w 8 W ot' c c Ife kite $tmt-1f(lrlljg fftrifamt TWENTY-NINTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., DECEMBER 18, 1914. No. 95 Jprtft in t h I I 1 Dixon's Christmas Sale I - . . . - . . ,-., M New Goods are Arriving Every Day. Here are values that will please you and serve you better than any other store. Mere is the greatest variety. See our show windows TT -f Cut Glass Specials J Brilliant Cut Class Bowls, full fi"! fJC gj size, regular price 35, special J.t) p Cut Glass Nappies regular vatuc AJ" w S1.50, special at this sale VDC Ivory Specials 3 piece Toilet Sets, regular S5 fr'y C values, at this sale 3. V Manicure Pieces, full size, per C piece only iJ Many more which space will not per mit listing. Mantel Clocks $2.95 See our Show Windows Values S5.00 and S6.00, spec ial price at this sale Diamond Values 25 Per Cent Less than others ask T for the same goods. Sec our diamonds t before buying and save at least one-fourth your money. To those who could not get waited on at our lasL weeks sale we have more addition help to serve you this week. Silver Plated Toilet Sets. Comb, Brush and Mirror, $4.00 to $10 Chafing Dishes Full size, S6.00 values, rt l (( now on sale for i)4rUU Full size, $9.00 values, rf f now on sale for OO9UU Jewel Cases At ONE HALF their regular value Silver Mesh Bags At 50 per cent discount at this sale Sterling Silver Tea Spoons: regular $5.00 val ues, now offered at , $3.50 i Single Spoons 60 cents each. $ 4 f OPEN EVENINGS t PONY VOTES Jpfowijc$jit3&ci DIXON'S, THE GIFT HEADQUARTERS. OPEN EVENINGS PONY VOTES f ? Election Contest in Coiirt The contest over the- election of road overseer for Hall precinct occu pied the county court yesterday and after the- evidence was taken the at torney for the plaintiff asked for fur ther time to make his argument . The parties to the suit arc Jcjhn Wing, plaintiff and Charles Robinson, de fendant. Wing brought suit against Robin son and the members of the election board alleging that the ballots had been illegally counted and that he re ceived at least one majority vote ov er Robinson. The ballots wore count ed yesterday in court and they show ed that Robinson had received eleven votes and Wing eight. Wing alleged that ho had received at least seven teen votes, there being thirty-two votes cast in the precinct. However, the count showed that some of the voters had written in other nnmea. The caso will be argued and decision made later on. l'nrmlcu 'Asks For Jfcw Trial Motion for a new trial was tiled to day in the caso of the state of Nebras ka vs. Robert Parmlce, acused of statutory rape. E. II. Evans, attorney for the defendant, filed the motion this morning and it will be argued as soon as possible. Parmlce was convicted the ilrst of tho week by a jury but states that thoro were some things about the trial that were not fair for him and he states also that ho can bring in new evidence that will prove him not guilty of the crime as alleged. With each Xinas tree. purchased lit our store c I11 ghe 101(0 otos for our raiiiinia Imposition t rip. MKKK-SAXDAI.L CO. CITY AND COUNTY NEWS The most appreciated Xmas Gift for your lady lovo. mother or sister is a set of Furs which you can get at a discount of 25 per cent off regular price at BLOCK'S Clearing Sale. (Jets Judgment of $10,000. In the caso of tho Farmers' Alfalfa Milling Co., of Hershey, against Har ry E. Worrell, of Sutherland, tried in tho district court this week, Judge Grimes Instructed the jury to return a verdict in favor of tho plaintiff for ten thousnnd dollars and interest. Tho milling company sued Worrell fo,r $10,0000 insurance which Worrell had placed on tho company's alfalfa mill at Hershey which was burned in No vember, 1910. Tho evidence- showed that the three Philadelphia companies in which tho Insurance was placed wero defunct orcanlzatlons and had no authority- to do business in this state. Tho law provided that If an agent placed in surance in an unauthorized company and a loss occurred and tho insured could not collect from tho company, that then a Judgment could bo obtain ed against tho agent placing tho in surance for tho amount found duo on tho policy If you are puzzled as to a gift for father or mother, solvo the problem at once by purchasing ono of thoso Roy al Easy Reclining chairs at North Platto Hardwaro & Furnituro Co. W. J. Tiley returned this morning from a trip through the oastorn part of tho state on buslnoss for tho Yeo men lodge. Sunt. Tout's Friend (I) A man very much tho worse for his association with John Barleycorn call ed at the high school building during the noon hour Wednesday and had a number of tho girls In a panic for a few minutes. Mr. Tout was notified and went down to see the visitor. Af ter a friendly talk of several minutes in which the man gave his entire his tory Mr. Tout persuaded him to call ut another place. Tho man stated that ho was "a great friend to Judge Grimes" and from tho high school building ho and Mr. Tout wont to make a friendly call on tho judge. Witnesses who attended tho de parture stato that tho man was quite affectionate in the reception of Prof. Tout and that he embraced him fond ly on the way down stairs. About midway of tho stairs the, man fell and In trying to catch him both Mr. Tout and the boozer made a hasty and un impeded trip down tho steps. 4& Diamonds bought at Dixon's Christmas Sale will prove a profitable investment. ilohhiiisOIiirtcus Wedding. Walter C Dobbins, 25, and Miss Amanda Martens, 2C, both of tho Tryon vicinity wero married this morning at the court houso by County Judgo Grant. Tho groom is a young farmer of tho Tryon vicinity and Is known to many In this city. Thoy will farm after a short honeymoon trip. ..Ladies' writing desks, always an npproprlato Christmas gift. Wo have a nlco lino to soloct from. North Platto Huidware & Furnituro Co. A very largo lino of dolls to select from at Wilcox Department Storo. Christian Science- Society Sundny 11:00 a. m., Sunday school 12 o'clock. Building and Loan building, room 25. Ladies', Misses' and Children's ttoats at nearly half price at BLOCK'S clear ing sale. Mrs. C. R. Moroy leaves Monday for Hastings where she will spend Christmas with relatives. Mr. Moroy will go down Thursday night. Old timers, do you hanker for buf falo meat. If so, you can buy it nt Marti's meat market, sent direct from Pawnee Bill's buffalo ranch. 95t2 Word received from Sheldon, la., yesterday announced tho birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lub bers, former residents of this city. Have you seen the "KOMEKEL KUSS" at C. M. Newton's. Price 25c. Weather forecast for North Platte and vlc.'nlty; fair tonight and Sat tirndy; colder tonight; fresh north west wind. Highest temperature yesterday 2G, a year ago 50; lowest last night 4, a year ago 1C. Perhaps an electric reading lamp or eloctric dome will supply that gift which you have not already select ed. Como in and look them over'. North Platto Ilnrdwaro & Furnituro Co. Four hundred and eighty sacks of hour will bo shipped from Lexington to the destluto people in Belgium next week. North Platto contributed 1C0 of thoso sacks, tho remainder by tho Lexington people, tho mill and elevator company donating 100 sacks. Ono of thoso "KOMEKEL KUSS'S" will mnko more fun than anything. 25 cents at Newton's. The fair and supper given by the Metliodist ladles last evening . was very largely attended. Soveral hun dred partook of tho chicken supper and tho fancy work, candy and other booths wore well patronized. Tho re ceipts wero $320. Dresses for all occasions, latest stylos and leading shades now selling at one-fifth to ono-half in prico at BLOCK'S. Following 1h tho menu which will bo served at tho commercial dinner In tho dining room of tho Christian church, Monday Duccmbor21: Chicken and dumplings, mashed potatoes and gravy, croam cabbago, swoot pepper pickles, applo plo and choeso, coffee. Prico 30 cents. .Mrs. ltrowi to Mrs. Jones. Mrs. Brown Why Mrs. Jones! You look more cheerful to mo tonight than I have over seen you in years. Mrs. Jones Why Mrs. Brown, bless your heart, do you know tho reason why I look so cheerful and happy to night Is because I have just returned from my Chrlstmns shopping and truly I bought more useful gifts for loss money this year than I ever did before In all my life living in North Platte. Mrs. Brown Where did you buy those beautiful things so cheap? Mrs. Jones Why you mny know, Mrs. Brown, at BLOCK'S Clearing Sale, of course. Among the hundreds of Toys and Novelties the "KOMEKEL KUSS" is tho funniest, at C. M. Newton's. Tho infant child of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Pew of the Sutherland vicinity was brought to this city today for burial in tho North Platto cemetery. Ray C. Langford left this morning in an automobile to attend a sale west of Tryon, a distance of forty miles. With the wind from tho north west the trip will provo a chilly ono. Decide Against. Administrator After bolng out only a fow hours tho Jury in tho caso of Bollo Tumor vs. Win. Malonoy, ndmnlstrntor of tho cstato of tho lpto Lois Sholton, last evening brought in a verdict In favor of tho plaintiff, establishing her right to tho property. Thoy nssesued daraagefr against hor for wrongful detention of tho property" to tho amount of one cent. This caso has been In tho courts for some time. It stnrted over a re plevin suit brought somo tlmo ago In tho county court by tho administra tor for tho possession of about fifteen hundred dollars worth of dlnmonds which had been tho property of tho de ceased and which Mrs. Tumor had taken persumnbly as payment for her services to tho deceased before hor death and during hor long and vio lent illness. Tho caso may now bo appealed to tho supremo court. Tho following men sat on tho jury: Bruco Brown, foreman, Davo Macomb or, John Johnson, Frank Johnson, II. A. Well, William Sumhiulst, Frank Swift, Niel Turple, W. A. Hayes, W. S. Ross. L. A. Gambrol and Albert Stoinhausen. Larson Had Good Night. A report was current last ovenlng that Joo Larson , who had Iiis log am putated, had died. This report was contradicted this morning by a mes sago stating that Mr. Larson hnd n good night and his condition was favorable. your lady lovo, mother or sister is a is a set of Fum which you can buy now at a discount of 25 per cent off regular prico at BLOCK'S Clenring Sale. Tho funeral of Mrs. Valentino Schnrmann will bo hold this afternoon at two:thIrty from tho Lutheran church. Rev. C. B. Harmnn will of ficiate and intorment will bo in tho North Platto cemetery. For tho timo being, at least, indoor athletics will have to bo dropped iij tho high school as a skating rink crowd has rented tho Lloyd opera houso. Tho high school students havo boon planning several things In tho way of winter Hports which requiro a largo hall but this will necessarily stop them for a while as tho opera houso is tho only available hall largo enough. Candy Special Woodward's Chocolates 25c a Pound Beginning Salurday we will make a special price on the regular 40c grade of Woodward's Chocolate Candies of 25c a pound. Everyone knows I lie quality of the candy. We expect to be sold up on them before Christmas so get yours early Wilcox Departmeni Store