A SOCIETY AND CLUBS. Do You want a Beautiful VICTROLA For a Christmas Present? If so, see CLINTON, The Jeweler. N CITY AND COUNTY NEWS City Engflfcer C,. J. McNamara 18 in Bridgeport nttcndlng tho state irri gation convention. "W. C. HutchinB, who liad been spend ing four montliB in Lincoln, returned to town Wednesday. Threo additional patients wore re ceived at tho Good Sainiirltun hospital Tuesday and Wednesday. Wm. Hodden now drives a Ford car which ho purchased a fow days ago at tho Ilendy-Ogior gnrago. Morlo Thornburg, who had been visiting in town for a wook, returned to Hastings Wcdnesdny. Sho holds a position ub cashier and bookkeeper In a business houso in that city Wm. It. Harcourt, of tho Harcourt & Jensen storo, left Wednesday even ing for Omaha to spend a fow days on business. It is roported that ho will drive homo in a now automobile. MIbb Nona Saline arrived homo Wednesday morning from Arapahoo and Cambridge whoro bIio spent sev eral dayB visiting friends., Sho is vis iting In tho city at tho J. C. Don homo. Al Wagman waa lined $5.00 and costs Wednesday on tho chargo of disturbing the, pcuco and quitudo of tho homo of his Blstor-In-law. Not having tho funds to pay tho lino ho was sent to -full. For Kent or Sale Five room house, barn and outbuildings, two lots, three blocks- from tho court houso. Geo. E. French'; 91t2 Mrs. Voorhecs and daughter Theola, of Denver, who aro visiting Mrs. Voorhees' parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Cohen at Cottonwood, wcro visitors in town Wednesday. They wcro ac companied by J, Ji O'ltourko and C. D. Cohen. Choicest lino of handkerchiefs ever shown in tho city now on display at BLOCK'S. 5c to $1.00 a box. iVeu' If anion, who suffered a com pound fracture of his left leg above tho anklo eight weeks ago while working at tho gas plant, is out on tho street on crutches. Ho will bo discharged from tho hosplttw next Tuesday,. Miss Whittuker will close out all trimmed and unlrlmmed hats, all hat trimmings, baby hoods and ribbons at one-half tho original selling price at tho Wilcox Dept. Store. Tho Epworth league will hold a monthly business nnd social meeting at Itcv. Cram'B Friday evening Dec. 4. Tho progressive gamo will start at 7:30 sharp which will bo followed by an Indoor trnckmcet. Bo BUre and bo on timo for progressive game. Sco tho beautiful line of Xmns walstB put up In holiday boxes at BLOCK'S. SANTA CLAUS BANKS HERE, We Pay Him 4 Per Cent Interest, Use Checks Shop Early THE DAY OF CIl'TSamlCood,Chccr draws near. Help tho merchants who wish to serve you to the host of their ahility, by shopping early. You will help them and protect yourself against loss or error by shopping with the aid of a check-book on this bank. X Use your check-book; if you have no check ing account with us, make it a point to come in this weekjand start one. The Platte Valley State Bank CAPITAL, SURPLUS & PROFITS, $55,000.00. Dresses! Dresses I For street party or evening wear, all colors, all styles, all bIzcs, no two alike, now selling a reduced prices at BLOCK'S. I Ralph Adams, elevator conductor at tho federal building is -confined to h'lk room by a threatened nttack of ap pendicitis. Information was filed against A. E TImmerman Tuesday for assaulting LIpshltz, the junk man. Tho case was continued for thirty days. Call and bco tho complete lino of Gibson Art Calendars, Christmas CardB and Seals. IUncker Hook & Drug Co., Bluo Front. 91-2 Several hundred persons attended tho supper served at tho church last evening by tho Presbyterian ladles Tho meal waB an excellent one. The fancy work booth was well patronized Tho Christmas ship has arrived at tho Rincker Rook & Drug Co,. Call before tho rush. 91-2 Tho Lutheran Aid Society will meet Thursday afternoon, December 10, with Mrs. F,. C,. Wnltemath. Sho will bo assisted by Mrs. Henry Rreternltz and Mrs,. Welnbarg Visit tho doll booth at tho Metho dist Fair December 17th. You will find tho latest creations In dolls' hats and clothes, also caps andliprons for dollies Mnmmn. oot2 Raul Nolan returned homo last ev ening from Sheridan and other points In Wyoming, whoro ho spent several days visaing friends nnd enjoying a vacation. Ills brother Frank stopped oft in Kcarnoy for a visit of a few doys boforo returning homo. Conductor Fred Letts submitted to an operation for gall stones at tho .Methodist hospital In Omaha Tuesday and word recolved today states that ho Is getting along nicely. About one hundred stones largo nnd small were removed. Nothing will please her any better than a nlco sot of furs. You can buy now at reduced prices at BLOCK'S. Sets $2,.9S to $75.00,. James T. Keefo of this city received Instructions yesterday from Judgo R. W. Hobart, prosldent of tho Western Nebraska Bar Association, announc ing that ho had been appointed on tho ontertalnmont commlttco for tho mooting to bo hold next spring. Mr. Keefo was appointed togethor with At torneys Gillen and Olson of Lexington. Cnndldatos In tho pony contest should reglstor their names at all tho business houses that aro promoting tho contest. Whllo this is not neces sary in order to bo a contestant, it gives tho contestants tho advnntago of tho 1000 votes each business houso gives to those who enroll as contestants,. Mrs. I. L. Mlltonberger will enter tain nt a luncheon this afternoon com plimentary to Mrs. W. II. Broach, of Denver, who has been visiting In town. Members of the M. M. M. club were entertained at 800 Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. Perry Carson. At the close of tho pleasant afternoon rffrrsh menUi were served. Railroads running to tho west are preparing to accommodate the largest western travel in many years. The first cold wavo snap will tend to start easterners for California, and the pas songor departments aro preparing for Hint cold snap to occur. The meeting of the 500 club at the home of Mrs. Geo. T. Field Tuesday evening was a very enjoyable one nearly the full membership of the club and about a dozen guests at tending. Mrs. Field and Mrs. C. S. Clinton were tho hostesses of., the evening. Chrysanthemums were the decorative features. A two course luncheon was served. The Et-A-Virp club was delightful ly entertained Tuesday afternoon nt the home of Mrs. James Adams. Tho afternoon was spent with various di versions and at Its close a nice lunch eon was served the guests. The next meeting of the club will be with Mrs. Ed. Dickey and the Christmas pro gram will bo given. IIAILHOAD NOTES Division Supt. Cahill spent Wednes in town looking after Union Pacific, matters,. Fireman Mastin is nursing a lame left hand, having sustained a bad cut a few days ago while splitting kind ling. Operator Block, who was tempor arily filling a position in the Western Union office, returned to Ogalalla Wednesday. Engineer Orton who had been tak ing a lay-off during tho sweet clover harvest and threshing, has resumed work. The Southern Pacjfic Railroad com pany has announced that tllirty-two of Its employes have been discharged for allclged irregularities in their ac counts and that more dismissals prob ably will follow. Mrs. II. S. White entertained at a luncheon Wednesday afternoon com plimentary to Mrs. Julia Goodman, of Cody, Wyo who has been tho guest of her son E R. Goodman and family for a couplo of weeks. Tho function proved a very enjoyable one. Division 88, B., of L. E., held Us nnnnual election of officers Wednes day. Among the officers elected: M. C. Hayes, chief engineer; G. O. Trcxler, first engineer; Geo O. prown, secretary; W. L. Richards, chairman protective board and delegate to the national convention to be held next year. APPLES atHERROD'S Saturday Special. Shoulder Steak 1,"c per pound. Shoulder 1'ot Roust 12c per pound. Why Pay Morel CASH 31KAT MARKET. Outlaws Defeat Pirates. The outlaws defeated tho Pirates in In a bowllny match Monday evening by the score of 2038 to 1990, a margin of only forty-eight pins. Hull For Kxclinugo. A red registered Short Iloni bull. flvo years old, woighs 1C00 pounds; would llko to exchange for another one m well bred V Coolldgo. North Platte 9012 War 'ew.H. Official reports concerning the cam paign in Russian Poland, which were available in tho dispatches still failed to make clear tho confused situation in tho cast, whero for days a great Russian victory has been claimed in unofficial advices from Petrograd and London. Earl Kitchener's statement in the House of Commons that tho Germans had suffered tho greatest disaster in their history, remained open to chal lenge by Berlin. It is said that pow erful Teuton armies, driven on to des porato efforts by tho peril of their po sition, havo cut their way through solid lines of enveloping Russians. What it has cost has not yet been told, but It Is Indicated that tho Ger mnns, In extricating themselves have Inlllcted enormous losses on tho enemy, If it is truo thnt tho Germans have freed thomselvos from tho present (lunger of a crushing defeat in Poland, tho situation to tho north and south) Is still pictured as menacing to them j Tho Importance of the campaign to tho north is Indicated by tho fact that Emperor William lias gone into east I Prussia to direct personally tho move-1 ments against the Invading Russians j Nowhere else is German territory I threatened by an invading army, ex-l copt In a small part of Alsace, which has been helped by tho French sinco tho early days of tho war. To tho south, in Galicla, also tho Russians nro reported to bo pressing forward victorious, surrounding Cracow on all sides. Must Sell Wyoming Land. 320 acres boforo January 1st. 15 miles oast of Choyonne, 4 miles north of Durham, Wyo., foncod well nnd 90 acres broken, land level and on creek. Twelve dollars buys this Call or write Prof C R Mnrkley S10 East Fourth strut North I'lattt PHONE 208 The onl) car of strictly Fancy Apples from the Best Fruit District in Colorado that has come to orth Platte this season. See display in window. FULL BUSHEL BOXES Ganos - - $1.35 Arkansas Blacks $1.45 Black Twigs - 1.45 Sfayman Winesaps. 1.50 Rome Beauty - 1.75 We cannot replace this grade of apples at above prices. Prices will he advanced to $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 as soon as 150 boxes arc sold. PHONE 208 H E R R O D ' S P. S. This is not a pony stoic. Buy your Groceries where you can get the best for the least money. Satisfaction and Service the Best in the City. w iim iwm imh mwmmmmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmM FLOUR $1.40 PER SACK Kearney High Patent. POTATOES Fine Sand Hill Potatoes in Five Bushel Lots 50 cents. FEED Corn, Wheat, Oats, Speltz, Bran, Shorts and Baled Hay. When you buy Feed and Potatoes buy by weight not by guess. We also have in connection first class horse and auto Livery. North Side Barn JULIUS MOCENSEN, Prop. PHONE 29. &! - - y -t-' Coates Lumber & Coal Co., Successors to The C. F. Iddings Co. KLEAN KOAL: NoXong WAITS when ordered. No short WEIGHTS when delivered. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. ELMER COATES, Manager. PHONE 7 Keith Theatre ONE NIGHT ONLY MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, GALA HOME COMING OF MARION DENTLER! OLIVER MOROSCO Presents THE SUPREME SUCCESS OF SUCCESSES Pi&V"'.1 wr -''i''iJi'. ' v.., Jam S W Safe w 8 W? w m &Y J. HARTLEY MANNERS I In which Laurette Taylor made a world's record run of two consecutive years in New York PrirG Lower Floor $1.50, $1.00. J. J. llt;& Balcony $1.00, 75c, 50c. SEATS ON SALE AT BOX OFFICE THURSDAY A. M. i T J y s 1 V