The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 24, 1914, Image 1

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No. 88
(! IW Wr,4 C7r
D. A. Russell left Sunday for a vis
It of a few clays with friends In Om
aha. Miss Margaret Barker has return
cd from a week's visit with friends In
Mrs. Thos! Hcaley and son Darrcll
were visitors In Omaha the latter part
of last week.
Tho W. M. Society of the Presby
terian church will meet at tho manse
next Friday afternoon.
It. L. Graves, enrouto on a western
trip, stopped over In town Saturday
and Sunday to visit friends.
Beautiful new silk crepe' waists In
, all tho leading shades; regular Values
up to $4,60. Special this week only
?2.48. BLOCK'S
Rev. C. B. Harman left yesterday
morning for Lewelen and Oshkosh
where ho will spend a few days on
church matters. He will hold meet
lugs at both those places.
Walter Haythorno, the well known
young ranchman' of Arthur county,
spent.yesterday in town and last night
was Initiated into the Elks, as was
also merchant Harry I. Block.
For Rent After December 1st, the
14-room house on Sixth street east
of tho Lloyd opera house. Good eel-,
lar, bath, electric lights, city water.
Inqulro of Mrs. R. D. Thomson, 514
, west Fifth street. 88tf
Mrs. Maggie Drake Is taking the
aerum treatment for rheumatism at
tho homo of Mrs. P. E. Hayes of 803
north Dewey street. The case Is un
der tho charge of Dr. J. B. Redfleld
and Mrs, A. C. Ferguson as nurse.
Tho board of directors of the Cham
ber of Commerce will hold a meeting
at tho library building Wednesday ev
ening, November 25th. There is some
Important business to come beforo the
board and all members are urged to
-bo present.
Tho Baptist ladles will not hold
their annual supper as advertised, but
will hold a "Gift to Gift" sale in con
nection with their annual bazaar of
aprons and fancy work, on Monday,
December 22, Tuesday, December 23,
and Wednesday, December 24, at
Howe & Maloney's store.
Tho ladles of the Christian church
will hold an exchange at tho North
Platto Hardware- and Furniture Co.'s
. store on Wednesday. They will sell
at this time home made mince meat,
plum puddings and fr.ult cakes, besides
many other good things for your
Thanksgiving dinner. They will also
have on displays nice line of aprons,
fancy work and other things suitable
for gifts.
FUJI sali:.
The modern 10 room home JO 1 nest
Jlh St., lit cost, on ey terms. See
Flour $1.40 Per Sack.
"Straight gratis, made from hard wheajmilled at Ilershey
Five Sacks or more $1.35 per sack.
Potatoes, Five Bushel lots, SSc.
Early Ohios. This car is extra fine, well matured and good
. cooking potatoes.
Red Onions 90 Cents.
Supply going fast. Get what you need.
EsaasEsaraaiKH APPLE S hhwhhn
Winesap per barrel 33.75
Gano per barrel S3. 50
Ben Davis per barrel $3.25
Baled Hay 3S Cents. .
5 Bale Lots $1.50
l Shelled Corn 6Sc per Bushel.
R. N.
Phone 67
The First National Bank
Member Federal Reserve Bank System.
One Hundred and Fifty Thousand' Dollars.
Llconso to Wed was issued Saturday
from tho office of tho county Judge tj
Emmet Dalgarn, 22, and Miss Gabrl
ollo Jnnesofsky, 22, ,both of tho Wal
laco vicinity.
Dressed .turkeys for Thanksgiving
nro Belling nt twenfty-tvo cents a
pound. The Bupply 13 ample to meet
all demands. Last Saturday tho North
Platto Produce Co. purch'wod ICO
head which a Dawson county farmer
had raised.
Chas. G. Hall, for many years an
engineer of this city, Is In town to
day visiting friends while enrouto to
his home in Santa Ann, Cal. He is
returning from Norwnlk, Ohio, to
which placo ho accompanied the re
mains of his wife, who died last week.
Found On tho streets Saturday a
muff. Owner can have Bamo by prov
ing "property and paying for this no
tice, n
Miss Jnnet McDonald a student nt
Vassar, writes her father Mint nho
will attend tho Corncll-Penim lvania
foot ball gamo at Philadelphia on.
Thanksgiving Day. Evidently tho
young lady still retains tho foot ball
spirit with which she was Imbued
while a high school student
Wo wish to express our slncero
thanks to our friends und neighbors
for tho kindly acts extended to us dur
ing tho illness and at the funeral of
tho late William Landgraf, and to
tho ICnlghts of Columbus, tho Elks,
and tho Fire Department for" tho beau
tiful floral tributes.
Mrs. Win. Landgraf and Children.
Tho Senior Class of the high school
to tho number of thirty-one wero en
tertained Saturday evening by Misses
Edith Patcrson and Alleen Gantt at
tho Pattfrson home. Tho evening
was devoted to games of different
kinds nihlthe hours passed quickly
and pleasantly. Refreshments wero
served at tho close of tho games.
Just recolved! 100 now children's
dresses, latest styles, all sizes, val
ues up to $0.00, special this week 98c,
$1.9S, $2.48, and $2.9S. Come in and
see them at BLOCK'S.
Traveling Engineer II. N. Getty of
this city was visiting in Omaha over
Sunday. While there ho visited
Claude Dolaney who recently under
went an operation for appendicitis at
St. Joseph's hospital. Ho reports Mr.
Delaney getting along nicely and that
he will be out this week. He may bo
able to return homo tho latter part
of. tho week. He also visited Joe Lar
son at the Methodist hospital and
stntes that he Is getting along as well
as could bo oxpected. It will be prob
ably six weeks or moro before ho
will be able to get out of tho hospital
and he will then be on crutches for
some time.
Wanted To Buy
Second hand low wheel, wide tire
wagon. Phono A-75. tl
North Locust St
or -
I A girl was born Saturday morning to
Mr. and Mrs. Clydo Masters, residing
on west Twelfth street.
For Rent Three room house In 300
( block on oast Third. Phone black 110.
Cyril Doncgnn, a student at tho
stato university, will bo homo to spend
Thanksgiving with his ptircn-,3. -
Dr. Lucas reports tho advent of a
girl last Friday at the homo of Mr, and
Mrs. M. E. Throm, enst Seventh street.
Tho llttlo daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Bruco Eshelmnn was operated upon
yesterday at tho Brown Memorial hos
pital. Mr. and Mrs. Lowls Peterson re
turned homo yesterdny from a lsit
with relatives and friends ln Choj
enno. (
Father Patrick McDaid left yester
day morning for Pnxton to spend a
few days looking after somo church
Mrs. P. J. Norton and children have
returned homo from-- Omaha where
they visited for some time with rela
tives and friends.
Save $5.00 to $15.00 on your Thanks
giving Coat or suit by attending tho
Big Coat and Suit ulo at BLOCK'S.
Tho musical department of the
Twentieth Century club will meet Fri
day afternoon with Mrs. Danlol Burko,
uuz west I'ittli street.
City Engineer C. J. McNamara loft
this morning for thj Sutherland vi
cinity to snend a short time looking
after &omc engineering work.
Mr. ,und Mrs. Harry Murrin are
moving this week Into their now
bungnlow which has Just been com
pleted on west Fourth street.
Miss linnnali Kellncr Is expected
home today from Omaha where she
has been visiting for tho past few
weeks with friends and relatUcs
Tho Christian Science society will
hold a Thanksgiving sorvlco in their
rooms In Mutual Building & Loan
building Thursday morning at 11
For Rent Five room house ntr 303
west Seventh street. Iuqire J. H.
Fonda. 88t2
Byers W. Fink of tho North Platte
Hardware and Furniture Company
left last evening for Oklahoma City
where he will spend some time on
W. C. Reynolds returned home yes
terday from Illinois where he was
called by Illness pf a relative. Mrs.
Reynolds met him at "Omaha atnl ac
companied him home. .-
Weather forecast for North Platte
and vicinity: Fair tonight and Wed
nesday, moderate temperature. Hlglr
qst temperature yesterduy i!4, a year
ago 60; lowest lust night 23, a year
ago 17.
M. L. .McDermott leaves tomorrow
for Grand Island where lie will spend
Thanksgiving with his daughter. From
there ho will go to Dea Moines, Iowa,
where he will spend two or three
weeks with relatives and friends.
Miss Leta Atkinson returned the lat
ter part of last week fromKearnoy,
where sho attends normal school, to
spend tho holidays with her aunt, Mrs.
Fred Pettett, and other relatives and
Jtou Brooks Ghcs Fine Talk
About seventy-five men worp out
last evening to tho banquet which was
linlil nt Mm J n f V linll 1 Min mnrv'o
b,rotherhod of the Methodist church 'packing leaves a dead airspace which
church. This was their annual ban-,'8 ? ?f tho host protections against
quet and Itov. Brooks of Hastings was1 frost' u nrouml tho moter and pipes
the guest of honor nnd gave a lino aml allows meter Jo bo read without
rniv nn i,rnMinri..wi Wnru much trouble. Motors will only bo
The supper was served by about 5-e-ad onco during tho winter and If
twenty ladies of tho church. It was n packcd as scribed meter rcador can
man-made supper and was pronounced rom"Y? uml replace Bamo in as good
ono of tho finest ever served in this condition na It was at first. Where
city. Chef W. A. Skinner, who from SB or leaves aro shoved down bo
now on will undoubtedly be famous ' tweon nlncs " sldo of, U1 orwhoro
for his wonderful minco pie, prepared , mcdtcrfs ar? wrapped up i In several lay
IhQ entire meal and those who partook crfl.of s,af H "J0 "1 1,abl to. ),eco
of It pronounce it a peer to any that et "nd touching the side of tho tile
could bo prepared by woman I f,rec2Q aml cari7 tho ost directly to
Supt Wilson Tout, president or tliei1'10 mcter or, plpe,f- Do "i put ma"
organization, was master of. coremon- nure around mcWore, This is es
ies and after the sumptuous supper oclalljr-bnd if it becomes wet as the
ho introduced tho speaker of tho ev-' n,nics "ml acld attack 1 10 registering
enlng who entertained tho men for i jueclan 8m th mctcr corrlllnB
over a half hour with an interesting u S,0 badl,y as to r,ll,n fe .. , ,
discourse on brotherhood work. His Property owners' attention is also
remarks were intersiterbid witl,!cal,cd to section 3 of the water ordl
nnn,,n.i. J.,, , r. ,i,i,. n,n iwico. Under Its provisions If water
more interesting and ho held the at-
mr linn rki Mfi ,n,i irnm inn ninn nn
took the floor until his talk was fin
Nothing bents u policy in The Mu
tual Itesene Life Insurance Co. of
New York. ImcsUguto and sec linn
dhlilends help to (my premiums'. See
District Agonfs.
"si VJWOfT6hr
Jskj,:-.. '&WL3 "UkZ JM
Ilemird Is Xow $:100.
I. E. Connott of Edgar arrived In tho
city yesterdny to assist in tho search
of his brother's body which Is pre
sumably burled somo whore near
Blrdwood. Ho states that tho reward
for the (hiding of tho body fs ilow
?300, his fnthor having offered a
hundred nnd ho offering an additional
hundred. Ho went out yosterday af
ternoon with Sheriff J. A. Salisbury
and n party to Benrch for tho body.
Elks' Memorial Senlees on Dec. (II li.
On Sunday afternoon, December
Cth, the B. P. O. Elks will hold their
annual semorlnl sorvlcc3 In honor of
all departed Elks. A committco with
Dr. H. E. Mitchell as chairman, Is in
charge of tho program and they arc
preparing an elaborate program for
tho occasion. Thero will bo speaking
and musical selections. Tho music
will bo furnished by the B. P. O. E.'s
inalo quartetto and by nn orchestra
and several of tho members.
rresh Laurels, for Hnlllgnii
In tho Iowa-Nobruska foot ball
gamo played at Iowa City Saturday,
Vic Halllgan again proved tho bright
star on tho gridiron nnd vlrVunlly
won tho gamo by making thrco plnco
kicks that notlcl nftio points tho
score for tho game resulting Iowa
sovon, Nebraska sxtcen. Tho con
tost added now laurels to Vic Halll
gan, and certainly today ho Is tho
greatest foot ballplayer In tho west.
Vic was expected" homo for Thanks
giving but wo undorBtnnd ho will de
fer hlsvfioming until tlio Christinas
" Tho second and third boIiw iuno
tlons given by Mesdames N. McCnbe,
. J. Stuart, John Murphy and O.' S.
Clinton last week constituted a Ken
sington Friday afternoon nnd a card
party Saturday afternoon. Fifty-two
ladles wero present Friday and enjoyed
vocal selections by Mrs. Cramer, Mrs.
Schiller and Miss Trovillo, readings
uy Miss waltemath and a piano solo
by Claronco McCnbe. Saturday after
noon tho entertaining feature wns 500,
twelve table being placed. Chrysan
themums and autumn leaves wero used
In 'the decorations, Enjoynbla ro
freshments wero served both after
noons. Furs! Furs I
Largest assortment of Furs In west
ern Nebraska, now on sale at
BLOCK'S. Sets $2.98 to $75.00.
1 Notice to Water Consumers.
Vll parties having motors set in
1110" or boxes outside tho Iioubq Bhould
sco that they aro properly packed
against freezing. This applies to
those renting meters as well as those
owning meters. Section G of tho water
ordinnnco holds the property owner
renting meters responsible for dam
ages to tho meter by freezing or by hot
water. Tho method of packing mo
tel's recommended by tho water de
partment Is as follows: Have "a wood
en cover made a trlllo smaller thnn
tho Inside of tho tllo or box (to allow
for expansion in case tho cover gets
damp). Stand four pieces of 2x4 or
other boards up In the tllo for cover
to rest on. Mako these pieces of
2x4 long enough to hold cover up
about two Inches above top of me
ter. Set tho cover on top of the 2x4's.
Then pack remaining spaco between
wooden cover and top of tho tllo with
leaves In sacks or other material and
put on iron cover. This method of
j " ' .2"
...-.- .. ..,,
nu uiJuji uiu uiAua unuuim, tuu iiiuiiuiiy
and service Is discontinued until bill
is paid. There aro a number of de
linquents this quarter and unless
theso' bills aro paid soon sorvlco will
bo discontinued and bills" will bo re
ported to tho City Council to bo placed
on tho tax list.
Water Commissioner,
It is Good Advice
for youiitf nnd old to take out Flro In
surance, in fact no business mini
Mould think of li'iiig without it in
these modern dnjq. Insiirnnco Is Just
as necessary ns enting or slcepl'ig.
But it is vtlsu to ri'icrlmliiuto in the
Company jou do 1 ashless with. Let
mo talk Fire Insiiiniico with you mid
show jou how to get the best nt (lie
least xs(.
Electric Toasters $1.75
Beginning December 1st this New Wcstinghousc $2.50
Upright Radiant Toaster will be on Sale.
The first 25 Toasters sold will go for 1.75 the next 25
will go for 2.00, the next for 2.25 until the regular price
of 2.50 is reached. ,
North Platte Electric Co.
C. It. 3IOREY, Mnnngor.
Coates Lumber & Coal Co.,
Successors to The C. F. Idlings Co.
No Long WAITS when ordered.
No short WEIGHTS when delivered.
Thanksgiving Day Dinner
11 A. M. to 2 P.M.
Consomme aux Trois Racines
Sliced Tomato ', Celery""
Fried FillSrLake Trout Maitre D Hotel f
Fried' Spring Chicken. a la Dumas
Fillet of Beef a la Printaniere' N
Roast Young Turkey . Fresh Cranberry Sauce
Potato a la Marie Pois in Cream
"Thanksgiving Plum Pudding Brandy Sauce
Vanilla Ice Cream and Fancy Cake -
Mince Cranberry Pumpkin Pie
Tea X Coffee Milk
Price 35-Cents
The turkey will taste better the plum
pudding will have a finer flavor the finishing
touch will be "put upon the meal if you serve
Used By THREE Generations
Lierk-Sandall Co., Agents.
14g '