M IW. M jj v.f mit Wm:iW.C ca PONY VOTE ST $ 3$! You Can Get Pony Votes at the Following Business Houses ant! M 1M II P WUXTRA! WUXTRA! 1-2 You Can Save 1-2 Next Monday, Dec. 21, at the CRYSTAL THEATRE ' ONE-HALF THE PRICE will Ik --liMwn the lii-l lii-falliiifMit l the new Mnal, "THE MASTER KEY" Bob Leonard and Ella Hall in the leading roles (Jet started right. Viler Christmas vmi will want to follow it, so don't miss tin initial installment. AT THE KEITH Thearte Saturday Night Will he shown the special feature -'The Black Triangle," This is an entertainment for those people who have been young at least once. A good detective storv in five parts for JO and 5c Keith and Crystal Theatres WHERE EVERYBODY LAUGHS. R. A GARMAN, Proprietor. Club Together and Give Furniture The happest Christmas most of us remember is the one at which the family put their gift-money together and fitted us out with some important useiul tiift we had scarcely honed Li , w s i - IU uwn, Here is a Suggestion: Nothing makes a more appropriate gift than a comfortable rocker. We have rockers for daughter, little sister, big brother, little brother, grandfather, grandmother, father and mother. We invite )ou to visit our stoic and inspect our line of HOLIDAY ROCKERS. HOWE & MALONEY. By buying your Winter Apparel and and Christmas Gifts at our store. llundicds of women have ahead) taken advantage of thi.s sale. Drop in am time and let us show jmisomc KA, HAKCA1NS. Don't let am thing keep you away, but come and convince vout self. Vll 1 adies" Suits, lormerlv s, ibng up to $10. Any Old Price. Coats. Dresses, skirts at luarlv One-Hall. Furs One Fifth Oil. VfjUm jc iNjfJBt I t;lMlfoHffl.& i Christmas Photographs Get them now at tirooKs ? On 1- omum u Buy your Bakery Goods and Sweet Cream at Dickey's. AND GET YOUR PONYJVOTES Pony Votes also given at the GEM CONFECTIONERY on all purchases- We are exclusive agents for Lowneys and also Huylers Famous lines of Chocolates and Bon Bons. Nothing is more acceptable than a fancy box of fresh Chocolates for a Xmas present. GEM CONFECTIONERY. BAKERY. WE CARRY THE BEST CREAM AND MILK IN TOWN. BUICK SATISFACTION What you desire and demand in a motor car you will find in a Buick You get Power: )ou get Strength of Construction; )0ii get Mean ly of line and finish: )ou get easy riding qualities; you get Economy in upkeep and mileage; You (Jet Motor Car Satisfae -tion. You get the same high grade material, workmanship and "M careful inspection whether you get a small Roadster at $900 or so a Six Cylinder Touring Car at 1650. Built in Fours and Sixes Three Touring Cars and Two Roadsters, from $900 to $1650. Something Usefal for Xmas We are just receiving a full new line of Queensware and Cut Glass Suitable for Christmas Gifts. e i arrv a lull line of Christmas Candies, Fruits and Nuts osh Mercantile Co., 602 Dewey St. Phone 2S2 Coates Lumber & Coal Co., Good Coal -:- Good Lumber At Same or Less Prices than Others $100 purchase of Lumber gets 10,000 Pony Votes One ton Rock Springs Lump Coal gets 750 votes One ton Penna Hard Coal gets 1350 pony votes No Order Too Small or Too Large SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Elmer Coates, Mgr. Phone No. 7 Sittings Day or Night Our aim is to Please, and our work is always satisfactory, Brownie Cameras $1 to $12 Each A Splendid Christmas Gift for Boys and Girls, at Rexall Drug Store .Nyal Drug Store IVriumrs and SLalionrry Pony Votes with Purchases. SPECIAL FOR CHRISTMAS BUFFALO MEAT Fresh from Major Lilly's buffalo ranch in Oklahoma Clams, Lobsters, Escallops and Oysters S Come in and See the 1915 Model' J. S. DAVIS AUTOMOBILE COMPANY Fourth and Locust Streets Phone 496 Pony Votes With All Purchases Xmas at "The Model" Service First is our Watch ward. Service with the Orand Kapids ew-Va svslemis humid to he quickest and hest, and our lines of clothing and men's fittings are the hest that monev can huv. Kuppenheimer Fitform and Clothes Kraft All Wool Suits and Overcoats Peabody'3 Cluett and Arrow Brand Dress Shirts and the Best lines in Wool and Flannel w All our work the year around Our aim is to please )ou and we specialize in turn ing out the hest work nt the most moderate price every day in the year. Pony voles on all payments. We also give pony votesjfor all money paid in on old accounts during this Contest. Dickey's Sanitary Laundry. 'YOUR1BOSOM FRIEND " The hest in haberdashery, underwear and men's and hoy's fittings. Patrick's Duluth Mackinaw,. Phoenix and Holeproof hoiseryfor men and women. Suits for the little folks. j. b. Mcdonald, THE HOME OF GOOD CLOTHES. ALL KINDS OF GREEN VEGETABLES Fred Marti's Meat Market The Palace Cafe Well Cooked Meals Excellent Service and Courteous Treatment Has earned for this Cafe a reputation throughout the west part of the state. If you have not been patronizing the Palace, TRY US 108 WESTSIXTH ST. for New Displays of goods suitable for Christmas Giving Dixon, The Jeweler Pony Vote Store. k id You pay on subscription at The Tribune office. That's getting votes easy. If your friends owe back subscription have them pay up and get their votes for your favorite contestant. 8R E3tJBB3IE3C f f- jrf-atr-n-r ,"-ift- -ii".V-"-2;"- teHroteii PHONE 77. sit m S v i). KC ji TV Iff