rHE SFMI-WFFKLY TRimiNF NORTH PLATTF. NEBRASKA. CHIEF MUST RESIGN SCENE AMID THE RUINS OF LOUVAIN' NEWS BRIEFLY TOLO VILLA INCIGTS CARRANZA WITH. DRAW AS PRICE OF PEACE. INTELLIGENCE HERE GATHERED COVERS WIDE AREA. M n i i i'i i ! SEEKS TO AVOID BLOODSHED Asserts He Won't Accept 'Former Su perior As President or Vice President of Mexico. Chihuahua, Mexico. Immediate res ignation of General Vcnustlnno Car ranzn as first chief of the constitu tionalists Is the only bunion on which General Francisco Villa will ngreo to settlement of dlfferenceH between him self hnil Carranza. This wan his reply to messages from olllclals In Mexico City, who protested against his atti tude toward Carranza Villa declared he would never ac cept Carranza aB head of the repub lic. General Villa's reply, an given out here follows: "I lament the cir cumstances that have brought about grave danger, but sincerely protest that my sole ambition will bo to ar range exlstng dlincultleH without shedding blood, If possslble. "I emphatically state, however, that the only move that can bring about cessation of liostllltes on my part Is that Venimtjano Carranza deliver bu preme command to Fernando Igleslas Calderon, so that, In the shortest pos sible tmo, elections may be called. At tho same time I declare I shall not accept Carranza as president or vlco president or president ad Interim of tho ropubllc. "I shall prove the rectitude of my intentions and the disinterestedness which animates tho force of this di vision. Later tho world will realize where rests true disinterestedness and whero abortive ambitions" Caledron Liberal Leader. Kl Paso, Tex. Fernando Igleslas Celdoron, tho cholco of General Villa for president of Mexico, somo months ago was mentioned as a possibility for tho presidency during his trip to Washington, whore ho conferred with American officials. Ho at present is in Mexico City, it is said. Caldoron is tho leader of tho liberal party, a political organization which allied Itself with tho constitu tonolst revolution. It has been an nounced that ho would run at the elco tions. Jepancse Defeat Germans. Toklo. It is officially announced that tho Japanese liavo defeated tho Germans in a stubborn bnttlo lasting fourteen hours on the outskirts of Tslng Tau, seat of tho government of the Gorman lcasod possession of Klao Chow, China. The Japanese casual ties so far as ascertained are glvon as throo killed and twolvo wounded. According to tho statement the fight began on Septomber 26. Gorman gun boats boinbardod tho positions of tho Japanese troops. Jnpaneso aoroplancs provod effective In roconnoiterlng ex peditions and are reported to have escaped unharmed Alfonso Starts Peaco Movement. Washington, D. C. Another move ment! to bring peaco to Europo has boon formally inaugurated by King Alfonso of Spain, who has communi cated his plans to the state depart ment. He also lias taken up tho sub ject officially with Italy, Switzerland, Denmark, Norway and tho other na tions that have remained neutral It Is believed hero that tho Spanish king is in n strong position to lead n peace movement in Europe, and that Ills efforts may lead to direct negotia tion! with tno warring powerB. Aeraplone Dropped Bomb on Paris. Paris A Gorman aeroplnnodroppod n bomb Into Paris, killing ono man and Eorlously wounding a girl. Tho bomb foil In Avenue du Trac ndoro at tho corner of Hue Froyclnot, a short distance from tho Elffol tower and u block from tho Amorlcnn em bassy, It Is believed tho mlssllo wub IntendoJ for tho wireless station on Elffol tower. Tho head of tho man killed wns blown off ami tho legs of tho girl, his daughter, wero shattered Italian Inquiry About Batteries. Homo (Vlr. Paris). SIgnor Monto Guarnlorl, deputy from Pesaro, has cal cd upon tho ministry of war for an explanation of tho deluy in tho manufacture pf cannon ordered from Italiun (Intui. Parliament, not being in ucinlon, interrogation in tho ab sence of an ofl'dal reply may cause seme uno3Elncttu. It Is soml-ofllclally stated that the question concerns clghty-savcn fluid batteries. Veteran Auto Racer Killed. Danvor, Colo. E. W. Swnnbrough, a votoran automobile nicer, was killed in a raco at tho Overland track here, His machlno plunged through u fonco and a timber struck Swan brough on tho head, from which he later died. Refused Permit to Cross Switzerland. ' Home. Tho Glornalo D'Halla pub lishes a report from nasal that Swit zerland has refused a request from the Germans for permission to send 2 r.rmy corps ucrosa Swiss territory. LP' S ''ys. 'tr&zffltjriW $' -JJ&''MiariMNMHMI These photographs., just received from Europe, give some Idea of tho appearance of Louvaln after the de struction of that once beautiful Belgian city by the Germans. The main picture shows the students' quarter and tho Insert a gllmpso of the Place de la Concorde, whero were many hotels and cafes. B AND LOSE ALONG IHE RIVER HSIE Hundreds Die in Charges Which Really Gain Little for Either Contestant. PARIS CLAIMS GAINS ON WEST German Line Holding Firm, and Even Making Advances, Declares Berfin Series of Battles Seems Likely to Continue for Some Time Official Announcement From Berlin Says There Is Nothing New to Report. While tho battlo of tho allies and tho Germans continues along the en tiro front In Franco thoro has been relatively no change in the position of tho armies. The hardest fighting ap parently Is proceeding on the eastern and western ends of the lines, the nllleB on the western! are endeavoring to encircle tho Germans nud on tho cast the Gormans are trying to break through the allies' lines in tho vicinity of Verdun. In the center a lull in the warfaro is reported. London, Sept. 27. Almost simulta neously the two great hammer strokes In tho battlo in northern Frnnco have fallen and some decisive rosult must be announced before long. Tho allies havo struck tho German right wing and tho Germans, on thoir part, have hurled themselves against tho French lino between Verdun and Toul. The commencement of these two at tacks In earnest was disclosed by the French ofllchtl statement Issued this aftomoon, but llttlo Is told of how they are progressing. Tho action ngainst tho German right Is described as a violent one, In which the French loft encountored an nnny corps composed of troops which the Gormans brought from tho center of Lorralno and tho Vosges. The clash occurred In the district between Tergnlor and St. Qucntin, so that tho allies havo made a consider able advance to tho northwest since the Irst mention was mado of this part of their army. The country Is a rolling one, Inter sected by streams, canals and a per fect network of roads running In all directions. Tho allies are bending all their en ergies against this Gorman force. The comparative relaxation of the German efforts on the center are believed to Indicate tho withdrawal of forces from this legion to support tho right flank Tho French ropnrt ndmlts that tho Germans have succeeded In gaining u footing on tho Mouse heights and have pushed forward In tho direction or St. Mlhlel, bombarding tho forts of Pa rochos and tho Roman Camp, which fnco each other across tho Mouse. Tho communication, however, adds that, on the other hand, to tho south of Verdun tho French remain masters of tho heights of tho Mouse and that tholr troops, debouching from Toul, havo advanced In tho region of Beau mont. Little News From Berlin. Berlin, via London, Sept. 27. Tho following announcement, dated Sep tember 24, has been given out at army headquarters: "In tho wostorn theater of tho wnr today there have been somo minor, engagements, but nothing of (impor tance has transpired. 1 s ffl "There Is no news from Belgium or tho eastern war area." Allies Gain Ground. On the Battle Front, Sept 26. The German offensive wns extremely vig orous today at the western end of the long line stretching along the rivers Olse, Aisno and Woevre. Tho allied troops, whoso gaps had been filled with freshly arrived re enforcements, not only repeatedly thrust back the masses of Germans thrown against them but eventually curried out a successful counter-attack which resulted in the gaining of cori slderablo ground and the capture of Pcroune, ubout which town tho fierc est engagement occurred. Machine Guns Kill Hundreds. At ono placo tho victims of the deadly Gorman mnchine guns were counted In hundreds, especially where tho advance was ucross an open wheat Held that recently had been harvested. Somo men of a French regiment which was making a dash toward the German position when It was struck by tho sweeping fire were found dead In tho kneeling posture they had tak en behind sheaves of wheat and from whero they had emptied their maga zines, Intending to start a final rush and bayonet charge. Aftor the fight 900 dead wero burled in a singlo trench six feet deep, the Germans being placed at one end and the French at the other. Many Germans Near Reims. Further toward the east, near Derry-au-Bac on tho Alsno north of Reims, tliero appears to be concentrated a largo Gorman force which has stolidly occupied strong intronchments from which It Is moBt difficult to dislodge them. Hereabouts the fighting haB boon of n desultory character, with, however, slight advantage In favor of the allies. Tho men of both armies in this vicinity seem to be enjoying their rest. On th6 'eastern wing the Germans are throwing enormous masses of men ngainst the French troops protecting tho lino of defensive forts nbovo Ver dun; but up to tho present their ef forts, although costing immense sac rifices, havo been vain and tho French line remains Intact. Claims Made by Germans. London, Sept. 20. Messages which como from Gormnn sources carry re ports which aro diametrically the op posite of the foregoing. These say that tli flanking movement of tho al lies on tho German right wing have failed and that tho battlo there has come to a standstill. Thcso messages say there has been no fighting on the center, but that tho Gorman loft bus taken Vnrenncs, at tacked tho forth to the south of Ver dun, and repulsed sorties from Verdun and Toul. Tho Germans are said to bo bombarding tho towns of Troyon-los-Paroches, Camp des Homnlne, and Llonvlllo (Llronville). It also is claimed that French troops In French Lorralno and on tho border of Alsaco havo been repulsed. Germans Reoccupy French Towns. Washington, Sept 25. That the Gormans havo rcoi-cuulod three towns opposite the French right wing In Lor ralno was made clear when tho full text of tho ofllclil statement from tho French war ofllco was read at the Fronch omlmssy here. Tho olllcinl statement, as given out In Paris, set forth that Doinevro, south of Brainont, had been reoccupled by tho enemy. The embassy received a stntement. however, which contains this phrase: "On our tight wing In Lorralno the enemy havo again passed tho frontier with sevoral small columns. He has reoccupled Domevre, south of Bra niont, and Nomeuy and Dllmo, north of Nuney, Allies Claim Big Gains. London, Sept. 20. Tho official an- nouncement regarding the progress of tho battlo of tho Alsne mado public in Paris tonight said that the flanking movement of tho allies' left wing con tinues to develop and that tho town of Peronnc has been occupied after des poruto fighting with the Germans. This report tends to confirm the ear lier unofficial reports that the Germans had been driven back further on their right wing than had been previously reported and that the main stand of the Germnns to tho north and west will bo mado along the lino from Cambral to St. Amend. The offlclnl dispatch adds that there has been a lull in the fighting nlong tho center of tho great lino and that tho German attacks on the right wing of the allies havo been checked. Cracow Under German Rule. "That Cracow has been occupied by Gcrmnn troops, that the town has been put under a German military commandant, and that tho Austrian civil administration has been displaced is the gist of tho latest advices re ceived here," says tho Petrograd cor respondent of the London Morning Post. "All tho original administra tion of tho town and all civil officials of the Austrian government havo left and tho residents are fleeing in a panic." The Germans have thrown three army corps Into the Cracow district, according to this information, and nre bringing more troops In prepnratoln for the expected Russian attack. Cracow is In Western Gallcia, and an important fortified city, on which the Russians' aro reported to be ad vancing. jTelogrnphlng from Amsterdam to London, the correspondent of Router's Telegram company says tho thirty first German casualty list, containing a total of about one thousand men killed, wounded and missing, hns been given out. It Includes the names of 23 officers of ono regiment who were killed In live days' fighting. GENERAL NEWS OF THE WAR Canadian Troops on the Way. Tho major part of Canada's latest contingent of 32,000 men for service In Europo Is already on its way to the front In 20 transports heavily armed and guarded by British men-of-war in BUftlciont force to prevent any attack by German cruisers. German Captive List Cut. Tho Central News Agency nt Lon don has received the following dis patch from Rome: "A message from Berlin says tho general staff, having agreed to the complete ofllclal lists pf prisoners, has found It necessary to admit that tho total already an nounced was erroneous. The aggre gate number of prisoners in German hands is now reduced from 250,000 to 50.000, of whom 30,000 aro Rus sians." Belgians Capture Germans. Tho Rotterdam Courant says that Belgian troops aro Bhowlng nt many places from which they havo long been nbsent. Two thousand Germans wero captured, it sayB, on September 23 between Mnllnes and Aershot. Two hundred ofllcers among them will bo kopt jit Antwerp. The remainder of tho prisoners will go to England. Large Italian Army Ready. Italy already has nearly flvo hun dred thousnud men under arms. Tho majority are camped in Lombard. Air Attack Near England. Gorman aviators, Hying within sight of England, continued their attack on French coatt cities, and added to tho apprehunslou felt In London that Eng lish cities soon may becofno tho tar gots of their bombs. The nttack was mado on Builogne, just ncross from England nt about the narrowest part of the channel. About noon a Ger man aeroplane flow over tho city and dropped a bomb Into a shipbuilding yard. Little proporty damage was done and no ono was Injured, GREATER OR LESSER IMPORT Includes What Is Going On at Wash ington and In Other Sections of the Country. WASHINGTON. It has been officially announced nt tho Whlto house that there will bo no chango In plans for removal of Amer ican troops at Vera Cruz by reason of the present troublo between Villa und Carranza. c Postmaster General Burleson has under consideration a project to cut postofllce expenditures $20,000,000 a year by perfoming the rural mall serv ice by contract, us Is now done on tlio so-called star routes Tho state department has ordered investigation of evidence laid before It by British Ambassador Spring-ltlce of alleged unnatural activities of Ger man societies In western citios, In cluding Chicago and Cincinnati., Secretary Daniels, of tho navy de partment, has made It clear that ho does not propose to allow litigation in the courts to Interfere with the en forcement by the United States gov ernment of neutrality at all wireless stations. A wnrnlng to national banks which have received government funds to aid crop moving or which have re ceived emergency currency not to charge excessive interest rates or to refuse legitimate credits was given by Secretary McAdoo. Peace commission treaties with Great Britain, France and Spain wero ratified by the senate, making twenty five in tho series negotiated by the state department which have been approved by this government. Reopening of the ndvanco freight rate case, under the speclflc limita tion that consideration bo given to new matters, which eastern railroads contend have arisen since the original case was decided, was granted by tho Interstato Commerce commission. Tho administration war revenue bill, Imposing additional taxes on beer, domestic wines, gasoline and stamp taxes, all estlmnted to produce $105,000,000 within a year, was passed by. the house. Tho vote was 234 to 125. Olllclals expressed the view that Russia's expressed modification of stringent regulations against tho Jews, because of their loyalty to the government in its struggle In tho present European war might pave the way for an understanding for a now treaty. Mrs. Woodrow Wilson's dying wish that the worst slumB In Washington b abolished, waB finally realized, when tho president signed the bill clearing the alleys of dwelling places. On her death bed Mm. Wilson ex pressed the hope that (he bill would be passed and congress acted. Russin'n manifestation of friendship for the United States expressed In the announceed intention of signing a pence commission treaty may lead to negotiations for a new treaty of com merce and navigation between the two countries to replaco the ono nbrogntcd during the Taft adminis tration. If the Southern Pacific did not con trol tho Central Pacific railway thoro would bo more competition than there Is now, said Judge Robert S. Lovett, chairman of tho executive committee of the Union Pacific, at the hoaiing of tho ffdcral suit to caiiBo tho Southern Pacific to give up control of the Central Pacific. DOMESTIC Tho administration of President Wilson was warmly ondorsed by thq Mnrylund democratic state convention at Baltimore. Franco has claimed part of the cus toms collections at Vera Cruz ns se curity for a loan made by French bankers to Huerta when ho was dic tator. The record of being tho most re liable washerwoman in this country is claimed by Mrs. T. H. Dalloy of Atchison, Kan., who hr.ii completed her fiftieth consecutlvo car ns the washerwoman of nn AtcMson family. Tho supplemental report of tax ap praisers reappraising tho estate of Jo seph Pulitzer, publisher of the New York World and the St. Louis Post Dispatch at the tlmo of his doath, made public at New Vo'k, fixes tho gross value of tho estate at $20,355, 9S5 and tho net value at ?1S,G37,545. Receivers wero appoln'od by tho Philadelphia common ploute court for Irish Bros., wholoBale dealers in coal In that city. Tho assets aro ostimated nt mora than $1,000,000 and the In debtedness about $750,000. Forty warships havo been destroy ed, badly damaged or otherwise lost to the Earopean powers since the war began. Twenty-two hundred bales of cotton wero subscribed for by New York merchants to foster tho "buy-a-balo of" cotton" movement. Tho first international convention of photoplayers (moving picture ac tors and uctresses) will be held in San Francisco March 1-11. Word has been received that the Marconi wireloss station at Slascon set Is closed by order of Secretary of the Navy Daniels. Tho national convention of the United Irish League of America, which was to havo opened at New York on September 30, has boon post poned to Novemberl() In order to as sure the attendance of representatives of the Irish parliamentary party. Most of the eastern railroads try to put their Culifornla fruit through Chicago and this augments tho busi ness of the Central Pacific, according to testimony given at Now York by William II. Sproulo, president of tho Southern Pacific Railway company. Tho soeerelgn grand lodge of Odd Fellows at its session at Atlantic City declined to adopt a resolution de claring for the restoration of peaco in Europe. Those opposing the resolu tion held that members of the order in both England and Germany might misunderstand the proposed action. That the handling of the anti-trust law of recent years has been a dis tinct failure because of a tendency to ward ineffectively attacking big in dustrles, which havo done wrong while' harrassing honest business ef fectively, was charged by Theodore Roosevelt in his speech at Springfield III The Colorado Fuel and Iron com pany of Denver, In a letter to Presl dent Wilson, made public, expressed' unwillingness to employ all' striken? who havo not been convicted of crlmt as suggested in the three-year truce proposal prepared by Hywell Davies and William R. Fairley, mediators ap pointed byJtho secretary or labor. Cardinal Gibbons of Baltimore and Cardinal O'Connell of Boston, return ing from Rome, where they had hast ened to attend the papal conclave ar rived at Boston. "Pope Benedict XV, tho new pontiff, has a great lovo for America and Americans, looking up to our government as a model to all and an example of the best of this?, earth." FOREIGN. Pope Benedict has asked for a re pprt on the destruction of the Hheimc cathedral. Carbajal and Felix Diaz are said to bo ready to support Villa la his re volt against Carranza. Sir J. M. Barrle, famous British nu thor, who has arrived in New York on the Lustania, blames the war upon militarism. General Francisco Villa has declar ed his independence of tho central government of Mexico under General Carranza. Carranza forces under General Ben jamin Hill were routed by tho troops, of Governor Maytorena in the first engagement of the new revolution la Mexico. A Franco-British blockading fleet is said to have isolated tho Austrian, seaport of Cattaro and to bo bom barding tho town, assisted by big guns from Mount Lovchen. In the far eaBt a British force ot 1,200 men has landed at Laoshan, Chi na, and is expected shortly to attack the outer defenses of Tslng-Tau in conjunction with tho Japanese. Tho German cruiser Emden, which recently sank a number of British merchantmen off the coast of India, has thrown shells into Madras. Slight damage is said to havo resulted. Fighting on land has given way for tho moment as a news factor to tho daring raid In the North s?a by five German submarine boats, which tor pedoed and sunk threo British ar The German submarine U-9 credit ed by Berlin with having, unaided, de stroyed the throe British cruisers off ho Hook of Holland, has returned un Jamagcd to a German poit. It was officially announced in Lon don that nearly tixty officers ano 1,4. 0 men wore lost in tho sinking ol tho British crulseis Abouklr, Hogue and Cresy by German submarines In tho North sea. Subscriptions thus fart received tc tho German war loan havo assurec the brilliant success of tho war loan plan. Ono paper In Berlin speaks of the public response as tho "victory of thoso at tho Sommo." Because of his disapproval of tho action of tho British government in seeking the conquest of German South west Africn, Brigadier General Bey ors. commandant general of tho Union of South Africa's defense forces, has resigned. ynripm -