The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 24, 1914, Image 8

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    Semi-Weekly Tribune
Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher.
Olio Year by Mall In Athnncc. ,. .31.2,1
One Year by Carrier in Advance .$1.50
Entered at North Platto, Nebraska,
Postolllco na Second Class Matter.
TUESDAY NOV. 2'1, 19 M.
V H. Maloney of the Howe & Ma
lonoy store left Friday evening for
Omaha on a business trip.
Airs. I3aier, of Detroit, Mlcln, ar
rived In the city Friday for an extend
ed -with bur daughter, Mrs. O. T.
Charles LIslou of the Dickons vi
cinity was visiting friends and trans
acting business In this city Friday and
Thomas Ilealey and George Coates
returned Sunday from Iowa City
where thoy witnessed the Iowa-Nebraska
foot ball game.
J. 0. Heeler and W. V. Hoagland, of
this city, will deliver addresses at the
stato Irrigation convention which will
convene at Bridgeport December 2d.
Several local people attended the
danco given Friday evening at Urady
by Van Doran's orchestra. They re
port a good attendance and a lino
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mason, of
Aurora, III., arrived In tho city yes
terday to visit over the -Thanksgiving
holidays with Mr. Mason's parents,
Mr and Mrs. A. M. Mason.
0 M. Newton has returned from
Kansas City whejro ho attended a
meeting of tho district ngents of tho
Curtis Publishing Co. Thirty-live
agents from four states wore present.
Vice-President W. L. Park" of tho
Illlnos Central, has been appointed a
member of tho board of inedlntltm
which will bear the evidence in tho
dispute between tho engineers and the
managers of tho western railroads.
r W. F. Crook and daughter,
! , v.:-"i Sunday from Iowa
l itv whero thoy went to take In tho
foot ball game. Dr. Crook was a
btude nt at tho Iowa University.
The Maxwell high school basket
ball team defeated the high school
Unin'rom Sutherland Friday evening
by the scoro of lfi-to 14. Tho gatno was
hotly contested and was Interesting
from beginning to end. A lanro crowd
witnessed tho game, some going down '
irom here.
Mrs. Y. A, I Unman returned Frldny
evening from an extended visit with
her parents on tho const. She was
called thec by the serious Illness of
her father, W. J. Crimen. She re
ports her father's condition much Im
proved, but ho Is still quite poorly.
Mr. and Mrs. Crusen formerly lived In
this city.
The local land olllce has received a
circular stuttiig that on and after
December 1st, and until Decomber
31, 1!)15, a Jen cent Internal rovonuo
stamp must bo nfllxed to each cer
tified copy of a patent or record
Funds with which to purchase tho
stamps cannot bo accepted, -the appli
cant must furnish tho stamp.
A Muldoon, Fred Oulinette, Norm
Wilson and Dick Kenrns returned
Thursday from a two" days' hunting
trip caBt of here. They brought baclu
iui''i.'ii Krunu iiini ni. uiiiiuwu uuckm.
They stated that the llrst day they
had good shooting, but the second day
they had no luck at all as there were
no birds Hying In thai vicinity.
wan lT;t1TTfllU lariimtTTTrTriimTa'
We Wish
l im :
Hoiicho Huys More Land
George Garman, who lives twonly
ono miles southwest of town, came In
Saturday to closo tho sale of his G40
acres to Joseph Rouchc, of Kansas.
Mr. Rouche some Units ago purchased
tho Mclntyro section, tho Frnnk Gar
man section and two tectlons of N. II.
Spurrier, mnklng a compact body of
3200 acres. Ho also controls a num
ber of other sections nnd wo learn that
It Is bis intention to run a herd of
1C00 cattle. Ho has-been grazing 100
bead this summer on n portion of the
High School Defeats Seniors
Tho Senior football team was de
feated Friday afternoon by other
classes' by a scoro of 20 to 0, the
seniors making one touchdown nnd
tho high school scoring tbreo touch
downs nnd kicking two goals. The
seniors had eight members of the llrst
string squad on their team and the
classes had seven members. The
classes, however, bad a larger num
ber of tho first team legulars and al
so had a number of heavy players to
fill up with.
Soldier's Hod) Disinterred.
The body of Edward Gtlbcrg, the
soldier who died In tho county jnil
here about a month ago, was disin
terred Saturday and removed to Fort
McPherson whero burial was .made
In the government ccmetsty. On rc-
cu nt of tho confusion nt I'm of
Gllberg's deaJi ho W13 Interred in
the North Platte cemetery but tih
i'rainsh war veterans appllcu to tho
government nnd, got permission to
have tho body removed.
Visits Ford Plant In Deiner.
W. J. Ilendy returned Saturday from
a visit with bis brother Chas. Hondy,
Jr., who is manager of tho Ford Auto
mobile plant In Denver. This a gen
eral agency plant and carries an Im
menso stock of supplies. All parts
of cars are sent to tho Denver plnnt
in tho rough and Micro finished and
put together. Two hundred and sev-
enty-thrco men nro employed In tho
various departments, fow of whom re
ceive less than five dollars a day. Ira
LeMnster, formerly of this city, bus
been employed thero for about three
months, tho plant occupies an Im
mense four story building, and Mr.
Hendy says that overy department is
kept as neat and clean ns any privnto
House, and tuo business Is carried on
In a wonderfully systematic manner.
Union Thanksgiving Services
Tho churches of tho clly will Join
together noxt Thursday mornliiK In
union services In observation of
Thanksgiving' day. These services
are observed every year and nro held
at tho dllferent protestant churches.
Tho services this year will bo held at
the Baptist church Thursday morning
at 11 o'cvlock and Rev. J. C. Christio
of tho Presbyterian church will de
liver tho sermon. Music will bo fur
nished by the Uaptlst choir. Tho ser
vices last year wore held at tho Epis
copal church and wero attended by a
largo number. All residents of tho
clly are Invited to bo out to the ser
vices Thursday morning and It Is
hoped that a good numbor will be
Take Notice
We, tho undersigned blacksmiths
and horse shoers , havo decided to
place our business on a CASH BASIS.
Thorofore, on and after Doc. 1, 1911,
all work and material will bo strictly
Ed Hums, of Maxwell, was visiting
In tho city Saturday on business nt
tho court bouse.
J. II. Coleman of Peckham precinct
was a business visitor to tho county
cnpltol Saturday, transacting business
at the court house.
You a
There's real delight in being senti
mental now and then; in opening
one's heart; in annointing one's soul
with the oil of kindness; in passing
along a part of the happiness 0110
It is good to be alive at Thanksgiv
ing time to share tho joys of youth
and home to increase our happiness
by giving a part to others.
In this golden time wo hope your
cup may be filled, and that in truth
your Thanksgiving Day may bo all it
meant to tho forofathers who created
Telephone and Spread Good Chacr
Thanksgiving Comes But
Once a Year
The certain will bo rung down on
the 11)11 foot ball season at .1
Thanksgiving day when York High
school and North Platte meet here In
their annual battle. This will be tho
fourth gatno that North Plntte and
York havo played and to date tho lo
cal boys havo taken two games to
York's one. All throe of the previous
games were played at York, this be
ing tho first yenr that York has conx'
west. Judging from comparativ
scores, the two teams this year arc
as ovcnlyinatcbed as could be wished.
Yorlc and Kearney tied nothing to
nothing early In the s ason, Omaha
won from York seven to notlilng and
from North Platte fourteen to six. A
close, hard game is assured on Thurs
day. An even greater crowd than that
which attended the Omaha game will
undoubtedly turn out nnd many will
drlvo In from out of town In cars.
The olllelals for the game are Har
vey Rathbone (ox-Nebraska)' referee;'
Jim Harvey (oH-Nebraska) umpire,
and Jim Keefo (ox- Notre Dame) head
Tho teams will lino up as follows:
North Platte York
Overman lo..... Scamohorn
Gregg It...' Conway
Vornon Ig Little
Miller c... Myers, Captain
Hood rg Forbes
Uoguo rt Morgan
Thompson re Miller
Cool q Osborne
Hoxlo '.....rub , .... Cox
Kelly fb Taeuger
Louden, Captain ... lb Olmsted
For Kent
010 acres at G5c per acre; all good
farming nnd hay land; 1C0 acres In
cultivation; good four room house;
barn for 8 bead horses, gralnery 24x10
good well, 10 foot Sampson mill, ce
ment cave 12x18, chicken house 12x15.
0 miles north of Wallace on C. B. & Q.
12 miles south of Suthorland on U. P.
Ry. Address W. R. HARDING,
8St2 North Platte, Neb.
His. Charles (!. Hall Dies.
Word received In North Platte the
latter part of last week announced
tho death In Santa Ann. Cal., of Mrs.
C. G.MIall, for many years a'resldent
of North Plntte. Her husband will
bo remembered ns an engineer and
tho family resided in the house now
owned by Fred Wnltemath on west
Third street. FIftoen or more yours
ngo they removed to Norwalk, Ohio,
and six years ago took up a residence
In California. The remains, accom-
panlcd by Mr. Hall, passed through
tho city Thursday enrouto to rsor
walk. Tho husband nnd a daughter
Real Estnto and Insurance
Voiuo nnd sco us for town lots In
dlfforent parts of tho city. Good In
vestments on easy terms. Houses for
salo and reht. Wo havo nlso good bar
gains In farms and ranches.
Cor. Front and Dewey Sts., upstairs.
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention Given to Gynecology
Obstetrics and Children's Diseases.
Olllco McDonald Stato Bank Building.
Comer Sixth nnd Dewey Streets.
Phones, Office 183, Residence 2S3
Nynl Drug Store .Jle3. Phoue
Phono"8 Red 40G
terminate Veterinarian
North Platte, Nebraska,
Hospital 21S Locust St. Phone blk 249
" " id
ft- 1
on your
Wiinteier your mints may bo remem
ber (lint our telephone sen Ice is cf
llclenl. Call us by ivlre and we'll
unit on you nt once. With our accur
ate sen Ice nnd our quick delivery
we stand ready nt all times to assist
you or jour doctor. Remember that
vie have what you nuut.
Stones Pharmacy
Post Graduate and Accredited
Teacher of 1'iiuio.
Studio 120 west Third Street.
Phone Red 17'J, Terms $1 Per Hour.
Miss Elsa Ackcrman, post gradu
ate and accredited teacher of piano
announces the opening of a private
studio at 120 west Third street, phone
Red 472. A musical kindergarten class
for children from the ages of five to
eight will be organized on Saturday
morning. Intermediate and ndvanccd
students will nlso receive special at
tention. Terms, one dollar for an
hour lesson.
1008 West Fourth St.
3ERS. 31. HALL,
Head Nurse. .
Physician nnd Surgeon
Physician and Surgeon
Office B. & L. Building, Second Floor.
Phono, Ofllee, 83; Residence 38.
Physician and Surgeon
Specialty Eye', Ear, Nose, Throat
Glasses Fitted. '
New Office in McCabo Building,
Geo. B. Dent,
Physician and Surgeon
Special Attention given to Suigery
and Obstetrics.
Office: Building nnd Loan Building.
Phones '.Office 130
I hones f Rusidence 115
Office phone 241. Res. phone 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
Oinco Phono G9. Residence black 222
Over Dixon's Jew- Cor. First & Vino
elry Store.
Homeopathic Physician As Surgeon
North Plntto N'eb.
Hospital Facilities at Nurse Brown
Memorial IJoffpItal.
Physician and Surgeon
Ofllee: Rooms L and 2
McDonald nnnk Building
North Platte, Nebraska.
Ofllee phono S2, Res. Red 302. Calls
answered prompty Day or Night.
Licensed Einlmliucrs
Undertakers and Funeral Directors
Day Phono 234.
Night Phono Black C38.
Hest nnd 'eatest "Work in
All work Positively Uuarantccd Upon
Lcmlng tho Shop.
Leave orders at Duke & Deats" Shop.
Phono Black C31.
Paying Top Price for Hides
BONKS $7.00 to $S.l)0 IT. It TON
of all kinds
Plenty of Money to Loan
on Farms and Ranches.
Rates and Terms Rasona
ble. Buchanan & Patterson.
A Jl
Bought and highest market
prices paid
Residence Red G3G Ofllee 459
at 1 o'clock p. in. nt
BOO Locust Street, North Plntte
wc will sell the following
Horses Cattle Poultry,
Viirm Implements, Furniture
This is nn open market,. Farmers,
bring In your Produco and get top
price in CASH. Buy your supplies
hero and savo money,.
CHAS. ECHELRERY, Sales ataiingcr.
COL. M. L. McDERMOTT, Auctioneer.
The North Side
Feed Barn
Bran, Shorts, Baled Alfalfa,
Hay, Good Potatoes.
Goods promptly dolivared.
Our terms are cash.
Cattle and Hogs
Sell your Cattle and Hogs to
Julius Mogcnsen, No. Platte.
Hgihest cash - pricos paid. Office
open day and night in North SicV.
Bam. First class horse and a"ot
livery in connection.
Phone No. 29.
Pipes and Smokers' Articles
In addition to making and selling as
good cigars as can be found on the
market, we carry a nice line of Pipes
and Smokers' articles, in all grades.
Then, too, we handles nearly all the
brands of smoking and chewing tobac
co. Givo us a call,
In the County Court of Lincoln Conn-
ty, Nebraska.
In tho Matter of the Estate of Hat-
tlo Farrlngton, Deceased.
To the Creditors, Heirs, Legatees
and Others Interested in Said Estate.
Notice is hereby given that on No
vember IG, 1911 Edward R. Goodman,
executor of said estate, filed In the
said County Court a report of his do
ings as executor of the estate, to
gether with his application for the
distribution of the personal property
of said estate, and tho assignment of
tho real estate thereof, to-wlt: Lots
1 and 2. block 111, of tho original
townslte of . North Platte, Lincoln
County, Nebraska; Lots 13 and 14,
Block 4, Cotner and Archer's Addi
tion to South Omaha, Douglas Countv,
Nebraska, and Lots 10 and 11, Block
12, Calkins' Subdivision of! Maylleld,
in Douglas County, Nebraska, as nro-
vided by the Will of tho said Hattle
I'arrington, deceased, and It Is here
by ordered that the samo stand for
hearing on tho 5th day of December,
A. D. 1914, before the Court nt tho
hour of 0 o'clock A. M., at which tlmo
all persons Interested may appear,
oujoci to ami contest tho samo.
Notice of this proceeding, and the
hearing thereof, is ordered given to
all persons Interested In s aid mat
ter by publishing a copy of this order
in tho North Platto Semi-Weekly Trib
une, a scnil-weoKly nowspnpor print
ed in said county, for three consecu
tive weeks prior to sn.d date of hear
ing. Dated November IG, 1914
(Seal.) County Judge.
Notice of Incorporation.
Notice is hereby giver, chat an In
cciporntlon has been duly lormcd un
der tho laws of tho state of Nebraska,
tho naino of which Is Coates Lumber
& Coal company:-
Tho principal plnco of transacting
business Is in the city of North
Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska.
Tho general naturo of tho business
to bo transacted is owning nnd opera
ing lumber and coal yards for the
salo of lumber, coal and all kinds of
building materials for pr 'it. Also
owning, buying and soiling 1 l estato
and orcctlng building for salo or ex
change. Tho authorized capital stock Is
$100,000.00, $55,000.00 of which has
been fully paid, tho balanco to bo sold
and payable subject to tho order of
tho board of directors.
Tho highest amount of Indebtedness
to which tho Incorporation may at any
tlmo subject itself shall not exceed
two thirds of tho capital stock.
The affairs of tho corporation aro
to be conducted by a board of not less
than threo directors and such other
ofllcers ns may bo provided for by tho
board of dlroctors.
Tho tlmo for tho commoncomont of
this corporation shall bo tho 1st day
of Octobor, 1914, and tho samo shall
contlnuo for a porlod ot fifty years.
Dated Octobor 1, 1914.
Experience with ealee ot ell kindi.
Dates made, with any bank In Lincoln County.
Sheriffs Sale.
lly virtue of an order of salo Issued
from the District Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, upon a decree of
forcclosuro rendered In snid Court
"wherein Mutual Building & Loan As
sociation, a corporation Is plaintiff
and Corda V. O'Brien ct ul aro de
fendants, and to mo directed, I will on
tho 21st day or December, 1914, at 2
o'clock P. M., at tho east front door
of tho court houso In North Platte,
Lincoln County, Nebraska, sell at pub
lic auction to tho highest bidder for
cash, to satisfy said decree, Interest
and co its, tho following dcucrlbod
property, to-wlt: Lot Six (G) Block
.One fifty-one (151) Original town of
North Platte, Nebraska.
Dated North Platte, Nebraska, No
vember ICtli, 1914.
Notice of Sale of Land Upon Execution
Notice is hereby given that by vir
tue of an execution Issued by George
E. Prosser, Clerk of tho District Court
of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a
Judgment rendered in tho district
court ot Buffalo county, Neb., which
has been heretofore filed In the Dis
trict Court of Lincoln County, Ne
braska, in favor ol John Smith and
against M. J. Graham, full name Mar
lon J. Graham, I havo levied upon the
following described real estate as tho
proporty of said Marlon J. Graham, to
wlt: All of section 5, In Township IG,
north of Range 29, West of the Gth P.
M., Lincoln County, Nebraska, and I
will on tho 19th day of December, 1914,
at 2 o'clock P. M., central time of said
day at the east front door of the court
house iu tho city of North Platte, In
said Lincoln CounysNebraska, sell said
rem estate suujeci 10 a mortgage 01
$2000.00 and accrued Interest thereon,
at public auction to the highest bidder
for cash to satisfy said execution upon
which there is duo tho sum of $549.92
with 7 per con1 int rest from No
vember Gth, 191C and $40.75 cost to
gether with accrued cost.
Dated at North Platte, Nebraska, No
vember IG, 1914.
Sheriff Oi Lincoln County, Nebraka.
noticT: to si:ll real estate'
Notice is hereby given that in an
action pending in tho District Court
of Lincoln County, Nebraska, In which
E II. Evans, Administrator of tho es
tate of Patrick Ruddy, deceased, has
applied itor .license to sell lands for
the payment of the debts of said es
tate and which license has been duly
granted by said Court. That on Wed
nesday, Novi niber 25th, 1914, said ad
ministrator will offer for sale afpub
lic sale at the east front door of the
Court house iu North Platte, Lincoln
County, Nebraska, to the highest bid
der or bidders for cash, tho following
described real estate situate in the
City of North Platte, Lincoln County,
Nebraska, all of Ruddy's Addition to
said City, consisting of Blocks ono (1)
and two (2) and fractional Block
three (3) also the following described
fractional tracts: A tract of land
commencing at tho northwest corner
of a five acre piece of land owned by
Mrs. James Grace; thence south on
the west line oi- said five acre tract,
35 feet; thence westerly parallel with
2nd Street of the Town Lot Company's
Addition to the City of North Platte,
9 rods and six feet 24 Inches; thence
north 10 degrees East 8 rods to Sec
ond street; thence east 10 degrees
south on the south line of said Second
street S rods 6 1-3 feet to the corner of
a piece of land sold to Mrs. Spicer by
Timothy Gibbs; thenco southerly 97
feet to tho place of beginning; also a
piece of land commencing at tho north
east cornor of land owned by Mrs.
Spicer on the south line of Second
Street in the City of Ntfrth Platto in
tho Town Company's Addition there
of; thenco southerly 79 feet along Mrs.
Spicer's land; thenco east along Mrs.
Grace's .fence 27 rods and 12.5 feet to
the south line of Second Street; thenco
west 10 degrees north and along the
south lino of said Second Street 27
rods 14 feet to tho place of beginning,
all situate In Section 32, Township 14,
North of Range 30, west of tho Gth P.
M., or so much thereof as shall be
neccssnry to satisfy tho indebtedness
against the estate of said Patrick Rud
dy. y Said sale to commence nt the hour
of 2 P. M. of said date and remain
open for ono hour.
Administrator of the Estate of Patrick
Ruddy. Deceased. n2-24
To Lewis Chambers and aiyrtlo Cham-
bers, non-resident defendants.
You aro hereby notified that on the
19th day of Octobor, 1914, John II.
Kelloy, ns plaintiff, filed a petition in
the District Court of Lincoln County,
Nebraska, ngalnst you. tho said Lewis
Chambers and Myrtlo Chambers, im
pleaded with Charles F. Peckham, tho
object and prayer of which Is to fore
close a cortaln mortgago executed by
Lewis Chambers and Myrtlo Cham
bers, his wife, to W. W.
Winquest, and by him assigned
to this plaintiff, said mort
gago deed conveying tho following des
cribed property, to-wlt: All of Sec
tion Thirty (30) Township Eloven (11)
Range Twonty-soven (27) In Lincoln
County, Nebraska, for tho purpose of
securing payment of a certain prom
issory noto dated January 22, 1912,
duo and payablo August 1, 1917.
That by tho terms of tho said mort
gage, If tho makers failed to pay tho
interest when duo, tho plaintiff had
tho option of declaring tho entire sum
duo and payable, and that thero Is now
duo on tho said mortgage tho sum of
$2,500, together with $200 In Interest
duo.August 1, 1913, with Interest there
on from that dato at 10 por cent, and
$200 In Interest duo August 1. 1914,
with Interest thereon at 10 per cent
from that dato, and for which total
amount plaintiff prays n decreo, by
which defendants will bo required to
pny tho samo and In default thoreof.
that said promises bo sold, to satisfy
tho amount found duo.
" You and each of you aro required to
answor said potltlon on or boforo tho
23rd day of Novombor, A. D. 1914.
Datod this 19th day of Octobor. 1914.
O20-4 By J. V. Romlgh, His Attorney.