The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 18, 1914, Image 12

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' t
Win His Admiration of
Your Good Judgment
By remembering him with a practical gift that he will find of
daily value a gifl purchased al ihe very store where he
:- would purchase it for himself and where the know what men
like best and will gladly assist you in selecting just the right
thing to make the desired impression on "him."
This Store Offers an Easy and Satisfactory Solution of Your What-to-Give
Problems as Far as Your Male Friends are Concerned
Bright new gift goods in every department, all excellent in quality and yet priced so reasonable that
you can aflbrd to buy just what you'd best like to give. Don't put oil' your visit to this store another
day you surely want to sec our superb showing of desirable gift goods now before the assorrments
get all broken up. '
Make a Mental Note of the Items in this List that Interest You Especially Then
Come and See How Big the Values Are
$10 to 25
$10 to " 25
Rain Coats
$5 to 12.50
to 3
25c to $1
SweatY.Coats Bath Rohes
to 7.50
$1 to 3
' 25c to $1
$2 to 3
$5 to 7.50
50c to $1.50
House Coats
$5 to 6.50
$1 to 3.50
Stick Pins
25c to $1
Cuff Buttons
25c to $1
Make Selections Now. We'll Deliver Later. All Holiday Goods Attractively Boxed.
D. E. I'nulBon, ot Overton, was visit
ing In tho city yestonlny with friends
and transacting business.
A lino line of electric reading lamps
at Dixon's tho Jeweler.
"Win. I'lttnian nnd Mrs. Chas. Rob
inson left Tuesday for Rosoburg, Ore.
to vIbR thoir aged father, who Is In
very poor health.
Storllng Sliver Souvenir Spoons for
GO centB each at Dixon's salo.
Mrs. J. N. Bonner returned last
evening from Omaha whoro sho visited
for a few ttays and attended tho
Charley Uoguo had been homo for n
couple of days but has bcon called
to Kansas City on B. of R. T. business.
IIo will return In time to eat Christ
mas dinner with his family.
Merle Morrill, of Omnha, arrived In
tho oity, this -week to visit his parents.
Ho is employed In a garage In that
city. , '
Albert LoDIoyt, of 1'axton, came
down yesterday to visit old-time rail
road friends. Albert still Insists that
farming discounts railroading.
Nice bright toys nicely finished at
Wilcox Department Store.
Tho Union Pacific coal chutes at
Pino Bluffs burned to tho ground Wed
nesday night. Tho origin of tho fire
Is unknown.
Wo can still furnish you tho Initial
cream and sugar sets with any initial
for 95c. Dixon's Christmas sale.
Major C. F. Schumann, of Chicago,
arrived in tho city yesterday, called
hero by tho death of his mother. Major
Scharmann holds a responsible posi
tion In the olllccs of tho Union Pacific
and Harrlmnn lines In Chicago.
We Pay Him 4 Per Cenflnterest.
1915 Bank Service
THE TIME for resolutions, for payments of
dividends and for establishing good, strong
banking connections has come around again.
We come tq you with the simple, sincere state
ment that we beliovo wo are giving our depos
itors as truly a helpful, personal, human Service
as any bank can. Our financial strength is ample
for the needs of any man in Lincoln County. Our
record Is one of absolute integrity. Our deposit
ors are loyal enthusiastic advocates of our policy.
Our Service Includes a get-together, man-to-man
policy that few other banks have developed.
The Platte Valley State Bank
M. M. Rcdcnbaugh, principal of tho
high school, leaves this evening for
Chicago where hot will spend the
Christmas holidays with his parents.
You can always find something suit
able for a gift for any member of
tho family nt Wilcox Department
The past week has boon of a rather
wintry order, tho temperature drop
ping to below zoro each night. Tho
lowest point reached was Tuesday
night when ten degrees below was
recorded at the weather bureau.
Willi each Xnias tree purchased al
our store nc will ghe 1000 otos for
our Panama Kxposhio.ii trip.
License to wed was Issued this
morning from tho olllco of tho county
Judge to Mariano Vnldoz, 35, and Miss
Mllly Hall, 3G, both of Sutherland.
Tho groom Is a laborer of that city
and tho brldo was a domestic. Thoy
wore married by Judgo Grant.
Wo aro receiving now goods every
day nnd our storo is full of holiday ar
ray. Wo hopo to meet you many times
during tho holidays. Dixon, the Jow-olor.
Iho various Sunday schools and
churches aro preparing Christmas
programs as usual, and tho celebra
tions and services will bo Interesting.
Wo will bo glad to publish tho pro
grams in tho paper to bo Issued next
Thursday if tho copy Is handed in
not later than Wednesday noon.
A Guaranteed Bracelet Watch for
fl.fiO. Just tho thing Tor tho llttlo girl.
Clinton, Tho Jowolor,
Tho VIctrola Storo.
It is reported in local railroad cir
cles that a now tinio-card will bo out
Sunday. Among tho reported changos
is that tho morning Denver train will
reach this terminal during tho early
afternoon, probably about tho time of
former Is'o 11. it is also rumored that
this train will stop on ling nt Hcr
shey, Sutherland nnd 1'axton.
Mako this Christmas a furniture
Christmas; a varied assortment of use
ful articles for tho homo that would
mako appropriate Christmas gifts Is
displayed on our lloors. North Platto
Hardware & Furniture Co.
Tho commltto having In charge tho
Elks' stag banquet on Now Year's ove
promlso tho banqueters not only nn
exceptionally lino monu but tho caba
rot program will ho a "scream". Tho
cabaret numbers will bo contributed
by local mombors coached by a com
mlttoo that Is noted for doing things
that are extremoly original.
Methodist Sunday School Program.
Tho Sunday school of tho Methodist
church will hold a Christmas enter
tainment for tho mombors of tho Sun
day school and church Wednesday
evening, December 23, nt the Masonic
Temple. Thero will bo a Christmas
treo and a program which will bo
folllowed by a soclnl time. This Is for
tho members of the church and Sun
day school.
Tho program will bo In the nature
of representations of Christmas In
different countries and a number of
tho boys and girls will bo dressed in
costumes representing different na
tions and will give a Christmas greet
ing and nn Idea of tho way in which
Christmas Is celebrated In those coun
tries. Following that Christmas games
will bo played and a general social
tlmo onjoyod.
For Salo
7C0 acres of land In eastern part of
Logan county, 4 miles to rallroud
station. Fenced and cross-fenced. 3
room sod house, well, wind mill with
steel tower, about 100 acres level, bal
anco rolling,; CO acres cultivated
mako good dairy ranch; price $6 per
aero; will tako residenco In North
Platto as part payment.
04t4 R. N. LAMB.
Offurs Baseball Team.
Word was received here yesterday
by II. II. Mussclman of the local base
ball association from B. C. Boggs, of
Lincoln, offering the services of him
self and his team Into North Platto for
next year. Boggs managed the Ida
Grovo team last year and "had a strong
winning team. Ho states In his letter
that ho will have even a stronger
team this year and offers It to North
Platto, asking the support of the local
Tho matter will bo taken up witli the
local fans and it will then bo decided
whether or no North Platto will ac
cept tho offer. Boggs has "Scotty"
Dyo and "Dutch" Miller with him,
both of whom played on the North
Platto team, season before last.
Breakfast Bacon IS cents ti pound.
Why Pay 31 ore?
Germans Attack England.
Wednesday morning a German
cruiser fleet made a demonstration
upon the English North Sea coa3t,
In tho course of which they shelled
threo towns. The bombardment created
a panic and tho people fled from their
homes. Tho shelling lasted about an
hour, but the damage Inflicted was
not very severe. Fourteen residents
of the towns are reported to have
been killed. Tho attack created great
excitement in London. When sighted
by the British warships the German
cruisers escaped in a mist.
Recses's Pantatoriuiii
For thirty days will dry clean
Ladies Suits and one- piece Dresses
for $1.00, commencing Dec. 10th.
Phone 450 wo will call. 214 E. 6th.
Tho Christinas parcel post business
started in earnest yesterday morning
at the postolllco and a large shipment
was received and quite a number of
packages sent out. Train No. 13
brought In a good sized dray load of
parcels and tho other trains did
equally. All preparations have been
made for giving most prompt and ef
ficient service and by working over
timo tho regular force can handle tho
work. A big rush Is expected nnd with
tho new appliances in use, first class
sorvlco can be given in the biggest
Traveling Sets and Sewing Sets 53
to ?20. Sterling Silver Cigarette cases,
and tho Popular Haveono case ?3 to
Clinton, The Jeweler,
Tlfe VIctrola Store.
Christmas trade so far has been
fairly good among local merchants,
though not so heavy, generally speak
ing, as was anticipated. Wednesday
Union Pacific employees received their
pay checks, and while somo of the
morehnnts did a big business, the gen
eral trading was light for the pay day
preceding Christmas. Merchants how
over, aro not discouraged and antici
pate good business tomorrow and the
early part of next week.
Mixed CaiUlv from 10c II nnnnil nn
' . ----- -
;ai vwicox Department store.
At tho last regular rovlow ot the
L. O. T. M. tho following oflicors were
elected for tho year 1915: Post Com.,
Clara Aldrlch; lady- com., Agnes T.
Boyer; lleut. com., Esther Adams;
chaplain, Ellen Dick; record keeper,
Addio Bretornitz; llnanco auditor,
Eniroy Wolbuck; lady at arms, Anna
MuchllnskI; Tady segoant, Laura Mc
Evoy; lady sontlnol. Dora Schutz;
lady plckot, Esthor Welsh.
Party Drosses, beautiful ones from
$12. nn tr !r. nn nt wiinnv iin,,.,w,n.,i
Mrs. Gcorgo Scott and daughter ot
tho Maxwell vicinity wero visiting
friends and transacting business in tho
city yesterday.
John Kohren. of the Mnxwell vicin
ity, arrived in tho city yesterday morn
ing to spoud the day visiting friends
and transacting business.
The Clearing Sale at
Is Now Going On
Thousands of dollars worth of Merchandise
is sold al a great sacrifice.
Ladies' Suits and Coats are now closing out
al less than one-half their value. Now is
the time to buy your Xmas presents
WilPn vnn nnn ccivr frnm OP Irk KC ponlo
nn flip rlnllnv I
We are not putting up any bluffs. The
goods are here to back it up at the
prices we advertise.
We are not imitators. We lead and others
try to follow.
JULIUS PIZER, Proprietor.
Tho Arrested for Stealing Coat
Two men were arested yesterday ev
ening by Chief of Police Frazler on
tho charge of stealing it coat from the
Leader. One man gave his name as
Walker and tho other refused to give
his name. They will be given hear
ing today In tho police court. One of
tho men, It Is alleged, went Into the
storo nn engaged Mr. Plzer In conver
sation on the pretext of buying some
thing and whilo they were thus en
gaged tho confederate grabbed a coat
off tho hook In front of, tho store and
ran down tho alley and hid it in an
old ash can.
The case of William G. Beatty vs.
the Union Pacific company is occupy
ing the time of tho district court to
day. The jury was Impanelled last
evening. The suit is for damage by
fire. It was tried some time ago in
tho county court nnd nppealed to the
district court by tho railroad com
pany. Ladies' Suits at almost any old
price at BLOCK'S Clearing Sale. .
Not Particular as to Weapons.
Tho waiter girl know a thing or two
about table etiquette, so she sniffed
scornfully ns she said. "It's not our
custom to serve a knife with pic."
"No?" remarked the patron In sur
prise. "Then bring me an nx. please."
At the Natural History Museum.
"Will you please direct me to ttio
hall of Inebriates'"
"Er Invertebrates - next room to
your right, unless you wish to see tho
snakes." Life.
Bats and Fans.
Tho ordinary folding fan wns invent
ed In the seventh century by n Jap
anese artist who derived the Idea
from watching n bat closing Its wings
Almost insuitec
Amid the lace bargains n one of tns
larger department stores tno other day
a shopper engrossed In thought set her
llttlo Japanese spaniel on tho counter.
One of the salesgirls, not seeing the
llttlo dog, threw n remnant of reduced
laco over him and entirely submerged
him. When the woman wont to look
for her pet ho wns not to bo found, but
several shrill yelps, accompanied by an
upheaval of the lace, betrayed his pres
ence, lie wns quickly rescued from
his predicament, and the woman,
showering kisses upon his moist, up
turned nose. said. "Did they cover
mamma's precious with cheap fifty
cent lace?"
The salesgirl, who evidently hnd cul
tivated diplomacy, assured the .dog's
mistress that the lace hnd been ny
duced from $1 to 00 cents, nnd the wo-
man took her pet nway mollified.
Philadelphia Record.
Ready For Any Sacrifice.
Even when tho London Times was
sold nt a high price Its agony column
was entertaining. Now that a copy of
tho Journal costs only a penny tho col
umn Is still more agonizing. Witness
this advertisement:
"In order to save his aged parents
from distress, gentleman (foreigner)
wishes to sell himself for any purpose.
Willing to do right nway anything. I
sincerely desire an offer."
If this cry. had been uttered In tho.
old days Satan would have appeared
In a pleasing form nnd with courteous
address waited on the gentleman in
despair. Only a scribbled signature,
only a penful of blood, would have
been necessary, and the aged parents
would Have rolled In luxury. This l
a sadly prosaic age. Boston Uerald.
I 600 Sterling silver
Thimbles will be
sold for 10c ench
DIXON, The Jeweler
Members:--Kansas City Hoard of Trade; National Alfalfa
Meal Association; Kansas City I lay Dealers' Ass'n;
National Hay Dealers' Ass'n.
Established 1880
Kansas City, Mo.
Liberal Advancements, Quick Returns.
Write or Wire Us.