The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 18, 1914, Image 8

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Warships and Merchantmen Are
Sunk in Conflict in the South
Transport With Fifteen Hundred Ma
rines Is Said to Have Been Sunk by
Japanese Kaiser Declared Recover
ing From Indisposition German Ad
vance In Poland Checked.
London, Dec. 12. Thn kaiser
Buffered further Iobbob at sea.
The sinking of tlio German con
verted cruiser Prlnz Eltol Frledrleh,
with 1.G00 inarliioB aboard, by a Japa
nese warship In South Anierlcun wa
ters Ib reported from ValparaiHO,
Tho German armored cruiser Fried
rich Katl hns been sunk in the Baltic
b a mine, according to an olllclal
statement of tho French mlnlHtry of
marine nt Paris today. Tho sinking
of tho Frledrleh Karl Is said to have
ore uncd two weoks ago and most of
thn crew of 557 odlccrs and men are
said to have drowned.
Tho completion of tho raid by an al
lied fleet on tho German squadron off
tho Falkland islands In tho south At
lantlc a few days ago Is reported in a
dispatch from Montevideo, Uruguay,
stating thnt tho cruiser Dresden had
taken refuge In tho Argentine port of
Santa Cruz in a badly battered condi
tion. It is believed tho Dresden will
bo interned thero until after tho war.
Nuernberg Falls to Escape,
London, Dec. 11. Tho German cruis
er Nuernborg which withdrew from
tho battlo off tho Falkland Islands nnil
attempted to mako its escapo with tho
cruiser Dresden wlillo tho British war
ships under Vico Admiral Sir Freder
ick Dovcton Sturdeo wcro destroying
tho cruisers Schnrnhorst, Gnelscnau
and Leipzig, was hunted across tho
water by units of tho British (lent and
sunk tho samo day.
Tho main nctlon lasted llvo hours
Tho Schnrnhorst sank after three
hgurs and tho Gnolsenau two hours
No loss of nny BritlBh vessel la re
ported. British Squadron Heavy.
London, Dec. 11. A dispatch from
Uuenoa Aires convoyB tho Information
thnt tho British squadron Includes
nine big warships, notably tho battlo
cruisers Lion nnd Indefatigable Tho
admiralty declines to verify or deny
thnt the'su grcnt ships aro In foreign
German Cruisers Sunk.
London, Dec. 10. Information re
ceived in London indicates that tho
destruction of tho Gorman licet In tho
South Atlantic, with tho sinking of
threo cruisers, wns procedod by tho
sinking of threo Gorman morchnnt vos
bcIb. This Information comes from Buenos
Aires. Tho message said a division of
warships aggregating llvo ironclnds
and ono transport, on tho morning of
Doccmber C sank ono of tho German
vessels in tho roadstend of l'lcton Is
land. Two othor steamers woro sent
to tho bottom tho samo evening out
Bldo the hnrbor of Pantnlon, nenr
Capo Sanplo.
Reports on Naval Battle.
Tho fato of tho merchantmen Is not
mentioned In tho statement given out
by tho llrltlsh admiralty, which said
that tho Gorman crulsors Schnrnhorst,
GnclBonnu and Leipzig wcro sunk in
a battlo with tho British licet under
Vico Admiral Sir Frederick Sturdeo
off tho Falkland Islands in tho South
Admiral Von Spee Is Lost7
Tho olllclal statement mnkes refer
onco to Homo survivors rescued from
tho GnelBonau nnd tho Leipzig, but no
mention Ib mndo of any of tho crew of
tho SchnrnhorBt, which wub tho flag
ship of tho German ndmlrnl, being
saved, nnd it Id thus presumed thnt
Count von Spec, IiIb otllcors and men
went down lighting.
As tho Scliarnhorst and nnelsenau
each carried a complement of 705 men.
the Leipzig 28G. tho Nuomborg 322. nnd
tho DreBden 2GI. tho total German loss
la estimated at not far from 2.000
The BiltlBh casualties woro Hevcn
men killed and four wounded
German Ruler, Who Has Been Seri
ously Indisposed, Reported to Be
Much Better.
London, Dec. 12. A dlBpntch to tho
Evening Nows from Tho Ilaguo Bays:
According to information rencliing
hero through privato sources. Em
peror William's, condition today
t-howod mnrked Improvement. Ills
temperature this morning was normal.
Ills phyBlclaiiB allowed him to sit up
for a fow hours."
A mesBago from Paris Bnya tho
crown prlnco Una boon summoned to
tho bedside of tho kaiser, according
to tho Echo do Paris.
Illness Held Serious.
Rome. Doc. 12. A roport rocoivod
from llorlln says no ono is allowed
to entor tho sick room of tho kuluor
und that nil war nows ia withheld
from tho omporor, who Ib oxtromely
nervpuH and roatloaii, Ills Illness, this
meBsago adds, is moro Borioua than
won', lead the
Russian Advices Are That Forward
Movement of the Kaiser's Forces
Has Been Stopped.
London. Dec. 12.-Of tho flvo Alls-tie-German
columns which for Bomo
days appeared to bo making stoady
progress In their invnslon of Poland,
three havo suffered checks, according
lo tonight's olllclal report from Kits
slan headquarters.
The column which was making a
downward stroke from Mhiwa, on tho
KaHt Prussian frontier, and which wub
reported In ono dispatch from Pctro
grad today to bo within fifteen miles
of Warsaw, wns repulsed after an
energetic offensive, and under conn-tor-uttarks
from tho Russians was
compelled to retire at boiho points.
The attacks of tho main German
column, which hnd its front on tho
lino between Lodz and Lowirz, and
which came down diagonally from
Thorn, woro delivered with great
force, but, according to tho Russian
account, wero repulsed with heavy
losses to tho Invaders.
Tho Germans attach the utmost Im
portance, It Ib said, to securinr a de
cisive result in tho enst beforo tho
RusslniiB aro able to mako their num
bers, which military men bellevo must
already bo superior, so overwhelming
that tho hotter means of transporta
tion poBBCSsed by tho Germans will
bo discounted.
German Official Statement.
Berlin, Dec. 12. Tho German army
liendquarterB staff today issued tho
following communication:
"Thero is no chango In tho situa
tion In tho cast of Mazurian lakes In
East Prussia. Our attacks in north
ern Poland nro progressing. No nowH
Ib at hand from southern Poland."
Tho latest reportB from tho light
ing zono around Lodz, according to in
formntlqn given out by tho German
olllclal press bureau today, show that
the rcBlstnnco of tho ItuBsianB in that
region Is by no means broken. Tho
now RuBBinn positions on Mlazga cut
aro only twelve or thirteen mllcB to
tho eastward of Lodz, which demon
strates, It is said, that much yet re
mains to bo dono boforo tho Hits
shuiB can bo considered definitely de
feated. Allies Hold Trenches.
London, Dec. 12. That tho Germans
nro determined to cut through tho
allies' lines In West Flandors, If such
a thing Is possible, wns demonstrated
again today when tho forces In tho
vicinity of Ypres mado a violent and
continued attack, only to bo repulsed
with heavy losses.
A dispatch from Berlin signed by
tho chlof of tho army administration
InsIstB that tho Germans havo mado
progress in Flanders, but thero Is no
Inkling of tho point whero this ad
vanco waa mndo.
It alBo Ib asserted that French at
tacks in tho forest of Lo Pretro and
to tho west of Pont-n-MouBson woro
Attack Harbor of Dover.
Dover, England, Dec. It. Tho city
of Dover was thrown into excitement
today by tho announcement that tho
Germans early this morning attempted
a submarine nttack on tho harbor
works and tho lleet at anchor In tho
A heavy rain nnd hnzo mado search
light work dinicult. At six thirty
o'clock tho observers sighted what
they believed to bo a fleet of about
six submarines Bevoral miles out In
tho chnnnol.
Tho channel forts commenced firing
In tho direction of tho supposed sub
marines nnd kopt It up for almost half
an hour. At tho earno timo a torpedo
boat destroyer llotllla put to sea,
whero It remained all day.
Sees Italy Joining War.
Rome, Dec. 12. Slgnor Canopn, n
mombcr of tho chamber, has an
nounced that ho desires to withdraw
his request that tho government join
with tho United States, in a protest
ngnlnst Germany's violntioiiB of tho
agreements of Tho Ilaguo conferences.
Slgnor Cnuopa snid significantly that
ho hoped action by Italy was Immi
nent and henco a protest by thla coun
try nt tho present tlmo would bo use
less. Decline Christmas Truce.
Berlin. Doc. 12. Tho proposal of
Popo Benedict for a truco among tho
warring nations during tho Christmas
holidays In said by tho olllclal press
mironu today to huvo boon declined
by Russia.
Tho German press bureau hnd an
nounced that Germany wns willing to
ngreo to a Christmas truco, provided
tho other nations at war gavo tlioir
Press Austrlans Hard.
Rome, Dec. 12. Tho Sorvlan lega
tion announces that tho Austrlnns
hnvo boon driven back on Shnbatz and
aro being hard pressed by tho Ser
vians, who nro attacking toward Bel
grade. Tho Austrian prlHonora of wnr
In Sorvla number 300 olllcors nnd 30,
000 mou.
Roumanla's Position,
llorlln, Dec. 12 (by wlroloss).
"Word bus arrived from Uuchorost
that Prlnio MIniBtor Brntlano of Ron
lunula has rejected tho domand of tho
trlplo ontento that Kouinunlu attack
Bulgaria If Bulgaria Bhould provont
Greece from going to tho assistance of
Servla "
thu olllclal bulletin
people lo bollovc.
tome and Foreign Intelligence Con
densed Into Two and Four
Line Paragraphs.
Representative of state hanks sug
gested to the Federal Rosorvo board
that banking laws bo modllled, that
Btato Institutions might enter and
leave tho system at will.
Moro than ?.ri3,000,000 is estimated
for Improvements and malntenanco
or tho nation's waterways and har
bors during tho fiscal yoar of 1'JlG,
which begins .Inly 1, 11)15.
A bill to require all Chinese now
In the United States to obtain within
ono yoar cerlillcateB of residence, as
a measure against Chinese smuggling,
waa introduced by Senator Lodge.
Estimates furnished to congress by
Sec6tary of tho Treasury McAdoo for
government expenses In tho fiscal
yoar beginning July 1, 1015, total $1,
000,775,134, about 54.000,000 less than
In tho present fiscal yoar.
John II. Fnhey, president of tho
chamber of commerce of the United
States, asked President Wilson to
Biipport an amendment to tho Sher
man law to permit American export
ers to band together to meet foreign
President Wilson Is to havo the new
trade commission begin its work as
soon as posalblo and plans lo send
the nomination of Its members to tho
senate in tho near future. Ho has a
long list of names.
Legislation to regulnto issues of
railroad securities, which passed tho
houso last session and was reported
on by tho senate shortly beforo ad
journment, may not bo pressed for
final passngo at this session of con
gress. Tho National Rivers and Harbors
congress adjourned after adopting re
solutions favoring tho building of a
comprehensive system of water trans
portation at an annual expenditure by
tho government of not less than $50,
000,000. DOMESTIC.
Flro destroyed virtually the entire
main plant of tho Edison company at
"West Orange, Now Jersey, causing
damage estimated at nearly $7,000,000.
Addition of an aviation corps to the
Colorado militia Ib being planned. A
liangar will bo erected on the Golden
rlflo rango. Several aviators have sig
nified their willingness to join tho
Acceptance of ChristmuB presents
by the olllcinls of tho Atchison, Tope
lea & Snnta Fo railroad was placed
under a ban by an order issued by
President Ripley of that road at Chi
cago. Moro ban 1,000 church oh in Now
York City havo combined forces to
liolp meet tho problems of tho unem
ployed during tho winter. Tho move
ment was inaugurated by tho New
York Federation of Churches.
Indufctiial railroads In the Chicago
switching district were held by tho
Illinois Public Utilities commission to
bo common carriers and entitled to re
ceive allowances and participate In
trunk lino ratoB In lntersato transpor
tation. Eugeno F. Schmltz, threo timea
mayor of San Francisco and removed
from olllco In 1007 while San Fran
cisco's graft prosecution was in
progress, has announced that ho
would ho a candidate for a fourth
term as mayor In 1015.
ProBidcnt Wilson was asked by n
committeo of 100 Indians, represent
ing tho Society of American Indlnns,
to appoint a coinniiflBion to invoBtlr
gate tho condition of American Indi
ans und recommend tho passngo of
a code of Indian law. "which shall
open tho door of hope und progress
to our people"
Tho Hitchcock resolution for Imme
diate hoarlng on tho Phtlipplno bill
has paseod tho senate Former resi
dents of tho Islands will ho question
ed regarding greater self-government
for tho FtliplnoB.
Tho bill to restrict uses of habit
fanning drugs wub passed In tho
houso. It compolB registry with tho
internal revenue bureau of all physi
cians, manufacturers and dealora who
handle opium or its dorlvatlvoB, ami
Kimllnr drugs, and proscribes forms
for written orders for certain drugs.
Miss Agnow Irwin, formerly doan
of RudcllIT college Cambridge, Mass.,
dlod at Philadelphia. Sho had boon
111 with pneumonia llvo days. Miss
Irwin wub a groat great granddaugh
ter of Benjamin Frnnklln.
PreK.i;.t Wil on lus proinon
Brigadier General Frederick Fuiibton
to it major generalship.
President Wilson was naked again
to endorso a constitutional amend
niont for woman suffrage, and re
Iterated that the question was one foi
tho Btntes.
Tho West Virginia "blue sky" lnr;
was held unconstitutional by the
United Clates circuit court of appealF
in a tluctalon bunded down nt Parkers
Dr. Samuel P. Church, wild to bo
tho oldest graduate of Trinity college
and also the oldest member of tho Al-
! phn Delta Phi fraternity, died nt his
home at Ithaca, N. Y.
Six thousand persons crowded tho
armory nt Cleveland at tho public re
ception given In honor of tho homo
coming of My ion T. Herrick, former
nmbuBPador to France
Clefonto Canipanlnl, director of tho
Chicago Grand Opera company, filed
suit at Chicago for $50,000 damages
against Abraham Nussbuum, who has
boon connected with tho company.
Government by commission, nnd
what ho described as illegal interfer
ence by federal otllcials with privato
business, were renounced at Chicago
by Senator Weeks of Massachusetts.
Ella Flagg Young, superintendent of
tho Chicago schools, whoso salary of
$10,000 ti year marks her among tho
highest salaried women of the, coun
try, was re-elected by a vote of 15
to 6.
Threo hundred persons, who attend
ed u chicken supper at a church at
Batavia, N. Y., aro under physicians'
care. It is believed all will recover.
Their nilment was said to be pto
maine poisoning.
Ten thousand employes of tho
Crano company in Chicago will share
In a $650,000 Christmas gift this year
as a partial reconiponso for the
shrinkage in wages that resulted from
lost time during last year.
Libraries of twenty-eight leading
colleges and universities of tho
United States own 7.S0O.GGO books,
according to figures ju3t collected by
the University of Minnesota library
and mado public at Chicago by
George R Utiey, secretary of the
American library association.
To voice n protest against agita
tion for increased armaments In this
country, a committeo comprising
Bishop David II. Greer of the New-
York diocese of tho Protestant Epis
copal church, and a scoro of others,
will meet In New York, December 18.
to organize a national anti-armament
Advancing of American Industry
must depend in an Increasing meas
ure on a proper system of Industrial
education, declared Samuel Gompers,
president of the American Federation
of Labor, at the annual convention of
the National Society for tho Promo
tion of Industrial education at Rich
mond. FOREIGN.
, Four hundred thousand youths of
19 and 20 yours, forming the class of
1015, havo gone Into training in mill
tary Instruction camps and barracks
throughout France.
The Japanese foreign minister,
Baron Kate, announces that it lias not
been decided whether Japan would
roturn the captured German haso at
Klao-Chow to China.
Tho report that Gen. Christian Bey
ers, tho rebel leader in South Africa,
had met death by the Union forces,
Is confirmed by tho finding or his
body in tho Vaal river.
An arbitration treaty between Great
Britain and Portugal has been signed
In London. Tho treaty, which Is Tor
a period of llvo years. Is of great sig
nificance at the present moment
With I Iio return of the French gov
ernment to Purls from Bordeaux a
squadron of neroplnnos is doing scout
duty ovor tho capital to ward off pos
slblo attacks by hostile air craft,
Vice Admiral Sturdee of tho British
squadron roports that in the battlo
off tho Falkland Islands In which
threo aennan cruisers wero sunk,
tho British casualties totaled seven
mn killed and four wounded.
Tho lodger of the mitlouul debt of
France, containing tho uamos of tho
holders of bonds which are inscribed
as distinguished from thoEe pnyablo
to bearer, has been brought to Paris
iiKtiin from Bordeaux. It required ten
cars to transport tho ledger.
Popo Bonedlct Is urging that an un.
demanding bo arranged botweon tho
warring factions under which n truco
will bo possible during tho Christmas
holidays. It Ib said, however, Mhat
tho pope has little hope for tho suc
cess of his olTorts.
A British squadron undor Vice Ad
miral Sir Fiodeiick Sturdoo, has sent
to tho bottom off tho southern coast
of South America, tho fiwmnn cruis
ers Si harnhorsi. Gnelsenaii and
Jose Martinez, Husband of the In
jured Woman, and F. H. Kuck
Struck by Shrapnel.
Naco, Ariz. Mexican "stray" lire
added the fifty-second name in the
casualty list on the American side
when Mrs. Jose Martinez was hit In
tho back by a bullet in tho siege of
Naco, Sonora, which crossed the
border and pierced the wall of her
The siege continues across tho bor
der with its accompanying shower ot
Mexican shot and shell. Two olhoi
persons, Joso Martinez, husband of
tho wounded woman, and F. II. Kuck.
wero hit by pieces of shrapnel.
Kuclc's leg was bruised. Martinez
wns slightly hurt. They made a to
tal of flvo persons struck by spent
ammunition, but not Included in the
list of fifty-two.
The reported order from Provision
al President Gutierrez for Governor
Maytoena, the Villa commander be
sieging Hill's Carranza troops in
Mexican Naco, to cease his attacks if
thoy endanger Americans Is still re
ported "not received."
Tho reinforced border patrol under
command of Brigadier General Tas
ker Bliss continued its preparations
for possible action.
Regrets Troubles.
Mexico City The situation at Naco,
Sonora, on tho International border,
was commented on by Provisional
President Gutierrez In an interview
given to tho Associated Press. Ho
"I sincerely regret tho tioubles
which havo occurred along tho north
ern border in which Americans havo
been killed. I have ordered tho abso
lute cessation of hostilities in tho
neighborhood of Nnco, und I will pro
ceed In a like manner should fighting
occur at any other points on the bor
der, even if such an order should jeop
ardize our cause. I realize that at
any cost mo must rotaln tho friend
ship of Americans."
One Killed and 25 Hurt.
Northficld, Minn. One person was
killed and more than twenty-live
injured, eight seiiously, when Rock
Island passenger train No. 53 was
wrecked eight miles south of here
and five cars rolled down a fifteen
foot embankment. A broke rail Is
3ald to havo caused the accident.
Unneutral Ships Near Canal.
Panama. Colonel George W.
Goethnls, governor of the canal zone,
was Mpolled to suggest to the gov
ernment at 'Washington that two
swift American torpedo boat destroy
ers bo stationed at tho Panama canal,
one at each end, by the recent ac
tivity of belligerent warships and
colliers in tho vicinity of the isth
mian waterway.
Christians in Peril.
London. A Petrograd dispatch to
tho Times says:
"Advices from tho front at Erzer
um, Turkish Armenia, describes tho
position of 20,000 Christians there as
precarious, because of their Russian
sympathies. Three hundred thou
sand Turkish troops are mobilizing
at Erzerum.
"Hundreds of Armenians have been
Imprisoned and many hanged in the
streets without trial as examples.
Nevertheless, romnrkablo anti-war
demonstrations have been held In
Erzerum, on one occasion the rioting
lasting several hour."
Raising War Lien.
Amsterdam.--A Berlin dispatch
says that Brussels and suburbs have
decided to pay tho war Hen of
4:.,000,000 marks ($11,250,000) Im
posed by Germany by means of spe
cial taxe3 payablo up to Juno 15,
1015. For tho payment of tho re
maining 25,000,000 marks $0,150,000)
of the ilrst war contribution, arrange
ments havo been reached with a
group of Belgian hanks whereby thlB
obligation will bo mot in ton install
ments. Kaisers Health Improved.
Amstordam. Emperor William has
mado so much progress toward re
covering his health telegrams re
ceived horo from Borlln state, that
ho will bo able to Inavo tho capital
this woek for tho battlo front.
Approves Dismissal of Officer.
Washington Presldont Wilson has
approved tho sentenco of dismissal
from the army imposed upon LleuUen
ant John K. Hume, Fifth cavalry, con
viced by general court martial at
Trinidad, Colo , of violating his pledgo
to abstain from Intoxicating liquors.
Dlblee for Soldiers.
Pittsburgh. Pa. Olllcors of tho In
ternational nnd tho World's Sunday
School associations horo have made
plans which the say will result In
placlup bibles with fcoldiers at war
Fire at North Bend did damage of
$300 to the opera house.
Georgo North is the now proprietor
of the hotel nt North Loup.
Citizens or Lyons nro making prep
arations for a winter stock bIiow.
The Odd Fellows have dedicated,
their new building nt Ainsworth.
Work has commenced on the new
$15,000 Catholic church at Harwell.
R. E. Clark has purchased the
Looney restaurant at Crab Orchard.
II. C. Waters has leased the Calm
Record and will take charge at once.
Fire in the upper part of tho Dun
bar school house caused small loss.
Sprlngvlew is preparing for the In
stallation of a new electric light
Miss Nnttio Mines has purchased,
the Giles Millinery company of North.
James Pcsek, a farmer living south
of Ravelin, was seriously hurt In a
A state organization for Bolgiait
relief Is being planned by Lincoln
V. L. Hanson of Harrison, has dis
posed of ills drug store to Dick Rich
ards of Crawford.
Steward Gutzmer and six inmates
of the stale hospital for tho insane at
Norfolk have smallpox.
Fred S. Hussler, one of the oldest
newspaper men In the state, died at
his home in Falls City.
Henry Kupcr of Humboldt, sold,
forty two head ot Shorthorn cattle
that averaged $1fA each.
Burglars secured $15 in money and
some goods at tho Jacob Goehrlng
hardware store at Seward.
Four persons wero seriously In
jured when a motor car was struck
by a train near Plattsmouth.
The Farmers' Grain' and Supply Co.
of Scotia, has filed articles of incor
poration with a capital of $10,000.
Laura A Forrest was granted a
verdict of $2,700 against three Nor
folk saloonkeepers and other bonds
men. The annual show of the Dodge
County Poultry 'association at Fre
mont had over twelve hundred en
tries. Dr. Arthur Snell of Norfolk wub
perhaps fatally injured when tho mo
tor car in which he was riding over
turned. Appeal of the dollar gas case to
the United States supreme court bus
been ordered by the city council of
Eleven Mexican loborers employed
on a railroad at Falrbury aro under
arrest following the theft of a quan
tity of silk.'
November was tho dryest month
in the history of Nebraska according
to the report just turned in by tho
weaher burealu.
More than 200 motor car owners at,
Fremont aro delinquent in the matter
of paying the annual state license feo
for the past year.
Arrangements are being made by a
union of all tho churches of Minden
to hold a union or municipal Christ
mas tree in the auditorium.
Two hundred members of the North
Platte High school nenrly went on a
strike because they woro denied tho
privilege of attending a play.
M. B. Russell and Harry Craige aro
preparing to issue a weekly newspa
per at Seward. Three weekly pa
lters qrc now In the field.
The Lexington Mill and Elevator
company have lot the contract to
build a five-story reinforced concrete
mill which Is to be fireproof.
Chester Lodge, high school student
at Columbus, was seriously injured
when n bicycle he was riding threw
him onto the side of a bridge.
S. W. Porin, who has served tho
university college of agriculture at
Lincoln for moro years than any oth
er man Is to return to that institu
tion. Moro chickens were raised in Lan
caster county during tho past year
than any other county in tho slate,
according to tho statistics of the as
sessor. School teachers of O'Neill, Atkin
son, Stuart, Newport, Bassott, Long
Pino, 'Wood Lako and Valentino will
meet In Ainsworth January 1G and
17 to form an organization.
After a four days' searcli for furUi
or evidence tho 'North Platto author
ities have given up hope of rccovoring
tho body of Vernon Connett, tho
young farmer murdered in AugusL
Roaating ears in tho winter tlmo ia
tho result of an interesting experi
ment conducted by Food Commission
er Hnrmnn nnd A. E. Wilkinson of
the Beatrice Creamery company of
Hastings club women responded to
an nppeal from the Nebraska childron
homo finding socloty by promising to
find Hastings homes for twolvo or
more Belginn children expected in
Nebraska from their strickon nativo
Tho officials of Box Butte county
aro moving into tho nov court houso
which Is practically comploted. Thfl
building will be dedicated Decem
ber 2S.
Tho Dodgo county automobile afiBo.
elation lias disbanded and tho Fre
mont nutomobllo club has beou organ,
lzed. Tho now organization Ib begin
ning to Improve routo markings.
A restaurant nt Omaha wns held up
in broad daylight by a lono bandit
who secured $G5. Whon captured he
gave his name ns Henry Honour nnd
Bald he had been unable to find work
find lid .ITTift (lnsnr.rnfn