I r V K s Flour $1.40 Per Sack. Straight grade, made from hard wheat milled at Hershey Five Sacks or more $1.35 per sack. Potatoes, Five Bushel lots, 55c. Early Ohios. This oar is extra fine, well matured and good rooking potatoes. Red Onions 90 Cents. Supph going fa-1. Get what ou need. Winesap per barrel S3.75 Cano per barrel $3.50 Hen Davis per barrel $3.25 Baled Hay 35 Cents. .") Hale I.oS Sl.'iO Shelled Corn 65c per Bushel. R. N. LAMB, Phone 67 North Locust St OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH The First National Bank -oi- XORT1I 1'LATTIZ, 2V IS 13 R A vS tl . Member Federal Reserve Bank System. CAIJJ'IL AXD SUHI'TUS: One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. STABILITY, EFFICIENCY AND SERVICE HAYK ItMIS THE FACTOItS I THE GKOWTH 01' THIS HANK, AND THE SAME CAKEITL ATTENTION IS GIVEN TO SMALL ACCOUNTS AS IS GIVEN TO LAHGE BALANCES. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. FLOUR $1.40 PER SACK Kearney High Patent. POTATOE S Fine Sand Hill Potatoes in Five Bushel Lots 50 cents. FEED Corn, Wheat, Oats, Speltz, Bran, Shorts and Baled Hay. When you buy Feed and Potatoes buy by weight not by guess. We also have in connection first class horse and auto Livery. 1k si O I m iwm orae d mil JULIUS MOGENSEN, Prop. PHONE 29. LOCAL AND PERSONAL gttrratgrcy33ittgjEKua:saH EXTRA HEAT, JUST WHEN YOU NEED IT li 7ITH a Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater ff in the house you are safeguarded when accidents happen to your heating system. Cold snaps have no terror for you, either for the Perfection supplies just the extra heat needed to make bedroom, bathroom and sitting room warm and comfortable. PERFECTION SMOKELEQ HEATERS Perfection heaters are portable, heat quickly and are guaranteed smokeless and odorless. At hardware and furniture dealers every where. Look for the Trianglo trademark. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (nubraska) Omaha Miss Mary Schwore arrived In the city yesterday morning from Denver to spend u few dnys visiting friends. Attend Dixon's Christmas Sale. Vast crowds are attending Dixon's Christmas sale. Mrs. Mntide McCoy of Omaha, is expected soon to spend tho holidays with her parents, Mr. ami Mrs. A. G Wesson rg. The Methodist Baiaar will open at 3:00 t. m. December 17th. at the Ma sonic hall. He sure to visit these different booths and solve that Xnms Problem. 03t2 Rev. Menfy Ives, of Ogalalla, was in the city over Sunday and remained yesterday for a visit with friends. He had charge of the services Sunday nt the Episcopal church. Ideal Xmas Gift, a Vtctroln, $15 and up. Rincker Hook & Drug Co., Blue Front. Mrs. J. H. Netting or St. Louis, is vsitlng in the city for some time with friends. She was a resident of this city for over thirty years and Mr. Netting was at one time forcninn of tho shops here. Sterling Silver. Platinum, Ivory and Brass Photo Frames 2Gc to $5 00. Clinton Tho Jeweler, Tho Vtclrola Store. S P. Delatour finds that the con servation of water on the Blue creek by means of n reservoir will co3t $00,000. This dam would have 12,000 acres feet capacity. Tho proposition Is considered too expensive. Your friends will lake advantage of Dixon's Christmas Sale, why not von ? Mrs. Roy Hilton, who has boon qulto ill for tho past two weeks, is reported improving nicely. She has bomo symptoms of tuborcolosls but tho at tending physician expects to bring her through In good shape. A tine diamond is a good Invest ment and will make htm or her a flno Christmas gift. Our diamond values are the lowest in the city. Dixon, the Jeweler. The choir of tho Episcopal church is preparing some excellent Christinas music for the Christmas services. Ser vices wilt be held at midnight Chris mas eve ut the church. They wilt be of an InteseBtlug nature and the pub lic 13 invited to nttend. The Jlonnrch .Malleable Iron Range, the Slaj Satlsfactorj Range at ller shoj"v. opposite post ofllce. Phone l.". Beet growers in the Scotts Bluff section are demanding an Increase In tho price of beets for next year. They ask for a sliding scale based on a sugar percentage, with $5.00 per ton for beets testing twelve per cent and $G.OO for those testing seventeen per cent. It is argued that It costs the grower $70.10 to produce an acre of beets. For Rent After December 1st, the 14-room house on Sixth street oast of the Lloyd opera houso. Good cel lar, bath, electric lights, city water. Inquire of Mrs. R. I). Thomson, 514 west Fifth street. SStf Ira Bailey was able this weelc to return to his homo north of this city after recovering from an opera tion at the Good Samaritan hospital. Ho was tho first patient to bo oporatcd on at tho now hospital and lie was let out of the hospital last week but remained in the city for medical at tention. Parlclnn Ivory shoe liorus, brushes, mlrrows, combs, tllos. button hooks, trays, vanity cases, Jewel cases, buf fers, everything for the dressing table 85 cents to $25.00. Clinton Tho Jeweler, The VIctrota Store. Postmnter E. S. Davis received In structions Hits week from ttio navy department announcing that a special effort was being mndo to securo men for the service. The department asked that he send in names of pos sible candidates for the service. They are making a special effort to get good clean young men Into the Borvice and require good recommendations before they will bo recolved. Dean J. J. Bowker left Saturday for Mitchell, Scotts Bluffs and other points in tho west end of the Doaner to spend some time on church mat ters. Ho will close up this serleB ol visits at Kimball and expectB to r turn home the latter part of the week Conductor It. L. Massey, of Omaha arrived In the city yesterday and an nounced that ho hnd visited Conductor Fred Letts Sunday and that ho was getting along nicely. His condition is so much improved Hint ho will bo able to reach homo Christmas. Watch Award Saturday. The first watch award In tho pony contest was mndo Saturday nt the Crystal theatre. Master J. D. Loner gnn was tho successful contestant, he having deposited over one hundred thousand votes, and lie was less than 200 ahead of Lawrence Hnrt and only several hundred ahead of another con testant Master Louergnn not only won tho watch but the $5.00 gold piece offered by Hie Davis Garage Co. Mas lor tlart won the five pounds of cnmU at the Gem Cnnd Kitchen. Five more watches will be awarded tho next award to be December 2fith the ballot for this watch to close at midnight on December 2lth. Under Uie rules of the contest a contestant cannot receive more than one wnti h , G, S, Johnson, of Omaha, was a bus iness visitor In this city yesterday morning. Mrs J G. Heeler leaves this week for Lincoln, whore alto will visit her daughter. Miss Myrtle, and other rel atives and friends W. E. Flynn, of Forks, arrived In tho city yesterday morning nnd visit ed friends nnd transacted business. Victor Anderson, of Omnha, Is ex pected soon to spend the. holidays with his parents here He formerly lived tn this city Frank Sullhun Promoted. Frank J. Sullivan, a North Platte boy who has made his home in t'tnh for a number of years, has been ap pointed general freight and passenger agent of tile Salt Lake & Utah rail road company nnd will have his head quarters in Salt Lako City. Mr. Sulli van has been connected with this railroad for several years and during that time has received several pro motions. Tournament Drawing to a Close. The big billiard tournament at the Elks' home, in which there are nonrh one hundred players. Is drawing to a close, only two games remaining tin plnod Tho closeness of the tourna meat Is evidenced by the fact that the team captained by Dave Dav is but nine billiards ahead of tho Flelsh man team, and tho final result, with only two games to play, hangs In tin balance. Tho supper tills time will consist of a "Dutch lunch" which will be served Saturday night. Joe Larson in Bad Shape. Joo Larson, chief clerk In Division Foreman McGniw's oillco, who went to Omnha five weeks ago, and submit ted to an operation on one of ho knees, is reported in bad shape It ih Baid thojt tuborcolosls of the km bone has set In and tti t amputation 1b c onsldered necessary. This opei tion cannot now, however, be p r formed on account of hts phsinl condition; it being necessary in build up his health. Mr. Larson is a very popular young man and his con dition is one that is deeply regret hd by his friends. isKs IiiiimMciiiout In .Mall Sen Ice. On account of the taking orf of train No 11 the mail service into this city was greatly impaired and Postmaster H. S. Davis lias requested the mail rrice department to put a mall oar on passenger train No. 1 so that mail from Hie east can bo brought in to tliis city more promptly. The way the service now is there is no mnil brought in from the east for a period of about eleven hours. It then conies in too Into for the afternoon delivery nnd is delayed un til tho next day. Mr. Davis has ap plied to the department for better service nnd has also naked the assis tance of all the postmasters on this lino cast of hero as far as Grand Island. Tho delay In getting mnil is at least eighteen hours on account of it missing tho afternoon delivery and while ninny of the stations east get it in time for their afternoon delivery tho adding of a mnil car to train No. 1, which is u fast through train, would greatly assist them as well as North Platte. iv".. v?7s&r3M f.' ft '- 'I I'VL. A Si PURITAN t iSuPl i II wis 4 11 fill NK puritan -p. JpihiilBi BiifflllS WIBk 9 m 11 YMsmm, mlim m 1 11 mMmEMk' Ml t mtfm "J "'Way?! V rviBs2V A " H ri pu aiTa i J .fl o rtixv m6MimSElKSwagrttfJtfeg Sold by Rush Mercantile Co , North Platte Also by E. & W. Cokcr, Sutherland; Gansoii & Ganson, Hershey; Jens Sommers, Maxwell: Jno. Fredrickson, Brady & Coal Co.. Coates Lumber Successors to The C. F. Iddings Co. KLEAN KOAL No'Long WAITS when ordered. No shortWEIGHTS when delivered. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. ELMER COATES, Manager. PHONE 7 New I'ostoffiro Doliif,' Well, The new brnnfch of the postolllee in this city which was established In the North Stile Pharmncy tho first of No vember Is proving uulto successful. Tho first month they sold slxly-tlve monoy-ordors which io moro than was expected by tlio department nnd tho business this month Is picking up rapidly. Tho stamp sales for the month of November wore about Blxly-flvo dol lars nnd they will far exceed that this month. The new branch oillco will undoubtedly prove a paying proposi tion for tho government nnd will be made a permanent thing. Postmaster E 8 Davis received word this week from Washington, I) 0., announcing that Richard Tore by, construction supervising engineer for the government would visit liere this week nnd inspect tho work to be done on remodeling the basement In tin federal building. The bids have al reudy been received and opened in Washington and nothing moro will be done until It is ascertained if the work will tn nny way impair the present foundation. Three com tin tors from this city have subinlitd bids for tho work mm l x !' .W Wsf, i ' It is Good Advice for ouiisr and old tn take out l'ho In surance, In fact no business man would tl.iuk of Icing without It fu those modern dnjt. Insurance Is just as neoossarj ns enllng or ib oping. Hut It Is wise to 'IKerlniliinlo in (lie wmsM ii' . 'iMtM DzL'L -5A t'ompanj jou do 1 usIiichs wllh. Let Ft" lliljSi "'" '""f '',c '1,si"'"ice with jou ami Kjfll show jou how to got the host at the 'IMb least ct st. jifj.fi - 'o rrEwasiLEP REAL ESTATE, LOAMS AND INSURANCE J ROOMS xKSZ, I.O.O.F. BUILDING, i NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA tKUWMto) I MMUK9UI )jiiiiTt'Tirrr-'''l1'"'"J""WMM''1"J'JMMffig,1''"r"j"f I'libllo TnKi! Sol lee., Having placed our business on a strictly ensh system wo ask that all parties knowing themselves to bo In debted to us call and settle their ac counts. Kcmcmbor that nil back ac counts paid during tho pony contest will holp somo boy or girl toward winning tho valuablo prizo. "Vour Ilosoin Friend." Phono 77. DICKEY'S SANITAUY LAUNDHY,. .Sick Headache Wick headacho Is nearly all causid liy disorders of the stomach, ("or rect thorn and tho periodic attacks of sick headacho will disappear. Mrs John Illsliop of Hosovlllo, Ohio writes: "About a year ago I was troubled with indigestion and had sick headacho that lasted for two or throe days at n luio. I doctored and tried n number of remedies but nothing help ed mo until during ono of thoso sick snells a friend advised mo to tako Chamberlain's Tablets. This medl elno relieved mo In a short time, " For salo by nil dealers. KawwgamBB.-flramraMiHBt SaveWorry d) saveVork W I. .11 Mlliill lit- U in.-liii.ih ffil't to lu-r H-ll( r than to I .m tn (Ut for a gas fatoe, lie connected as soon as gas is turned L into tlic mains. North Platte Electric Co. C. . MOItEY, Urnnnb'cr. JM