ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffira N - fv j p- . I I I I twi viv "rv7 iwi i ?' wwc t n 1 r W- vrra"" s 1 "V ' rii tf- gt m mmni ffpfi p;llv--M'; ;. - f890-.. 7 ffi. I THANKSGIVING llow much belter and more checrfull your lable will look for tins "dinner of the year" with the addition . of a few needed articles in silver thai add so much lolhc elegance and attraclivness of the lable appointments. Let us susfcsl Carving Sets, Ten Sets, New Styles in Spoons, Fern Dishes, A Pretty Vase, and so many other useful articles to make a pretty and attractive table. Will be pleased to show you. . CLINTON, Jewelerd Optician. Oil Dewoy St. We want your Repair Work. Hi Hi I TheyAreGoingFast A MM tUSk oeocACOMeseaesaancsw i DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, S 2 2 Grndualc Dentist. S o State Hank. e 0 S 4O0OOO0(?O8OeiO0B0BB Office over tho McDonald Stnto Hank. Furs! Furs! ' Largest assortment of Furs in west ern Nebraska, now on sale at BLOCK'S. Sets $2.08 to $75.00. Air ntui Mrs. Charles Liurlc spent siiiulnv visiting friends In tho Brady vicinity. A girl was born last Tuesday to Mr. and Mrs. William Hunter, residing south o tho city. Savo $5.00 to 5U5.00 on' your Thanks giving Coat or suit by attending tho Big Coat und Suit salo at BLOCK'S. Mlsa Nnnlno Iddlngs, n student at tho state university, will arrive homo tomorrow to spend tho Thanksgiving vacation. Mrs. Clyde Moroy left Sunday even ing for Lincoln to attend tho wedding of her brother. Suo will also visit in Hastings for a few days. Mrs. Earl Hamilton, who had been vlnlilntf ut Dallas. S. D.. for several weeks, returned Friday. Her Bister, Mrs. Sears accompanied her home. The Elder and Kelly hunting party returned Saturday night from Osh kosh. They had fair shooting, kill ing twenty-five geese, twenty-ono of which they brought home. Frank Nolan, railroad llreman, and his brother Paul Nolan, clerk at tho Rexnll drug storo, loft Sunday for Sheridan, Wyo., where they will spend Thanksgiving with their brother. Under tho now tlmo cord which goes Into effect next Sunday, tljo branch train will mako tho round trip each day Instead of having tho crow remain over night at Halg. A(bncr Wesaborg returned yesterday ..... 1 innniii ifli nm lin vlwltpil for a Hum uiuwuu ,...,. ,..- .. -- -- few days with tho university boys. Ho also spent a few days visiting relatives and menus in unman wiiuu uwuy. For FIro and Life Insurance, see the loaders. UltATT & GOODMAN. Tho literary department oj the Twentieth Century club will bo on ertalncd this aftornoon at tho home of Mrs. Frank lluchanan. It will bo guest day and a good attendance Is desired. Allison Wilcox 1b Buffering ,from a sovero attack of typhoid fovor at tho J. W. Payno roaldonco. The disease dovolopcd Thursday and ho waa at onco brought to town for medical at tendance. Miss Iluth Slreitz, employed ao a klndogarten teacher In tho Lincoln schools will nrlvo home tomorrow in Biinnd Thanksgiving with -her par ents. She will bo nccompnnlcd by her friend, Miss Joscphino Murphy. Mrs. II. Boatman loft Sunday morn ing for Elmwood, 111., whero she will visit for a month with rolatlves and friends. Sho had Tho Tribune for warded to her addrosB thero as she consldorfl it indispensable for getting homo news. Ladles' suits ono-half price at the Wilcox Department Storo. I. D. Uostwlck, of Nowoll product, was in town Saturday, the llrBt time Blnco his long seigo of typhoid fever. Mr. lioBtwlck and membora or Iub family will make an auto trip to Be atrice to visit hla mother, who Is past ninety yonrs of age. Effcctlvo under tho new tlmo card next Sunday tho Donvor train. No. 11, duo hero at 2:15 p. m:, will bo dis continued. This will mean poor train sorvlco for tho pooplo of Horshey, Sutherland and l'axton desiring to come to North Platte. They can still reach hear at 7:45 In tho morning but cannot return until No. a nt midnight or on No. 19 at 8:45 tho following morning. Dean J. J. Ilowker returned Friday from a trip of several days through tho northwestern part of hla torrltory. Ho visited nt Goring, Bridgeport, Sld noy and Ogalalla. Ho held meetings and looked after other church mat ters at theso places. At Bridgeport ho conducted tho funornl aorvlces ov er tho remnlns of Rev. llnrtman, rec tor in charge of the Bridgeport church, Thursday morning, , w Xo preparation Is equal to Imperial Crcuiii Lotion for chapped hands,. A full I ounce bottle fiTc, nt Stone's Urns Store. . ' tf Kcv. J. L. Barton o the Baptist church is expected home tomorrow from a trip of several days on business over In Iowa. Your child has ordered a doll ror Christmas. Santa Claus has left It with tho Presbyterian ladles. Please call for It December lird. Mr. and Mrs. James Clark, of Edinn, Mn.. viRlted in town Inst weok with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bocsch. Mrs. Clark is a sister of the latter. Rev. Henry Ives of Ogajalla Is ox pected to spend Thanksgiving in the city. Ho will assist in mo services at tho Episcopal church In tho morn ing. Miss Elizabeth Hlnmnn leaves to morrow for Grand Island where she will spend Thanksgiving visiting with friends. Sho will sponu mo remain der of tho week there., The Celebrated Lightning Combined l'oicr Self-feed liny Tress nt Her sliev's opposite post office. Phono IS. Mrs. Broach of Denver arrived in the city yesterday for a visit of a few days with friends. Sho is returning from nn extended viBit in mo casi and stopped olt hero. Sho formerly lived In this city. Tho Presbyterian ladles will serve a 35c tablo supper In their church base ment evening of Decombcr 3rd, begin ning at 5:30. Tho fnncy work booth anil all othor booths will bo open for sales at thrco o'clock. Miss Mary Cox of Falrbury, Neb., und Miss Ethel Uoo, of Rutland, 111., who havo boon vlsltfng In tho city for tho past few weeks at tho II. G. Knowlca homo, left yesterday morn ing for Gibbon whero they will spend Bomn tlmo visiting A. R. Nichols and family. Tho Presbyterian ladles wish to an nounce thero will bo no "war tax" on article sold at their fair December 3rd. Remember tho Parcel Post Booth and tho Pure Food Booth besides many artlclos of fancy work and plain and fnncy aprons all on sale at this fair Yes, and candy, too! x Jos. T. Murphy, In chargo of tho Union Pneitlc carpenter repair gang, will leavo soon with his crow up the branch to movo some section houses (Julto nn. extensive ro-constructlon , trip! Will 1)0 inniio anil muy win iiux.' a work train tltted ip with "all the comfoits of homo" as nearly as pos sible. They will start about tho tlrst of next month. The Monarch Malleable Iron Range, the Slav Satisfactory Range nt Her- shoj's, opposite post ofllce. Phone l.. II. G. Knowles, pastor of tho Chris Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi lJfi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi S ONE CUSTOMER REMARKED, wo are selling pianos and players like they were so many papers of pins. Hardly as fast as that, but Ave are selling them faster than we ever did before, and faster, perhaps, than they .were ever sold by any dealer anywhere. The success of this Co-Operative Family Piano Sale has far exceeded our expectations. We knew that on account of the extremely low prices and terms we are enabled to make economical folks would grasp this opportunity to save, we knew that the prices having been revolutionized it would create a sensation and we were prepared to take care of a great many customers. But we were completely astounded at the way they responded. Frankly, we did not know there were so many homes in this city without pianos or pTay-er-pianos. Y are actually selling pianos and players down here in less than fifteen minutes, quite a contrast to the old way, then it toolrneyeV less than an hour and sometimes a year to sell a piano to some people. To say that we are pleased doesn't express it by half, we are particularly gratified in that we have proven beyond a doubt what we have always contended but didn't have the nerve to try out before that by giving the customers un questionably low prices and terms, thus selling them quickly, it is just as easy to sell pianos as it is any staple article. We have adopted the only means by which we could honestly and fairly offer instruments at wonderfully low pric es and now that it has ceased to be an experiment and has become an actual fact, we feel that we are entitled to the thanks of the entire piano trade for showing them a new, economical way. The old way made tho selling cost per piano 'enormous, this way, the Co-. Operative way, big sales;, small profits, etc., the selling cost is only one-fifth the former amount. T-he other fellow has found here the greatest bargains of his life, why 'don't you, who haven't as yet bought, take advantage of this Co-Operative Family I'inno Sale? We have done our share, we have made these prices possible, we protect you in your purchase in a way that is better and safer than any other dealer ever protected. Can you ask for anything more fair? Come today, look through this magnificent stock. If the prices are not lower than you have ever seen, quality considered,, don't buy. COME AND INVESTIGATE AT ANY RATE. T erms on pianos as owss- M TEIOLS on players to suit you. We will make n fair allowance for your old piano, in exchanging lor player-piano. PIANOS Knabe, A. It. Chase, Schacfier, 31c Plmll, Pncknrd, Price & Teeple, It. S. Howard, Kimball, Ilrinkcrhoff, Smith & Barnes, Marshall & Wendell, Wilson, Croun, Holland, Gaston, Wlllard. thin church, spent Sunday evening in'LSJ tho city, returning to Sutherland yen jJ torday morning. Ho announces that 3fl tho meetings nro progressing nieob LC there. Good crowds attended the j threo nights last weok and they havi 31 started oft well this woek. Both si r lj vices Sunday wero well attended m- Tho Empress theatre Is putting on rj3 a Belgian benoflt program this even I Si lug unili r tho ausplceB of the children LE of tho i-ity who havo enlisted to as-1 riJI Hist. Already a largo number of tick-1 Hi eta havo been sold and a largo crowd UKj Ih expected thla evening. Tho Bale of rij tlckoU hcKim last Saturday ami ai largo number of them wero sold that day. Many of tho children of the city havo takon up tho proposition and tiro selling tlckota on tho street. Thanksgiving Day donations to the now Good Samaritan hospital will bo rocolvcd at tho hospital building to morrow aftornoon from two to six o'clock by Mrs. John McGraw and Mrs. Georgo T. Mold. Offerings of can ned goods, prosorvos. Jolllca and oth or non-perlshnblo food stuffs, as well ns cash donations, or donations of bed linen will bo thankfully received. Notice. I nm horo propared to glvo les sons In elocution, In connection will teach English and Physical Culture. Will coach plays on reasonablo terms. x ALMA SHOUP Phono Black 422. Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi !3 Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi, Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Clinton's Jewelry Store 0,,,t,r 8fore:n ss"nl,,d Is,nml North Platte ffi SHiHiHiHiHiHiHiHiHiHiHiffiHiHiHiHiHi iopiigh' ton. 1 W Mc COMBES IU production In part or whole positively prohibited. - Other Features, Benefits, Etc., Which Do Xot Cost You a Cent. FUEL TRIAL For thirty days you may try out the piano you select In your home. If at the end of that time you do not want to keep it, notify us and we will send for the piano and return to you every cent you have paid. FREE EXCHANGE PRIVILEGE Any time within one year you may ex change your piano for a player or a higher priced Instrument and we will allow you all that you have paid. FREE DELIVERIES All pianos or players are put In your home free of charge. This applies to exchanges also. WE GIVE FREE with each piano, a stool to match and a scarl. WARRANTIES Each of the new pianos oifered you are guaranteed against all defects, some five years, some a life time, by the makers. On top of that we give our personal war ranty, doubly protecting you. kv . yJ!lstfiftBuPfc pr.AWit.iu wnsVi'i .0 avnio. a it -p MPi. v TSBS" BSwax8 S 81; Clmse-Artlstlno, Sciieffer.llarinanolo, Apollo, Hi Crown-Combiuoln, Autoplauo, Hoffman. UZ ip9&i iMPB liKiSi iSB6waiB iglteCTissg 11 ls liilllMHG l HiHHli1 lllHnBH iv5 U " SALElMUCEiI48 SALE 1MHCE $187 SALE PJHCE $347 irfa m WBK$-i'xy&HEPWBS&3m MB"jrtm-j wSSSSSSmSs Hi W4 IBfflHBOSt ' SALE L'llICE $22.i SALE PRICE $2 IS I GASTON MUSIC i Hi Information Coupon Cut out, fill In, sign, send to us today. GASTON MUSIC CO. Gontlemon: Kindly send mo lint of Co-Oporatlvo Bargains opiy'Sr,8 not to exceed $.,.,. in prlco i i I und tlie tonns ou snmo. . . .- Prefer make Sign j Address COMPANY