A m ;. I v- . n.- r -wwyyATxarsrs? ?,rs3aqr WVW "f'.iaiww, 4TW' iwmni jwmu" tvy u w -Trr Do your eyes trouble you now? If so, what will they he ten years from today un less .you take care of them immediately? Stop and realize the danger of neglect, the danger of mistreatment. Thero is no treatment more serious than wrong glasses. By wrong glasses wo maan glasses that are not suited to your eyes, glasses fitted more or less after a perfunctuary oxum- ination, glasses chosen from a tray, by trying on one pair after another, glasses bought at a bargain counter, glasses fitted by a merchant or dealer, not an optical specialist. If you want your glasses to be absolutely correct, bring your oye troubles to us. Clinton, Jeweler and Optician, 611 Dewoy St. We want your Repair Work. CITY AND COUNTY NEWS f n SSSSSI I f 3; xnv genekal hosl'ital WILL Ol'KX NEXT WEEK y.'nlyrrqwwnfTmif"".""?'',wlr''l'"y "!. ." "),'.".,l!i.)Wl.miH),ll'i) OR. 0. H. CRESSLER, u g Grmluate Dentist. 2 2 ? Otl'ce ovor tlio McDonulH 5 Stato Bank. a s BoeaeoaaoeaoBoaaoacoaoaa LOCAL AND PERSONAL L. D. arltnm, tho banker at Overton, was In. tho city yesterday transacting business and visiting frionds. Pat Crowo of tho Ilobliauoon barber shop leaves tomorrow afternoon for Denver to spend a, tow days on a visit. Tho high BchooJ'boys will Jglvc a Thanksgiving dunco Thursday oven- hig of next weok,' following tho Yortf football game, wi .. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Peterson lcava Sunday for Cheyenno for a visit with Mrs. Hanoy, Mr. Peterson's ntcco, and Mr. Brndloy. They will also transact business whllo gone. ,T fc-' Tho Monarch Mnllenblo Iron Itnnge, tho Stny Satisfactory llungo at Hon fihoy'H, opposite post offlco. l'liono Ti. Leo Sullivan of Omaha stopped oft In tho city Wednesday aftornoon for a visit with hia brothers. Ho was en routo to S.alt Lako City and stopped off hero botweqn trains. Thoro will be no scarcity of turkeyB for Thanksgiving, according to tho statemont of a moat markot propria tor. The prlco will bo pretty stiff, but good things gonorally como high. Corblh Jones returned tho early part of tho week from ty trip to Lin coln and Omaha. At tho formor placo ho attonded tho Ncbrnnka-Kansas foot ball gume Tho public salo hold Wednesday at tho John Schrnm placo two miles south of town, was largely attended. Generally speaking tho proporty offer ed sold at good prices. Lawrence Skinner, of Mayflower, was visiting In tho city yesterday with friends and on business. Wanted A position as all-around girl in private family. Imrulro at last houso on west Seventh street. Myrtlo McMunls. Conductor Honry dllfoyl , wont to Omaha last night to attend a meet ing of Tangier tempio, ordor of tho Mystic Shrlno. It. D. Drulinor, an nttornoy from Bonklcmon, arrived In tho city yester day morning in his car to look aftor some business matters here. L. P. Redmond, of tho Harcourt & loft this city for tho cast Tuesday ev ening after ' visiting hero for a short tlnp at the L. J'. Jensen homo. Mr. Itlchingcr of Denmark, Neb., was brought i hero yesterday and un derwent an operation vat tho Brown Memorial hospital yesterday morning. Marjorio Liddcll Is reported iriuch Improved In tho past fow days from her lllncsHjWltli which shobas boon afflicted Mnjho past sovoral months". L.JB. ntffdtnond of tho Harcouift & Jen8o;i store loft Wednesday evening or Omaha to purchaso somo goods'for tho storo hero. Ho will also" spend a fow days thoro visiting. Mrs. W. II. McDonald roturned Wed nesday ovonlng from Qmalm whoro Bho was confined for several weeks In tho Immanuol hospital for treatment. Hor health Is much Improved Tho little son of Mr. and Mrs. Dean, residing at C21 south Walnut street Is reported quit 111 with pneumonia. Mrs. 0. J. Wood of G10 Washington avonuo, was takon to tho Brown Mo morial hospital Wednesday evening to rccolvo medical treatment. T. J. DIENEIt & CO. Ileal Estnto mid Insurnuco Como 'and sco us for town lots In dlfforcnt parts ot tho city. Good In vestments on oaBy torms. Houses' for solo and ront Wo havo also good bar- l gains in farms and ranches.. I Cor. Front and Dewoy Sa.upstalrs. Peter Jcpson of Fox Crcok was in the city Wednesday transncting"uU8i noss at the 6burt houso. ' Miss Levy returned this week to hor homo In Council Bluffs after visiting J here for a few days with MIsb Hazel Smith. Mrs.1. H. ICfirbugh, of Ogflen, Utah, arrived In tho city Wednonday aftor noon to attend the funeral of her fath er, William Landgraf, Sr., which was hold yoiterdny morning from St. Pat rick's church. I have opened a studio and am pre pared to give lessons in china paint ing Mid -water colors. Miss Clark. J. II. EUmisten, who has been on the sick list for the past few weeks, la reported slightly improved. Iter. J. L. Barton of the Baptist' church left tho first of tho week for Iowa to upend a fow days on business and visiting relatlvos and frionds. For Salo Jersoy cow Just fresh. In quire ot Otto Mosmor, 15 miles north of town,. 85t3 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson wont to Omaha yesterday. Mr. Thompson will attend a meeting of the Mystic Shrlno and Mrs. Thompson will visit friends for n few days. Tho Itebekahs will hold a konslng ton entertainment Monday afternoon Novcmbor 23rd at tho homo of Mrs. Alex Fcnwlck on west Fourth street. Tho entertainment will bo In the na turo of a towel shower ior tho Odd Fellows homo at York, Neb. Call at Miss Clark's studio over Clinton's jewelry store and examine work and prices for holiday gifts. Engineer Tom Ryan received a tel egram yesterday announcing the death at Itockford, 111., of-his brother Wil liam Ryan, a formor resident of North Platto. Tho deceased -when living hero wnB omploycd in tho Union Pacific shops. Ho left this city about eighteen years ugo. Henry Rebhauscn, A. P. Kelly and 0. B. Elder left Wednesday for Low ellcn In search of wild geese, They expected to bo absent sovcral days. Dean Bowker, of tho Episcopal church, returned yesterday from Bridgeport, where ho had been trans acting church business for sovoral days. V Tho odds and ends of tho work of getting tho now general hospital In rcudlnois for occupancy are bolng finished-ami the hospital will be ready to open the first of next week. The board had expected to move Into it this week, but 'could not on account of the repair work and the paper hang ing not being finished. The hospital will accommodate about thirty beds. There are fourteen rooms for patients on the two top floors and some of them will contain two beds. On the first floor there will bo a ward w.lfh six beds in it On the second floor will alsobo located the head nurse's oom, and two more rooms are beln fitted up for the senior nurses. Two of the rooms on this floor have also been joined together for an operating room and will be fitted up with all the modern appliances'. On tho first floor will be located tho offices. Partitions arc being built and the old Rltn6r dining room Is divided up Into five rooms, and tho ward will be thoro. ,Bath rooms aro located on each floor. On the first floor will al so be the kitchen and dining room and tho cook's room. The junior nurses' rooms will also be located there. All tho nurses will both room and board at the hospital. Tho hospital Is bolng arranged so that It can bo run strictly on a bus iness basis just as the largo hospitals In cities arc operated, and it istho In tention of tho board that It will bo op erated so that the most efficient ser vice can bo rendered. A girl was born tho early part of the week to Mr! and Mrs. A. A. Sshatz, an event that has filled 'Albert with joy. The mother and daughter, who nro at the P. & S. hospital, aro getting nlong nicely. Olenn Lorrlmer of this cltyi,lofton Tuesday evening far Denver to spend somo tlmo Just boforo he left ho 'an nounced that ho was to b o married while way, but ho refused to glvo tho details. ' Vacuum Cleanors,mako nice Christ mas gifts. I have tho Rellablo lillec tric and tho Domestic. Mrs. If, V. Mitchell, Phono Red 104. , 8Qt2 Prot' Leonhardt tho old reliable piano tuner, who has made North Platto for more than fourteen years with perfect satisfaction In every way, Is hero. Mr. Leonhardt will bo glad ot your sup port as In tho past. Leave orders at Mr. Powell's jewelry storo or a( Mr. Dixon's. Charles TIgho returned yesterday mnrnlnc from a trlti of ft few dfrvs to Omaha and Lincoln. At Lincoln ho attended tho football game last Sat urday and attended the wedding of his cousin Monday. Ho camo homo by way of Omaha and stopped off thero for a short visit. II. O. Knowles, pastor of tho Chris tian church ldft yesterday for Suth erland whoro he began a month's ser ies of cvangollstlc meetings last ov onlng. Ho will bo In Sutherland for tho entlro month and will como to North Platto only on Sunday after noons for preaching services at four o'clock. Temple's For Rent List. G room, cement block house with full basement located 921 cast Fifth street. Electric lights and bath. Ex cellent, condition. Rent S1S.00. 5 room houso with basement located 811 east Second sstroet. Electric lights and bath. Excellent condition. Rent $18.00. 4 room house located 521 east Sec ond 'street. Good barn. Rent $10.00. C room houso located G02 S. Cheat nut street. Largo barn. Rent for house only ?1G.00. House and barn ?20.00. 5 room house located 312 east Third. Electric lights in house. Also water. $15 per month. 3 rooms nt 314 east Third street. $10 per month. 5 room house located 510 east Sixth street. Water In house. Houso in ex cellent condition, having been rebuilt this fall. Rent $12.00. 3 new houses on west Ninth street. All four room houses, well built and in good condition. Convenient to the New Round House. Inquiro ibr rales. If you will call the office, Red 500, I wil bo glad to show you any of the above properties. C. F. TEMPLE, Agent. Crcntu Puffs if 1 25c a dozen at tho Doollttle Bakery Saturday. Don't Cash U. S. Money Orders Postmaster Davis sent out a letter this week stating that the postofllce inspecor In charge of his territory hns ndviscd him to warn all mer chants nnd others agojnst cashing or acoptlng money orders Issued by the United States from strangers or anyone whom they do not know Is in lawful possession of them. They aro also asked to adviso tho ofllco here as soon as possible of any attempt made by strangers to dispose of such or ders. This warning and request is sent out to protect tho merchants against accepting any bogus orders and also to assist In apprehending any crimi nals thnt. mn.v bo wanted bv the cov- Twice each week during cold weath- U.nmonX Thore lma DCen some crook- CHECKS SIMPLE-AND SAFE People not familiar with checks and checking accounts, sometimes think they arc complicated and bothersome. The opposito is the truth . Checks are simple. Make out one and you know how to make out all others. In depositing money in form of a Checking Account, we will supply you with a checkbook and make out a samplo check if you wish. Your check-stub and bank book are a complete record of your money affairs. Platte Valley State Bank, "Home of Checking Accounts" North Platto - - Nebraska. 1 I II ji i II ' IlL -" ii i - - J or wo nro receiving exprcsB shipments of tho famous Uslnger Wirst from Milwaukee. In this lino thoro nro Biut Wurs.t, Thuxllnger style, Med Wurst, Thur linger style, Knack Wurst, Braunschwagor style, Brat Wurst, Frankfurter stylo. Try them and you will want moro. 8Gt2 E. T TRAMP & SON. Joo Larson, who went to Omaha Sat urday night to tako treatment for a troublesome leg, had an abscess re moved from tho knee at an Omaha hos pital Wednesday. Tho operation will euro tho troublo ho has experienced. Tho Vondn Dancing Club has Issued Invitations to their first dancing party which will bo hold at Masonic hall on Wednesday evening of next week. A letter was received hero this week from Evangelist Carol M. Rldenour announcing Unit ho was having suc cessful meetings at Bonner Springs, Kansas, Ho stated that from thero ho would go to Galveston, Texas for a aorles of meetings. Mr. Rldenour was horo for a fouiy wicks series only 'a short tlmo ago at tho Christian church. ed work in the way of forging monoy orders in this part of tho state and tho authorities nre attempting to put a Btop to It. Ono man Is In tho coun ty jail "how serving sentence for forg ing a money order, having pleaded guilty last week. All merchants nnd others are therefore warned that to accept a monoy ordor liom a stranger may bo only that much money thrown away. Rest Cough Mcdlclno for Children. "Thrco yenrs ago when I was liv ing in Pittsburg ono of my children had n hard cold and coughed drcd fully. Upon tho ndvlco of a druggist I purchased a bottlo ot Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and It benoflted him at onco. I find It tho best cough mcdlclno for children becauso It Is pleasant to tako. Thoy do not object to taking It," wrlteB Mrs. Lafayotto Tuck, Homer City, Pa This remedy contains no opium or other narcotic, nnd may bo given to n child ns con fidently na to an adult, Sold by ull dealers. Saturday Special at Doolittle's Bakery Cream Puffs 25c Dozen Filled with pure whipped Cream from our own farm. an r.aw'Ai-v-:5Mnare s The Manger of the KEff THEATRE annom that the admission, price at all' i egular shows with the exception of the Million Dollar Mystery and out side features will be I m DC. AT COURT HOUSE NOY 25th. 2 JO J. Ilia Ruddy's Addition-Comprising 24 Lots lying immediately south of new Round House torbe offered at administrator's sale. Bids -will-be received on any part or the whole. e; H. EVANS, Administrator. K X. t i . I S J 'JffiHnaeisnlfl ItflkWTk LAm II KBbdSTOi '- ii ' ..wmuL n H Iffl'BESSiv.1. lASKLit. hlASftlf PV K v m rmsrttHimm1! m A What Is Home & Without Music (.) 1VATTCT-' .L .1 .1.1 ! l VrSi 'j 1 1VATTCT-' .L .1 .1.1 ! l wikjjiks me one imng mat Dani&nes nome monotony, care and trouble that brings 'amusement t 'a pleasure and refinement. V7 v. -L.MJ ...:n c 1 1 1. ' i '. -i i out cimarcH w;u nna suDiirne pleasure m tho study of mudc, cf harmony, melody and rhythm. The a"&-ft niwrv (The Player Fmno that is all but human) ' promotes this study. It removes the great barrier technical facility, ar.d opens at once to everyone the en joyment of personally producing music. The Ellington Manualo solves the problem of music in the heme. Prices and terms will suit you. Come and convince yourself. You are welcome whether you wish to buy or not. G. W. Langlois , PHONE RED 854. 1009 West 4th. ! aiiijfi ; t o V w V