Semi-Weekly Tribune It a L. Bare, Editor and Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year by Mull In A(lTnncc..,.$l!o One Year by Carrier In Aihnncc. .81.50 . ! Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Pqstofllco as Second Class Matter. FRIDAY OCT. 16, 19 4. A Business Administration A county or state olllclal who seeks a second term should he nhle to show that his Incumbency of the offlco has been marked by cindency and busi ness ability; In other words that his conduct of the ofllce has been such as to merit n re-election. Wo believe that tho republican candidates who ask a second term have so conducted their respective ofllces that thoy are entitled to the support of the electors. Take for Instance tho ofllco of coun ty clerk during tho Incumbency of Will Yost. From January G. 1912, when ho was Inducted Into ofllce, to July 1, 1914, a period of thirty months, Mr. Yost has turned Into the county treasury tho sum of $(5,014.75 excess fees or an average of over $200 per month. This means thnt by consclcn tous work on the part of Mr. Yost and his deputy, Arthur Allen, tho expens es of the ofllco have been $200 per month loss than the receipts that's Bavlng money for tho tax-payers, lBn't It? But Mr. Yost has done more than this; by reason of being tho coun ty nasessor for two years he saved the taxpayers an additional $1,200, making a total saving of $7,214.75. When tho Union Pacific sought to ralso land values throughout tho coun ty, Mr. Yost, as member of tho board of equalization, voted against the in creaso nsked, bollovlng that tho land is assessed sufficiently high, and If re-elected, will confinuo to opposo any effort made to Increase the assess ed valuation. Mr. Yost has been not only an eco nomical clerk, but ho has been watch ful of the best interests of others. Durng tho tlmo that ho has filled tho office ho has refused to record twelvo deeds and mortgages that proved to bo fraudulent, so proven after Ml". Yost had made an investigation. In refusing to record these fraudulent Instruments Mr. Yost saved each of the rightful owners from $50 to $75, as had tho Instruments bpen recorded it would havo been necessary for the owners to havo gone Into court to hnvo tho deeds or mortgages set aside. Mr. Yost Is always "on the Job," and his courtcousness to all Is as commcndablo as is the economy and qlllclency ho employs in tho conduct of tho ofllco. Deloys showing at The Keith next week. "The Red Lilly" Monday night. Two shows each evening, 7:45 and 9:00. Prices 15c and 25c Suit to Collect Ancient Claims. State Auditor Howard has begun suit against five counties Gage, Burt, Boone, Stanton and Dakota to recov er money duo for the treatment of in sane patients at tho state asylums. These charges havo been accumulating since 1875 and in somo Instances tho interest charged Is twlco the prin cipal. Lincoln county Is among those that hnvo not paid tho amount claimed due. Tho clnlm against this county Is five or six thousand dollars. Tho Meetings of the Twentieth Century Club, Tho general meeting of tho Twen tieth Century club was hold Tuesday evening at the library and a good representation wns present. Tho re port of tho delegate to tho biennial meeting In Chicago was read and tho civic department presented a nice pro gram. Tho program presented by tho slvlc (tei'ttrt'Taent wns in the nature of a !iBOt&Blcw on tho city school1! and very good. Wrfe. Scott read a pap? on tho tulmols from tho stnndpolt of a parent, MI..H Famn 13. Smith frmi tho H'nud po'.x vt a teacher, Harry Placr ireni the standpoint of a pupil and 0. B. Elder from tho standpoint of a niom ber of tho board of education. All tho papers woro for tho betterment of con dltlons In tho schools and advocaed co operation. Monday afternoon tho domestic sclenco department was entertained at tho homo of Mrs. Frank Buchanan. A nlco mectng wns hold and a good at tendance wan prcsont. As It wns Columbus Day tho meeting was open Id with tho singing of "America. ' Papers wcro given by Mrs. Bin' .2k and Mrs. E. N. Ogier. Each member responded to roll call. A demonstra tion was given nnd a nlco luncheon i erved by the hostess. INVESTMENTS Do you realize the Investment or saving proposition of buying a lot for $5.00 down and $5.00 por month? You know that lots do not go down in vnl uo as a city grows. You know that most lots In this city hnvo moro than doubled in tho last flvo years. Why not buy a lot In tho Cody addition ns a saving proposition! then reap tho ben efit of tho Investment in a few years by soiling at tho advanco prlco. C. F. TEMPLE A Sues on Notes. Suit was filed Monday In tho district court by Robert Burko against Clyde M. Trotter for tho payment of two notes alleged to bo duo. The parties live in tho Brady vicinity. Plaintiff nllegcs that a note fo'r $400 was given by tlic plaintiff May 20 1911 and one for $205.78 on April 30, 1914. That no payment has been made nnd that the notes are now due. Ho asks for prin cipal and Interest on tho first amount ing to $4C0.51 and on tho second of $213,115, making a total of $G73.90, with interest from date of filing suit. Republican Precinct Caucus. Tho republicans of this city met Tuesday evening In the different wards and hold their precinct caucuses. Full tickets were nominated with tho ex ception of tho Fourth ward. Tho fol lowing nombnatlons were made : First ward, Fred Louden assessor, Wm. E.' Sliunmn Justice of tho peace, Joseph Wilson qonstablo; Second ward, Owen Jones assessor, E. W. Crane Justice of tho peace, J. E. Koontz constable; Third ward, F. J. Dlener assessor, San ford Hnrtman and D. W. Baker Jus tices of the peace, A. O. Kocken and Arthur Hammond, constable; Fourth ward, Fred Wendeborn, assessor. Pipe ; anu Smokers' Articles In addition to making and selling as good cigars as can be found on the market, we carry a nice line of Pipes and Smokers' articles, in all grades. Then, too, we handle nearly all the brands of smoking and chewing tobac co. Give us a call, J. F. SCHMALZRIED. NURSE BROWN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL. 1008 West Fourth St. MRS. 3L HALL, Superintendent. MISS LULU MAXWELL, Head Xursc. JOHN S. TYVIXEM, Physician nnd Surgeon DR. J. S. TWINEM, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Gynecology Obstetrics nnd Children's Diseases. Ofilco McDonald Stato Bank Building. Corner Sixth and Dewey Streets. Phones, Office 1S3, Residence 2S3 DEIUIYBEIIKY & FORBES, Licensed Einbnlnicrs Undertakers nnd Funeral Directors Day Phone 234. Night Phono Black 5S8. Residence black 222 Cor. First & Vino Ofllco Phono 69. Over Dixon's Jow- elry Store. DR. S. J. RICHARDSOX Homeopathic Phsiciun & Surgeon rNorth Finite Neb. Hospital Facilities at Nurso Brown Memorial Hospital. U. S. Phone Galls America, with onlyone-fourth of the population of Europe, writes (afiout one-half as many letters, and sends about one-third as many telegrams, but we talk over the telephone nearly three times as much. Here are the figures for 1912, the latest available: Agent. Military Girls Flense Mre Crowd. The Military Girls prosonted tho first number of tho lecture course for this winter Wednesday evening at the Presbyterian church to an audlonco of about fivo hundred people. Tho church was well filled, both tho main room and the nnnex and all woro well pleased with tho program. 9 Wo hereby glvo our thanks and our grntltudo to all those neighbors that bo kindly nnd willingly assisted us In our great boroavement at the loss of our boloved Avlfo and mothor and wo I especially thank all those that con tributed toward tho magnificent floral offering. P. W. OLSON and CHILDREN. Sovornl parties took advantago of tho terms and Interest rato now offered In tho Cody nddltlons, and bought this past week. Wo still havo a fow lots loft, however, that wo want to , sell. Those lots nro Just as good ns any thnt havo been sold. Whore a lot Is low, wo allow for tho filling. C. P. TEMPLE Agent. Notice to Parents, Chlldron who carry .22 rifles, alr- rlflos and other flro arms and who dls chargo samo In tho city limits are causing much damago to proporty and complaint from citizens in their lo cality. This practice must bo discon tinued at onco or wo will bo compelled to arrest tho offenders and prosccuto Ihcm to the full extent of tho law. By Order, JOHN FRAZIER, 7C-4 Chief of Police LmVycr Fnes Good Farmer. W. E. Flynn, residing near Forks, In tho (Ixtremo north part of the county, transacted business In town Wednesday. Mr. Flynn Is a lawyer, a graduate of tho Michigan University law school who camo to Lincoln coun ty ten years ago and .took up a G40 acre homestead upon which ho hns since resided. Last year ho raised 0,000 bushels of corn and this year he will havo about tho same amount. Ho reeds his corn to hogs and thus realizes a good prlco for It. Ho practices law to somo extent, has good health, plen ty to cat, enjoys country life nnd Ib as happy and contented ns when practic ing law In a largo town. Fnlr Next Week Tho Catholic Girls Club announce that ovorythlng Is In readiness for tholr fair which will bo hold on Mon day and Tuesday evenings, October i 19 and 20, at tho Lloyd opera house. I Suppor will be sorved ench evening' from flvo thirty until eight o'clock, at thirty-five cent a plate. j There will be on snlo fancy work, Kitchen aprons, quilts, children's I drossoa, rompors and many other Ube- ful articles. At various booths will be found can dy, Ice cream, punch, light lunches and dolls In the country store one can find anything from a collar button to a ton of coal, n hand painted picture, or n watch or a diamond ring. In tho amusement lino there will bo tho "Funny House" which will afford pleasure for tho old and young. Tho postofllco and parcel post will bo unlquo and Interesting, ns will the forluno tolling nnd tho fish pond for the children. Dancing will begin nt nlno o'clock. Tho Club solicits tho patronago of tho public and nssuros them of their mon ey s worth In every way. EUROPE UNITED STATES Number Per Cent. Number Per Cent. Type of Message... During of Total During of Total ' 1912 Europe 1912 U. S. First Class Mall 17,775,6qd,000 71.2 10,212,000,000 39.4 Telegrams 388,000,000 1.5 113,000,000 0.4 Telephone Calls.... 6,899,000,000 27.3 15,600,000,000 60.2 Total 24,972,000,000 100.0, 25,925,000,000 100.0 America has more telephones and uses the tele phone more than all the other nations combined, be cause American telephone service in efficiency and low rates leads the world. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY 1 YHrioJM'Ps,5 iSL' Immune Duroc Jersey nnd Poland China Bears and Gilts On November 7th, nt the U. P. barn at Lexington, , wo will soil eight fall boars and eight fall gilts: twelvo spring boars nnd twelve spring gilts. Thoy aro the thriftiest lot wo havo over owned. Tho qntlro ltord was giv en tho double treatment August Cth nnd having full rnngo of tho alfalfa fiolds, they carry no surplus fat, but aro In tho best posslbl shape for uso- fulnoss. u lnterostod sond for cir cular. Wo havo some nuro bred Rod Polled bulls and fresh cows of Red Polled, Holstlons and Guernseys, nlso Barred Plymouth Rock cockerels for sale pri vately any tlmo. J. O. ANDERSON, 76-6 Lexington, Nob. F. J. MEMHl & CO. Ileal Fstnto nnd insurance Come and see us for town lots in different parts of tho city. Good In vestments on easy terms. Houses for salo and rent. Wo havo also good bar gains in farms and ranches. Cor. Front and Dewey Sts., upstairs. GOAL BILLS SHRINK YOU wouldn't believe the difference in the coal bills," said Mrs. Com fort "Last year we did the usual thing started the fire as soon as it began to get chilly and kept it going right through the winter. This year we have a Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater." For the "between seasons" of Fall and Spring, for warming cold corners in very cold weather, and for all sorts of emergency needs, the Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater supplies just the right amount of quick, convenient heat. PERFECTION SMOKELE$M HEATERS It is light, portable, nnd easy to clean, and is guaranteed smokeless and odor less. No kindling, no ashed. For sale at hardware and general stores. Look (or the Triangle trademark. STANDARD OIL COMPANY CNBBRASKA) Omaha ( !TiwJ y Physicians and Surgeons. , WILLIS J. REDFIELD. Surgeon. JOE B. REDFIELD. Physician. OFFICE: Physicians & Surgeons . Hospital . . PHONE 642. Host and Neatest Work In UPHOLSTERING , , All iork l'oslthely Uiinrnnlccd Upon Lcinini; the Simp. U. C, CHRISTIANSEN Leave orders at Duke & DeafV Shop. Phone Black 534. Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention given (o Surgery and Obstetrics. Office: Building and Loan Bdildinp. pUnoi, (Office 130 Phones Re8ldenc. n5 JtflYUIOl AWMPW ALL UHIM f Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopnthlc Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. City Stylo and Class to My Work W. E. MONROE -SIGNS-PAINTING AND DECORATING 313 E. 6th St. North Platte, Neb Nyal Drug Stroe Phone 8 Bowcns Darn Phone 101 C- W- CRONEN GRADUATE VETERINARIAN North Platto Nebraska. Res. Phone Red 400. DR. ELMS, Physician and Surgeon Specialty Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat Glasses Fitted. New Office in McCabe Building, PHONE 36. FARM LOANS Plenty o! Money to Loan on Farms and Ranches. Rates and Terms Rasona-ble. Buchanan & Patterson. fOL. DAVE LOVE SUTHERLAND, NEBRASKA. AUCTIONEER. Experience with aeles ot ell klnda. Ditee made with any bank in Lincoln County. isauMttle Bought and highest market prices paid PHONES Residence Red 636 Office 459 C. H. WALTERS. Sheriffs Sale HIDES.. FUBS AND JUNK Paying Top Price for Hides BOXES $7.00 (o $8.00 PER TON of nil kinds NO. PLATTE JUNK HOUSE. The North Side Feed Barn has for sale GRAIN OF ALL KINDS, Bran, Shorts, Baled Alfalfa, Hay, Good Seed Potatoes. Goods promptly delivered. Our terms are cash, TELEPHONE No. 29 By virtue of an order of salo issued from the District court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered in said Court wherein Mutual Building & Loan As sociation, a corporation, is plaintiff, and Corda V. O'Brien et al aro de fendants, and to me directed, I will on the 7th day of November, 1914, at 2 o'clock P. M., at the east front door of the Court house In North Platte, Lin coln County, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, interest and costs, the following described proper ty, to-wit: Lot Six (Gj Block One Hundred fifty-one (151) Original town of North Platte, Nebraska. Dated North Platte, Neb., October 5th, 1914. A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff. Cattle and Hogs WANTED. Sell your Cattle and Hogs to Julius Mogensen, No. Platte. Hgihest cash prices paid. Office open day and night in North Si(V Barn. First class horse and ao livery in connection. Phone No. 29. Order of Henriug on Final Settlement The State of Nebraska, Lincoln Coun ty, ss. In tho County Court: In tho Matter of tho Estate of Mary E. Slutts, Deceased. To the Creditors, Heirs, Legatees and Othors Interested In tlw Estate of Mary E. Slutts. Tako notice, that John W. Slutts has filed in tho County Court, a re port of his doings as Executor of said estate, and it is ordered that tho same stand for hearing tho 20th day of October, A. D., 1914 before tho Court at tho hour of 9 o'clock A. M., at which time any person Interested may appear and except to and contest the same. Notice of this procoodlng and the hearing thereof is ord rtd given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order In The North Platte Tribune, a semi weekly newspaper printed in said county, for three coeecutlvo weeks I prior to said dato of hearing. I Dated Sept 22. 1914. s29-3w JOHN GRANT, I County Judge. Probate Notice. In the County Court of Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska, Sept. 22 1914. In the Matter of the Estate of Beatrice E. Gilfoyl, Deceased. Notice is hereby given, that the cred itors of said deceased will moet the Executor of said Estate, before the County Judge of Lincoln, County, Ne braska, at tho County Court Room, in said County, on the 27th day of October, 1914, and on the 27th day of April 1915, at 9 A. M. each dayi for the purpose of presnting their claims for examination adjustment and al lowance. Six months are allowed for creditors to present their claims, and one year for tho Executor to settle said sstaie, from the 22nd day of September, 1914. A copy of this order to bo published in the North Platte Tribune, a legal semi-weekly news paper published in said county for four successive weeks prior to said date. JOHN GRANT, s29-4w County Judge. Legal Notice. xcvricn roil vum.ic.vnox. Sorlnl No. O520S. Driinrtiiirnt of the Interior united (states .anu umco North Platte, Nebraska, Sept. 21, 1914. Notice Is hereby Riven that Elmer Daggett, of North Platte, Nebraska, who, on July 2S, 1911, made Homestead Entry No. 0520S, for Dk of NE. Sec tion 10. Township 12 N.7 llange 30 W Cth Principal Meridian has tiled notice of Intention to make final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Register nnd Receiver, at North Platte, Nebras ka, on the 17th day of November. 1914, Claimant names as witnesses: Arthur Comer, Louis Grulka, Joseph Shaw, Will Collins, all of North Platte, Nebraska. 826-6 J E. EVANS, Register. ( To Sarah Calhoun, Harrison Gay lord, Julia Gaylord and George Gay lord, her husband; Carrie Drlstol and G,eorge Drlstol, her husband; Jennie Lewis and Elmer Lewis, her husband; Kate Clinker and Lue Clinker, her hus band; Gertrude Clinker and John Clinker, her husband; Charles Gaylord and Jennie Gaylord, his wife; Augus tus Gaylord and Myrtle Gaylord, his wife; Edward Gaylord and Mary Gay lord, his wife, non-resident defend ants : You are hereby notified that James A. Shaw as plaintiff hag filed his cer tain petition in th,o District Court ot Lincoln County, Nebraska, against you, Impleaded with Anna Shaw and Thom as B. Shaw, an Incompetent, McDon ald Stato Bank, of North Platte, Ne braska, a corporation, nnd School Dis trict No. 5 of Lincoln County, Nebras ka, a corporation, tho object nnd pray er of which said petition nro to con firm tlw shares and interests of tho plaintiff and defendants In the follow ing described land situate in Lincoln County. Nebraska, to-wit: Southwest Quarter of Section Eight (8), Town ship Fourteen (14), North of Range Thirty (30), West of tho G th P. M. a3 set forth in said petition and for a partition of said described premises or for the snlo thereof if said partition connot bo Justly and equitably made among the different owners thereof. You and each of you will make ans wer to said petition on or boforo the 2l8t day of November, 1914, or default will be taken and Judgment entered as in said petition prayed. JAMES A SHAW, Plaintiff. By E. H. EVANS, His Attorney. Dated at North Platte, Sept. 21, 1914. - d - tf"5