I it. p. 1 1 u l f Pi f m 1 ' s&j&Syaag&s tSflatil .' fjeu En With throttles wiili' open, every ounce of steam in play quivering under their powerful exhausts, tliree locomotives haul a train of heavily loaded coal cars over the crest of the Alleghany Mountains on the Pennsylvania Railroad. One engine, alone, could not move them? two, might with great effort move them lor a short distance, but three working in complete harmony, all intent uprn ,.? aam work furnish ample power for the prodigious task. Thus is shown the'mighty force of Co-Ope ration. And you, Mr. Man, every one of you who contemplate purchasing a piano or player-piano; if you would Co-Operate, combine your purchasing power with that of your neighbors, the mighty force of your dollars would be no less wonderful. Do you know that you have that opportunity for the first time? Do you know that we have made it possible for you and your neighbors to get together, Co-Operate with an army of piano purchasers and us and secure for yourself more real piano value for your money than you ever before dreamed possible? Our Co-Operative Family Snlo means that, and more. It means that not only can you buy the piano or player of your choice" at unheard of low prices but that you can buy it for that low price and pay for it on the lowest installment terms that you can possibly desire Judging from the promptness in which economical, thinking folks are taking advantage of this chance, we are pretty safe in saying this' sale will eclipse anything ever attempted before in the piano business, tlu), saving to each individual will amount to a tidy sum, the saving in the aggregate will be enormous We havo told you in previous announcements how we have been planning for this Rig Co-Operative Family Sale for months, how, iu preparing for it we purchased an extraordinary number of instruments at one time to effect the first saving the factory price then by selling them in a short, limited time, eliminating all the heavy selling expenses of the old way, selling hundreds as though to one person by means of this Co-Operative Family, we are enabled to make the prices and terms so low that no person, no matter what his income, can afford to be another day without music in his home. Besides the low prices and terms there are other worth while features benefits and they do not cost you one penny, Uettcr join this big Co-Operative movement for low prices today and secure all these benefits. JsraC3irje':KMi'TwiMsi',i!'i rf . eggxarea5xrmrTamT,vOTP;riyrxayrwgiwagvmi mm PIANOS Knube, A. B. Chime. So haeffer. McPhall, Packard, Price & Teeple, H. S. Howiird, Kimball, IJrlnk erhoff, Smitb & Humes, Marshall & Wendell, Wllaon, Crown, Holland, Ga hton, Willard. PLAYRU PIANOS Price & Tee pie. A 11. Chase-Artlatlno, Sclmoffcr llarmonola, Apuilo, l rov n-Combu.ola Auloplano, Hoffman imzEZszMiraxissAKxvz TaivmsstrxsHme?, erms on pjarjos as Bow as- WBSSBBBgg i&jyxitV fI0 DOWN m !" ffTIt r HI .'Ml 1. LlHIIWi Uimim. .. . mm. . ,.. .. . .-. al Li0 rc-M-J '!,-' .A.j' r-i V rw .. M m wmmmm.-"rzmnmwm ubi-- vsbkmii i xf ha m m.. r- w; hi KAi'.'svrtvriNt,,i.,:'ii ' i-wii u kvui -r,v.visajtAV;HWnYi5MW5.r; ra n b i.K.iv.w?,iJ'rvrW'0,?re-v;TS5' i tw i Kstn jwrryi rjiv&.jr.'ji i ! i ii fflmsmt: i i .f 1 1 k n mmfflsmimm. irsw isiai SALK PRICK 2MS lE? ... ,,, .,.., ,.,... Jli Pfr'WOTD 1 ..KreZ!lrv - r- .-r.M.-nrXTr!vVwmBHIH I I A,-Mi,.iMM.t,u',aiwMnf(t.M.MtwniKJ ar-i U .,, wtivfi i. . wa Tftl -V J-l - sioaasti Ksm!auxczaoMa2rXiiBiK.va3 1 OTIIEK FEATURES, BENEFITS, ETC., WHICH DO NOT COST YOU A PENNY FKEE TRIAL For St) days ,3011 may try out the piano you select 111 your home. If at the end of that time ! you do not want to keep it notify i us and we will send for the piano 3 and return to you every cent yon n may Inne paid. FHEE EXCHANGE PRIVILEGE Any time within one year you may exchange your piano for a plnyer or higher priced instrument and we will allow you all that you have paid out. TREE DELIVERIES AH pianos nr players are put in your homo fre of charge. This applies to ex- ', 1. !.. a mooI to match and a scurf. WK GIVE with each idayer-piano, a bench, scarf and 12 rolls of music of your own selection. WARRANTIES Each instru ment is guaranteed against all de fects. Some the jears, some a life time l)j the makers. On top of that wo ghe our personal warranties, doublj protecting ou. T35L"7i.jirrrilinrr?3';. ' riO-x?nrTTflW3BBwamrae3: 11111I Send l's Tuday. : SALE PRICK $210 p tnrti;nwMrr fi wmwtmmmt iMiumvJ' f nr-fFBTFJ'jyjagiJBiJBtgiwjHim iyf fgmy I tSj" INF0J13IATI0S COUPON grJ (ut Out, Fill In, SI'ii l,j fiustmt JIuhIc Co. LSj (Jentlemeii: Kindly send me list of Co-Operntlve, liar 5U t'aulH ui "t uxi'i'wl ? in prlco and tlio terms on Kiuue. Prefer SALK price $lms SALE IMIICK i?l7 SALE PRICE $ls7 SVLF PRICK $I(IS Gaston Mu sic Co. 1 .maku SI(;ii . . AdilreHH Clinton's Jewelry Store. (;aaXgsKoarnc,, GnUMl Is,,lml North Platte, Nebraska. V3J . H Copyright 19H. C. W. McCOMlJES Ueprodiietlon in pnrt or whole positively prohibited. -PJ A - Jr--" "