The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 17, 1914, Image 1

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MtM nhnm.
$ Jyty
No. 86
mh Mttvtlx
Oi ""H
Philip -Dents is reported quito ill at
his homo on south Sycamore street.
Mrs. McKenna and Miss Elllo Christ
oP this city spent Sunday visiting
friends In Brady.
Mrs. Julia Goodman, of Cody, Wyo.,
is the guost of hor son, E. It. Good
man, and family.
Tho Christian aid society will moot
Thursday attcrnoon at 3 o'clock in
tho church basoment.
Fred Lansing of Omaha, wire chief
for tho Postal Telegraph company,
spent Sunday visiting friends in this
Miss Margaret Barker is spending
this week with friends in Denver, hav
ing left for that city the latter part of
last week.
Lost Elk-tooth cuff button. Re
ward for return. A. A. Schatz. 8Gt2
Tho tomperaturo dropped to four
teen above yesterday morning, and un
less Charley Pass' buUorillcs were
well under cover thcyprobably had
their wings nipped.
Work on the now Plzer building
on Locust street was begun last week
and tho 'foundation is nearly all pour
ed. The work will bo rushed as last
as tho weather will permit.
Bo sure to look over tho, various
booths at tho Masonic hall Novem
ber 19th. You might find Just what
you want for Christmas gifts. 85t2
M. Keith Nevlllo of this city will go
next Saturday to Iowa City with tho
Nebraska Cornhuskors to witness the
big annual scrap. Ono or two others
from here are planning to go but have
not yet definitely decided to do so.
W. V. Iloagland cannot complain of
tho voto he received in Douglas coun
ty. The comploto returns oi' that coun
ty, published for the first time in to
day's Bee, shows that Pearson recplved
but eighty more S'otoa, in that county
than Hoagland, the vote being, 10.7C4
and 10.C84.
Tho Monarch Malleable Iron liniigc,
tho Slay Satisfactory Ilnngo nt Her-
shoy's, opposite post office. Phone 13.
Mr, i'and Mrs. C. J. Perkins will
mako their annual trip to Dodgeville,
Wis., to spend Thanksgiving with Mr.
Perkins' mother, and on returning
homo will attend a silver wedding in
Michigan and visit i'riend3 in Chicago
and other eastern points.
- Yesterday was pay day on the Un
ion Pacific in this section and In North
Platte it was an exceptionally large
one. The payment was lnT!xcess of
any month for soriie time, owing to
tho exceptionally busy month of October.
. Quito a number of golfers were out
' on the links Sunday, and several suc
ceeded in making very good scores
but failed to reach tho record set
by Clydo Frlsto. Tho best Sunday
Bcoro" was made by Loren Sturges and
ho was awarded tho sweater offered
by the Star Clothing House.
The -cold sifap which was precipi
tated -nmnwarew upon this vicinity
Saturday and Sunday nights caught
many in a sort of warm weather leth
argy and frozo several automobile
radiators. Several have been reported
to this office. J. W. Payne, Frank
Barbour, Georgo LtDioyt and York
Hlnman all had their radiators ruined
beyond repair by the freeze.
This Is the opportunity of your life
to buy wlmt you want in real estate
nt lowest prices. JjCt us snow you our
Weather forecast for North Platte
and viclnty: Fair tonight and Wednes
day, warmer tonight. Highest tcm-
pernturo yesterday 37, a year ago G7;
lowest last night 10, a year ago 2S.
Vacuum Cleaners mako nice Christ
mas gifts. I have tho Reliable Elec
tric and the Domestic. Mrs. M. V.
Mitchell, Phono Red 104. SGt2
Tho Presbyterian ladles' aid soci
ety will bo ontertalned In tho church
parlors Thursday afternoon by Mcs-
dames Will Eshclman 0. E. Elder and
Qcorgo Zentmeyer.
insukance, riRK and life
In tho best companies nt Lowest
rates. See BKATT Jfc GOODMAN.
Dr. Anna Howard Shaw, who lec
tured hero the latter part of October
was elected yesterday as president of
mo nauonai sun rage society, ur.
Shaw has held that place of honor for
several years and when her name was
suggested for re-election there was no
doubt but that she would hold it again.
Order your Christmas magazines
nqw. l have Ladies' Homo Journal,
Saturday Evening rost, Country Gen
tleman and other good magazines. Mrs.
M. V. Mitchell, Phono Red,104. 8Ct2
Mrs. Harry Irwin of Los Angeles
left last evening for Grand Island af
ter visiting in the city for some time
with her sister, Mrs. T. L. Green. At
Grand Island she will visit her parents
and attend a family reunion next
week. Mrs. Green will leave for thcro
next week.
No preparation is equal to Imperial
Cream Lotion for chapped hands,. A
full 1 ouiictf botlle 2,1c, at Stone's
Drug Store. ff
Mrs. M. Keith Neville, Mrs. Charles
Reynolds and son and Miss Mario
Nevlllo left last evening Jor Omaha
to visit relatives and friends for some
time. Mrs. Neville will visit for a few
days and Mrs. Reynolds will probably
spond two weeks. Miss Mario Neville
Uvo3 In Omaha and returned from a
visit of a few days In tho city.
Thomas Regan was brought before
Judge Grant in the county court yes
terday charged with bootlegging and
entered a plea-of not guilty.. Trial
was had and he was bound over to the
December term of the district court,
at which tlmo he will be given trial.
Miss Hildegardo Clinton is expected
homo next week to spend Thanksgiv
ing visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
C. S. Clinton.
Win, WHkins anjj T. L. Greeh of 'this
city have leased a building at Scotts
Bluffs and are putting in a bowling al
ley. Mr. Wilkins will leave for that
placo.iJpnior.FOW to open up the alleys
and he will havo charge of them 'Mr.'
Wilkins has been a resident of this
city for several months and has been
doing sign painting. Ho formerly ran
a pol hall at Gothenburg. Mr. Green
Is proprietor of a pool and billiard
hall here.
Post firndimte and Accredited
Teacher of Piano.
Studio 3 20 west Third Street.
Phone Red 172, Terms $1 Per Hour.
Miss Elsa Ackerman, post gradu
ato and accredited teacher of piano
announces tho opening of a private
studio at 120 west Third street, phone
Red 472. A musical kindergarten class
lor children from the ages of five to
eight will bo organized on Saturday
morning. Intermediate and advanced
students will also receive special at
tention. Terms, one dollar for an
hour lesson.
another klsibknt
attacked by thugs
Francis Norrls, caller at tho Union
Pacific offices, was accosted by thugs
Friday ovening and they struck him in
the faco indicting a bad bruise on his
lip nnil nose. Norrls was riding on
west Front street Friday ovening on
ids way to mako a call and when he
turned a dark cornor two men setep
ped out to tho crossing, one from eith
er side, and ono of them struck him,
prosumbably with his first.
Tho blow was not sufficient to
knock him from his wheel and ho lost
no tlmo getting nwny from there. Ho
senrcely got a good look at tho men,
but it is presumed that they aro tho
samo ones who attacked Georgo An
derson tho preceding evening. Ho
is however, wearing a rather "swell"
smile on ono sldo of his face.
Have You a Subject You Wish
Painted or an Artistic Talent
to Develop?
Or do you wish to paint some good pictures for your home?
, If you are interested call upon Mrs. I'IcComb
Wednesday or Friday afternoons, Nov. 17 or 20th,
at North Platte Hardware an'd Furniture Co. store
or on Saturday at her home at Experiment Station.
Phone 499.
The First National Bank
Member Federal Reserve Bank System.
One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars.
BI(r Real Estate Deal ,
A real estato deal Involving about
olghtcp thousand dollars was con
summated In town yesterday after
noon when W. M. Raskins sold his up
peV ranch in Logan county to Ben
Dlkeman. who lives on tho lllrdwood..
Thoro aro 1200 or 1400 acres of deed
ed land and tho lease on 12S0 acres
of school land. .JUr. Dlkeman Jms a
valuable tract at land on the Birdwood
and htfiiLa body of grazing land north
of the tract he purchased of Mr. Bns
kin, the lntter forming a "half way"
pasture betwen the other two tracts.
Mr. Basklns retains his ranch nonr
Stnplcton oil which he runs over 2G0
head oi cows nnd has a calf crop of
200 annually which ho feeds a3 "baby
beef." v
Sugar Company Makes Big Payment
ThoAmerican Beet Sugar company
oi' Grand Island began yesterday pay
ing checks for about forty thousand
dollars to the beet raisers of West
ern Nebraska most of "them .in Lincoln
Lcounty from tho vicinity of Hershcy
anu buiucrianu. Anotuer largo pay
ment wll be made for beets In about
thirty days. Tho Grand Island factory
uses an enormous amount of boets
and over one half of the beets they uso
are grown In Lincoln county. This
large payment of money into tho coun
ty should bo a balm for many of tho
cramped raisers.
Miss Alice Conklln Married '
Cards received in1 town yesterday
announced the marriage of Miss Alice
Conklin to Edward II.- Ervin, the cere
mony occurring in Chicago last Sat
urday. Tho bride, tho daughter of
Mr and Mrs. W. B. Conklln, wns bom
in' North. Platto and spcnVhd parly
'gfrlhdod here. Sho was the guest of
her aunt, Mrs. C. F. Iddlngs last win
ter and upring,
Mr 3rviu is a wealthy Texas ranch
man j.nd their home wilt bo at Jllg
gins, Texas. (
Funeral Thursday Morning-.
The funeral of William Landgraf,
Sr., will bo held Thursday morning
from St. Patrick's church. Interment
will be in North Platto cemetery. The
funeral was delayed for tho reason
that one daughter, Mrs. J. F. Karbush
of Ogden, could not get here. Sho will
nrriva tomorrow afternobn. Three
of Mrs. Lttndgraf's sisters from tho
eastern part of tho state arrived last
evening. They are Mrs. Henry Wack
er, of Wilber, Mrs Fred Hcnko and
Mrs. Henry Hcnko , both of Clatonla.
Rev. Brooks VIll Speak Hero
The speaker for tho annual banquet
of the Methodist brotherhood which
will be held next Monday ovening has
been announced as Rev. Brooks of
Hastings. Quito an elaborate program
Is being arranged, for the banquet-nnd
it will bo anounced In full later on.
Mr. Brooks is a speaker of rare talent
nnd should attract tho entire mem
ll(fuses, Rooms, Safe Deposit Boxes
and Storage Room.
Haligan Villi Be Hcrq.
Vic Halllgan, captain nnd star tacklo
of the Cornhuskors, wjll visit hero for
a few days prior to tho Thanksgiving
gamo to assist in coaching tlio high
school team In preparation for tho
gamo with York. The football boys
will bo given a vacation of a fow days
after the Iowa gamo and "Vic" will
tako advantage oi that opportunity
to get homo and will Incidentally as
slst In getting in shape tho ropresenta
tlves of his old alma mater.
Other R. R. men havo, why not you?
Start an Old Lino Lifo Policy on the
monthly payment plnn. It's banking
and Insurance to flio .ones dopending
on you. Let's talk it over. Phono for
an appointment.
J. E. SEBASTIAN, Gcn'l Agent.
82 G Tho Old Lino Man.
If it's in style BLOCK has it. If BLOCK has it it's in Style
Final Clean D
p SALE of
ladies' and M
FALL Suits
Beginning Tuesday, Nov. 17th, we will offer $ie bal
ance of our stqck consisting of 85 Suits at the
following prices:
Lot 1-
-All $30 and $35
Suits at
-All $22.50 and $25
Suits at
Ml $15 and $16.50
Suits at
Remember every one of these high grade suits are this season's models, all made
up in the Redingotc and Basque styles, most of them arc only a few days from New
York, a splendid assortment of colors, styles and sizes to choose from for those that
come early. N
We positively have the largest stock of Coats of any store west cf Omaha Ju3t
think yoju can select coats here from a stock of over 300 of them, all of the season's
newest models, made up in cape and plain effects, also college coats in all colors and
sizes. Prices from $5.00 to 65.00
, Skirt Special for This Week Only.
Just received, a shipment of New Skirts made up in long tunics, accordion pleated,
in all wool Serges, Gabardines, etc' regular values up to $7.00,
Special this week at $1.98, $2.98 and 3.98.
One lot of new Silk Crepe 'Waists, made of best quality Crepe de Chene, in black,
navy, whits, green, plum, and maize, regular 4.50 values. C
Special for This Week only $2.98.
North Platte's Only Exclusive Ladies' $eady-to-Wear Store.
T. II. McWilllnms of Omaha arrived
In tho city this morning to spend tho
day at tho Hratt & Goodman oillco.
A daughter was born last evening
to Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Drown, resid
ing at 1913 west Sixth street.
Itcjii Estate nnd Insurance
Como anil sco us for town lots in
dlfforent parts of tho city. Good in
vestments on easy torms. Houses for
salo and rent. Wo havo also good bar
gains in farms and ranches.
Cor. Front nnd Dowoy Sts., upstairs.
Tho Episcopal Guild will meet nt tho
rectory Thursday nftornoon.
Lost Elk-tooth cuff button. Ho
ward for return. A. A. Schatz. 8Gt2
The Civic department of tho Twenti
eth Century Club will moot In tho li
brary building Thursday ovoning.
Josoph Wnymnn had an oyo sovcroly
injured Saturday by a ilylng pioco of
"Those Two Olrls."
Tho Indies of North Platto would
liko to say a 'word In reply to tho
article that appeared in tho Telegraph
Saturday evening in regards to mo
two girls who Judgo Grunt took to
his home. Wo admit tho Judgo hns a
big heart and this is not tho only good
deed ho has done; we would llko, how
ever, to say If these girls walked the
streets without breakfast, dinner or
siintif'r It was their own fault. Mrs
Lemon envo them money and their
meals as long as they would accept
them; Mrs. Peterson kept them nino
nights without pay and woul havo
kept them longer if they would havo
narNrmcd tho work offorcil thorn.
Mrs. J.Q. Wilcox called on them, paid
$2.50 for their grip that was hold for
their room rent, and offered to pro
vide for nil their needs till they could
securo work; Miss Krnmph and other
ladies called on them offer ing them
room and board. This is only a part of
what was done for theso two girls who
camo hero under a fnlso name.
In answer to the nbovo which np
ncared in this paper last Friday I
doslro to state. I had nothing to do
with tho writing, composition or pro
duction of tho article referred to by
thoso ladies In tho North Platto Tel
egraph, and was not connected In nny
wny with Its appearance and tho first
knowledge I had of tho Telegraph nr
ttclo was through Mrs. A. P. JColly sub
sequent to its appearance in that paper.
On tho 6th of this montii ono oi tneso
girls (Ruth) wns taken from our
county Jail, where Bhe had been con
fined for some dnys prior thereto, and
wns given a hearing boforo mo, In
which hearing theso Indies gave ev
idence tondinir to nrovo that this llttlo
girl was a lit subject to bo deprived of
her llborty and bo confined in a re
formatory until Inter released by duo
process of law. I can state, without
successful contradiction, tha ovldenco
offorcd in 'that hearing seeking for a
conviction or grounds of commitment
was tho blgcst farce that was ,ovor con
ducted in a court of Justice
I reserved my decision in tho dis
missal of theso procedlngs that even
ing and took tho girls to tho homo
of one of theso ladles, and at this la
dy's request. The girls refusing tho
offer tendered them, I then wnntod
to take them to some other homo in
tho presonco of this lady, whloh thoy
declined. Having nothing left but tho
county Jail, I then, rind not Until then,
illd I tuko them to my home, where
they remained at my request, thinking
thoy might bo needed as wlnesnos
against certain citizens oi mis city,
who Insulted and even assaulted these
Yet not a word hns boon heard or a
move mado to bring theso human lcop
pardB to tlmo, but these two llttlo girls
must bo branded and held up to tho
public ridicule, because of what? For
committing tho unpardonablo sin of
not giving .their right namo.
JOHN GllANT, County Judgo.
Insurance for (ho whole family. HUto
Prudential Issuv life policies for liofli
men mid women us well us children.
All kinds of policies, such ns endow
ment, 10, 15, 'JO nnd 25 payment life,
straight life "1 singlo payment poli
cies. If Interested In life Insurance.
do not (like the same out until you
huu seen (ho I'riiih'ndnl policies.
Phone me for an appointment to ex
plain (hem to you and quote rates. If
more coincident, 1 will cull at your
home In the cu'imnr.
('. F. TL'MI'LK,
Agent, Phone Kcd fiOO.
The British houso of commons yes
terday voted over ono billion dollars
for war purposes and authorized a call
for ono million additional soldiers.
Tho armies of tho allies as well as of
Germany remain dead locked In West
Flanders, and tho soldiers aro trudg
ing through snow ankle deep. It is
ronortcd that a big forco of Germans
around Dlxmudo has been cut off by
Hoods caused by heavy rains nnd tho
tapping of canals.
Uorlln reports that three British
warships assisting tho allies to stem
tho Gorman onrush toward tho Eng
lish channol havo been disabled.
Tho lighting in Flanders yosterday
was vory soverc, with no advantago
on the part of either of tho contending
at 1 o'clock p. in. at
GOO Locust Street, North I'lalfc
we will sell tho following
llorsos Cattle. Poultry,
Farm Implements Eurnituro
This Is an open market,. FaraorB,
bring in your Produco and get top
price m uahji. Buy your supplies
hero and savo money,.
C1IAS. ECIIELBKKY, Sales Mnnnger.
COL. M. L. McDEIlMOTT, Auctioneer.
Pipes and Smokers' Articles
In addition to making and soiling ns
good cigars as can bo found on the
market, wo carry a nice lino of Pines
and Smokers' nrticlos, in all grades,
Then, too, we handlo nearly all th
brnnds of smoking and chewing tobac
co. Give us a call "