The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 18, 1914, Image 7

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JMryAM, OkolY
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a our vjiristmas dinner
Needs some of the following:
Richalieu and Grand Canyon Canned
Goods, Second to None.
Fresh Vegetables,
Plum Pudding,
Welch's Grape Juice,
Fancy Jams and Preserves,
Candied Cherries,
Sugar Coated Dates,
Layer Raisins,
Sweet Potatoes,
Bulk Mince Meat.
Dates and Figs,
Marashino Cherries,
Heinze's Pickles and Olives, complete
line in hulk,
Fancy Cheese,
Ripe Olives.
And of course the dinner will not be complete
unless you have Chase & Sanborn's Tea or Coffee,
used by three generations.
We are going to
r our
Tree & n
IfflL JWK Jb.
Oily Jkggc
Our Christmas Trees and Holly an ill be finer this year than ever before. The demand for
these promise to be exceptionally heavy. We would adise all out friends to send their orders
early. There is nothing more aggravating than to be disappointed in trees. We have them for
Our Candies and Nuts
We have this year WOODWARD'S PURE SUGAR CANDIES. There is nothing better.
Our NUTS are the best and freshest that are grown. Special prices to Schools and Churches.
For Your Christmas Goodies our Supply is Unlimited.
Our Goods are Quality -Quality Means Economy.
Lierk-Sandall Company.
Will Form Corporation
The building committee of the Yeo
men lodgo held a meeting Wednes
day evening for tin purpoao of mak
ing (Innl plans for tholr building pro
ject which wartnaunched some time
ngo. At the mooting It was decided
to form a corporation and sell stock!
.. ii .,i .... !...'
iui im iiiiiiuau ui imiiuiK ui inv
building and solicitors aro now busy
getting the necessary subscriptions.
Tlic plan of the committee Is to sell
two hundred shares of stoik at one
hundred dollars por share. These
altnres can be purchased at a low fig
ure for the first payment and the bal
ance can he paid In easy Installments.
In this way the shares can be sold
much easier. The stock bears six per
cent Interest per annum and will make
a good Investment.
From all appoarances the building
will bo a suro go. The commlttco now
has an option on a very deslrnble lot
and tho action of tho committee 1ms
been endorsed by tho lodge. Such a
project Is a credit to North I'latto as
woll as to tho lodge.
What is Christinas Without a
New Suit and Overcoat?
.lack l'rost Is Hero!
Hut you should worry when you
can buy tho best warm winter cloth
ing at nearly Vj price and somo for
less than half at tho big Clearing
Sale now going on at RLOCK'S.
Lost card case, with cards and two
$5.00 bills. Return to this olllce and
receive reward.
About slxty-flvo attended the Yeo
men kcnslngton and luncheon which
were given Wednesday afternoon and
qvening at tho homo of Mrs. W. J.
TUey 10S west Third street. A very
pleasant afternoon was enjoyed by tho
ladles and in tho evening tho men
came to help dnjoy tho ten cent lunch
con which wns served by tho ladles.
T. J. Ualdock Is reported quite ill
at his homo on south Locust street
He is suffering from appendicitis and
Is In quite a critical condition.
Xiiins Suggestions.
A box of cigara from 50c and up
Rrinr pipes In cases, $1.50 up.
Meerschaum pipes In cases $2.00 up
' Phono orders will recolve tho same
prompt attention as If you call in per
son. Wo will dullver Christinas day
01-3 Phone Ulnck 172
Paul Cobb of tho Maxwell vicinity,
was transacting business and visiting
friends in this city yesterday.
Georgo Mudd of Hcrshey, was visit
ing friends and transacting business in
tho city Wednesday.
Misses Georgia Hoxle and Edith
llowland have nccepted positions in
the Clinton Jewelry store during the
holiday rush.
Willi oncli Xnuis tree purchased at
our store no v. Ill gho 1000 otes for
our Panama Imposition trip.
J H. Edmisten wns able to bo on
tho streets this week for tho first
timo in two months. Ho had been
confined to his homo with a severo ill
ness and for two months was bed
fast. Ho is fast regaining his strength
and will bo recovered In a short time.
Real buffalo steak and roast direct
from "Pawneo Hill's" buffalo ranch
at Pawnee, Oklahoma, can bo pur
chased at Marti's meat morket. 95-2
Tho story hour for tho children will
bo held Saturday afternoon nt two
thirty in tho library building, conduc
ted by Miss Mabel Duke. Tho hour will
i.n i.. iin nntnro nt n Christmas narty
and a number of Christmas stories
will uo roiuiuu.
Waldeman Chain Knives, and Fra
ternal card cases in sterling, gold and
gold lllled, SI. 50 to $0.00.
' Clinton, Tho Jeweler,
Tho VIctrola Store.
E. W. Crane, who has ben qulto HI
for tho past several weeks, was able
to bo on tho streets yesterday. He
was qulto seriously ill for somo time
and tho attondlng physician had many
misgivings as to his chances for re
overy Uo is gaining strength very
rnpidh now
Special for Saturdaj, December 19th.
A 25e pipe free with each pound Jar
of Tobacco. II. A. D Smoke House,
opposite depot tl
Jury Is Dismissed
At tho close of the court session
yesterday all the Jurors who were not
Impanelled on the case of Beatjy
vs. tho Union Pacific company were
dismissed for this term. Tho case
now in court is the last jury case for
this term and as soon as it is finished
the remainder of the jurymen will bo
Tho county commissioners expect
to meet next week to draw a new Jury
for the January term as it could not
be drawn until tho present Jury was
Kiilcrtnininciit Scores IHg Success.
The high school nudltorium was
taxed to the limit last evening to ac
commodate tho crowd who came to
attend tho entertainment which wns
given by tho girls' and boys' gleo
clubs and tho telegraphy class. Tho
entertainment wns a great success
and tho crowd received tho boys and
girls very enthusiastically. Hoth gleo
clubs appeared to great advantage,
end were encored timo and time
Other Interesting fentures of tho en
tertainment were "Mutt and Jell" in
tho persons of Leo Tigho and Sydney
McFarland; "Tom Thumb" in tho per
son of Ralph Clabaugh, a telegraphy
stunt and three short one-act farces.
All provoked much mirth and wero
well received.
.Meetings Close This Kcu'iilng
II. G. Knowlcs, pastor of the local
Christian church, was visiting in the
city with his family this week and an
nounces that ho will close the meet
ings at Sutherland, where he has been
for the past live weeks, this evening
He rqports very successful meetings
but states that he will bo glad to get
ba'ck home. Ho reports that at tho
dedication services last Sunday over
thirty-six hundred dollars were
raised to pay off the debts of building
tho now building. Ho will open up
regular services liero next Sunday
I mm.
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H H ' , l-ltll RttYIIH
I Mr ' Iv if &
I Urn U
Hspccially when you can
buy tin all wool suit or
overcoat in llip new
styles and patterns,
gua-anteedhaiul tailor
ed at
L1. $15, $18 & $20
You find fabrics and
I Yaffil tailoring in our clothing
at those prices that s su
perior to the average
$22.50 and $25 Suits
and Overcoats.
Yours For Christmas Dressing.
A Joyous Christmns is assured the
child wliom Santa Claus favors sith
aiglft selected from our stock nf bt-
t'isycies, velocipedes, sleds, skates
coaster wagons, express wagons, air
rides, etc. North Platto Hardware &
Furniture Co.
Funniest novelty on earth, "KOM
EKEL KUSS." Endless fun for 25
cents at C. M. Newton's.
Carl WIckstrom, of tho Horshoy vi
cinity was visiting In tho city Wednes
day to nttend tho case in tho district
court of the Alfalfa Mill Co. vb
Miss Elllco Rodgers of this city is
visiting this week with friends In
Northport and vicinity.
John Holcomb returned Wednesday
evening to his ranch in tho Mnxwell
vicinity after spending several days
visiting friends nnd transacting busi
ness in this city.
Seo those $5.00 and $7.50 Silk Dress
Patterns at Wilcox Department Store.
Miss Anna Schworcr, who was form
erly 'a nurso nt ho Physicians' & Sur
geons' hospital, left tills week for Nep
oneo, Neb., where sho will make her
home In tho future. Miss Schworer's
parents live there.
Ueautiful California Rose Reads
make an Ideal Xinns gift. $1 to $3.50
Mrs. H. A. Cram will deliver tlio ser
mon Sunday at the MethodlBt church
at th morning services. Mrs. Cram
spoke there last year and gnvo a very
nice address and all who have heard
her will welcome tho opportunity to
hear her again.
Monday evening, December 28th, is
tho dato act for tho Joint recital by
Misses Florenco McKay nnd Irma
Huffman. Roth young ladles ar
talented In their respective lines, Miss
Huffman ns a reader and Miss McKay
as a pianist. Tho recital will bo.
given nt the Presbyterian church.
Attend Dixon's Christmas sale, It
means dollars to you.
Dr. O. H. Cressler returned home
last evening from Omnha, Where ho
attended tho Masonic gatlioriiiK.
While there ho had conform! upon him
tho degree of High Priest. Ho reports
a lino meeting and a good attendance.
Mrs. J. G. Reeler Jeft yesterday for
Lincoln, whero sho will visit for some
time with her parents and her daugh
ter, Miss Myrtle, who Is attending the
ftato un'verslty
For Rent Two furnished rooms for
light housekeeping. Inquire 122
east Sixth.
W. W Yates, conductor running out
of here sustained a painful Injury yes
torday when ho struck his knee with a
coal pick, puncturing the patella He
was dragging a chain out of the tank
box with tho pick and It slipped strik
ing him on the knee. He will bo laid
up for a week or ten days with the i i
I'. J. DIDNFJt & CO.
Ileal llNtntu nnd Insurance
Corao and seo us for town lots in
different parts of tho city. Good In
vestments on easy torms. Houses for
salo and rent. Wo havo also good bar
gains In farms and ranches.
Cor. Front and Dowoy fits., upstairs
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I'nn iding for the uppropriation of
I'rhnle I'ropertj for Hie use of the
Cllj of North I'lalle, Neltruskii, for
a si reel It) purchase or condemn))
Hon: Providing for the appolnl
inent of three disinterested freehold
ers of (he CD) of Norlli I'lalle lo
assess Hie damages and time ami
place of meeting of said assessors:
I'rotldlug for Hie pajnienl of said
damages mid pnnlding for the tiling
of a plat of the properl) appropri
ated. HE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor
and City Council of the City of North
Platte, Nebraska
SECTION 1 That tho City of North
Platte, hereby purchase, condemn and
appropriate the following described
privnto property for the use of a street
within said city to-wlt:
A portion of tho County Clerk's Sub
division of fructlonnl Lot 2 of Section
113, Township 14. North of Range 30,
west of tho Oth 1'. M. and tho unplat
ted portion of tho South Half of tho
Northeast quarter of Section 32,
Township 14, North of Range 30, West
of tho Cth P. M. lying north of tho main
lino of tho Union Pacific Railroad nec
essary for tho opening of tho exten
sion of Oth Street to the width of 80
feet. Tho particular tracts of land to
bo proportioned nnd used for snld
street being moro particularly des
cribed as follows, to-wlt:
1. Heglnnlng at tho SE corner of
Lot J, running thenco N 10 degrees E
along the east line of said lot J 41
fett thence N 80 degrees W parallel
Sold by Rush Mercantile Co , North hSe
Also by E. & W. Coker, Sutherland; Gansoti & Ganrjqn
Hershey; Jens Sommers, Maxwell: Jno. Fredriclison, Brady
will) the South line of Lot J 320.45
feet, to the west line of said Lot J,
them c south on the west lino of Lot ,
.,,117 fed to the SV corner of Lot J,
tli'tice S. 80 degreei E. .513.3 feet on
the South line of sa'd lot J to tl c
place of beginning, containing 30
2 lleginning at the NE corner of
Lot D, running thenco N. 80 degrees
W. along tho north line of Lot D 135
feet to the NV corner of said Lot D,
thence in the same direction along tho '
north line of lot E 7G fet; together I
211 feet, thenco S. 10 degrees W. 39'
feet, thenco S. 80 degrees E. parallel
with the north lino of sld lots D and
E 7(1 nnd 135 feet together 211 feet, to
tho place of beginning, con talnlng
19 acres.
3. Heglnnlng nt tho NW corner of
Lot E, running thenco S 80 degrees E.
along tho north lino of Lot E 102.3
feet, thenceS. 10 degrees W. 39 feet,
with tho north lino of said lot E. 05.5
feet to tho west lino of Lot E, thenco
north on tho West lino of Lot E 39.G
feet to tho place of beginning, con
taining 09 acres
SECTION 2 That O E Elder and
Vltor VonGoct, Sr and F W Dor-
mlnghauKcn being three disinterested
freeholders of the City of North Platte,
be and nre herby named assessors
and will meet at the ofllco of tho City
Clerk at 10 o'clock in tho lorenoon
of the 20th day of January, 1915, for
tho purpose of apportioning and as
sessing tho damages according to law
SECTION 3. That tho wholo
amount of damages and oxpenso Incur
red In the creation of said street shall
bo assessed and levied upon the real
property fronting upon tho snmo and
other property nearby that may bo
benefited thereby, in proportion ac
cording to benefits.
SECTION 4. That within sixty
, days after the condemnation of the
above (tcHCrlticil nrlvntn nrnnnrtv im
accurato plat of clear description shall
bo filed In the ollico of tho county
Clerk of Lincoln County, Nebraska.
SECTION C. This ordlnnnco shnll
tuko effect and bo In forco from and
after Its passage, approval and pub
lication according to law.
Passed this 15th day of December,
C F TEMPLE. Mayor.
(Seal) City Clerk.