The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 13, 1914, Image 7

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Tin; dav's waii snws
Tho German war mnchtno has bat
tered its way into the Delglan town of
Dixmutlo. The ofllclnl French state
ment contains tho mlmlsston that tho
allies were obliged to fall back from
this point of vantage in the great
battle for possession of the eastern
shore of the British channel. As an
offset, the French war olllce states
that the allies' forces have advanced
along the North Seu coast, pushing
back the Germans and taking Lom
baertyzede, a small Delglan town a
few miles northeast of Nieuport.
Along tho remander of tho battlo
line, says tho French war olllce, there
is no cliango, except for slight pro
gress by the allies at a tew points. The
Uerlln view of the situation, however,
is optimistic,. Comment is made
there of the use of the expression
"good advances" in the latest afflcial
German reports concerning the fight
ing in the west, bolng tho first occa
sion on which such terms havo been
employed in this connection.
Paris is also hopeful as to the out
come in Bolgium,. Military critics
there take the view that tho Germans
are faced with the imperative neces
sity of defeating the allies, In order
that they may turn their attention to
tho menacing armies of Russia.
Tho German crown prince Is report
ed to have been placed In supremo
command of the German and Austrian
forces in tho east,.
Petrograd contradicts tho German
claim to an important victory along
the northern border, asserting that n
brilliant success has been won there
and that tho Russians havo begun an
invasion of east Prussia. On tho
southern end of the line Cossacks arc
approaching Cracow, while the in
vestment of Przemysll, from which
tho Russians wore swept back several
weeks ago, is said to havo been com
pleted for a second time.
Those Two UlrN
Tho ladles of North Platte would
like to say a word in reply to tho
article that appeared in the Telegraph
Saturday evening in regards to the
two girls who Judge Grant took to
his home. Wo admit tho Judge lias a
big heart and this is not the only good
deed he has done; wo would like, how
ever, to say if these girls walked tho
streets without breakfast, dinner or
supper, it was their own fault. Mrs.
Lemon pave them money and their
meals as long as they would accept
them; Mrs. Peterson kept them nine
nights without pay and would have
kept them longer if they would havo
performed the work offered them.
Mrs. J. Q. Wilcox called on them, paid
$2.50 fort heir grip that was held for
their room rent, and offered to pro
vide for all their needs till they could
secure work; Miss Kramph and other
ladies called on them and offered them
roo m and board. This is only a part of
what was done for these two girls who
came hero under a false name.
Mrs. D. C. Congdon is visiting her
mothor, Mrs. Thos. Hughes, In Hast
ings, having loft for that place Wed
nesday. Mrs. James Guynan returned Tues
day from a visit of two weeks with
relatives and friends in Schuyler and
L. U. Dick now drives a "37" Uulck
of the 1015 model, having traded his
old car on the new ono tho early part
of the week,.
The music department of tho 'f wen
t'eth Century club will m.-'c this at
ti-rnoon nt 2:30 at tho homo of Mrs.
W. V. Iloagland,.
Detective Cal Low!1, jf tho Untnn
r.idflc service of OwiIia was visiting
i the city Wednesday. Ho was for
merly deputy sheriff hero..
George Grady returned the first of
tho week to his homo In Grand Island
after visiting In the city for some time
with relatives and friends.,
Miss Mary Cox of Fairbury, Nob.,
and Miss Ethel Roe, of Rutland, 111.,
arrived in tho city this morning for
a visit with Mrs. II. G. Knowles,.
Mrs. L L. Mlltonberger returned
homo tho first of tho week from Oma
ha where she visited for several days
with her daughter, Mrs. C. A. Lowell.
AnnouncemoiJt has been received
hero of tho birth of a daughter to Mr.
and Mrs, Ed Winn of Kearney, Novem
ber Gth. Mr. Winn formerly lived
F. T Schermerhorn. of Omaha, su
p:.iitendent ol bridges an J buildings
for tho Unioin Pacific was visiting in
tho city Tuesday afternoon and Wed
nesday. Mr. and M--3,. Fran); Winchester of
Gibbon arrived in tht city Saturday in
their car and visited for a few days
att ho home of Mr. au I M-s. C C
Superintendent W. R. Cahili of Oma
ha arrived In tho city Tuesday evening
mid spent the night here. lie 1"U
Wednesday up the branch on a tour
ct inspection.
The Golden Rule lliblo class of the
Presbyterian church will hold a so
cial this evening in tho church par
Icrs. All members of the church and
Hit Ir families and tho mlmUoM end
their families are invite 1 to bo pres
ent. State Engineer D. D. Price, of Lin
coln, was visiting in tho Icty Wednes
day morning on business. lie and the
county commissioners loit in tho af
ternoon for tho Sutherland vicinity to
look over the new state aid bridge
over the Platte.
Tho now General Hospital, recently
organized hore, will open next week
In the RItner hotel building,. Miss
Pearl Larson of Omaha, head nurse,
arrived In the city Wednesday to
make final arrangements for opening
up and getting everything started off
Tho rooms In the new part of the
hotel have been thoroughly renovated
and put In shape and tho furniture Is
nearly all arranged ready for occu
pancy. Tho patients that aro now in
tho P. & S. hospital will bo moved into
tho new quarters as soon as everything
Is ready and the hospital on the north
side will be Abandoned,.
The younger sot will havo a danc
ing party at tho Masonic hall this ev
onlng. Charles Tlgho leaves tills evening for
Lincoln to witness the Nebraska-Kansas
foot ball game.
M. H. Smith of Urondwater was vis
iting friends and traunactlug business
In the city Wednesday.
Long or Short time loans,. Money
uivtiijs on hand. See
Entertains at 500
Mrs. Chas. T. Whelan was hostess
at a 500 party Wednesday afternoon
at which she had as her guests twenty
four ladies. Tho rooms were beau
tifully decorated with roses and chrys
anthemums, both of which were used
in profusion. A very elaborate lunch
was served, Mrs. Geo. Coates assist
ing In serving. The function proved
a most pleasant one to the guests and
in all respects was a prettily appoint
ed one.
Safely Razor lilades Itesliurpened,
single edged 25c, doublo edged 35 c.
All work guaranteed.
The following clipping frodn the
Lincoln Daily Star tells of n heavy
mortgage on Nebraska holdings of tho
Union Pacific company:
Grand Island, Nov. 10. A supple
mental mortgage was filed in tho ofiico
of tho register of deeds today by tho
Union Pacific railway company to the
Equitable Trust company of New York
tnt ho sum of $31,848,000.51,. Tho In
strument was filed by J. A. Griffith
of Omaha, land commissioner for tho
company and is on all property, both
real estate and otherwise in Nebraska.
Tho mortgage is supplemental to a
$200,000,000 mortgage filed hero on
Juno 1, 1908.
I have two young rams for sale.
Henry C. Hansen. 84t2
Idle money is profulesss money. With
the 4 per cent interest we pay oa Certificates
of Deposits, your surplus ; amounts are made
useful .
This bank is every ready to accept sums
of various sizes, paying interest on them
whether they remain here a year or six months.
Think if there are odd amounts you could
make pay a profit. Bring them in.
Platte Valley State Bank,
"Home of Checking Accounts"
North Platte - - Nebraska.
Celebrate Itlifli Aniihoi'sury
Henry Yost was given a surprise
party by his relatives Tuesday evening
on tho occasion of his olghtleth birth
anniversary. There were present sev
en children, five wives and husbands
of children, seventeen grand children
and three great grand children. It
was a pleasant and linppy reunion of
the Yost family.
Mr. Yost has been a resident or
North Platto for twenty-eight years,
coming hero and opening a harness
shop, a business in which ho was en
gaged for a number of years. He and
his good wife have raised a family of
children who havo been a credit to
them and who are among our best citizens.
Notice to Property Owners.
Notico Is hufreby given thai tho
City Council of the city of North
Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska, will
sit as a Doard of Equalization begin
ning at tho hour of 8:00 o'clock P. M.
of tho 17th day of November 101-1,
at tho Council Chamber in tho Library
Building in tho city of North Platto,
Lincoln County, Nebraska, fo'r tho
purposo of levying on tlio real cstnto
lying nnd being within tho extended
Sower District "K" taxes for tho pur
poso of paying the costs of tho con
struction of said extended lateral
sower in the said Sower District
"K" and that the said taxes will
lie levied upon each parcel of real cs
tato according to extent of benefits to
such property by reason of tho con
struction of said lateral sower, and
if tho said council shall find such
benefits to be equal and
uniform sucli levy of taxes
will bo according to tho
front foot of tho lots of real estate
within said extended Sower District
"K" or according to such other rulo
n8 tho City Council sitting as such
Board of Equalization may adopt for
tho distribution or adjustment of such
All persons interested will file their
objections, if any they have, to the
assessing of taxes against their prop
erty on or beforo tho 17th day of No
vember, at 8:00 P. M., with tho City
By order of tho mayor and City
Council, made tho 20th day of Octo
ber, 1914.
82t5 . City Clerk.
Prohibitionists Stnrt Work
As expected, the anti-saloon league
of Nebraska announces that it will Im
mediately movo for state prohibition.
Tho prohibllonlsts held back this year
to escape complications with tho
woman suffrago campaign. Two years
henco the liquor question will havo a
clear field. From this time tho battle
is on.
C. T. nine, the banker from Tryon.
was visiting friends In the city Wed
nesday and transacting business.
.The Hendy-Oglor Co. unloaded a car
of Ford automobiles this week. There
were seven cars In tho shipment, sev
eral of which were sold in advance.
Mr. and Mrs. IS. M. Searle of Oga
lalla were visiting friends in the city
Wednesday, returning homo In tho ov
eulng. Mr. Searlo is a bunker at Og
iilulln. Julius Pluer returned Wednesday
from Chicago. He succeeded In ascor
tnining that his father, from whom ho
had not heard from for some time, Is
safe at tho homo of his daughter in
Russian Poland. This was learned
through a cablegram sent via Petro
grad, Russia.
Mrs. N. McCabe, Mrs. John Murphy,
Mrs. C. S. Clinton and Mrs. W. J.
Stuart will entertain at a series of
three functions at tho McCabe resi
dence next week. A card party will
bo given Wednesday afternoon, a ken
slngton Friday afternoon and a card
party Saturday afternoon.
The Princeton Players, tho third
number of tho lecture course, ap
peared Wednesday ovonlng nt tho Pres
byterian church boforo a good-sized
audience. Their program was very
good and they pleased tho audience
very much. The company consists of
four ladles, Dollio MncDonald, rend
er and pianist, a ilutlst, a violinist and
a cornetlst. The Ilutlst was also so
loist for the company. Tho cornetlst
played a saxophone and bassoon as
well as tho cornet. All proved them
selves artists and gave a very nice cn-torlninment,.
A What Is Home &
Shop Time Reduced.
Effectivo yesterday the working
time of the Union Pacific shops was
reduced to forty hours per week live
days of eight hours. Tho tlmo re
duction prevails in all tho shops on
tho system, so there Is no discrimina
tion nt North Platto. Tho fall rush
of traffic is about over, tho motive
power Is reported to bo In good shape
for tho winter and there Is tlierfore
a slackness of work In all the shops,.
It was reported that a ten per cent
reduction in tho working forco would
bo made, but probably as tho hours
havo been shortened the reduction
will not bo effective.
Other R. II. men have, why not you?
Start an Old Lino Life Policy on tho
monthly payment plan. It's banking
and Insuranco to tho ones depending
on you. Let's talk it over. Phono for
an appointment.
J. E. SEBASTIAN, Gen'I Agent,
82 5 Tho Old Lino Mnu.
Tournament Closes Wednesday
Tho billiard tournament in progress
at tho Elks' club will close Wednesday
of next week nnd tho supper will bo
served by Steward Smith tho follow
ing evening. Tho Steward declines to
give an Inkling of tho menu, but it will
no doubt be up to the Smith standard.
Tho team captained by Ed. Dickey
is a little in the lend up to date, but
chances aro that tho Tom Henley team
will overtake them before the con
test closes.
Dress in
You need a good,
warm room to shave
und dress in. A Per
fection Smokeless Oil
Heater will warm any
ordinary room in a
few minutes.
The Perfection is port
able; you can take it to
sitting-room, cellar or attic
any room where extra
beat is needed and it la
specially convenient in
very cold weather.
The Perfection is econo
mical, too it burns only
when you need it. No coal,
no kindling; no dirt, no
aihes. Good-looking; easy
to clean.
guaranteed odorless and smokeless. For
Bale ut hardware and general stores every
where. Look for the Triangle trademark.
Without Music
&? MUSIC -the onr llilncr tlmr tv-miiir hnnir
monotony, care and trouble that brings amusement,
i-sb pleasure and refinement.
our children will find sublime pleasure in the
study of music, of harmony, melody and rhythm. The
(The Plnycr Piano that is nil but human)
promotes this study. It removes the great barrier
technical facility, and opens at once to everyone the en
joyment of personally producing music. The Ellington
Manualo solves the problem of music in the home.
Prices and terms will suit you. Come and convince
yourself. You are welcome whether you wish to buy
or not.
6. W. Langlois
PHONE RED 854. 1009 West 4th.
3 If
The First National Bank
2COR Til IT A TTJ5, JY 75 IMA S KA .
Member Federal Reserve Bank System.
One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars.
lhkkm ' . -' tfJtroiHHt: ir
Read- -Mark- -Learn
nnd inwardly digest, all tho lesaons tho
daily newspapers furnish about tho ne
cessity of having one's property and
household effects fully insured in a
Rood reliublo company. Every day
brings to light some poor unfortunate
who has lost hi? nil by fire, simply be
causo ho was not insured. Don't let it
happen to you. TnVo out n policy
with us at once nnd be on the safe
.TLlaaM " Hi.
This cabinet range $33.00 placed in your kitchen
ready to use. Easy Terms. This price covers stove
and pipe from the main. Other stoves from $20
North Platte Electric Co.
C. It. arOREY, arimugor.