The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 16, 1914, Image 5

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1 mnm mamammmmm
Have Y
ou a
Everyone admires the dignity of the
Tambour Clock.
Its plainly apparent character and reliability
account for its great popularity in exclusive homes,
either for the parlor, library or living room,
It is made in solid mahogany, oak or mahogany
finish, either with chimes or strike. Price $9.00
to $45.00. We cordially invite your inspection.
S Graduate Denlisl.
2 Office over the McDonald J
State Bank.
John Vosiepka is reported quite ill
at his homo on south Maple street.
Miss Mario, Stack is assisting in the
oflice of the county superintendent (his1
For Rent Rooms for light house
keeping. Apply 108 west Second. 77-2
Miss Marie LeDIoyt is reported en
tirely recovered from her illness of
several weeks duration.
Mrs. Harold Wright, who has been
on the sick list for the past two weeks
is reported convalescent.
Mrs. Holzlander is reported serious
ly ill at her home on West Eleventh.
Genevieve Selby, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. I. Selby, was operated upon
yesterday morning at the P. &. S. hos
pital. Mrs. H. M. Grimes and Mrs. F, W.
Rincker will entertain the COO Club
next Tuesday evening at the hdmo of
the former.
The Tilllkums will give a sale of
Japanese Art goods at Howe & Ma
loneys' Friday and Saturday, October
lGth and 17th.
Dr. J. S. Twinem was called to
Somerset yesterday morning by the
serious illness of Mrs. Miller. Her
condition is reported quite serious.
Miss EfTle Christ who had been in
the alteration department of tho Block
outfitting store for some time, re
signed her position the first of the
Rev. J. L. Barton has b,een in Omaha
this week attending the state confer-,
ence of the Bnptist church. He was
one of the leading speakers during the
Miss Alice Siemnn, graduate nurse,
was called to Sholton tho o,arly part of
this wcok to take care of a patient.
13. E. Sandy, residing In tho Fourth
ward, la confined to his bed with ty
phoid fever. Ho was taken sick about
n week ago nnd a serious enso of ty
phoid dovoloped.
Jeff Mclntyrc, who lives near May
I Mower, was in town yesterday making
' proof on his homestead. D. W. Mor
( row and Alvln Picklo accompanied
Mm as witnesses. '
I Mrs. F. W. Ilermlnghausen, who was
very ill for several wcoks, has now re
turned to her homo nnd Is ablo to sit
up in a chair. She i still in a weak
physlcnl condition.
C. A. Fletcher of Somerset was in
town Wednesday making final prodf
on his homestead. He was accompan
ied by Carl Anderson and Geo. Han
nah as witnesses.
Superintendent W. R. Cahlll and
party arrived in the city Tuesday even
ing to visit hero for a few days with,
friends and to look after different
matters at this terminal.
G. D. Ever, representative of the
Lexington Mill and Elevator companyx
spent a few days In the city on busi
ness. He was called hero by tho ac-1
cldent to Verne Smth. Mr. Ever is,
traveling representative of that com
pany. In the Elks' billinrd tournament the
Horrigan team has a lead over the
Frlsto team that will be rather dif
ficult to overcome, and It looks as
though ho Horrigan men will again
cat a good meal at the expense of the
Frlsto team.
For Rent Furnished room with
bath. 807 east Fifth. 7G-2
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lubbers are pack
ing their furniture this week prepar
atory to moving to Sheldon, In., whor
Mr. Lubbers will go into tho hardwnre
business. They have lived In this city
for the past few years and Mr. Lub
bers traveled out of here.
A special meeting will bo held at
the homo of ft'rs. Havi.nan, 310 wot
Sixth street this evening at eight
o'clock when Mrs. Ada Unruh, of Port
land, Ore., will give a short address
on woman suffrage. She is a most gift
ed speaker. The public is invited.
Ray C. Langford of the First Na
tional bank left Wednesday morning
for the Tryon vicinity to clerk at a
farm sale. Col. Dave Love of Suther
land will auctioneer the sale and he
drove down hero after Mr. Langforti
Mrs. Gus Chamberlain and son, of
Denver will arrive int he city tomor
row for a visit of some time with Mrs.
Chamberlain's father, P. II. Sullivan
and family. She will remain for the
Catholic Girls' fair which will bo held
next week.
J. R. Mlnshall for many years an
employe of the local U. P. shops, but
who has been spending the past four
months with his son Jess In Bridge
port, was in town Wednesday enroute
to Omaha. Jess Mlnshall has ben coun
ty clerk of Morrill county for three
years and Is a candidate for re-election.
'i1 V ,V5' iVwJ Vi'g ,Vi vii V5 v& V3f 2
' $
Iwlnnrlav. $
? j j .a
ay, Saturday
October 16, 17, 19
1 In
All our Ladies9 $25 Suits
iio ax tpiOoUO
All these suits are the latest models for
fall1 and winter 1914.
All Ladies', Misses' & Children's
Coats go at 20 per cent discount
' Suits, Coats, Dresses and Skirts for stout
Women especially. See our window
Alterations Free. These Prices Are for Cash Only.
The Leader
JULIUS PIZER, Proprietor.
aV" t " w "' "" o
are greater than everandwe attri
bute this fact to our carrying
such a complete assortment of
Henderson and La Princesse
Front Laced Corsets. When you
purchase one of these corsets you
are absolutely sure of securing
the greatest value for your money.
Henderson and La Princesse
Front Laced Corsets are made with all the latest
ideas known to the successful designer, including
the ventilated hack section, which js inserted the
full length of the corset, the ventilated shield
placed under the front lacing and an elastic sect
ion in the skirt for the perfect adjustment when
the wearer is seated, standing or bending.
We have these models in the low and medium
busts for all vatieties of figures,
We can fit you correctly with one of these
models and at a moderate price.
E. T. Tramp &Son.
New Company Takes Charge
Tho lumber and conl yards of the
C. F. hidings Co. at .North Platte and
Maxwell were formally transferred
this week to tho purchasers. The new
firm will bo known as tho Coates Lum
ber and Coal Co., and Elmer Coates,
well known in North Platte and Lin
coln county, will be the resident man
ager in North Platte. Tho Coates
company had an option on tho yards
at Hershcy and Sutherland, but con
cluded not to purchase them at the
present,but may do so later.
Club Noilu Kntcrtuiiicri.
Tho Club Novlta was delightfully en
tertained Wednesday afternoon at the
homo of Mrs. Leslie Raskins. A pleas
ant afteroon was enjoyed with vari
ous diversions and a good attendance
was present. Practically tho full
membership was present. At the close
oft he afternoon a nice two course
luncheon was served.
At this meeting a ghost and witch
party was planned for Hallowe'en.
The party will be held at the home of
Mrs. Stackhouse at tho experimental
Uelojs at (he Keith XcxMVcck
In presenting "Tho Red Lily" the
Deloy Company have tried to reach
the acme of light comedy, Tho scene
is laid In a hot house and has to do
with a raro llowor Tho Red Lily.
Tho surroundings and costumes blend
into a very pretty color schemo and
tho comedy Is Interspersed with now
and catchy song numbers.
Miss Deloy's solos are a featuro of
this hill and her duct wth Mr. Geo.
Borig would bo an asset to any per
formance. The comedy Is very ably
carried through by Robert Richer and
Eddie Deloy, who has n host of friends
v hereever ho has shown, nnd Is con
ceded to bo tho best versatile comedi
an now playing In tho mlddlo west.
Tho chorus with the Doloys la ad
mitted to bo one of tho best trained of
small choruses as they sing ns well
as danco. Tho Red Lily is shown In
connection with two reels of pictures
each show lasting one hour and thirty
Tabloid means condonsod cut
down, so tlioge who attend tho Keith
during tho week can very readily
see what an abundnnco of good clean
comedy and song can bo used In an
hour performance and still have a
comploto production.
This extra attraction has been en
gaged by Mr. Garman at an enormous
oxpenso nnd with tho threo comploto
changes of program a week should
play to standing room only.
Show starts at 7:45 and 9; 00.
Prices 15 and 25 cents.
Public Plenhc Take Notice.
We, the undersigned, havo decided
to place our respcctlvo LAUNDRIES
on a CASH HASIS. As most of our
accounts are small we find It Impos
sible to succeed and continue the
credit system. Therefore on and after
December 1st 101-1, ALL LAUNDRY
Sanitary Laundry
Win. Adair, Owner,
tf North Platte Laundry.
Attacked li) Rat.
Red O'Urlen was atacked by a largo
rat Tuesday evening In front of
tho bowling alloy. He had started for
home shortly after eleven o'clock and
as ho loft tho building the rodent
ran out nnd Jumped upon him. He
kicked it off and killed It after a
fight which caused much excitement.
The rat evldontly had somo terribly
deep-seated grudge as It put up an
awful fight.
Tor Sale or llxchangc.
One thoroughbred black Langshang
rooster. Incjulro of William Maloney,
S03 East 5th street. 77-1
Tho gridiron warriors of tho high
fichool go to Gothenburg tomorrow to
ry conclusions with tho liign scnoo
ten nf that town. Tho latter team la
said to bo putting up a strong game
nnd it Is anticipated that tho North
Platto boys will need put forth their
best efforts In order to securo tho
long end of tho score.
Word has been received announcing
thnt James Turnle. who was stricken
somo weeks ngo with paralysis at his
homo In Columbus. Ohio, Is In n very
weak condition and continues to grow
weaker. Mr. Turplo was formerly a
resident of this city and has a number
of relatives and friends here. He Buf
fered a stroke .whllo Mrs. Turplo was
visiting relatives In the sumraor.
F. C. Plelstlcker left Wednesday
morning for tho Wallace vicinity to at
tend a sale.
The Three C's
Character, Cash and Credit.
The greatest of these is CHARACTER, be
cause it enables you to get the other two, if
you have some ability to mix with it.
When the bank is acquainted with your
Character and your Cash is on deposit with
it you arc in a position to command Credit.
Then you are in a fairway to succeed.
Start across the C's today by starting a
bank account with the
McDonald State Bank,
Oldest Bank in Lincoln County
PAID UP CAPITAL $100,000.00
"xT" )
w W
An Engine And A Policy.
can'do much to relievo ono's anxloty
In enso of a fire, but It is n question If
tho policy is not tho inoro powerful. It
is a good thing to havo, in any case,
for tho firo is Hablo to wlpo out every
thing before tho engines arrive. Sup
pose you let mo write you out a policy
In a rellablo company? It will take a
load off your mind for futuro days, . .