The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 03, 1914, Image 7

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l " .
How She Was Helped During
Change of Life by Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable
Philadelphia, Pa. "I am just 52 years
of ago and during Change of Life I suf
fered for six years
terribly. I tried sev
ernl doctors butnono
seemed to give mo
any relief. Every
month the painswero
intense in both sides,
and made mo so
weak that I had to
go to bed. At last
a friend recommen
ded Lydia E. Pink-
VijTl. . k w!!s V e g o t a b f o
Compound to me and I tried it at onco
and found much relief. After that I
had no pains at all and could do my
housowork and shopping tho samo
as always. For years I have praised
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound for whqt it has done for mo,
and shall always recommend it as a wo
man's friend. You are at liberty to uso
my letter in any way." Mrs.THOMSON,
649 W. Russell St, Philadelphia, Pa.
Change of Life is ono of tho most
critical periods of a woman's existence.
Women overywhero should remember
that there is no other remedy known to
carry women bo successfully through
this trying period as Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound,
If you want special advico
write to Lydia E. Pinkham Med
icine Co. (confidential), Lynn,
Mass. Your letter will be opened,
read and answered by a woman
and lielil in strict confidence
Tho moro a man makes love to a
woman the moro she admires another
man to whom she has to make lovo.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate
and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels.
Sugar-coated, tiny granules. Easy to tako
as candy. Adv.
Where England Leads.
England Is ahead of tho United
States In tho development of tho au
tomatic telephone service, and con
tracts for automatic exchanges of the
total value of nearly five hundred
thousand dollars have been placed.
Befitting Punishment
'Edith Tho wretch! So ho actually
proposed to both of us! Oh, I wish we
could think of some way to punish
Madge Wo can; you .marry him,
War Hurting Gamblers.
A social worker in England was
questioned as to unemployment In his
district. "Not much unemployment,
but a good deal of half time. Still
things aren't so bad as thoy might be,
for now thero'B llttlo racing, a lot of
money gets homo which would never
get there ordinarily. Tho bookies'
runners aro feeling tho war moro than
First Aid to Matrimony.
"Tho English military uniform,"
said General Holland in Canton, "Is
tho best looking and It Is also tho
best to fight In. Tako tho photo
graphs of tho wounded and dead Eng
lish officers Viscount Hawarden, the
Hon. W. A. Cecil, Lieut, tho Hon. R.
Keppel. Did you over bgo such a
handsomo lot of uniforms?
"No wonder all tho English soldiers
marry well," General Holland conclud
ed. "Handsomo is that handsomo does
and the English uniform certainly
doos havoc amongst tho English heir
eBBCS." Tone Up
Not Drugs
Food Does It
wholesome, appetizing
food that puts life and
vigor into one, but doesn't
clog the system.
Such a food is
The entire nutrition of
wheat and barley, in
cluding the vital mineral
salts phosphate of pot
ash, etc.
Long baked, easily
digested, ready to eat; an
ideal food with cream or
milk, and fine in many
"There's a Reason"
sold by Grocers.
IS' JJtiaUffi
Thorough Cultivation Throughout the Season Will Help In a Material De
gree to Fine Results Like the Pictured Fruit.
Tho most important tiling in grow
ing blackberries successfully Is moist
soil, not one in which water will Btand,
but ono licli enough in humus to hold
sufficient moisture to carry tho plants
through tho growing season.
I find that tho best results will bo
obtained If tho blackberry bushes are
planted in tho fall, in October and No
vember, setting the smaller growing
kinds 4x7 feet apart, and tho larger
vnrleties (5x8 feet apart.
Thorough cultivation throughout tho
season will help in n material degree
to hold tho moisture necessary to per
fect a good crop.
The soil should bo cultivated very
shallow, so as not to disturb the roots
of tho plants. Breaking the roots
starts a largo number of suckers
which have to be cut out and de
stroyed. Blackberries, like dewberries and
Bush Comes Into Bearing Speed
, ily and Requires Less Care
Than Most Small Fruits.
Some of us remember the long
rows of currant bUBhes which always
bordered grandmother's garden. Somo
of us, too, remember the delicious des
serts of scarlot and whito fruit, cooled
with a dash of spring water, and
Berved with sugar.
Rarely Is the fruit offered now and
tho following seems the most plausi
ble explanation:
The appearance of tho currant worm
stripped tho bushes of leaves and soon
destroyed their vitality. They became
an eyesore rather than a source of de
light and were destroyed.
While it has been known for years
that hellebore dusted over the bushes
when wet with dew Is a sure remedy,
tho next generation havo failed to re
new tho currant rows, and as a result
the far-famed currant Jelly, one of tho
most delicious of relishes, has been
almost forgotten.
Tho currant Is easily grown, comes
into bearing speedily, and requires
less caro than most of tho small fruit.
Cuttings should bo made in Septem
ber and October, and planted in rows.
These may havo some slight protec
tion during tho winter, though it is not
absolutely necessary.
In tho spring there will bo as a re
sult a flno bed of rooted cuttings
which mny bo left for a year undis
turbed, or then transplanted to the
garden row.
Spraying with bordeaux mixture Is
a good remedy for tho fungous growth
sometimes attacking tho foliage.
Work Can Be Done During Odds
and Ends of Time and Cost
Be Almost Nothing.
A good applo oroluud can bo de
veloped during tho odds and ends of
time, and tho cost will bo practically
nothing to tho average farmer. Of
course, tho specialist will bo a bettor
fruit grower, but the chances aro tho
general fruit grower will produce a
barrel of apples for less money than
tho specialist.
When trees aro properly set out, and
carefully cultivated the first two or
three yenrs, tho roots will penetrnto
deeply and seek larger feeding
Orchards should bo thoroughly
drained, or tho trees will not bo able
to send their roots down deop in
search of mineral elements, which nro
needed to nourish tl" trees and pro
duce a lino crop of fruit.
Tho physical condition of the soil
is tho causo of many poor trees.
Pruning Blackberries.
It Is best to prune blackberries in
tho fall. Usually only flvo or six
canes from cacli root should be al
lowed to grow, tho others being pulled
out while they aro still small. When
the canes aro two and one-half to
three tret high tho tips should be cut
or pinched back two or three inches.
This checks upward growth and many
laterals push out. Theso laterals bear
tho fruit tho following season.
mrtf iJSMf.visuL'CRCua
S3K'. ftf:
raspberries, bear but ono crop on the
cane. That ha, canes which spring up
ono year bear tho next year.
From three to bIx canes arc suffi
cient to be kept In each hill. The
supcrlluous ones must bo thinned out
as soon as they start from tho ground
Tho old canes should bo cut off soon
after fruiting and burned.
Tho now shoots must bo pinched
back at tho height of two or three
feet if tho plants are to support them
selves. ' i
If they nro to be fastened to wires
tho canes may bo allowed to grow
through tho season, and bo cut back
when tied to tho wires In the winter
or early spring.
Good, small-growing varieties are
Early Harvest and Wilson. The Sny
der is rank-growing, and the most
popular variety for commercial grow
ing, but tho Agawan, Ancient Brltori,
and Taylor aro better In quality.
Satisfactoty Results May Be Ob
tained by Careful Picking,
Sorting and Packing.
The most important part of the
handling of a tomato crop Is the pick
Ing, sorting and packing. If wiselj
and carefully done, th6 results will be
very satisfactory.
In handling my tomato crop I first
go through tho field searching closely
for all sound, smooUi tomatoes just in
the turning stage;) that is, with a
slight shade of rednesB in color, yet
green and firm.
I nover pick any cracked or dls
figured tomatoes to ship to market.
I placo only smooth, uniform spec!
mens in the crnto baskets on theii
sides, with the blossom end up, so as
to show to the best advantage.
I do not crato anything but No. l's
in a No. 1 package and No. 2 quality
in a No. 2 package. Anything in
ferior to No. 2 will not pay to crate
and ship. By observing this rule I
am saved the cost of many crates, also
the transportation charges on them,
as well as tho labor of putting them
When picking for tho market, I am
to pick only No. 1 fruit, then when
packing there is not much No. 2 fruit
to pack.
By not picking tho cracked or dis
figured fruit gieen, but letting it re
main on the vines to ripen to tho right
stage for the canning factory, moro
money can usually bo roallzed from It
than If packed to chip.
Pests Will Quickly Destroy a Tree
and Should Be Burned as
Soon as They Appear.
Lato in tho summer tho unsightly
weba of this Insect nro seen all over
the lnnd. The adult, a llttlo whito
moth, lays its eggs on the leaves of
fruit and other trees and plants early
in the summer.
Tho young caterpillars spin tho pro
tectivo web. They aro of a palo yel
low, with long hnliB, two black roi
down tho body, and a black head.
Theso worms will quickly destroy a
tree and should bo burned us soon u
they appear, becauso after they iinv
eaten tho leaves they drop to tin
ground and spin a llttlo cocoon within
which they hldo themselves and then
change back to the chrysalis state
Thero aro two broods of this insect
In tho South every year and ono in
tho North.
Spraying with pads green when tho
worms aio very young will destroy
them. Loudon purplo is also used
with bucccbh. When thoy aro discov
ered In largo numbers tho limbs con
taining tho worms should bo cut off
and burned.
Old and Young Hens,
It often bothers young farmers'
wives to tell old hens from young
onos. Tho young oneB are most apt to
havp brlghtor eyos, redder combs and
smoother legs. They never havo spurs,
while old ones do. And the old hens
move about moro slowly.
Joint Committee Working to Bring
About Simplicity, Efficiency and
Uniformity of Laws.
To bring about revision of stnto
road laws along linos that will insuro
simplicity, efficient managomont, and,
whero desirable, uniformity, Is tho
task undertaken by a spbclal Joint
committeo appointed at tho third
American road congress and repre
senting tho American Bar nBsoclatlou
and tho American Highway associa
tion. Tho magnltudo, Intricacy and
political and technical difficulties of
the undertaking afo dlscussod in an
artlclo propared for tho Engineering
Itocord by J. E. Ponnybncker, chief
of tho division of load economics ot
tho United States office of public roads.
Botwoon throo and four million
words comprlso existing road legisla
tion in the sovornl states, according to
tho estimate of officials in tho office of
publlo roads. This great wilderness
of words would mnko up nn edition of
30 fair-sized volumes. In view of tho
comparative simplicity ot tho sub
loct, this vast accumulation of stat
utes, according to Mr. Pennybacker, la
a scuthlng commentary on the con
structive statesmanship of our legis
lators for many generations. Thero is
scarcely a doubt that at least 85 per
cent of thovlegislatlon Is suporlluous,
and that, entirely aside Irom the mat
ter of reform, exactly tho samo pur
poses contemplated in the existing leg
islation could be accomplished with
greater effectiveness with one-eighth
of tho existing statute laws.
The compilers havo found legisla
tion still In effect almost identical as
to form and substance with the old
colonial road laws, which were in turn
based upon English precedent, extend
ing back to the time of Queen Eliza
beth; thoy havo found statutes so
hopelessly In conflict as to make effi
cient and responsible administration
utterly Impossible. As an oxamplo ol
the bowildoring confusion of existing
legislation, tho compilers enmo across
In tho statutes of ono of our most pro
gressive states a recent enactinoni
amending a road law which was re
pealed two years beforo Uio amend
ment waB paBsed, and yet apparently
none of tho legislators havo Uiub far
become acquainted with the situation
Every Township Should Own Grave'
Pits From Which Material Can
Be Cheaply Obtained.
Thero Is a growing domnnd for mortj
and better roadmaking during tho au
tumn months. In many localities the
roads become filled with deop ruts and
tho wheel tracks so depressed during
the summer that they collect rains
which soon wash them Into gutters
and ruin the roads for heavy loads and
comfortable travel.
Thero Is no reason why a portion ot
tho road tax should not bo used for
puttiug the highways In a better con
dition for travel. The split-log dras
and other roadmaking Implements
Bhould bo put to work beforo" the
ground freezes. Tho outside of tho
ronds should, bo brought Into tho cen
ter of tho track, which will establish
a crust that will shed water, rather
than retain rains, which are sure to
occur during tho lato fall and early
spring months.
RoadB having a full high center are
quite sure to remain in u. good condi
tion during tho rainy season of fall
and spring. Steep hills, where water
is apt to collect In wheel tracks, should
bo piovlded with open suitors on each
side Into which rains may bo diverted,
with nn occasional crest which wntor
cannot pass. Approncliep to brldgo and
culverts bhould bo ho filled with earth
that vehicles of all kinds may pass
over them without acilous Jolts nnd
Jars. Roads nro much impioved when
coveicd with gravel. This Is n sea
son of tho yenr whon such work enn
bo accomplished at a minimum ox
ponse: Every township should own gravel
pits, from which roadnviking material
can bo cheaply obtained. Concrete!
loads will hooii become popular. Tho
samo material should his used in mak
ing bridges and culverts A good qtinl
Ity of sand and gravel 1 3 necessniy to
make sorvlccablo concrete Every
farmer should havo an especial inter
est In all roads Joining his placo and
leading to market.
Give Meat to Pullets.
GIvo considerable meat food to tho
growing pullotB now nnd thoy will lay
sarllor on account of It. Commercial
propared beef scraps, or cut freah
bone, will bo satisfactory for tilth pur
poso, and skim milk will bo of great us
slstanco. lasy to Improve Tomato.
It would not bo easy to (hid a fruit
that can bo moro rapidly improved by
careful selection or run out more rap
Idly by cnreless handling than tho tomato.
Self-Loading Shotgun
The recoil reloads this
trigger for each shot This
simple. It has all the good
shotguns, and many improvements besides.
Among them arc Nickel steel construction
and a reloading system that requires no
change for different loads.
It's tho Fowling Gun. Par Excellence
Watch Your Coifs
l"or Cough. Colds nnd Distemper, and nt tho drat symptoms of any
Mich nllmi'tit, giro small doses of that wonderful remedy, no- the
tnost mud In oxlitcnco,
M cenu nnd ft a bottle) ti nnd 110 tho doien of any drncrttt, harness)
dealer, or UellTercd ur Nl'OIlN MICDIUAI, CO.,
ClicinliU und IlautorloloElsta, Uosheu, 1ml., U. 8. A.
Under Existing Conditions the Wound
ed Are Given a Fair Chance
to Recover to Health.
A general impression la that with
powerful wonpons of great precision
greater Iosb of llfo and greater pain
aro caused. That view Is almost cer
tainly inaccurate Tho modern bul
lot, says tho Scotsman, unless It is of
tho soft-nosed typo, Is on tho whole
merciful, nnd either kills outright or
gives Its victim n fair chanco of re
covery. ltvdocs not, as a rule, muti
late. Tho ambulance corps waB practical
ly unknown GO years ngjo, and not
only 1b aid brought moro rapidly to
tho wounded, but it 1b far moro ef
fective than In tho pro-Llstor days.
Rapidity of conveyance has Increased
boyond all comparison. In tho pres
ent war It is truo to say that in man;
cases mon have been lying in a Brit
tali hospital within 24 hours of
receiving their wounds. If tho
risk of being hit Is greater, tho
chances of recovery from injury havo
been immensely increased.
354 Plum St., Youngstown, Ohio -"BlotchcB
liko ringworms started to
come out all over my faco and neck.
Later it took tho form of whito flakes
and when I would rub thoy cnino off in
llttlo whito scales. Tho eczema so
disfigured mo that I wae ashamed
to go out anywhere Jt itched all the
timo and whenever I perspired or got
my faco tho least bit wet, It would
burn until I very nearly went crazy.
Tho moro I rubbed or scratched tho
moro it spread and It mado mo so
roBtlcss I could not sleep at night.
"Ono day a friend provnlled upon
mo to get a samplo of Cutlcura Soap
and Ointment. Thoy cnused tho Itch
ing to stop Instantly and In a very few
days my faco and neck began to bIiow
n marked improvement. I used threo
cakes of Cutlcura Soap and ono box
of Cutlcura Ointment and my faco
and neck nro pompletely cured."
(Signed) Nowton D. W. Chapman,
Fob. 27, 1914.
Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold
throughout tho world. Sample of each
(reo.wlth 32-p. Skin Book. Address post
card "Cutlcura, Dopt. L, Boston." Adv.
War Snatches.
Simeon Ford, the humorlBt of Now
York," said tho other day:
"Wo aro a nation ot humorlstB.
Wo extract humor oven out of war.
As I walked down Broadway tho oth
er morning I overheard scraps of talk
liko theso:
" 'Tho missionaries havo boon look
ing for heathens in tho wrong coun
tries.' '"What's the matter with tho lato
Rudyard Kipling resurrecting himself
and giving us a now war eong?'
" 'Carncglo's peace pnlaco? The
kalsor has turned It Into a fort.'"
Money for Christmas.
Soiling guaranteed wear-proof hosi
ery to friends & neighbors. Big Xmas
business. Wenr-Proof Mills, 3200
Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Adv.
Unocslrable Lot.
Ho Will you share my lot?
Sho No, I don't liko tho crop of
wild oats on It'.
Many n woman's Imagination makes
bor nn invalid.
Every llttlo helps especially llttlo
Kicks whon you'ro going down hill
Malaria .
Perhaps this case may be similar to years
J. WtUv Ttllu of Utos 073,') Stlma, Cat, urltnt
Gentlemen: "it elves me much pleasure to bo alls
to send you a testimonial. If by it roachlne soma
euffurer your medicines w ill do ns much for him oa they
have for ne. At tha use of fourteen I waa troubled
n irrcat deal with malaria nnd biliousness, accompanied
with the worst sort of large bolls. I was persuaded by
my parents, who have nlwoys lwcn strong believers in
Dr. l'ierco'a remedies, to try tho Golden Medical
Discovery. I took one fwttlo and tha boils all dls
appeared, but I did not atop at one bottle. I took throo
end tha malaria all left ma and I have nod no more
boHs to this day, thanki to tho 'Golden Medical
Discovery' for my relief.
"Followlni u ocerntlon for annmilleltls two vrara am I
wm trouble) y.ry much with con.lli.stlon and fliv Uicn
trying Dr. 1'iercn'a l'leuaat lurirative I'elttts and they bar
iu m oi mv iruuoivsonia g-K ami nave biihhj ma in connur
nir tha wlio trouble: thanks ajraln tnr th -i'ftllefV anil foe
the ndvlre 1 ,uv ibUinU from lha Paopia's Common BenM
liadlcal Admar." Saud only 1 cants for IhU 1CM1 page UwL.
crun. You simply pull tho
new gun is safe, strong and
points of other recoil-operated
An Emotionalist.
"So you'ro hnuglng around brqko
again?" said tho pollcoman.
"Yes," niiBWored Bill tho Burglar.
"I haven't n cent. I broko Into a
house night beforo Inst nnd tho pool
mark of a taxpayer told mo bucIi q
hard luck story that ho had mo shod
din' tears an' lendin' him my Inst
Important to Mothora
Exnmlno carotully every bottlo oj
CASTORIA, a safo and suro renlcdy f ol
Infants and children, and seo that It
Slgnnturo of UcLzMe&i
Iu Uso For Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Cafltorig
Lay Bomothlng by for a rainyday,
nnd Just as soon as tho cloudd begin
to gather some fellow will como
along and borrow It. Now York
votm own nmmmsT wir.r. teix yoti
Vry Murine llyo llmncdr for Hod, Weak, Water)
Idea and tlrnmilaied llyelram No Smarting-.
utt nro uoniioru wnio ror jionx ox ma U;
j mull Kroo. Murine ISjo Itemed' Co.. Ulilcagc.
A wldowor'novcr Invests in a guitar
for tho purposo of serenading a spin
stor.. Ho boglns right whero he loft
off nt tho end of his first courtship.
Red Cros Bill Blue, much better, goe
farther tlinn liquid blue. Oct from any
grocer. Adv.
Creditors nnd poor relations always
show up at tho wrong tlmo.
Thoro is no nepd to suffer tho
annoying, excruciating; pain of
neuralgia; Sloan's Liniment laid
on gently will sootho tho aching
head liko magic. Don't delay.
Try it at onco. ,
Hear What Otnera Say
"I havo been a euflercr with Npumlsla
tor Mvcrftl yean and have tried diffeieut
l.lnlmcnti, out Hloan'a Liniment U the
ben Liniment for NeurnlRm on earth.
I havo tried it aurceutultyi It has never
failed." F. II. William; AuguM, Ark.
Mr: Ruth O. Clavvoal. InientnSenci.
Mo., uritit: "A friend of ouri told uV
about your Liniment. Wehavoboenutlns
like it. We use it on everything, aoros,
euta. burns, bruises, aore thront. headaches
and on everything else. Wo can't get
along Tmuout it. wo thin K it u tho Dcat
Ualmont made.
is tho best remed v for rheumatism.
Dacknclic, sore turoat find sprains.
At all dealers, 25c.
Send four cent in itatnps for a
Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Inc.
Dept. B. Philadelphia, Pa.
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 44-1914.
Yis Troubled?
Br. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
for over forty years has
been lending its aid to just
such cases as this. In our
possession wo havo thou
uanda of testimonials of liko
Perhaps you nro skeptical,
but isn't it worth nt least a
trial in view of such strong
testimony? Isn't it reason
nblo to BiippoBQ that if it
has dono so much for othora
it can do on much for you 7
Your druggist will supply you In
liquid or tablet form, cr you can
send 60 one-cent B tumps for a trial
bos. Address
Dr. O. V. Pierce, Itnffclo, N. Y.