A Big Co-Operative Family Will Share In This Savin , l H u i i ) WE ANNOUNCE A NEW ECONOMICAL WAV OF SELLING PIANOS., WE HAVE BEEN MONTHS PLANNING FOR THIS BIG EVENT, ARRANGING TO GET THE INSTRUMENTS, FIG URING HOW REST TO PHESENT THIS GIGANTIC PROPOSITION TO YOU IN THE MOST FORCIBLE MANNER. FOR YOU, MR. PIANO BUYER, ARE THE ONE MOST BENE FITTED BY THIS PLANNING. We knew, in fact we have alwaysJcnown, that the method employed in selling pianos Is excessively expensive. That pianos could be sold much cheaper if some plan were devised whereby this enormous selling cost could be eliminated. We. solved this problem, we are sure we have solved it and for proof we point to the startling low prices we are putting on these usually high priced instruments. But let us explain the whole scheme to you. First, we had to figure how we could reduce the factory' cost to us, this wasn't an easy matter as we were told by the different factories that we already had the lowest price But when we explained our plan to them, told them that we knew we weren't entitled to a lower price on our regular business, but that we stood ready to buy for immediate delivery a great quantity of instruments, the amount we usually buy during a period of six months, they readily consented to giving us a much lower price on this quantity "order. In turn we negotiated with all the different factories whose makes we have sold for so many years with the result that the whole saving amounted to an enormous sum. The next thing was to effect a saving in the marketing of this huge purchase. We couldn't employ the old way, that way is slow and costly, chant this old method has been the only way by which pianos were sold. Since the days of the very first piano mer- Let us explain (lie old way, then you will be able to form some Idea as to its costliness. The old way and for that matter the method still in use by nine out of ten piano merchants, is to employ outside salesmen, canvassers, who make innumerable calls upon prospective purchasers. In many instances it has taken years to finally close a sale in this manner, and then, a great many of the sales were forced upon the people. As the average salesman sells but four or five pianos per month his commissions were necessarily large. Then there was the expense of incidentals connected with each sale, also the sales thus made, being usually forced, the purchaser felt that he had a right to miss his payments If he wished as he wasn't ready for the piano at the time he bought, the fact made the carrying of his account very costly. Usually he had to pay a larger monthly payment than his income would justify. Our plan is this; we are forming a big Co-operative Family of piano purchasers, instead of buying from many different stores they will buy here. In union there is strength and your purchasing power united with hundreds of others form a mighty leverage to obtain low prices. Wrhen you buy here you buy not one but hundreds of pianos, because this family is one big body of purchasers who are "concentrating their pat ronage to this one store, thus enabling us to give you individually, the same price that you would receive if you had been delegated to purchase hundreds of pianos at one time. No running out to your home, no calling upon you at your place of business. Our salesmen are on a regular salary for this sale and stay in the store to wait upon you, who comes of his own accord, having made up your mind without the aid of an outside salesman. After all these months of planning this great saving proposition is now an actual reality. THE SALE STARTS TOMORROW Throughout the sale our store will be open evenings for the benefit of those who would rather come at that time. We will announce daily the different features connected with this big Co-Operntivo Family movement for low prices. Watch for them. In all our announcements in telling you of the values to be had here and in all the information we give you regarding this sale, we will state nothing but the absolute truth. You have not one but many different makes to choose from and these are the same makes we have always sold. They are not the instru ments of some unknown, inferior,make bought especially for this distribution, but the very same that your neighbors have been buying from us for years and perhaps that you now have in your family. They include some of the best in the world. We say to you that this Is the only way possible in which we could fairly and honestly offer you these low prices and terms. The saving ef fected by buying In such enormous quantities plus the still greater saving in our manner of spiling them and small profit to us, on account of the volume of business we will do, allows us to sell at these figures. It is an experiment with us and if you are wise you will make haste to take advantage of it, for you may never have the same opportunity. ,' as- Terms or pianos as r""w ?j!i ik m rarc- Mnu $ m &&&&. n mssm ff& &. I BfiP gMONTH old piano in exchanging for a player-piano. iMpSB mSBESSsB I I H LK PRICE $388. SALE PRICE $187 SALE PRICE $175 qiaUS'6 IJHHKB& I PIANOS Knabe Kimball Price & Teeple Wilson Smith & Barnes Schacffer Willard A. B. Chase McPhail Packard Gaston Brlnkerhofi R. S. Howard Holland Crown Marshall & Wendell PLAYER PIANOS - A. B. Chase-Artistino , Apollo Autopiano Schaeffer-Harmonola 5 Crown-Combinola s Price & Teeple OTHER FEATURES, BENEFITS, ETC., WHICH 1)0 NOT COST YOU A PENNY Free Trial For 30 days you may try out the piano you select in your home. If at the end of that time you do not want to keep it notify us and we will send for the piano and re turn to you every cent you may have paid Free Exchange Privilege Any time within one year you may ex change your piano for a player or higher priced instrument and we will allow you all that you have paid out. Free Deliveries All pianos or players are put in your home free of charge. This applies to exchanges also. We Give Free with each piano, a stool to match and a scarf. We Give with each player-piano, a bench, scarf, 12 rolls of music of your own selection. Warranties! Each instrument is guaranteed against all defects. Some five years, some a lifetime -by the makers. On top of that we give our personal warranties, doubly pro tecting you. SALE PRICE $110 SALE PRICE $r SALE PRICE $:i?)7 Gaston Music Company OPEN EVENINGS Located at Clinton's Jewelry Store NORTH PLATTE, NEB. k"BSff! Other stores Kenrnoy, Grand Island, Hastings. w.y yt. ffH'','Z3BWUHllISIMMHWgJlWni Copyright 191-J. C W McCOMUES. Reproduction in nur Information Coupon Cut out, fill 1, slKn, send t N f,iny. GASTON MUSIC CO. Gentlemen r-K'indly 8end me list of Co-Operative Bargains of Pianos Playors not to exceed? , prfce and the terms on same. Prefer Sign . Address mako K22SBM