The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 27, 1914, Image 4

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Our Watch Service to
Railroad Men
All success to practical young railroad
men who arc saving to get a Howard
Wc understand how they feel about the
Howard. During our years in business
here wc have sold many Howard Railroad
Watches, and admire the desire to owna
Frankly, then, we say to Railroad men
that we want you to come to us for your
Howard Watches. Wc can do you a good
service in the way of showing you an
assortment of Howards such as you will
like to choose from.
Clinton, Jeweler and Optician,
511 Dewey St.
We want your Repair Work.
SVpiwPWMWMMMwwpiir ,i r I immmmm mm jn mmmS9WFTffZr
North I'liittc Tut On
Major I'lntulmniMii Circuit.
Negotiations wore closed up Satur
day whereby North Platto waB placed
on tho major circuit of tho Redpath
Horner Chautaunua lyceum. Tho Chau-
tnuqun next year will last seven days
I and will bring much better talent Into
the city.
1 The seven day Chautauqua is far
superior to the five-day course which
was presented Here last year in au
dition to the extra two days there la
much better talent furnished as there
will bo no weak or Indifferent numbers
on the program. The course will also
bo given at an Opportune time which
will assnre moro support. Last season
It came so early that many people
could not get out to It and especially
the farmers who were busy In the
fields could not come. It will be given
this next season during the latter
part of the season and in addition to
it being a more opportune time tho
talent will be better prepared with
their programs. The course will be
given along the latter part of July or
In August.
Some of the numbers that are as
sured for next year are: Senator
Gore, the blind senator of Oklahoma,
Governor Glynn, of New York, The
Klllarney Girls, Thevue's Band of
twenty-eight pieces, and Sid Landon
the character sketch artist. All
of these numbers are tried and tested
and have proven among the best. The
management also hopes to have
somo speakers on the European war
by that time,.
J. It. Teagarden, stato manager
for the company, left Saturday even
ing after having secured the signa
tures of nbout sixty men of the city
on the contract. The contract is yet
hero and tho local committee expects
to have at least Boventy-flve names on
A son was born Sunday morning
to Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Buchflnk, rcsld-
For Sale At a bargain, one soft coal
burner. L. P. Jepscn, 221 west 5th. tf
Mrs. M. E Watts and Miss Florence
McKay were visitors in Sutherland
Saturday, the latter going there for tho
purpose of securing a class in muBlc.
For Sale Duroc Jersey Male Pigs.
Cheap If sold at once. Frank Strolberg,
route 1, 5 miles north of North
Platto, Nob. 80-4
Tho Episcopal guild will hold a ten
social Thursday afternoon at tho home
of Mrs. W. II. Cramer 703 "West 4th
street .
Tho Woman's homo missionary so
ciety of tho Presbyterian church will
meet Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock
with Mrs. C. F. Iddings.
For Itcnt Furnished room at Gil
west Fourth street.
Tho suppor for tho winners In the
Elks' billiard tournament vlll be held
Thursday availing at tho Elk homo.
Captain's Ilnrrlgan's side won again
from Frlsto'a bunch.
For Rent Ono cold storage room
sultablo for apples or vegetables, ca
pacity ono car load. Will maintain any
temporaturo desired at $20."00 per
month. Inquire of Artificial Ico &
Cold Storage Co. 80-3
Money, which has beon somewhat
light, seems to bo loosening up some
Fifty cars of cattle and sheep were
fed and loaded out at the local stock
yard3 Sunday and yesterday fifty-seven
cars were fed and entrained, stock
shipments keep up well though not as
heavy as two weeks ago.
'o preparation Is equal to Imperial
Cream Lotion for chapped bauds,. A
full 1 ounce bottle 25c, ut 'Stone's
Drug Store. tf
J. F. Keefo went to Kearney Satur
dayw hero he officiated as referee In a
foot ball game between the Kearney
Normal and York College teams, the
former winning by a score of seventy
four to nothing. Mr,. Keefo says he
about woro himself out following the
Kearney players in their runs.
Only $2,50 and up for fitting your
eyo glasses, Dr; Elms, McCabe Iildg.
Phono 3G. 78-4
Among tho North Platte people who
witnessed tho foot ball game at Lin
coln Saturday wero Keith Neville,
Dayo Day, Will Friend, Ernest Rlncker
Sidney McFnrland, Cecil Cool, Cody
Roal, Major White, Vincent Roddy and
Jack Norris. Mrs. J. J. Ilalllgan and
daughter Lucille wero also spectators.
For Rent House, modern except
heat, good condition, with Majestic
range in kitchen. Inquire of W. A.
Kocken, 811 East Third street.
Jessie to Nellie.
Jessie "Where did you get that
stunning suit?"
Nellie "Why at HLOCK'S of course,
ing on east Fifth street.
.Meeting a Great Success.
The evangollstlc meetings which nro
in progress at the Christian church
have beon very much of a sucesss thus
far. Tho houso was packed to tho
doors Sunday evening and there have
been good crowds to all tho services.
There will bo several special services
this week. Last evening was a special
service for mothers. Tomorrow even
ing tho service will bo especially to
farmers and Thursday evening the ser
vice will be of especial interest. Mr.
KIdenour, the singer, will give the
Passion Play, Illustrated with stcreop
tlcon pictures. Thero have been thirty
additions to the church thus far during
the meetings.
The meeting will continue for the
remainder of this week and probably
longer. Mr. Rldenour, who has been
conducting the singing will leave Fri
day evening after the set vices and af
ter that Mr. Knowles will have charge
of all the work, both singing and
To tho Voters of Lincoln County.
If youee fit to accord me the priv
ilege of representing your Interests In
tho coming state legislature as repre
sentative, I shall endeavor to be con
sistent and conscientious to the cause
and loyal to tho confidence placed.
I am a farmer. All my interests are
located In Lincoln county. If chosen to
this place of honor, I hope to be in
strumental in helping to frame laws,
tho application of which should be of
vital inportance to the farmer as well
as tho business man n square deal to
all. I think you will agree with me.
that it will not be a bad thing to have
a few farmesrs in the next legislature.
Certain vital changes in our tax laws
will come to issue in this coming leg
islature,. Other Issues of equal im
portance to the farmers and stockmen
will require Integrity of purpose and
labor conscientiously performed in the
Interest of all voters.
Very truly yours,
Lexington Protes Too Many,
Tho Lexington eleven defeated the
locals Friday afternoon at Lexington
by the score of 20 to 0. This is the
first team that has scored on the
local eleven and they are a much heav
ier team. The ground was wet and
slippery and tho heavy team had much
tho advantage. The Lexington men
outweighed the locals by about ten
pounds per man. 1
Lexington was defeated by Gothen
burg and played a tie with Cozad. The
locals rather expected to win. The wet
grounds prevented them using open
play, but once they made a thirty-yard
gain on a forward pass. They could
not make consistent gains, however,
and also some of the men were hurt.
Tho Lexington lads scored two
touchdowns In the second round and
kicked botli goals. In tho third period
they scored another but were unable
to kick goal. They outplayed the lo
cals in nearly every Instance, keeping
them ftoni getting the ball closer than
the ten-yard line. Temple of Lexlng
Ladles! See our great assortment
of nifty worsted dresses mado of all
wool serges and poplins In the very
latest Basque and long tunic styles,
all the leading shades. Rig selectldn
tion at $5.98 $G.75 to $10.00.
HLOCK'S, Ladles Outfitters,
Ilalllgan Star in Saturday's Game.
The state university foot ball team
defeated the strong Michigan Aggies
on the Lincoln field Saturday by a
score of twenty-seven to nothing.
Victor Ilalllgan of this city, captain of
the university team, was the bright
star in tho game, his playing recclv
ing tho following mention in the Om
aha liee.
Captain Ilalllgan was the brightest
star of the game. The tforth Platte
man was a tower of Btrcngth on the
line and it was largely duo to him
that the noted Julian was upset so re
peadly. Whenever the Aggle3 tried the
Halligan sido of tho line they were
frustrated and their only gains were
mado through the other side. But
it was Halllgan's kicking that drew ad
miration. His place kick was a won
der. Until the ball was seen
ton was referee and Baskins of this sailing through tho posts the large
city umpire.
Up to Saturday gas service mains
had hoen laid to sevonty-elght houses
and twehe or fifteen applications
wore yet on lllo. This Indicates that
gas for fuel will be popular. It Is
expected that- the company will be
readv to furnish ens bv tho middle
what.-- Two men camo In yastorday 0f December. Tho now electric plant
will not bo In aarvlce until a couple of
mouths later.
Wlin irfitmtfili Al.illmilitit Trmi llniii.n.
,.y .HHIIII.lil .!.. V.. WIJ .W. M n,
and .'Paid delinquent subscriptions
ThlB reducod the amount duo from
subscribers to ?3,827.
A lino lot of heating stoves and
rnngos at HcrBhoy's, opposlto the post
olllco. Col. Bill Beatty was In town yester
day and admitted that E. II. Springer,
tho republican candidato for county
commissioner will bo elected by a big
majority. This Is quite an admission
for Colonel Bill to make.
Mra. Mlchaol McFaddcn loft Satur
day for lior homo In Paxton after vis
iting, In tho city for n few days with
licr parents, Mr. and'Mra. John Ilorrod
and qthcr relatives and friends. Sho
camo down to attend tho Catholic Girls
fair. '
W. V. Hoagland will return this
week .from tho east part of the stato
where ho lias been campaigning. It la
generally believed that Mr. lloagland
will leud nil other candidates on tho
republican stato ticket In tho number
of votes Vecelvcd,.
Got your eye glasses from Dr. Elms.
TrlccB $2.50 and up. Ofllco In McCabo
Iildg. Phono 30. 78-4
Miss Mlnnlo Gilbert, of Loup City,
representing tho Nobraska Children's
Home Society of Omaha, arrived In
tho city iSaturduy to solicit for that
society here. Dr. Qulvy of Omaha, Is
nt tho head of tho organization which
la doing a great work over the state.
Trainmaster Wirt, Traveling Engi
neer Getty and Machinist Bob Arm
strong woro in Grand Island Frldny
attending u "safety first" meeting of
Unlotf Pacific olllclals and employes.
Representatives wero prosont from
Oninha, Council Blurfs, Grand Island
and North Platte.
The 'Celebrated Lightning Combined
Power Self.fenl Hay Press at Iter.
shej's opposite post office. Phono J-".
Last Saturday Mrs. Ed Robhausen
picked two perfect roses from bushes
In her yard another lady gathered a
large boquct of nasturtiums and a
third lady picked dahlias from a shel
tered stalk. This on tho twenty-fourth
day of October is evidence that Bare'a
Banana Belt is maintaining Its past
James Shoup, of tho Southorland vi
cinity, Is having considerable trouble
this fall by losing stock with .alfalfa
bloat. Ho lost threo head of young stuff
Sunday nnd several others wero badly
bloated. Ho turned his cattle on tho
alfalfa when they hud not been ac
customed to eating It and several of
them got) sick.
Sickening headaches, indigestion,
constipation, lndlcato unhealthy con
dition of the bowels. Ilolllater's
Rocky Mountain Tea makes tho bow
els work naturally and restores youi
(system to perfect health and strength
Begin tonight. Schiller & Co. ,, .
.Mnry to 3IollIc.
Mary "What a beautiful new coat
you are wearing Mollle; where did
you buy It?"
Molllo "Why you may know at
Block's of courso; thoy have tho most
beautiful lino of coats In the city and
you'enn savo money enough to buy a
good hat by buying your coat at
Hie Stay Satisfactory Ituntro at Her
shej's, opposite piiht office. Phone 15.
A case entitled the state of Nebraska
vs. Joseph James was filled yesterday
In tho county court by County Attor
ney G. N. Glbbs. Mra Mary Hopkins
la tho complaining witness nnd she ul
lages assault nnd battery. Mrs. Hop
kins In tho mother of Mr. JaniOB and
thoy llvo In tho Maxwell vicinity. She
alleges that the defendant mado an as
sault on her without provocation and
that he used very abuslvo language.
Next Friday afternoon the locnl high
schol foot ball team will meet the
Sterling warriors on tho local field
and somo gamo la oxpected. "Last year
tho Sterling team defeated, tho North
I Platto boys by u scoro of twenty
lelght to nothing, but tho local team
la considered aomowhat superior to
Inst yciir'a team, and a hard fought
contest may rawonnbly bo expected.
It Is not known how the Sterling team
of this year compares with tho team
of last year, but It Is surmised that the
Colorndo town has u btrong aggrega
tion. Sonntor W. V. Hoagland, candidate
for lieutenant governor on tho repub
lican stato ticket Avroto from Grand
Island announcing' that ho Is making
n tour of tlib counties from hero to
Omahn. Ho wrote from Grand Island
and stated that ho would visit St. Paul
yesterday and today and that from
thoro ho would go to Central City and
canvass the cities nround thoro and
would end up in Omaha, returning
hero tho last of the week. Ho may
here before the election next Tuosdny
If the party wh'oMtnd the pocket
book on Oct. 7th, will-return coin dated
1854 to this pfilctt thA may keep tho
change. R
Attorney MuIdop"n, wlillo sojourning
in Omaha last week, had tho mlsfor
tuno of involuntarily donating his ov
orcoat to some unknown stranger. Tho
story ho tells Is that ho went Into tho
Paxton hotel to dine and lay his hat
nnd cont on a chair. Tho waiter camo
along and took both articles of ap
parel to the cloak room. When Mr.
Muldoon had finished his meal ho re
paired thence to collect snld articles
and wnsc onfronted with n hook vacant
savo of a hat. And tho coat was ono
that had been tried nnd found profl
clont. Why not Publish Itl
When you wnnt a fact to becomo
generally known, tho right way Is to
publish It. Mrs. Josoph Kalians, Peru,
Ind., was troubled with belching sour
stomach and frequent headaches. She
writes, "I fool It is my duty to tell
othors what Chamborlaln's Tablets,
havo dono for mo. They havo helped
digestion and regulated my bowels.
Since using them I havo been Entirely
woll." For anlo by all dealers.
Furrliudou Lslntc Pius
Second Inheritance Tax.
An order was drawn In court Sat
urday by tho attorney for tho estate
of tho. lato Hattlo E. Farrlngton for
tho paymont of the Inheritance tax1!
on the estate. The estate Is asaesed
at over vtwonty-flve thousand dollars
ni.d because of its division among
distant relatives the Inheritance tax is
henv, amounting to $299.84.
This It the second tlmo this eatate
lias paid Inheritance tax to the county.
At the death of Louis Farrlngton,
which occurred six years ago, the
property wus all bequeathed to the
wife and an Inheritance tax of nearly
two hundred dollars was paid then. On
account of the properties having ben
left together nnd bequeathed to tho
wife without Incumbency It becomo an
other cstato and for that reason sub
ject to the inheritance tax.
Tho money derived from tho inheri
tance tax is paid to the county treas
urer and goes Into the good ronds'
crowd feared for his success. And on
tho attempts at kicking goals after
touchdowns ho proved to be a master.
Each of the three attempts were suc-
cesaful. Halligan alao mado somo ter
rific tackle-round plunges which netted
Nebraska'o good gains.
Tor Sale.
Hudson Automobile In good condi
tion. II. N. Smith, GO 1 cast Cth. 78-4
For Sale Hard coal heater and
washing machine. Phone Red 377. tf
Immune Duroc Jersey and Poland
China Hoars mid Gilts
On November 7th, at the U. P. barn
at Lexington, wo will sell eight fall
boars and eight fall gilts; twelve
spring boars and twelve spring gilts.
They are the thriftiest lot we have
over owlied. Tho entire herd was giv
en the double treatment August Cth
and having full range q" the alfalfa
fields, they carry no surplus fat, but
aro In the best posslbl shape for use
fulness. If Interested send for clr
We havo some puro bred Red Polled
bulla nnd fresh cows of Red Polled,
Holstlens and Guernseys, also Barred
Plymouth Rock cockerels for sale pri
vately any time.
7G-G Lexington, Neb
The First National Bank
xoitru pzattis, nnRASixA.
Member Federal Reserve Bank System.
One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars.
Buchanan & Patterson's Bargain List.
Nice 6 room cottage, corner lot, shade trees, toilet in house,
connected with sewer, city water, electric lights, nico porches, on
West 7th fltreet, five blocks from new round houso. Price $2,250
easy terms . '
Good 6 room cottage, with bath, toilet, electric lights, city
water, 920 West 6th street, a bargain at $2,500.00.
Good new 12 room frame dwelling on North Side, well lo
cated for boarding or rooming house, modern except heat. Worth
$5000 . 00, our price $3500 . 00 easy terms . , '
Fine 8 room cottage with basement, electric lights, city water,
toilet, bath and heat. Convenient".to -new round house. Price
$3700.00. Terms easy.
The handsome modern two story dwelling lllO.West.Fourth
street . Price $4600 . 00 . Easy terms .
'If you are in the market for a home let us show you our list.
We can save you money and loan you money to buy with. (
Buchanan & Patterson,
Rooms 3 and 4gNewB. & L. Building.
Here isYoui Opportunity.
The World's Best Makes of Pianos at Terms
to suit.
Kimball, Packard, . B. Chase, Smith & Barnes, Holland,
Crown, M. P. Hail, R. S. Howard, Nelson, Price & Teeple,
Wilson, Scliaefier, Thompson, Willard, Gaston.' Piano
players all makes. Yictrolus. Wc w ill sell you any of the
above makes and several others at Prices to suit on Monthly
Payments. See our stock at Clinton's Jewelry Store.
Will of Henry F. Contes
Rend in County Court.
Tho will of the lute Henry F.
Coats was opened lust week In tho
county court ,nt tho request of the
heirs and was read. Tho will wus filed
with tho county judgo Augimt 31, 1914
for safo keeping and it bears the date
of August 31, 1014. It Is witnessed by
F. A. Cox nnd E. A Crosby
Tho will ninkes provision for tho
payment of tho funeral expenses and
for tho erection of a $200 monument
out of tho personal property The re
mainder of tho personal proporty Is
bequeathed to tho wife, Nancy A.
Coates. All of tho real property Is
bequeathed to tho wife as long as she
shall llvo and nt her death ono half
of It Ib to bo divided sharo and share
nllko between tho two daughters,
Clara J Chase and Myrta E Colter, nnd
tho remaining halt Is to bo divided
shuro and sharo nllko among tho four
sons, Velores D. Coates, Frank Coates,
Aduey S. Coates and Win. Elmer
Coates. Frank Coates is named in the
will ns executor of the -will No peti
tion has been tiled by the heirs.
For Kent.
Four room houso on east B street,
between Dewey and Locust.
J. C. HOLLMAN, Agent.
IVIint Would You Dot
Thoro nro ninny times wlienonomun
questions another 8 actions and mo
tives. Men net differently under dif
ferent circumstances. The question is,
what would you do now If you had n
sovero cold? Could you do hotter than
to tnko Chamborlaln's Cough Remedy?
it la highly recommended by people
who navo used it for years nnd know
Its value. Mrs. O. E. Sargent, Peru,
mil., says, "Chnmborlnln's Cough
Ilemedy Is worth its weight in gold
and I take pleasure In recommending
it." tor snlo by all dealers.
jp' "u Lin 'in n ii i iiiiHiii1, i,i imniMM i) 'i" mmiiwwn WM'i indium
f Educator.
SHOE I i ili W
I C. See that the children wgjrl
I get all the pleasure possi 1 I 2gj?r j-J-3ETE&
I blc out of their play and I 8 gEBHE. OimpSfe:
I . ... I S lt i, : OIL -- tfc3 f:
1 games. They can't ill TPsfc t Bfw'S E "T
I C. EDUCATOR shoes ate j twSS V
I nature shaped to give the I 5la0 y Vl JlJT
toes ample room. T he H M Olr-A
child who wears them is Jw miyrJTi
happier and healthier in" Q jkrd jf'vf ) I 1
doors (1fi!lffijv an 1 JwV Ty-fi&JI I! I
Letftiim the foot I PQj IT t
(M Til sHvS
grow 2lJP as l 3
1 MWv jfl
mm Jty. - LyM jg I
1 BWwll
I 4wi t4 P W9 m
MJmi ut4 mm ft. W
I wiirny
l . - I
the Gold
said Mrs. Com
fort, "I thought no
one ever would use
that upstairs room.
And you couldn't
blame them it cer
tainly was chilly,
and there didn't
seemtobe any way
of heating it. Final
ly I got this Per
fection Heater nnd
now it is as good as an extra room. With a Per
fection to keep it warm it is perfectly comfortable."
The Perfection can be carried anywhere, where there ia need of
extra heat. In five minutes It will warm any ordinary room.
It is solid, good-looking, easy to clean and
rewick, and burns without smoke or odor.
It is fully guaranteed. At hardware and
furniture stores everywhere. Look for the
Triangle trademark.
I Milt W
8 -m ml nnrA