The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 15, 1914, Image 1

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Mte Stem-WMg f&nhwut
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No. 94
Cfy jf u y. jjv jjv jy. jjv, jp, jv jjv jjt. jju jp, jjv jjv jf, jy, (fa jt jy. jy. jp jy, jf. jjv, jjv. jy jjv jjv. yjv jjw jjv jv !j jy. jp. ?jv wjw 'Jv jjv ij. jy. jy. jjv )y. jy jy. jy. jy jy. jy. jj
Dixon's Christmas Sale
New Goods are Arriving Every Bay-
Is: Here are values lhal will please you and serve you beller than any oilier slore. 1 lere is ihe grealesl varicly. See our show windows !
4? Cut Glass Specials
Jp Brilliant Cut Glass Bowls, full
g size, regular price $5, special
Cut Glass Nappies regular value fE
w $1.50, special at this sale 7uC
Ivory Specials
3 piece Toilet Sets, regular $5 rt AT
values, at this snle & sV
Manicure Pieces, full size, per 'Iff
piece only JjJ ,
Many more which space will not per-,
mit listing.
Mantel Clocks
' $2.95
See our Show Windows
Values S5.00 and S6.00, spec
ial price at tins sale
Diamond Values 25 Per Cent
I neo than nfhafo aclr j
for tin
for tluf same goods. See our diamonds j3
befo buying and save at least one-fourth j
your money.
To those who could nol gel wailed on al our last weeks sale we have more addition help lo serve you ihis week. ,2
Silver Plated Toilet Sets.
Comb, Brush and Mirror,
$4.00 to $10
Chafing Dishete
Full size, 86.00 values, rt k ff
now on sale for .4rUU
Full size, $9.00 values, ri rvrv
now on sale for OeUil
Jewel Cases
At ONE HALF their regular value
Sterling Silver
Silver Neshi Bags
At 50 per cent discount at this sale
Tea Spoons: regular $5.00 val
ues, now offered at
$3.50 t
Single Spoons 60 cents each. $
TIio Surprise- Tcbt. i Mll"' Christinas Baskets
Warren S. Stono. nresident of the I Will bo Glum to Poor.
B. of L. E who is assisting in the do-
Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock the
jury in the Lyle estate decided the
case in favor the Scotland claimants,
Isabella Lynll Scott, George McRobb,
Betsy McRobb Sheriff, John McRobb,
Walter Bennett McRobb, Euphenia Mc
Robb Robertson, Wiliain McRobb, Hen
ry McRobb, Bynie Lyall Ross, Jean
Lyall Cruickshank and Helen Lyall
Graham. They returned a verdict that
these people were the only heirs of
William D. Lyle, who died in Brady in
March, 1905.
This case has been in the courts for
live years'. Several years ago it was
tried in the district court and the Jury
found that the claimants had not es
tablished their relationship. It was
appealed to the supreme court by the
claimants where it was decided in their
favor and sent hack to bo tried again
by a jury with the result nbove giv
en. The claimants are four sisters and
the children of a deceased sister who
established by tho verdict of the jury
that they were second cousins of the
deceased and his only living relatives.
They arc all poor people and tho es
tato will prove a God-send to them, al
though the amount which each of the
four sisters will receive will bo about
$1200 and tho seven children of the
deceased sister will together Inherit
the same amount.
Tho proof of relationship was some
what diilicult on account of tho fact
that Mr, Lyle had deserted tho British
army Just prior to tho civil war and
had come to America nnd enlisted in
army in this country in tho sixties. Ho
located at Fort McPhcrson, where ho
lived until a few years heforo ho died,
when ho moved to Brady. Ho was, a
bnehelor all his llfo and a man of many
peculiarities. Ho always seemed to
avoid any refcrenco to his past, and
this. It is claimed, is duo to tho fact
that ho had been guilty of a crime In
deserting from tho British army.
Tho caso has been ono of tho hard
est fought cases in Lincoln county
for many years, It having been tried
four different times in different courts
ranging from tho probate court to tho
supremo court. Tho Scotland claim
ants wero represented during tho lit
igation by Attorney Win. E. Shuman of
this city, who was assisted at tho trials
in tho district court by Attorney J.
G. Beolor. It was dofended by At
torneys Wilcox & Halllgan, roprosont
ing Josopli J. O'Rourke, tho admlnls
trator of the estate.
fense of tho enginemen in the wage
hearing al Chicago, in speaking of tho
' surprise test" which the railroads
submit to the enginemen, said in part:
"Imagine an engineer who already
has been on duty say for sixteen hours
running a passenger train at a speed of
f-ixty miles an hour through a snowy
winter's night. Thi3 engineer is
lighting off tired nature, doing his ut
most to perform tho vry serious la
bor which confronts aim. He sees
ahead through tho muss of snow
1. tikes a white light winch tells him
tlio way is clear; theri i- a curve Just
beyopd and tho giant locomotive leaps
and bounds around it at a speed which
a layman would say in itself Is not ex
actly safe.
"Through the wooly haze now the
engineer sees a line of freight cars
on a siding and just as he detects
them, thero Is Hashed a red light
which instantaneously carries to his
mind a warning of danger and possi
ble death. He resorts to the air
brakes, and ho and tho fireman both
prepare to jump, knowing that if the
heavy pasengor train takes tho sid
ing and Jams into tho freight cars
there is no chances for either of them
in tho locomotivo cab. His heart is
in his mouth I may say hero that if
these surpriso tests arc kept up it
will ho no uncommon thing for en
gineers to bo found dead in their cabs
when suddenly a whito light again
Is flashed heforo him, he has tho right-of-way,
and ho discovers that the whole
event has been a stage affair. That
is, somo minor official of tho railroad
has gono to tho trouble of arranging
conditions with tho devilish idea of
giving old employes of tho lino a so
vero trial,
"What wo object to, Mr. Chairman,
is not a fair surpriso test, or rather
an efficiency tost, as it should bo term
ed, hut to tho test which is overdrawn,
which is not a routlno affair of travel,
and which tho engineer and fireman
probably novor In their careers would
havo to face. This condition has be
como so bad that wo havo oven sought
legislation on it. In Kansas, wo will
show, a law has boon passed forbid
ding offenslvo surpriso tests. How
ever, wo will show that despite this
law, railroads in Kansas are still re
sorting to it."
Tho ladies of the Twentieth Century
club are now on a campaign soliciting
provisions and contributions for fill
ing tho Christinas baskets for the
the poor in accordance with their an-,
nual custom. Many more baskets will
be needed this year than ever before
and generous contributions are hoped
Tho membership of that organiza
tion this year is below that of pre
vious years and with the increaso in
tho need the club does not feel that it
can do all the work alone and for this
reason they are soliciting aid from
people not members. The campaign
now on will extend all over the city
and everyono Is asked to help tho poor
and needy to enjoy tho anual Yuletide
festival as well as those who are more
Contributions for this worthy cause
can be mado to any member of tho or-1
ganization or any one wishing to con- j
tribute can easily find a way to 'do
so by making their wants known. All
contributions are asked to bo brought
to tho library building on Thursday
morning before Christmas. Tho bas
kets will bo filled and sent out from
there Should tho committee miss any
who wish to make a contribution they
can bo taken to the library building on
that date. Anything In the way of
provisions or toys will be very accept
abl,o and it is hoped the contributions
will bo such as to redound to tho gen
erous spirit of tho citizens of North
Commissioners "Will Call New Jury
Tho county commissioners will be
in sesion all day today and will call a
new jury for tho January term of tho
district court. The work of tho court
for tho December term is far more
than can bo done and this will neces
sitate a new jury term.
Of tho jury cases that were set for
hearing at tho prsent term of court
only nhout one-third of them will be
disposed of. The court was busy all
last week with cases that shquld havo
been tried before Thursday and the
case they aro working on now was set
for hearing last Thursday.
The commissioners met yesterday
for the purpose of transacting county
business and it was then 'decided to
call a new jury for a January term.
Commissioners Whito of Sutherland
and Springer from Brady wero both
Xnms Suggestion.
A box of cigars from G0c and up.
Briar pipes In cases, ?l.f0 up.
Meerschaum pipes in cases $2.00 up.
Phono orders will receive tho same
prompt nttention as if you call in per
son. Wo will deliver Christmas day.
91-3 Phone Black 172.
Belgian Hares.
For tho next ten days 1 will make
a special price as I havo recently
bought a number of pedigreed stock
and am crowded for room. Thoso de
siring to start in the business will do
woll to call and look over our stock
as I havo a number of different breeds
Two hundred to solect from.
94-1 415 south Maplo St.
Phone Red 308.
Lunch Itoom .Tnsl Opened
Itcgular 3fculs 25 Cents. Try ns.
810 Front Street.
Tho ladles of tho Methodist church
will givo a bazaar and supper Thurs
day ovonlng at tho Masonic hall which
Is to bo an elaborato affair. This Is
to bo tho best that has ever been at
tempted by tho Methodist ladies and
all nro Invited to attend. Much prep
aration lias been mado for tho oc
casion and a nico monu Is announced
for tho supper. All will ho welcome.
Gonulno Diamond and Pearl Solid
Gold Lavnllor, ?5.50 to $100.
Clinton, Tho Jcwoler,
The Vi trola Store
The men's brotherhood of the Luth
eran church will be entertained this
ovonlng at tho homo of Charles Llork,
Jr., (511 west Ninth street. Mr and
Mrs. Llork will bo assisted In the
entertaining by Mr. and Mrs. Harry
A Guaranteed Bracelet Watch for
$1X0. Just tho thing for tho little girl.
Clinton, Tho Jeweler,
The Victrola Storo.
License towed was" granted yester
day afternoon from tho office of tho
county Judge to Earl C. Waxham, 27,
and Miss Hazel Huston, 19, both of
Pino Blulfs, Wyo. Tho groom is an
auctioneer at that place.
For Rent Threo room house on east
Third street next to tho Parlor mill!
Nice Premiums for Poultry Show.
A number of nice premiums which
will bo given as prizes at tho poultry
show to bo hold by the Lincoln County
Poultry and Pet Stock Association on
January 7th, 8th and 9th are now on
display In the window of Simon Bron '
tin shop. Somo of theso premiums
aro donated by the merchants of North
Platto and of neighboring' towns n
somo aro furnished by the assoela
tlon. Today tho qntiro number of premi
ums which aro to bo given at tho show
will lie placed on display This com
prises a largo number as tho show Is
to be one of tho largest affairs over
held here. Tho premiums offered aro
such ns would warrant many exhib
itors from out of tho county entering
their birds for premiums.
Following aro somo of tho premil
urns: Steel chicken coop and patent
churn both donated by Simon Bros.,
six bottles of chicken remedy, donated
by tho North Platto produce company,
a clock, a set of silverware, and an
automatic chicken feeder, given by the
association. In addition to theso tho
banks of this city will each glvo a
silver loving cup and several of tho
business houses will make donations
of various articles.
Some of tho speakers on tho
program for the tlireo days aro ex
perts in tho poultry line and will havo
something of interest for all raisers or
poultry and pet stock, whether they
bo extensive raisers or aro merely in
it for pleasure.
Notice to Water Consumers.
Motjer readers will start reading
water meters about December ISth,
In order thnt hills may bo ready for
payment by January 1st 191C.
Consumers paying bills on or heforo
January 10th, 1915, aro entitled to a
discount of ono cent per thousand
gallons, but no discount Is allowed af
tor tho 10th. No bills wlfl bo sent
out except to non-residents nnd busi
ness houses but meter slips will bo left
nt each house showing numbor of gal
lons of wnt,cr used and rates for aamo
from which tho amount of tho bill can
lie figured and paid at tho Water Of
fice If amoupnt of water used seoms
oxcesslvo consumor should at onco
compaio Inst reading given on motor
slip witli tho meter to see if thoro
has been any mlstako In reading tho
meter; If so phono tho Water Office
at onco so error enn bo corrected.
Consumers who nro delinquent should
arrange (o pay their water rents at
onco or make satisfactory arrange
ments for their payment at tho Water
Office as after January 1st, 1915 Wit
ter Commissioner Is required to report
all delinquents over 90 days to tho
City Council to bo placed on tho tax
list against tho property.
Water Commissioner.
Mrs. Tagader Is reported quite 111
at her homo on east Elgth street.
A fine lino of electric reading lamps
at Dixon's tho Jeweler.
The club Novlta wil be entertained
tomorrow afternoon at tho homo of
Mrs. John Tucker.
The civic department of tho Twen
tieth Century Club will pot meet on
Thursday evening as was formerly an
nounced Tho next mooting of thnt
For Sale
700 acres of land in eastern part of
Logan county, I miles lo railroad
station. Fenced and cross-fenced, 3
room sod house, well, wind mill with
steel tower, about 100 acres level, bal
nnco rolling,; 00 acres cultivated
mako good dairy ranch; prico $G por
aero; will tako resldenco in North
Platto as part payment.
94tl It. N. LAMB.
nory. Phono black 110.
93t2 department will ho on January 7th.
Wc will keep open unlil 9:30 P. M. from
December 16lh lo Christmas lo allow you Lo
do shopping; in ihe evenings.
Wilcox Department Store
Tho Tilllkums, the) yound ladles'
class of tho Episcopal church, will bo
entertained this evening at tho Mc
Farland homo. Tho young ladles will
bo entortalncd by tho Misses Lucille
McFarland nnd Hazel Barber.
Traveling Sets and Sowing Sets $3
to $20. Sterling Silver CIgarctto cases,
and tho Popular Haveono caso $3 'to
Clinton, Tho Jowolcr,,
Tho Victrola Store.
Bcforo buying all your Christmas
proscnts bo suro to visit tho various
booths at tho Masonic hnll, Dec. 17.
You may find tho vory thing you havo
been looking for.
Books of ovcry description at tho
RInckor Book & Drug Co,., Blue