The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 06, 1914, Image 1

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    Stole ITMorJcal Society
P 4V'-f a
No. 74
The'Eplscopal guild will meet nt the
Parish House Thursday afternoon,.
Pascnger Brakemau Harry Moore
left this morning on a vacation trip to
Denver and other Colorado points.
All Yeomen children under fourteen
wishing to take part" In the Yeomen
children's day program phono Mrs.
Geo. Garrard or Mrs. Pljllip Evans.
Mrs. Emily Coates and Mrs. Ada
Lewis left Sunday for Omaha where
they will spend this week visiting with
friends and witnessing the Ak-Sar-Ben
Mrs. A. V. Plumer returned Sunday
fromt he east where she had been vis
iting for several months. She was in
poor health when she left for the east,
but returns much improved.
Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Redfleld left this
morning in their auto for a visit in
Lincoln and Omaha,. They were ac
companied by Dean Bowkcr who is en
routo to Minneapolis.
Mrs. Harry Flieshman is spending
this week with friends in Kansas Citv.
She spent last week in Omaha and
went from there to Kansas City yes
terday. Word lias been received here an
nouncing that Mrs. E. S. Gline, who
was called to Tilten, N. H. some time
ago by the serious illness of her moth
er, reached thero Just a week before
her mother died.
"Weather forecast for North Platte
and vicinity: Partly cloudy tonight and
Wednesday; not much change in tem
perature; highest temperature yester
day 67, a year ago 57; lowest last night
41, a year ago 34.
Do you need a range, if so wait for
the special sale of the Great Majestic,
the range with a reputation. Sale
Oct. 12th to 17th. Watch for detail
advertisement. North Platte Hard
ware & Furniture Co.
Miss Florence McKay, who had been
attending the Hambourg Conservatory
of Music in Toronto, Canada, arrived
home the latter part of last week and
offers lire services as a teacher of pi
ano to the people of North Platte.
P. W. Oleson and John Fowler, two
south side farmers, returned the latter
part of last week from a trip to Fort
Morgan, Col. They went thero to In
vestigate irrigated farms and found
the land selling at high figures.
Ji'ever Any Trouble when your Fire
Insurance Is written by
Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Thoclecko left
this morning for Liston's lake to visit
for a fow days.
County Commissioner D. B. White
left yesterday morning for Gothenburg
to transact business.
Dean Bowker returned yesterday
from Sidney whero ho spent a short
time on church niatters.
Wanted Girl for general housework.
Apply 410 west Fifth street or phono
G. 45, tf
A. M. Mason left this morning for
Omaha to spend a few days visiting
and taking in the Ak-ar-Bcn.
Rev. C. B. Hnrman, of the Lutheran
church left this morning for Allel,
Neb., to attend a convention of Lu
theran churches.
J. T. Murphy left this morning for
Omaha to spend a few days on busi
ness at the Union Pacific Jicadquarters
and taking In the Ak-Sar-Ben.
P. H. McEvoy leaves this evening
for Omaha to spend a short time on
business and see the electrical parade
at tlio Ak-Sar-Ben.
Miss Gladys Hall, of this city, left
Saturday for Sellars precinct, whero
sue began teaching a term of school
Theb oard of directors of the Cham
ber of Comerco will hold a business
meeting tomorrow evening at the li
brary building.
Mr. and Mrs. W,. L. Richards left
Sunday evening for Omaha and Chi
cago to visit for some time with rela
tives and friends.
Mrs. Louis Deere, a former resident
of this city, now residing in Sheridan,
Wyo., is visiting here for some time
with her mother, Mrs. Johanna Mc
Graw, and other relatives.
For Rent Second house west of tho
postofflce. Enquire at 122 west Fifth
street. l
Mrs. Sam Grace of Chicago, who had
been visiting in tho city for some time
with Mrs. W. L. Richards, left Sunday
for Cheyenne where she will visit for
three week s with relatives and
friends. Upon her return from thero
she will stop off here and complete her
Word has been received here an
nouncing that Edmund,-the small son
of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Dickey, is
getting along nicely In Omaha. Ho
went thero last week toreceive treat
ment, for an injured eye and the phy
sicians announce that his eyo will bo
all right. They expect to return home
this week.
Carl O'Nell Is reported very 111 nt a
local hospital. Ho recently underwent
a serious operation.
The ladles aid of tho Methodist
church will meet Thursday afternoon
with Mrs. Ray C. Langford.
Tho ladies' aid of tho Christian
church will meet Thursday afternoon
at tho church parlors. All members
nro urged to bo present.
Tho Royal Neighbors will hold their
regular meeting Friday evening nt 8
o'clock lnt he K. P. hall. Every mem
ber is urged to bo present.
Bob Curley was urcsted Saturday ov
onlng by tho local officers for drunk
enness nml was brought before Jus
tice Walker yesterday morning where
ho was given fifteen days and costs.
Misses Jessamine Flynn and' Mar
garet McGInlcy returned Saturday
from Keystone whero they had been
visiting relatives and friends for somo
Mr. and Mrs. John Bonnor nnd
daughter left this morning for Omaha
to spend a few days at tho Ak-Sar-Ben.
They will also hear Schumann
Helnk who appears this evening at the
auditorium. i
Tho Rebekahs will hold a kenslng-
ton In tho I. O. O. F. hall Friday afteV
noon to which all members and friends
are invited. A good attendance is de
sired as there is business of special
importance to bo brought before the
Sheriff A. J. Salisbury returned this
mornlngf rom Lincoln whero ho took
tho two men who were sentenced to
the penitentiary. Bishop was return
ed to the penitentiary for breaking his
parole and Barron was sentenced for
Charles Johnson appeared before
Police Judge Walker yesterday morn
ing on tho charge of being drunk and
disorderly and drew a ilno of ton
dollars and costs which he paid and
was released. Ho was arrested Sat
urday evening.
Announcements have been received
here telling of tho marriage of Verne
Langford, a former North Platte boy,
to Mario Jenson. The wedding oc
curred about three weeks ago In Chi
cago where both young people live. Mr.
Langford Is in the picture show busi
ness there. He left here about two
years ago.
Registrations of automobiles In Ne
braska have reached the number of
62,566, or about ono car for each
twenty people In the state. One hun
red and thirty registrations were filed
with the secretary of state yeslerday.
Dr. Brock, Dentist, First Nationnl
bank building.
John H. Rltncr left this morning
for Sutherland whero ho Is superin
tending tho construction of a now
bridge. '
Attorney Albert Muldoon loft this
morning for Ognlalla to look after
somo legal business in collection with
tho railroad.
Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Donolson left last
evening for Omaha to spend a few days
visiting relatives mid friends nnd tak
ing in tho Ak-Sar-Ben
Mr. mid Mrs. C. L. McKona, who
wcro married Wednesday of Inst week
In Sheridan, Wyo., arrived hero tho Inst
of tho week and wll make their homo
Allyn A. Pnckard, superintendent of
construction from tho treasury de
partment, is expected in the city to
morrow to inspect tho painting work
in tho interior of the federal building
nnd pass upon It. g
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. dollars, who have
been visiting hero for tho past two
wcoks with Mr. Zollars' sister. Mrs.
John LeMasters, and other relatives,
left this morning for 'their home in
Anna, Kan. They will stop onrouto
nt Pittsburgh for a short visit.
Word has been received hero an-l
nouncing tho marriage of Miss Edith
M. Drake, a former North Plntte girl,
to Mr. H. Walden Briggs-of Minneapo
lis, Minn, Tho wedding occurred on
September 19th in Minneapolis. Miss
Drako is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Philip Drako of this city.
Mr. and Mrs. William Smith and son
Harvey of Ashland arrived In tho city
this wek to visit Mr. Smith's brother,
Georgo Smith, residing south of tho
city. They drove ut in a car. Mr.
Smith 'formerly lived south of this
city on a farm and was burned out In a
prairie fire three years ago after which
ho returned to his old homo in Ashland.
Pence Program Open lo Hip Public.
Tho Woman's Socialistic Study Class
will hold a meeting next Thursday af
ternoon to which tho general public Is
especially Invited. Tho subject for
consideration will bo Universal Peace
and a program will be given appropri
ate to tho occasion.
Tho subject is one of interest to all
nnd nil aro invited torn eet with us
nnd glvo their view of the war at tho
homo of Mrs. C .Paulson, 602 west
blxtli street, Thursday afternoon, Oct
What Would You Ho?
There nro many times whenonoman
questions another's actions nnd mo
tives. Men net differently under dif
ferent circumstances. The question is,
what would you do now if you had a
sovero cold? Could you do better than
to take Cliamborluln's Cough Remedy?
It Is highly recommended by people
who have used It for years and know
Its value. Mrs. O. E. Sargent, Peru,
Intl., snys, "Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy is wortli its weight In gold
and I take pleasure in recommending
It." For snlo by all dealers.
Heel Hnncst in ProgresN.
Field Agent Bryan reports the sugar,
beet harvest now in progress in his
district, which extends from Maxwell
west to Sarben on tho North Pla'tto
branch. Ho says the yield, taken all
through, is good, and that the total
yield in his district will be about six
teen thousand tons, which will yield
tho growers over eghty thousand dol
lars. "
Schuster Vcrj Funny
The musical comedy "Princess Rou
lette" which was shown last evening
at tho Keith theatre proved very fun
ny and tho number who filled the
houso went homo feeling that they had
received their money's worth. Milton
Schuster, who Is called tho Czar of
Clean Clover Comedy. Is a great mirth
producer and kept tho audlenco In nn
uproar of laughter throughout tho en
tiro performance. Tho other princi
pals nnd tho chorus proved very en
tertaining but compared with Mr.
Schuster wero not half of the show.
A Wonderful Show that is Tree
James E. Kershaw, manager of "Tho
Creation," which will be produced here
In motion pictures beginning next Sun
day evening, spent yesterday in town
making arrangements for the produc
tion. Tho American Blblo Society has
expended two million dollars in pre
paring these pictures, and they aro
being presented In sixty towns In this
country every night. No admission is
charged."' Tho 6bjcct is to beflo'r'ac
uualnt tfeoplb vitU blblo hlstclry' and
present btyjcal truths In 'Wrcoful
and wonderfully Ih'torcstlngmanner.
The Front Street llrick Feed nnd
Auto Lhcry Barn.
Milton Schuster, the comedian
who kept the audience at the
Keith in a constant roaroflangh
ter. He will appear again this
evening and tomorrow evening
in different musical comedies.
Tenclier of PInno.
Hambourg Conservatory of Music,
Toronto, Canada.
"Miss Florence McKay has been a
pupil of Professor Michael Hambourg
at tho Hambourg Conservatory of Mu
sic and ia cortlfled by the staff of ex
aminers as capable of teaching tho art
of piano playing."
Director: Michael Hambourg.
m-memry; u. a. xuurray.
Original Prices of Lots in the Cody Additions Remain the Same
' jtf- J I j - r
$ '' '' ; ' ; 7
i I ' ' t Jb II l
' T-A 07 Cr?frw ' i$f ; I
hi itiffFfl -InL II I
Original prices remain the
same, regardless ol the fact
that lots that formerly sold
have changed hand at from
$25.00 to $50.00 advance.
Original payments reduced
to $5, and $5 per month.
Interest reduced to 6 percent
The above prices applies to
all unsold lots in the Cody,
Cody 2nd. and Scout Rest
Additions and Buffalo Bill's
Sub-Dividions for the balance
of this month only.
Only 14 lots in Cody Addition.
Only 30 lots in Cody 2nd
Acrage tracts in Buffalo Bills
Sub-Di vision and Scout Rest
Now is your chance to buy
a lot in these most popular
addition at your own terms
and at prices from $25.00 to
$50.00 lower that what they
are actually selling for
Phone for an appointment to
' go out and look at them.
G. F. TEMPLE, Ag't