( ' JIB M y &&$Q4'&&&iyt&&2'$Q&$ A CHRISTMAS f DESK I I It Contained a Secret. I By ESTHER VANDEVEEK. Wlien Mabel Drew was elxtocn she was too old to rccelvo at Christmas such gifts as toys, dolls and other in expensive kniekknacks. The question en mo up between her father and moth er that year what more substantial nr tlele should be provided for her. It was dually decided that an escritoire, which is the Trench name, 1 take it. for one of those curved legged, claw footed desks with fancy finish on which ladies write their notes and keep their accounts that In. when they keep accountswould be the thing. Mabel was my cousin and had dnr tng my childhood been my playmate. When we were passing Into youth, after being away from her for u season and returning, I found that another had stepped into my place. Ho was twenty-two years of age. while 1 was but eighteen, ills entrance Into the field suddenly made me aware of the fact that the brotherly-sisterly condi tion which had existed, or I had sup posed existed, between us was sim ply u mask for a far different condi tion on my part. Mabel's new friend being four or five years older than I, patronized me, and, as for Mabel, It seemed to me that she regarded me, as before. In a sisterly way. When that Christmas camo of which I have been speaking my parents were abroad, and I spent tho holidays at my aunt's. Wo made a merry Christ mas of it, and I have since remember ed it as tho pleasantcst of my life. It was certainly tho most important, as . '! appear from my story. Mabel's desk was delivered at the back door after dark and was carried to my own bedroom. I took off tho crate and it stood forth as pretty a piece of furniture as I ever saw. 1 admired it Immensely and was delight ed at the pleasure it would give Ma bel when alio saw It, and for that mat- .. ml.nliU. tn .n.i n- nf I lui iriu.niui.t iwi ill..,,, .I.-... uA.it... . pulled out every sandalwood drawer wondering what secrets they would contain. One of these drawers was fit ted with a lock and a tiny brass key. The drawers were Inside tho desk and only exposed when tho front was let down. There wns a lock for this also. After all except myself wero In bed my undo and I carried the desk down stairs and deposited It with the other gifts to be distributed In the morning. It wns so light that 1 could have car ried It alone, but so frail that 1 daro not nttetnpt to do so, fearing 1 might strike It against something and break it. My uncle wrote on a card. "For Mabel. From Papa and Mamma," and laid It on the desk whero It could be plainly seen. But I picked it up, put It in the drawer with the lock, turned the key. put up the front part of the desk and locked It too In the morning when wo wero as sembled for the distribution of gifts Mabel caught sight of tho desk at once, and her eyes danced with excitement "Is It mine?" she asked. "Open it and see." said her father. She opened it, looked hi every pigeon hole, nulled out every drawer till slio came to the one that was locked and, turning the key, found tho card I had placed there. She immediately Hung her arms around her father's neck, then her mother's, nnd I wished sho would do tho samo with me. Hnd sho been n few years younger sho would have done so. But that time had passed. Tho next day tho desk was carried to Mabel's room, and I did not see It agnln for a long while. One night a lot or us young folk were dancing. Mabel wore a dress cut low about tho throat, and her contin ued bobbing throw up and down some thing she wore on a chain suspended around her neck. The article was so small that I could not seo what it was at first, but on drawing nearer recog nized tho little key to tho drawer with in her desk. "Why do you wear that key on your neck?" 1 asked. "Oh, It's tho key to a drawer in my desk where I keep my secrets." she re plied, with a blush. "Secrets'. What business lias a girl to have secrets that must not only be locked, but the key to which sho must keep on her own person?" "Everybody hns secrets. Haven't you any of your own?" "None that are so Important that 1 must keep them locked. What la your secret?" "Well, 1 like that. What right have you to my secrets?" It seemed to me that 1 had n right to her secrets, but I didn't euro to as scrt It. "Oh, never mind." I replied. "I'll find it out in tlano." "Oh, you will? How are you going to do that?" "I'll steal that key and unlock the drawer that contains tho secret." Sho Involuntarily put her hand on tho key to protect It. "You wouldn't do any such thing, l'ou know very well that such an act would be dishonorable." "I daro you to give mo permission." There Is nlways something fascinat ing In tnklng n risk for awhile, then said: Mabel thought "Suppose I give you tho permission, vhn t will yon give 1110 If you full?" "Your choice between half a dozen pairs of gloves and ten pounds ot candy." "How long a time do you want?" "Till next Christmas." "No force used?" "None whatever." "Very well, I'll give you till next Christmas. But you'll lose." "If 1 do you'll win " "I'll choose the gloves. I wear sixes." "If 1 lose It won't make any differ nice I expect to give yon a Christ mas present anyway." "Oh. pshaw! I didn't think of that. You're very cute, aren't you" "I Hatter myself I'm a match for a ulrl." llei response to this t;m n "face.'' i ud the subject was dropped ThN bargain was inade In June, and I Mud six months In which to get tutu Unit drawer, which was kept locked i lie key on Mabel's person and the dil; In Mnbel's room, where I was not MippnTd to enter I had no Idea of making n mures of It. I luid proposed it only for a lark. Having learned by the stepping In net ween mo and Mabel of another per nii that I wanted her for myself. I w:i in constant dread that ho or some othei Tellow would take her away from me. At the same lime I shrank from speaking to her of love I feared to break up the brotherly and slsterl relationship to which I had been no customed from my earliest recollection. True, too, Mabel didn't give nio the slightest cncnurnpiincnt to make the change When any man was attentive to her and I showed that I was dis gruntled she seemed surprised, looking at me with the expression of one who did not understand my dissatisfaction. If I would say, "Mabel, why do you permit that cad to be dancing attend ance upon your she would reply: "Why, I think he's very nice. Do you know any reason why I shouldn't" "Marry' him? Ccrtnlnly I do. He ts not the man for you at all." Then she would walk away apparent ly miffed, and there would be no trou bio between us till the next fellow came buzzing about her. Occasionally Mabel would say to me, "Have you purchased my gloves yctV" and I would reply, "No; there is plen ty of time for that," whereupon she would tell mo what color she preferred. Impressing upon me the exact shades and showing me certain articles of dress site wished to lie matched I was rather amused than Interested, for ' "' " ' """ "l" l'l'' f wiiM u.wv Htnt li.L-illi Iii.k mifi.ii'unl confidence, she suffered some treplda Ion for fear I might In some unforeseen way succeed. A piece of good or bad luck, as the case mny be, gave me an advantage. Mabel and I rode horseback together, and one day when we wero passlug through a wood I Jumped my horse over a log that was rather higher than those we had been accustomed to take. 1 cleared It. and Mabel tried to do so too. She raised her animal too soon, and tie camo down with his belly on the log. "Mabel fell on tho other side, and I picked her up. I noticed that tho chain to which her desk key was attached had parted and lay on the ground beside her, but I was too much concerned about her to do more than pick it up. unseen by her, and put It In my pocket She Insisted that sho was not hurl and mounted her horse. Fortunately we were not far from home and had no dllllculty In reaching It- She did not miss her chain and key, and 1 said nothing about them. Tho chain I re turned tho next day, but Insisted on keeping the key till after Christmas. Mabel declared that It was unfair to take advantage of an accident, but tills did not move me. I determined, now that 1 hnd tho key, to effect an entrance to Mabel's room when 110 one was there and pos sess myself of her Becret. But 1 must use strategy I was Invited to spend Christmas, as the year before, at my aunt's and on Christmas evo went to the house provided with tho glovo for feit and admitted to Mabel that having no hope of winning 1 had provided them. This threw her completely off her guard. The next morning 1 remained in my room till I heard her go downstairs, then slipped into her room, opened the desk and applied tho key to the little drawer. And what did I Had there? The sur priso of my life There was a small card photograph of myself taken when I wns twelve years old, a tiny china doll I had given her one Christmas when she was but six. 11 misspelled letter 1 had written her and several ar tleles of no more Intrinsic value than these, but evidences of how dear they were to her Replacing them. I locked the drawer, closed the desk and went downstairs When It came my turn to give my Christmas nrcsctits I handed the glove ' to Mabel and a leu nonnd box of enndv besides. On opening the box she saw the key to her desk drawer. "I knew you would not succeed In that matter," slut said, and I did not tell her that I had succeeded. But on Christmas night, when the others had gone to bed. I sat with her before an open lire, and after certain skirmish ing I told her something else, to which Rlie responded in a manner that was to my heart's content 1 To this d i.v she doesn't know that I ' found her treasures. Nevertheless tho Christinas desk Is an object of Interest with me. My wlfo has given It up for a rocoptaeie of household matter, and I have suv oral pigeonholes and drawers in which I keep receipts and other such papers I never sit down before tho desk to , write a letter, draw a chock or file a receipted bill that I do not think of the Christmas morning when '. diseov 0red that which has given me such tie light. Bravtry 0 a Coy "Ont of tiie bravest a ts I wltuesed dnrlug the whole war," said nil ollb-er of the Army of Northern Vrginln wns that of a young soldier wim was probably not over sixteen. We had thought of him as onl.t a lo.. n though he went with the regiment . lull of II marches and lived with 11 1; all Its encampments. "One day there was 11 lloree eimiu-.-uient. In the midst of It a huni struck this boy In the breast, ami he fell. Our eo'ouel ordered Ills men 1 dismount, and as he himself spnn; from his horse the boy called out In weak voice. 1 will hold your horse '.'OlOIII'l" "Slopping in the midst of the stoim of bullets to gaze III pity on the white, boyish fine, the (olotiel said, 'But you can't do that, lad you me dying.' 'I know I nro, colonel,' the gallant boy replied. 'Hut I can hold the reins when I am dend.' "Tiie colonel placed the bridle in the trembling hands and went forwnrd. When the fight was over he hurried back and found the boy lying dead, the bridle reins still wrapped tightly round his limp right baud." Youth's 'Jiimpaiilou We're on your Line Whatever your wants may be remem ber that our telephone service is ef ficient. Call us by wire mid we'll mill 011 you at once. With our accur ate senice and our ciuick delivery we stand ready at nil times to assist you or your doctor. Heniember that no lime what you want. . -.. .i&w -.- .- " a'ssarjiir Stones Pharmacy NURSE BROWN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL. 1008 West Fourth St. MRS. M. HALL, Suiicrintomlciit. Oraduato Nurses in Attendance JOHN S. TWINEar, Physician and Surgeon 1 , ,1 pjr ) M Office phone 211. Res. phone 217 L. C . DROS T, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bnnk Building. DR. J. S. TWINEM, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention Oiven to Gynecology Obstetrics and Children's Diseases. Oillco McDonald State Bank Building. Corner Sixth and Dewey Streets. Phones, Oillco 183, Residence 2S3 .tohn s. siaors, ar. ., Physician and Surgeon Oillce 11. & L. Building, Second Floor. Phone, Oillce, S3; Residence 3S. DR. ELMS, Physician and Surgeon Spucialty Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat Glasses Fitteid. New Office in McCabe Building. PHONE 30. Nyal Drug Store Res. Phone Phono S Red 40G C. VT. CRONEN, (Graduate Veterinarian North Plutte, Nebraska. Hospital 21S Locust St. Phone bile 249 Pipes andSmokers' Articles In addition to making and selling na good cigars as can be found on the mnrkat, w carry n nice hnu of Pipes and Smokers' articles, in all grades. Then, too, w linndl nearly all the brand of htuokinR nnd chewing tobac co. Give us a call, J. F. SCHMALZRIED. aiin 0 IV 1 His Bought and highest market prices paid PHONES Residence Ked 030 Oilice -159 C. H. WALTERS. Ofllco Phono 69. Residence black 222 Over Dixon's Jew- Cor. First & Vine elry Store. DK. S. J. RICHARDSON Homeopathic l'liyslclnn & Surgeon North I'lalio Neb. Hospital Facilities at Nurse Drown Memorial Hospital. Host mid Neatest A York In UPHOLSTERING All viork Positively (iunrntitecd Ipon Leaving the Shop. l C. CHRISTIANSON Leave orders at Duko & Deats' Shop. Phone Black 534. HIDES. FURS AND JUNK Paying Top Price for Hides HONKS $7.00 to $S.OO PKIt TON of all kinds NO. PLATTE JUNK HOUSE. C. C. WALLIXGSF01U), Ph) siclau and Surgeon Oillce: Rooms 1 and 2 McDonald Hank Building North Platte, Nebraska. Ofllce phone 82, Res. Red 302. Calls answered prompty Day or Night. Auction Sale of .School Lands Notice Is hereby given that on the 22nd day of December. 191-1, at one o'clock p. in. at the oillce of the county treasurer of Lincoln county, tho Com missioner of Public Lands and Build ings, or his authorized representative will offer for lease at public auction all educational lands witltin said coun ty upon which forfeiture of contract has been declared as follows: E and NM: NWV, 3G, 12, 29, Barker Company. EM. 3G, 1G, 29, R. II. Kirby. FRED BEC'KMAN, Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings. December 1. 191-1. Legal Notice. In the District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. William Schaepler, plaintiff, vs. James E. Lane, mortgagee named in the mortgago in the petition herein described, the unknown heirs or leg atees and divisees of said James E. Lane, deceased; the unknown heirs or legatees and divisees of J03ir.l1 liar rington, deceased, as assignee from said James 13. Lane of said mortgage and tho real estate covered and clouded thereby, to-wit: 13 NWVl and EVj SWVi section 24, township 12 North, range 32 West Gtli P. M. defendants. Eacli and all of the defendants above named and described, will take notice that William Schaepler, plain tiff liercln, on the 18th day of August, 1914 filled Ills petition in the oflice of the Clerk of the District Court of Lincoln County. Nebraska, against the defendants hereinbefore in the ti tle named and described, tho object and prayer of which are to obtain the decree of said court to quiet in the plaintiff the title to said described real estate to-wit: EM: NWVt and E SWVi sectioii 24, township 12, North, range 32 West Gtli P. M., against the apparent and un enforclble lien arising by virtue of tho mortgage thereon, made by Alton L. Martin to James E. Lane, dated March 10. 1894, recorded March 24, 1S94 in book 13. page 473 of the mort gago records of said Lincoln County, which said mortgage lias been fully paid and satisfied and due and legal assignment of same was made by said James E. Lane to said Josiali Har rington, now deceased, the last named having executed and delivered good and sufficient release of said mort gage, but both said instruments, to wit: said assignment of mortgage and release thereof, so as aforesaid duly executed, acknowledged and delivered, have been lost or destroyed without re cording and all without fault or laches on behalf of said plaintiff, who prays for said decree without redeeming or offering to redeem therefrom, full sat isfaction of the same having been made, and for equitable relief gener ally. You, the said defendants, and each of you, are required to answer said petition on or before Monday the IStli day of January, 1915. Dated December 8, 1914. .WILLIAM SCHAEPLER. Plaintiff. By King & Bittner. his attorneys, Osceola, Nebr., DS-4 Older of Hearing on Final Settlement Tho State of Nebraska, Lincoln Coun ty, ss. In the County Court: In tho Matter of tho Estato of Wil liam Shrear, Deceased: To tho creditors, lteirs, legatees and others Interested in the estato of Wil liam Shrear: Take notice, that Lestor Walker has filed in tho County Court, a re port of his doings as administrator of said estato, and it Is ordered that tho same stand for hearing tho ISth dav of December, A. D., 1914 before the Court nt tho hour of 9 o'clock a. in . at which time any person inter ested may appear and except to and contest tho same. Notice of tills proceeding and tho hearing thereof is ordered given to all persons Interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in tho North Platto Tribune, a semi weeMy nowspaper printed in said County, for 3 consecutlvo weeks prior to said date of hearing. Dated November 23, 1914. SS-3 County Judgo. County Judge. Sheriffs Sale. By virtuo of an ordor of salo issued from tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, upon a decrco ot foreclosure rendored in said Court wherein Mutual Building & Loan As sociation, 11 corporation is plaintiff nnd Corda V. O'Brien ot al nro de fendants, and to mo directed, I will on the 21st day ot December, 1914, nt 2 o'clock P. M., at tho cast front door of tho court houso in North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, soil at pub lic auction to tho highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decrco, Interest and costs, tho following dewcribod property, to-wlt: Lot Six (G) Block Ono flfty-ono (151) Original town ot North Platto. Nobraska. Dated North Platte, Nobraska, No vember lGth, 1914. A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff, Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention given to Suigery and Obstetrics. Office: Building and Loan Building. Office 130 f Residence 115 Phones DERRYHERRY & FORBES, Licensed Kmbalmcrs Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day Phone 234. Night Phono Hlack 588. Order of Hearing on Petition for Ap pointment of Administrator or Administratrix. The State of Nebraska, Lincoln Coun ty, 88. Ill the County Court. In the Matter of the Estnte of John R. McWilliams, Deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Elizabeth McWilliams praying that administration of said estate may be granted to herself as administratrix. Ordered. That December 29, A. D. 1914, at 9 o'clock a. in. is assigned for hearing said petition, when all per sons interested in said matter may appear before a County Court to be held in and for said County, and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted; and that no tice of tho pendency of said petition and tho 'hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of tills order in tho North Platte Tribune, a semi weekly newspaper printed in said County, for three successive weeks, prior to said day of hearing. Dated Decenibrr 5th, 1914. JOHN GRANT, 92t3 County Judge. Probate A'otice. In the Matter of tho Estate of William Landgraf, Deceased. In the County Court of Lincoln County. Nebraska, November 23th, 1914. Notice is hereby given, that the cred itors of said deceased will meet the Administrator of said Estate, before the County Judge of Lincoln County, Nebraska, at tho County Court Room, n said County, on the 29th day of De cember. 1914, and on the 29th day of June, 1915, at 9 o'clock a. m. each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Six months are al lowed for creditors to present their claims, and one year for tho Admin istrator to settle said estate, from tiie 25th day of November, 1914. A copy of this order to be published in the North Platte Tribune, a legal semi weekly newspaper of said county for four consecutive weeks prior to De cember 29, 1914. JOHN GRANT. 90t4 County Judge. :. ( . IKlM)i:it, Attorney. HI.". Omaha National Hank liuilding Notice to Xiiii-llcslileiit Dcft-niliiiitM Thedcfcndants. Arthur Battles, Han nah Hattles, Stella A. Dowd, Howil, her husband, iirst and real name un known, and each of them are notilled that 011 the 1Mb day of November, 1911, (eorge K. Warren tiled a petition in the District Court of Lincoln County, Ne braska aganst said above named de fendants, impleaded with others, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose his certain mort gages executed on the 27th day of April, 1912, by the defendant, Arthur Hattles in fnvor of the I'. K. Live Stock Company, a corporation, upon the fol lowing described property, situated in the County of Lincoln and State of Nebraska to-wit: One mortgage for $',00,110 on the north one-half of the southeast one-fourth, and the south west one-fourth of the southeast one fourth, and the northeast one-fourth of the southwest ono-fourth In Section seventeen, In township sixteen north, of range thirty-two west of the sixth l'. M., in Lincoln County, Nebraska, recorded in Hook 42, i'age 319, of the Mortgage Hecords of Lincoln County, Nebraska, to secure a llrst mortgage coupon note or obligation to said r. S. Live Stock Company, a corporation, dated the 27th day of April, 1912, and plaintiff alleges that there is due upon said note and obligation the sum of $f,ir.00 with interest thereon at the rate of 0 per cent per annum from the 27th day of October, 1914; ono mort gage for $1000.00 on the north one-half of section seventeen, in township six teen north, of range thirty-two west of the sixth 1'. 51. in Lincoln Comity, Nebraska, recorded in Hook 42, l'age 321 of tiie mortgage records of Lincoln County, Nebraska, to secure a First .Mortgage Coupon note or obligation to said V. S. Live Stock Company, a corporation, dated the 27th day of April, 1912, and plaintiff alleges that there Is due upon said note or obli gation the sum of $1090, with inter est tlicrvoii at the rate of 1! per cent per annum from the 27th dav of Oc tober, 1911. That each and all of the aforesaid notes and mortgages have been duly assigned anil titinsfcrred to this plaintiff. The plaintiff prays that each and all of said mortgaged premises lie decreed to be sold to satsfy the amounts due thereon and that each and all of said defendants and nil persons claiming by, through or under them or any of them be excluded from and foreclosed of all interest, right, title, lien nnd equity of redemption in to and upon said prem ises You are required to answer said pe titon on or befoie the 2Ctli day of January, 191J. ISKOHOK K. WAIlltlSN, Plaintiff. By K. C. lloilder. Ills Attorney. II. C. Il()l)l)i:it, Attorney. 45 Omaha National Hank Hullding .Notice to .Ntm-Kcnlilciit Deft-miIiiiiIn The defendants, Arthur Rattles, Han nah Hattles, Stella A. Dowd, Dowd, her husband, llrst nnd real name un known, Austin S. Uhrist. J. Klilnev Smith, John K Christ, Kunice A Christ, Harvey 5Ietz, Frunk Wllle, R. J. Davis, nri it 1111 real name unanown, l J. iiiieiieau, nrst anu real name un anown, a. j. wnite, nrst and real name unknown, 51rs. A. J. White, llrst and real name unknown, L. It. West, Mini aim real name uilKllowu anil Jlrs. L. It. West. Ills wife, tv -t and real name unknown, and eacl' i-' thorn aro notilled that on tho 1Mb . v of No vember, 1911, James A Fike ,.ed u pe tition in the District Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska, against said above named defendants impleaded with oth ers, tho object and prayer of which are to foreclose his certain mortgages ex ecuted on tho 27th day of April, 1912, by the defendant, Arthur Hattles in favor of tho U. S. Live Stock Company, a corporation, upon the following des cribed property, situated In tho County of Lincoln and Stato of Nebraska, to wlt: Ono mortgnge for $500.00 on tho west one-half of the northwest one fourth and tho southeast ono-fourth of tho northwest one-fourth in section three in township fifteen north, of 1'iik.e thnty-two west of tho sixth P. M , Lincoln County, Nobraska, rocorded in Hook 42, Pago 317, of tho 5Iortgage Records of Lincoln County, Nobraska, to secure n First 51ortgago Coupon note or obligation to said II. S. Ltvo Stock Company, a corporation, dated the 27th day of April, 1912 and plain tiff alleges that thero is due upon said note or obligation tho sum at $545.00 teoor tf,ro i'olu4.XrW t Sili oBS oTfn1; northeast one-fourth In section nine teen, alt In township Blxtecn north, of rnngo thirty-two west of the sixth P. M In Lincoln County, Nebraska, re corded In Hook -12, Pago 313, of the 5Iortgngo Records of Lincoln County, NebriiBka, to secure a Kirst Mortgage Coupon note or obligation to said U. 8. Live Stock Company, a corporation, dated the 27 th day of April, 1912, and plaintiff alleges that there is duo upon said note or obligation tho sum of 515.00, with interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 27th day of October, 1914; one mort gage for $1000.00 on tho southwest ono fourth .Hid the west one-half of the northwest one-fourth and tho southeast one-fourth of tho northwest ono-fourth nnd the southwest one-fourth of tho southeast one-fourth In section nine teen, township sixteen north, of rango thirty-two west of the sixth 1'. M. In Lincoln County, Nebraska, recorded In Hook 12, I'ugo 299 of tho Mortgage Records pf Lincoln County, Nebraska, to secure a First Mortgago Coupon Note or obligation to said L. S. Live Stock Company, 11 corporation, dated the 27th day of April, 1912, and plain tiff alleges that there Is due upon snid note or obligation the sum of $1090 with Interest at the rate of G per cent per annum from the 27th day of Oc tober, 1914. That each and all of the aforesaid notes and mortgages have been duly assigned and transferred to this plaintiff. This plaintiff prays Hint each and all of said mortgaged premises bo de creed to bo sold to satisfy tho amounts due thereon and that each and all of said ib fondants and all persons claim ing by through or under them or any ot tlieni be excluded from and fore closed of nil Interest, right, title lien and equity of redemption in to and upon fcaid premises. uii art required to answer said pe tition on or before the 2Cth day of January, 1915. JAMES A. FUCK. Plaintiff. By K. C. Ilodder, Ills Attorney. i:. C. IIODDIIU, Attorney. CI 5 Omaha National Hank liuilding Notice to Noii-lteslilent DefeiiiliinlH Tho defendants AVill Outtrtm, Clara C. outtrlm, Austin S. Christ, John IS. Ohrlst, Frank Wllle, C. 13. Marquis, llrst cno real name unknown and J. Sidney Smith, and each of them are notified that on the l!th day of No vember, 1914, Anna V. 51etcalf tiled a petition in the District Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska against the said above named defendants impleaded witli others, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose certain mort gages executed by the defendants Will Outturn mid Clnra C. Outtrlm on the 27th day of April, 1912, in fnvor of the I". S. Live Stock Company, a corpora tion, upon the following described pioprrty, situated in the County of Lincoln nnd State of .Nebraska, to-wit: One n.ortgago for Xdiui 00 on the west one-half of si .. on twenty-one in to'.vnshlp sixteen north of range tbirty to vest of the sixth P. 51. Lincoln County, Nebraska, recorded in Hook IJ. Page 307 of tho 51ortgnge Records of Lincoln County, Nebraska, to secure a run .Mortgage coupon note or ob ligation to said U. S. Ltvo Stock Coin pnn, a corporation, dated the 27th day of April, 1912 and plnintiff alleges that there is due upon said note or ob-li,-:tion the sum of 1090, with inter est thereon at the rate of fi per cent per annum from the 27th day of Oc tober, 1914; One mortgage for $1000.00 on the east one-half of section twenty one in township sixteen north, of rango thirty-two w Ht of the sixtli P. 51. in Lincoln County, Nebraska, recorded In IJook 42, I'nge .111 of the Mortgage Records of Lincoln County, Nebraska, to secure :i First 5Iortgage Coupon note or obligation to said C. S. Live Stock Company, a corporation, dated the 27th day of April, 1912, and plain titf alleges that there Is due upon said note or obligation the sum of $1090. with Interest thereon at the rate of C per cent per annum from the 27th day of October, 1914; One mortgage for $500.00 on the northeast one-fourth of section twenty-nine In township six teen north, of range thirty-two west of the sixtli P. 51. In Lincoln County, Ne braska, recorded in Hook 42, Page 303 of the Mortgage Records of Lincoln County, Nebraska, to secure a Klrat 5Iortgage Coupon note or obligation to said U. S. Live Stock Company, a corporation, dated the 27th day of April, 1912 and plaintiff alleges that there is due upon said note or obliga tion the sum of $515.00, with interest thereon at the rate of 0 per cent per annum from the 27th day of October, 1914; Ono mortgage for $500.00 on the southeast one-fourth of the southeast one-fourth and the west one-half of the southeast one-fourth all in section twenty-nine in township sixteen north of rnnge thirty-two west of the sixth P. 51. and the south half of the south east one-fourth of tho southeast one fourth in section nineteen, In town ship sixteen north, of range thirty-two west 01 me sixin 1-. .i., ail in Lincoln County, Nebraska, recorded in Hook 42 and Page 305 of the Mortgage Records of Lincoln County, Nebraska, to secure a First 5Iortgage Coupon note or obligation to said U. S. Live Stock Company, a corporation, dated the 27th day of April, 1912 and plaintiff alleges that there is due upon said note or ob ligation the sum of $515.00, with in terest thereon at the rate of C per cent per annum from the 27th day of Oc tober, 1914; One mortgage for $500.00 on tho southwest one-fourth of section twenty-nine in township sixteen north, of range thirty-two west of the sixtli P. 51. in Lincoln County, Nebraska, recorded In Hook 42, Pago 309, of the 5Iortgage Records of Lincoln County, Nebraska, to secure a First 5rortgage note or obligation to said P. S. Live Stock Company, a corporation, dated the 27th day of April, 1912, and plain tiff alleges that there is duo upon said note and obligation the sum of $545.00, with Interest theroon at the rate of f, per cent per annum from the 27th day of October, 1914. That each and all of the aforesaid notes and mortgages have been duly assigned and transferred to this plaintiff. The plaintiff prays that ench nnd all of the said mortgaged promises bo de creed to bo soli to satisfy tho amounts due thereon and that each nnd all of said defendants and all persons claim ing by, through or under them or any of them bo excluded from nnd foreclos ed of all interest, right, title, lien and equity of redemption in to nnd upon said premises. You are required to answer said pe tition on or before tho 2Gth day of Jan uary, 1915. ANNA V. JIKTCALF, Plaintiff. Hy L. C. Ilodder, Her Attorney. K. ('. IIOIHIKIt, Attorney. 01 j Omaha National Hank liuilding Notice ti Non-Ufslilent llefenilniilH The defendants. Will Outtrlm, Clara C. Outtrlm, Frank Wllle. Eunice A. Christ and John Christ, her husband, and each of them aro notilled that on the IStli day of November, 1914, James A. Fike tiled a petition in the District Court of Lincoln County, Ne braska against said above named de fendants Impleaded with others, tin object and prayer of which nro to fore close his certain mortgago executed on the 27th day of April, 1912 by tho de fendants Will Outtrlm nnd Clnra C. Outtrlm for $500.00 in favor of the V S. Live Stock Company, n corporation, upon the northwest one-fourth (N. W .,) of Section twenty-nine (29), in township sixteen (16) north, of range thirty-two (32) west of the sixth (Gtlo P. M., Lincoln County, Nebraska, re corded in Hook 4 2 of 5tortgnges, Page J01, of the Mortgage Records of Lin coln County, Nobraska, to secure the payment of a First 5Iortgage Coupon note or obligation to tho said V. S Live Stock Company, a corporation, under date of April 27th, 1912, which said note and mortgage has been duly assigned and transferred to this plain tiff and this plaintiff alleges that then is now due upon said note the sum of $515.00 with interest theroon at the rate of 0 per cent por annum from the 27th day of October, 1914. Tho plaintiff prays that said mort gaged premises bo decreed to bo sold to satisfy tho amount duo theroon and Hint each and all of said defendants and nil persons claiming by, through or under them or any of thorn bo excluded right title, lien anil equity of redom,,.' &li$.ni9niD0P fo: nr ioAda,Vk?iy