The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 29, 1914, Image 5

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If $
A'. -
.. Ms- .
Dainty Jewelry
AsHByic a
:i q
i A
Adds Much to Your
Personal Charm
F well selected, it im
parts an air of good
breeding. and re
finement to both men
and women.
You will be greatly in
terested in the new designs wc
are now showing
Their inspection will afford
- you pleasure and does not oblige
you to purchase.
Can you not come today?
Million Rollnr MjMcry Wednesday
Owing to the. piny "Nonrly Married"
coming on Thursdny, wc have inndo
arrangements to show "The Million
Dollar Mystery" on Wednesday.
I'lenso bear this In mind and do not
miss this installment.
Foot Hull Scnson Uncus Friday.
The foot ball n'ason will bo for
mally opened Friday by ngaino with
the high schol team of Curtis on the
local gridiron. The local eleven will
devote this week to strenuous prac
tice and hopo to strengthen the weak
ness displayed In tho gamo with the
alumni players Friday afternoon.
Tho local team asks for a big turn
out at the opening game.
Decision in Yon da Case.
Th supreme court has affirmed tho
verdict of the district court of this
county in the case of Yonda against
tho Royal Neighbors. Mrs. Yonda held
an Insurance policy of .$2,000 In the
Royal Neighbors, and after her death
payment wns resisted on the grounds
that misrepresentations had been made
when Mrs. Yonda took the medical ex
amination. The district court award
ed tho Yonda estato the full amount
of the policy and tho defendent ap
pealed to tho Supreme Court, which
handed down a decision last week.
0 m
2 Graduate Dentist. S
Office over the McDonald
Stato Bank.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Murphy left Sat
urday for a month's visit with rela
tives at points in Illinois.
Frank and Neal Turpio left Saturday
evening for Omaha to spend a week
or more -looking aftdr matters oil
The Howe & Malonoy undertaking
establishment installed a njw morgue
tabl i Saturday. The table is the most
up-to-date on the market and is abso
lutely sanitary.
Edward L Jensen, of Macombe, 111.,
is visiting in the city for some time
with "his: parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. P.
Jensen, of the firm of Harcourt &
Tho Presbyterian aid society will
meet In the church parlors Thursday
nfternoon at 3 o'clock, being enter
tained by Mesdames I. L. Miltonberger,
Ed Ogier and Jackson.
The body of a stranger, supposed to
be JohnMateloincn, a Finlander, was
found on tho tracks east of Gothenburg
Thursday morning. Ho had been struck
by an east-bound train".
Tho floor and gallery of the Keith
was packed Saturday evening to see
Cooper's novel novel, "The Spy" in
motion picture. It was an. excellent
and interesting presentation.
Leonard Redmond and Francis
Dunn left Saturday evening for Oma
ha whore they spent Sunday visiting
friends and enjoying themselves. They
reurned home yesterday morning.
Joseph Pigman, a banker from Mc
Grew, Neb., was visiting in the city
He came hero to meet his wife who
was returning from Omaha where
she underwent an operation in a hos
pital. Fred Durner, a young farmer of
Somerset precinct, transacted business
in town Saturday and made this office
a call. He said corn in his section of
tho county averages about twenty
bushels to th,9 acre.
Many North Plntte people are plan
ning on attending the Ak-Sar-Ben
festivities at Omaha next week.
Will Rodden and Guy Pitt left yes
terday morning for Hxannis where
they will spend several days at the
county fair.
Attorneys Stout and Miller of Oma
ha, were visiting in tho city yesterday
looking after some business matters
and calling on friends.
Wanted 4 modern rooms furnished,
must be first class. This ofllce. 71-3
Vacant houses which wer5 unusual
Uy plentiful during tho summer, are
filling up, and the greater umber of
thoso unoccupied are of the more un
desirable class.
W. W. Scott, the well known Sunday
school missionary, was called to Sow
ard'yesterday by a telegram announc
ing tha.serious illness of his sister,
Mrs? Bylngton. "
A fine lot of heating stoves and
ranges at Hershey's, opposite the post-
Lawrence Hlte, residing south of
tho city, left yesterday for Mitchell
Neb., where he will take up farming.
Mrs. Hito will leave for that place the
last of the week.
In many fields fall wheat Is show
ing a dense carpet of green notwith
standing the dry veather. The
acreage seems to bo larger than us
ual on the south side territory.
O complete line of fall merchandise
at E. T. Tramp & Son's.
Misses Alice and Elsie Langford
left Friday evening for Los Agoles,
Cal., where they will spend the winter.
They will probably make their home
on the coast If they are satisfiedhere.
All tho new fall shades in wool dress
goods now being shown at E. T.
Tramp & Son's.
Tho double apartment houso on
west Second street .erected by Messrs.
Grimes and Halllgan will soon be
ready for occupancy. It has been
leased by C A. Weir and P. J
F. R. VnnMetpr, who has been night
manager at the Vienna Cafe since Mr.
Hupfer purchased tho place, resigned
Sunday and left for his home in Salt
Lake City. Mr. Hupfer has not yet
secured a man for the position.
School Enrollment Reaches ill 10.
Tho total enrollment in tho city
schools nt the end of the third week
last Friday was 1,310, an increase of
thlrty-eightovcr the same period last
year. These additional pupils are be
ing taken care of in the same number
of rooms and by the same number of
teachers as last year. Tho most
crowded rooms are those of tho lower
grndes in tho first ward building..
The census taken by Fred Elliott
this summer showed 1,520 children of
school ago In the city of North Platte,
This would indicate that 210 have not
yet enrolled, but included in this 210
arei sixty-five women who are still of
School ago but are married, and two
men who are in the same position.
Nearly Married.
A merrily fashioned farce is Edgar
Solwyn's "Nearly Married" which will
bo tho attraction1 nt tho Keith theatro
Thursday, October 1st.
Mr, Selwyn has set a fast pneo for
American authors In this latest
product of his clover pen. This, In
vtfw of tho fact that tho fun In
"Nearly Married" starts in tho first
act nnd is kept at a hilarious tension
to tho very end of tho play.
Mr. John Webster carries off most
of tho hopors in this cleverly acted
piece, but ho receives valuable as
sistance nt tho hands of his leading
supponi in tho persons of Miss Doro
thy Dunn, Fanchlon Campbell, Minna
Gale, JnmcB Ford, John Dolnn, P. C.
Foy und tho others In tho admirably
chosen organization.
It 1b n great plcasuro to seo John
Webster again. H,o Is ono of tho Uest
of our comedians and his local fol
lowers always enjoy his caplcal per
formance. Iu "Nearly Married" Mr.
Webster plays tho role of breathless,
slap-dash, always-ln-n-hurry husband,
who having quarreled with his wlfo
and permlt,"d her to apply for a di
vorce, suddenly falls In lovo with her
all over again, Just nt tho momont
when tho flnnl decree 1b granted.
"pearly Married" may not point a
moral, but It Is adding to tho gayety of
a theatrical season nnd Is heartily rec
ommended to the legion of stngo pa
trons who enjoy good, hearty laughter.
Seats now on sale at tho box olllce.
Suffrage Field Day October nl.
Tho following ladles of North Platto
will ontortnln at ton cent "Suffrage
Tens" on next Saturday afternoon,
Octobpr 3rd, which is suffrngo field
day for the stato of Nebraska.
Mrs. W. H. Cramer, 703 west Fourth.
Mrs. Phillip Dents,' 221 south Syca
more. Mrs. Levi Duko, 820 cast Fifth.
Mrs. Arthur C. Howard, 708 cast)
Mrs. D. M. Hogsctt, 521 west Fourth.
Mrs. 13. W. Mann, 321 south Locust.
Mrs. Frank Mar.tln, 304 east Tenth.
Mm. Norman Louden, 320 south
Mrs. I. L. Miltonberger, 1202 Locust.
Mrs. Herman Lo Dloyt, 403 w.est
Mrs. Howard McMlcltael, 420 south
Mrs, Carl McQrow, south Ash.
Mrs. Wm. Morris, C03 west B.
Mrs, QPnulson, G02 west Sixth.
MrS: Mary E. Reynolds, .321 south
Mrs. A. Samuolson, G03 woat Seventh.
Mrs. C. II. Wilson. 210 west First.
Others mny bo added to thcoo lntor.
Tho day following is Suffrngo Sunday
In Nebraska as woll as National Pcaco
Tho suffraglstB wcro pleased when
our president cIiob.t October 4th, as tho
two subjects nro so obviously fitting
to bo discussed. All ministers nro be
ing asked to discuss them. Then tho
noxt Sunday, Octobor 11, Dr. Anna
Howard Shaw will speak at tho KQUU
thcafr in tho nftornoon. Sho Is presi
dent of the national association, and
probably tho best known nnd tho most
admired suffragist in tho world today.
Reports have come to Uvj effect that
there will be n large representation
at tho meeting for the purpose of or
ganizing an Associated Charities to
morrow evening. A large number of
the lodges In the city have reported
that their delegates have been ap
pointed and will bo present.
It is hoped that every order in the
city will have representatives present.
Circular letters were sent out Satur
day instructing that tho delegates bo
appointed. Those who have not re
ceived notice through their head of
ficers and are interested In tho work
are asked to send delegates anyway,
as there Is to be a unionizing of all the
charities of the city as far as pos
sible. At tho meeting tomorrow evening
no money will be asked ns it Is for
the purpose of organizing. Thoso
who have been delegated to come aro
assured that they will not be solic
ited -for funds. Also no organiza
tion represented will bo In any way
bound to lend financial support to the
organization. All aro asked to come,
however, and get the project started
with the support of every institution
in the city that is interested in this
kind of work.
5 room house, lot C, block 137 east
Fourth street. Street No. C03. $12.00
perm ontli. Lester Walker, Agent.
"I saiiru,
for if we never irvj
we never succeed
When n check is received bear
ing the name, "Platte Valley State
Bank," it carries with it prestige and.
the recipient knows the maker of
the check has sound banking con
nections In offering the services 'of this
bank, we are placing at your disposal
banking relations that must reflect
to your advantage in all your busi
ness dealings, which is prestige.
Glenn Miller, a brakemnn running
west out of hero, was quite badly hurt
Friday afternoon by a fall from an en
gine. Tho accident happened in tho
yards at Paxton and Mr. Miller sus
tained a badly lacerated scalp wound
and was severely bruised about tho
body. He is reported resting easy
at present..
Mr. Miller was switching in tho
yards nt Paxton and while riding on
the rear of the engine he lost his bal
ance and fell off. His foot caught in
some way und ho .was dragged for
some little dlstnnco. H," has no recol
lection of the accident other than that
ho fell, for he struck on his head nnd
was rendered unconscious. His head
was badly cut. The wound extended
from over the left temple to tho back
ofy his head on the right side and was
badly lacerated. It Is about six inches
in. length. In addition to this he was
b&dly bruised about tlyj chest and sus
tained some other minor bruises.
-He was brought hero on an after
noon train and taken to tho North
Platte general hospital where his in
juries wen? attended. Ho is getting
along nicely, but ho will bo obliged
to remain at the hospital for another
week nnd it will bo some tlmo after
that before ho will be able to work.
Union Pacific (Sets Decision.
In th Injunction proceedings
brought by Julius Hnhler against tilo
Union Pacific in! which he sought to
restrain the company from building a
sidetrack across the land In tho east
pnrt of town which hpl claims to
own tho supremo court handed down
a decision Saturday adversely to Mr.
Hahler. A wlro was received hero at
four o'clock directing tho sidetrack to
be built and within tin hour workmen
wero engaged In building It undpr tho
supervision of Section Foreman Ham
mer. Tills work wns continued Sun
day nnd completed that evening.
This sidetrack leads from tho main
lino east of the brick houso now
owned by Mr. Hahler to tho Blto of
tho now electric plant, and passes
lnsldo the fenco erected on tho north
side of th building.
Wallace MM Rurglnrled. .
Sheriff Salisbury und Deputy Wil
son wero called to Wnllaco Sunday
to probe into tho burglary of tho Wal
lace mill which occurred some tlmo
Saturday night. Tho mill ns robbed
case appears to be quite complicated.
Saturday .evening six men wero in
from tho country and got very much
intoxicated and suspicion lnys on
them. Senrch warrants wero tnken out
and the officers found Hour in two
houses that were searched. Tho Hour
boss tho name of tho Wallnco mill and
at tho mill it was stated that these
families had not purchased flour
for some time. On account of tho
press of business the sheriff was un
able to remain thcro to Investigate
further, but they hopo to find the
partlos. in a short time.
tilg Rail) nl Baptist Church.
Sunday was observed at tho local
Baptist church as Rally Dny and the
sorviqes wore largely attended by the
membership nnd by many others.
Tho Sunday school hour and tho
church service hour wore run to
gether for tho purpose of observing
the day. Tho excerciscs consisted of
work by tho children showing what
had been done in tho Sunday scliool
and consisted of recitations of Bible
verses nnd singing of songs.
Another interesting feature of tho
8evico wu8 tho dedication of babies.
Tills is a new feature of tho Baptist
church. Six babies were taken for
ward for the dedication setvic
which was very impressive. .
Let The SHOES Tell You
Xottlcc For UldH.
Bids will bo received to and includ
ing Oct. 3, 1914, for the sale of tho two
story frame house, known as the Par
ish House, corner of Fourth nnd Syc
amore streets.'. Tho committee re
serves the right to roject any or nil
bids. Arrangements can bo mado for
the removal of tho building, to suit
the purchaser. E. W. Mann, chairman,
Guy Swope, Dr. J. B. Redfield, com
mittee. 72-2
What is the reason there arc
more "Queen Quality" made and
sold than any other kind of
Women's Shoes in the world?
We can toll you but you may not
believe us.
The shoes can tell you and you
will believe them.
Buy a single pair, and let them
tell you their story. It is interesting.
Patent Pony Button, black
brocaded cloth quarter,
17-8 French Louis heels,
welt sole, price
Wilcox Department Store.
Dr. Brock, Dentist, will bo out of
his ofilce until October 5th. 70-4
DIch of Serious Ailment.
Frelda Ellza,beith Lovowell, nine.-
teen-months-old baby of Mr. and Mrs.
W. F. Lovewell, of tho Brighton vi
cinity, died Saturday evening at n
local hospital of an ailment which
works very much like cholera. Tho
little girl was brought hero only re
cently for treatment. Tho funeral was
held yesterday from tho Howo & Mn
loney chapel conducted by Rev. O. O.
The othor Utile girl who was
brought hero the same day is reported
getting along nicely The parents
brought tho ono girl down in tho
morning and while they wero hero
their doctor brought tho otlvr girl
down witli the same ailment.
Platte Valley State Bank,
All Grain Checks Cashed.
North Platte
Mjpen louriccoum
E. F. Kirnmerly, of Beatrice, repre
senting the State Building nnd Loan
company, arrived In tho city last ev
ening for a short visit with friends
and to look after business matters.
The Three C's
Character, Cash and Credit.
The greatest o these is CHARACTER, be
cause it enables you to get the other two, i
you have some ability to mix with it.
When the bonk is acquainted with your
Character and your Cash is on deposit with
it you are in a position to command Credit.
Then you are in a fairway to succeed.
Start across the C's today by starting a
bank account with the
McDonald State Bank,
Oldest Bank in Lincoln County
PAID UP CAPITAL $100,000.00 '
Order of Hearing" on l'lniil Settlement
Tin State of Nebraska, Lincoln Coun
ty, HS.
In tho County Court:
In the Matter of the Estato of Mary
13. Slutts, Deceased.
To tho Creditors, Heirs, Legatees
and Others Interested in tlvJ Estato of
Mnry E. Slutts.
Take notice, that John W. Slutts
has filed In tho County Court, a re
port of his doings as Executor of said
estate, nnd it is ordered that the same
stand for hearing the 20th day of
October, A. D., 1914 before tho Court
at the hour of 9 o'clock A. M., at
which time any person interested may
nppear and except to nnd contest the
Notice of this proceeding and the
hearing thereof is ordered given to nil
persons Interested in said matter
by publishing a copy of this order in
The North Platto Tribune, a seml
wcekly newspaper printed In said
county, for threp conecutlvo weeks
prior to said date of hearing,
Dated Sept. 22, 1914.
County Judge.
Wm f&SBsfllisssssK
f iljir jifflTIBMBMBIsBBMr TTn
vsfa pssbsMhbHbsssm '!t " " i
assssiisjssssssm (
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j? issssLKiMliv
V '& -- , 4BssssssssssssssWiBsssssssssssssssM&3 ?V&
f-J ---''' -- - -n
Give tho cook Rood spicea nnd you'll notice tho difference in tho entlnK.
Our spices nre full strength and have tho proper amount of "spicinesB '
to give your cookinR zest nnd piquancy.
Allsplco Cinnamon Black Peppof Ginger
Clovou Nutmeg Cuyonno Popper Maco
Everyone clenn, perfect und pure. In pound, half pound and qunrter
pound packages. Why pay more for "near spices" when you can get
spices that are quite spicy at prices that are right.
Frriw-Jgygrs8Mn 7
Milton HcIiunIu, Comedian, with the
Musical (J races Co., ut the Keith Oc
tober oth, 0th und 7th.
Buchanan & Patterson's Bargain List.
Nice G room cottage, corner lot, shade trees, toilet in house,
connected with sewer, city water, electric lights, nice porches, on
West 7th street, live hlocks from new round house. Price $2,250
easy terras.
Good 0 room cottage, with bnth, toilet, electric lights, city
water, 920 West Gth street, a bargain at $2,500.00.
Good new 12 room frame dwelling on North Side, well lo
cated for boarding or rooming house, modern except heat. Worth
$5000.00, our price $3500.00 easy terms.
Fine 8 room cottage with basement, electric lights, city water,
toilet, bath and heat. Convenient to new round house. Price
$3700.00. Terms easy.
The handsome modern two story dwelling 1110 West Fourth
street. Price $4600.00. Easy terms.
If you are in the market for a home let us show you our list.
We can save you money nnd loan you money to buy with.
Buchanan & Patterson,
Rooms 3 and 4 Now B. & L. Building.