that he testified that Hoberts
drove off In the wagon, having loaded
the body into tho box with the Inten
tion of cutting the body up and burn
ing it. The team was sold at Ilorshey
as has been testified to Iwfore.
After that no more was seen of
Hoborts until he returned to the Sund
place,, stating that lie had been to
Lincoln to see the warden. Clayton
questioned him about the disposition
of tho body and was informed that
the body had been destroyed beyond
recognition. He had cut it up and
burned it and had thrown all the re
maining pieces in tho Platte river.
The jaw bone is all that was recov
ered. The facts of tho case were brought
out by tho little girl, Nellie Hoberts,
sister to tho accused man and step
daughter to Clayton, telling ono of her
playmates at School somo facts about
tho case. Tho matter was at once re
ported ny uio Utile girl and was
brought to tho attention of tlio author
ities. Mrs. Salisbury and Mrs. Simp
son then got hold of Nelllie Hoberts
and by questioning hor a little each
duy got tho story.
With tills to work on II. G Connett,
brother of the murdered man, began to
work on Clayton. IIo and Clnyton
and Sheriff Salisbury wont out Friday
afternoon to senrch for tho body. Clay
ton said that ho thought It was bur
ied under tho bridge over the Irriga
tion ditch near HIrdwood station
Ilefore leaving this city Mr. Connett
told C. C. Hupfer of the Vienna cafe
whero ho was going and they made
plans to got, If possible a confession
out of Clnyton. No ono elso know ot
tho plans. When they got out to the
placo of search tho shorlff went on to
Horshey to servo some papers. In the
menntimo Mr. Hupfor and "Hutch'
Trout followed tho car to tho place oi
search. As thoy drovo up they quos
Honed tho two men as to what thov
were doing. When Informed that the
woro searching for tho body the
laughed nl thorn for searching un
stated that Clayton or Hoborts couh
either of them find tho body if the
wished to do so.
Mr Connett then told them that tin
man with him was Clayton. Aftor tha
Clayton and Connett ongage'd In i
quurrol and Clnyton came back t
town with Hupfer and Trout. On th
way in. with tho factH thoy had a!
ready had from tho little girl's tpst
niuny tiny got a confession out of
j Clayton which corroborated tho story
i told by tho little girl and they ndvlsud
him to appear that night before the
I coMiity attorney and to tell the truth
' whit h he did.
' The ruse was a clover ono and
worked out, well. Roberta let out too
1 much In Lincoln to nave his own akin
and in trying to impHcnto Clayton
cared Clayton Into telling tlio whole
story. The little girl's testimony i
hflpi-d materially in getting a coti
fdaaion from Clayton. Hoberts will
now bo brought hero for trial.
PJroni tho testimony it seems that
Vornon Connett was camping near tho
Sund place In his wagon. Aftor ho
had brought his wifo to this city
he returned there and ho and Rob
erta were going north to seok a place
to work.
Hoberts very much wanted tho loam
which was a good one. He attempted
to got a bill of sale from Connett and
stated that- ho would pay him two
hundred dollars for them. Connott
would not let tho team go nt that
price and rofuscd to give tho bill of
sale which caused the quarrel and
ended In the cold blooded murder of
Connett and tlio horrible destruction
of tho body.
Hoberts had made the boast that
ho would hnvo cither tlio team or two
hundred dollars. After tlio murder ho
promised Clayton lo would bo taken
enro if ho did not "squeal". Ho said
that ho was going out on a homestead
and thnt ho would let Mr. and Mrs.
Clayton nnd the little girl como out
and live with him if they would keep
still. Clnyton denies having received
nny money from Hoberts or that thcro
had been a pre-arranged plan to do
away with Connett.
The facts are now put in an entire
ly new light with the testimony of
Clayton and tho llttlo girl, and with
what vldcnco that has already been
taken the case against Hoberts Is
Mako this Christmas a furnltiiro
Christmas; a varied assortment of use
ful articles for tho homo that would
niuivo appropriate Christians gifts is
displayed on our floors. North Platto
Hardware & Furniture Co.
Miss Gertrudo linker, teacher in tho
Gothenburg schools, is homo to spend
tho Chrlstmns vacation.
Hcohos'h l'anlatorliiin
For thirty days will dry clean
Ladles Suits and ono- pleco Dresses
for $1.00, commencing Dec. 10th.
Phono 450 wo will call. 214 B. Gth.
1 "utsM "JA RA.BBIT,'(j y- I
,' .". i
si:vi:x caki.oahs siiipimmmi into
111:111: ritoji i,AitA.Hti:. wvo.
Will Shut TontoiTou on .the . I'nlon
l'nclllc Liikc 10(1 .Hen .om nt Woik.
The storing of ice began Sunday af
ternoon in the local houses, seven enr
loHds arriving from Laramie, Wyo
and put in the houses. About a hun
dred men are now nt work and before
tho season is over thoy expect to havo
about two hundred fifty men em
ployed. Thoy will start cutting to
morrow on tho Union l'nclllc lake
east of town.
Tho leu is put up hero by tho
Pacific Fruit Express company and in
all they will havo about forty-flvo
thousand tons. Over ono-hnlf of Unit
amount will bo shipped In from Lnra
nilo nnd about twenty thousand tons
will bo harvested from the Union Pa
cific lake. The cars avorngu about
twenty-seven tons each, which will
mean about 1700 carloads to bo har
vested. Tho ico shipped in Sunday
from Laramie 1b about fourteen Indies
in thickness and is of extra good qual
ity. On tho lako here tho lpe is about
thirteen and ono-lialf inches in thick
ness and if tho cold weather continues
it will bo even thicker. It is also of
good finality.
Most of the men here camo In from
Omaha. However, any local men who
want work can get It. Wages arc paid
to the men taking advantage of tho
commlsnry department of twenty-two
and. one-half cents per hour and the
others got twenty cents. M. II Mc
Dormott has charge of tho houses nnd
applications can bo made to him He
announced yesterday that many men
would bo, needed as soon as thoy got
started on tho lako hero.
Tho commissary accommodations
nro far better than over before. Last
year and In preceding years thoy lived
In tents, but this yenr tho company
tins built n largo bunk houao and a
largo dining room and board nnd room
Is furnished tho hien nt a reasonable
charge. Thoy havo bunk uccotnmodn
Uoiib for over two hundred men and
tho dining room will seat nearly that
many at a time.
The dining room is under the ...irgc
of Mr. nnd Mrs. C H Hniloy u'l iney
havo had pxorlenco In this kind of
work They ship In all their meat from
Omaha. Mr Hallcy announces that they
uso about two beeves per week besides
3 New Appersoi) Models
The Automobile Climax of the Year
6-43 7 Passenger $1585.00
6-45- 5 Passenger $1485.00
4-405 Passenger $1350.00
The building of a six cylinder five passen
ger Apperson Car at $1485 is a monument
of twenty-two years experience in motor car
building. Equipped with BIJOUR starting
and lighting system; MEA High Tension
Magneto; RAYF1ELD carburator; and Tim
ken bearings. One man top.
M. S
J. JlJq. JL in
tho pork and othor meat. For break
fast thoy aro now using nearly fifty
pounds of sausago and thoy nro feed
In loss than a hundred men. They em
ploy two cookrf beslds themselves.
They use about six bushels of potatoes
dally. For Christmas they will give
a turkey dinner and they havo placed
their order for three hundred pounds
of turkey with the local butchers.
Tlio Improvements mado this year
In the commissary accommodations
aro much appreciated and next year
they expect to bo much bettor than
this. Tho dining room and tlio bunk
houso will both be lloored with con
crete next year which will mako them
much warmer and much moro convenient.
Diamond Kings $G.OO to $300.
Diamond Lavalllors, $5.fi0 to $7f.
Diamond Stickpins, $4i0 to $115.
llracolet Watches, $1.G0 to $;IG.
Silver plated Toilet Sets, $3.fi0
Passenger Train Huns Dunn Freight.'
Passenger train No. S Sunday morn
ing struck tho tall ond of freight train
No. 250 at Hushnoll nnd crashed
through tho cnbooso nnd four box
cars. Tho cnglno on tho passenger
train was thrown Into tho ditch.
Luckily ovoryono escaped without ser
ious Injury. M
Tho accldenl hnppened In tho early
morning In a snow storm. Tho llag
nmn of tho freight train was back
to stop tho passenger but tho engineer
could not seen him as tho air was
filled witli snow which was blinding
Tho crew on tho freight train heard
tho pnssongor coming nnd when thoy
did not answer tho signal to stip thoy
left tho cabooso Just In time to cscapo
being struck. Tho t radio was tied up
for sovoral hours and tho flvo cars
and tho engine wero badly 8mnohcd,
but outsido of that no great damage
was done.
Xinns Suggestions.
A box of cigars from HOc and up.
Uriar pipes In cases, $1.60 up.
Meerschaum pipes In cases $2.00 Up.
Phono orders ivM rccelvo tho snmo
feprompt attention ns if you call in por
Wo will deliver Christmas day.
Phono Black 172.
Miss Helen Jctor who is a Btudont
In tho university of California at Her-,
koloy la oxpccled homo today to spend
the holiday vacation with her parents.