THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. KAISER WILHELM DIRECTING MOVEMENT OF TROOPS ROAD TURNED DOWN r? s-7 HiNTncireiissiT .Li, J I ? RAILWAY COMMISSION REJECT8 RATE RAISE ASKED BY M. P. BOARD HAS W JURISDICTION I BRITAIN'S WAR CENSOR t x u i &&&& mmM&mmKs&mxzMi r sSimiSt vuavLi mumaumsmumativmmiiWEiiwsmummiiims&uwsxti 3Mk!LZ&mi7? 4,jbJs ifmaniQcsaaBiBeuraiiBBaMaiiBa Kaiser Wilhelm, with linmls bohlnd his back, is luro photographed while directing the movement of ;i bodj of troops at the lront General von Falkenhayn tho mlnistpr of war, stands at the emperor's left SANTA GLAUS SHIP AT PLYMOUTH, ENGLAND 1 i t '! i 1 if .l -ir I The Aineilcan Santa Claus ship lasou, loaded with millions of sifts for the war orphans of Eur appeared when she dropped anchor at Plymouth, England In the immediate foregiound are some of guns which Great Britain is mounting on her battleships Attorney Presenting Case Sny8 Pas senger Fares Now In Effect Are Unjust. I lru olii The Mlasoutl Tactile I! lilwny company look Uu lirst steps ii an eflorl to have tho old .1-coiit piissi nger faro lelnstntod. J. A. C K nnedy, acting for the road made. in application for a raise In p.isseu f r rates to ;! cents per uitlo. 1 lie commission listened to tho ar guments of tho attorney in support of i he application and decided that as I! act was a legislative act the (I'linnlBslou had no jurisdiction In tho matter and turned tho application down. The reason for asking for lite raise lu late is given In part as follows. ' The pasEenger faro now in elfect t so unjust and so unreasonably low as to be not compensatory nnil In l.ut. conliscatory That said ex ist Ing rates also unlawfully dir.erlml tute in lavor ot persons traveling between points In Nebraska and against persons who travel through Nc braska on interstate Journeys, and unlawfully discriminate In favor of points or localities In Nebraska and against points and localities in other stales, in that fares now In ellect are substantially lower than the fares for similar distances from points and localities in other states und from points in other states through Nebraska." ope, as stie the immense HOW THE DUTCH GUARD THEIR NEUTRALITY m f' 'IWili ii WTP1 i 'irTTT IF1' h i Wt" I mif i r'n " I T f'T i Pi i? j it.l"tcSiaK-s talKar yv.ivnfv KsaaisBsJj Hutch lioopors examining passports at the lrontiei ul Holland OFF ON A REAL TRIP OF ADVENTURE DR- van dyke , ' - - Aft- I Goes to United States Courts. The NfarthweHtcrn lallroad has ap lua'.cd to the 1'nited States siipronio murt from a judgment for $11,500 in fnor or William Hower, aillimed by i h supreme court of Nebiaska Mr. Hiiwei, wlille an engineer In the ent i '! ol the Northwcatern, had his left cm put out by the explosion of a .ii't lubricator at Long i'lne. Tho s. was tried in Holt county, tho 1 dement rendered for Uower, and It u aitinned by the state supreme i niiri Head of Fair Association. V It. Mellor, secietnry of the stato ho.trii of agriculluie. lias returned iruui Chicago, wliero lie attended the tweuij-lourtli annual convention of the American Assoclatloh of Kalrs and Ass.K latlons Tlilrty-threo state fairs and ex-positions were represented. ft'r Mellor was uiianiniousl elected president of the organization and A. 1,. Sponsor of, Hutchinson, Kus., was selected for vice president The next meeting will be held in San Francis co in November, ID Hi. Single Registration System Planned. A loose leaf, peimtinent registra tion systam that can bo amended any du in the year will he proposed at the coining session of the legiski tuie by Mosley of Lincoln, for Lin ro'n Fiemont, Grand Island, ork, Hi at tire, Nebraska City, Columbus I'tn., uin, Norfolk, Hastings and ivvti.m H will apply to all towns oi .ir ."i.OUii in the state exclusive of Omaha, which is under the elec i .n nitiimisBionorHhip system For the first time In a quarter of a enturj an American suilina vessel has cleared for a trading trip to tin- of Africa It is the schooner Adelle T. C'arleton, shown In the illustration, which left New York u tew das ao with u miscellaneous raigo, liu!i is to be i t bunged ror ivorv, coirc-i i She has tlireu "aiitauiB aboard Above left to r'ght are I J Moian who t,uing to Liberia i upt U S Kent. I'upi V l, Lovr Mm Luwr ollhiul photographer aLdCapt N lirowu Dr Henry Van Hki Aio rlcnn mill rster to the Netherlands phut, j.ruphed as he was about to rail at thu Whit' House for the purpose of runN runt.' with President II tun as to war run "'inuii ) uii (I poll) Iblt peace proposals He has Just sailed again for HolluuiL State Relief Organization. V delegation of Lincoln citizens. I.tidrd by Mayor Frank Zohrung. nit'iil on Governor Moreliend to take up ihe matter of a stato organization for the relief of the Belgians Mayor Helming is of the opinion that a stato organization would bo able to gather u linger amount of material, and cited many instances whero people who de sire to gle something do not seem to know where to Bond It. To Discuss Rural School Improvement. A. policy for tho Improvement of tho rural pchools probably will bo outlined at liie meeting of tho rural school pat rons during tho week of organized ag ruultuic In Lincoln, January 18 to 2?,. Supi rintendorit-oloct A. O. Tlioman will give r.n nddrosB on "Tho Democ ra of lMucntion," and thoro will bo ii npen forum discussion on "School I.. Ui vision " Number of SUou Doubled. ri h number of silos has boon d.ui.l'd in Dawes county throughout I'm Miuimor nnd fall, largely through n . elluris of tho Dawes County Far rn i rs asnoclntlon. A silo day was oi.n ,'wd by many of tho farmers of ii (ounty during the summer, and vKi s woro mado to fnnns where silos wero In ubo. Sir Stanley Owen Huckmastcr, K. C, M. 1'., who la censor of war nowtt for Iho ltrttlali government. Is prac tically unknown to this country, and Is not ot a very fnmlllnr llguro to tho public In England. Hut ho has u great reputation In tho courts, whero ho lias been a loader In .chancery for many years Whereas Mr. Smith ut forty-two would bo called young by all men, Sir Stanley DuckmnBter, who la flfty-tlirco, would only bo called young by somo mon. Ills groat gift Is lucid exposition nnd directness In thought nnd speech. Ho can clotho tho dry bones of chancery law with such intercut and fascination that It 13 n recreation for a layman to hear him argue. A case tho presenting of which by tho nvcrago lawyer would bo a painful punishment to hear, when argued by Sir Stanley becomes al most romuntlc For many years ho has been what lawyers coll a "special," a rank which has been created bj lawyers In obedience to tho Injunction that to him thnt hath shall be given It means that upon overy brief delivered to his law chambers there inustbe marked, In addition to all ordinary fees, a apecinl sum of CO guineas, about $200 WOULD PREPARE FOR WAR In tho discussions of the lessons of tho European war as applied to tho military problems of the United States no man In congress has a larger part than Representative Julius Knhn of California. Mr. Kahn, as president of tho National Defense league of tho United States, is an ear nest advocate of peace, but ho holds that for the United States, at least, preparedness for war Is tho only in surance against war. "Militarist," his very good friend, Representative Richard Hurtholdt of Missouri, culls him, in their debates on tho subject. "Pnelllst," retorts Mr Kahn, for Mr. Hartboldt Is committed .to tho cause of peace, and Is ono of the country's most noted ndvocutoH of arbitration as a euro for war. Roth of German nativity, both of long servico In congress, both leadors of thought on tholr respectlvo sides, Messrs. Kahn and Hnrtholdt aro at opposite polntH of tho polo on mill- tary subjects. Mr Kahn, personally gentlo and kind of ninnnor, fair and liberal in dobato, philosophical In his habits of mind, never comes so near to losing Ills patience us when ho hears pacifist arguinentH "Yos, yes," said he, almost Impatiently, when somo of the recent publica tions woro brought to hint in which appeared articles arguing that pieparatlon for war Inevitably is an Invitation for war. "Yes, yos; 1 have scon all that ptuff. How silly and futile It appears lit tho light of what Is going on In Europe!" (rfj?Pra!??3w IfeTOflaflaSiftiMaaa MRS. DAISY OWEN Npv8 Company Is Incorporated. The llarkalow Urns ' News Co , with headquarter) at Oinalm, bus tiled artirles of incorporation with tho boo reury of Btuto. The corporation lias a rrpiial stock of Siun.miu and will en gugo In tho nowatand business In do P t'.i'ns i nd Hie places and will also establlah nnd maintain cafes and hotels In connection with tho othor biu'ineus. It 1b understood that the company will operate on the lines of the I iiinu I'.iclllr and 'unl, w i stem r.itfwnys "Fancy nnmes, abbreviations, or pot names do not claim much favor In those times," romarked Mrs. Owon, wlfo of tho Oklahoma statosmnn. ''I am frequently naked why I do not call mynolf Margaret, and I reply prompt ly becauso 1 have no right to tho Mime- I wan born when tho fields of my nntlvo,, heath, then Indlnn Terri tory, now tho growing stato of Okln houia, woro abloom with tho starry tlowerB wo called tho daisies. My mother hnd gone to the now land with my father from among hor kindred and beloved friends in North Caro lina, and naturally sho was homesick. Tho daisies reminded hor of tho o)d place back n Carolina, for there, too, thousunils or snowy blossoms dot tho fields, and she called ino Daisy Deano. Tho latter Is a family name, nnd also tho words of tho plaintive old Bong 'Dalay Deano,' very popular in tho times of romantic ballads and before tho ora of ragtime and tho coon song. I never noe ono of tho lovely little Howoih without thinking of my mother, and I cling to the rather Infantile namo without tho leaat desiro to muke It moro dignified or sedate I like names with meaning, so wo called our only daughter Dorothea, gift of God, for she was tho only grandchild on both sldea of tho house, and her coming meant so much to us nil." Senator and Mis. Owen aro among tho odaptable members of official Boclety, and have alllliated with many actlvo organizations. Tlioy belong to tho Chov Cliaso club, and enlivened tho tedium of tho summer by al fresco dinners there and by teas and afternoon dances. They aro both membcru of tho Columbia Golf club, and may bo seen constantly during tho heated term following the elusive bull over tho hills and dales of tho courso. SIMEON E. BALDWIN, WALKER Gov. Simeon E. Ilaldwln of Con necticut, defeated for tho United StntoB Benato at tho recent election, Is Boventy-llvo years old, but a great walker. He believes in walking Ho was In Washington while tho Ameri can Hnr association was in session, and ho and ox-President Taft, among others, woro named to go to the White House and escort President Wilson to tho session. They rode across Wash ington in an automobile and tho gov arnor explained tholr puiposo to tho prenidont. "I hear, governor," tho ox-presl-donL said, "thut ou aro fond of walking." "I tulto a dally constitutional," was tho reply of the tall, sparso, won derfully actlvo executive "Good," said tho president. "In that ease we'll foot It to tho meeting." And off tho party started. Tho governor acted ns pacemaker and the ox-prosldent had hard work to keep up with tho procession. Last summer, at Stonington, tho govornor mado mil eight-mile through the country in tho morning, and in tho afternoon lefuted to rldo In tho parade, which was u part of tho celebration ho was attending. "No, I'll walk," he said. And walk ho did, right behind tho band. 1 "iH