The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 01, 1914, Image 4

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    Pony Votin
on test
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Fifteen representative business houses of this
eily have organized to conduct a Pony Voting
Contest for children with a Shetland Pony, Cart
and Harness as the prize for which boys and
girls of Lincoln and adjoining counties under 16
may compel e. Children secure votes by solicit
ing them from patrons of the business men who
pay for the prize. Contest opened Saturday,
November 28th; and will run three months.
Any boy or girl under 16 can enroll without
it costing them a cent. Read below the terms
under which votes will be issued:
Business Firms that Give Coupons in Pony Contest.
Rush Merchantilc Co.
J. B. McDonald, Clothing.
Robert Dickey, Bakery and
! Dickey's Sanitary Laundry.
J. S. Davis Automobile Co.
Crystal & Keith Theatres.
The Semi-Weekly Tribune.
The Palace Cafe.
Brooks' Studio.
Harry Dixon, Jeweler.
Coates Lumber and Coal Co.
Howe & Maloney, Furniture.
Block's Ladies' Outfitting
Schiller's Drug Stores'
Fred Marti Central Meat
600 Children at
lening of Contest
With tho free show for tlio children
at tho Keith thcutre last Saturday
afternoon fifteen business men .
North Platte launched a pony voting
contest that bids fair to gain dally In
popularity. More than COO enthusi
astic kiddies attended the show at
which V. T. Wilson, of Columbus, did
the honors as host. He Hashed upon
the screen pictures of tho pony out
fits similar to tho ono which the busi
ness men of North Platto will give to
some lucky boy or girl next Febru
ary and explained tho features of the
Tho rules of tho gamo provide that
each boy or girl who enters tho con
test for tho Shetland pony and cart
must register his or hor nnino on a
card at tho placo of business of each
merchant who Is a member of tho con
test. Within two hours after the show
last Saturday ono merchant reported
sixty kiddles registered at his store
Regulations governing tho contest
nro so slmplo that any boy or girl may
easily understand them. Any child
under 1G years of age, residing in
Lincoln or adjoining counties, may
qualify for tho contest by registering
his or her name at each of tho fifteen
placeB of business. Onco they arc
In tho contest their duty Is to prevail
upon their relatives and frlcmla tp
patronlzo these fifteen business hous
es during the threo months of tho con
test. With ovory purchaso tho busi
ness mon will give out votes on which
tho name of tho child for whom tho
purchasor wishes to cast tho ballot
must bo written. At each business
houso a largo green ballot box has
been placed In a conspicuous place,
and tho votes may bo dropped Into
them at any time during tho contest.
No count of tho hallotB will bo mado
until tho closo of tho contest on Feb
ruary 18th. Tho Shetland pony, har
ness and cart which tho merchants
will glvo to tho boy or girl receiving
tho greatest number of votes, will ar
rivo Fobruary 1st, and will bo on dis
play from that time till tho end of tho
Koen interest la being displayed in
thlB novel raco. Already thousands of
votes havo been issued. Tho gamo is
still young, though, and parents arc
urged to entor their children's names
whllo tho chances aro good for them
to win,. Tho rules of tho contest ollm
iunto practically all tho objectionable
features that attend so many of such
undertakings. The chlldron aro not
asked to handlo any monoy, their only
duty being to got as many of their
friends ns possible to trade at tho con
test Btoros nnd savo thorn tho voteB.
There' aro no opportunities for dis
crimination or favoritism and every
child will havo an equal chance to win
tho finest pony outfit over scon in
North Platto.
in addition to tho pony, harness and
cart, m tho principal premium, six
watches wll bo given at Btx periodB
during tho contest to tho contestant
having tho highest number of votes.
No ono contestant, however, will ro
celvo more than one wntch. It might
occur thnt ono contestant would load
all othorB throughout tho contest, and
to glvo thlB ono contestant all six
wntches would bo unfair,. Should tho
contestant recolvlng tho first watch
bo ahead at tho tlmo tho second watch
Is awarded, tho contestant having tho
,noxt highest number would rooolvo
tho watch. Tho dates on which tho
ballots will bo counted for tho award
of tho watches will b December
10th, December 24th, January 7th,
January 21st .February 4th and Fob
ruary 18th. HallotB cast up to mid
night of theso dates will bo counted.
Tho following paragraphs set forth
tho opportunities for voto-gcltlng at
each of tho fifteen business houses
represented in tho contest, and all
At the Jlrookh' Studio.
At this time of tho year tho near
approach of Christmas every ono
thinks about having up-to-dato photo
graphs taken of themselves to send to
relatives and friends as a Christmas
remembrance. And it's a worthy
thought, for at Christmas tlmo our
minds turn to those wo love and cher
ish, It is a beautiful custom thus to
remember our relatives and friends,
and tho exchange of photos grows
nioro popular eacli year. It Is well to
remember that Christmas is not afar
off; don't wait until tho last minute
and then rush in and demand tho work
completed In an hoijr. Good work re
quires time.
At tho Brooks' studio artistic pos
ing and high-class finish aro two es
sentials closely studied and carried
out. You can ask your friends and
relatives to havo their photos made
by Brooks and they aro certain to
prove satisfactory.
Voting coupons will be Issued on
tho basis of 100 votes for a dollar and
photos sell at tho saino old price.
month, or 6,000 votes for the three
months of the cotest. Suppose you
get your family and two or three
neighboring families to patronize the
Hush Grocery during tho contest.
Aren't the votes worth whllo? They
may be enough to win the pony out
fit. Insist on everyone of your friends
asking for and getting the voting cou
pons with cash purchases, or money
paid on account. '
Selling Suits at Half Price
II. 1. Block, proprietor of North
Platto'a oxcluslvo ladles' ready-to-wear
store, Is ono of thoso who will
aid Koine boy or girl to secure tho
much coveted pony outfit. Buying at
Block's has a doublo advantage, for
not only will you recelvo votes at tho
rato of 100 for each dollar purchase,
but tho purchaser of a suit will get
It at Just ope-half, tho former selling
prlco, for that is the offer made by Mr.
Block on i all the suits In his store.
They arbr&U, 1914, models, and aro up
Urtho' m'faiuto In all tho requirements
of fashions. These Bults at halt price
ought to appeal to ovory lady In North
Platto, and at that price they aro cer
tain to go rapidly. Big reductions aro
also offered on dresses nnd coats.
Mr. Block's storo Is known all over
A Chance for Lots of Coupons.
On tho basis of 100 votes on each
dollar purchased, there will be thous
ands, many thousands, of votes given
out by tho Howe & Maloney furniture
store. So many of the articles sold
thero run into good sized sums. A
her room suite, a big rug, a kitchen
range, kitchen cabinet, pieces of par
lar furniture, brass beds, dining
room tables and chairs, easy rocking
chairs, and tho many other articles
I handled by this firm are of such na
ture that a sale of one article means
a hlg lot of coupons. By Inducing
friends to buy their furniture at the
Howo & Maloney store you make a
big winning of coupons and surely
tho result is worthy the effort. Sat
urday afternoon Mr. Maloney sold one
articlo alone that entitled tho buyer to
ovor 10,000 votes, and during this con
test ho will sell many such articles' to
tho friends of some contestant, .ybe
stock carried by Howo & Maloney
commands tho attention of all their
lino Is comploto and prices aro right.
No finer Christmas gift for the homo
than a nice article of furniture.
Tho Home of Good Clothes
J. B. McDonald, whose store is
known as "the home of good clothes,"
is another wide-awake merchant who
will assist In giving some "kiddy" that
pony outfit. One vote for each cent
expended in sums exceeding twenty
five cents will be given. Purchases
at a clothing store run Into big sums,
and therefore big lots of votes. Suits
and overcoats run from $10 to $30,
which means 1,000 or 3,000 votes, and
when you Influence a friend to buy a
suit or (Jvercoai at thej McDonald
store, the big bunch of votes you re
ceive will whoop up your total. There
isn't anything In the clothing, furnish
ing or shoe line that isn't carried at
the McDonald store, and if you intend
to make some one a Christmas present
or make one to yourself of a suit,
overcoat, nice sweater, fancy neck
wear, suspenders, hose, or other suit
able and lasting article, you will not
go wrong if you buy them at McDon
ald's. Every man in town shotild In
terest himself in some ono of the con
testants and help them to secure votes.
This you can do by buying at the Mc
Donald store, the only clohlng store
thnt issues votes on the pony contest.
A Jtenl Gift Shop.
It Is only twenty-four days until
Christmas and every business day of
tho twenty-four will bo busy ones at
the storo of Harry Dixon, The Jeweler.
Mr. Dixon's store Is a veritable blazo
of cut glass and diamonds, surround
ed by an immense stock of articles de
sirable for Christmas gifts. In order
that buyers might make their selec-
I tion early, Mr. Dixon has bought his
special Xmas stock early and has now
ready for your inspection a stock so
varied that you are not likely to ex
perience any difficulty in selecting
suitable gifts. Mr. Dixon is ono of
those participating in tho organiza
tion of tho Pony Contest and from the
Dixon store will be issued hundreds of
thousands of coupons. If some ono
'buys a diamond for $250 it means 25,-
000 votes for some contestant; a $50
watch means 5,000 votes, and a $10
vase means 1,000 votes, and so on
down the line.
should Induce all the contestants, and
their friends young and oid alike, to
buy their candy, ice cream apd other
goodies at tho Gem Candy Kitchen.
Remember this extra prize will bo
given at six different times during
tho contest.
It should bo understood, of course,
that Mr. Dickey at both his bakery
and tho candy kitchen gives ono voto
for every cent spent; ten votes with
each ten-cent loaf of bread, 100 votes
with each dollar box of candy and bo
forth. Everybody likes candy and Ice
cream, and everybody eats bread, but
at Dickey's bakery and at the Gem
you not only get bread and candy for
the same price as elsewhere but you
get pony votes. You therefore know
the places where you can advise your
friends to go.
Votes nt Hie Crjbtal and Keith
R. A,. Carman will give twenty-five
Dixon's Christmas pony votes with each ticket sold at
The Palace Cafo
Tho Palace Cafe, ono of the most
widely known eating houses In west
ern Nebraska, is ono of tho business
houses that gives one vote for each
ono cent expended. Whllo meals and
lunches vary from ten cents to, one
ilnllnr nr mnrn onrli. flin lmnilrpds
Lincoln and adjoining counties cs-8crve(1 cach dny nt tho popu,ar pfUaC0
peclally in tho counties west, from
which Bcction ho receives much trade.
HIb atock of ladled' ready-to-wear
goods Is complete in ovory lino, and ev
ery lady who has mado a purchaBO at
this storu. knows Block's prices aro
right. A $20 suit purchased at Block's
means 2,000 votes, a $30 dress 3,000
votes. Contestants can sco that It is
to their interest to Influcnco their lady
friends to buy their goods at Block's.
The Contest .Meat Market
Fred Marti, proprietor of tho Central
Meat Market, Issues voting coupons
with cash Bales ovor tho countor, nnd
with monoy received on book accounts.
Fresh meats aro a family necessity,
of uniform quality and prlco, and to
thla fact ho duly calls the attention
of tho children who have entered tho
contest. Singlo sales of meat do not
always represent as much money or
voting powor as thoy do In sotno other
lines of business, hut thoy roprosent
necessnry purchases mado by tho home
day after day. You remember how
tho turtle won tho race from tho rab
bit. Tho rabbit felt so sure of the race
that ho slopped to take a nnp. Tho
turtle kopt on going, and crossed tho
goal lino befpro tho rabbit woko up.
Tho samo principle applies to tho boy
or girl in tho contest who will work for
votes whonovor and whorovor it can
bo done honestly,. Everything in tho
moat nnd fish lino will be found at the
Central Market, nnd tho controlling
aim of Mr. Marti Is to handle and soil
only tho host of ovorythlng in his lino.
i;or)bodj Buys Groceries.
Tho Rush Morcnntllo Co. took a
contest inomhorshlp nnd now tho ques
tion nrlsos How can a boy or girl work
to ndvantago In securing tho votes Is
sued by a grocery storo? Tho answer
Is easy. Every family needs and uses
groceries. Suppose a contest boy or
girl should say to futhor or mother or
tho noxt-door neighbors, "why don't
you buy your groceries at tho Rush
Grocory during this pony contest, and
glvo mo tho votes?" Don't you sup
poao tho votes would amount to some
thing boforo tho contest closos? Tho
averago family consumes about $20
Cafo aggregates a big sum of money
each day, with the result that thous
ands of votes wll bo Issued, daily by
Rlchlo Ugai, tho proprietor, or somo
of his clllclcnt help. Tho concstants
havo friends who buy meal tickets at
tho Palace and each tlmo they buy a
ticket thoy recelvo GOO votes. That
number is worth going after by any
contestant, and when any of your
friends go out for dinner ask them to
go to tho Palace, get the coupons nnd
glvo them to you. Everything thnt Is
good to eat will bo found at tho Pnl
aco; short orders aro given prompt
attention, regular meals that aro a
poor of any aro served, and nlmost any
kind of lunch mny he had. The Palace
will lssuo hundreds of thousands of
votes during this contest, nnd it will
bo a rich field for the contestants to
Schiller A; Co. arc In Line
Edgar Schiller, of the Schiller &
Co. drug stores the Rexall and the
Nyal stores is secretary of tho asso
ciation formed to carry on the Pony
Contest, nnd this is a guarantee that
tho contest will bo on the "square" in
every .particular. He is enthusiastic
in the contest and whllo, like all oth
ers who are promoting It, he will play
no favorites, ho is anxious that both
town and country boys and girls be
,como Intorested in tho contest. Every
dollar spent at the Rexall and Nyal
drug stores means 100 votes for some
contestant, and It isn't necesary to be
come sick in order to need some of the
goods carried at these stores. Ar
ticles suitable for Christmas gifts are
hero found, among which are kodaks,
and by the way there Is scarcely any
thing thnt gives more real pleasure
or is a source of more Interest than
a kodak. Every day incidents occur
at tho homo or In the neighborhood
that would make lntcresing subjects
for a picture. All sizes of kodaks are
kept In stock at various prices. In
addition tho Nyal and Rexall stores
carry perfumes, put up specially for
tho Christmas trado; then there is
fino stationery, pocket knives, safety
razors and plenty of other articles
sultahlo for gifts. Having your friends
trado nt the Rexall and Nyal stores
means votes for you, and overy 100
votes Is worth capturing. And if you
must havo proscriptions filled, why
of course there aro no better places
than tho Rexall and Nynl stores.
trado wll be heavy, there's no ques
tion about that, so contestants should
get in "the swim" and have their
friends buy their Christmas goods at
tho Dixon store and thus reap the
benefit of the coupons. Get busy, you
contestants, havo your friends buy
early and thus get a big lot of cou
pons right on tho start of tho contest.
Don't neglect to advise all that Dix
on's store is a real gift shop.
Votes In 100,000 Lots.
That's tho offoring of the Davis
Garago Co. The reason for It is per
fectly natural and legitimate, becnuso
this firm is entitled to lssuo 100 pony
votes with ovory ensh snlo or collec
tion of book accounts it makes, Just
as other merchants In tho deal. Just
to lllustrnto tho voting power of
goods sold by nn nutomobllo houso:
The Bulck 37 nutomobllo soils at $1300
(f. o. b.). North Platto, which Is good
for 130.000 votes; and a Bulck 25 for
$1025 good for 102500 votes; People
who havo driven nnd studied automo
biles agree that thoro nro no bettor
cars on tho market today for tho mon
oy than the now models of tho Bulck
cars. Thoy aro both electric-lighted
and edoctric-startod, and both embody
the best and most modern features of
modern auotomobilo construction.
Boys and girls In tho pony contest may
conscientiously invito their parents,
their relatives or thoir friends to buy
a Bulck for ovory reason in tho world,
including tho bonoflt of tho pony votes.
Tho Davis Garago Co. also issue
votes with all money paid on account
during tho contost, with ovory snlo of
gasollno, oil, tiros, tubes or othor uc
cessorlcs, nnd with ovory cash Job of
ropnlrlng. Tho Davis Garago Co. has
bold 149 Buicks so far this year
worth of grocorles a month. In threo
children, parents and patrons should months tlmo, then, tho averago family That's real evidence of tho real good
read thorn carefully: will bo entitled to 2,000 votes each ncss of tho Bulck car
Cleanliness Next to Godliness
Everybody likes to look clean, feel
clean and ho clean, and this refers to
our apparel as well as to our bodies
Somebody has said that "Cleanliness
is Next to Godliness," and whoa ho
said that ho spoke the truth. Ed
Diokoy, proprietor of tho Sanitary
Laundry 1b therefore engaged In n very
laudable work, for by washing and
ironing pooplo's clothes in a truly
sanitary way ho keeps them cleanly,
thoreforo holpa thorn to bo hotter,. Mr.
Dickoy Is known throughout western
Nebraska ns your "Bosom Friend,"
which interpreted means that ho pre
pares "clean fronts" for both men and
women, and a clean front is always at
tractive. Every tlmo a patron pays
tho Sanitary Laundry a dollar 100
votes for tho pony contost uro issued,
and thero nro sovornl hundred young
mon in North Platto who will havo
about 100 votes a week to givo to
contestants. Find out who patronlzo
tho Sanitary Laundry; nnd whon you
run across somo ono who don't, toll
thorn to try Mr. Dickey. If his trial
doesn't provo satisfactory, Dickey
will consider tho proposition of giv
ing you a pony on his own hook
but of courso tho trial will provo sat
isfactory Remember your "Bosom
Friend's" laundry Is on Sixth street,
Jint wet of Locust
Wants Some Child to be Happy
Elmer Coates, manager of the Coates
Lumber & Coal Go., says he came into
the contest mere- because ho wanted
to make somo boy pr, girl happy than
for any oher reason. He wants some
boy or girl in Lincoln, county to pos
sess a fine Shetland pony, cart and
harness, without having to.' pay for It.
Tho fact that a poor boy or girl has
Just as good a chance to win the pony
outfit as the rich boy or girl, appealed
to him. Just like all other business
men engaged in this contest he of
fers 100 votes on every dollar paid
him for lumber, coal or building ma
terial, and also for money paid on ac
count. A ton of Rock Springs coal
entitles tho buyer to 750 coupons, and
every contestant has friends who will
each buy during this contest ono or
more tons of coal,. Tho Coates yard
is tho only one that Issues pony cou
pons. Yesterday a country resident
bought a bill of lumber for a big
barn, and somo tlmo this week he will
call for his coupons entitling him to
thousands of votes. Perhaps some
contestant has a friend who will build
a houso or barn; tell him where ho can
buy lumber thnt calls for coupons.
Thero Isn't anything in the lumber
and coal line that cannot be found at
tho Coates Company yard.
tho Crystal and at the Keith picture
shows,. This applies toall tickets,
whether ten cents or five cents each.
A little mental calculation will con
vince you 'that Mr. Garman will han
dle somo votes. If he has an audi
ence of but 200 at each show house
each evening it means 10,000 votes,
but of courso you know a 200 audi
ence never happens at the Crystal or
Keith, the homes of tho good pic
tures 400 at each place would bo
more like the truth, and this would
mean 20,000 votes a night. Here is a
rich field for the boy and girl contest
ants to work. Get all your friends to
attend tho Keith or the Crystal, or
both and get them to give you tho
votes they receive,. There's a big
stack of votes In store for the kiddles
who are up on their toes and havo
gone Into the contest to win. Every
body goes to tho Crystal and the Keith
and everybody who calls for their votes
will get them. The shows put on by
Mr. Garman are always of a good
class, that accounts for the crpwds
at his two show houses. If tho pic
tures were not good, the people would
not go that's logical, isn't it. Only
at these two picture show houses can
you get the pony votes.
IMtkoj Offers Additional l'ries
R. R,. Dickey, proprietor of tho
Dickey Bakery and also owner of the
Gem Candy Kitchen, gives votes on
nil good sold nt both his establish
ments. As nn extrn Inducement for
kiddles to put forth their best efforts,
ho offers fivo pounds of homo mado
candy to tho boy or girl who secures
tho highest number of votes at the
Gem Candy Kitchen during tho six
periods as provided by the watch
awards; that is at six different dates
Mr. Dickoy will presont fivo pounds
of enndy. This applies only to the
Gom Candy Kitchen, and not at his
other plnco of business. Five pounds
of Dickey's famous candy is worth
working for nnd nil tho tlmo you Wp
on increasing your pony votes Tills
The Tribune's Voting Schedule.
Votes will bo issued by The Tribune
for money paid on subscription
whether in arrearage or for new cash
in advance subscribers. By reason
of the fact that tho volume of business
transacted by a newspaper is much
less than a store selling goods, Tho
Tribune is authorized by the man
agement to givo one thousand votes
for each dollar paid on subscritlons.
That means that a city subscriber who
pays for a year receives 1,500 votes
for tho $1.50 ho pays, whj'e the out-of-town
subscriber receives 1,250 votes
for tho $1.25 he pays. If some good
friend of a contestant wishes to pay
fivo years In advanco he will be given
7,500 votes which by jtho way, is
somo votes.
On payments for Job work and ad
vertising tho schedulo will bo 100
votes for each ono dollar paid.
The Pony and Outfit that will be given away.