I h Parmlco In Guilty, Is Verdict. The Jury In tho case of the state vb. Hobert Parmnleo, charged with statutory rape, brought In n verdict of guilty Into Tuesday afternoon. Thoy were out about bIx bourH and It required six ballots to come to ti decision. Tho penality for tho crime with which I'armloo in charged Ik from tbrco to twenty years, an Indclerml nato sentence, In tho glato ponitcn tlary. Sentenco was withheld for a fow days and may not lie pronounced until the closing of tho present term. Tho following moil composed the jury: llruco Drown foreman, II. A. Well, .7. T. Leonard, W. T. Alden, WU llnm Siindntiisl, John Jolmnon. Frank Johnson, Fred Wondeborn, Albert StelnbaiiHcr, Jako Scbafor, Fred Drown and W. A. Hayes. Tho case went to them Tuesday morning short ly after ten o'clock. For Dent Two largo front rooms for housekeeping, fil4 east 3rd St. 1 Highest prices paid for stoves and second-hand furniture. F. U. Wood gato, Oil Locust St. Phono Hod I'GO.lf Mrs. .Mnry A. Sclinrmnnn Dips Very Suddenly. Dr Itedflcld Goes fo (Jrniiil Islniitl. Dr. W. J. Itedflold, for flvo yearn head of tho P. & S. hospital In this city and who sold bis practlco to "lis brother Dr. J. D. Ucdflold following tho cIobo of tho liospitiil, has decided to locato In Grand Island, Iff) lias 'leased a sullo of rooms in tho Htutu Dank building and is now having them fitted up. Tho I0t'AVlrj club 'held their an nual Christmas party Tuesday after noon at tho homo of Mrs. Edmund Dickey. Tho house was beautifully decorated In keeping with tho season and a pleasant afternoon was enjoyed. Four now members were taken Into tho club at this meeting. One or tho i amusement features wan 11 search Sai for gifts by means of u string with u tior "- . . . Dr member's name on one end and tlu. gift on tho other. Each member fol lowed tho string with her name on It and after a search found tho gift. This produced much merriment. In tho contests prizes woro won by Mrs. Adams and Mrs. Salisbury. At tho closo of tho afternoon a nice two courso lunch was served. Sterling Silver Souvenir Spoons, COc to $2.00. Clinton, Tho Joweler, Tho Vlctroia Store. With tho business In each of the llvo land districts In Nebraska grow ing less eaclt month, a consolidation, 'or districts will soon come. Is North Platto anticipating such a movo and making preparations In hirilov 11 fight to bo retained ns tUrt location of an oillce? Vn say "fight" because each Of tho five 'owns In which offices are how located will vigorously oppose tho discontinuance of Its oillce. Tickets for tho McKay-Huffman re cital will bo on sale at tho Clinton Jewelry store and at Ulnckor's Dook and Drug Storo. F' und-A bicycle. Owner can have samo by proving property and paying for litis notice. Inqulro of tho Chief of Police. Mrs. Mary A. Scliannann, wife of Valentino Scharmann of this city, died Tuesday evening shortly before six o'clock after mi IIIiiobb or only two days. Sim was scvotity-flve years, four months and twenty-two days of ago at tho llmo of her death which was tho result of a severo cold with complications. Mrs. Scharmann leaves to mourn hor demlso her many friends, a hus band and nine children. She died at the homo of her youngest daughter, Mrs. George LeDioyt with whom she had made her home for lomo time. The children are George Scharman of this city, Mrs. A. O. McCaw, wlfo of Dr McCaw of Lincoln, Conrad F. Scharmann of Chicago, Andrew Scharmann of this city, Mrs. J. C. Orr of MIsMouIa, Mont., Mrs. Frank Douglas, of Los Angeles, Calif., Ed Scharinnnn and Mrs. Georgo LcDIoyt, both of tills city. Sho leaves also a number of grandchildren. Mary A. Weinberger was born July 2.'!, isao in Germany. At tho ago of nineteen alio enmo to America and a year later was married to Valentino Scharmann To this union woro horn olovon children, two of whom died while young. In 1879 she camo with her husband and family to this oily wbero thoy have resided since. Sho Is well knowii I" this city and has a host of friends. Mrs. Scharmann was a member of tho Lutheran church and was always known as a consistent faithful work er. She was also a member of the Degree of Honor and of th Woman's Uelief Corps. AH her life she has en joyed excellent health and her death camo as a shock to tho family and her friends. Her true and faithful work during her lifetime eloquently speaks of a llfo of service which has I endeared hor to all who knew her. Practically all the business houses began Wulnesday evening to keep open evenings, and will continue to do so until Christmas eve This ts done for the accommodation of simp ers. .No preparntliiii Is equal lo Imperial ('ream Lotion for chapped hands,. A full 1 ounce bottle i!."c, at Stone's Drug Store. if Mrs. Day C. Langford Is recovering somowhat slowly from an Injured hip sustained In a fall several weeks ago. Sho Is not yet ablo to get around with any dogreo of alacrity. Genulno Diamond and Pearl Solid Gold Lavaller, $G.G0 to $100. Clinton, The Jeweler, Tho Vlctroia Store. A dozen McPherson county pcoplo wero In town Monday and Tuesday at tending tho Flynn-Livlngstono land contest at the U. S. land oillce. Frank Hoxie visited his family Tuesday, attended tho 500 party at the Holllgan residence that evening and left at midnight on a business trip to Columbus. Mrs. P E, Snow, of Cheyenne, who hnd been visiting hor brother F. W. HIncker and family for acouple of days, loft fo'r her home yesterday. The space between the Vienna Cafe and the Nebraska house Is being converted Into a room which will bo occupied by Hilly Powell, the watch -smith. '..vmnni ,.f C"'U0. "' "" '-- I Checks from tho American Deet Sii-I gar company were received In Lincoln county Tuesday afternoon amounting to twenty thousand dollars to be p;iiil to tho beet raisers of Lincoln county This money Is for the beets raised botwecn this city and O'Fallons in tho valley and the amount paid into this county will exceed that amount. Tltis Is ho second payment made and Is for beets shipped during the month of November. Tho money was sent to tho banks of this city, Hershey and Sutherland. .'."" ullVlL ,'. . i. l . j . ".. '- p - JT ! -- i n fr l i ,i i i i ilji. iiiiiijini-.- i i it r i h i ii 1 1 ' I n 1 1 rf in i I i ii i i 1 ,v''.'.'v,-j'.- .jt;vr fE 3fl wBB Ezfei JJIm "rM &!W JSEfiifflSS "7 iH ri??f !' W TJTi.-'T''rixinlfl" '"'' i n ii V--. ...j.-p .I1'; I IVl,. WX fflflt'iai.'i,i''"Bw'"Mr?'ra i - -i i ' '" ' i . i i lit . .iv la .- m y-trr. --tx rr. : rr- -t--r '?:. ". - V...:. 'r.iia vaafis jj'- AAr ai vVy rnty Saj-?-H-y--t -'' v - ' " - jm FiM-s!i5aSsCrvi v'kr.r aw Mm mkmimim;m mm8mmfWmr$$?" 'msmsmmL,.- ., llKwffi55 fS&JJ r Kr'5a'j!aiiiwiV 1 4r$m$s;,x nfmmffl H0 i ..I.,. ,. .i-i i ii i.i... Iiutheraii Announcements. The regular services of worship next Sunday morning at 10:110 and evening at 7:30. Topics of sermons: "Tho Humble Means that God Uses"' and "The Quest of Him that giver, up all ror Christ." Sunday school at 12 m, Luther lcnguo at 0:4G p. nl. Tho Midweek DIble Hollr Wednes day evening at 710. Tho Christmas Day service in the morning by tho choir and in the evening by tho Sunday school. The choir Is working hard in tho prepara tion of a splendid Bervlce. A Great Army of lxuP - -r -operative buyers neip i ou to Fiat a Piano in Your Home IX IM'HCMlASIXf. your player or piano at this sale you are adding your indi vidual buying power to hundreds of others in securing the lowest prices ever quoted on good instruments. You are not buying alone, no indeed, this big Co-Operative Family is with you, behind you, every step of the way. In their united strength they are making the load an easy one. In the volume of business, in the high quality of instruments, in the low priced an(l terms this sale has never had its equal. If you ever intend purchasing a piano or ji player, NOW IS THE TIME. The mon ey you save, the benefits you secure are worth an extra effort to get in on this op portunity. The pianos are amongst the very best in the world, the same makes that we have sold here for years, not inferior, un known makes. Ay of them will last a life lime. Does a genuine saving of $100 to $200 appeal to you? Do you value your hard earned dollars? If so, this is the time and here is the place to buy Are you going to take advantage of it? Look at these prices, just a few of the many; these terms, surely the saving is worth while. erms on pianos as low as- FLOUR $1.40 PER SACK Kearney High Patent. POTATOE S Fine Sand Hill Potatoes in Five Bushel Lots 50 cents. FEED Corn, Wheat, Oats, Speltz, Bran, Shorts and Baled Hay. When you buy Feed and Potatoes buy by weight not by guess. We also have in connection first class horse and auto Livery. North Side Bam JULIUS MOCENSEN, Prop. PHONE 29. t-AtQNTII THIOLS on players lo suit you. We Avill make a fair allowance for your old piano in exchanging for a player-piano. .. l'lAN'OS Kiialie, A. It. Chase, Scliaefi'er, Jlc l'liail, Packard, I'rlco k Teeple, IS. S. Howard, KiniliiiH, Itrinkerlioft', Smith & Karnes, .Marshall Sc Wendell, Wilson, Crown, Holland, (Jaslon, Willard. I'LAYKIM'IANOS Price & Teeple, A. 1$. Cliase-ArUslIno, Sciiefl'er-Hiirinniiolo, Anollo, Crown-Conihlnoln, Anlolnno, IIoiYniaii. Other Teat arcs and licncflts, Kip.. Which Do Not Cost You a Penny. VllDK TKIAL For thirty days you may try out tho piano you select in your home. If at tho end of that time you do not want to keep it, notify us and we will send for the piano and return to you every cent you have paid. FJtKE EXCHANGE PRIVILEGE Any time within one year you may ex change your piano for a player or a higher priced instrument and wo will Allow you all that you have paid, FKEK DELIVKItlKS All pianos or players aro put in your homo freo of charge. This applies to exchanges also. WE GIVE FJtEE with each piano, a stool to match and a scart WAKRANTIES Each of the now pianos offered you aro guaranteed against all defects, some five years, some a life time, by tho makers. On top of that we give our personal war ranty, doubly protecting you. i Hi jHHHjjBKHBBBH jj NEW PIANO SALK PHICi: $1(!S B !':-...:IM tiimrzm BbnflHH iS ISSB J v'W.Wrt'4;jMr,.rfiSX4 I K2 raK3H?fcriaMB!K$!AS.tt?l ! MrrUa&anHHKn I mmm Mmmmmmmmi iKfHHi.HP ga- mmlMBmmmhk lnnrvmmm i &1J lf L J 1 f itM)iiMH?K ifvS! NEW PIANO salk rincKSin? NEW PIANO SALK PRICK $I.VJ.7."i NI.W PLUMS PIANO SALK IMUCK $.'7.") Coates Lumber & Coal Co., Successors to The C. F. Iddings Co. KLEAN KOAL NoLong WAITS when ordered. No short WEIGHTS when delivered. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. ELMER COATES, Manager. PHONE 7 M M PI VNO SALK PHU'K $227 NEW PIANO SALK PRICK $210 NEW PIANO SVLK IMUCK $l.m.7."i GASTON MUSIC CO. Open Evenings Clintons Jewelry Store Other Stores, Kearney, Grand Island and Hastings. Copyright 10M, C. W. McCOMBBS. Boproductlon In part or whole positively prohibited. NEW I'LllEK PIANO SAIL PIfICK SI IS Information Coupon Cut out, iill In, slpi, send to us today. GASTON MUSIC CO. Gentlemen: Kindly send mo list of Co-Oporntivo Bargains of jana Players not to exceed f Jn prico and tho terms on samo. . . .- Prefer ninko Sign ddress r ?c n A'-i