The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 27, 1914, Image 8

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Semi-Weekly Tribune
Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher.
Ono Year by Mall in Aihancc. .. .$1.25
One Ycnr jy Carrier In Adiniirc. .$1X0
Entered nt North Platte, Nebraska,
Postofllco as Second Class Mattor.
TUESDAY OCT. 27, 1914.
Patriotism for tho fatherland Is
strong with acrmon rcsldentB In Lin
coln county, so strong In fact that If a
newspaper happens to glvo an unbi
ased report of tho war news and thus
falls to boost the army of tho father
land, tho German resident becomes
"sore" and orders his paper discontin
ued. Several Instances of this kind
have occurred In Tho Trlbuno office.
Tho Trlbuno editor has read no ar
gument that has changed his opinion
on tho question of woman's suffrago;
ho Is ready to accord to women tho
right to cast a ballot. Ho believes that
a naJorlty of tho voters In Lincoln
county, as well as In the state, hold
a similar opinion and that woman's
suffrago will bo triumphant In Ne
braska next Tuesday.
Chairman Stroltz's effort to rob Con
gressman KInkaid of tho credit of the
enactment of the G40-acrc homestead
law Is not likely to cost Judgo KIn
kaid any votes. It Is tho man who ac
complishes things, and not tho ono who
attempts and falls, that Is entitled to
tho greatest mead of praise. Tho first
man to advocato tho enlarged home
stead was was tho late I. A. Fort; this
latter statement being mado to set
history straight.
Tho announcement of P. R. Halll
lan, republican candldato for county
attorney, that, if elected, ho will pay
out of his own pocket whatever legal
help may bo necessary In conducting
Important cases in which tho county
may hecomo Involved, is worthy of
consideration by tho tax-payors. In
times past thousands of dollars have
been expended by the county In hiring
lawyers to assist the county attorney,
and this ,- too, without much benefit
to tho county.
Tho Lincoln Journal calls attention
to tho fact that tho Omaha World
Horald was for fifteen years a faithful
Bupportor of H. B. Howoll In tho lat
tor's fight for tho municipal owner
ship of water in Omaha. Now that
Mr. Howell is the republican candidate
for governor tho World-Herald can see
no good in him and distrusts his fit
ness for govornor. Mr. Howell as an
Omaha citizen fighting a corporation
for tho good of tho people and Mr.
Howoll as a republican candidate arc
two different men as viewed by tho
Congressman KInkaid will probably
visit North Platto this week whllo en
routo to his homo In O'Neill,. Mr.
KInkaid was unablo to leave Washing
ton until aftor tho adjournment of con
gress, there being sovoral measures
hoforo that body In which UiIb section
of tho country needed protection. Ow
ing to tho lengthy session ho was un
nblo to attond his campaign; he stuck
to his post at Washington, trusting
that his friends In his district would
remain truo to him,. This they will
undoubtedly do, for each year Mr.
Klnknld servos In congress tho more
valuable his services to tho Sixth dis
trict becomes. Ho will undoubtedly bo
elected by tho usual largo majority.
Jay Holllngsworth, of Ogalalla,
camo down Sunday and drovo home a
Chalmors car. Ho conducts a garage
and salesroom In Ogalalla,.
Tho Trlbuno hopes that boforo tho
191G election tho peoplo of Lincoln
county will agreo to havo five county
commlsslonera Instead of three ono
from tho south part of tho county, ono
from tho north, ono from tho west,
ono from tho east and ono from North
Platto city, Moro expense for tho tax
payers, you say? No, less exponso, for
tho fivo would do tho business, of tho
county In lessthan half tho tlmo
that threo require, Each commission
er would look aftor tho road matters
In his district; It would not be nec
essary bb at present for all threo
commissioners to spond half their
tlmo making fifty or eighty mile drives
to vlow roads; each section of tho
county would ho moro directly repre
sented on tho board and would fool
that they woro not being Ignored whllo
other sections woro being favored, and
tho county oxponses could bo moro
closoly watched and hundreds of dol
las thereby saved. Lincoln county is
too largo In area to bo govomed by a
board of throe commissioners.
Congressman KInkaid
Tho peoplo know a faithful nnd
competent public servant and are tak
ing no chances.
It was KInkaid who gavo us tho sec
tion homostcad law. Tho settlor can
now prove up In throo years with fivo
niontha off ovory winter to sond his
children to school. Ho gavo us our
now federal building, gavo us tho big
drawing for land on forest rosorvo: he
has boon nctlvo in support of every
measure for tho good of tho great com
mon peoplo, making many speechos In
congress and has looked after matters
boforo tho departments for all nllko.
Honest, capable. Industrious, ovory
body votes for Klnknld becuuso ho is
tho right man In tho right placo, and
of courso will bo ro-olected, as he
should be.
The Republican Slate Ticket
Offers to tho voters of Nebraska mon
who nro eminently fitted for tho stnto
offices to which they aspire. Thoy nro
uacKcu nnu onuorsoii Dy tno ropubll
can party tho party that has glvon
tho stnto:
Tho two cent passongor rnto law.
Tho law prohibiting railroad passes.
Tho law Insuring Inspection nnd
uniform testa of dairy products.
Tho direct primary law,
Tho puro food law,
Tho law compelling fifteen per cent
reduction In frolght rates on live stock
grain, lumber, coal, etc.
Tho law providing for municipal tax
ation of railway terminals.
Tho omployors liability law,
Tho law compelling twonty-flvo per
cent reductlon'in express rates.
The law establishing tho railway
commission and tho law empowering i
that commission to prohibit rebates,
discriminations and special rates to
LuFollctfo Endorses Homj'11.
Senator Robert LaFollotto in the Is
sue of his magazine last Saturday en
dorses R. II. Howoll for governor of
Nebraska. Tho article In part says:
"Mr. Howell 1b a progressive repub
lican. Ills record shows him to be
a foe of compromises. His last strug
gle against special Interest ond Its
allies has given him keen Insight Into
tho nature and fighting modes of the
privileged corporations that seek ever
to gain profit nt the public expense.
What Howell did In Omaha he may
be trusted to do for the people of the
whole state. Nebraska needs a gov
ornor who will servo tho Interests of
all tho people Intelligently, uncom
promisingly, honestly. Howoll meets
theso specifications and he should re
colvo tho vote of every genuine pro
gressive." A n no u n cc 1915 County Fair.
To tho exhibitors and boosters of tho
Lincoln county fair: I tako this meth
od of thanking each one of you for
your hearty co-operation and Interest
shown. As secretary of the fair asso
ciation I dcslro to say that tho officers
of tho fair collectively appreciate the
interest and work done by tho worthy
precinct commlttemen in each pre
cinct as well as tho exhibitors. These
things are what won at Lincoln at the
state fair.
I regret the fact that tho warrants
for premiums have been so late about
being mailed.
But Inasmuch as tho writer has been
bedfast for tho past six weeks with
a broken limb it has made it Im
possible to advanco with tho work. I
trust, howover, that all will bo pleased
and will respond next year. If there
aro any mistakes I am ready and will
ing to rectify such. Wo hope to be
able to have grounds and buildings
for tho fulr next year. This, of course
requires finance, but if tho people
through tho county do their share it
can bo had. Tho county fair Is a
permanent thing.
We want ovory person In the county
to becomo a member of the agricultur
al society. The life membership Is
?25.UU and annuals are $2.00. If you are
a booster you aro welcomo to become
a member; remit to tho secretary and
got your membership card now so you
can attend our regular meeting in
January, 1915, where matters pertain
ing to tho now grounds, and 1915 fair
will be fully discussed. Don't delay,
come In now, get your neighbors Inter
ested, and help us to boost this worthy
entorprlso along each year. Trusting
that you will respond to tho call, I
remain, with kindest regards,
Very respectfully,
J. E. SEBASTIAN, Secretary.
Real Estate and Insurance
Come and see us for town lots In
different parts of tho city. Good In
vestments on easy terms. Houses for
salo and rent. Wo have also good bar
gains In farms and ranches.
Cor. Front and Dowoy Sts., upstairs.
Tho supremo efforts of the fighting
men of the fivo nations have failed to
turn tho tide of battle along the Fran-co-Boiglan
border. Latest reports yes
terday woro thai a struggle of unpar
alleled fury was still In progress along
tho North Sea, where the Germans
with reckless bravery aro flinging
their troops against tho allies' forces.
Tho French official stntcment Indi
cates an attempts to cut off the Gor
rlght wing hns made some progress. If,
as said, tho allies havo established a
front from Yser to Roulers, the Gor
man line has been thrust back In a
sharp angle, tho point of which Is con
siderably to tho northward of their
forces on the shore of tho North Sea.
Tho battle rages along tho Yser, with
frightful destruction of life. Air en
gines, aea engines and land engines of
denth sweep the dosolate country, ver
tically, horizontally nnd transversely.
Through It, tho little, frail human en
gines crawl and dig, walk and run,
skirmishing, charging and blundering
in llttlo Individual fights and tussols,
tired and puzzled, ordered hero and
there, sleeping where thoy can, never
washing, nnd dying unnoticed. A
friend may find hlmsolf firing upon n
friendly force, und few nro to blame.
Gorman nnd Austrian forces, It Is
snld, havo now n strong wnll of troops
along a well established lino which
stretches from the, northern spurs of
tho Carpathians boforo tho long dis
puted fortress of Przmysl and on into
tho district of Plock. Boforo this lino
Is arrayed tho main nrmy of tho Rus
sians, now said to havo been re-lnforc-ed
by troops from tho Caucasus, Siber
ia and Turkestan. Tho Austrinns claim
successes In engagements to tho north
east of Przmysl and on the lowor San.
No word had como yostordny after
noon of tho fighting at Tslng-Tnu,
where u small German garrison Is nt
tonmptlng to stand off attacks by land
and sea from tho combined Jnpanoso
nnd British forces. Recent roports
that relations between China and Jap
an woro being strained were strength
ened by word from Pckln that tho Chl
neso foreign mlnjster hnd demanded
tho ,surrondor of a Jnpanoso torpedo
boat which ontored ChIiipbo waters
and attempted to tako away tho wreck
of tho (torpedo boat beached by tho
Gorman to escapo destruction by tho
A message from Berlin confirmed ro
cont reports that General von Moltko
was no longor acting as chief of tho
Gorman general staff, owing to his ill
ness. It was said his placo was being
filled by General von Falkenhayn.
This cabinet range $33.00 placed in your kitchen
ready to use. Easy Terms. This price covers stove
and pipe from the main. Other stoves from $20
North Platte Electric Co.
C. It. MOJtEY,
The woman's suffrago society will
hold a business meeting Thursday ev
ening of this week. The meeting will
bo held In two different places, one nt
the home of Charles Paulson on west
Sixth street and tho other nt the homo
of Levi Duke, 820 east Fifth Btreet.
All who aro Interested In the question
are Invited to attend one of these meet
ings. '
On n Life Policy in the Mutual Life
of New York, assist materially In imyr
lug premium. Let us show joii.
District Agents.
Cards have been sent to ono hun
dred and fifty poultry growers In Lin
coln county Inviting them to attend a
meeting to be held at the court house
In this city next Friday evening at
eight o'clock for tho purpose of or
ganizing a Lincoln County Poultry
Ladles! See our great assortment
of nifty worsted dresses mado of all
wool serges and poplins In the very
latest Basque and long tunic styles,
all the leading shades. Big selectlon
tloti at ?5.98 $6.75 to $10.00.
BLOCK'S, Lndles Outfitters.
The woman's socialistic study club
will hold a social meeting Wednesday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. Philip
Deats 221 south Sycamore. This is
tho anniversary meetlngof the club, It
having been organized a year ago. A
good time is anticipated and all inem-
bers are Invited. Refreshments wjjl bo
Perfect satisfaction with each 'pair
of Topsy hose. '
Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Crook and baby
leave this evening for Mlnden, Neb.,
where they will attend the district
dental meeting which holds thoro for
two days. From there they will go to
Omaha to visit for a few days.
For Rent Rooms for light .house
beeping or offices. Over .Scoonovcr's
clothing store. .Apply A. A,. Sclmtz. tf
Tho children's story hour will bo
hold at tho library Saturday afternoon
at two o'clock. Children of all ages
are Invited to bo present. t2
A few rolls of Buffalo Bill Show can-
as left, a rare chance for Hay men,
Just 11 hat they need to sme hay.. See
21 E. 7th St., City.
I havo opened an art studio In rooms
over Clinton's Jewelry store nnd will
glvo class or prlvato Instructions In
china or water colors. MISS CLARK.
Always Doubtful.
1805 It Is doubtful if men will over
1014 It is doubtful If men will ever
fly across the ocean.
1020 It Is doubtful if men will ever
fly nround the world.
1025 it la doubtful If men will ever
fly to Mars. Pittsburgh Post.
Distasteful to Him.
"Look at those cannibals gamboling
about the pot"
"I never did tare for theso dlnnui
dances," said th other shlpwioekid
ono. Kansas City .loiirnal.
ww:x north platti: im:oplk
Publlellj Testify, Its EUdenco Not to
be Ignored.
Whon rosidonts of North Platto arc
willing to recommend Doan's Kidney
Pills In this paper Is there any good
reason to try a kidney backache or
bladder remedy that is not as well
Mrs. Christian Pickett, 318 B. B St.,
North Platte, says: "I havo used
Doan's Kidney Pills, procured from
McDonoll &. Graves drug store, (now
Schiller & Co's) and havo found them
to bo just tho remedy I needed for
backacho and other kidney remedy dis
orders. Whenever I am suffering from
theso troubles, I tako Doan's Kldnoy
Pills nnd thoy glvo mo relief. Others
of my family havo takon Doan's Kidney
Pills with fine results.
Price 50c at all dealers. Don't sltn
ply ask for a kidney remedy gob
Doan's Kidney Pills tho samo that
Mrs. Pickett had. Fostor-MUburn Qo
Prop., Buffalo, N. Y.
1008 West Fourth St.
3IHS. 31. HALL,
Head Nurse.
Physician and Surgeon
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention Glven-to Gynecology
Obstetrics and Children's Diseases.
Ofilce McDonald State Bank Building.
Corner Sixth and Dewey Streets.
Phones, Office 183, Residence 283
Licensed Enibnlmers
Undertakers and Funeral Directors
Day Phono 234.
Night Phono Black 588.
Office Phono 69. Resldenco black 222
Over Dixon's Jew- Cor. First & Vine
elry Store.
Homeopathic Plijslclan & Surgeon
North Platte Neb.
Hospital Facilities at Nurse Brown
Memorial Hospital.
Bought and highest market
prices paid
Residence Red 636 Office 459
Notice of Sale.
Notice Is hereby given that by virtue
of a chattel mortgage dated on the
17th day of July, 1014, and duly filed
In tho office of tho county clerk of
Lincoln county, Nebraska on the 17th
day of July, 1914, and executed by
J. A. Banta to A. Chambers, to secure
tho payment of the sum of $189.50 and
upon which there Is now due the sum
of $192.80; default having been made
In the payment of said sum nnd no
suit or other proceeding at law having
been Instituted to recover said debt
or any part thereof.
THEREFORE I will sell tho prop
erty therein described, to-wit, ono
Mode! "D" Buick automobile, at public
auction at tho Davis garago In North
Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska on
the 9th day of Novomber, 1914, at ono
o'clock p. m. of said day.
s20-3 A. CHAMBERS, Mortgagee.
By Muldoon & Glbbs, his Attorneys)
Probate Notice.
In tho County Courfof Lincoln Coun
ty, Nebraska, Sept. 22 1914.
In tho Matter of tho Estato of Beatrlco
E. Gllfoyl, Deceased. .
Notlco Is hereby given, that the cred
itors of said deceased will moot tho
Executor of said Estate, before tho
County Judgo of Lincoln, County, No
braska, at tho County Court Room,
In snld County, on tho 27th day of
October, 1914, and on tho 27th day of
April 1915, at 9 A. M. each day, for
tho purpose of presenting their claims
for examination adjustment and al
lownnce. Six months aro allowed for
creditors to present their claims, and
ono year for tho Executor to settle
said estate, from tho 22nd day of
September, 1911. A copy of this order
to bo published In tho North Platto
Tribune, a logal soml-wookly news
paper published In said county for
four successive weeks prior to said
s29-4w County Judge.
Sheriffs Sale
By vlrtuo of an ordor of salo Issued
from tho District court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, upon a decreo of
foreclosure rendered In said Court
wherein Mutual Building & Loan As
sociation, a corporation, is plaintiff,
and Corda V. O'Brien et nl aro de
fendants, and to mo directed, I will on
tho 7th day of November, 1914, at 2
o'clock P. M at tho east front door of
tho Court houso In North Platto, Lin
coln County, Nebraska, sell at public
auction to tho highest bidder for cash,
to satisfy said decree, intorest and
costs, tho following described proper
ty, to-wlt:
Lot Six (G) Block Ono Hundred fifty-one
(151) Original town of North
Platto, Nebraska.
Dated North Platto, Nob., October
Gth, 1914.
Make Bpecial effort for dovolopmont
of Western Nebraska. SeekB leglsla
tlon yet this Congress for guarantee
of payment of doposlts In national
banks; for the making of farm loans
at low rates of Interest; and for
monthly payment of soldiers' pen
sions. Favor economizing In expenditures
to avoid tho necessity for a war tax.
Bollevo purchase of ships under
flags of belligerent nations would con
stitute violation of neutrality policy.
Assume voters havo recognized It
to bo "my duty to remain In attend
ance of the session until adjournment,
notwithstanding tho campaign is on.
Highly appreciative of former gen
erous support, I thank voters for
their consideration In tho present
Teacher of Piano.
Hambourg Conservatory of Music,
Toronto, Canada.
"Miss Florence McKay has been a
pupil of Professor Michael Hambourg
at the Hambourg Conservatory of Mu
sic and is certified by tho staff of ex
aminers as capable of teaching tho art
of piano playing."
Director: Michael Hambourg.
Secretary: C. A. Murray.
Office phone 241. Res. phone 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
Notice of Incorporation.
Notice Is hereby giver, chat an in
cci porn tlon has .been duly lormed un
der the laws of the state of Nebraska,
the name of which is Coates Lumber
& CoaJ company.
The principal place,, of transacting
business Is In the city of North
Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska.
Tho general nature of the business
to be transacted Is owning and opera
Ing lumber and coal yards for the
sale of lumber, coal and all kinds of
building materials for profit. Also
owning, buying and selling real estate
and erecting building for sale or ex
change. The authorized capital stock Is
$100,000.00, $55,000.00 of which has
been fully paid, the balance to bo sold
and payable subject to the order of
tho board of directors.
The highest amount of Indebtedness
to which the Incorporation may at any
time subject Itself shall not exceed
two thirds of the capital stock.
The affairs of the corporation are
to bo conducted by a board of not less
than three directors and such other
officers as may be provided for by the
board of directors.
Tho tlmo for the commencement of
this corporation shall bo tho 1st day
of October, 1914, and tho samo shall
continue for a period of fifty years.
Dated October 1, 1914.
To Lew Is Chambers and Ulyrtle Cham
bers, non-resident defendants.
You are hereby notified that on the
19th day of October, 1914, John H.
Kolloy, as plaintiff, filed a petition in
tho District Court of Lincoln County,
Nebraska, against you. tho said Lewis
Chambers and Myrtle Chambers, im
pleaded with Charles F. Peckham, the
object and prayer' of which Is to fore
close a certain mortgngo executed by
Lewis Chambers and Myrtlo Cham
bers, his wife, to W. W.
Wlnquest, nnd by him assigned
to this plalntllf, said mort
gage deed convoying tho following des
cribed property, to-wlt: All of Sec
tion Thirty (30) Township Eloven (11)
Range Twenty-seven (27) In Lincoln
County, Nebraska, for th purposo of
securing payment of a certain prom
issory note dated January 22, 1912,
duo and payablo August 1, 1917.
That by tho terms of tho said mort
gage If tho makers failed to pay tho
Intorest whon due, tho plaintiff had
tho option of declaring the entire sum
duo and payable, and that there is now
duo on tho said mortgage tho sum of
$2,500, together with $200 In interest
duo August 1, 1913, with intorest there
on from that dato at 10 per Qent, and
$200 In intorest duo August 1, 1914,
with Interest thereon at 10 per cent
from that date, and for which total
amount plaintiff prays a decree, by
which defendants will bo required to
pay tho samo and in default thereof.
that said premises ho sold, to satisfy
tho amount found duo.
You nnd each of you aro required to
answer said petition on or beforo the
23rd day of November, A. D. 1914.
Dated this 19th day of October, 1914.
O20-4 By J. V. Romlgh, Ills Attorney.
Dr fydfiBld edfield,
Physicians and Surgeons.
JOE U. KEDFIELD. I'hyilclan.
Physicians & Surgeons
. Hospital . .
PHONE 642.
Physician andSurgeon
Specialty Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat
Glasses Fittad.
New Offic in McCabe Building,
Geo. B. Dent,
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention given to Surgery
and Obstetrics.
Office: Building and Loan Building.
Ph. I Office 130
Phones Ragidenc. us
City Style and Class to My Work
313 E. 6th St. North Piatt., Neb
Nyal Drutc Stroe Bowcna Barn
Phone 8 Phono 101
North Platte Nobraska.
Rf. Phone Red 400.
Experience with seles ot ell kinds.
Dates made with any bank In Lincoln County.
Best nnd Nentest Work In
AH work Positively Guaranteed Upon
Leaving the Shop.
Leave orders at Duke & Deats' Shop.
Phone Black 634.
Paying Top Prlco for Hides
BONES $7.00 to $8.00 PElt TON
of nil kinds
Pipes and Smokers1 Articles
In addition to making and soiling as
good cigars as can be found on the
market, we carry a nice line of Pjpes
and Smokers' articles, in all grades.
Then, too, a handle nearly all the
brands of smoking and chewing tobac
co. Give us a call,
The North Side
Feed Bam as for salk
Bran, Shorts, Baled Alfalfa,
Hay, Good Seed Potatoes.
Goods promptly delivered.
Our terms are cash.
Plenty of Money to Loan
on Farms and Ranches.
Rates and Terms Rasona
ble. Buchanan & Patterson.
Cattle and Hogs
Sell your Cattle and Hogs to
Julius Mogensen, No. Platte.
Hgihest cash prices paid. Office
open day and night in North Sir
Barn. First class horse and aot
livery in connection.
Phone No. 29.
Serial No. 05208.
DiMiiirtniPiit of the Interior
North Platto, Nebraska, Sept. 21, 1314.
Notice la hereby given that Elmer
Daggett, of North Platte, Nebraska,
who, on July 28. 1911. made Homestead
Entry No. 05208. for E of 1VE. Sec
tion 10, Townsh p 12 N7. Range 30 W.
6th Principal Meridian has filed notice
?U.n,.t'ntlon .to.,.mko. 0nnl three year
Proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before the Register
and Receiver, ot North Platte. Neliras
ka, on the 17th day of November, 1914,
Claimant names as witnesses: Arthur
Comer, Louis Orulka, Joseph Shaw. Will
Collins, all of North Wte NeKfiklu "
825-6 J. E. EVANS, Register.
" r- ..- --