The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 08, 1914, Image 8

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A Singular
Miriam Wotherspoon had Ideas of
ltor own respecting love Hint is, love
between tlii' sexes. Sin was lit the
proper age when women or men are
apt to think 11 groat deal of lovo and
Miss Wotherspoon had noticed the
Increasing number of divorces with
concern nnd thought of a divorce In
her own case with horror. Therefore
when alio became engaged to George
handler she occupied herself thinking
of the probabilities or possibilities of
their (separating after marriage till her
mind got Into a condition of semlmono
mania. Believing that the chief cause,
of divorces Is u want of genuine love,
Hue resolved upon testing both her
lover and herself to discover whethor
the bond between them was or was
not true love. Absence she considered
the best test and resolved to live npart
from her Dance for six months.
Chandler was a practical sort of fel
low and was principally concerned In
getting his afTalrs Into shape to bo
married. When Miriam told him that
she hnd resolved on a trip abroad to
bo nbsent n year ho was astonJshed.
When she- gave her reasons he endeav
ored to dissuade her from her plan.
Not succeeding, he finally gave his con
sent. When he saw her off on the
Htcamer ho said: "I know a better
test than nbsemc. reihaps I shall
apply It." Miriam begged htm to tell
her what It was, but he, knowing that
she would not give over trying to get
it out of him, refrained from mention
ing it till Just as the vessel wns leav
ing tho dock-.
When Miriam had been gone six
months Chandler wrote her that her
nbsonco had made no difference with
his fecllngH toward her, and if she had
experienced, no diminution of her af
fection for Mm she would better re-
.. j t:.o n . Ilnd that she still felt
the samo toward him, but she had re
solved at the time of her departure
to remain away n year, and she thought
their future happiness might be made
more certain by her keeping her reso
lution. It was about a month after this that
a young American, Edward Treat,
Joined tho party that Miss Wother
spoon traveled with. He seemed to
take a desperate fancy to Miriam, and,
since he was a very attractive fellow,
she found his attentions agreeable.
Love springs in the path of tourists
of opposite sex like daisies In a clover
Held. When there Is nothing to divert
the mind of young persons from lov
ing they are likely to love. Sightsee
ing visiting ruins, works of art, gar
dens that have been cultivated for
centuries-does not divert the mind
from love. On the contrary, it encour
ages love.
Miriam, though sho was somewhat
troubled at a change sho experienced
within her, was continued In her opin
ion that she had been wise to apply
her test. Sho began to doubt if her
love for George Chandler was genu
ine, and one evening when lloating In
the moonlight on the bosom of Lake
Como she was (pilte certain that it
was not genuine. There aro many
degrees In the art of loveniaklng, and
Treat was an adept. Huskies, any
girl who would fall to bo Impressed
by the devotion of an attractive man
on a moonlight night on the most
beautiful lake In the world must have
a heait of adamant.
Treat did not get to a proposal
Miriam warded lilm off from that
Though she was convinced that there
was nothing about her lovo for George
Chandler that might not be broken
through, she was not ready to throw
off the old and take on the new. Nov
ertheless sho wiote her llanco a letter
which Indicated that she had not the
faith In the onduranco of her lovo for
him that she had supposed. Within
another week she wrote him asking If
It would be convenient for him to
coinu over.
Chandler sailed for Genoa as soon
as lie could make his arrangements to
be absent anil Joined Ids llanceo at
Milan. Ho found her in a very mud
dled condition. She had confessed her
engagement with George to Treat,
and tho latter had ceased his atten
tions until sho had decided to break
with her llanco. She told Treat that
Chandler was coming over and sug
gosted that ho go to Switzerland.
When George Chandler arrived Mir
lam was so glad to see lilm that new
doubts arose In her bosom. Sho re
gretted that instead of sending for lilm
she had not gone home to him. Nev
ertheless sho felt that she had not
wtood tho test, Hint she had proved her
affection for lilm was not true blue,
nnd sho told lilm tho whole story.
"I seo nothing for mo to do," ho said,
"but release you from our engage
ment." "Hut 1 am not sure that I wish to bo
"Miriam," ho said, looking with u
kindly expression into her eyes, "do
you romeinlier saying that 1 had a bet
ter test than yours?"
"Yes; I do."
"Well, I liavo applied it. Ned Treat
is an old friend of mine, ncariug that
ho was coming aboard, I secured ids
promise to seek you and try to win
you from me."
Sho gave him n look of astonishment,
reproach, self abasement, then collaps
ed on ills breast.
"It's all right," Chandler ndded. "I'll
boo during our married llfo that you
don't fall under tho Intluenco of a fas
cinating man. If tlint won't keep us
from the divorce you dread it in at
least nil 1 can do."
Irrigation Meeting at
Bridgeport Well Attended.
Over two hundred delegates at
tended tho meeting of tho Nebraska
State Irrigation association which
was hold at Hridgeport last week,
closing Friday evening. Nearly a
hundred delegates were present from
counties east of Scotts Hluffs and
over a hundred attended from thorp
About fifteen delegates attended from
Lincoln county. '
Somo importnnt business wns
transacted at this meeting. Ilesolu
tlons were passed to tho effect tlint
tho reclamation service wns holding
more water than was necessary in tin
Pathfinder dam and the association
recommended that tho reclamation
service be compelled to releaso from
that reservoir wnter tlint was noed'd
for irrigation purposes In this part of
the valley each year. That tho irrl
gators hero pay n reasonable percen
tage of the maintennnco each year
the same as other districts do. Many
other importnnt resolutions were
From this city W. V. Hoagland, J.
G. Heeler, W. I Snyder and Engineer
Jay Smith attended. All these men
were on the program nnd took an ac
tive pnrt in the meeting. Mr. Hoag
land wns chnlrman of tho resolutions
commmlttee nnd gave an address nnd
Mr. Heeler also gave an address.
The officers for tho coming year
were elected as follows: Attorney
Whitehead of Mitchell, president; W
V. Hoagland, vice-president; J. 10. Lo-1
Hlanch Sccrclnry. Mr. LeHlanch wns
A conference of tho men from the i
eastern part of tho district is planned
to lie hold in Jununry. Tho place of.
meeting lias not yet been decided up
on but will be given out later. There
Is a possibility of its coming to Nortli
nwiim wwMWiiiin,
If ill
Fine Address on Philippines
Over a hundred were present at the
K. of P. hall Friday evening to hear
the lecture of Dr. C. C. Wnllingsford
on tho Philippines. The lecture- wns
very good and the pictures were es
pecially interesting. Ncnrly all tho
menibrs of the Spanish War Veterans
camp were present nnd ninny of the
0. A. it. nnd V. H. C. members at
tended, as well ns a few from outside i
The pictures of the Philippines wore
exceptionnlly interesting ns they were
entertaining as well as instructive.
Dr. Wnllingsford nlso hnd some nlco
pictures which ho took In Jnpan. At
tho close of tho meting upon the mo- j
Hon of J. E. Evans, a voto of thanks ,
wns extended to Dr. Walincsford for
his lecture.
Coming to
Wednesday, Dec 9th.
7:30 P. M.
The biggest and
most fascinating
Moving Pictures
ever shown.
smvvVAVuniiuii!i iwwiima
'Wyk "From Molten Steel iS
mm to Automobile" Ifetoi
on your
Whatever jour mints may be remem
ber (lint our telephone sen Ice Is ef
ficient. Call us by wire and e'll
Miiit on you nt once. With our nccur
nle son Ice nnd our quick dclhery
wo stand ready nt nil times to assist
j on or jour doctor, Remember tlint
v.e lime wlmt you want.
Stones Pharmacy
Geo. B. Dent,
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention given to Suigery
and Obstetrics.
Office: Building and Loan Building.
l Office 130
Residence 115
Licensed Kmbnlmers
Undertakers nnd Funeral Directors
Day Phono 234.
Night Phono Black 588.
1008 West Fourth St.
Head Nurse.
rJiyslciun and Surgeon
Post Graduate and Accredited
Teacher of P'ano.
Studio 120 west Third Street.
Hione lied 112, Terms $1 For Hour.
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention Given to Gynecology
Obstetrics and Children's Diseases.
Olllco McDonald State Bank Building.
Corner Sixth and Dewey Streets.
Phones, Olllco 1S3, Residence 283
I 'fA
sv n
Produced and presented
by tho Maxwell Motor
Every picture of thrill
ing interest.
Many sensational; all
highly educational.
Tickets of Admission
free upon application.
Lloyd Powers
General Auctioneer
20 Years' Experience
Stock & Earm Sales a Specialty
Phone Ited Kit
Kcsldcnce Sll nest Third Street
Nyal Drug Store Res. Phono
Phone S Rod 40G
Graduate Yetcrliiurlan
North Platte, Nebraska.
Hospital 218 Locust St. Phono blk 249
Dawson County Settles Damage Suit.
Tho suit of Mrs. Isabcllo Smith
against Dawson county for $19,300 was
settled out of court last week for
$G,325. The county built a new bridge
and laid out a now road thereto, failing
to close the road which lead to tho
old bridge which had been dismantled
or torn out. Smith, whilo driving an
automobile at night, not knowing of
the new bridge or tho condition of
tho old, drove inl,o tho old bridge,
his ear went down and ho was killed.
The case of David Norrls vs. tho Un
ion Pacific company was up for hear
ing Friday afternoon in the county
ourt. Tho enso was argued all af
tornoon and tho court then took it
under advisement.
Last week Maxwell voted bonds in
the sum of seven thousand dollars for
tho purposo of Installing an electric
light plant. Tho voto was forty-four
for and two agaiii3t.
Miss Bessie Smith loft Saturday
morning for Wellllcct to attend tho
county teachers' association meeting.
Miss Smith is presldont of the nssoci-tion
Miss Elizabeth Ilinman spent Sun
day visiting friends in Grand Island.
Miss Edna Sullivan was reported on
the sick list the latter part of last
J. G. Beeler returned Friday evening
from Bridgeport where he attended tho
irrigation meeting last week.
The Holcombo Cattle Co. have nego
tiated for a ranch twenty-llvo miles
south of Larmie, Wyo., which is on
tho Colorado and Wyoming state line.
This ranch contains 10,000 acres, has
three streams of running water and
considerable land under irrigation.
Brady Vindicator.
The Public the Jury m Our Case
You the people aro the jury
also the court of last appeal. This is
your country and its big industries
are yours to encourago or to destroy,
as you see fit.
In all times, in all lands, public opin
ion lias had control the people's will
has been supreme.
Public opinion is based on informa
tion and belief. If the public's belief
is wrong it is because they have re
ceived wrong information.
We want the public to have correct
information about our business, be
cause, as a public service corporation,
we are amenable to the people's will.
Misunderstandings with the people
makes trouble for us, and trouble is
expensive, both to the public and to
We feel that proper publicity
frank and honest statements about our
business will inspire confidence in
our methods, justify our policies and
cause the publio to appreciate our
?,rw , i pi? I10 t0 consider that our methods and our policies aro their busi-
S i nie that lt is a duty wo owe tho Public t0 keP them informed about our
?nlfS' , wo a,ro wiUin t0 r0st our case with them. When the people know the
lacts wo feel suro they can bo depended on to render a just decision and to treat us
"We Advertise So That the People May Know."
Experience with sales ot all kinds.
Dates made with any bank In Lincoln County.
Notice of Sale of Lund Upon Execution
Notice is hereby given that by vir
tue of an execution Issued by George
B. Prosser, Clerk of tho District Court
of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a
judgment rendered in tho district
court ot Buffalo county, Neb., which
has been heretofore filed in tho Dis
trict Court of Lincoln County, Ne
braska, in favor oS John Smith and
against M. J. Graham, full name Mar
ion J. Graham, I have levied upon tho
following described real estate as tho
property of said Marion J. Graham, to
wit: All of section 5, in Township 1G,
north of Range 29, West of tho Cth P.
M Lincoln County, Nebraska, and I
will on tho 19th day of December, 1914,
at 2 o'clock P. M., central time of said
day at the east ''rot'', woor of the court
house in the (.:' oi Nortli Platte, in
said Lincoln Couny, Nebraska, sell said
real estate subject to a mortgago of
$2000.00 and accrued interest thereon,
at public auction to the highest bidder
for cash to satisfy said execution upon
which there is duo tho sum of $549.92
with 7 per cent interest from No
vember Gth, 1913, and $40.75 cost to
gether with accrued cost.
Dated at North Platte, Nebraska, No
vember 1C, 1914.
Sheriff ot Lincoln County, Nebraka.
Pipes and Smokers' Articles
In addition to making and suiting as
good cigars as can bs found on the
market, wo carry a nice lino of Pipes
and Smokers' articles, in all grades.
Then, too, we handle nearly all the
brands of smoking and chewing tobac
co. Give us a call,
Order of Hearing on Final Settlement
The State of Nebraska, Lincoln Coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court:
In tho Matter of tho Estate of Wil
liam Shrear, Deceased:
To tho creditors, heirs, legatees and
others interested in tho estate of Wil
liam Shrear:
Take notice, that Lestor Walker
has filed In the County Court, a re
port of his doings as administrator of
said estate, and it is ordered that the
same stand for hearing the lSth
day of December, A. D., 1914 before
the Court at tho hour of 9 o'clock a.
m., at which time any person inter
ested may appear and except to and
contest tho same.
Notlco of this proceeding and the
hearing thereof is ordered given to
all persons interested in said matter
by publishing a copy of this order
in tho North Platte Tribune, a semi
weehly newspaper printed In said
County, for 3 consecutive weeks prior
to said dato of hearing.
Dated November 23, 1914.
SS-3 County Judge.
County Judge.
A net ion Sale of School Lands
Notice is hereby given that on the
22nd day of December, 1914, at one
o'clock p. m. at the oilice of tho county
treasurer of Lincoln county, tho Com
missioner oi Public Lands and Build
ings, or his authorized representative
will offer for lease at public auction
all educational lands within said coun
ty upon which forfeiture of contract
has been declared as follows:
B and N& NW4 36, 12, 29, Barker
EM: 3G, 1G, 29, R. II. Kirby.
Commissioner of Public Lands and
December 1, 1914.
In the County Court of Lincoln Coun
ty, Nebraska.
In tho Matter of the Estate of Ilat-
tio Farrington, Deceased.
To tho Creditors, Heirs, Legatees
and Others Interested in Said Estate.
Notice is hereby given that on No
vember 1G, 1914, Edward R. Goodman,
executor of said estate, tiled in tho
said County Court a report of his do
ings ns executor of tho estate, to
gether with ills application for the
distribution of tho personal property
of said estate, and tho assignment of
tho real estate thereof, to-wit: Lots
1 and 2. block 111, of tho original
townsito of North Platte, Lincoln
County, Nebraska; Lots 13 and 11,
Block 4, Cotner and Archer's Addi
tion to South Omaha, Douglas County,
Nebraska, and Lots 10 and 11, Block
12, Calkins' Subdivision oi Mayflold,
In Douglas County, Nebraska, as pro
vided by tho Will of tho said Hattio
Farrington, deceased, and It is here
by ordered that tho samo stand for
hearing on tho 5th day of December,
A. D. 1914, boforo tho Court at tho
hour of 9 o'clock A. M., at which time
all persons interested may appear,
object to and contest tho same.
Notlco of this proceeding, and tho
hearing thereof, is ordered given to
all porsons Interested in s aid mat
ter by publishing a copy of this order
In the North Platte Semi-Weekly Trib
une, a semi-weekly nowspaper print
ed in said county, for threo consecu
tlo weeks prior to said dato of hear
ing. Dated November 1G, 1914
(Seal.) County Judge.
Order of Hearing on Petition for Ap
pointment of Administrator or
Tho State of Nebraska, Lincoln Coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the Matter of the Estate of Lu
cinda Clark, deceased.
On reading and filing tho petition
of Lester Walker praying that Admin
istration of said Estate may be grant
or to himself as administrator.
Ordered, That December 18th, A. D.
1914, at 9 o'clock a. m. is assigned for
hearing said petition, when all per
sons Interested In said matter may ap
pear at a County Court to be held in
and for said county, and show cause
why the prayer of the petitioner should
not bo granted, and that notice of tho
pendency of said petition and tho hear
ing thereof be given to all porsons in
terested in said matter by publishing
a copy of this order in the North
Platto Tribune, a semi-weekly news
paper printed in said county, for 3
successive weeks, prior to said day of
Dated November 23rd, 1914.
SS-3 County Judge.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued
from tho District Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, upon a decree of
foreclosure rendered in said Court
wherein Mutual Building & Loan As
sociation, a corporation Is plaintiff
and Corda V. O'Brien et al aro de
fendants, and to mo directed, I will on
tho 21st day of December, 1914, at 2
o'clock P. M., at tho east front door
of tho court house in North Platte,
Lincoln County, Nebraska, sell at pub
lic auction to tho highest bidder for
cash, to satisfy said decree, interest
and cojts, tho following deacribod
property, to-wit: Lot Six (G) Block
One fifty-ono (151) Original town of
North Platto, Nebraska.
Dated North Platte, Nebraska, No
vember lGth, 1914.
Probate Notice.
In tho Matter of tho Estato of William
Landgraf, Deceased.
In tho County Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, November 25th,
Notice Is hereby given, that tho cred
itors of said deceased will moot the
Administrator of said Estate, before
tho County Judgo of Lincoln County,
Nebraska, at tho County Court Room,
n said County, on the 29th day of De
cember, 1914, and on tho 29th day of
June, 1915, at 9 o'clock a. in. each day,
for tho purposo of presenting their
claims for examination, adjustment
and allowance. Six months aro al
lowed for creditors to present their
claims, and ono year for tho Admin
istrator to settlo said estato, from the
25th day of November, 1914. A copy
of this order to bo published in the
North Platto Tribune, a legal semi
weekly nowspaper of said county for
four consecutlvo weeks prior to De
cember 29, 1914.
90t4 County Judge