The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 08, 1914, Image 10

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Semi-Weekly Tribune
Ira 1.. Bare, Editor and Publithcr.
One Tear by Mali In Advnnco....81"
One Year by Cnrricr In Admnco..$liO
Entered at North Platto, Nobraska,
Postolllco as Second Class Matter.
" TUESDAYDEC. 8, 1914.
The gcnernl mealing of the Twenti
eth Century club will bo held this ev
ening at the library building and all
tho Indies of the city arc Invited to at
tend. Following the program which
will be given by tho domestic scl
onco department a lunch will be serv
ed to tho public, tho proceeds of which
aro to bo turned over to the Associated
A good program has been prepared
by tho domestic sclcnco department
and It Is hoped that many of tho la
dles of tho city will attend. Follow
ing tho program tho men aro Invited
to bo present for the luncheon.
About two hundred lunches will bo
put up In boxes and It Is hoped that
they can all bo sold. All aro urged
to conic out and help in this worthy
cause as It Is ono Hint is much In need
at tho present season and one Hint ev
eryono can afford to help by contrib
uting their mlto.
Tho work of tho Associated Chari
ties is bolng felt by many In tho city
and lins already, oven in its experi
mental stago proved that it will do
tho work much more thoroughly and
c indent ly than tho old system The
funds are coming In fast for the aid of
the poor but much more will be need
ed before tho wlntor is over. Each per
son by contributing a small amount
.hey will hardly miss will help
the cnuBO to a great extent If all
tho smokers would glvo tho price of
their cigars for ono day the treasury
of llio association would bo mora than
full Como out and help by patron
izing this lunch given by tho Twen
tieth Century Club.
Memorial Sen Ices aro Well Attended.
About a hundred and fifty people
wero present Sunday afternoon at tho
memorial services which wero held by
tho B. I O. Elks at their home. A
numhor of visitors wero present and
enjoyed tho impressive services.
Tho services wero opened byExalted
Huler, C. P. Clinton and then follow
ed tho program. Tho music by tho or
chestra and quartette was vory good
and was much enjoyed. Tho opening
numbor by tho orchestra and "The
Vacant Chair" and "Crossing tho Bar"
by tho Elks quartette wero especially
worthy of mention.
Tho address was given by W. V.
Iloaglnnd who spoko largely upon tho
propriety of tho oecasslon, bringing
out tho fact that whllo wo horo hold
sorvlco in memory of our dead per
haps onco each year every day should
bo a memorial day to tho good deeds
dono by those who lmvo passed be
yond novor again to answer to roll
call. Up also mentioned that nt tho
present tlmo every day was a mem
orial day In war-stricken Europo and
that it wils altogether lilting and
proper that tho memory of our friends
should bo forcibly brought beforo us.
dead who answered no more to tho
mystic roll call,
Ho mentioned that tho B. P. 0.
Elks stood for the greatest and best
things of tlilo llfo and Hint In their
striving for tho upbuilding of man
kind they gathered together onco a
year to pay tflbuto lo their honored
Choicest lino of handkerchiefs over
shown In tho city now on display at
BLOCK'S. Gc to $1.00 a box.
Ira Baley, Jr., of Myrtle precinct,
who underwent an operation at tho
Good Samaritan hospital, is recover
ing rapidly.
Call and see tho complete lino of
Gibson Art Calendars, Christmas
Cards and Seals. Rincker Book &
Drug Co., Blue Front. 91-2
"Tho Fool and Ills Money" is
booked at the Keith for tho night of
January 1st. It Is n good attraction.
"Today" Is booked for Jnnuary 11th.
Wo learn that Dr. Geo. B Dent will
go to New York City this winter to
tako a post-graduate course of six
or eight weeks duration. Mrs Dent
mny conclude to accompany him.
Dolls of all kinds,. Rincker Book
& Drug Co., Blue Front,. 91-2
Mrs. ('. S. Simmons, of Union, la.,
arrived In tho city Sundny evening for
a visit of several days with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fremont Watts.
Mrs. Simmons was formerly Miss
Ollvo Watts and Is well known hero,
having lived hero during her girlhood
Misfortunes never como singly. One
evening last week while coming up
from Gothenburg on tho local Albert
Schatz lost his hat, and when ho
reached homo ho found his bull dog
missing cither strayed or stolen.
Air's. W. II. Cramer returned last
week from Seward and Lincoln where
alio visited for several days. At
Seward she visited her husband who
Is working on a largo construction
contract there. She visited her bro
ther Del Bonner, In Lincoln and at
tended the Stcckelberg recital.
No preparation Is equal to Imperial
Cream Lotion for chapped hands,. A
full I ounce boflle 25c, at Stone's
Drug Store. tf
Dr. W. J. Rcdficld has sold his prac
tice to his brother Dr. J. B. Redlleld
and will leave North Platte. IIo has
not yet definitely decided where ho
will locate. The Doctor came here
five years ago and established the P.
& S. hospital and through 11 and his
general practice gained a wide ac
quaintance nnd his removal from
North Platte will be regretted. Dr.Red
fleld proved not only a successful
practlonor and surgeon, but a good
business man and splendid citizen
Allen Kilmer, of Kilmer precinct,
was in tho city yesterday on business
nnd visiting friends.
ALL ladles' Suits at Half Price at
A girl baby was born to Mr. and
Mrs Allen Waugh of tho Fourth ward
Saturday nlght. Mrs. Waugh was for
merly Miss 'Eva Bundy.
Sec the beautiful line of Xmas
waists put up In holiday boxes at
Mrs. M. E. Watts returned Sunday
evening from Corning, la., where she
spent several days visiting her son,
Isaac Watts and family, and other rel
atives and friends.
Miss Whlttakcr will closo out all
trimmed and untrlmmcd hats, all hat
trimmings, baby hoods and ribbons
at one-half the original selling prices
at tho Wilcox Dept. Store.
A. A. Schatz, with the Gaston Music
Co., sold four pianos last week, three
to parties living In the country south
of Brndy and Gothenburg and ono to
a resident of the Hershoy section. Ono
piano and a player piano were sold
to town residents Saturday. Tho low
prices and easy terms made by the
Gaston Co. mnkes piano buying easy.
. Tho county commissioners were in
session yesterday at tho court house.
Commissioners Springer of Brady and
Whlto of Hershoy were both In for
the meeting. They leave today for
Fremont where they will attend the
state convention of county commis
sioners which opens today. All threo
of tho commissioners will nttend the
Legal Notice.
In tho District Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska.
William Schaepler, plaintiff, vs.
James E. Lane, mortgagee named In
the mortgage In tho petition herein
described, tho unknown heirs or leg
atees and dlvlsees of said James E.
Lane, deceased; tho unknown heirs or
legatees and dlvlsees of Jo3lah Har
rington, deceased, as assignee -from
said James E. Lano of said mortgage
and tho real estate covered and
clouded thereby, to-wit: E NWVi
and EVj SW4 section 24, township
12 North, range 32 West Gt'h P. M.,
Each and all of tho defendants
above nnmed nnd described, will take
notlco that William Schaepler, plain
tiff herein, on the 18th day of August,
1914 filled his petition In tho office of
tho Clerk of the District Court of
Lincoln County. Nebraska, against
the defendants hereinbefore in the ti
tle named and described, the object
and prayer of which aro to obtain tho
decrco of snld court to quiet in the
plaintiff tho title to snld described
real estate to-wlt: Es NWVI and
E& SWU section 24, township 12,
North, range 32 West 6th
P. M., against the apparent and un
enforclble lien arising by virtue of
tho mortgage thereon, mado by Alton
L. Martin to James E. Lane, dated
March 10. 1894, recorded March 24,
1891 In book 13, page 473 of the mort
gage records of said Lincoln County,
which said mortgage has been fully
paid and satisfied and due and legal
assignment of same was mado by said
James E. Lane to said Josiah Har
rington, now deceased, the last named
having executed nnd delivered good
and sufllclont release of said mort
gage, but both said instruments, to
wit: said assignment of mortgage and
release thereof, so as aforesaid duly
executed, acknowledged nnd delivered,
have been lost or destroyed without re
cording nnd nil without fault or luches
on behalf of said plaintiff, who prays
lor said decree without redeeming or
offering to redeem therefrom, full sat
isfaction of the same having been
made, and for equitable relief gener
ally. You. the said uofendnnts, and ench
of you. are required to answer said
petition on or beforo Monday the 18th
day of January, 1915.
Dated December 8, 1914.
By King & Blttner, his attorneys,
Osceola, Nebr., DS-4
S- z sn
I The Moral Value of Music in Your Heine I
First Wnt eh Award.
Ono of tho contostnnts In the pony
contest will bo given a nice wntch this
week. The ono. receiving the most
votes up to midnight Thursday will be
tho lucky one. This should he an
Incentive for each contestant to do
Homo extra hustling, as tho watch Is
woll worth tho work. This Is tho first
of six watchos that will be given dur
ing tho pony contost.
Interest in tho pony oonust has
spread all over the town, and ouch da
some new contestant enrolls Many
thousniida of votes woro cast Satur
day, several contestants who live in
tho country securing big bunches of
The possession of u piano a. ml the ability to play is about the most cherished desire of every child.
You fathers and mothers do you ever stop to think what music means to your children?
When you mention getting them a piano, do you notice the light that comes into their eyes? Their
little hearts crave music a natural, wholesome, God-given craving; as necessary to them as sunshine and
Y6u are sending to school to learn reading, writing and arithmetic but are you giving them the
advantages of a musical education? Are you neglecting that which, next to their spiritual welfare, is most
morally essential to their young lives?
It's a fact, and the foremost educators agree that 'music in the home is an essential part of a child's
morals That the child who sings or plays the piano is naturally cleaner morally than the child whoso
mind knows no music. , -JH
music int he home is an essential part of a child'scap your children by bringing them up without a
knowledge of music; their young associates play their way is easier socially. The ability to produce mu
sic secures for your child an open door to most every home.
You want your children to have a knowledge of music; it isn't lack of desire perhaps, but the usual
high price of a good piano has caused you to put it off. You have hesitated paying the prices generally
asked for the make you want.
And Right There is Where This Co-Operative Family of
Piano Buyers Can Help You
This huge purchase and this modern quick way of selling them without the usual heavy expense, en
ables us to meet your every requirement; the pianos are amongst the very best in the world; there is a
grade here to suit every poekctbook and at a price lower than you may ever expect to see quoted again.
The terms are so reasonably low that you can pay for one and hardly miss the money.
With all of these advantages offered you. are you going to neglect your children any longer? Come
down and let us talk it over with you; no obligations to buy
1 1 iii i iMwnnrnmr"'1-1'1" --n?npq7y
FREE TRIAL For .'() dais you
may try out the piano you select in
your home. If at the end of that time
you do not want to keep it notify
us and we will send for the piano
and return to you every cent you
may have paid.
Any time within one year you may
exchange your piano for a player or
higher priced instrument and we will
allow you all that you lime paid .out.
or players are put in your homo
free of charge. This applies to ex
changes also.
WE GIVE FREE with each piano,
a stool to match and a scarf.
WE GIVE with each player-piano,
a bench, scarf and 12 rolls of music
of your own selection.
WARRANTIES Each instru
ment is guaranteed against all de
fects. Some the jears, some a life
lime by the makers. On top of that
Ave ghc our personal vwirranMi ,
doubly protecting jou.
1 'i Hut linro niilv ii finv lit Hut timtii lini'i-
13 gains. Wo have them from $1!17 up to $2(s.
Qj Terms on pianos as low as-
iH. rRvAir)syGy ralB n?KA HTTfc AMs CV VA J xTA
rt lis txssszssssTaas MW BccP
TERMS on players to suit you.
We will make a fair allowance for your old
piano in exchange for a player-piano.
! mujr'miMii .. maajyrany
PIANOS Knnbe, A. 1). Chnse, Schaoffer, McPhail, Packard, Price &
T.M'ple, R. S. Howard, Kimball, Hrlnkerhoff. Smith & Barnes. Mnrsliall .
Wendell, Wilson, Crown. Holland, Gaston, Willard.
PLAYER-PIANOS Price & Teople, A 11. Cliaso-ArUstino, S urn ffi r
llurmonohi. Apollo, ('rown-Poinblnoln, Autoplano, Hoffman
rtTOK2yvWMM-i'wr-Hii!i'-Tr -it 7..wr "raic-av ) rfWTt
I "- ."rMlfrayMTinw-'T'J-" -Hff'ffiiriMV'-nrflHTTT flSiSESGJt
Presses! Dresses!
For Htreot party or evening v. ear.
nil colors, nil stylos, all sizes, no two
alike, now nolllng a reduced prices at
i "
pug ttamiiaqKxaiiiftWMaMpnBtfr
Tills isoctlon was visited Saturday
and Sumltty nights with light falls of
snow, much of which molted as It fell.
Yesterday morning llio ground was
covored with a half Inch, which rt
minded us that winter Is near. The
moisturo though not heavy, is gladly
recolved. for It has beon unusually
dry this fall.
Mothers' Tiuorlle.
"I glvo Chamborlaln'H Cough Reme
dy to my children whon they have
colds or coughs," yrltos Mr. Verne
Shnffor, VandergrliSi., Pa. ,It always
holps them and la fan superior to any
other cough modlclno I hayoused. I
ndvlso anyone In need of siieirh mod
lclno to glvo It n trial," For oalo by
all dealers.
Mfl l.'l I iijMrmwvjncutv "lBvjnHBn
l ril ! t$L i.r . ' ii'TyEjB
S l'',ftliiPB i
& 111 BHHH' I
SALE PRICE $'2ll.r0
RICE SSll!!.?."!
Other Stores, Kearney, Grand Island ami Hastings.
lopyright 1914, V W. IdcCOMUES. Reproduction in part or whole po3ltivel
SALE PR 1(1 $210
Clinton s Jewelry Storo
North Pktte