f(A m e" i .o ntte mi-WtMis Wibtmt TWENTY-NINTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEI3., NOVEMBER 27, 19M. No. 89 Mtfvth ma K 1 H V CITY ASfl) COUNTY NEWS Special salo tit Wilcox Department Storo closes Saturday night. Tlio Et-A-Virp club will bo enter tained Tuesday home of Mrs. J. A. afternoon Adams. at the llr. E. W. Fetter of Brady spent yes terday lu this city visiting friends and taking in the football game Saturday is tlio last day of the spe cial salo at "Wilcox Department Store. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Wright of.Gerlng spent yesterday In th city the guests of Judge and Mrs. II. M. Grimes. Miss Dea Hardin, of llig Springs, stopped off in tho city Wednesday ev ening for a visit with friends. Tho district court docket will be called this afternoon at 2; 30 from tho ofllco of tho clerk of tho district court. Weather forecast for North Platte and vicinity: Fair tonight and Satur day; warmer. ' Highest tempcraturo yesterday G9, a year ago 57; lowest last night 23, a year ago 21. Seo thoso new stamped linens and art goods for Christmas at Wilcox De partment Store. Mrs. Merle Bartholomew arrived in the city Wednesday evening to visit for a week with her mother, Mrs. Thornburg and other relatives and friends. Charles Van Fatton and Grover Van Nordheim left this morning for their homes In Hastings after visiting In tho city for several days at the E. N. Ogier home. They camo up to at tend the football game and spend Thanksgiving. In tho last Issuo of our paper we printed that Mrs. Maggie Drake was taking treatment for rheumatism at tho P .E. Haynes home. The item was telephoned in and tho reporter got tho name wrong. It should havo been Mrs. Maggie Gregg. Don't worry and tire yourself out trying to make your Christmas presents this year, but wait and buy them at tho bazaar to be given "by tho Methodist aid society at the Ma sonic hall on December 17th. Sup per will bff served nlso. Keep in mind dato and place. A number of the high school stud ents held a dancing party last evening at tho Masonic hall honorary to the York high school football boys. A largo crowd was In attendance and a pleasant' evening was enjoyed. Mu sic was furnished by Cjowe's orchestra. Tho small son of Mr. and Mrs. Altchcy is roportcd qulto sick with pneumonia. For Rent 5 room house with bath and lights, 40G cast Fourth street. Phono black S33. 89t2 Iko New, of Omaha, visited in tho city over Thanksgiving at tho home of L. P. Jcnson. Dr. nnd Mrs. Guffey, of Sutherland, wero In tho city yesterday to attend tho football game. Ray Straley, a banker from Suther land, spent yesterday n tho city to witness tho football game. Miss Nora Jeffcrs left yesterday morning for Shelton to visit friends until Sunday evening. T. S. Cover and son Ivn, formerly of this city, but of lato living in Idnho, aro In town visiting friends. Ladles Suits one-half price nt the Wilcox Department Storo. Fay Lloyd, of Keystone, arrived in tho city yesterday for a visit with his parents and friends. Ira Ditto and Arthur Sullivan of Brady wero in the city yesterday to attend tho football game. Tho B. P. O. Elks will hold a dancing party at their home this ev ening. Music will be furnished by Crowo's orchestra. Mr. Richiger of Wellllcet, who un derwent an operation at the Brown Memorial hospital last week, was able to return to his home today Shoots at II tin Four Times The Tryon Graphic dated yesterday says: Fred Siegeling of the May flower neighborhood was in the city yesterday and swore to an information charklng Mrs. Saloma Jones with shooting at him with intent to kill. Mr. Siegeling holds a note and mort gage past duo, against Absolom A. Lusk, father of Mrs. Jones, and was at his placo to see if Mr. Lusk would pay. They had some hot words and Lusk dared Seigeling to get off his horse. Mrs. Jones went into tho house and got a revolver and ordered Siegeling off tho placo and at the samel time commenced shooting at him. Fred says she llred at him four or five times when he was leaving, one bullet hitting the horse in the right hip and inflicting a wound so serious that ho could not ride him and had to hire one of his neighbors to bring him in. County Judge Stack issued tho warrant and at the time of gong to press the sheriif had gone to serve it. $25. Suits and Overcoats $10 to Our many new models in both suits and overcoats are worth seeing whether you want to buy now or not. Fabrics that lend themselves gracefully to the fine tailoring of the attractive models have been carefully selected to make garments exceptionally full of style and quality. WE HAVE A STYLE FOR THE BUSINESS MAN WE HAVE A STYLE FOR THE PROFFESSIONAL MAN WE HAVE A STYLE FOR EVERY MAN NO MATTER WHAT HIS REQUIREMENTS SHIRTS HATS CRAVATS aiAXIIATTAN and oVINDEX Tho equal In stylo and fit of a custom made shirt, but tho price a whole lot lower for equal quality. $1.00 to $.'.00 STETSONS and OTHERS Late Fall models from tho foremost hat makers in this country insures you tho mbst reliable quality. $2.00 !o $r.00 liCtfAll ml WISON 1JROS. Well dressed men aro always particu lar about their cravats. You'll find tho best dressed men buy their cravats here. flOc lo 1.50 The Store Where You Feel at Home HARCOURT & JENSEN NORTH PLATTES MODERN CLOTHING STORE, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Byron, of Gothenbuig, wero visiters in tynvn yesterday and attended tho foot ball game. George Urown and James Pulllam of llrady were in tho city yesterday to take in tho York-North Platte football game. Kcv. Fr. Carroll, formerly priest of tho local Catholic parish, arrived from Wisner the early part of the week and remained over Thanksgiving. Miss Myrtle Heeler and Mis3 Helen Waltemath arrived homo from tho state university Wednesday to spdul Thanksgiving and tho week end with relatives. CITY AND COUNTY NEWS KJSEacaaBEHSJEgHEE'i EcnasoBEac! Styles at about half regular price W ' 1! Jv Patent kid, cloth top, short, Patent kid, bilk brocade top, stubby tip toe concave heel ttent kid, serge top, "French last," plain toe These shoes are of the finest quality all genuine "Goodyear'1 welts and are "Union Made" The price is not $5.00 or $4.00 hut I have your size Pw I fit all feet. HARRY'S SHOE Ralph Graham of Omaha arrived In tho city yestorday morning io spend Thnnksglvlng day with friends. Scott Cowglll, a former Lincoln county resident now residing In Washington, is visiting friends in this city. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Cpats at Reduced Prices at IJLOCK'S. Mrs. H. II. Shrincr, trained nurse, whoi had been nursing F. C. Letts, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Lott3 to Omaha this morning. Conductor Fred Letts, who was taken to tlio Methodist hospital at Omaha UiIb morning, is suffering from gall bladder trouble and ulcerations of tho stomach. lie has sulfered in tensely for two or tlireo days past. Ruehanan & Patterson report sales of real cstato tills month aggregating $10,000. The Jinn sold $12,000 worth of their own land south of Hershey, ono tract to. Jake Koch, tho other to Fred Huebner. Dr. T. J. Kerr leaves today for Omaha whero ho will take Conductor Fred Letts to tlio Methodist hospital for consultation with Dr. Jonas. Con ductor Letts has been ailing for some time nnd his condition is now quite sorious. Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Slianer, re siding ten miles south and a little east of tho city wero favored Wednesday evening with a welcome visit from the stork who deposited a. ten pound boy, for whom tlioy celebrated yesterday, ifi being thankful. Mrs. Thos. L. Green underwent a serious operation Wednesday evening at tho P. & S. hospital. Her condition was quite sorious, but she is reported getting along nicely now. Mrs. Green was taken ill last Friday evening nnd her condition gradually became worst) until an operation was neces sary. Tlio Celebrated Lightning Combined Power Self-feed liny Press at Her sIicn'n opposite post oflice. l'liona lo. i ICx-sherlff Walter Sammons was found guilty by n jury in tho federal court in Omaha yesterday of robbing I uiu iiuiiruuy jiusioiuuu 01 n $n,uuu run istored packago last Christmas. Tlio trial had been in progress for a week, and tho jury was out four hours. Tlio penalty of tho crime is $2,000, or Im prisonment for not more than flvo years. Dolberl Smith, implicated with Summons, pleaded guilty to giv ing tho postolllco koys to Sammons. Tho $5,000 has not bo recovered. Sen tence has not been pronounced. Ki. Uohncr, of Gothenburg, llrst baseman on last pcasoji's baseball team, was visiting friends In tho city yestorday. Ho camo up for tho foot ball game. Fog Signals. All tho up to dato light stations pos sess fog signals for warning tlio milli ner of the presence of rocks and other dangers In foggy weather. The larger ones are so powerful that their blasts can be beard twenty-live to thirty miles out at sea. Jliwt of them are worked by compressed air, u gas en glue of perhaps twenty or twenty-lb e horsepower being brought into rcquHi tlon for this purpose. The siren Is blown periodically every seventy, eighty or ninety seconds or so, the no tuiil blnt lasting perhaps about two or three seconds. It means that while tlio siren Is running, In the case of the larger appurtus. something like 500 horsepower Is being expended in the production of sound. Scientific Amoii can. Tho Orator Scored. "Who Is there,'; cried tho Impassion ed orator, "who will lift a voice against tho truth of my statement?" Just then a donkey on tho outskirts of the crowd gave vent to one of the piercing "hee-haws" of tho tribe. Tho laugh was on tho orator for a moment; but. assuming an air of tri umph, lie lifted his yolco above the din to say, "1 know nobody but an ass would try it." London Globe. Still in Search For Jlody. Tlio body of Vernon Connctt, who was murdered last August nccordlng to tho testimony of Roy Roberta, 1ms not yet been found nnd mnny aro out each day In search for it. Although yesterday wns a holiday ninny went out on tlio search. A largo posso has been out eacli day tills week scouring tho Holds in tho llirdwood vicinity whero tho body Is supposed to havo been buried. Ono on tho Voice, Lecturer Ladles and gentlemen, wo shall consider tills opening the funda mental principles of architecture. Tho Etruscans- A Wandering Voice How d'ye build a dog house? Lec turer (solicitously) Aro you going to move? Judge. No Risk. "I wonder If tho Rnbbleys run nny risk of ostracism If they go to that fashionable resort?" "Oh, no; they've all been vaccinated." Ualtlinoro American. .n Time Cnrd In lifted Sunday Tho now Union Pacific for tho Grand Island to North Platte district and all along tho Union Pacific main lino goes into effect Sunday, Novemboj 20th. Willi tho exception of taking off passenger trains Nob. 11 nnd 14 tlioro aro only a Tow changes In tho tinio of tho nrrival of trains. Folow lng arc the changes that will go Into ofi'dct Sunday: Fast bound: No. 4, old tinio 10:40, now tlmo 10:45; No. 12, old tlmo 11:50, now time 11:30; No. 201, old tlmo 0:00, new tlmq, 0:10; West bound: No. C, old tlmo 4:02 now tlmo 4:32; No. 9. old tlmo 8:00, new time 8:112; No. 13," old tlmo 0-24, now tlmo 7:10. Tun (ioiid (hiiues Th Pirates defeated tho Cubs In it good bowling match Tuesday evening by the seoie of 22S3 to 2002. Eacn team had only four men and scored tho fifth man as a straw, giving an nverago score of 150. Monday evening tho Outlaws and Federals climbed with a scoro of 2383 to 2003 In favor of tho Outlaws: Following aro tho scores: Cubs Eshclman 151 151 143 448 Tucker 145 123 125 393 Jones 157 108 150 41G Scoonover 141) 124 113 38C Straw .. .. ..150 150 150 450 Indescribable. "Lovo Is an emotion which may bo felt but cannot bo adequately de scribed," observed tlio sage. "So Is seasickness," replied the fool. Cincinnati Enquirer. Chronic Grouch. "Ilnvo'you got dyspepsia?" "No." "Thou what's tho uso or Acting all tho tlmo like you hurt?"-Louisville Courier-Journal. BUILDING AND LOAN BUILDING Important. Hour in mind Hint Chamberlain's tablets not only niovo tho bowols but llinnrnvn tho nnnntltri nnil Klrciii'llirii Totals 7C5 Pirates Carlson 140 Maker 183 Ackonnan 149 W. Landgraf .. ..132 Straw .. .. ..150 050 081 2092 171 137 138 137 150 159 11G 18G 1C0 150 489 43G 473 435 450 run hunt Houses Rooms, Storage Space nnd Safe llcposll lloxos. . 1HIATT .V (JOODMAN. COL. M. h. iMcDHJMIOTT (icncrnl Auctioneer - L'O Years' Experience Sleek k Farm Sales n Specialty Phono Red l(i I Resilience HI I west Third Street SOUTH PLATTi:, MIURASKA. Totals 703 733 Outlaws Adams 182 105 Leonard 191 188 Carlton 138 114 A. Sandall .. ..150 150 1). Rankin 177 119 787 2283 183 102 150 150 131 530 544 402 450 457 Totals 811 700 770 2383 IVilcrals Uullard 125 157 158 440 Shook 120 138 125 383 Armstrong 150 150 150 450 Stogmnn 143 15G 91 390 Samolson 133 171 120 430 tho digestion For sule by all dealers Totals 071 772 050 2090