The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 10, 1914, Image 4

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    1 1
Do your eyes trouble you now? If so,
what will they be ten years from today un
less you take care of them immediately?
Slop and realize the danger oi neglect, the
danger of mistreatment.
There is no treatment more serious than
wronjj glasses. By wrong glasses we mean
glasses that are not suited to your eyes, glasses
fitted more or less after a perfunctuary exam
ination, glasses chosen from a tray, by trying
on one pair after another, glasses bought at a
bargain counter, glasses fitted by a merchant
or dealer, not an optical specialist. If you
want your glasses to be absolutely correct,
bring your eye troubles to us.
Clinton, Jeweler and Optician,
v Gil Dowey St.
We want your Repair Work.
The freo lecture on Christian Sci
ence nt tho Koitli theatre this evening,.
The plat of ground south of the
Building & Loan building Is being
llled In and next spring will bo
cown to grass seed.
"Shorty" Ilodshlrc, at one tlmo boll
crmakcr In tho local shops, now mak
ing his homo in Denver, has been vis
iting friends In town for several days
Nineteen hundred tons of sugar
beets are In storago along the U. P.
tracks at O'Fallon. They will bo loaded
and Blilppcd as fast as needed at tho
Grand Island factory.
Harry Murrln expects to move Into
his new house on west Fourth street
next week,. This homo is a very at
tractive one that possesses all tho mod
ern features and conveniences.
Tho free lecture on Christian Scl
enco at the Keith thcatro this evening
will commence promptly at 8:30, and
all who attend are requested to bo
pn time. ,
The stork visited tho homo of Mr.
and Mrs. Will Baldock early Saturday
morning and deposited a girl which
tipped the' scales at ten pounds. Tho
mother and daughter are getting along
Dr.. T. J,. Kerr was ill for a few
days last week with a slight attack
of ptomaine poUonlng. Ho was able
to bo out Friday afternoon and la now
completely recovered.
' dlonn Rowcll, of Staploton, was vis
iting friends in tho city Friday after
noon and remained over ior tho Bliow
in tho ovonlng. Ho was formerly in
tho Iddlngs lumber olllce hero, but is
now manager of two yard at Stapleton.
. Jod Mahattey, formorly of this city
tiut now working on tho Arthur bn
. -ion m in town Friday and
and Saturday soliciting advertising
from the local mercnaiuB mi . -pago
Christmas edition of tho Enter
prise. 0 P. Past, a farmer from Sunshine
precinct in the Sutherland vicinity,
ytnB vlsltlLg in tho city S-turdny with
friends and transacting business at
tho court house. Ho camo in to con
gratulate County Treasurer Durbln
on his re-election.
W. A. Sklnnor, who purchased tho
Episcopal rectory Is having Itt re
moved to a lot In tho 1400 block on
west Fourth street,, no ui -.
make a number of Improvements to
tho houso and when theso arc added
bo will have a very couifortablo home.
' Tho Hallowo'en program given In
School DlBtrlct 44 was much en
joyed by tho patrons ot tho school and
tho proceds from the salo of the bas
kota amounted to $7.76,. A literary so
ciety was organized and tho first
meeting will bo held Friday evening.
Nov. 13th.
Mrs. Thomas Terry, of Omaha, vis
ited In tho city over Sunday with
friends.. Sho waa formorly a resi
dent of this city and her husband was
an engineer out of hero for a number
of years. They moved to 0naha twen
ty years ago. Mr. Torry was killed
In tho tornado that swept Omaha a
year ago lust Easter.
V. C Ueynolds will mako a num
ber of improvements noxt spring to
v Uilldlng occupied by Stone and
Mucker. Iforo modern fronts, steel
ujtllngM. iew floors and porlnps nl
dltlontv to the rear aro nmong tin l-n-provcnu'iitH
contemplated. U was
planned to do thlB work this fall, but
later Mr. RoynoldB concluded to wait
until Bprlng,.
Tho case of tho stato against Ruth
Hurklns was up In tho county court
Friday afttrnoon. It is n complaint
that tho defendant is a delinquent
and neglected child under tho ago of
eighteen years. Suit was filed by
John Frazlcr and Bovoral witnesses
woro called. After hearing tho ovi
donco tho court took tho coso under
ndvlBoment. Defendant was held at
tho county Jail for somo tlmo boforo
tho hearing.
MIbs Mary A. Posey stopped off In
tho city Saturday for a visit of a few
days with her brothor, J. II,. Posey
and family at tho Union Pacific hotel.
Sho bad bcon In tho east whoro sho
had been recuperating from 111 health.
Miss Posoy Is n missionary in China
under tho Presbyterian church. She
camo homo to regain hor health and
was to have returneu mrougn r-iuuiiv-
irn'mmms. 3&&&Li, a j m ' wr r.-1. w
-- wtfimmh;ilffl XL HsH&tSSS6 ', nim ' WBiiikvXU JsHveM )ry&y .frnKmrxJi
MffifeoffiSSyiaX EM I SHPS3JW
tj CopvHtfevi C.s'.WCettha
fi SP 'ST H . i miii. Ji
I utilize the rower t Co-Operation
Attorney M.. E. Crosby left yesterday
morning for Grant to attend the term
of district court.
The Woman's Homo Missionary soci
ety will meet wltlr-Mra. W. l Crook
Thursday afternoon.
Attorney J. J. Ilalllgan loft yes
terday morning for Grant to attend
the district court session.
R. L. Baker wont to Omaha Satur
day night to spend a few days visiting
relatives and transacting business.
A great many out of town people
will attend tho freo Christian- Sci
ence lecture at the Keith theatre this
District Judge II. M. Grimes and
Court Reporter P. J. Barron left yes
terday" morning for Lexington to hold
court this week.
Mjss Clara P.edfleld left yesterday
morning forjier homo In Mclblta after
visiting In trie city for aweek with Mrs.
J. H. Posey at tho Union Pacific hotel.
Miss Laura Murray returned home
Sunday night after spending a week In
Omaha atendlng tho teachers conven
tion and going from there to Lincoln
to visit' her sister.
Henry Kosbau has Just completed
building a largo barn on tho farm ho
occupies Routhwcst or town. Tho
former barn was destroyed by fire
several weeks ago.
Tho Qunderson brothers, who l,lvo
south of Sutherland, were In town
Saturday on busness connected with
tho proposed now brldga across the
South Platte river.
A Blight wreqk occurred Sunday af
noon at Overton. Six empty freight
cars wero derailed and tied up the
trafllo for a short time., No serious
damage was dono.
Rov. BonJ. A. Cram, of the Methodist
church, left yesterday morning for
Kearney to Bpend a short time attend
ing the Nebraska Wcslcyan committee
meeting. Mr. Cram Is a member of
the committee.
Everett Crouso, 25, of this city,
and MIbs May Jensen, 22, of Ringgold,
wero hiarrled Saturday afternoon at
tho court house by Judgo Grant. Tho
groom Is a bricklayer In this city
anu inoy wm mane tneir homo hero.
W. II. McDonald, spent Sunday with
Mrs. McDonald, who has been In the
Immanuol hospital for several weeks.
Following tho operation Mrs,. McDon
ald was doing nicely, but later suf
fered a relapse, from which bIio Is now
recovering,. i
LUten! Do you know that thoro
will bo beatiful hand mada rugs lior
salo at tho Lutheran parlBh house No
vember 12th? t2
Mrs. Hart, oi1 Cenral City, state In
spector of the V,. R C,., was In the
city Saturday inspecting the local
camp. Sho spent Sunday in tho city a
gupst at tho T. C. Patterson homo.
Sho loft yesterday morning for Cnlal
la to inspect tho camp there.
C. O. Johnson, of tho Union Pacific
claim department of Omaha, wns visit
ing in tho city Sunday. Ho was form
erly a resident of this city, but was
transferred to Omnha several yeo,rs
ago and now holds a responsible posi
tion near tho top ot) tho claim service.
Ho loft yostorday morning up the
branch to look after somo matters of
company business.
'o preparation Is equal to Imperial
CtTiiiu Lotion for ehnpped hands,. A
full I ounce bottle 25c, at Stone's
Drug Slore. If
Dan McKeo, who for three years has
been treasurer of Dawson county, was
dofoated for ro-olectlon last Tuesday.
Dan, who Is well known In tills city,
was not endorsed by tho Luthor
Leaguo of Dawson county, henco his
defeat. All acknowledged that ho had
provon a vory olllclcnt olllclal, but his
church ullegianco wns dlstastofiil to
mombors of tho league,.
For Rent 4 room houso on east
Second street, also hard coal burner
for sale. Phono black 140. 83t2
R. A. McNlght ot tho Mooroflold vi
cinity waa visiting In tho city Satur
day on business at tho court houso.
Ho was accompanied by G. D. Brown
of thnt vicinity. Mr. McNlght Is ono
ot tho enrltcst settlers in this coun
ty ho having lived heiro for over
forty years. Ho can give tho history
of North Platto from tho tlmo when It
TTT7? T1rf iifn - 1- -.". tr - X....3 l . .
I pers brouahtto. t ZTZJSS Sfil ?'! 7" "? ? a great army of .hop-
"("pcmtlon. Ce"tS- Ul"011sel"!ay. they are tiros enjoying one of the benefits of
a-ki'lt &MX lheTia?edrapSuonleoTusa "" CUW Cam bl" W V"S CSt ot "" ""
car Hne's elfecKe 15&5 tatSSSS!M5?SSS.g ""' yU C"-Al"M, W'tU !r 'people PMW" 'he
But there as a rule your co-operation ends. Upon reaching this center you scatter in all directions oup dnP hi
Can't you imagine liow much farther your money would go how much cheaper vou could buv rhP nrtioip if vn
ZatuLffSSS fgHther' P0? rUr mney' g to a reliable SSSiSt Sd glvfh 5-i
'al!'K, i e PrIvileSe of selecting a certain store, apart from your neighbor, you pay iiddltionnl clinnro renre
nw! yw le,large expense of selling in smaller quantities, which under these circumstances .the "Urchant mSst
2SIgfn i mVZ la"nched the biS Co-operative Family piano sale to bring you piano buyer together make it i of
sible for you to eftect an enormous saving. We are concentrating your buying power, your neiKhboreMn vin J,m nr
your united patronage to this, the greatest sale of fine pianos andbplayer pianos eva "eW I here ofelewhere! V '
In preparing for this bic Co-onerative Fnmilv Pimm Sni ,,,i .
an immense purchase of instruments from our regular factories The re
sult was a big saving to us in factory price Instead of consuming an en
tire six months in the selling of them by the old expensive methods we
are going to sell them through this big family in six weeks. Another
and greater saving.
We are going to sell every one contemplating the purchase of a piano
or player piano in this vicinity. We are quite positive of that because
by combining the saving effected by purchasing so many instruments at
one time for immediate delivery, with the greater saving effected by this
I modern, economical, Co-opera
tive way of selling, we are en
abled to quote prices and terms
on these high grade makes that
must compel you, for economy's
sake to buy now and at this
S Terms on pianos asiow as-
was only a row of log houso saloons
on Front street until tho present day.
Ho became quite reminiscent Satur-
n nrrnunt of the war sho was obliged day and relnted sevorol interesting
.-.. i. l.m nllmr rnuto.. tales 01 tllO IHirl
to return by tho other route,.
tarly day life here.
xrs uwi u
A Few of the Many Bargains
This sale, after months of
planning is an actual reality
now and thrifty purchasers are
going to take advantage of these
benefits and savings. Look over
the prices given here, note the
saving, note the low terms,
come investigate.
Free Trial For 30 days you may
try out the piano you select in your
home. If at the end of that time you
do not want to keep it notify us and
we will send for the piano and re
turn to you every cent you may have
Free Exchange Privilege Any
time within one year you may ex
change your piano for a player or
higher priced instrument and we will
allow you all that you have paid out.
Free Deliveries All pianos or
players are put in your home free of
charge. This applies to exchanges
We Give Free with each piano, a
stool to match and a scarf.
We Give with each player-piano, a
bench, scarf, 12 rolls of music of
your own selection.
Warranties Each instrument is
guaranteed against all defects.
Some five years, some a lifetime by
the makers. On top of that wo give
our personal warranties, doubly pro
tecting you.
Ml ' i
gj IiiliflHn 1 raHK' il IHB mlmmUlSmW
rii m KnHBKffiRffinHHHBOBHrvr B gggwpasaMffi8IWMBnr i lirtw!!!J!fTrMTrJ!gaa BfjBfafTmiwi'r"-" -nrrmSy)
ai i mi i 1 1 amMzymmssmsmtt leEsai"1 ' ' "m mi:j a-- r -w
IIHilHHliiHi ilHPHIIiiHBIilliiiBHHHHIi iMiliBifliViliSiKi!
SAliK I'HICE $1(JS.0()
SAJiE PRICE $218.00
Information Coupon
Cut out, iill In, sign, send to us today.
Gentlemen: Kindly send mo list of
Co-Oporatlvo Bargains of 'anos
not to exceed ? In prlco
and tho terms on saino. . , .-
Prefer ninlco
Sign f.
r ?jmmlm InHHH Hi IIH ITwBSiB
IjniHIMHHBIBfSlIf BlttriliiBNHHBlfTf lBR.8gEmsmimmr!;?
iliH'Slii IIiHfillii wmWsBmmH
SALE PRICE $197.00
Gaston Music Co.
SALE PRICE $!1!)7.00
Clinton's Jewelry Store,
Oilier Stores Keiirney, Grand Island
nun Jiastiiigs.